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Publikacje z roku 2019
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LCT, PIV and IR Imaging Detection in Selected Technical and Biomedical Applications
- Jan Stąsiek
- Marcin Jewartowski
Paper presents the brief summary of the history of Thermochromic liquid crystals (TLC), Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Infrared Imaging Themography (IR). Principal methods and tools are described and some examples are presented. With this objective, a new experimental technique have been developed and applied to the study of heat and mass transfer and for biomedical diagnosis. Selected results of experiments using these methods are presented.
LDFEM analysis of pore water pressure development in cohesive soil due to FDP auger drilling
- Jakub Konkol
- Lech Bałachowski
This paper presents the preliminary modelling of FDP auger drilling in soft soil with emphasis on excess pore water pressure (EPWP) development using CEL formulation and Abaqus software suit. The EPWP generation in single points is investigated and the results of a numerical analysis are compared with the field measurements. It is found that numerical model qualitatively reflects the field measurements. However, some discrepancies are noticed in quantitative EPWP distributions. The results are referred to the available observation of other research on FDP piles where EPWP was measured. Further possibilities and improvements in a numerical model are provided.
Lean management in higher education institutions
- Piotr Grudowski
The 22nd QMOD-ICQSS Conference 2019 Krakow, Poland, 13-15 October 2019 Leadership and Strategies for Quality, Sustainability and Innovation in the 4th Industrial Revolution
- Piotr Grudowski
- Małgorzata Wiśniewska
The objective of this article is to present an outline of a concept aimed at identifying the possibilities of using Lean Management foundations in determining the sources of irregularities occurring in university processes from the perspective of various stakeholder groups. A research methodology is presented that creates the basis for initiating programmes modernising university processes in line with the principles of the LM concept from the perspective of the most important stakeholder groups. Thanks to the obtained results, it will be possible to raise the general level of awareness regarding losses and their causes, which have a negative impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of a university's activities. This would give rise to the active participation of important groups of stakeholders in activities improving university systems. The research results will contribute to the development of management sciences with reference to the sector of public services by identifying the factors determining changes in university management systems in a manner consistent with global trends. It will also be possible to develop a theoretical model supporting the LM-based identification of irregularities and their causes in universities.
LED Light Sources and Their Complex Set-Up for Visually and Biologically Effective Illumination for Ornamental Indoor Plants
- Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
- Julia Hartmann
- Carla Sigillo
Ornamental plants are often used in indoor environments as part of biophilic design to improve the health and wellbeing of occupants, and to support sustainable, green architecture. Unfortunately, many plants do not thrive and need to be continuously replaced, which is economically unsustainable. The wavelengths and spectrum ratio of commonly used light sources such as light emitting diode (LED), and the lack of an appropriate light dark cycle (photoperiod), appear to be crucial influencing factors. Therefore, this study focuses on determining the optimal action spectrum of LEDs for visually and biologically effective illumination for plants, and humans as end users. This practice-based research study applies critical analysis of literature, photographic evaluation of the appearance of plants under various LED lighting in the form of a visual assessment questionnaire-based survey, and provides various measurements that record the properties of light including correlated color temperature (CCT), color rendering index (CRI), spectral power distribution (SPD), peak light wavelength (λP), photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) and daily light integrals (DLI). Research confirms the LED lighting used for horticultural food production cannot be applied to ornamental indoor plants due to fundamental differences in purpose. Such illumination provides fast growth for market consumption and usually makes plants appear unnatural, whereas ornamental plants in an indoor environment should grow at an appropriate speed which reduces maintenance costs and they should have a natural appearance. These new findings, supported by evidence and data, can help investors, clients, architects, landscape and lighting designers, as well as luminaire manufacturers, make improved, biophilic-sustainable lighting design choices.
