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Publikacje z roku 2019
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Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni drogowej w ujęciu geotechnicznym – przyczyny, monitoring, możliwe metody naprawy
- Grzegorz Horodecki
Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni stanowią „wieczny” problem użytkowników dróg. Z odkształceniami nawierzchni łączy się obniżenie komfortu i bezpieczeństwa jazdy (BRD). Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego zjawiska jest zachowanie się podłoża gruntowego. Najczęściej dotyczy to zjawiska osiadania podłoża gruntowego, stanowiącego efekt ściśliwości gruntów w wyniku przyłożenia obciążenia i jest przekroczeniem stanów granicznych użytkowalności (SGU). W rzadszych przypadkach odkształcenia wiążą się z przekroczeniem stanu granicznego nośności (SGN).
Nałęczów tonie w gęstwinie
- Krzysztof Wróblewski
- Jan Buczkowski
Budynki, ulice, wzniesienia i jary Nałęczowa zanurzone są w gęstwienie drzew, które o każdej porze roku otulają i szczelnie zamykają miasto. Trzeba zapomnieć miejsce kilkuletniego pobytu, by ujrzeć je na nowo. Wówczas długi, wąski korytarz szkoły plastycznej i jego rozgałęzienia naturalnie łączą się z tkanką okolicy. Po latach widzi się tę przestrzeń jako wąską szczelinę albo rodzaj ucha igielnego, przez które trzeba było przejść by realizować marzenia o malarstwie.
Nanoconfined Ionic Liquids. Properties and analytical applications
- Łukasz Marcinkowski
- Adam Kloskowski
- Jacek Namieśnik
The synergistic combination of ionic liquids (ILs) and solid‐like matrices involves a powerful coupling towards the development of new sustainable analytical methodologies. Here we survey the literature regarding such ionic liquid‐based hybrid materials, including a database on relevant physicochemical properties of ionic liquids confined in a solid network. Furthermore, this chapter presents the strategies implemented to combine efficiently the obtained materials with analytical techniques, like microextraction techniques and biosensors. Overall, this work allows identification of the current inefficiencies, challenges, and opportunities of this convenient, yet underexploited, analytical approach.
Nanocrystalline Polymer Impregnated [Fe(pz)Pt(CN)4] Thin Films Prepared by Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation
- Sawczak Mirosław
- Rafał Jendrzejewski
- Dominik Maskowicz
- Garcia Yann
- Astha C. Gosh
- Maria Gazda
- Jakub Czechowski
- Gerard Śliwiński
In this work, the fabrication of [Fe(pz)Pt(CN)4] (pz = pyrazine) thin films by means of matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) was investigated. As starting material, a cryogenically cooled suspension of anocrystalline [Fe(pz)Pt- (CN)4] (0.35wt.-%) in a mixture of 1,1-dichloroethane and polyethylene glycol (PEG) was used. Films of a thickness up to 150–200 nm were deposited on Si substrates by laser ablation at λ = 1064 nm of the cryogenically cooled material. PEG impregnated films exhibit a cooperative first-order hysteretic spin crossover behavior around 155 K as detected by Raman spectroscopy. Most interestingly, deposition of a crystalline material was achieved through MAPLE deposition
Narracja jako sposób wyjaśniania organizacyjnej rzeczywistości oraz metoda wywierania wpływu
- Paweł Ziemiański
Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu analizę roli i znaczenia narracji w funkcjonowaniu członków organizacji. W wyniku przeglądu literatury podjęto również próbę przeanalizowania mechanizmów decydujących o tym, że odpowiednio wykorzystane i skonstruowane narracje mogą służyć jako narzędzie pozwalające wywierać wpływ. Następnie na podstawie tej analizy zaproponowano wskazówki dotyczące tworzenia i przedstawiania narracji czy historii organizacyjnej (dla celów artykułu pojęcia te używane będą zamiennie) w sposób zwiększający prawdopodobieństwo skutecznego wywarcia wpływu na odbiorców. W artykule przyjęto podejście oparte na dowodach (evidence based approach), które wiąże się z przekonaniem, że wiedzę teoretyczną i wyniki badań empirycznych można wykorzystać jako podstawę praktycznych działań.
