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- Weronika Maria Mazurkiewicz
- Tadeja Zupančič
This paper summarises the results of the research carried out at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenia, during the PhD visiting period of the first author from the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland, in the framework of the PhD course "Sensitive urban places", leaded by the second author. Focusing to the specific problems of the Gdansk Osowa district in Poland, this research develops the idea of sensitivity levels of public places, requiring respectful modes and levels of design interventions. In order to bridge the gap between the spatial potentials and the actual situation it demonstrates the dichotomy using two evaluation methods: the first representing abstract (the 'space syntax' method), the second starting from the experiential point of view (the 'spatial sensitivity' method). The results include the incremental methodological contributions to the methods used as well as the interpretation of place sensitivity as the starting point of the intervention potentials of the case study itself. The discussion shows the diverse levels of the transferability and relevance of the results.
Sensorless Control of Induction Machine Supplied by Current Source Inverter
- Marcin Morawiec
The paper describes the voltage control technique of induction machines supplied by a current source inverter. The control system is based on proposed new multi-scalar variables, which are named “r.” The control system contains the output filter capacitor's model. In the sensorless control system the Z type backstepping speed observer was applied. The mathematical dependences are confirmed by simulation and experimental research.
Sensorless control system of induction machine supplied by voltage source inverter with output filter
- Marcin Morawiec
- Jarosław Guziński
The paper focuses on sensorless control of the induction machines supplied by inverter with the output filters. “The novel” idea of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping approach is shown. The standard structure of the exponential observer is extended by the integrators and additional Z vector. The simulation and experimental results validate the proposed solution.
Sensory Characteristics of Tonic Waters with Various Sweetening Substances vs Young Consumers' Opinion
- Ewa Marjańska
- Maria Szpakowska
The attitude of young consumers towards food products containing low calorie sweeteners was analyzed as well as consumers’ awareness to the medical recommendations regarding artificial sweeteners. The questionnaire was carried out within the group of 97 respondents at the age of 21 – 30. Strongly negative attitude towards consumption of food products containing low calorie sweeteners was declared by almost half of respondents. Only less than 10% of them has confirmed their strongly positive attitude towards food staff with artificial sweeteners. Slightly more than half of respondents has declared knowledge about the actual medical recommendations for use of artificial sweeteners. Eight selected tonic waters available on polish market where analyzed by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis using Principal Component Analysis together with Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering. The sensory perceptible differences between tonic waters containing only sucrose or mixtures of sucrose with low – calorie artificial sweeteners were detected. Three groups of tested beverages were identified according to sweetening substance used.
Septic safe interactions with smart glasses in health care
- Krzysztof Czuszyński
- Jacek Rumiński
- Tomasz Kocejko
- Jerzy Wtorek
In this paper, septic safe methods of interaction with smart glasses, due to the health care environment applications consideration, are presented. The main focus is on capabilities of an optical, proximity-based gesture sensor and eye-tracker input systems. The design of both interfaces is being adapted to the open smart glasses platform that is being developed under the eGlasses project. Preliminary results obtained from the proximity sensor show that the recognition of different static and dynamic hand gestures is promising. The experiments performed for the eye-tracker module shown the possibility of interaction with simple Graphical User Interface provided by the near-to-eye display. Research leads to the conclusion of attractiveness of collaborative interfaces for interaction with smart glasses.
Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii infection in farm animals (horses, swine, and sheep) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using chimeric antigens
- Bartłomiej Ferra
- Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
- Józef Kur
Toxoplasma gondii infects all warm-blooded animals including humans, causing serious public health problems and great economic loss in the animal husbandry. Commonly used serological tests for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis involve preparation of whole Toxoplasma lysate antigen (TLA) from tachyzoites. The production of this antigen is associated with high costs and lengthy preparation and the possibility of staff infection. There are also some difficulties in the standardization of such tests. One approach in order to improve the diagnosis of T. gondii infection is to use recombinant chimeric antigens in place of the TLA, which was confirmed by studies in the serodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis in humans. In this paper, we assess, for the first time, the diagnostic utility of five T. gondii recombinant chimeric antigens (MIC1-MAG1-SAG1S, SAG1L-MIC1-MAG1, SAG2-GRA1-ROP1S, SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L, and GRA1-GRA2-GRA6) in immunoglobulin G (IgG) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (IgG ELISAs) with sera from three different groups of livestock animals (horses, pigs, and sheep). The reactivity of individual chimeric antigens was analyzed in relation to the results obtained in IgG ELISAs based on a mixture of three antigens (M1: rSAG1+rMIC1+rMAG1, M2: rSAG2+rGRA1+rROP1, and M3: rGRA1+rGRA2+rGRA6) and referenced to TLA. All chimeric antigens were characterized by high specificity (100%), and the sensitivity of the IgG ELISAs based on chimeric antigens was variable (between 28.4% and 100%) and mainly dependent on the animal species. The chimeric antigens were generally more reactive than mixtures of three antigens. The most effective for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was SAG2-GRA1-ROP1L, which can detect specific anti-T. gondii antibodies in 100%, 93.8%, and 100% of positive serum samples from horses, pigs, and sheep, respectively. The present study shows that recombinant chimeric antigens can be successfully used to diagnose T. gondii infection in farm animals, and can replace the commonly used TLA.
Service Recommendation on WIKI-WS Platform
- Andrzej Sobecki
The article presents the issues of recaommendation services for users. The commonly used solutions include known classes of recommendation systems and information about their area of use and the most frequently used algorithms. the issue of choosing the services has been described based on the Wiki-WS platform including a model of cooperation with the recommendation system. The conclusion from the analysis of the proposed model and available algorithms is that there is a need to create a hybrid service recommendation algorithm in order to fulfill the requirements of those usung a sevices platform like Wiki-WS
Set of Experience and Decisional DNA: Toward Brains for Cyber-physical Systems and Industry of the Future
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Cesar Sanin
- Syed Imran Shafiq
The concept of Decisional DNA is decade old. This article introduces the initial idea of Set of Experience Knowledge Structure, its advancement into Decisional DNA, and its potential for real life applications in divers domains. The most current and future research steps into Industry 4.0 are also presented and discussed
Sewage gardens - constructed wetlands for single family households
- Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak
- Magdalena Gajewska
- Ewa Wojciechowska
- Katarzyna Kołecka
During the last 30 years the increase of interest in low-cost decentralized and small wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is observed in Europe. For this purpose sand filters, stabilization ponds, mini reactors with activated sludge, trickling filters and treatment wetlands are used. Among the listed facilities treatment wetlands (TWs) offer effective and reliable treatment efficiency, being at the same time low-cost and simple in operation. This is a sustainable treatment technology which does not generate secondary sewage sludge. In this paper the design concept and performance of nine TWs constructed in 2009 for single-family households in Kashubian Lake District is discussed. The treatment efficiency of three different TW configurations is compared. The findings of the study provide a basis for future design and implementation of TWs in agricultural areas.
Ship Evolutionary Trajectory Planning Method with Application of Polynomial Interpolation
- Roman Śmierzchalski
- Piotr Kolendo
Paper presents the application of evolutionary algorithms and polynomial interpolation in ship evolutionary trajectory planning method. Evolutionary algorithms allows to find a coIlision free trajectory in real time, while polynomial interpolation allows to model smooth trajectory which keeps continuity of velocity and acceleration values along path. Combination of this two methods allows to find trajectory, which under some assumptions, can mimic real movement of the vessel. Paper presents the description of proposed method with simulation tests for sample collision situations at sea.
Ship Resistance Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks
- Kamila Grabowska
- Piotr Szczuko
The paper is dedicated to a new method of ship’s resistance prediction using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). In the initial stage selected ships parameters are prepared to be used as a training and validation sets. Next step is to verify several network structures and to determine parameters with the highest influence on the result resistance. Finally, other parameters expected to impact the resistance are proposed. The research utilizes parameters of 7 already built off-shore vessels, with model parameters available as a result of tests conducted on European towing tanks. Thus, the reference is used to assess ship resistance prediction with the artificial neural network approach.
