Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2024

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  • Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys for lifespan extension at high-temperature
    • Damian Koszelow
    • Małgorzata Makowska
    • F. Marone
    • Grzegorz Cempura
    • Matthieu Tomas
    • Jan Froitzheim
    • Sebastian Molin
    2024 Full text CORROSION SCIENCE

    Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys was extensively studied in this paper. Weight gain measurements and SEM analysis revealed that pre-oxidation performed at 900◦C for 40 min increased the lifespan of the alloy. A Cr evaporation study did not disclose any significant influence of the pre-oxidation process on the Cr content in the alloy. For a more detailed assessment, TEM imaging and X-ray tomography measurements of pre-oxidized samples were performed. These analyses showed that alteration in the grain and grain boundary diffusion fluxes might be the key for explaining the corrosion prevention role of pre-oxidation.

  • Preparation and properties of composite coatings, based on carbon nanotubes, for medical applications
    • Dorota Rogala-Wielgus
    • Andrzej Zieliński
    2024 Carbon Letters

    The coatings based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are increasingly developed for their applications, among others, in medicine, in particular for implants in implantology, cardiology, and neurology. The present review paper aims at a detailed demonstration of diferent preparation methods for such coatings, their performance, and relationships between deposition parameters and microstructure and material, mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological properties. The thermal and electrostatic spraying, electrophoretic and electrocathodic deposition, and laser methods are presented. Characterization of microstructure of coatings, topography, morphology, adhesion of CNTs to a substrate, mechanical behavior, corrosion resistance, wettability, cytotoxicity, bioactivity, and antibacterial protection are reviewed for diferent deposition methods and parameters. The state-of-the-art in the feld of carbon nanotubes shows a considerable number of research performed on CNTs coatings. The diferent forms of CNTs, deposition methods, parameters, and substrates were applied as process variables. The microstructures and surface homogeneity, chemical and phase compositions, mechanical properties at the micro- and nanoscale such as coating Young`s modulus and hardness, interface adhesion strength and delaminating force, open corrosion potential and corrosion current density, contact angle in wettability assessment, and bioactivity, cytotoxicity, and antibacterial efciency among biological properties were determined. The summary of so far achievements, strengths and weaknesses, and important future research necessary for clarifcation of some weak points, development of non-toxic, mechanically and chemically resistant, bioactive, and antibacterial multicomponent coatings based on functionalized CNTs are proposed.

  • Prioritising national healthcare service issues from free text feedback – A computational text analysis & predictive modelling approach
    • Adegboyega Ojo
    • Nina Rizun
    • Grace Walsh
    • Mona Isazad Mashinchi
    • Maria Venosa
    • Manohar Narayana Rao

    Patient experience surveys have become a key source of evidence for supporting decision-making and continuous quality improvement within healthcare services. To harness free-text feedback collected as part of these surveys for additional insights, text analytics methods are increasingly employed when the data collected is not amenable to traditional qualitative analysis due to volume. However, while text analytics techniques offer good predictive capabilities, they have limited explanatory features often required in formal decision-making contexts, such as programme monitoring or evaluation. To overcome these limitations, this study integrates computational text and predictive modelling as part of a Computational Grounded Theory method to determine the effect of quality gaps in care dimensions and their prioritisation from free-text feedback. The feedback was collected as part of a national survey to support decisions on continuous improvement in Maternity Services in Ireland. Our approach enables (1) operationalising the service quality lexicon in the context of maternity care to explain the effect of quality gaps in care dimensions on overall satisfaction from free-text comments; and (2) extending the service quality lexicon with two organisational and political decision-making concepts: “Salience” and “Valence”, for prioritising perceived quality gaps. These methodological affordances enable the extension of service quality theory to explicitly support the prioritisation of improvement decisions which before now required additional decision frameworks. Results show that tangibles-, process-, and reliability-related care issues have the highest importance in our study context. We also find that hospital contexts partly determine the relative importance of gaps in care dimensions.