Nasada kominowa sposobem intensyfikacji wydajności wentylacji grawitacyjnej w budynkach mieszkalnych
- Romana Antczak-Jarząbska
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
W Polsce wentylacja grawitacyjna jest najbardziej popularną metodą przewietrzania pomieszczeń, w tym lokali w budynkach mieszkalnych. Ten rodzaj wentylacji działa pod wpływem sił natury w wyniku różnicy ciśnień między powietrzem zewnętrznym a panującym wewnątrz obiektu, w następstwie czego wentylacje grawitacyjną trudno jest kontrolować oraz przewidywać poprawność jej funkcjonowania. Wentylacja grawitacyjna działa najlepiej zimą, gdy jest duża różnica temperatury oraz w wietrzne dni, gdy prędkość wiatru przekracza wartość 3 m·s–1. Najgorszy pod względem wydajności wentylacji grawitacyjnej jest okres przejściowy wiosenno-jesienny. W celu poprawy skuteczności pracy wydajności wentylacji stosuje się między innymi nasady kominowe, które mają za zadanie poprawić efekt kominowy określany w języku potocznym jako ciąg kominowy. Wydajność wentylacji określa zapotrzebowanie na powietrze wentylacyjne w pomieszczeniach. Wydajność wentylacji naturalnej (ACH) jest wyznaczana na podstawie zależności, w której niezbędne jest oszacowanie ilości powietrza wychodzącego z układu wentylacyjnego w stosunku do kubatury pomieszczenia wentylowanego. W artykule przedstawiono wpływ nasady kominowej na wydajność wentylacji grawitacyjnej poprzez wyznaczone wartości ACH. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki z badań poligonowych przeprowadzonych w istniejącym budynku.
- Beata Detyna
- Adam Gardocki
- Stanisław Kaczyński
- Mariusz Kaszubowski
- Urszula Kobylińska
- Agnieszka Mroczek-Czetwertyńska
- Łukasz Siemieniuk
This book is dedicated to widely understood entrepreneurship and financial system in different polish ecosystems. In particular, there is described influence of supporting entrepreneurship to investment development in Walbrzych agglomerations communes with the results of questionnaires for varied groups of inhabitants, entrepreneurs and territorial self-governments. There is also presented analysis of relations within academic support of entrepreneurship ecosystem, based on interview outcomes. Additionally there are presented, research of academic business incubators impact on infrastructure level of centers supporting development and general overview how nowadays entrepreneurship of Poles has changed. Last part of the book is an attempt to explain the potential influence of new financing system for public healthcare providers including conclusions and recommendations after first periods of its functioning.
New achievements in the field of extraction of trace analytes from samples characterized by complex composition of the matrix
- Katarzyna Owczarek
- Natalia Jatkowska
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Jacek Namieśnik
Without any doubt, the monitoring of compounds present in samples at trace or ultra-trace level usually requires a preliminary step of isolation and/or enrichment of analytes due to the fact that majority of analytical techniques are not sensitive enough for direct determination of trace compounds. On the other hand, sample preparation is considered as crucial part of whole analytical procedures, in particular in samples characterized by complex composition of the matrices. Several new miniaturized extraction techniques have been introduced and extensively applied to different type of samples. Here you can highlight both, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid phase microextraction (LPME). Based on the recently published literature data, this review provides an update of the most important features and application of LPME and SPME techniques. Comparisons of these techniques have been made. Discussions on the present limitations as well as expected future trends of the green techniques of sample preparation for the improvement of the analytical determinations were made. Moreover, special attention was paid on application of different types of microextraction procedures, used in the different fields of analytical chemistry.