Legalni imigranci z państw b. ZSRR na polskim rynku pracy
- Krystyna Gomółka
Akcesja Polski do Unii Europejskiej i otwarcie rynków pracy dla Polaków spowodowała emigrację wielu młodych obywateli do państw Zachodniej Europy. Od 2004 r. do końca 2017 r. z Polski wyjechało ponad 2,6 mln Polaków. Zdecydowana większość z nich znalazła pracę w państwach należących do Unii Europejskiej (Rocznik Demograficzny, 2018, s. 347). Niedobory kadrowe na polskim rynku pracy spowodowały konieczność zatrudnienia imigrantów napływających do Polski, zwłaszcza z państw b. ZSRR. Aby zrealizować to zamierzenie niezbędna była zmiana prawa. Ułatwiła ona dostęp do rynku pracy cudzoziemcom, w tym z państw b. ZSRR, uprościła procedury uzyskiwania zezwoleń i zwiększyła liczbę osób wykonujących pracę bez zezwolenia. Celem pracy jest określenie liczby imigrantów przybywających do Polski z państw b. ZSRR w celu podjęcia zatrudnienia, typu udzielonego zezwolenia na pracę oraz podejmowanego przez imigrantów zatrudnienia w zawodzie. Hipoteza pracy brzmi: imigranci z państw b. ZSRR przybywający do Polski w latach 2004–2017 podejmowali pracę głównie jako robotnicy wykwalifikowani oraz wykonywali prace proste.
Letter to the Editor: Discussion on the Paper “State-of-the-Art of Research on Seismic Pounding Between Buildings with Aligned Slabs”
- Robert Jankowski
The paper “State-of-the-art of research on seismic pounding between buildings with aligned slabs” (by Kharazian and López-Almansa) has recently been published in the journal of Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. It can be considered as a kind of continuation of previous ‘state-of-the-art’ publications, including two papers and a book. Unfortunately, the paper contains a number of misleading or wrong statements as well as mistakes. The aim of the present paper is to discuss the controversial statements and to correct the mistakes.
Level of public finances decentralization in European Union countries
- Alicja Sekuła
- Kamila Adamowicz
Research background: Despite of the universality of the implementation in democratic countries the principle of decentralization resulting from the belief that it is an instrument to improve the efficiency of public funds management, both the scope of public services and the level of decentralization in individual countries are not identical. Purpose of the article: Comparison the scope of fiscal decentralization in the countries of the European Union; identification the features of countries in which the average level of decentralization from the years 2013-2016 is similar. Methods: Cluster analysis method: hierarchical agglomeration method using full binding and Euclidean distance; measure of central tendency - arithmetic mean; data was obtained from Eurostat. Findings & Value added: It was found that in the European Union countries the level of the decentralization index is diversified. Its average value over the period considered (2013-2016) ranged from 0.55% (Malta) to 35.13% (Denmark). The research method used initially (cluster analysis) did not allow achieving the goal: the distances between bonds did not differ significantly, groups of objects could not be separated and grouped into clusters, therefore the dendrograms were not unambiguous. The creation of groups was possible thanks to the use of the second research method - the central tendency. After assuming that the distances between groups must be at least 1 percentage point, 4 groups of countries were created: low, medium, high and the highest degree of decentralization, with group II being the most numerous, with 17 countries with decentralization levels within the borders 6-12%. This group includes all federal states - EU members and most of the countries that joined the EU in 2004 or later. One of the exceptions is Poland - assigned to group III.
Life cycle theories of savings and consumption
- Anita Richert-Kaźmierska
Life cycle theories of savings and consumption are the economics theories explaining the changes in saving and consumption in the subsequent phases of the human life cycle. There are two main approaches: (1) indicating the dependence of the level of savings and consumption on the average level of income over a long period of human life (life cycle hypothesis; LCH) or (2) on psychological factors, in particular self-control and willpower, mental accounting, and framing effect (behavioral life cycle hypothesis; BLCH).
Ligand-Modified Boron-Doped Diamond Surface: DFT Insights into the Electronic Properties of Biofunctionalization
- Bartłomiej Dec
- Michał Sobaszek
- Andrés Jaramillo-botero
- William A. Goddard III
- Robert Bogdanowicz
With the increasing power of computation systems, theoretical calculations provide a means for quick determination of material properties, laying out a research plan, and lowering material development costs. One of the most common is Density Functional Theory (DFT), which allows us to simulate the structure of chemical molecules or crystals and their interaction. In developing a new generation of biosensors, understanding the nature of functional linkers, antibodies, and ligands become essential. In this study, we used DFT to model a bulk boron-doped diamond slab, modified by a functional linker and a surrogate proteins ligand. DTF calculations enable the prediction of electronic transport properties in an electrochemical sensor setup, composed of a boron-doped diamond electrode functionalized by 4-amino benzoic acids and a target surrogated protein-ligand for influenza. Electron conduction pathways and other signatures associated with the detection and measurement of the target analyte are revealed.
