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Fracture evolution in concrete compressive fatigue experiments based on X-ray micro-CT images
- Łukasz Skarżyński
- Ireneusz Marzec
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
Artykuł omawia ewolucje pękania w betonie podczas cyklicznego ściskania betonu. Przestrzenną ewolucję pękania zobrazowano stosując mikro-tomograf rentgenowski. Zdjęcia wykonano dla różnych cykli zmęczeniowych. Wyniki porównano z testami monotonicznymi. Jakościowa ewolucja objętości pękania ze wzrostem zmęczeniowego zniszczenia pokazała silnie nieliniowy kształt.
Frakcje azotu organicznego w wywarze gorzelnianym
- Anna Wilińska
- Krzysztof Czerwionka
Wywar gorzelniany jest produktem ubocznym w procesie wytwarzania surowego spirytusu. W Polsce na jeden litr wyprodukowanego spirytusu powstaje od 9 do 14 litrów tego odpadu. Charakteryzuje się on wysokim ładunkiem ChZT oraz azotu ogólnego, występującego głównie w formie azotu organicznego. Przy wysokiej produkcji alkoholu stwarza to poważne problemy w zagospodarowaniu całej ilość powstającego wywaru. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki analiz składu pięciu wywarów gorzelnianych oraz odcieków powstających podczas ich odwirowania. Charakterystyka wywaru gorzelnianego oraz odcieków uzależniona była od składu oraz zawartości suchej masy wsadu wykorzystywanego w gorzelniach do produkcji alkoholu. W odciekach z odwirowania wywarów stwierdzono wysoki udział frakcji rozpuszczonej zawiązków organicznych (84 do 95% ChZT) oraz azotu organicznego (od 81 do 93% azotu ogólnego). W odniesieniu do frakcji azotu organicznego stwierdzono, że dla trzech z pięciu odcieków zdecydowanie dominowała frakcja rozpuszczona (DON), która stanowiła od 75 do 80% azotu organicznego. Natomiast dla dwóch pozostałych odcieków udział tej frakcji spadł do 40-50%, przy jednoczesnym wzroście udziału frakcji koloidalnej do 30-40%. Nie stwierdzono statystycznie istotnych zależności pomiędzy stężeniem frakcji DON i CON w odciekach, a innymi badanymi parametrami jakości odcieków lub wywarów.
Framework of an Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimisation Method for Planning a Safe Trajectory for a Marine Autonomous Surface Ship
- Rafał Szłapczyński
- Mohammad Ghaemi
This paper represents the first stage of research into a multi-objective method of planning safe trajectories for marine autonomous surface ships (MASSs) involved in encounter situations. Our method applies an evolutionary multi-objective optimisation (EMO) approach to pursue three objectives: minimisation of the risk of collision, minimisation of fuel consumption due to collision avoidance manoeuvres, and minimisation of the extra time spent on collision avoidance manoeuvres. Until now, a fully multi-objective optimisation has not been applied to the real-time problem of planning safe trajectories; instead, this optimisation problem has usually been reduced to a single aggregated cost function covering all objectives. The aim is to develop a method of planning safe trajectories for MASSs that is able to simultaneously pursue the three abovementioned objectives, make decisions in real time and without interaction with a human operator, handle basic types of encounters (in open or restricted waters, and in good or restricted visibility) and guarantee compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. It should also be mentioned that optimisation of the system based on each criterion may occur at the cost of the others, so a reasonable balance is applied here by means of a configurable trade-off. This is done throughout the EMO process by means of modified Pareto dominance rules and by using a multi-criteria decision-making phase to filter the output Pareto set and choose the final solution.
