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Gdańsk University of Technology

Publications from the year 2012

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  • Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in meat - available techniques
    • Bartłomiej Ferra
    • Dorota Drapała

    Toxoplasma gondii, which belongs to the phylum Apicomplexa, is an absolute intercellular parasite that infects a wide range of hosts, including warm-blooded animals and humans. An infection with this parasite causes toxoplasmosis, which in most cases remains latent. However, this disease is a major threat to immunocompromised people and pregnant women. In extreme cases, it can damage nervous system or case fatal abortion. Infected breeding animals may contain cells of the parasite in all tissue, that is why it is important to analyses meat of these animals. The consumption of raw or undercooked meat, in particular of pigs and sheep, is regarded as a major route of transmission to humans. However, recent studies showed that the prevalence of T. gondii in meat-producing animals decreased considerably over the past 20 years in areas with intensive farm management. The detection of the parasite in uncooked meat andcommercial meat products and the high ratio of seropositive slaughtered animals, emphasis that the risk still exists for food-born toxoplasmosis. Limiting the sale of such meat of infectedanimals may contribute to a decline in the proportion of patients with toxoplasmosis. Detection of T. gondii in meat is made by biologic, serologic, histologic, or molecular methods, or by some combination of the above. This article presents the techniques available for the detection of the parasite T. gondii in meat.

  • Detection of Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in environmental samples
    • Dorota Drapała
    • Bartłomiej Ferra

    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that has capacity to infect warm-blooded animals. Human toxoplasmosis is usually asymptomatic, whereas severe complications may occur in immunocompromised patients (e.g. AIDS) or in case of congenitalinfection. One of the sources of acquiring human toxoplasmosis is ingestion of T. gondii oocysts. It is known that newly infected cats can shed millions of oocysts into the environment, which are then spread via water, wind or manure. Thus, consuming unwashed fruits andvegetables, contact with soil or drinking untreated water may lead to the infection. Moreover, T. gondii oocysts show the great resistance to various environmental influences and can survive for months in adverse environments. For that reasons detection of this worldwideparasite in environmental samples (e.g. soil or water) is very important. Currently, there is not too much information about the prevalence of the T. gondii oocysts in the environment. Till now, only a few examinations of water and soil were performed. Becauseof low numbers of T. gondii oocysts and the presence of the other coccidian oocysts in the environmental samples, sensitive and specific method of detection is necessary. A few different techniques were used in identification of Toxoplasma oocysts in water samples. Most of them were based on methods previously used in detection of the other parasites. Much less studies concerning analysis of oocysts in soil samples were published. Despite the fact that quite good results were obtained with the use of different methods, further efforts are still needed to develop and simplify method, so that it can be adopted for lower numbers of oocysts. This paper shows an overview of techniques which were used in detection of this protozoan in water and soil as well as new ideas for improvement.

  • Detekcja, lokalizacja i identyfikacja obiektów ferromagnetycznych z wykorzystaniem magnetometrów skalarnych. - M. Wołoszyn.
    • Mirosław Wołoszyn

    W pracy opisano pole magnetyczne Ziemi oraz zasady działania współczesnych magnetometrów stosowanych w magnetometrii. Przedstawiono opracowane przez autora metody lokalizacji i identyfikacji obiektów ferromagnetycznych z zastosowaniem magnetometrów skalarnych. Opisano dwa systemy magnetometryczne do wykrywania niebezpiecznych obiektów ukrytych w ziemi oraz systemy magnetometryczne zainstalowane na śmigłowcu i samolocie.

    • Piotr Przystup
    • Adam Bujnowski
    • Jacek Rumiński
    • Jerzy Wtorek
    2012 Zeszyty Naukowe: Informatyki i Mechatroniki

    Diagnostyka obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego zazwyczaj polega na analizie całonocnego badania polisomnograficznego, które wymaga niestety całonocnego pobytu w specjalistycznej klinice i jest mało komfortowe dla pacjenta. Urządzenie opisane w niniejszym dokumencie umoŜliwia całonocną rejestrację trzech kanałów czynności elektrycznej serca (EKG), funkcji oddechu, sygnału z akcelerometru oraz odgłosów chrapania. Pomiar moŜe odbywać się w domu pacjenta, a do analizy zebranych danych wykorzystany zostanie automatyczny algorytm wykrywający epizody bezdechu i spłycenia oddechu

  • Determinanty obszaru poprawy jakości i bezpieczeństwa w kontekście akredytacji szpitali w Polsce
    • Grzegorz Zieliński

    W niniejszej publikacji zaprezentowano podstawowe aspekty ciągłego doskonalenia jakości usług zdrowotnych z uwzględnieniem obszaru poprawy jakości i bezpieczeństwa jako jednego ze standardów akredytacyjnych. Głównym celem było dokonanie charakterystyki standardów elementarnych tego obszaru oraz zaprezentowanie wyników badań związanych z określeniem hierarchii ważności tych standardów z perspektywy pacjentów.