Lighting education for architects, the barriers and challenges: a survey of architecture students
- Natalia Sokół
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
Creating a well-lit environment requires the understanding of daylight and electric lighting design principles within the built environment. Recent years have brought a large number of new lighting assessment and design methods. The discovery of new photoreceptor cells in the eye - photosensitive retinal ganglion cells - forced lighting researchers to focus on parametrisation for the image forming (IF) and non-image forming (NIF) effects of light. This triggered the re-evaluation and redefinition of an occupant’s requirements for lighting. This brought a challenge as to how to introduce novel lighting concepts into practice. A survey-based study involving 140 architecture students focused on the challenges and barriers to daylight education. In this article are presented selected results of the survey from three different universities in Poland. The results indicate that one barrier to lighting education is a lack of knowledge about contemporary daylight assessment methods and that changes are needed to bridge gaps in daylight education for architects.
Lighting requirements for pedestrian crossings - positive contrast
- Piotr Tomczuk
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Tomasz Mackun
- Marcin Chrzanowicz
For many years now in Poland there has been a large number of road accidents at pedestrian crossings during night periods [5, 11]. One of the technical solutions that can improve this condition is the use of proper lighting for pedestrian crossings. The designated pedestrian crossing should be visible in different weather conditions and at different times of the day. In case of night vision restrictions use artificial lighting of pedestrian crossings. At the same time, lighting of pedestrian crossings should ensure: proper conditions for the driver to recognise the traffic situation and observe the pedestrian's silhouette, and for the pedestrian to observe the surroundings, pedestrian crossings and upcoming vehicles. The article gives an opinion on the proposal of lighting requirements for dedicated luminaires, realizing positive luminance contrast, used in the area of pedestrian crossings together with the proposed measurement grids. Quantitative requirements have been formulated taking into account the gradation of lighting classes resulting from the current lighting standard.
Liquid–phase microextraction: A review of reviews
- Małgorzata Rutkowska
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Muhammad Sajid
- Vasil Andruch
Sample preparation is an important step in chemical analysis. It is generally done to deal with problems associated with the nature of the matrix, low analyte concentrations in real samples or analyte features incompatible with the instrumentation. Classical methods of extraction consume large volumes of hazardous solvents and other reagents and are not in line with the recent emergence of green analytical chemistry. Liquid-phase microextraction is a miniaturized version of classical liquid–liquid extraction and is characterized by the minimum consumption of solvents. Over time, liquid-phase microextraction has gone through many developments, from basic procedures to more advanced modifications. These have consistently been the subject of many review articles. In this article, we attempt to summarize the review articles published on different versions of LPME and its different aspects and areas of application. Special focus has been given to DLLME, which is the most widely used form of LPME.
Load effect impact on the exploitation of concrete machine foundations used in the gas and oil industry
- Patryk Ziółkowski
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
- Sebastian Demczyński
Machine foundations is a critical topic in the gas and oil industry, which design and exploitation require extensive technical knowledge. Machine foundations are the constructions which are intended for mounting on it a specific type of machine. The foundation has to transfer dynamic and static load from machine to the ground. The primary difference between machine foundations and building foundations is that the machine foundations are a separate structure, even if they are inside the building. Failures of machine foundations can be very dangerous due to its carry loads from machines in operation. There is also an economic aspect because every break in the operation of industrial machines is expensive, especially in the gas and oil industry, where technological processes are complex and multi-stage. Repairs to concrete machine foundations are problematic, so the capability to predict what exactly affects failures seems extremely necessary. The failure of concrete machine foundations depends on many factors that are not fully understood. Modern achievements of science and technology, especially machine learning techniques may allow determining what affects the failure rate. This paper presents an analysis with the use of machine-learning techniques to predict in which way loads can affect the failure of foundations. This study examines whether and what relations exist between variables describing loads about the machine concrete failures occurrence. The analysis concerned some variables such as cross-section reinforcement amount, the grate load, measured concrete strength, motor short circuit moment load, the engine unit and rotor with shaft load, the pump unit and rotor with shaft load, the weight of the foundation, total load with foundation self-weight. The primary parameter of concern is the failure occurrence rate.