  • Problematyka mycia elementów obrabianych po operacjach docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich
    • Adam Barylski
    2024 Dozór Techniczny

    W artykule omówiono wybrane zagadnienia mycia elementów po wykończeniowej obróbce ściernej luźnym ścierniwem. Przedstawiono technikę pooperacyjnego mycia ultradźwiękowego, czasochłonność oczyszczania drobnych elementów z ceramiki technicznej oraz skuteczność mycia ręcznego i ultradźwiękowego żeliwa sferoidalnego po docieraniu.

  • Procedury diagnostyczne badania izolacji maszyn elektrycznych
    • Marek Olesz
    • Marcin Gulczyński
    • Marek Adamowicz
    2024 Full text Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    Artykuł opisuje stosowane w praktyce procedury diagnostyki off-line dla silników elektrycznych niskiego i średniego napięcia. Poza pomiarem rezystancji izolacji do eksploatacji wprowadza się metody impulsowe z dodatkową rejestracją impulsów wyładowań niezupełnych. Analiza odpowiedzi izolacji na oscylacyjne przebiegi napięcia zasadniczo poprawia możliwość wykrywania wewnętrznych uszkodzeń - w tym między zwojowych – w układzie izolacyjnym, co przedstawiono dla omówionego przypadku silnika elektrycznego średniego napięcia.

  • Progress in ATRP-derived materials for biomedical applications
    • Mohsen Khodadadiyazdi
    • Payam Zarrintaj
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Masoud Mozafari
    • Sidi A. Bencherif

    The continuing wave of technological breakthroughs and advances is critical for engineering well- defined materials, particularly biomaterials, with tailored microstructure and properties. Over the last few decades, controlled radical polymerization (CRP) has become a very promising option for the synthesis of precise polymeric materials with an unprecedented degree of control over mo lecular architecture. Atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), one of the most robust and efficient CRPs, has been at the forefront of the synthesis of well-defined polymers with controlled/ predetermined molecular weights, polydispersity, topology, composition, and site-specific func tionality. ATRP has been leveraged to prepare a wide range of polymers with properties tailored for a number of biomedical applications. Furthermore, ATRP can also be utilized to introduce stimuli-responsive properties into the chemical structure of polymers. Moreover, the degradation behavior of ATRP-derived polymers can be tailored by incorporating chemical bonds susceptible to hydrolysis or proteolysis. This strategy allows the design of degradable polymers for in vivo applications. This review summarizes the recent advances in ATRP for the design of functional materials and techniques implemented to advance the biomedical field, such as surface modifi cation and functionalization. Additionally, the latest applications and progress of ATRP-derived materials in various biomedical arenas such as drug delivery, tissue engineering, bioimaging, and biosensing are reported. Lastly, the current limitations and future perspectives of ATRP- derived biomaterials are carefully discussed to support further improvement of their properties and performance for translatability into the clinic. Moving forward, there is a need for further development of ATRP to align with green chemistry principles. This entails exploring the use of renewable monomers, environmentally friendly and nontoxic solvents, as well as metal-free and biocompatible catalysts. Additionally, researchers should thoroughly investigate the bioactivity, biodegradation behavior, and in vivo fate of ATRP-derived polymers and polymer conjugates before considering their translation into clinical applications

  • Progress in module design for membrane distillation
    • Aamer Ali
    • Mohammad Mahdi Agha Shirazi
    • Lebea Nthunya
    • Roberto Castro Munoz
    • Norafiqah Ismail
    • Naser Tavajohi
    • Guillermo Zaragoza
    • Cejna Anna Quist-Jensen
    2024 Full text DESALINATION

    There have been tremendous advances in membrane distillation (MD) since the concept was introduced in 1961: new membrane designs and process configurations have emerged, and its commercial viability has been evaluated in several pilot-scale studies. However, its high energy consumption has hindered its commercialization. One of the most promising ways to overcome this obstacle is to develop more energy-efficient membrane modules. The MD research community has therefore developed diverse new module configurations for hollow fiber and flat sheet membranes that increase the thermal energy efficiency of MD by minimizing thermal polarization, increasing mass transfer across the membrane, and improving heat recovery from the condensed vapor. This review summarizes the progress made in the design of hollow fiber and flat sheet membrane modules for MD applications. It begins with a brief introduction to MD and its configurations before describing developments in module fabrication and highlighting key areas where further research is needed.