  • Determinanty percepcji jakości usług edukacyjnych w perspektywie grup interesariuszy
    • Grzegorz Zieliński
    • Kajetan Lewandowski

    W nieniejszej publikacji zaprezentowano specyfikę usług edukacyjnych. Autorzy omówili kluczowe cechy tego typu usług, a nastepnie dokonali identyfikacji grup interesariuszy (wewnętrznych i zewnętrznych). Dla poszczególnych grup określone zostały oczekiwania jak i implikacje i wnioski dla realizacji usługi edukacyjnej.

  • Determination of chemical oxygen demand (cod) at boron-doped diamond (bdd) sensor by means of amperometric technique
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    • Justyna Czupryniak
    • Marcin Gnyba
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Tadeusz Ossowski
    • Michał Sobaszek
    • Kazimierz Darowicki

    A boron-doped diamond (BDD) sensor was proposed for effective detection of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by means of amperometric technique. Thin boron doped diamond active sensor layer was deposited on Si wafer and glassy carbon substrate by Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (MW PE CVD). The structure of BDD was confirmed by Raman spectra analysis. Broad Raman bands centered at 482 cm-1 and 1219 cm-1 are typical for boron-doped diamond layers. The BDD deposition onto the glassy carbon gives the maximum oxygen reduction peak current with the lowest background signal. The reduction of O2 on boron-doped diamond electrode was studied in DMSO solution The reduction of oxygen at boron-doped diamond predominantly involves the 1ereduction of oxygen to superoxide. The lowest COD detection limit was about 0.3 mg/l.

  • Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) at Boron-doped Diamond (BDD) Sensor by Means of Amperometric Technique
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    • Justyna Czupryniak
    • Marcin Gnyba
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Tadeusz Ossowski
    • Michał Sobaszek
    • Kazimierz Darowicki
    2012 Full text Procedia Engineering

    A boron-doped diamond (BDD) sensor was proposed for effective detection of chemical oxygen demand (COD) by means of amperometric technique. Thin boron doped diamond active sensor layer was deposited on Si wafer and glassy carbon substrate by Microwave Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (MW PE CVD). The structure of BDD was confirmed by Raman spectra analysis. Broad Raman bands centered at 482 cm-1 and 1219 cm-1 are typical for boron-doped diamond layers. The BDD deposition onto the glassy carbon gives the maximum oxygen reduction peak current with the lowest background signal. The reduction of O2 on boron-doped diamond electrode was studied in DMSO solution The reduction of oxygen at boron-doped diamond predominantly involves the 1ereduction of oxygen to superoxide. The lowest COD detection limit was about 0.3 mg/l.

  • Determination of Failure Causes of a Steam Turbine Casing
    • Janusz Ćwiek
    • Jerzy Łabanowski
    • Santina Topolska
    • Maria Sozańska
    2012 Solid State Phenomena

    The paper presents results of research and failure analysis undertaken to determine failure causes of a steam turbine casing. After 130,000 hours of service the crack in a outer shell of the turbine casing was found. The inner shell of the casing was made of cast steel grade G21CrMoV5-7, and the outer shell of grade G20CrMo4-5. Following research were performed in order to determine causes of the casing failure: chemical analysis; microstructure examinations with the use of light microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM); mechanical properties examinations using the Charpy impact test, and Vickers hardness test; fracture mode evaluation with SEM.