Local basis function estimators for identification of nonstationary systems
- Maciej Niedźwiecki
- Marcin Ciołek
- Artur Gańcza
The problem of identification of a nonstationary stochastic system is considered and solved using local basis function approximation of system parameter trajectories. Unlike the classical basis function approach, which yields parameter estimates in the entire analysis interval, the proposed new identification procedure is operated in a sliding window mode and provides a sequence of point (rather than interval) estimates. It is shown that for the polynomial basis all computations can be carried out recursively and that two important design parameters – the number of basis functions and the size of the local analysis window – can be chosen in an adaptive way.
Localization of sound sources with dual acoustic vector sensor
- Józef Kotus
- Grzegorz Szwoch
The aim of the work is to estimate the position of sound sources. The proposed method uses a setup of two acoustic vector sensors (AVS). The intersection of azimuth rays from each AVS should indicate the position of a source. In practice, the result of position estimation using this method is an area rather than a point. This is a result of inaccuracy of the individual sensors, but more importantly, of the influence of a source size. The proposed method was validated in experiments performed in an anechoic room, using a custom-made setup of two sensors built from digital MEMS microphones, for sound source placed at varying distance and angle from the sensors. The paper discusses the observed variations in the measured angle and distance to the source. The obtained results indicate that the proposed method allows for estimation of the source position with satisfactory accuracy. Errors in the position estimation depend on the source size, the distance to the source and the source angle relative to the sensors. Possible application of the proposed method is estimation of the position of moving sound sources, such as road vehicles.
Low energy elastic scattering of electrons from hexafluoropropene (C3F6)
- Ahmad Sakaamini
- Sabaha Khakoo
- Borna Hlousek
- Morty Khakoo
- Mateusz Zawadzki
- Mateus Kiataki
- Marcio Bettega
We present cross sections from a joint experimental and theoretical study on elastic electron scattering from hexafluoropropene (C3F6) in the gas phase. The experimental results, using low energy electron spectroscopy, were obtained at incident electron energies of 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 20 eV, for scattering angles ranging from 10°to 130°. The theoretical method used in the computation of the integral, momentum transfer and differential cross sections (DCSs) is the Schwinger multichannel method with pseudopotentials. The cross sections were computed in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization approximations for energies up to 20 eV. In general, the present experimental and calculated DCSs agree wellamong each other, except at 3 eV. Our results also agree well with previous measurements available at 2, 5 and 8 eV. The calculated integral and momentum transfer cross sections displaya series of resonances, where the low-lying resonance has a π* character and is located at around 1 eV. This resonance was also observed in previous total cross section measurements at around 1.2 eV (Makochekanwa et al 2005 Eur. Phys. J. D 35249).
Low Noise Poroelastic Road Pavements Based On Bituminous Binder
- Jerzy Ejsmont
- Beata Świeczko-Żurek
- Piotr Jaskuła
Tire/road noise is the dominant source of traffic noise. It depends both on the tire design and on the characteristics of road pavements as well as on the vehicles’ operating conditions. Due to the fact that conventional (pneumatic) car tires have almost reached the limits of their ability to further reduce their noisiness, it is widely believed that the additional reduction of tire noise will be possible mainly through modifications imposed to road pavements. Road surfaces that contain more than 20% of rubber aggregate and maintain an open (porous) structure are called Poroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) and are usually made on the base of a polyurethane binder. These pavements exhibit a very positive effect on tire/road noise (up to 12 dB reduction compared to the SMA surface). Unfortunately, their durability is much worse than conventional pavements. Gdańsk University of Technology implementing a project in which the polyurethane binder has been replaced with modified bitumen. The paper presents the first results obtained during the tests of these surfaces in terms of noise and fire risk.