Sieci, przyłącza i instalacje wod. - kan. - określenie granic
- Mariusz Jarmulewski
Problemy określania granic sieci, przyłączy oraz instalacji. Autor w oparciu o własne doświadczenia zawodowe proponuje rozwiązania pozwalające unikać problemów wynikających z braków w polskim systemie prawnym.
Sieciowy monitor obiektów do zarządzania inteligentnymi budynkami
- Zdzisław Kowalczuk
- Jakub Wszołek
Na rozwój energooszczędnego i inteligentnego budownictwa zarówno w Polsce, jak i na świecie – wpływa wiele czynników. Kluczowy problem stanowi wzrost złożoności i kosztów eksploatacji budynku, w tym kosztów mediów energetycznych. Z całą pewnością przyczynia się to do poszukiwania rozwiązań opartych na nowoczesnych technikach (zaawansowane technologie stają się dostępne dla coraz szerszego grona odbiorców) oraz uzyskiwania optymalnego stosunku kosztów życia mediów do uzyskiwanej funkcjonalności
Sieciowy transfer wiedzy w organizacji wymiaru sprawiedliwości
- Przemysław Banasik
W rozdziale przedstawiono różne rodzaje sieci międzyorganizacyjnych w ramach, których sąd może być czynnym aktorem, kreując pewne wartości zmierzające chociażby do dzielenia się wiedzą z innymi uczestnikami tych sieci. W dotychczasowej literaturze przedmiotu sądy nie były przedmiotem głębszych dociekań naukowych i stąd każda próba usystematyzowania wiedzy w tym obszarze oraz zaproponowania nowego instrumentarium, właściwego dla zarządzania wymiarem sprawiedliwości staje się cennym wkładem w rozwój nauki.
Silica-templated three-dimensional graphene xerogels
- Izabela Kondratowicz
- Kamila Sadowska
- Wojciech Sadowski
Most porous carbons require the uniform pore size distribution therefore many approaches have been applied to template the carbon scaffolds and among them the use of silica particles is the easiest and the most effective. After discovering of graphene, the whole family of new carbon nanomaterials arose and one of the promising materials is graphene xerogel (GX) with a three-dimensional, highly porous structure. This monograph reviews different carbonaceous materials and the methods used to template them as well as presents the preliminary experiments in templating the microporous structure of GX using silica particles.
Silver-modified titania with enhanced photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties under UV and visible light irradiation
- E. Kowalska
- Z. Wei
- B. Karabiyik
- A. Herissan
- Marcin Janczarek
- M. Endo
- A. Markowska-Szczupak
- H. Remita
- B. Ohtani
- Agata Markowska-Szczupak
Commercial titania photocatalysts were modified with 2 wt% of silver by photodeposition. The properties of the samples were characterized by DRS, XPS, XRD, FE-SEM and STEM. The modified samples exhibited activity under visible light and enhanced activity under UV irradiation for 2-propanol and acetic acid oxidation, respectively. The time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) analysis indicated that enhanced activity (2.5–8-fold enhancement depending on titania) under UV irradiation was caused by an electron storage in metallic nanoparticles (NPs), and therefore decreasing the recombination between charge carriers. The action spectrum (AS) analysis proved that localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of silver NPs induced the photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. The increase of antimicrobial properties under visible light irradiation indicated that not only intrinsic properties of silver in the dark, but also plasmonic properties of Ag@TiO2 were responsible for overall bacteria killing. The evolution of carbon dioxide under both irradiation ranges indicated mineralization of bacteria cells, and therefore possible application of silver-modified titania for decomposition of chemical and biological pollutants.