  • Determination of hormones in water samples using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry
    • Anna Jakimska-Nagórska

    Over the past few years, many synthetic (ethinylestradiol) and natural (estradiol,estriol, estrone) compounds present in the environment have been affecting the hormonalbalance of humans and animals. Steroid hormones are very often used for medical purposesand have high estrogenic activity what makes them endocrine disrupters. Most hormonalcompounds are released into the water as a result of their incomplete removal in wastewatertreatment plants or as runoff from soils.In order to know the fate of these pollutants in the environment and exposure of human andanimal to hormones it becomes necessary to monitor their level in different types of water (e.g.wastewater, river water, tap water). There is a need for selective and highly sensitive analyticalmethods due to the presence of hormones at very low concentration levels. The mostcommonly used is solid phase extraction (SPE) and liquid chromatography coupled withtandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).The aim of this study was to determine five hormones: estrone, estradiol, estriol, 17α-etinyloestradiol and progesterone in environmental water samples using SPE-LC-MS/MS.

  • Determination of impurities in pharmaceutical products using LC-MS
    • Kamila Wilczewska

    Pharmaceutical products can be contaminated by residues of solvents, reagents (used for the synthesis) or degradation products. Impurities in drug may pose a risk to human health and life, therefore analysis and identification of impurities in pharmaceutical products is veryimportant and inevitable.High performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is very useful technique for identification impurities in pharmaceuticals. Moreover it is ideally suited to the analysis of known or suspected compounds. However, MS does not give detailed structural information (for example, generally it is not possible to distinguish between isomers). More structural information can be obtained using LC-NMR, therefore using of this two techniquessimultaneously can give complementary structural information for unknown polar and nonvolatile compounds.

  • Determination of leakage inductances of multi-winding and single-phase transformer
    • Andrzej Wilk
    • Rafał Pokoński
    2012 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    This paper presents the method for determination of leakage inductances of single-phase and multi-winding transformer. The matrix of leakage inductances takes into account leakage self and also leakage mutual magnetic couplings. It is assumed that there is a flux common to all windings and several leakage fluxes referred to a particular winding. The flux linkages of each coil needed fo calculation of leakage inductances was computed by FEM commercial software Opera 3D. The values of leakage inductances matrix have been calculated for special reduced scale traction, 19,3 kVA transformer

  • Determination of LFER descriptors of 30 cations of ionic lquids - progress in understanding their molercular interaction potentials
    • Chul-Woong Cho
    • Christian Jungnickel
    • Stefan Stolte
    • Ulrich Preiss
    • JüRGEN Arning
    • Johannes Ranke
    • Ingo Krossing
    • Jorg THöMING

    W celu zrozumienia interakcji molekularnych trzydziestu kationów cieczy jonowych, zastosowano powszechnie znaną koncepcję liniowej zależności energii swobodnej (LFER). Deskryptory LFER dla nadmiarowej refrakcji molowej i objętości molowej, zostały obliczone in silico, natomiast kwasowość i zasadowość wiązań wodorowych, i polaryzowalność/dipoloarność kationów cieczy jonowych zostały oznaczone eksperymentalnie za pomocą wysokosprawnej chromatografii gazowej (HPLC). W badaniu zastosowano trzy różne kolumny (RP-select B, Cyan, Diol) i buforowaną fazę ruchomą, składającą się z dwóch rozpuszczalników organicznych - acetonitrylu (ACN) i metanolu (MeOH), które zostały selektywnie połączone z systemami HPLC RP-select B-ACN, RP-select B-MeOH, Cyan-MeOH, Diol-ACN oraz Diol-MeOH. Poprzez pomiar współczynników retencji 45 neutralnych substancji kalibracyjnych i obliczenie deskryptorów LFER trzech kationów w systemie HPLC, wyznaczono parametry systemu, w tym współczynnik jonowy z. I odwrotnie, deskryptory LFER trzydziestu kationów cieczy jonowych zostały wyznaczone bazując na parametrach pięciu systemów i ich współczynnikach retencji w systemach HPLC. Wyniki pokazały, iż rodzaj "głowy", długość łańcucha alkilowego i dalsze podstawniki kationu mają znaczący wpływ na dipolarność/polaryzowalność i kwasowość wiązań wodorowych, grupy funkcyjne (hydroksylowa, eterowa i dimetylaminowa) prowadzą do zwiększenia zasadowości wiązań wodorowych kationu. Charakterystyka kationowych deskryptorów LFER otwiera możliwość większego zrozumienia ilościowego potencjałów interakcji molekularnych oraz fizykochemicznych właściwości cieczy jonowych.

