Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2015

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  • Computer System for Evaluation of Shock Hazard in Circuits with Non-sinusoidal Earth Currents
    • Stanisław Czapp
    • Dariusz Świsulski

    Effects of current on people are mainly considered for 50/60 Hz sinusoidal current and smooth direct current. However, modern low voltage circuits are very often equipped with power electronics converters – rectifiers, frequency converters, therefore non-sinusoidal earth currents (touch currents) occur. For non-sinusoidal currents safety criteria should be modified. This paper presents a computer system, based on LabVIEW environment, for evaluation of shock hazard in case of nonsinusoidal currents. Waveforms of rectified current, current with phase control and current with mixed frequencies are analyzed. Implementation of the safety system enables the disconnection of supply exclusively when real hazard of the ventricular fibrillation occurs. It can be very useful in electric circuits with high demand for continuity of supply.

  • Computer-Aided Calculations of Earth Potential Rise in High Voltage Overhead Lines
    • Jacek Klucznik
    • Stanisław Czapp

    High voltage overhead power lines with earth wires comprise towers made of conductive material. Some towers are in locations where people can be expected to be either for a long time or for a short time but very frequently. Evaluation of shock hazard near such towers requires calculation of line-to-earth short-circuit current, earth current and especially earth potential rise. Number of towers in high voltage power lines can exceed 100. Thus, evaluation of effectiveness of protection against electric shock is time-consuming, so computer software for fast calculation of earth potential rise can be useful. This paper presents a method of computerized calculation of earth potential rise and earth current distribution in overhead lines with earth wires. The example results of calculations are presented for two selected cases of transmission system.

    • Monika Zielińska
    • Karol Grębowski
    2015 Full text International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering

    The article presents the author’s computer program for designing and dimensioning columns in reinforced concrete structures taking into account phenomena affecting their behaviour and information referring to design as per EC. The computer program was developed with the use of C++ programming language. The program guides the user through particular dimensioning stages: from introducing basic data such as dimensions, concrete class, reinforcing steel class and forces affecting the column, through calculating the creep coefficient taking into account the impact of imperfection depending on the support scheme and also the number of mating members at load shit, buckling length, to generating the interaction curve graph. The final result of calculations provides two dependence points calculated as per methods of nominal stiffness and nominal curvature. The location of those points relative to the limit curve determines whether the column load capacity is assured or has been exceeded. The content of the study describes in detail the operation of the computer program and the methodology and phenomena which are indispensable at designing axially and eccentrically the compressed members of reinforced concrete structures as per the European standards.

  • Computer-assisted assessment of learning outcomes in the laboratory of metrology
    • Wojciech Toczek

    In the paper, didactic experience with broad and rapid continuous assessment of students’ knowledge, skills and competencies in the Laboratory of Metrology, which is an example of utilisation of assessment for learning, is presented. A learning management system was designed for manage, tracking, reporting of learning program and assessing learning outcomes. It has ability to provide with immediate feedback, which is used by the students to identify their misconceptions. The computer-assisted assessment is implemented in the system using four methods: ABCD test, real time continuous assessment scattered throughout the 10 training tasks, summative assessment at the end of the training, and ranking all students from the course. The strategy of assessment is presented on the basis of theoretical background. The results of summative assessments that have been carried out during ten years of system exploitation are investigated to examine the efficiency of implemented strategy.

  • Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface soil near a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
    • Alma Melnyk
    • Anna Danuta Dettlaff
    • Karolina Kuklińska
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Lidia Wolska

    Due to a continuous demand of land for infrastructural and residential development there is a public concern about the condition of surface soil near municipal solid waste landfills. A total of 12 surface (0–20 cm) soil samples from a territory near a landfill were collected and the concentration of 16 PAHs and 7 PCB congeners were investigated in these samples. Limits of detection were in the range of 0.038–1.2 μg/kg for PAHs and 0.025–0.041 μg/kg for PCBs. The total concentration of ∑ PAHs ranged from 892 to 3514 μg/kg with a mean of 1974 μg/kg. The total concentration of ∑ PCBs ranged from 2.5 to 12 μg/kg with a mean of 4.5 μg/kg. Data analyses allowed to state that the PAHs in surface soils near a landfill were principally from pyrogenic sources. Due to air transport, PAHs forming at the landfill are transported outside the landfill. PCB origin is not connected with the landfill. Aroclor 1242 can be the source of PCBs in several samples.

