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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2015

Pokaż wszystkie
    • Natalia Sokół
    2015 Pełny tekst Przestrzeń Ekonomia Społeczeństwo

    This paper reflects on the history of decorative luminaire design. The development of the new sources of light within residential environment has been changing the luminaire design. Residential dwellings have been lit by a lot of light sources through the centuries form a point lamps like candle or incandescent lamps to linear florescent lamps and LED strips. A development of SSL technology introduced an idea of lit surfaces. Energy efficiency of light sources and luminaires has been playing more important role since an idea of sustainable design had entered the residential dwellings. The design of electric lighting is combined with daylight design and applied into modern home setups. The changes in energy efficient lighting technology have increased the complexity of luminaire design often leaving a user with a wide choice of luminaires but with a lack of knowledge how to use them.

  • Historic centre of Gdańsk as a unique example of postwar socialist city creation = Historyczne śródmieście Gdańska jako unikalny przykład powojennej kreacji miasta socjalistycznego
    • Łukasz Bugalski

    The historic centre of Gdańsk, totally destroyed towards the end of the Second World War, became an area of postwar creation of a socialist town. During over a dozen first years, three projects were prepared for implementation within its borders, first in the convention of reconstruction and rest simply as development, for three consecutive historic city complexes: The Main Town (1948), The Old Town (1955) and The Old Suburbs (1958), thanks to which the historic Gdańsk centre has become a unique and clear example of the development of urban idea of the Polish People’s Republic, associated with the issue of rebuilding the historic old town complexes destroyed during the Second World War. Putting together three such assumptions, representing subsequent, chronologically appearing stages of evolution of socialist urban planning theory, is a unique phenomenon and should be treated as a value in itself. Unfortunately, this heritage of the Polish People’s Republic period, although to some extent referring to the prewar structure of the destroyed town, is not taken into account in the urban planning policies of Gdańsk. What may still be called a clear record of creating a socialist town is beginning to be erased and in a few years’ time there is going to remain only a vague memory of it. It is obvious that today, in the area of the former Eastern Bloc, we are facing a challenge of transforming a socialist town. However, it is vital that that the consciousness of the history of its creation and development becomes for us a starting point for the contemporary urban planning work. Transformation must not mean rejecting the past and the associated heritage!

  • Historical, technical and economic aspects of biogas development: Case Polanda and Ukraine
    • Olena Chasnyk
    • Gaweł Sołowski
    • Olena Shkarupa

    The paper describes 3700 years of biogas manufacture with more details of last 120 years. Due to V. Omelianskij׳s researches 120 years ago, Ukrainians achieved a share in biogas manufacture in the overall biogas development. Poland started to take part in biogas development 96 years ago by finishing biogas plant in Posen 1928. History and current status of biogas plants achievements are collected and analyzed. Faults and achievements of the two countries are exactly described in the background of global history to draw conclusion for future that helps not to repeat the old errors. The development of green economy based on biogas is discussed. The paper brings back ideas that were previously extinguished due to low technological level and those could be used more successfully nowadays.

  • Holistyczne zarządzanie obiektami zdegradowanymi na obszarach miejskich na przykładzie bazy paliw w Gdańsku Nowym Porcie.
    • Anna Gumuła-Kawęcka
    • Grzegorz Malina

    Rosnąca liczba zdegradowanych obiektów na terenach miejskich stanowi istotny problem większości miast europejskich. Obecność tego rodzaju obiektów w strukturze miasta wiąże się z licznymi problemami o charakterze ekonomicznym, urbanistycznym i społecznym, a często powodują również zanieczyszczenie środowiska i obniżenie walorów krajobrazowych. Skuteczne zagospodarowanie takich obiektów umożliwia wdrożenie holistycznej rewitalizacji, która ma na celu osiągnięcie największych możliwych zysków i korzyści przy zachowaniu zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju oraz poszanowania społeczności lokalnej. Do jej istotnych elementów należą cykl użytkowania terenu oraz zastosowanie odpowiednich połączeń technologii (tzw. pociągów technologicznych), a także opracowanie systemu monitoringu efektów (tzw. wskaźników sukcesu). Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie koncepcji holistycznej rewitalizacji zdegradowanego obiektu na przykładzie bazy paliw w Gdańsku-Nowym Porcie. Szczegółowa analiza położenia obiektu i zasobów terenu, na którym się znajduje, a także określenie rodzaju produktów i usług, których brakuje w najbliższej okolicy pozwoliła na określenie potencjału obiektu oraz kierunku jego dalszego przekształcenia. W ramach koncepcji rewitalizacji zaproponowano odpowiednie pociągi technologiczne umożliwiające rozwiązanie problemów środowiskowych związanych z działalnością bazy paliw oraz obecnością pozostałości infrastruktury, przy uwzględnieniu zapotrzebowania sąsiednich dzielnic. Dla przyjętych pociągów technologicznych zaproponowano także przykładowy system wskaźników sukcesu do monitoringu efektów rewitalizacji. W koncepcji zagospodarowania terenu uwzględniono kwestie techniczne, środowiskowe, społeczne i ekonomiczne. Stanowi ona przykład innowacyjnego i zrównoważonego rozwiązywania problemów, które często napotyka rewitalizacja zdegradowanych obiektów.

