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Publikacje z roku 2019
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The Caucasian flora: a still-to-be-discovered rich source of antioxidants
- Naira Sahakyan
- Margarit Petrosyan
- Izabela Koss-Mikołajczyk
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
- Tamara Gabour Sad
- Muhammad Jawad Nasim
- Maia Vanidze
- Aleko Kalandia
- Jacob Claus
- Armen Trchounian
Cellular redox homeostasis is a state of balance between the formation of Usually Reactive Oxygen and / or Nitrogen Species (ROS/RNS), endogenous antioxidant defence systems, and exogenous dietary antioxidants. The disturbance of redox homeostasis, by the overproduction of endogenous ROS/RNS, may increase the risk of development of so-called civilisation diseases. The solution seems to be either the increased production of endogenous or consumption of exogenous antioxidants. Plant-borne antioxidants act via different chemical and molecular mechanisms, such as decreasing the level of oxidative damage in cells directly by reacting with ROS/ RNS or indirectly – by inhibition of the activity and expression of free radical generating enzymes or by enhancing the activity or expression of intracellular antioxidant defence enzymes. Despite the fact that the Caucasian flora is rich of health promoting edible/medicinal plants, recent studies concerning the biological activity of these plants are very scarce. This review is summarising the state-of-art on the health-promoting potential of plants representing the Caucasian flora, whose antioxidant capacity have been investigated in various in vitro models.
The Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) dataset
- J. Zurutuza
- Alessandro Caporali
- M. Bertocco
- M. Ishchenko
- O. Khoda
- H. Steffen
- Mariusz Figurski
- E. Parseliunas
- S. Berk
- Grzegorz Nykiel
The Central European GNSS Research Network (CEGRN) collects GNSS data since 1994 from contributors which today include 42 Institutions in 33 Countries. CEGRN returns a dataset of coordinates and velocities computed according to international standards and the most recent processing procedures and recommendations. We provide a dataset of 1229 positions and velocities resulting from 3 or more repetitions of coordinate measurements of each site over 4 or more years. The velocity data result from a combination of eight multiyear, partially overlapping networks, using 234 stations of class A of the European Permanent Network (EPN) for alignment to the ‘European Fixed’ ETRF2000 Reference Frame. The rms (root mean square) of the 8 individual contributions to the combined solution, after a 7 – parameter Helmert transformation, is less than 5 mm in the observation period 1996–2017. This combined CEGRN network maintains the origin coincident with that of the ETRF2000 reference frame to within 1.8 mm rms for the entire period of analysis. The mean positions and velocities of common EPN Class A and CEGRN stations differ by 0.0 ± 1.1, 0.5 ± 1.0 and 0.1 ± 2.7 mm for the coordinates and 0.06 ± 0.13, -0.07 ± 0.12, 0.38 ± 0.28 mm/yr for the velocities respectively for the North, East and Up components at epoch 2010.0.
The CFD analysis of influence the start of fuel injection (SOI) on combustion parameters and exhaust gas composition of the marine 4-stroke engine
- Jerzy Kowalski
The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the impact of injection timing on the parameters of the combustion process and the composition of exhaust gas from a 4-stroke engine designed to shipbuilding. The analysis was carried out based on a three-dimensional multi-zone model of the combustion process. This model has been prepared on the basis of properties of the research facility. The input data to the model were obtained through laboratory tests. Results of calculations showed that the change of the start of injection angle (SOI) from the value of 14 degrees before TDC to 22 degrees before TDC results in changes in the combustion rate and thus an increase in the temperature of the combustion process as well as the increase of nitric oxides fraction in the exhaust gas. Simultaneously the maximum combustion pressure increases also.
The comparison of betalain composition and chosen biological activities for differently pigmented prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) and beetroot (Beta vulgaris) varieties
- Izabela Koss-Mikołajczyk
- Barbara Kusznierewicz
- Wiesław Wiczkowski
- Tomasz Sawicki
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
Betalains are a group of plant originated pigments with chemopreventive potential. The aim of this study was to relate the composition of betalains and chosen biological activities (antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti-genotoxic and influence on enzymatic activities) for extracts from differently pigmented varieties of prickly pear (yellow, orange and red) and beetroot (white and red). The assumption was that phytocomplexes of tested varieties of the same plant species would exhibit generally similar chemical composition differing mostly in betalain content, which will be reflected by their biological activity. Betalain composition analysis and antioxidant profiles confirmed that the content and composition of these pigments is strongly correlated with the antioxidant activity of tested plant extracts measured by spectrophotometric methods and CAA test. However, the results of determinations of other biological activities showed that in the case of actual plant foods, there was no simple relationship between betalain content or composition and chemopreventive potential.