New applications of sound and vision engineering
- Andrzej Czyżewski
Multimedia, Sound & Vision Engineering are relatively new fields within the area of science and technology, but teaching and research in this area has been carried out at Gdansk University of Technology (Gdansk, Poland) for nearly 5 decades. Current project carried-out in the Multimedia Systems Department are in the scope of the paper.
- Daniel Piątek
The article presents the development of author’s concept of a diesel/hydraulic propulsion system for inland watercraft. Due to specific nature of vessel navigation on rivers, classical propulsion systems with shaft lines can be effectively replaced by systems with hydraulic power transmission. A solution is also presented of a hybrid design with extra electric port having the form of a pumping system driven from a battery of accumulators. Strong and weak points of the proposed solution are discussed and its energy effeciency is assessed.
- Leszek Matuszewski
The centrifugal magnetic fluid seals have important advantage over the conventional centrifugal seals. They maintain very good sealing capacity at static, medium and high speeds of shaft rotation, with the increased seal lifetime, and minimum torque and static friction. These seals are particularly useful in cases when the angular shaft velocity varies and sometimes decreases to nearly or exactly zero, such as in flywheel applications, ship propeller main shafts, etc. Unique properties of the magnetic fluid give rare opportunities for application in marine design, where perfect sealing together with reliable lubrication are required. The paper presents a typical design and operation principle of a centrifugal magnetic fluid shaft seal, along with new design solutions. Not only in ocean technology and underwater robotics. Some cases of application of centrifugal magnetic fluid seals in modern sealing technology are included.
New generation of the satellite hydraulic pumps
- Leszek Osiecki
Hydraulic satellite machines are known and produced in many versions, recognizable by the number of humps on their inner rotor and external gear, and therefore by the number of cooperating gears (satellites). All known shapes were however designed on the base of preliminary assumption that rotor’s and external gear’s pitch lines are formed by merging arcs, tangent to each other in the. This assumption makes calculations easier, but the curvature radius of the pitch lines changes instantly in their merging points. Tests made in the Department of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology proved that satellite motors may work also as a pump. All known shapes were however designed for motor work - mainly for low-speed, high-torque motors. Sudden changes of the pitch line’s curvature strongly affect velocity and acceleration of pump’s moving parts and forces between them. Because of that, in the pump mode fast wear of teeth in the points of small curvature radius is visible. The obvious effect is reduced durability and high noise emission. To eliminate all those problems the new mechanism, designed for the pump is necessary. The author worked out the new method of calculating satellite mechanism’s shape. Instead of merged arcs this method allows to form pitch line as a smooth shape with constantly variable curvature (no rapid changes in any point). Such a mechanism with two-humped rotor, four-humped external gear and six satellites was designed with the use of the new method. Curvature radii of all cooperating elements are relatively high. The proposed shape reduces rapid changes of velocity and forces between pump’s elements. It should result in more durable hydraulic satellite pump.
New kagome prototype materials: discovery of KV3Sb5, RbV3Sb5, and CsV3Sb5
- Brenden R. Ortiz
- Lídia C. Gomes
- Jennifer R. Morey
- Michał Winiarski
- Mitchell Bordelon
- John S. Mangum
- Iain W. H. Oswald
- Jose A. Rodriguez-Rivera
- James R. Neilson
- Stephen D. Wilson
- Elif Ertekin
- Tyrel McQueen
- Eric S. Toberer
In this work, we present our discovery and characterization of a new kagome prototype structure, KV3Sb5. We also present the discovery of the isostructural compounds RbV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5. All materials exhibit a structurally perfect two-dimensional kagome net of vanadium. Density-functional theory calculations indicate that the materials are metallic, with the Fermi level in close proximity to several Dirac points. Powder and single-crystal syntheses are presented, with postsynthetic treatments shown to deintercalate potassium from single crystals of KV3Sb5. Considering the proximity to Dirac points, deintercalation provides a convenient means to tune the Fermi level. Magnetization measurements indicate that KV3Sb5 exhibits behavior consistent with a the Curie-Weiss model at high temperatures, although the effective moment is low (0.22μB per vanadium ion). An anomaly is observed in both magnetization and heat capacity measurements at 80 K, below which the moment is largely quenched. Elastic neutron scattering measurements find no obvious evidence of long-range or short-range magnetic ordering below 80 K. The possibility of an orbital-ordering event is considered. Single-crystal resistivity measurements show the effect of deintercalation on the electron transport and allow estimation of the Kadowaki-Woods ratio in KV3Sb5. We find that A/γ2∼61μOhm cm mol2FUK2J−2, suggesting that correlated electron transport may be possible. KV3Sb5 and its cogeners RbV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb5 represent a new family of kagome metals, and our results demonstrate that they deserve further study as potential model systems.
