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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2015

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  • The effect of tire aging on acoustic performance of CPX reference tires
    • Beata Świeczko-Żurek
    • Jerzy Ejsmont
    • Piotr Mioduszewski
    • Grzegorz Ronowski
    • Stanisław Taryma

    Reduction of tire/road noise is one of the biggest environmental challenges of road traffic. To reduce that noise it is necessary to perform acoustic measurements on the base of wellproven standard procedures. One method of measurements that is in common use, namely the Close Proximity Method (CPX), is described in standard ISO-DIS 11819-2. As this method is used to classify road surfaces regarding their influence on vehicle noise, it requires the tests to be carried out using reference tires that ensure representativeness of the results and their comparability between different teams making measurements. The draft standard ISO/TS 11819-3 describes the reference tires for CPX method. This paper discusses some issues related to the reference tires, such as the effect of aging on the tire hardness and noise and presents the results of noise measurements performed for several nominally identical items of the reference tires designated as "P1" and "H1" in the standard. It is considered that CPX reference tires may be also nominated as reference tires for testing of the tire rolling resistance.

  • The effects of different aeration modes on ammonia removal from sludge digester liquors in the nitritation–anammox proces
    • Dominika Sobotka
    • Krzysztof Czerwionka
    • Jacek Mąkinia

    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of continuous and intermittent aeration on the rate of ammonia removal in the combined nitritation–anammox process. This process was run in two parallel sequencing batch reactors (SBRs), with a working volume V = 10 L, treating sludge digester liquors from the Gdansk (Poland) wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The ammonia oxidizing bacteria were cultivated from activated sludge from the same plant, whereas the anammox bacteria originated from the Zurich WWTP (Switzerland). Both SBRs were operated with 12-h cycles, temperature 30 °C and hydraulic residence time between 1 and 7 days depending on the operating period. The maximum specific ammonium utilization rate (sAUR) was observed in the reactor with intermittent aeration, and varied in the range of 4.4–4.7 g N kg VSS−1 h−1. The sAUR in the reactor with continuous aeration was slightly lower and ranged from 4.39 to 4.41 g N kg VSS−1 h−1. In the case of intermittent aeration, the additional measurement was performed at two different dissolved oxygen concentrations, i.e., 1 and 0.8 mg O2 L−1, and the observed nitrogen removal rates were 4.7 and 2.7 g N kg VSS−1 h−1 , respectively.

  • The Ellenbogen's “Matter as Software” Concept for Quantum Computer Implementation. C60 and X@C60 Molecules as Available Molecular Building Blocks (MBBs) for Tip-Based Nanofabrication (TBN) of Quantum Computing Devices
    • Aleksander Herman
    2015 Quantum Matter

    The TBN bottom-up strategy of building quantum devices from C60 and X@C60 MBBs is proposed as an extension of the Ellenbogen's “Matter as Software” idea to quantum information processing. The capped SW or DW CNT STM tip is considered as device for manipulating C60 and X@C60 molecules. In this article, the possibility of using easily available on the market C60 Fullerene and endohedral X@C60 molecules together with commercial CNT tips to assemble carbon-based intermediate generations of quantum nano-devices is considered. Positional TBN of a target class of carbon-based nano-devices will require molecular tools capable of transferring C60 and X@C60 molecules to reaction sites that have binding energies of the order of 2.6 eV per [6, 6] (or 6/6 according to another common description) reaction site of C60 Fullerene molecule. Desirable properties of TBN CNT tip tool include approximately exoergic transfer of moieties to these structures; good geometrical exposure of moieties; and structural, electronic and positional stability. The results presented in this paper suggest that the CNT tips have adequate properties to become tools for C60 and X@C60 MBBs transfer into a reaction site during positional mechanosynthesis. The surpassing features of the commercial single/double wall capped CNT tips such as, small tip radii, extreme aspect ratio, excellent wear-out behavior and the average low-temperature binding energy of C60 ∼2.7 ±0.1 eV make them the ideal tools for bridging the gap between the present-day tip-based nanofabrication (TBN) and the future implementation of “Matter as Software” concept for quantum computing.