Similar concentration of surfactants in rural and urban areas
- Ewa Olkowska
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Marek Ruman
- Jacek Namieśnik
Since surfactants are used in various products, they end up in surface and wastewater. Surfactants may therefore impact ecosystems and living organisms. Actually, only few anionic surfactants and some alkylphenols are regulated. There is no comprehensive evaluation of surfactants in the atmosphere, surfaces and waters of areas of increasing anthropic levels. Here, we measured the levels of cationic, anionic and nonionic surfactants in atmospheric precipitation, surface and run-off waters collected from urban and rural areas. Compounds were analysed by spectrophotometry. Results show that the highest contaminations of 0.058–1.3 mg/L are observed for anionic and nonionic surfactants. This finding is explained by the more frequent use of anionic and nonionic surfactants versus cationic surfactants. Results also show unexpectedly no difference of surfactant concentration between urban and rural areas.
SiMiSnoRNA: Collection of siRNA, miRNA, and snoRNA database for RNA Interference
- Umesh Kalathiya
- Monikaben Padariya
- Maciej Bagiński
- Chintankumar Padariya
Objective:The discovery of sequence specific gene silencing which occurs due to the presence of double-stranded RNAs has considerable impact on biology, revealing an unknown level of regulation of gene expression. This process is known as RNA interference (RNAi) or RNA silencing in which RNA molecules inhibit gene expression, typically by causing the destruction of specific mRNA molecule. Two types of small RNA molecules - small interfering RNA (siRNA) and microRNA (miRNA) are central to RNA interference. Therefore, SiMiSnoRNA database has been developed to focus on the efficient storage of RNA interferences or small RNA sequences and qualitative analysis of its structures across variety of organisms. Method:SiMiSnoRNA database is developed using WAMP server which implements Apache, MySQL, and PHPas principal components. Result and Conclusion:A flexible web-based search engine is developed to obtain fast access to specific small RNA sequence information. BLAST search analysis within SiMiSnoRNA enables users to compare their own query sequence data with SiMiSnoRNA database to retrieve related information. To facilitate data consistency, publicly available information from NCBI has been integratedinto database that can be conveniently used for research on the experimental and molecular biology. Database URL:
Simulating coherent light propagation in a random scattering materials using the perturbation expansion
- Maciej Kraszewski
- Michał Trojanowski
- Marcin Strąkowski
- Jerzy Pluciński
Multiple scattering of a coherent light plays important role in the optical metrology. Probably the most important phenomenon caused by multiple scattering are the speckle patterns present in every optical imaging method based on coherent or partially coherent light illumination. In many cases the speckle patterns are considered as an undesired noise. However, they were found useful in various subsurface imaging methods such as laser speckle imaging (LSI) or optical coherence tomography (OCT). All features of the speckle patterns and their connection with microstructure of scattering materials was not fully exploited. Further research on this topic may lead to a simple and inexpensive optical diagnostic methods. Theoretical and numerical research could greatly facilitate development of such methods. However, this requires simulations of coherent light propagation through a random scattering media of a length larger than few hundreds of a light wavelength. During such propagation the light can be scattered by many tens of thousands of scattering particles. The numerical methods, such as the radiative transfer theory and the Monte Carlo methods, allows to simulate propagation of the incoherent light in such a media but they do not consider the coherence properties of light. Moreover, they consider only average realization of the scattering medium and therefore does not allow to predict properties of any random fluctuations of the scattered light, such as a speckle patterns. Direct solvers of Maxwell or Helmholtz equations, such as finite-difference or finite-element methods could solve this problem but their computational complexity limits their application to media no longer than about 10 to 20 wavelengths of the light. Here we show an alternative approach based on solving the integral form of the Helmholtz equation written as a so called perturbation expansion. We show the numerical algorithm for solving this equation. The presented algorithm allows to simulate light scattering with accuracy similar to the finite difference methods but with much lower computational complexity. This can make it an useful tool in research on coherent light propagating through the random media. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Simulation of buckling process of cylindrical metal silos with flat sheets containing bulk solids.
- Michał Wójcik
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
W artykule symulowano proces wyboczenia w cylindrycznych metalowych silosach z płaskich blach wypełnionych materiałem sypkim. Wykonano analizy nieliniowe stosując MES dla silosów pustych i napełnionych. Zbadano wpływ wstępnych imperfekcji geometrycznych na nośność wyboczeniowo. Wyniki porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi w Uniwersytecie Karlsruhe.