New Method of Non-Linear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy with an Amplitude-Modulated Perturbation Signal
- Paweł Ślepski
- Michał Szociński
- Joanna Majcherczak
- Husnu Gerengi
- Kazimierz Darowicki
The paper presents a new method of non-linear electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (NLEIS), which allows fast and nondestructive evaluation of the corrosion rate and determination of the Tafel coefficients values for a corrosion system under investigation. This method employs amplitude modulation of the ac perturbation signal. The study demonstrated that it was possible to obtain impedance characteristic as a function of the perturbation signal amplitude based only on a single measurement. The investigations were carried out on carbon steel exposed to 1M KCl solution, which is a model corrosion system with cathodic control. The values of corrosion current and Tafel coefficients values for the corrosion reaction were determined using the dependence between the charge transfer resistance and the amplitude of the perturbation signal
New potent STS inhibitors based on fluorinated 4-(1-phenyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-yl)-phenyl sulfamates
- Mateusz Daśko
- Sebastian Demkowicz
- Janusz Rachoń
- Karol Biernacki
- Justyna Aszyk
- Witold Kozak
- Maciej Masłyk
- Konrad Kubiński
A series of fluorinated analogs based on the frameworks of 4-(1- phenyl-1H-[1,2,3]triazol-4-yl)-phenyl sulfamates have been synthesized as steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors. The design of chemical structures of new potential STS inhibitors was supported by molecular docking techniques to identify potential interactions between inhibitors and amino acid residues located in the STS active site. The STS inhibitory potency was evaluated on STS isolated from human placenta. We found that compounds substituted with fluorine atom at the meta position demonstrated the highest inhibitory effects in enzymatic STS assay. The most active analog 12e – inhibited STS enzyme with the IC50 value of 36 nM.
New technologies and diffusion of innovative financial products: Evidence on exchange-traded funds in selected emerging and developed economies
- Ewa Lechman
- Adam Marszk
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are one of the most rapidly-expanding categories of innovative financial products that have been introduced on many financial markets, in both emerging and developed economies. Our research contributes to the present state of knowledge by examining factors, including information and communication technologies (ICTs), influencing the diffusion of ETFs. In our research, we consider also the impact of other segments of the financial system, such as the banking sector, and changes in the real side of the economy. The main aim of the paper is to provide empirical evidence on relationships between penetration of ICTs and diffusion of ETFs. Using a sample of 32 emerging and developed economies; we analyze all countries for which data on the turnover of ETFs on the local stock exchanges are available. The time span of our analysis is 2004–2014. The methodological framework combines innovation diffusion models, which are applied to characterize the key features of the process of diffusion of ETFs and ICT, with dynamic panel models, panel VAR models with exogenous variables and VAR models with exogenous variables (for country-specific analysis), which are used to examine the relationships between ETFs, ICTs, and other selected factors. Our major findings confirm that adoption of ICTs constitutes an important prerequisite for the diffusion of ETFs due to potential demand- and supply-side linkages. Among the other factors that potentially influence the diffusion of ETFs, we found three variables that demonstrate positive and statistically significant impacts: stock market turnover, financial development, and financial markets. Country-wise VAR models with selected exogenous variables confirm the influence of ICTs in most of the countries analyzed.