  • The emissions of monoaromatic hydrocarbons from small polymeric toys placed in chocolate food products
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Marek Klein
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    The article presents findings on the emissions of selected monoaromatic hydrocarbons from children's toys placed in chocolate food products. The emission test system involved the application of a new type of microscale stationary emission chamber, μ-CTE™ 250. In order to determine the type of the applied polymer in the manufacture of the tested toys, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis coupled with differential scanning calorimetry were used. It was found that the tested toy components or the whole toys (figurines) are made of two main types of polymers: polyamide and acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene copolymer. Total number of studied small polymeric toys was 52. The average emissions of selected monoaromatic hydrocarbons from studied toys made of polyamide were as follows: benzene: 0.45 ± 0.33 ng/g; toluene: 3.3 ± 2.6 ng/g; ethylbenzene: 1.4 ± 1.4 ng/g; p,m-xylene: 2.5 ± 4.5 ng/g; and styrene: 8.2 ± 9.9 ng/g. In the case of studied toys made of acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene copolymer the average emissions of benzene, toluene, ethylbeznene, p,m-xylene and styrene were: 0.31 ± 0.29 ng/g; 2.5 ± 1.4 ng/g; 4.6 ± 8.9 ng/g; 1.4 ± 1.1 ng/g; and 36 ± 44 ng/g, respectively.

    • Katarzyna Zasińska
    • Anna Piątkowska
    2015 Full text TRIBOLOGIA

    Z uwagi na potrzeby społeczne, a zwłaszcza rosnące zapotrzebowanie na endoprotezy stawów biodrowego i kolanowego oraz uwzględniając fakt, że procesy tribologiczne odgrywają wiodącą rolę w procesie utraty stabilności endoprotez ortopedycznych i decydują o ich trwałości, uznano za celowe przeprowadzenie oceny wpływu implantacji jonowej na zużycie ścierne biostopu Ti13Nb13Zr. Do badań wykorzystano pary trące: nieimplantowany stop Ti13Nb13Zr/PE-UHMW oraz implantowany jonami N+ stop Ti13Nb13Zr/PE-UHMW. Autorzy zastosowali implantację jonów N+ do stopu Ti13Nb13Zr w celu poprawy jego własności tribologicznych. Testy tribologiczne badanej pary trącej przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem tribometru PT-3. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań chropowatości i falistości powierzchni badanych biomateriałów oraz ich obserwacje z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu świetlnego (LM). Określono również wpływ implantacji jonowej badanego stopu Ti na intensywność jego zużycia pod kątem jego praktycznego zastosowania na pary trące w endoprotezie stawu biodrowego. Analiza wyników wskazała, że przy zadanych parametrach procesu implantacji jonowej implantowane próbki zużywają się znacznie wolniej niż próbki nieimplantowane.

  • The excitation controller with gain scheduling mechanism for synchronous generator control
    • Paweł Sokólski
    • Tomasz Adam Rutkowski
    • Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz

    The power systems, including the synchronous generators and power systems networks, are complex nonlinear systems with configuration and parameters which change through time. That leads to electromechanical oscillations occurring in that system. Thus synchronous generator excitation controller must be capable of providing appropriate stabilization signal over broad range of operating conditions and disturbances. In this paper, an excitation controller (EC) with gain scheduling mechanism is proposed to deal with those phenomena. This controller is designed and implemented based on the gain scheduling approach according to the power system stabilizer (PSS) and the conventional PID controller in the case of automatic voltage regulator (AVR). The proposed PSS accommodate the nonlinear nature of power systems and adopt with parametric gain surfaces its parameters to the actual operating conditions. It is parameterized with two stages tuned procedure based on the nonlinear optimization problem solving according to the linearized power system model. The obtained result shows that the proposed excitation controller with gain scheduling mechanism can provide effective electromechanical oscillation damping and lower control signal effort in comparison with the a classic excitation system through wide range of operating conditions.

  • The experimental evaluation and modeling of SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions
    • Katarzyna Jaromin-Gleń
    • Adam Piotrowicz
    • Jakub Drewnowski
    • Grzegorz Łagód