The complete stereochemistry of the antibiotic candicidin A3 (syn. ascosin A3, levorin A3)
- Julia Borzyszkowska-Bukowska
- Paweł Szczeblewski
- Agnieszka Konkol
- Jakub Grynda
- Katarzyna Szwarc-Karabyka
- Tomasz Laskowski
Herein, the stereostructure of the aromatic heptaene macrolide (AHM) antifungal antibiotic candicidin A3 (syn. ascosin A3, levorin A3) has been established upon the 2D NMR studies, consisting of DQF-COSY, TOCSY, ROESY, HSQC and HMBC experiments, as well as upon extensive molecular dynamics simulations. The geometry of the heptaenic chromophore was defined as: (22E, 24E, 26Z, 28Z, 30E, 32E, 34E). The previously unreported absolute configuration of the chiral centres of candicidin A3 was established as: (3R,9 R, 11 S, 13 S, 15 R, 17 S, 18 R, 19 S, 21 R, 36 S, 37 R, 38 S, 40 S, 41 S).
The computational methods in the development of a novel multianalyte calibration technique for potentiometric integrated sensors systems
- Marcin Urbanowicz
- Dorota G. Pijanowska
- Artur Jasiński
- Maria Bocheńska
In recent years, integration and miniaturization of ion-selective electrodes (ISEs) have brought many benefits resulting in the possibility of simultaneous determination of the ions concentration in small volume samples. One of the key problems related to the preparation of potentiometric integrated sensors systems (PISSs) is a calibration procedure due to the necessity to calibrate each particular sensor separately. The main aim of the research was to develop a novel calibration method for PISSs fabricated with the use of an all-solid-state technology, which has been compared with other types of sensor calibration technique. The proposed algorithm concerns the method of calibration solutions composition determination for miniature ion-selective sensors before measuring in biological samples especially human saliva samples. This article also compares the parameters of ion-selective sensors for two types of PISSs, including ISEs based on gold (Au) and glassy carbon (GC) electrodes. In addition, a series of measurements was performed using PISS with Au-ISEs in samples of human saliva, which were preceded by different types of sensor calibration and compared with the results obtained with the clinical analyzer. Moreover, the effect of the viscosity of calibration solutions on the ISE parameters and the lifetime of the sensors were investigated.
The Concept of Geodetic Analyses of the Measurement Results Obtained by Hydrostatic Leveling
- Waldemar Kamiński
- Karolina Makowska
The article discusses the issue of hydrostatic leveling. Its application is presented in structural health monitoring systems in order to determine vertical displacements of controlled points. Moreover, the article includes a complete computation scheme that utilizes the estimation from observation differences, allowing the elimination of the influence of individual sensors’ systematic errors. The authors suggest two concepts of processing the measurement results depending on the sensors’ connection method. Additionally, the second concept is extended by the elements allowing the prediction of the displacements by means of Kalman filtering.
