Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Publications Repository
Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2016

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  • Laser patterned platform with PEDOT–graphene composite film for NO2 sensing
    • Katarzyna Dunst
    • Dominik Jurków
    • Piotr Jasiński

    This work presents a simple and fully electrochemical route used for fabricating of a NO2 gas sensor made of reduced-graphene-oxide-poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) composite film. The sensing platform was fabricated from alumina substrate and equipped with gold interdigitated electrodes and built-in heater.The temperature distribution on the surface of interdigitated electrodes was investigated by a thermalimaging camera and compared with numerical simulations. The sensing film was prepared on sensing platform by electropolymerization of EDOT monomer and graphene oxide solution and reduction in0.1 M KCl. A scanning electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy of the sensing film were performed.Gas sensing measurements were carried out at elevated temperatures. The effects of the operating and annealing temperature of the gas sensing film to NO2on the sensing performance were investigated. The response characteristics in NO2 at elevated temperatures in a tube furnace and using a built-in heater were compared. The effect of the flow rate and relative humidity was also investigated.

  • Latająca Kawiarenka Naukowa Akademii Młodych Uczonych
    • Magdalena Rucka
    2016 Pismo PG

    W artykule opisano spotkanie Latającej Kawiarenki Naukowej mającej na celu popularyzację nauki z zakresu diagnostyki i mechaniki konstrukcji. Kawiarenka zatytułowana „Diagnostyka, czyli jak rozpoznać, czy konstrukcja budowlana choruje” została zorganizowana przez Akademię Młodych Uczonych PAN oraz Koło Naukowe Mechaniki Budowli KoMBo w grudniu 2015 r.

  • Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Michał Czubenko
    • Wojciech Jędruch
    2016 Full text

    This paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model of human memory (using, in particular, the concept of Long-Term Memory) are discussed. Finally, the paper presents a way of rearranging the system memory and modelling the processes of learning.

  • Learning and memory processes in autonomous agents using an intelligent system of decision-making
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Michał Czubenko
    • Wojciech Jędruch

    This paper analyzes functions and structures of the memory that is an indispensable part of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD), developed as a universal engine for autonomous robotics. A simplified way of processing and coding information in human cognitive processes is modelled and adopted for the use in autonomous systems. Based on such a knowledge structure, an artificial model of reality representation and a model of human memory (using, in particular, the concept of Long-Term Memory) are discussed. Finally, the paper presents a way of rearranging the system memory and modelling the processes of learning.

    • Wojciech Olszewski
    • Marek Dzida
    2016 Full text Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    This paper discusses the characteristics of pollution and legal regulations governing investment projects affecting the environment. It describes a combined system of a compression ignition engine and a steam turbine, whose aim, when placed on a floating platform, is to produce electric energy in a so-called distributed generation system. Such a system involves a reciprocating internal combustion engine and a connected steam turbine system that uses the energy contained in the exhaust gas of the combustion engine. The paper ends with synthetic conclusions.

  • Lekka obudowa, część 1: Klasyfikacja i wymagania
    • Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
    • Dariusz Kowalski
    2016 Full text Builder

    Lekka obudowa ścienna i dachowa obiektów szkieletowych. Klasyfikacja i wymagania dla lekkich przegród

  • Lekka obudowa, część 2: bezpieczeństwo pożarowe
    • Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
    • Dariusz Kowalski
    2016 Full text Builder

    Lekka obudowa ścienna i dachowa. Przedstawiono wymagania dotyczące bezpieczeństwa przeciwpożarowego zewnętrznych przegród ściennych i dachowych

  • Lekka obudowa, część 3: Wymagania funkcjonalno-użytkowe
    • Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
    • Dariusz Kowalski
    2016 Full text Builder

    W artykule przedstawiono wymagania funkcjonalno-użytkowe jakie stawia się współcześnie lekkim przegrodom budowlany w zakresie ich: izolacyjności akustycznej, przewodnictwa cieplnego, wodoszczelności, przepuszczalności pary wodnej, przepuszczalności powietrza, promieniowania energii świetlnej, ekwipotencjalności

  • Lekka obudowa. część 4. Układy konstrukcyjne
    • Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
    • Dariusz Kowalski
    2016 Full text Builder

    W artykule przedstawiono przegląd rozwiązań układów konstrukcyjnych stosowanych w lekkich ścianach osłonowych mających zastosowanie przy różnych rodzajach obudów w obiektach budowlanych.

  • Les Lumieres contre la torture et la peine de mort
    • Marek Mossakowski
    • Jarosław Ślęzak
    2016 Full text Orbis Linguarum

    Artykuł napisany jest w języku francuskim. Jego tytuł w polskim tłumaczeniu brzmi: "Oświecenie wobec tortur i kary śmierci". Artykuł ten dotyczy stanowiska Woltera, Monteskiusza oraz Beccari wobec nadużyć systemu prawnego przedrewolucyjnej Francji. Analizuje on ich krytyczne stanowisko wobec tych nadużyć i bada filozoficzne teorie, jakimi posługują się Wolter i Monteskiusz w celu zniesienia tortur, oraz Beccaria, który nie tylko postuluje zniesienie tortur, ale jako jeden z niewielu filozofów tamtej epoki domaga się również zniesienia kary śmierci.