    Sequencing batch reactors (SBR) are mainly characterized by sequential process phases of fill, react, settle, decant and idle periods that allow considerable flexibility in the design and operation in different conditions. This flexibility and the unique features of SBRs used to wastewater treatment by activated sludge systems operated in laboratory scale, allow not only conducting experiments for the standard conditions but also testing extreme situations during various processes. The design of an SBR bioreactors for nutrient (N,P) removal is mainly based upon the selection of some relevant parameters (e.g. sludge age, volume exchange ratio, cycle time, SVI) as described in, for instance, the ATV guidelines. Mathematical modeling and computer simulation of the existing WWTP provide an opportunity of introducing to the software present technology and examine many modifications, which do not require great financial costs and do not cause disturbances in the on-going processes. The computer model used for simulation could be calibrated and validated using data obtained from the experiment conducted with the use of laboratory scale device. This approach has the advantage that allows to reach important data, which cannot be achieved with technical full-scale WWTP. The aim of this study was to simulate the processes occurring in the SBR removing nutrients under varied aeration conditions. Within the study was presented the computer model simulating the operation of the SBR type reactor together with the results of the simulation concerning municipal wastewater treatment processes. The computer simulations results were used to evaluate the adaptation period of the biomass and biological wastewater treatment processes in SBR, as well as the period of breakdown of treatment process caused by the stoppage of raw wastewater inflow and turn off the aeration and/or mixing system. The biological processes described in the model were found to occur simultaneously under limited aeration conditions. A low oxygen transfer properly differentiates the system behavior from systems under traditional design calculations. As a result, the oxygen transfer should be strictly incorporated in the calibration of biological nutrient removal to visualize the individual contributions of each process.

  • The extended version of restriction analysis approach for the examination of the ability of low-molecular-weight compounds to modify DNA in a cell-free system
    • Dominik Kołodziejski
    • Anna Brillowska-Dąbrowska
    • Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska

    One of the primary requirements in toxicology is the assessment of ability of chemicals to induce DNA covalent modification. There are several well-established methods used for this purpose such as 32P-Postlabeling or HPLC-MS. However, all of these approaches have difficult to overcome limitations, which prevents their use in genotoxin screening. Here, we describe the simple protocol exploiting specificity of restriction enzymes for the detection of DNA modification. It uses a specifically designed DNA amplicon, which contains two restriction sites recognized by Tru1I or MspI/HapII endonucleases. Modification of a restriction site abolishes its recognition and thus cleavage by the corresponding enzyme. The inhibition of cleavage indicates the occurrence of DNA modification of the restriction site(s), simultaneously pointing at the kind of base pairs (AT or GC) involved in DNA adduct formation. Previously, the application of this method was demonstrated for two antitumor compounds. Current study, shows the extended version, that includes different ways of activation of tested compounds. Moreover, we propose an array of applications being of interest in toxicological research such as monitoring the kinetics of DNA adduct formation, detection of oxidative DNA damage, as well as assessment of the ability of antioxidative phytochemicals to prevent the latter DNA lesions.

  • The flavour of fruit spirits and fruit liqueurs: a review
    • Magdalena Śliwińska
    • Paulina Wiśniewska
    • Tomasz Dymerski
    • Waldemar Wardencki
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Fruit spirits and liqueurs are among the most popular spirit-based beverages made from fruits such as plums, cherries, melon, apple, citrus and pear. The types of fruits and production methods have a great significance for the quality of the final product. The production process of spirits consists of the following stages: fermentation, distillation and maturation. For this reason scientists started to investigate the composition of fruit spirits and liqueurs in order to monitor the changes occurring in the production process and to control the content of selected compounds negatively affecting human health as well as compounds influencing the flavour and aroma of spirits. Furthermore, studies investigating the authenticity of the products and the identification of their botanical and geographical origin were performed. This article is a summarized description of fruit liqueurs and spirits produced from the above-mentioned fruits and the characteristics of commonly used techniques for quality assessment of both types of product.

  • The home-made in situ passive flux sampler for the measurement of monoterpene emission flux: preliminary studies
    • Mariusz Marć
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Bożena Zabiegała

    The paper presents the construction and metrological characteristics of the home-made in situ passive flux sampler, an analytical tool representing small-scale emission chambers working in situ and passively sampling analytes from the gaseous phase. The sorption element was a cylindrical container made of stainless steel net, packed with a carbon sorbent bed-graphitized charcoal, Carbograph 4 (35/50mesh). The recommended working/exposure time of the constructed passive device was determined by carrying out model tests in the laboratory. In addition, a preliminary study was conducted to determine the rate of the emission flux of selected monoterpenes released from the surface of wood-based indoor materials (laminated chipboard) used in residential areas.

  • The Hopf theorem for gradient local vector fields on manifolds
    • Piotr Bartłomiejczyk
    • Piotr Nowak-Przygodzki
    2015 Full text New York Journal of Mathematics

    We prove the Hopf theorem for gradient local vector fields on manifolds, i.e., we show that there is a natural bijection between the set of gradient otopy classes of gradient local vector fields and the integers if the manifold is connected Riemannian without boundary.