  • Properties of some fruit wines
    • Kim Mo Young
    • Martyna Lubinska-Szczygeł
    • Martin Polovka
    • Bianka Tobolkova
    • Pitipong Thobunluepop
    • Yong Seo Park
    • Kyung Sik Ham
    • Yang Kyun Park
    • Seong Gook Kang
    • Dinorah Barasch
    • Alina Nemirovski
    • Shela Gorinstein

    Recently wereported about theconsumption of redwines fromgrapes, havingseveral health properties. Thereare different types of wines that originated fromgrapesand other fruits. In the present study fruit wines frompersimmon, kiwifruit and pomegranatewereinvestigated and compared for theirantioxidant ability, usingcupricion reducingantioxidant capacity (CUPRAC)and the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)assays. To thefruit wines wereapplied thesamemethods of investigation as to thetraditional ones madefromgrapes. Theresults showed the highest antioxidant activity of pomegranate, followed by kiwifruit and persimmonwines. Fourier transforminfrared (FTIR)spectroscopy was used in order to correlatetheseresults. Theinteraction of wine bioactivecompounds with themain serumproteins in the humanmetabolism, such as human serumalbumin (HSA), globulin (GL),and fibrinogen (FB), showed that pomegranatewine possesses higher quenchingproperties than kiwifruit and persimmonwines. All determined fluorescenceindices havea direct correlationwith the bioactivity of polyphenolsand not with thecontent ofalcohol. We hypothesizethat theresults of theinteraction ofmain human serumproteins with bioactivecompounds of wines can beadditional predictors

  • Proposed concept for the development of residential floating facilities
    • Emilia Miszewska
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Radosław Wiśniewski
    2024 Full text Inżynieria Bezpieczeństwa Obiektów Antropogenicznych

    Currently, a dynamic growth of interest in residential buildings located on the water can be observed in Poland. However, the lack of legal regulations, the increase in society's affluence and overpopulation in city centers lead to reflection on the development strategy that should be implemented for maritime construction. The publication presents a proposal of four development strategy concepts: aggressive, conservative, competitive and defensive, developed for floating homes (FHs) based on the authors' own research. The strategy concept that, in the authors' opinion, should be implemented was indicated using the TOWS-SWOT analysis. A detailed analysis revealed that the strategy that obtained the highest result in the study was the aggressive strategy

  • Proteases immobilized on nanomaterials for biocatalytic, environmental and biomedical applications: Advantages and drawbacks
    • Muhammad Bilal
    • Sarmad Ahmad Qamar
    • Diego Carballares
    • Ángel Berenguer-Murcia
    • Roberto Fernandez-Lafuente

    Proteases have gained significant scientific and industrial interest due to their unique biocatalytic characteristics and broad-spectrum applications in different industries. The development of robust nanobiocatalytic systems by attaching proteases onto various nanostructured materials as fascinating and novel nanocarriers has demonstrated exceptional biocatalytic performance, substantial stability, and ease of recyclability over multiple reaction cycles under different chemical and physical conditions. Proteases immobilized on nanocarriers may be much more resistant to denaturation caused by extreme temperatures or pH values, detergents, organic solvents, and other protein denaturants than free enzymes. Immobilized proteases may present a lower inhibition. The use of non-porous materials in the immobilization prevents diffusion and steric hindrances during the binding of the substrate to the active sites of enzymes compared to immobilization onto porous materials; when using very large or solid substrates, orientation of the enzyme must always be adequate. The advantages and problems of the immobilization of proteases on nanoparticles are discussed in this review. The continuous and batch reactor operations of nanocarrier-immobilized proteases have been successfully investigated for a variety of applications in the leather, detergent, biomedical, food, and pharmaceutical industries. Information about immobilized proteases on various nanocarriers and nanomaterials has been systematically compiled here. Furthermore, different industrial applications of immobilized proteases have also been highlighted in this review.