The concept of stream and system reliability on the example of the bakery industry
- Radosław Drozd
- Jan Piwnik
This article presents a new concept of technological system reliability based on the analysis of the relationship of associations of elements of energy streams, matter, information, time and finance. The method of stream specification and the method of determining the reliability values of significant and supporting relationships are given. Relevant relationships between elements of system streams were defined as having one-time reliability value. Supportive relationships have a value between zero and one. Relevant relationships are determined based on research, experience and knowledge. Pss stream-system reliability is a scalar quantity, i.e. a number whose value lies between zero and unity. The size of Pss characterizes the entire system without being denied. Its average value in standard time tn expresses the efficiency of the production process. Pss is the quotient of the number of significant relationships to the sum of the significant and supporting relationships. The form of expression on Pss indicates how to optimize the process by increasing the number of relationships significant between the components of the system batch streams. The Pss concept was used in research into the production efficiency of bakery X operating within the MSCBI group. System analysis of the bakery allows a significant increase in the bread baking process reliability after using robotization. The concept of Pss stream-system reliability can be used to analyze the efficiency of technological processes and optimization in any production processes. This requires a detailed system analysis of such processes
The development of an indirect ELISA for the detection of goose parvovirus antibodies using specific VP3 subunits as the coating antigen
- Karolina Tarasiuk
- Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
- Bartłomiej Ferra
- Andrzej Rapak
In Poland, the leader in goose production in Europe, goose parovirus infection, or Derzsy’s disease (DD), must be reported to the veterinary administration due to the serious economic and epizootic threat to waterfowl production. Prophylactic treatment for DD includes attenuated live or inactivated vaccines. Moreover, the control of DD includes the monitoring of maternal derived antibody (MDA) levels in the offspring and antibody titers in the parent flock after vaccination. The aim of this study was to develop an ELISA for the detection of goose parvovirus (GPV) antibodies. Two recombinant protein fragments derived from VP3 (viral protein 3) GPV, namely VP3ep6 and VP3ep4–6 with a mass of 20.9 and 32.3 kDa, respectively, were produced using an Escherichia coli expression system. These proteins were purified by one-step nickel-affinity chromatography, which yielded protein preparations with a purity above 95%. These recombinant proteins were useful in the detection of serum anti-GPV antibodies, and this was confirmed by Western blotting. However, recombinant VP3ep4–6 protein showed a greater ability to correctly identify sera from infected geese. In the next stage of the project, a pool of 166 goose sera samples, previously examined by a virus neutralization test (VN), was tested. For further studies, one recombinant protein (VP3ep4–6) was selected for optimization of the test conditions. After optimization, the newly developed ELISA was compared to other serological tests, and demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity. In conclusion, the VP3ep4–6 ELISA method described here can be used for the detection of antibodies to GPV in serum.
The difficult heritage. The reuse of former prison buildings
- Agnieszka Szuta
- Jakub Szczepański
In recent years, there has been a trend to reuse abandoned buildings. Adaptive re-use allows preservation of the original structure and implements a new function to it. Such activity could help to preserve the historic value of buildings; moreover, many other advantages can be found in educational, ecological and economic fields. However, the question arises of whether every object can be freely adapted. This article examines the case of old prisons which have, for instance, been adapted into hotels and museums. Knowledge of the history of prison architecture as well as experience in preserving and adapting prisons could help to identify the appropriate function for the abandoned penitentiary facilities.
The Dilemmas of Choosing a Suitable Technology for Low Energy and Passive Houses in the Context of their Overheating Issues
- Alicja Karaś
- Robert Idem
In compliance with European Union directives, numerous countries are introducing increasingly stricter legal limits on the estimated energy consumption of newly designed residential buildings. However, the fact, that regulations and designers' efforts are focused on decreasing energy consumption (and consequently carbon dioxide emissions) only at the post-occupancy stage, may lead to a significant increase in the carbon footprint of the buildings during their entire life cycle. A frequent criticism levelled at low-energy and passive buildings is that they are susceptible to the phenomenon of overheating. The reduction of overheating through the choice of "massive" technologies, materials with high thermal capacity as well as a high heat dispersion coefficient, stands in opposition to the requirement to choose the technologies that ensure a low ecological footprint (i.e. timber frame technologies). The development of a tool facilitating decision making in this issue seems to be a challenge. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a well-known, optimal method for forecasting buildings' carbon footprint, however, it is an expensive and time-consuming method. Life Cycle Assessment is a method dedicated to large investments. In practice, such analysis are not carried out for residential buildings. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the foregoing problem on the example of detached single-family houses and to propose a method and tool that can assist architectural design in this regard.
The dimensions of national competitiveness: the empirical analysis based on The World Economic Forum’s data
- Hanna Adamkiewicz
The aim of this research is to determine the minimum number of uncorrelated dimensions which can describe national competitiveness (NC). NC is thought of as the ability of a nation to provide a conducive environment for its firms to prosper. It is shown that the environment affects national productivity catalytically through the interactions with the production factors while itself remaining unchanged. Selected World Economic Forum’s indicators are used for determining the components of the environment. The Principal Component Analysis has revealed three orthogonal dimensions of NC. Countries are represented by the points in the three-dimensional space. The weighted Euclidean distance from the origin to the ith point is proposed as a novel measure of the ith country’s level of NC.