- Anna Jesionek
- Bożena Zabiegała
- Adam Bucinski
- Maria Łuczkiewicz
Rhododendron tomentosum possesses the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties, determined by the chemical composition of its essential oil. The effects of place (Miszewko, Lubichowo) and time of harvesting (June, November) as well as drying (air-drying, oven-drying, freeze-drying) and isolation (in Deryng, Clevenger and Likens-Nickerson apparatus) procedures on the yield and quality of R. tomentosum essential oil were studied. Ledol (8.1-14.4%), palustrol (6.9-13.0%) and γ-terpineol (8.5-9.1%) predominated in the plants collected from Miszewko, while γ-terpineol (11.8-22.2%), p-cymene (5.3-12.6%) and geranyl acetate (5.7-7.5%) prevailed in the biomass from Lubichowo. The shoots produced more volatiles in the flowering phase than at the end of the vegetation. Oven-drying at 30OC with controlled air flow was suggested as the quick dehydration method. Hydrodistillation in Deryng and Clevenger apparatus resulted in comparatively high essential oil yield (about 1%). All studied drying and distillation methods did not influence significantly the general profile of R. tomentosum essential oil
From structure to luminescence investigation of oxyfluoride transparent glasses and glass-ceramics doped with Eu3+/Dy3+ ions
- Michalina Walas
- Marta Lisowska
- Tomasz Lewandowski
- Ana I. Becerro
- Marcin Łapiński
- Anna Synak
- Wojciech Sadowski
- Barbara Kościelska
Glasses and glass-ceramics with nominal composition 73 TeO2– 4BaO– 3Bi2O3–18SrF2-2RE2O3 (where RE = Eu, Dy) have been synthesized by conventional melt-quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment at 370 °C for 24 h in air atmosphere. Various Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been applied to investigate luminescence properties in both glass and glass-ceramic matrices. Especially, white light emission through simultaneous excitation of Eu3+ and Dy3+ has been studied in detail. Influence of crystalline SrF2 phase on luminescence kinetics has been determined by luminescence decay time measurements. Presence of crystalline SrF2 phase has been confirmed by X-ray diffraction technique XRD and transmission electron microscopy TEM. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy XPS and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR have been applied to get further insight into structural properties of glass and glass-ceramic materials. Color tunable white light emission has been obtained using UV excitation. Influence of the SrF2 crystallization on luminescence properties of prepared materials have been described in detail. Moreover, luminescence properties and especially emission color dependence on the Eu3+ to Dy3+ molar ratio have been exhaustively studied. Color-tunable white light emission has been observed as a result of simultaneous radiative transition of both, Eu3+ and Dy3+ ions when applying UV excitation. Judd – Ofelt and other optical parameters have been calculated based on luminescence emission spectra. Achieved results confirm that tellurite glass-ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals are good hosts for RE3+ ions and they can be considered as new phosphors for white light emitting diodes WLEDs.
Full scale CFD seakeeping simulations for case study ship redesigned from V-shaped bulbous bow to X-bow hull form
- Karol Niklas
- Hanna Pruszko
Increasing propulsion efficiency, safety, comfort and operability are of the great importance, especially for small ships operating on windy sites like the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Seakeeping performance of ships and offshore structures can be analysed by different methods and the one that is becoming increasingly important is CFD RANS. The recent development of simulation techniques together with rising HPC accessibility enables performance of advanced seakeeping simulations for ships in a full scale. The paper presents CFD seakeeping analysis for a case study vessel in two variants: V-shaped bulbous bow hull form (as built) and innovative hull form (X-bow type). The study presents the influence of redesigning the ship on selected seakeeping aspects. The advanced CFD model, with the application of overset mesh technique, was described in detail. Selected numerical results were validated on the basis of experimental testing in a towing tank and showed good agreement. The approach demonstrated here of performing the CFD seakeeping simulations for the analysis of ship performance in a full scale and close to real loading conditions has direct application to the design process as well as in determination of optimal operational parameters of any ship.
Full-scale CFD simulations for the determination of ship resistance as a rational, alternative method to towing tank experiments
- Karol Niklas
- Hanna Pruszko
Results of ship resistance predictions obtained from towing tank experiments are affected by the method used to extrapolate from a model scale to a ship scale. Selection of method to determine a form factor is subjective and the extrapolation method is accurate for typical hull forms. For innovative hull forms the proper method for calculating the form factor is questionable. Moreover, the influence of the extrapolation method can be equally as important as the influence of a redesigned hull form itself. The paper presents novel numerical and experimental methods used to predict ship's total resistance in calm water. The results determined by towing tank experiments, full-scale CFD simulations and ship's sea trial measurements were compared. Depending on the method used, the determined form factor differed by 19%. As a result, the predicted calm water resistance varied from −6% to 11% relatively to sea trials data. For innovative hull forms in particular, full-scale CFD simulations should support the towing tank method. The results calculated by full-scale CFD varied from −10% to 4% relatively to sea trials data depending on the assumptions on hull roughness and turbulence model. The towing tank testing and full-scale CFD simulations can provide similar accuracy.