  • Przedawaryjny stan techniczny estakady suwnicy pomostowej o udźwigu 20 ton po wieloletnim okresie użytkowania
    • Tomasz Majewski
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz

    W artykule opisano stan przedawaryjny konstrukcji nośnej estakady suwnicy pomostowej, po 49 latach jej eksploatacji. Estakada suwnicy nie stwarzała bezpośredniego zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji oraz bezpieczeństwa użytkowania, jednak z uwagi na wieloletni okres eksploatacji, który w praktyce inżynierskiej przyjmowany jest domyślnie jako projektowany okres trwałości, konieczne było wykonanie kompleksowej i szczegółowej kontroli jej stanu technicznego suwnicy oraz szczegółowej oceny stanu technicznego wszystkich jej elementów konstrukcyjnych pod kątem dopuszczenia jej do dalszej eksploatacji. W artykule opisano zaproponowane i zrealizowane rozwiązania, których celem było doprowadzenia przedmiotowej estakady do właściwego stanu technicznego, umożliwiającego dalszą bezpieczną eksploatacje suwnicy pomostowej jako urządzenia.

  • Przegląd metod wyznaczania parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie
    • Andrzej Ambroziak
    2024 Przegląd Budowlany

    W pracy poruszono tematykę wyznaczania parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie. Zebrano i opisano wybrane cztery modele stosowane do wyznaczania rozkładu ciśnienia poziomego świeżej mieszanki betonowej oddziaływującej na deskowanie. Dokonano krótkiego przeglądu literatury z zakresu omawianej tematyki parcia mieszanki betonowej na deskowanie.

  • Przekształtnik DC-DC 24V/12kV z transformatorem macierzowym do ładowarek kondensatorów wysokonapięciowych HVCC
    • Marek Adamowicz
    • Jędrzej Pietryka
    • Zbigniew Krzemiński
    2024 Full text Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    W artykule przedstawiono projekt i wykonanie kompaktowej, przenośnej wysokonapięciowej ładowarki kondensatorów 12kV, 1kJ/s, zasilanej z baterii akumulatorów 24V. Podstawowym wyzwaniem zaprojektowania przekształtnika o tak wysokiej przekładni transformatora jest minimalizacja indukcyjności rozproszenia transformatora, która wpływa na ograniczenie mocy przenoszonej przez transformator, a tym samym uniemożliwia regulację prądu i napięcia strony wtórnej przekształtnika. Przekształtnik DC-DC ładowarki wykorzystuje transformator macierzowy wysokiej częstotliwości o wspólnym uzwojeniu pierwotnym i 16 uzwojeniach wtórnych, z których 14 jest połączonych z mostkami prostowniczymi, a dwa stanowią uzwojenia pomocnicze. Szeregowo połączone wyjścia mostków prostowniczych tworzą wysokonapięciowe wyjście ładowarki.

  • Psychophysiological strategies for enhancing performance through imagery – skin conductance level analysis in guided vs. self-produced imagery
    • Dagmara Budnik-Przybylska
    • Paweł Syty
    • Maria Kaźmierczak
    • Jacek Przybylski
    • Łukasz Doliński
    • Marta Łabuda
    • Patryk Jasik
    • Adrian Kastrau
    • Selenia di Fronso
    • Maurizio Bertollo
    2024 Full text Scientific Reports

    Athletes need to achieve their optimal level of arousal for peak performance. Visualization or mental rehearsal (i.e., Imagery) often helps to obtain an appropriate level of activation, which can be detected by monitoring Skin Conductance Level (SCL). However, different types of imagery could elicit different amount of physiological arousal. Therefore, this study aims: (1) to investigate differences in SCL associated with two instructional modalities of imagery (guided vs. self-produced) and six different scripts; (2) to check if SCL could differentiate respondents according to their sport expertise. Thirty participants, aged between 14 and 42 years (M = 22.93; SD = 5.24), with different sport levels took part in the study. Participants listened to each previously recorded script and then were asked to imagine the scene for a minute. During the task, SCL was monitored. We analysed the mean value, variance, slope and number of fluctuations per minute of the electrodermal signal. Unsupervised machine learning models were used for measuring the resemblance of the signal. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for distinguishing guided and self-produced imagery, and The Mann–Whitney U test was used for distinguishing results of different level athletes. We discovered that among others, self-produced imagery generates lower SCL, higher variance, and a higher number of fluctuations compared to guided imagery. Moreover, we found similarities of the SCL signal among the groups of athletes (i.e. expertise level). From a practical point of view, our findings suggest that different imagery instructional modalities can be implemented for specific purposes of mental preparation.