LOW PLACTICITY BURNISHING PROCESSES. Fundaments, tools and machine tools
- Włodzimierz Przybylski
W obszernej monografii (530 stron) autor przedstawił w sposób kompleksowy zagadnienia związane z wykończeniową metodą obróbki części maszyn przez powierzchniową obróbkę plastyczną-nagniataniem. Jest to pierwsza książka w języku angielskim poświęcona tej bezwiórowej i ekologicznej metodzie obróbki. W wielu przypadkach w technologii różnorodnych części maszyn i innych urządzeń, nagniatanie może zastąpić operację szlifowania. Ma to duże znaczenie ekonomiczne, szczególnie w obróbce kompletnej, realizowanej obecnie na wieloosiowych centrach obróbkowych CNC. Efektem plastycznej obróbki nagniataniem (na zimno) jest bowiem znaczne zmniejszenie chropowatości powierzchni oraz pewne zwiększenie twardości warstwy wierzchniej części maszyn obrabianych. Na podstawie, głównie własnych badań, przedstawił autor wyniki wpływu nagniatania (tocznego, ślizgowego, elektromechanicznego i innych) na właściwości eksploatacyjne obrabianych przedmiotów, takich jak: naprężenia wewnętrzne, zużycie ścierne i korozyjne oraz zmęczenie. Zamieszczone zostały podstawowe formuły oraz monogramy do doboru warunków technologicznych dla różnych sposobów nagniatania. Omówiono konstrukcję specjalnych obrabiarek-nagniatarek oraz szczegółowo rodzaje narzędzi do realizacji nagniatania na obrabiarkach skrawających konwencjonalnych i sterowanych numerycznie. Opisano liczne przykłady zastosowania obróbki przez nagniatanie w przemyśle maszynowym, samochodowym, hydrauliki siłowej i innych. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono opisowi innowacyjnej, hybrydowej metodzie obróbki nagniataniem tocznym z jednoczesnym skrawaniem-głównie toczeniem i roztaczaniem, np. długich wałów, rur i tłoczysk cylindrów hydraulicznych. Zamieszczono konstrukcję głowic do tego rodzaju nagniatania oraz konstrukcję specjalnej tokarko-nagniatarki ze sterowaniem CNC, opracowanej pod kierunkiem autora według patentu Politechniki Gdańskiej. Zamieszczono także informacje o produkowanych narzędziach do nagniatania oraz o obrabiarkach specjalnych oferowanych przez producentów z różnych krajów. Podano formuły matematyczne do obliczania parametrów kinematycznych nagniatania oscylacyjnego oraz efekty użytkowe ważne dla tribologii, szczególnie łożysk ślizgowych. Omówiono także metodę nagniatania elektro-mechanicznego wraz z konstrukcją specjalnego oprzyrządowania stanowiska obróbkowego. Zamieszczono w monografii również kompleksowy opis nagniatania metodą ślizgową.
Low temperature broad band dielectric spectroscopy of multiferroic Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 ceramics
- Agata Lisińska-Czekaj
- Michał Rerak
- Dionizy Czekaj
- Martyna Lubina
- B Garbarz-Glos
- Wojciech Bąk
In the present research the tool of broadband dielectric spectroscopy was utilized to characterize dielectric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) Aurivillius-type multiferroic ceramics. Dielectric response of BFTO ceramics was studied in the frequency domain (Δν=0.1Hz – 10MHz) within the temperature range ΔT=-100°C – 200°C. The Kramers-Kronig data validation test was employed to validate the impedance data measurements and it was found that the measured impedance data exhibited good quality justifying further analysis. The residuals were found to be less than 1%, whereas the “chi-square” parameter was within the range χ2~10-7-10-5. Experimental data were analyzed using the circle fit of simple impedance arc plotted in the complex Z”-Z’ plane (Nyquist plot). The total ac conductivity of the grain boundaries was thus revealed and the activation energy of ac conductivity for the grain boundaries was calculated. It was found that activation energy of ac conductivity of grain boundaries changes from EA=0.20eV to EA=0.55eV while temperature rises from T=-100°C up to T=200°C. On the base of maxima of the impedance semicircles (ωmτm=1) the relaxation phenomena were characterized in terms of the temperature dependence of relaxation times and relevant activation energy was calculated (EA=0.55eV).