Fully Adaptive Savitzky-Golay Type Smoothers
- Maciej Niedźwiecki
- Marcin Ciołek
The problem of adaptive signal smoothing is consid-ered and solved using the weighted basis function approach. Inthe special case of polynomial basis and uniform weighting theproposed method reduces down to the celebrated Savitzky-Golaysmoother. Data adaptiveness is achieved via parallel estimation.It is shown that for the polynomial and harmonic bases andcosinusoidal weighting sequences, the competing signal estimatescan be computed in both time-recursive and order-recursive way.
Functional safety and cyber security analysis for life cycle management of industrial control systems in hazardous plants and oil port critical infrastructure including insurance
- Kazimierz Kosmowski
- Dariusz Gołębiewski
This report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer, interested in decreasing risks to be insured, offers the expertise how to limit effectively risks in life cycle from the design conceptual stage of hazardous plant, through its reliable and safe operation, until decommissioning. Therefore, the risk evaluation model for insurance related decision making for the period considered, e.g. one year, should be plant specific with some predictive properties due to changing environment and business conditions, and usually considerable uncertainty involved. The objective is to evaluate and mitigate risks, and control them proactively, through undertaking appropriate activities within a process based management system according to elaborated policy and strategy that includes organisational and technical aspects, including preventive maintenance activities of sensitive equipment and updating in time the training programmes. Careful evaluating and controlling risks is also crucial for the insurance company. Basic activities of the risk engineers and underwriters in the insurance process are outlined in the context of identified hazards/threats and defined factors that significantly influence risks to be considered in evaluating the insurance premium in the context of terms and conditions specified.
Functionalized polyolefins, synthesis application and industrial relevance
- Lidia Jasińska-Walc
- Rob Duchateau
- Miloud Bouyahyi
Polymers play a key role in our modern life full of technical advances and a continuous request for new materials with tailored properties for a low price. Their excellent mechanical properties, good processability, chemical stability and low price make polyolefins the polymers of choice for most commodity and some more specialized applications. As a result, polyolefins account for over 65% of the total world demand of plastic materials. However, the major drawback of polyolefins is their lack of functionality, which results in low adhesion with other materials such as inorganic fillers, metals or other polymers. The availability of well-defined functionalized polyolefins will certainly increase the application window of polyolefins even more. Incorporation of polar functionalities into the polyolefins is believed to enhance the adhesive properties of the polymers and numerous reports describe the synthesis of such products either by reactive extrusion or by catalysis.[1] Yet, little is known about the actual properties of these materials and their potential applications. Many questions remain, like: Do functionalized polyolefins indeed show improved adhesion to polar substrates or improved paintability? What functionality level is required to obtain satisfying adhesive properties? How do these functionalities affect the polyolefin properties? Are there other applications for functionalized polyolefins than just improved adhesion? Over the last years, our group has evaluated the synthesis and material properties of functionalized polyolefins prepared by both catalysis and reactive extrusion and we have explored potential applications of such materials. This contribution will give a clear overview of the potential of functionalized polyolefins and the various challenges that have to be overcome to produce these products in a commercially viable manner. Issues like potential catalyst poisoning by functionalized comonomers and reactor fouling during in-reactor functionalization and differences in material properties of functionalized polyolefins obtained by reactive extrusion and in-reactor functionalization will be addressed. With some striking examples, it will be demonstrated that functionalized polyolefins can be used in applications usually reserved for specialty polymers.
Funkcja drenażowa geosyntetyków
- Remigiusz Duszyński
Spośród wielu funkcji geosyntetyków, które powszechnie znajdują zastosowanie w budownictwie jedną z istotniejszych jest funkcja drenażowa. Zapewnienie długotrwałego, niezawodnego funkcjonowania drenażu wymaga przyjęcia odpowiedniego geokompozytu drenażowego. To złożone zagadnienie zostało przedstawione w poniższym artykule.