  • Construction solutions for historical object foundations in the context of changing their functional use
    • Kazimierz Gwizdała
    • Sylwia Kozłowska
    2015 Full text Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports

    Properly executed renovation and adaptation of a grade listed property not only ensures its constructional safety, but may also highlight the object’s historical value. Taking into consideration various factors, such as divergence of interests, or technical and legal determinants, it is safe to say that the renovation and adaptation of grade listed properties for new purposes is a complex process. The authors of the paper wish to discuss the problem of renovation based on selected properties, with special regard to constructional solutions for foundations. The presented examples will illustrate the issue of foundation enhancements resulting from the adaptation of buildings for new purposes. Through individual constructional solutions, such as jet grouting, it was possible to ensure the stability of degraded properties and safe transfer of increased values of usage load.

    • Marcin Szczepański
    • Wojciech Migda
    • Robert Jankowski
    2015 Full text Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal

    The aim of this paper is to show the numeric representation of experimental studies concerning the behaviour of exterior wall models of a timber-frame house under harmonic loading. A single wall model according to traditional technology of timberframe house walls (filling with mineral wool) was tested. The analysis was conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified displacement. A number of hysteresis loops were obtained for each of the tests. Based on them, the damping ratio as well as stiffness were calculated. The skeleton model filled with mineral wool (traditional technology) experienced serious damage under larger displacements. The results of the study have been used to propose a numerical model of wall filled with mineral wool. The proposed numerical model is consistent with the results for the values obtained during the experimental study, which proves the correctness of the adopted solution.

  • Contemporary Development Processes of Cities and Urban Areas
    • Piotr Lorens
    2015 Studia Regionalia

    The article deals with contemporary transformation of urban structures with special focus on Polish cities. The special attention is given to issues associated with re-urbanization and suburbanization of these within the framwork of principles of sustainable urban development

  • Contextual approach to reasoning with rules
    • Aleksander Waloszek
    • Wojciech Waloszek

    In the paper we present a method of reasoning with Horn rules within a contextual framework. We show that by proper use of a structure of contexts we can obtain partial OWA compliance with no necessity of extending the syntax of underlying Description Logics.

  • Cooperative control in production and logistics
    • László Monostori
    • Paul Valckenaers
    • Alexandre Dolgui
    • Hervé Panetto
    • Mieczysław Brdyś
    • Balázs Csáji

    Classical applications of control engineering and information and communication technology (ICT) in production and logistics are often done in a rigid, centralized and hierarchical way. These inflexible approaches are typically not able to cope with the complexities of the manufacturing environment, such as the instabilities, uncertainties and abrupt changes caused by internal and external disturbances, or a large number and variety of interacting, interdependent elements. A paradigm shift, e.g., novel organizing principles and methods, is needed for supporting the interoperability of dynamic alliances of agile and networked systems. Several solution proposals argue that the future of manufacturing and logistics lies in network-like, dynamic, open and reconfigurable systems of cooperative autonomous entities. The paper overviews various distributed approaches and technologies of control engineering and ICT that can support the realization of cooperative structures from the resource level to the level of networked enterprises. Standard results as well as recent advances from control theory, through cooperative game theory, distributed machine learning to holonic systems, cooperative enterprise modeling, system integration, and autonomous logistics processes are surveyed. A special emphasis is put on the theoretical developments and industrial applications of Robustly Feasible Model Predictive Control (RFMPC). Two case studies are also discussed: (i) a holonic, PROSA-based approach to generate short-term forecasts for an additive manufacturing system by means of a delegate multi-agent system (D-MAS); and (ii) an application of distributed RFMPC to a drinking water distribution system.