  • Homoclinic and Heteroclinic Orbits for a Class of Singular Planar Newtonian Systems
    • Joanna Janczewska

    The study of existence and multiplicity of solutions of differential equations possessing a variational nature is a problem of great meaning since most of them derives from mechanics and physics. In particular, this relates to Hamiltonian systems including Newtonian ones. During the past thirty years there has been a great deal of progress in the use of variational methods to find periodic, homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions of Hamiltonian systems. Hamiltonian systems with singular potentials, i.e. potentials that become infinite at a point or a larger subset of Euclidean space, are among those of the greatest interest.

  • Homoclinic orbits for an almost periodically forced singular Newtonian system in R^3
    • Robert Krawczyk
    2015 Pełny tekst Annales Polonici Mathematici

    . This work uses a variational approach to establish the existence of at least two homoclinic solutions for a family of singular Newtonian systems in R^3 which are subjected to almost periodic forcing in time variable

  • How Small KIBS Companies Manage Their Intellectual Capital? Towards an Emergent KM Approach
    • E. Bolisani
    • E. Scarso
    • Małgorzata Zięba

    The growing interest in Intellectual Capital management and Knowledge Management is now reaching small companies, especially those in the Knowledge-Intensive Business Services (KIBS) sector. This paper aims to explore this issue, starting from the assumption that a planned and systematic approach to KM, as is used in large companies, is rarely applicable in small organizations. It is more likely that small companies adopt an approach to KM that could be defined as “emergent”, i.e. KM is not planned rationally and in advance, but emerges and is developed along with time. In the paper, the concept of emergent KM approach will be defined and discussed, and three research questions will be examined: a. Is it possible to detect an emergent KM approach in the practice of small KIBS? b. If so, why small KIBS companies follow an emergent KM approach? c. What particular features this approach can have in those companies? The study is based on the results of a qualitative survey involving several owners and managers of small companies operating in the KIBS sector. The survey uses the case study method, and gives grounds for a preliminary analysis of emergent KM approach is small companies offering KIBS. The findings confirm that it is easy to find small companies adopting an emergent approach to KM: in the analysed cases there were no formal KM plans, despite the fact that they have all introduced various KM practices. This shows that there can be the need to define KM approaches that better fit smaller companies. Two possible implications for managers arise. First, although an emergent approach may be seen as unplanned, companies should at least learn how to be aware of their KM practices that “grow from the bottom”, and how to develop and establish them properly. Second, for executives to be able to recognize emergent KM practices, notions and elements of KM need to be introduced in their business background and professional education (e.g. how KM fits into an organization, what KM processes are, what KM tools and practices exist). This may be especially important for executives and owners of small companies.

  • Human breast milk concentration of neopterin at various stages of lactation and during a single feeding
    • Katarzyna Plata-Nazar
    • Ewa Woś-Wasilewska
    • Agnieszka Szlagatys-Sidorkiewicz
    • Grażyna Łuczak
    • Maciej Zagierski
    • Dorota Martysiak-Żurowska
    • Barbara Kamińska
    2015 Pełny tekst PTERIDINES

    The aim of this work was to determine the physiological level of neopterin in human breast milk, and to study its variability depending on the duration of a single feeding and the lactation stage. Breast milk samples from 74 women were collected between 2 and 4 days after delivery, and at 15, 30, and 90 days after delivery. Additionally, breast milk samples from eight women were collected before and after 7 and 15 min of breastfeeding. The concentration of neopterin in breast milk was determined by an immunoenzymatic assay. The range of breast milk neopterin concentration at various stages of lactation amounted to 15.4–19.2 nmol/L at 2–4 days after delivery, 20.2–23.0 nmol/L at day 15, 20.8–24.5 nmol/L at day 30, and 16.9–20.4 nmol/L at day 90. The level of neopterin 2–4 days after delivery was significantly lower than that at days 15 and 30; moreover, the concentration of neopterin at day 30 was significantly higher than that at day 90. No significant differences were documented between neopterin concentrations at various phases of a single feeding. While the breast milk concentration of neopterin changes depending on the stage of lactation, it remains stable throughout a single feeding.

  • Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases: Effects of altered expression in breast and pancreatic cancer cell lines.
    • Centdrika Dates
    • Tariq Fahmi
    • Sebastian Pyrek
    • Aiwei Yao-Borengasser
    • Barbara Borowa-Mazgaj
    • Stacie M. Bratton
    • Susan Kadlubar
    • Peter Mackenzie
    • Randy Haun
    • Anna Radominska-Pandya
    2015 Pełny tekst CANCER BIOLOGY & THERAPY

    Increased aerobic glycolysis and de novo lipid biosynthesis are common characteristics of invasive cancers. UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) are phase II drug metabolizing enzymes that in normal cells possess the ability to glucuronidate these lipids and speed their excretion; however, de-regulation of these enzymes in cancer cells can lead to an accumulation of bioactive lipids, which further fuels cancer progression. We hypothesize that UGT2B isoform expression is down-regulated in cancer cells and that exogenous re-introduction of these enzymes will reduce lipid content, change the cellular phenotype, and inhibit cancer cell proliferation. In this study, steady-state mRNA levels of UGT isoforms from the 2B family were measured using qPCR in 4 breast cancer and 5 pancreatic cancer cell lines. Expression plasmids for UGT2B isoforms known to glucuronidate cellular lipids, UGT2B4, 2B7, and 2B15 were transfected into MCF-7 and Panc-1 cells, and the cytotoxic effects of these enzymes were analyzed using trypan blue exclusion, annexin V/PI staining, TUNEL assays, and caspase-3 immunohistochemistry. There was a significant decrease in cell proliferation and a significant increase in the number of dead cells after transfection with each of the 3 UGT isoforms in both cell lines. Cellular lipids were also found to be significantly decreased after transfection. The results presented here support our hypothesis and emphasize the important role UGTs can play in cellular proliferation and lipid homeostasis. Evaluating the effect of UGT expression on the lipid levels in cancer cell lines can be relevant to understanding the complex regulation of cancer cells, identifying the roles of UGTs as “lipid-controllers” in cellular homeostasis, and illustrating their suitability as targets for future clinical therapy development.

  • Humanizacja osiedli poprzez rehabilitację zielonych przestrzeni międzyblokowych – wybrane zagadnienia
    • Monika Trojanowska

    Podjęcie działań na rzecz humanizacji zabudowy blokowej to naglący problem miast w Polsce. Jednym z problemów blokowisk jest brak zagospodarowania przestrzeni międzyblokowej, gdzie brakuje funkcji społecznych i zieleni. Tymczasem kontakt z naturą ma dobroczynny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka co udowodniły badania nad terapeutycznym oddziaływaniem krajobrazu. Zbadane, terapeutyczne właściwości krajobrazu mogą stanowić cenną wskazówkę w procesie rewitalizacji i humanizacji przestrzeni publicznych osiedli polskich miast. Potrzebne są działania na rzecz „two-rzenia miejsc” i tożsamości lokalnej. W pracy omówione zostaną udane przykłady działań związanych z Programem Rehabilitacji Zabudowy Blokowej na terenie Gminy Miejskiej Kraków.

  • Hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with ferrite posts
    • Adam Kusiek
    2015 Pełny tekst IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation

    This study presents a hybrid technique for the analysis of circular waveguide junctions loaded with axially symmetrical ferrite posts of irregular shape. The method is based on a combination of the finite-difference frequency- domain technique with a mode-matching technique. The proposed approach is validated by comparing the presented results with numerical ones obtained from commercial software. The application of a cylindrical junction loaded with ferrite posts with reciprocal and non-reciprocal devices is presented and discussed.

  • Hydration of amino acids: FTIR spectra and molecular dynamics studies
    • Aneta Panuszko
    • Beata Adamczak
    • Jacek Czub
    • Emilia Gojło
    • Janusz Stangret
    2015 AMINO ACIDS

    The hydration of selected amino acids, alanine, glycine, proline, valine, isoleucine and phenylalanine, has been studied in aqueous solutions by means of FTIR spectra of HDO isotopically diluted in H2O. The difference spectra procedure and the chemometric method have been applied to remove the contribution of bulk water and thus to separate the spectra of solute-affected HDO. To support interpretation of obtained spectral results, molecular dynamics simulations of amino acids were performed. The structural-energetic characteristic of these solute-affected water molecules shows that, on average, water affected by amino acids forms stronger and shorter H-bonds than those in pure water. Differences in the influence of amino acids on water structure have been noticed. The effect of the hydrophobic side chain of an amino acid on the solvent interactions seems to be enhanced because of the specific cooperative coupling of water strong H-bond chain, connecting the carboxyl and amino groups, with the clathrate-like H-bond network surrounding the hydrocarbon side chain. The parameter derived from the spectral data, which corresponds to the contributions of the population of weak hydrogen bonds of water molecules which have been substituted by the stronger ones in the hydration sphere of amino acids, correlated well with the amino acid hydrophobicity indexes.