- Małgorzata Nadolska
- Kamila Sadowska
W niniejszej pracy zbadano skuteczność adsorpcyjnego usuwania jonów Hg2+, Sr2+ z roztworów wodnych, z wykorzystaniem funkcjonalizowanych materiałów węglowych. Jako adsorbenty zastosowano nanorurki węglowe, tlenek grafenu oraz węgiel aktywny. Oprócz często stosowanej praktyki jaką jest wykorzystanie materiałów węglowych które na swojej powierzchni zawierają tlenowe grupy funkcyjne, zaproponowano aby na powierzchnię materiałów węglowych wprowadzić dodatkowe grupy funkcyjne w postaci grup fosfonowych. W celu określenia rodzaju powierzchniowych grup funkcyjnych oraz oszacowanie ich ilości (a następnie określenia ich wpływu na zdolności adsorpcyjne jonów Hg2+, Sr2+), materiały scharakteryzowano za pomocą metod spektroskopowych (FTIR, Raman), TGA oraz SEM.
Further development of the poroelastic road surface within the new Polish project SEPOR
- Piotr Mioduszewski
- Jerzy Ejsmont
- Grzegorz Ronowski
- Stanisław Taryma
Road surfaces have a direct impact on noise generated by rolling tyres, the main and dominant source of noise of moving vehicles. Road surface texture, porosity and stiffness/elasticity govern the pavement contribution to tyre/road noise the most. An experimental PoroElastic Road Surface (PERS) is a wearing course with a high content of interconnected voids (pores) and with an elastic behavior due to the use of small particles of rubber as the main aggregate. It was already proved, that using that type of pavement, a road traffic noise reduction up to 12 dB can be achieved. The new project SEPOR founded by the Polish National Centre for Research and Development has started in 2018 aiming in further development of poroelastic road surface. Its main goal is to enhance durability of PERS by optimization of mix composition, improvement of the production process, increasing the interlayer bonding strength and to optimize noise reduction and skid resistance. Experimental test sections will be constructed within a trafficked road and tested for noise, rolling resistance, skid resistance and fire suppression properties. The paper presents the results of noise and rolling resistance measurements performed on a pilot small-scale test section of PERS built on a construction yard.
Galvanostatic impedance measurements for the efficient adsorption isotherm construction in corrosion inhibitor studies
- Jacek Ryl
- Joanna Wysocka
- Mateusz Cieślik
- Stefan Krakowiak
- Paweł Ślepski
We present an approach towards an accurate and time-efficient adsorption isotherm determination to evaluate the corrosion inhibitor interaction in electrolytic environments. The approach is based on dynamic impedance spectroscopy measurements in galvanostatic mode (g-DEIS). The studied corrosion inhibitor is continuously injected between the secondary cell and the corrosion cell. The efficiency corresponding to instantaneous inhibitor concentration is determined based on the charge transfer resistance. The galvanostatic mode ensures lack of artificial polarization component resulting from alteration of the corrosion potential by studied inhibitor. Analysis of the double-layer capacitance course of changes delivers information on the inhibitor concentration sufficient to form monolayer of the inhibitor, representing boundary conditions for Langmuir adsorption model validity. Its utility was confirmed using ellipsometry while the g-DEIS studies were cross-verified by other electrochemical tools (potentiodynamic polarization, EIS) as well as XPS and microscopic analyses. The discussed approach was first used to investigate the corrosion inhibition efficiency of various carboxylic acids towards aluminium alloys in alkaline environments, although more recently it was tested to evaluate the efficiency of complex inhibitor extracts, such as bee pollen inhibition efficiency.
Gas Turbine Cycle with External Combustion Chamber for Prosumer and Distributed Energy Systems
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Krzysztof Kosowski
- Karol Tucki
- Marian Piwowarski
- Robert Stępień
- Olga Orynycz
- Wojciech Włodarski
The use of various biofuels, usually of relatively small Lower Heating Value (LHV), affects the gas turbine efficiency. The present paper shows that applying the proposed air by-pass system of the combustor at the turbine exit causes tan increase of efficiency of the turbine cycle increased by a few points. This solution appears very promising also in combined gas/steam turbine power plants. The comparison of a turbine set operating according to an open cycle with partial bypassing of external combustion chamber at the turbine exit (a new solution) and, for comparison, a turbine set operating according to an open cycle with a regenerator. The calculations were carried out for different fuels: gas from biomass gasification (LHV = 4.4 MJ/kg), biogas (LHV = 17.5 MJ/kg) and methane (LHV = 50 MJ/kg). It is demonstrated that analyzed solution enables construction of several kW power microturbines that might be used on a local scale. Such turbines, operated by prosumer’s type of organizations may change the efficiency of electricity generation on a country-wide scale evidently contributing to the sustainability of power generation, as well as the economy as a whole.