  • Coordination polymers and molecular structures among complexes of mercury(II) halides with selected 1-benzoylthioureas
    • Andrzej Okuniewski
    • Damian Rosiak
    • Jarosław Chojnacki
    • Barbara Becker
    2015 Full text POLYHEDRON

    Six new 1-benzoyl-3-phenylthiourea and 1-benzoyl-3-(2-methylphenyl)thiourea complexes of mercury( II) were obtained in the reactions of the ligands with HgX2 in methanol (X = Cl, Br, I). Their structures, determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis, exhibit different stoichiometries and molecular organization. Coordination centers adopt more or less distorted tetrahedral geometry (five structures) or distorted trigonal bipyramidal geometry (one structure). In four cases 1D coordination polymers were formed and in the other two molecular compounds were found. In three cases solvent molecules (H2O or MeOH) were found in crystal structure. Although all compounds share common intramolecular N–H...O=C structural motif they exhibit unique hydrogen bonding pattern. Common pc11 rod group symmetry of polymer chains (where applicable) allows simplified classification of the 3D packing as parallel stacking of trapezoidal prisms

  • Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Piotr Kurgan
    • Bogdan Pankiewicz

    In this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed with the underlying low-fidelity model implemented as cascaded response surface approximations (RSAs) of the composite structure. Full-wave analysis of the entire coupler is required at the tuning stage only. By combining SBO with coupler decomposition and RSA surrogates, the overall cost of the design process corresponds (in terms of CPU time) to less than three electromagnetic simulations of the compact RRC, and results in highly miniaturized structure (82% footprint reduction compared to conventional coupler) that exhibits perfect return loss and isolation (almost 260 dB at the operating frequency), as well as a strong harmonic and spurious suppression (below 220 dB) in, approximately, 3–9.5 GHz frequency band.

  • Country Safety Performance Function and the factors affecting it
    • Kazimierz Jamroz

    W artykule przedstawiono metodę modelowania wpływu wybranych czynników na liczbę ofiar śmiertelnych na poziomie światowym. Do budowy modeli wykorzystano podejście bazujące na ryzyku. Wykorzystano dane z kilkudziesięciu krajów świata.

  • CP2015 – zmodyfikowana metodyka przewidywania hałasu powstającego na parkingach, stacjach paliw, MOP-ach i punktach poboru opłat
    • Grzegorz Ronowski
    • Jerzy Ejsmont
    • Sławomir Sommer
    • Wojciech Owczarzak
    2015 Full text Magazyn Autostrady

    W przypadku przedsięwzięć „mogących zawsze lub potencjalnie znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko” pierwszą decyzją, którą należy uzyskać w ramach procedury inwestycyjnej, jest decyzja o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach (w skrócie: decyzja środowiskowa, DŚU). Procedura związana z uzyskaniem DŚU została opisana w Ustawie z 3 października 2008 r. o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2013 r., poz. 1235 ze zm.), w skrócie: ustawa OOŚ. W ramach procedury związanej z uzyskaniem DŚU dla przedsięwzięć „mogących zawsze znacząco oddziaływać na środowisko”oraz dla części przedsięwzięć „mogących potencjalnie oddziaływać na środowisko” wymagane jest sporządzenie raportu o oddziaływaniu przedsięwzięcia na środowisko. Zakres raportu został określony w art. 66 ustawy OOŚ. Raport o oddziaływaniu planowanego przedsięwzięcia na środowisko powinien zawierać określenie przewidywanego oddziaływania akustycznego, w tym przedstawienie prognozowanego oddziaływania w formie grafi cznej. Niniejszy artykuł prezentuje model obliczeniowy, który może być wykorzystywany do obliczania równoważnych poziomów hałasu towarzyszącego obiektom infrastruktury drogowej, takich jak: parkingi, stacje paliw, MOP-y, punkty poboru opłat czy place manewrowe.