  • Hydraulic conductivity of a biopolymer treated sand
    • Mateusz Wiszniewski
    • Ali Firat Cabalar

    This paper presents results of laboratory assessment of creating seepage barriers in a sandy soil using biopolymer additives (bio substance), which consist of polysaccharides and water. Polysaccharides strongly interact with water to produce a viscous suspension. The aim of the conducted work was to investigate the influence of a biosubstance employed in a highly permeable sandy soil. The amount of the biopolymer used in a sample fell between 0.1 and 1.5%, by dry weight. Tests were carried out on two different specimens, coarse sand (1.18 - 2.00 mm) and medium sand (0.075 - 1.00 mm). The test results indicate that the hydraulic conductivity values change significantly based on the amount of bio substance, gradation of the sand and curing time. It is concluded that such application, which is a relatively new soil improvement technique, could be used as a seepage barrier installation, required to protect some geotechnical works including foundation, underground structures and waste disposals.

  • Hydrogen migration in formation of NH(A3Π) radicals in photodissociations of isoxazole and pyridine molecules
    • Tomasz Wąsowicz
    • Antti Kivimaki
    • Marcello Coreno
    • Mariusz Zubek
    2015 Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science

    In the present study, the H atom migration was observed in the photodissociation processes of the isoxazole and pyridine molecules in the gas-phase, applying the photon-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (PIFS).

  • Hydrogen migration observed in fragmentation of the pyridine molecules in collisions with the H+, H2+, He+and He++cations
    • Tomasz Wąsowicz
    2015 Pełny tekst Journal of Physics : Conference Series

    The hydrogen atom migration preceding fragmentation of the pyridine molecules by the H+, H2+, He+ and He++ collisions has been investigated in the 5-2000 eV energy range. The pyridine molecule structure is lacking of the NH group, thus formation of the NH radicals is an evidence of the H atom relocation prior to the cation-induced fragmentation. The NH(A3Π) fragmentation yields measured by detecting its A3Π→X3Σ− fluorescence show that it depends on the selected projectile and the projectile velocity.

  • Hydrogen production from ethanol In nitrogen microwave plasma At atmospheric pressure
    • Bartosz Hrycak
    • Dariusz Czylkowski
    • Robert Miotk
    • Mirosław Dors
    • Mariusz Jasiński
    • Jerzy Mizeraczyk
    2015 Pełny tekst Open Chemistry

    Hydrogen seems to be one of the most promising alternative energy sources. It is a renewable fuel as it could be produced from e.g. waste or bio-ethanol. Furthermore hydrogen is compatible with fuel cells and is environmentally clean. In contrast to conventional methods of hydrogen production such as water electrolysis or coal gasification we propose a method based on atmospheric pressure microwave plasma. In this paper we present results of the experimental investigations of hydrogen production from ethanol in the atmospheric pressure plasma generated in waveguide-supplied cylindrical type nozzleless microwave (2.45 GHz) plasma source (MPS). Nitrogen was used as a working gas. All experimental tests were performed with the nitrogen flow rate Q ranged from 1500 to 3900 NL h-1 and absorbed microwave power PA up to 5 kW. Ethanol was introduced into the plasma using the induction heating vaporizer. The process resulted in an ethanol conversion rate greater than 99%. The hydrogen production rate was up to 728 NL[H2] h-1 and the energy efficiency was 178 NL[H2] per kWh of absorbed microwave energy.

  • Hydropower potential of the lower Vistula
    • Michał Szydłowski
    • Dariusz Gąsiorowski
    • Romuald Szymkiewicz
    • Piotr Zima
    • Jakub Hakiel
    2015 Pełny tekst Acta Energetica

    This paper presents an estimate analysis of the hydropower potential of the lower Vistula River from Warsaw to Gdańsk Bay. The calculations were made for a hydraulic model of the lower Vistula which takes into account potential development of barrages in a cascade system. Results obtained from the model simulations and from hydrological calculations were used to estimate the power of hydropower plants and the average annual energy output from the entire cascade system. The results of calculations indicate significant energy benefits resulting from the development of a cascade of hydropower plants in the lower Vistula. This study does not discuss the cascade project’s economic viability or other aspects of its development (inland waterways, flood control, etc.).

  • ICT Diffusion in Developing Countries. Towards the new concept of technological takeoff
    • Ewa Lechman

    Monografia dotyczy procesów dyfuzji ICT w krajach zacofanych gospodarczo w latach 2000-2012.

  • Idea mostu z przeciwwagami
    • Stefan Niewitecki