  • The Hydrolysis of Slowly Biodegradable Substrate in Activated Sludge
    • Jakub Drewnowski

    In a present work a novel procedure, based on the standard batch tests and pretreatment of wastewater sample with coagulation-flocculation method, was proposed to evaluate the effects of hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable substrate (Xs) on biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes in activated sludge systems. The study was conducted at two large BNR wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in northern Poland: "Wschod" in Gdansk and "Debogorze" in Gdynia. At both studied WWTPs, the removal of colloidal and particulate fractions resulted in explicitly reductions of major biochemical processes rates such as denitrification (NUR), phosphate release/uptake (PRR/PUR) and oxygen utilization (OUR). The average reductions ranged from 13% for the OUR and 24/32% for the aerobic/anoxic PURs, up to 35% for the NUR. The observed role and mechanisms of hydrolysis of Xs, as a part of colloidal and particulate organic compounds, are important in terms of optimization the sedimentation and chemical precipitation in primary clarifiers, i.e. balancing between the efficiency of N, P removal in the bioreactor and biogas production in the digester at WWTPs.

    • Ryszard Zadrąg
    • Tomasz Kniaziewicz
    2015 Full text Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    Changing some parameters of the engine structure alters the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gas. This applies in particular to the damage of charge exchange system as well as fuel system and engine supercharger. These changes are much greater during the dynamic states and their accompanying transitional processes. The different sensitivity of diagnostic parameters to the same force, coming from the engine structure, but realized in other loading conditions can be discussed. Presented in the paper is a model of the engine diagnostic, in which symptoms are indicators of diagnostic and emission characteristics of gaseous exhaust components. For the purpose of the paper the parameters were taken as the dominant structure in the change of fuel injection timing. The diagnostic engine model, based on the theory of multi-equation models, was supplemented by the results of the tests on the single-cylinder research engine ZS. Also proposed is a measure of the sensitivity of the diagnostic parameter during dynamic processes. The following paper is building on the problem previously published by the authors in [13]

  • The impact of brand communication on brand equity through Facebook
    • Bruno Schivinski
    • Dariusz Dąbrowski
    2015 Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing

    Purpose The purpose of this study is to fill the gap in the discussion of the ways in which firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication impacts consumer-based brand equity metrics through Facebook. Design/methodology/approach We evaluated 302 data sets that were generated through a standardized online-survey to investigate the impact of firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication on brand awareness/associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty across 60 brands within three different industries: non-alcoholic beverages, clothing and mobile network providers. We applied structural equation modeling techniques (SEM) to investigate the effects of social media communication on consumers’ perception of brand equity metrics, as well as in an examination of industry-specific differences. Findings The results of our empirical studies showed that both firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication influence brand awareness/associations; whereas, user-generated social media brand communication had a positive impact on brand loyalty and perceived brand quality. Additionally, there are significant differences between the industries being investigated. Originality/value This article is pioneering in that it exposes the effects of two different types of social media communication (i.e., firm-created and user-generated social media brand communication) on consumer-based brand equity metrics, a topic of relevance for both marketers and scholars in the era of social media. Additionally, it differentiates the effects of social media brand communication across industries, which indicate that practitioners should implement social media strategies according to industry specifics to lever consumer-based brand equity metrics.

  • The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland
    • Maja Grabkowska
    • Łukasz Pancewicz
    • Iwona Sagan

    The chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile of local initiatives and increased awareness of systemic urban issues between different groups of grass-root actors. The findings of the chapter are based on the analysis of the Congress of Urban Movements (Kongres Ruchów Miejskich: KRM), a broad coalition of smaller non-governmental organizations and bottom-up activist groups, which use Internet-based tools to network. The results indicate that the Web-based tools increase the members’ ability to connect and interact, consequently improving the ability to coordinate joint initiatives, expand real-life social networks, and in the result stimulate the rise of urban social movements

  • The Impact of Information and Communications Technology on the Rise of Urban Social Movements in Poland
    • Maja Grabkowska
    • Łukasz Pancewicz
    • Iwona Sagan