  • CPTU/DMT control of heavy tamping compaction of sands
    • Norbert Kurek
    • Lech Bałachowski

    Heavy tamping compaction method in cohesionless alluvial soil was evaluated with CPTU and DMT tests. Some examples of interpretation of soundings in pre-treated and compacted sands are given. The compaction work was performed in two stages. Compaction control was performed after each stage of tamping. Additional tests were performed two weeks after the compaction works completion to study the set-up effect. While typical increase of cone resistance and sleeve friction in time was observed for CPTU tests, more complex phenomena was noted for DMT tests. If lateral stress index and dilatometer modulus increase with time, a decrease of material index of the compacted soil was observed. The effect of densification and set-up was analysed for angle of internal friction and Md /qc ratio. Changes in the soil classification induced by set-up are also considered. For a given relative density the lateral stress index was insensitive to compaction just after the work completion. Net increase of Kd in time was however recorded.

  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
    • Karolina Marciniuk
    • Bożena Kostek
    2015 Archives of Acoustics

    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented on the supercomputer PL-Grid infrastructure and using Cad-naA. Obtained numbers are collated with measured ones via city monitoring system. The numerical model of traffic noise and its main sources are briefly characterized. Thanks to the established model of changes in noise level, a full day dynamic noise map are presented as a set of 24 noise maps, one for each hour of the day. Dynamic noise mapping of the main cities can help with faster noise pre-venting and help with traffic calming methods. These two facts are essential to making improvements in living conditions in cities

  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
    • Karolina Marciniuk
    • Bożena Kostek

    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented on the supercomputer PL-Grid infrastructure and using Cad-naA. Obtained numbers are collated with measured ones via city monitoring system. The numerical model of traffic noise and its main sources are briefly characterized. Thanks to the established model of changes in noise level, a full day dynamic noise map are presented as a set of 24 noise maps, one for each hour of the day. Dynamic noise mapping of the main cities can help with faster noise pre-venting and help with traffic calming methods. These two facts are essential to making improvements in living conditions in cities.

  • Critical assessment of Eurocode approach to stability of metal cylindrical silos with corrugated walls and vertical stiffeners.
    • Mateusz Sondej
    • Piotr Iwicki
    • Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
    • Michał Wójcik

    Przedmiotem artykułu było krytyczne oszacowanie podejścia w Eurokodzie odnośnie stateczności metalowych cylindrycznych silosów z blachy falistej i słupów. Obliczenia 3D wykonane stosując MES. Symulowano blachę gładką ze słupami belkowymi o zastępczej sztywności. W obliczeniach uwzględniono falistość blachy. Pokazano, że wzory normowe znacznie odbiegają od wyników MES.

  • Critical Remarks on Landauer’s principle of erasure– dissipation: Including notes on Maxwell demons and Szilard engines
    • Laszlo B. Kish
    • Claes G. Granqvist
    • Sunil P. Khatri
    • Janusz Smulko

    We briefly address Landauer’s Principle and some related issues in thermal demons. We show that an error-free Turing computer works in the zero-entropy limit, which proves Landauer’s derivation incorrect. To have a physical logic gate, memory or information-engine, a few essential components necessary for the operation of these devices are often neglected, such as various aspects of control, damping and the fluctuation–dissipation theorem. We also point out that bit erasure is typically not needed or used for the functioning of computers or engines (except for secure erasure).

  • Cross-domain applications of multimodal human-computer interfaces
    • Andrzej Czyżewski

    Developed multimodal interfaces for education applications and for disabled people are presented, including interactive electronic whiteboard based on video image analysis, application for controlling computers with mouth gestures and audio interface for speech stretching for hearing impaired and stuttering people and intelligent pen allowing for diagnosing and ameliorating developmental dyslexia. The eye-gaze tracking system named “Cyber Eye” is presented including the method of analysis of visual activity of patients remaining in vegetative state helping to assessment of their awareness. The scent emitting multimodal computer interface is also discussed. A new approach to diagnosing Parkinson’s disease is shown which is used to evaluate motor and behavioral symptoms of the neurodegenerative disease. The paper is concluded with some more topics & demonstrations of technologies developed for applications to intelligent surveillance systems, environment monitoring systems and automated solutions for enhancement of degraded audio recordings.