  • Lifelong Learning Idea in Architectural Education
    • Elżbieta Marczak
    2016 Full text General and Professional Education

    The recent advances in IT and technology are forcing changes in the approach to educating society. In the 20th century, life-long learning was understood as educating adults in order to improve their occupational qualifications. Life-long learning allows the needs of the present-day world to be addressed through providing the individual with education at every stage of his/her life various forms. The search for a new model of teaching architecture is a challenge. The extent, to which the new method has been successful, can be verified in practice. This paper discusses selected forms of child and youth education which are consistent with the idea of LifeLong Learning.

    • Katarzyna Bobkowska
    • Artur Janowski
    • Katrzyna Jasińska
    • Piotr Kowal
    • Marek Przyborski

    Access to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration of animals. The authors outline the negative impact of artificial light on living organisms, which can be seen especially when we are able to trace the routes of migrating animals. In this study authors have used images in raster forms. These images represent the average brightness of the region of 1km(2). This composition called "Stable Lights Product", are cloudless representations of night illumination. Subsequent input data that were taken into account, were vector data containing information about wildlife corridors in Poland. Spatial analysis using GIS tools (Geographical. Information System) allowed visualization of areas that are potentially safe for animals and, unfortunately, are exposed to artificial illumination, which has a negative impact on the migration of animals. The results indicate a significant problem, which in recent decades has become light. pollution related to the strong development of urban areas. Seamless access to data allows low-cost analysis indicating where you should consider limiting the emission of light, which can be, for example, changing the type of lighting, reducing the number of its sources or stopping the process of the strong widening of the urban territory.

  • Lightweight glass and metal roof structures in the 19th century. Architecture and construction.
    • Michał Kwasek
    • Aleksander Piwek

    The 19th century brought new construction possibilities. The usage of metal elements in mesh structures, filled in with glass, resulted in creating entirely new types of objects. They have distinguished themselves in architecture and technical solutions. The envelope structures giving spatial interiors were arising very quickly. They have been enabling large light penetration, triggering them extremely bright. Thus these building were perfect for plant breeding and also to be used as the exhibition space. Ease of installation of lightweight glass and metal structures, and simultaneously their inimitable functional values caused an increase in interest of that technology. It started being used to other purposes, like passages, department stores, libraries and railway stations. The article is an analysis of adopted solutions of these structures in 19th century architecture.

  • Lightweight structures in architecture: scenarios for the future
    • Joanna Kabrońska

    Lightweight structures - structures with a reduced weight, which otherwise retain the qualities necessary for the building performance, ensuring a proper durability and strength, safety, indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency; stuctures which strive for the optimization of structural systems - are in tune with current trends and socio-economic, environmental and technological factors. The growing interest in the lightweight structures design makes them ever more significant field of research. This article focuses on the architectural aspects of lightweight structures and on their contemporary and future applications. The selected advanced building technologies - i.e. Ultra-High Performance Concrete, fabrics, flexible photovoltaics - are discussed in the text.

  • Limitations of Emotion Recognition in Software User Experience Evaluation Context
    • Agnieszka Landowska
    • Jakub Miler
    2016 Full text Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems

    This paper concerns how an affective-behavioural- cognitive approach applies to the evaluation of the software user experience. Although it may seem that affect recognition solutions are accurate in determining the user experience, there are several challenges in practice. This paper aims to explore the limitations of the automatic affect recognition applied in the usability context as well as to propose a set of criteria to select input channels for affect recognition. The results are revealed via a semi-experiment based on the case study of an educational game. As a result, a number of concerns were identified, providing a list of pros and cons for affective computing methods applied in the usability testing context. The lessons learned might be interesting for both researchers that develop emotion recognition algorithms and for practitioners, who apply them to diverse areas.

  • Limitations of WSSUS modeling of stationary underwater acoustic communication channel
    • Iwona Kochańska
    • Iwor Nissen
    2016 Full text HYDROACOUSTICS

    Performances of underwater acoustic communication (UAC) systems are strongly related to specific propagation conditions of the underwater channel. Due to their large variability, there is a need for adaptive matching of the UAC systems signaling to the transmission properties of the channel. This requires a knowledge of instantaneous channel characteristics, in terms of the specific parameters of stochastic models. The wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) assumption simplifies the estimation of terrestrial wireless channel transmission properties. Although UAC channels are hardly ever WSSUS, the rationale of such a stochastic modeling is that over a short period of time, and for a limited frequency range, this assumption is reasonably satisfied. The limits of application of the local-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (LSSUS) model are determined by the stationary time and frequency. This paper presents the results of LSSUS model analysis for UAC channel measurements gathered by the former Research Department for Underwater Acoustics and Marine Geophysics (FWG), now part of the WTD71, during the SIMO experiment in the Bornholm Basin of the Baltic Sea.