New Tetragonal ReGa5(M) (M = Sn, Pb, Bi) Single Crystals Grown from Delicate Electrons Changing
- Madalynn Marshall
- Karolina Górnicka
- Ranuri S. Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Weiwei Xie
Single crystals of the new Ga-rich phases ReGa~5(Sn), ReGa~5(Pb) and ReGa~5(Bi) were successfully obtained from the flux method. The new tetragonal phases crystallize in the space group P4/mnc (No. 128) with vertex-sharing capped Re2@Ga14 oblong chains. Vacancies were discovered on the Ga4 and Ga5 sites, which can be understood as the direct inclusion of elemental Sn, Pb and Bi into the structure. Heat capacity measurements were performed on all three compounds resulting in a small anomaly which resembles the superconductivity transition temperature from the impurity ReGa5 phase. The three compounds were not superconducting above 1.85 K. Subsequently, electronic structure calculations revealed a high density of states around the Fermi level, as well as non-bonding interactions that likely indicate the stability of these new phases.
New transition curve adapted to railway operational requirements
- Władysław Koc
The paper points to the limited possibilities of improving the existing situation in the area of transition curves used in geometrical layouts of the railway track. Difficulties in the practical implementation and maintenance of very small horizontal ordinates of the transition curve and the ordinates of the gradient due to cant in the initial section, appearing on smooth transition curves, were indicated. The main reason for this situation was the excessive smoothing of the curvature in their initial section. Employing the method of curvature identification by differential equations, a new form of the curve was obtained, which was referred to as the "smoothed transition curve". A definite advantage of this curve was shown, from the implementation point of view, over representing the smooth transition curves of the Bloss curve and the parametric curve. It seems that it could successfully compete with the commonly used clothoid, to which it is similar in the initial section, while it differs significantly along its further length, especially in the final section, where it provides a gentle entry from the transition curve into a circular arc.
New-fangled sources of cellulose extraction: comparative study of the effectiveness of Cissus latifolia and Ficus benghalensis cellulose as a filler
- Arunima Reghunadhan
- Nayana G. Sivan
- Shibina S. K.
- Siji K. Mary
- Rekha Rose Koshy
- Janusz Datta
- Sabu Thomas
Recycled polymers and biopolymers are receiving a great deal of attention these days. If these two can be combined, it will lead to an environment-friendly green material with a great deal of applications. Here the present work is about incorporating bio-based fillers in a recycled polyurethane matrix. Two unusual and extremely novel sources of cellulose have been proposed. The celluloses obtained from Cissus latifolia and Ficus benghalensis were selected as sources. These sources have not been utilized and reported elsewhere to date. The cellulose modified samples of recycled polyurethane were analyzed using FTIR, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) to have a preliminary idea about the combination. We found that these were successful as fillers in the matrix. The percentage of crystallinity was decreased in both the composites, which indicates the miscibility. Comparing the two sources, Cissus latifolia based cellulose was more effective in producing interesting morphologies and they had a percentage crystallinity of 75%, which was very high compared to all the reported works.
Nickel-nanodiamond coatings electrodeposited from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature
- Irina Makarova
- Illia Dobryden
- Dmitry Kharitonov
- Aliaksandr Kasach
- Jacek Ryl
- Eveliia Repo
- Esa Vuorinen
In this study, nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-diamond coatings were obtained by electrodeposition from tartrate electrolyte at ambient temperature aiming at improving corrosion and wear properties of the material. The created surfaces were investigated with regard to microhardness, adhesion, wear- and corrosion-resistance. The various methods such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and linear polarization technique were applied to study the coating surface properties. The introduction of nanodiamond particles into the coating led to a rougher surface structure and a bigger grain size in comparison to bare nickel coating. Our study shows that the addition of 5·10−2 (g dm−3) of nanodiamonds to the plating bath is enough to obtain composite coatings with a clear increase in microhardness and wear resistance. The slightly improved corrosion resistance of the coating, decrease in corrosion current density from 0.41 to 0.14 μA cm−2 in neutral chloride-containing medium, and nobler values of the corrosion potential were also observed.