    The chapter examines the relationship between the use of Information and Communications Technology (ITC) and the emergence of social movements focused on urban agenda in Poland. The aim is to investigate how and to what extent a growing body of smaller activist groups use opportunities provided by the ITC to achieve their political objectives. The research results indicate that Web-based media have helped to raise the profile of local initiatives and increased awareness of systemic urban issues between different groups of grass-root actors. The findings of the chapter are based on the analysis of the Congress of Urban Movements (Kongres Ruchów Miejskich: KRM), a broad coalition of smaller non-governmental organizations and bottom-up activist groups, which use Internet-based tools to network. The results indicate that the Web-based tools increase the members' ability to connect and interact, consequently improving the ability to coordinate joint initiatives, expand real-life social networks, and in the result stimulate the rise of urban social movements

  • The Impact of Organizational Culture on Bicycle Commuting Frequency: The Research Based on Example of Three IT companies
    • Romanika Okraszewska

    This chapter describes a study on work-related factors affecting employees’ decision on bicycle commuting. Employees’ transport choices are related to organizational culture. This chapter refers to E. Schein’s definition of organizational culture model. The study was made in order to determine the impact of specific levels of organizational culture on the transport behavior of employees. It is based on a survey performed in three IT companies. The main objective in the selection of companies for the research survey was to eliminate differences in other relevant factors affecting the employees’ choices. The results of the surveys, supported with personal interviews, indicated that in the case of simultaneously displaying opposing behavior at the first and second levels of Schein’s organizational culture model, the values have a stronger impact on the employees’ transport choices than artifacts. The results can be applied to increase the effectiveness of mobility plans if they are being implemented in companies.

  • The influence of electromagnetic pollution on living organisms – historical trends and forecasting changes
    • Grzegorz Redlarski
    • Bogdan Lewczuk
    • Arkadiusz Żak
    • Andrzej Koncicki
    • Marek Krawczuk
    • Janusz Piechocki
    • Kazimierz Jakubiuk
    • Piotr Tojza
    • Jacek Jaworski
    • Dominik Ambroziak
    • Łukasz Skarbek
    • Dawid Gradolewski

    Current technologies have become a source of omnipresent electromagnetic pollution from generated electromagnetic fields and resulting electromagnetic radiation. In many cases this pollution is much stronger than any natural sources of electromagnetic fields or radiation. Wireless and radio communication, electric power transmission or devices in daily use such as smartphones, tablets and portable computers every day expose people to electromagnetic pollution. The harm caused by this pollution is still open to question since there is no clear and definitive evidence of its negative influence on humans. This is despite the fact that extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields were classified as potentially carcinogenic. For these reasons, in recent decades a significant growth can be observed in scientific research in order to understand the influence of electromagnetic fields and/or electromagnetic radiation on living organisms. However, for this type of research the appropriate selection of relevant model organisms is of very great importance. It should be noted here that the great majority of scientific research papers published in this field concerned various tests performed on mammals, practically neglecting lower organisms. In that context the objective of the current review paper is to systematise our knowledge in this area, in which the influence of electromagnetic fields and/or electromagnetic radiation on lower organisms were investigated, including: bacteria E. coli and B. subtilis, nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, land snail Helix pomatia, common fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, clawed frog Xenopus laevis, these being the most common model organisms in this group.

    • Przemysław Parszutowicz

    In the opinion of many scholars the notion of symbolic pregnancy is one of the key concepts in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms. Without a proper under-standing of its conceptual frame Cassirer’s philosophy lacks a consistent foundation. The notion symbolic pregnancy offers the mechanism of distinction of symbolic forms. The newest investigations (also in unpublished or less known, neglected writings of the philosopher) has shown that the key-notion of symbolic pregnancy has its roots in Ge-stalt theory (Gestalt psychology). In this school Cassirer saw the most important exam-ple of the general tendency in scientific thought, according to which the primacy of the notion of function has to override the primacy of the notion of substance, the idea of integrated whole as well as the notion of primary elements.

  • The influence of high temperature wood drying conditions using air-steam mixture on its properties
    • Aleksandra Konopka
    • Jacek Barański
    • Tatiana Huráková
    • Ivan Klement
    2015 Full text Annals of WULS, Forestry and Wood Technology

    The results of properties change of beech wood after drying process are presented. The wood taken to experiments was from northern part of Pomeranian region in Poland. Before the main high temperature drying process using air-steam mixture, wood was initially dried in an open air conditions. The high temperature drying process was conducted at temperature 120oC, humidity 48%, flow rate of drying medium 2.5m/s and atmospheric pressure. It allowed to reveal the effects of wood air-steam mixture and their temperature drying on wood properties. It has been recognized that air-steam mixture drying cause of the properties changes of analyzed wood specie, such as deformation and stress.