  • Public space as a place of rehabilitation for the elderly – a systematic literature review
    • Agnieszka Gębczyńska-Janowicz
    • Rafał Janowicz
    2024 Full text MEDYCYNA PRACY

    The phenomenon of the population’s gradual global ageing means that an increasing proportion of research is concerned with the space in which seniors function on a daily basis. They are primarily aimed at identifying elements of the built environment that need updating in the new social context. The purpose of the analyses presented in this article is to review the current scientific literature on various aspects of physical activity of people outdoors in an urbanized environment. The scope review was based on the resources of 3 scientific databases (Web of Science, Scopus and PubMed). The analyses concerned articles published in the last decade (2013–2023). The collected material was subjected to the PRISMA procedure (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analytics), and 29 articles were extracted for analysis. The conducted research indicated thematic scopes that are undertaken in contemporary research on physical activities of a rehabilitation nature undertaken in public space by older people (>65 years of age). The research topics described in the articles analysed dealt with elements defining the characteristics of public space that mobilise older people to be active, identified barriers preventing its use and factors popularising it. The studies analysed also identified the characteristics of public spaces according to the type of activity used by seniors for rehabilitation. The result of the review is the separation of the thematic scope of research on the activation of the elderly in the open air towards rehabilitation. The information provided may be useful for architects, urban planners and people managing urban spaces to determine design solutions that meet the needs of older people.

  • Public valuation of social impacts. The comparison between mega and non-mega sporting events
    • Krystian Zawadzki
    2024 Full text Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events

    The main aim of this study is to assign value to intangible effects,including social impacts, which appear when organising sportingevents of various scales in the city of Gdansk located in northernPoland. A survey was conducted to determine the city residents’willingness-to-pay (WTP) using the contingent valuation method(CVM). The average WTP values, which ranged between PLN 6.04and PLN 46.34, show that the scale of the sporting event may beimportant for the local community’s perception of such socialimpacts as well-being and urban regeneration. However,considering the costs of organising sporting events–includingthe preparation of sporting facilities–it turns out that it is easierto justify spending public funds for holding smaller events,among others, due to the possibility of organising such events inthe same place more frequently.

  • PVA-Based Films with Strontium Titanate Nanoparticles Dedicated to Wound Dressing Application
    • Beata Kaczmarek-Szczepańska
    • Lidia Zasada
    • Marcin Wekwejt
    • Maria Swiontek Brzezinska
    • Anna Michno
    • Anna Ronowska
    • Magdalena Ciesielska
    • Ganna Kovtun
    • M. Teresa Cuberes
    2024 Full text Polymers

    Bioactive materials may be applied in tissue regeneration, and an example of such materials are wound dressings, which are used to accelerate skin healing, especially after trauma. Here, we proposed a novel dressing enriched by a bioactive component. The aim of our study was to prepare and characterize poly(vinyl alcohol) films modified with strontium titanate nanoparticles. The physicochemical properties of films were studied, such as surface free energy and surface roughness, as well as the mechanical properties of materials. Moreover, different biological studies were carried out, like in vitro hemo- and cyto-compatibility, biocidal activity, and anti-biofilm formation. Also, the degradation of the materials’ utilization possibilities and enzymatic activity in compost were checked. The decrease of surface free energy, increase of roughness, and improvement of mechanical strength were found after the addition of nanoparticles. All developed films were cyto-compatible, and did not induce a hemolytic effect on the human erythrocytes. The PVA films containing the highest concentration of STO (20%) reduced the proliferation of Eschericha coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus significantly. Also, all films were characterized by surface anti-biofilm activity, as they significantly lowered the bacterial biofilm abundance and its dehydrogenase activity. The films were degraded by the compost microorganism. However, PVA with the addition of 20%STO was more difficult to degrade. Based on our results, for wound dressing application, we suggest using bioactive films based on PVA + 20%STO, as they were characterized by high antibacterial properties, favorable physicochemical characteristics, and good biocompatibility with human cells.