The Discrete-Continuous, Global Optimisation of an Axial Flow Blood Pump
- Krzysztof Tesch
- Katarzyna Kaczorowska-Ditrich
This paper presents the results of the discrete-continuous optimisation of an axial flow blood pump. Differential evolution (DE) is used as a global optimisation method in order to localise the optimal solution in a relatively short time. The whole optimisation process is fully automated. This also applies to geometry modelling. Numerical simulations of the flow inside the pump are performed by means of the Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes approach. All equations are discretised by means of the finite volume method, and the corresponding algebraic equation systems are solved by the open source software for CFD, namely Open-FOAM. Finally, the optimisation results are presented and discussed. The objective function to be maximised is simply pressure increase. The higher pressure increase the lower angular velocities required. This makes it possible to minimise the effect of haemolysis because it is mainly caused by high shear stresses which are related, among others, to angular velocities.
The early failure of the gamma nail and the dynamic hip screw in femurs with a wide medullary canal. A biomechanical study of intertrochanteric fractures
- Marcin Ceynowa
- Krzysztof Żerdzicki
- Paweł Kłosowski
- Rafał Pankowski
- Tomasz Mazurek
Background: Intertrochanteric fractures may occur in a bone with a wide medullary canal that may lead to significant mobility of a intramedullary nail, contrary to an extramedullary device. This study evaluates the Dynamic Hip Screw and the gamma nail in AO 31.A2.1 fractures in these circumstances. Methods: Synthetic femora with canals drilled to 18 mm were used. Five fixation types were examined: a 2 - hole and a 4 – hole Dynamic Hip Screw with a 2 - hole plate, a standard gamma nail with dynamic and static distal locking and a long gamma nail. The specimens were tested with cyclic axial loading, from 500 N increasing of 50 N increments in each cycle. Force at failure, overall stiffness, stiffness at the fracture site, location and mode of failure were recorded. Findings: The short gamma nails dislocated into varus under preload because the nail migrated laterally. The Dynamic Hip Screw was initially stable, but some specimens rotated around the lag screw. The gamma nail was rotationally stable. Both implants failed through femur fracture. The long gamma nailed failed by screw cut – out at forces lower than the ultimate force of the short gamma nail. Interpretation: This study shows that the gamma nail is unstable in a large medullary canal but offers better rotational stability of the proximal fragment. A modification of the nail design or the operative technique may be considered.
The E-Cohomological Conley Index, Cup-Lengths and the Arnold Conjecture on T 2n
- Maciej Starostka
- Nils Waterstraat
We show that the E-cohomological Conley index, that was introduced by the first author recently, has a natural module structure. This yields a new cup-length and a lower bound for the number of critical points of functionals on Hilbert spaces. When applied to the setting of the Arnold conjecture, this paves the way to a short proof on tori, where it was first shown by C. Conley and E. Zehnder in 1983.
The effect of agro-waste co-digestion and sludge disposal on carbon footprint in municipal wastewater treatment plants
- Mojtaba Maktabifard
- Ewa Zaborowska
- Jacek Mąkinia
The study presents analysis of the carbon footprint (CF) in 6 wastewater treatment plants in northern Poland with a special focus on the effect of co digestion of sewage sludge and food waste. Although co-digestion increases the on-site energy production, but it has a negative effect on the total CF. To overcome the negative effect, several sludge disposal scenarios were analysed and their effect on the CF reduction was determined. Farmland distribution was found to be the best scenario with the total CF drop up to 7%.
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
- Michał Dobrzyński
- Lubomir Javorek
- Kazimierz Orłowski
- Włodzimierz Przybylski
The quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments were conducted on a lathe with a slide diamond burnisher and active (loading) forces: 30 N, 50 N, and 70 N. The elements under treatment were of great maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). The following report presents measuring results of the surface layer condition as well as some profile samples, and dimensional and geometrical deviations analysis.