  • L'industria e la Storia. La lezione di Giorgio Mori
    • Luciano Segreto

    The wide contribution of Giorgio Mori for a better understanding of the long-term historical relationships between history and industry is the focus of this chapter. By analysing the long list of books and articles written all along his scientific and academic life it is possible to trace a sort of fil rouge that permits to appreciate the huge effort made by this scholar in offering a fresh and never banal interpretation of the most relevant processes and episodes of the industrialization in Greta Britain and in Italy. The continuous effort made by Mori has been largely focused in trying to perceive, describe and analyse the different positions and points of view among the Italian (as well as the English) ruling classes in the attempt to implicitly criticise the orthodox vision proposed by some other historian close to the Italian Communist party that suggested the existence of a real social bloc dominating the Italian economy and society. His capacity to highlight new research fields in a period when business archives were still unavailable to researchers has been another important gift for all the community of economic historians, by showing – as he was frequently saying – that there is anything more inedited than what has been published. His heterodox approach can be appreciated also in his effort to dialogue with the business history and the entrepreneurial history coming as a new powerful wind from the US in the 1950’s and finally flourishing also in Italy between the 1970’s and the 1980’s.

  • Linear game non-contextuality and Bell inequalities—a graph-theoretic approach
    • Monika Rosicka
    • Ravishankar Ramanathan
    • Piotr Gnaciński
    • Karol Horodecki
    • Michał Horodecki
    • Paweł Horodecki
    • S Severini
    2016 Full text NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS

    We study the classical and quantum values of a class of one-and two-party unique games, that generalizes the well-known XOR games to the case of non-binary outcomes. In the bipartite case the generalized XOR(XOR-d) games we study are a subclass of the well-known linear games. We introduce a 'constraint graph' associated to such a game, with the constraints defining the game represented by an edge-coloring of the graph. We use the graph-theoretic characterization to relate the task of finding equivalent games to the notion of signed graphs and switching equivalence from graph theory. We relate the problem of computing the classical value of single-party anti-correlation XOR games to finding the edge bipartization number of a graph, which is known to be MaxSNP hard, and connect the computation of the classical value of XOR-d games to the identification of specific cycles in the graph. We construct an orthogonality graph of the game from the constraint graph and study its Lovasz theta number as a general upper bound on the quantum value even in the case of single-party contextual XOR-d games. XOR-d games possess appealing properties for use in device-independent applications such as randomness of the local correlated outcomes in the optimal quantum strategy. We study the possibility of obtaining quantum algebraic violation of these games, and show that no finite XOR-d game possesses the property of pseudo-telepathy leaving the frequently used chained Bell inequalities as the natural candidates for such applications. We also show this lack of pseudo-telepathy for multi-party XOR-type inequalities involving two-body correlation functions.

  • Linking of adjacent three-storey buildings for mitigation of structural pounding during earthquakes
    • Robert Jankowski
    • Sayed Mahmoud
    2016 Full text Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering

    The reports after major earthquakes indicate that the earthquake-induced pounding between insufficiently separated buildings may lead to significant damage or even total collapse of structures. An intensive study has recently been carried out on mitigation of pounding hazards so as to minimize the structural damages or prevent collisions at all. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the method when two adjacent three-storey buildings with different (substantially different) dynamic properties are connected at each storey level by link elements (springs, dashpots or viscoelastic elements). The results of the study indicate that connecting the structures by additional link elements can be very beneficial for the lighter and more flexible building. The largest decrease in the response of the structure has been obtained for links with large stiffness or damping values, which stands for the case when two buildings are fully connected and vibrate in-phase. Moreover, by comparing the effectiveness of different types of link elements, it has been confirmed that the use of viscoelastic elements reduces the peak displacement of the structure at lower stiffness and damping values comparing to the case when spring and dashpot elements are applied alone. On the other hand, the results of the study demonstrate that applying the additional link elements does not really change the response of the heavier and stiffer building. The final conclusion of the study indicates that linking two buildings allows us to reduce the in-between gap size substantially while structural pounding can be still prevented.

  • Lipidomics of Staphylococcus aureus – a new insight into the antibiotic resistant phenotype
    • Weronika Hewelt-Belka
    • Joanna Nakonieczna
    • Mariusz Belka
    • Tomasz Bączek
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Agata Kot-Wasik

    Staphylococcus aureus is an aggressive pathogen responsible for a variety of diseases, in cluding life-threatening sepsis. Many strains of these bacteria are resistant to multiple classes of antibiotics, which is a substantial clinical problem in the treatment of S. aureus infections. We developed a comprehensive untargeted lipidomic workflow, including sample preparation, liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-Q-TOF MS) analysis and data processing, designed to study the S. aureus lipidome1. An untargeted lipidomic fingerprinting-based study involving the analysis of fourteen phenotypically diver sified clinical isolates was performed to compare the lipid fingerprints of S. aureus clinical isolates that are resistant and sensitive to five antibiotics and to extract information related to their resistance to antibiotics. To date, this is the first study to show significant differences in the lipid fingerprints between antibiotics-resistant and antibiotic-sensitive S. aureus clinical isolates2. Differences in the lipid patterns between sensitive and resistant S. aureus strains suggest that antibiotic susceptibility may be associated with the lipid composition of bacte rial cells.