  • Quality control of cheese samples for the presence of natamycin preservative – A natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) based extraction coupled with HPLC
    • Hameed Haq
    • Nail Altunay
    • Mustafa Tuzen
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    A new protocol for the determination of natamycin – an antifungal agent used as a food preservative - in cheese samples – is described. This new method is based on a natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) green extraction procedure. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used for detection and quantification. NADESs with different molar ratios were evaluated for efficient and selective extraction. NADES made of thymol and nonanoic acid (1:1) revealed to be the best extracting solvent. All significant analytical parameters - pH, temperature, NADES volume, time for sonication were optimized using Plackett-Burman (PB) and central composite design (CCD) - response surface methodology (RSM). Optimum conditions for extraction were pH 7, temperature 25°C, NADES volume 4.5 mL for 20 mL sample, and sonication time 10 mins. The developed method has a satisfactory linearity of 2–80.4 mg/kg, limits of detections (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ) of 0.45 and 1.45 mg/kg respectively. Under optimized conditions, the sample preparation procedure takes 12 mins. The method was found selective due to the unique and representative features of DESs. Furthermore, the extracts are analyzed by HPLC which provides a second very effective separation step, assuring the selectivity of the method. Validation of the method confirms the robustness and reproducibility of the NADES-based extraction coupled with the HPLC method demonstrating the effectiveness of NADES. The findings of this work contribute to the field of food safety and quality control, offering a novel and efficient approach to the detection of natamycin in cheese samples.

  • Quantifying inconsistencies in the Hamburg Sign Language Notation System
    • Maria Ferlin
    • Sylwia Majchrowska
    • Marta A. Plantykow
    • Alicja Kwaśniewska
    • Agnieszka Mikołajczyk-Bareła
    • Milena Olech
    • Jakub Nalepa

    The advent of machine learning (ML) has significantly advanced the recognition and translation of sign languages, bridging communication gaps for hearing-impaired communities. At the heart of these technologies is data labeling, crucial for training ML algorithms on a huge amount of consistently labeled data to achieve models that generalize well. The adoption of language-agnostic annotations is essential to connect different sign languages, as single-language databases often provide limited lexicon examples, insufficient for training robust ML algorithms. This study critically examines the Hamburg Sign Language Notation System (HamNoSys), which describes the signer’s initial position and body movements, in contrary to the meanings of glosses. Despite HamNoSys’s utility in standardizing transcriptions across various sign languages, our investigation uncovers inconsistencies within HamNoSys that may negatively impact the development of accurate and reliable ML models. By analyzing HamNoSys labels across five sign languages, we identified a lack of standardized annotation procedures and the complexities within HamNoSys that introduce biases and errors. Our findings underscore the urgent need for unified, standardized data annotation guidelines to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of sign language recognition technologies. This research highlights the importance of addressing annotation challenges and advocates for a comprehensive, diversified database to improve the generalization of ML models.

  • Quantum strategies for rendezvous and domination tasks on graphs with mobile agents
    • Giuseppe Viola
    • Piotr Mironowicz
    2024 Full text PHYSICAL REVIEW A

    This paper explores the application of quantum nonlocality, a renowned and unique phenomenon acknowledged as a valuable resource. Focusing on an alternative application, we demonstrate its quantum advantage for mobile agents engaged in specific distributed tasks without communication. The research addresses the significant challenge of rendezvous on graphs and introduces a distributed task for mobile agents grounded in the graph domination problem. Through an investigation across various graph scenarios, we showcase the quantum advantage. Additionally, we scrutinize deterministic strategies, highlighting their comparatively lower efficiency compared to quantum strategies. The paper concludes with a numerical analysis, providing further insights into our findings.