The effect of convective heating and microwave heating on antioxidant enzymes in pooled mature human milk
- Dorota Martysiak-Żurowska
- Małgorzata Puta
- Bogumiła Kiełbratowska
The effects of convective and microwave heating at constant temperature (62.5, 66 and 70 °C) on the activity of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, SOD; catalase, CAT; glutathione peroxidase, GPx) in pooled mature human milk were compared. Activities of the enzymes were determined using spectrophotometric kits. Activity of GPx decreased significantly in the first stage of heating when milk samples were warmed to pasteurisation temperature. CAT was the most thermolabile enzyme but microwave heating induced a smaller decrease in CAT activity than convective heating. SOD was most resistant to thermal pasteurisation, regardless of the heating method. SOD and GPx activity temporary increased during microwaves heating. Considering shorter pasteurisation period and lower demand for energy, it can be concluded that microwaves pasteurisation enjoys special merits. However, still there is no clear answer as to whether the microwave field itself can affect the antioxidant enzymes of human milk.
The effect of exogenous application of methyl jasmonate on the lipid and carbohydrate content and composition of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm.) grain and the severity of fungal infections in triticale plants and grain
- Kazimierz Zalewski
- Lesław Lahuta
- Dorota Martysiak-Żurowska
- Adam Okorski
- Bartosz Nitkiewicz
- Łukasz Zielonka
Kernels of winter triticale (Triticosecale Wittm. cv. Dinaro) were analyzed. In the autumn of 2015, the effect of methyl jasmonate (MJ) on the germination of triticale kernels and the development of triticale seedlings was analyzed in a laboratory before kernels were sown in experimental plots. Kernels harvested from plots in August 2016 were analyzed to determine their lipid and carbohydrate content and composition and the severity of fungal infections. Triticale grain was harvested at full maturity. The plots were sprayed with MJ at concentrations of 10-6 M to 10-3 M in the stem elongation stage (200 L/ha) and in the early milk stage (300 L/ha). Other preventive treatments, fungicides, pesticides or foliar fertilizers were not applied. Lipids of triticale kernels contained 20 fatty acids (FAs) with the highest proportion of linoleic acid. Methyl jasmonate did not exert a significant effect on the FA composition of kernel lipids treated with the plant hormone during the growing season. Statistical analysis did not reveal significant (p<0.05) differences in the total content of soluble carbohydrates in control kernels and in the kernels collected from triticale plants treated with MJ. Methyl jasmonate applied at a concentration of 10-3 M in BBCH stages 54 24 and 73 reduced the prevalence of stem base, leaf and spike diseases. However, the severity of grain infections caused by mycotoxin-producing fungi increased in treatments where MJ was applied at a concentration of 10-5 M relative to the control treatment. The study describes the results noted in naturally infected plants and provides valuable inputs for agricultural practice, but further research is required to validate the presented findings.
The effect of imidazolium ionic liquid on the morphology of Pt nanoparticles deposited on the surface of SrTiO3 and photoactivity of Pt–SrTiO3 composite in the H2 generation reaction
- Julia Zwara
- Marta Paszkiewicz-Gawron
- Justyna Łuczak
- Anna Pancielejko
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Grzegorz Trykowski
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
- Ewelina Grabowska
Photocatalytic water splitting has great potential in solar-hydrogen production as a low-cost and environmentally friendly method. Different unique techniques used to obtain photocatalysts with various modifications to improve H2 generation have been introduced. In the present work, SrTiO3 was successfully synthesized via the solvothermal method in the presence of ionic liquid (IL) - 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([BMIM][Br]) followed by surface decoration with Pt particles using the photodeposition method. The effect of the noble metal content and presence of IL on the morphology, optical and surface properties of SrTiO3, thereby the effectiveness of hydrogen generation, has been thoroughly examined and presented. Unexpectedly, the presence of [BMIM][Br] at the SrTiO3 surface affected the interaction between the semiconductor surface and platinum particles formed throughout photodeposition. Platinum particles at the surface of SrTiO3_IL were found to be in the form of 2D clusters with a size of 1 nm. In comparison, Pt deposited on SrTiO3 photocatalyst without application of IL created larger, three-dimensional structures with a diameter exceeding 5 nm. This is the reason why the total amount of platinum deposited on the SrTiO3_IL sample is smaller than that on SrTiO3 and justifies a higher efficiency of hydrogen generation of Pt modified SrTiO3 photocatalyst in comparison to SrTiO3 prepared in the presence of IL. The mechanism of H2 generation in the water-splitting reaction in the presence of SrTiO3_Pt photocatalyst was discussed.