Gas‐Phase Removal of Indoor Volatile Organic Compounds and Airborne Microorganisms Over Mono‐ and Bimetal‐Modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) Titanium(IV) Oxide Nanocomposites
- Izabela Wysocka
- A. Markowska-Szczupak
- Piotr Szweda
- Jacek Ryl
- Maya Endo-Kimura
- Kowalska Ewa
- Grzegorz Nowaczyk
- Anna Zielińska-Jurek
- Agata Markowska-Szczupak
The photocatalytic deactivation of volatile organic compounds and mold fungi using TiO2 modified with mono‐ and bimetallic (Pt, Cu, Ag) particles is reported in this study. The mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) titanium(IV) oxide photocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction method and characterized using XRD, XPS, DR/UV‐Vis, BET and TEM analysis. The effect of incident light, type and content of mono‐ and bimetallic nanoparticles deposited on titanium(IV) oxide was studied. Photocatalytic activity of as‐prepared nanocomposites was examined in the gas phase using LEDs array. High photocatalytic activity of Ag/Pt‐TiO2 and Cu/Pt‐TiO2 in the reaction of toluene degradation resulted from improved efficiency of interfacial charge transfer process, which was consistent with the fluorescence quenching effect revealed by photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra. The photocatalytic deactivation of Penicillium chrysogenum, a pathogenic fungi present in the indoor environment, especially in a damp or water‐damaged building using mono‐ and bimetal‐modified (Pt, Cu, Ag) titanium(IV) oxide was evaluated for the first time. TiO2 modified with mono‐ and bimetallic NPs of Ag/Pt, Cu and Ag deposited on TiO2 exhibited improved fungicidal activity under LEDs illumination than pure TiO2.
Gate Driver with Overcurrent Protection Circuit for GaN Transistors
- Paweł Derkacz
- Piotr Musznicki
The improvement of the gate driver for GaN transistor is presented in this paper. The proposed topology contains the overcurrent protectionwith the two-stage turning off and independent control of turn on and off time of the GaN transistor. The operation of driver and its application in thehalf-bridge converter are described using both simulation and prototype measurements. The overcurrent protection was tested in Double Pulse Test(DPT) conditions.
Gdańsk oczami Irlandzkich i Polskich Artystów Plastyków. Krenz J.: Cykl 7 akwarel i pasteli. Zimowy Gdańsk
- Jacek Krenz
Międzynarodowa wystawa zbiorowa, poplenerowa: Gdańsk oczami Irlandzkich i Polskich Artystów Plastyków. Galeria Sztuki Domu Aktora w Gdańsku. Przez kilka grudniowych dni artyści plastycy z Irlandii i Polski malowali zimowy Gdańsk. Stronę irlandzką reprezentowali: Jonathan Brennan, Katherine St.Angelo, Esther O’Kelly, Joanna Mules, Marcus Patton. Polscy uczestnicy: Magdalena Nowacka-Kolano, Anna Schumacher, Krzysztof Ludwin i Komisarz Pleneru - Jacek Krenz.
Gdańska Międzynarodowa Szkoła Letnia na WETI
- Marek Kubale
W dniach 6-12 lipca 2019 roku Katedra Algorytmów i Modelowania Systemów zorganizowała 3. Międzynarodową Szkołę Letnią poświęconą algorytmom dla problemów optymalizacji dyskretnej.
General, Mild, and Metal-Free Functionalization of Indole and Its Derivatives Through Direct C3-Selenylation
- Adam Hałuszczuk
- Natalia Babul
- Łukasz Nierzwicki
- Witold Przychodzeń
A very mild method for the introduction of functionalized alkylselenyl group at C-3 position of the indole ring was developed. The proposed procedure consists of an electrophilic substitution of indole and its derivatives with bis(O,O-diisopropoxyphosphorothioyl) diselenide and subsequent cleavage of the P–Se bond with tetrabutylammonium fluoride in the presence of various electrophilic reagents. This method can be successfully applied, inter alia, for the preparation of amino acid and glucoside derivatives of 3-selenoindole.