  • Determination of pharmaceuticals in fish: method optimization and occurrence in different species from Mediterranean rivers
    • Belinda Huerta
    • Anna Jakimska-Nagórska
    • Meritxell Gros
    • Sara Rodriguez-Mozaz
    • Damia Barcelo

    The multi-residue analytical method developed, based on accelerated solvent extraction, gel permeation chromatography purification and UPLC-MS/MS analysis allowed the simultaneous determination of 21 pharmaceuticals. Recoveries obtained for most of the target compounds were higher than 50%. The application of UPLC-MS/MS operating in the MRM mode, with two transitions monitored for each compound, provided good sensitivity and selectivity. The method presented detection limits in the low ng/g range for the three fish species, thus providing a reliable and robust tool that can be used for routine analysis of multi-class pharmaceuticals in fish tissues. Anti-inflammatories, psychiatric drugs and β-blockers were found in fish samples from the most polluted sites of Mediterranean rivers in the range of 0.6-15 ng/g.

  • Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in house dust using standard addition method and gas chromatography with electron capture and mass spectrometric detection
    • Sylwia Król
    • Bożena Zabiegała
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Monitoring of the environmental fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) involves determination of their concentration in air, airborne particles and settled dust. This requires the implementation of appropriate analytical tools like measuring instruments, reference materials and analytical procedures. In this study an analytical procedure was developed for determining PBDEs in samples with a complex matrix composition. The efficiencies of three different extraction techniques - Soxhlet Extraction (SE), Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) and Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE) - were compared. The study investigated the possibility of using the standard addition method for estimating PBDEs levels. The GC-µECD system was successfully applied as an alternative to low resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS) for determining BDE-209 in dust samples. The developed analytical procedure was then used to analyse dust samples, collected from houses and computer suites in the Tri-city area (Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot), in order to detect and quantify the presence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in the indoor environment. Concentrations of studied congeners (from triBDE to heptaBDE), obtained by chromatographic analysis, performed applying two measurement systems (GC-EIMS and GC-µECD) ranged between 331 and 3102 ng g-1 for house dust and between <LOD and 870 ng g-1 for electronic dust. The highest concentrations were obtained for congeners with four, five and six bromine atoms (BDE-47, BDE-99, BDE-100 and BDE-153). Concentrations of BDE-209 ranged from 384 ng g-1 (house dust) to 12 553 ng g-1 (electronic dust).

  • Determination of representative volume element in concrete under tensile deformation
    • Łukasz Skarżyński
    • Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
    2012 Computers and Concrete

    W artykule podano sposoby określenia elementu reprezentatywnej objętości w betonie podczas rozciągania. Obliczenia wykonano przy zastosowaniu izotropowego modelu degradacji sztywności rozszerzonego o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury w ramach teorii nielokalnej. Zaproponowano 2 różne metody wyznaczania elementu reprezentatywnej objętości niezależnego od warunków brzegowych.

  • Determination of SCFAs in water using GC-FID. Selection of the separation system
    • Anna Banel
    • Anna Jakimska-Nagórska
    • Marta Wasielewska
    • Lidia Wolska
    • Bogdan Zygmunt

    In the present study, an analytical procedure was developed for the determination of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in landfill leachate and municipal wastewater employing injection of aqueous samples to gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Chromatographic conditions such as a separation system, injection volume, oven temperature program were investigated and selected. With two columns, one with a polar (polyethylene glycol) and one with a non-polar (dimethylpolisiloxane) stationary phase, good separation of SCFAs, containing from 2 to 8 carbon atoms, was achieved. The sample volume was 2µL and the temperature program 80°C (30 s) then 7°C/min to 220°C (2 min). LOQs values were below 0.25 mg L-1. The concentrations of the acids in the landfill leachate studied ranged from 0.45 ± 0,059 (average ± extended uncertainty) mg L-1 for pentanoic acid to 15.2 ± 0.73 mg L-1 for ethanoic acid. Concentrations of SCFAs in the municipal wastewater were lower than LOQs.

  • Determination of Selected Organic Acids in Animal Farm Water Samples by Ion Chromatography
    • Marta Wasielewska
    • Anna Banel
    • Bogdan Zygmunt
    2012 Full text International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications

    Low molecular mass carboxylic acids (LCAs) occur in many environmental compartments due to natural processes and human activity. They are an important group of organic pollutants of waste water that mainly includes, volatile fatty acids, and also dicarboxylic, aromatic, hydroxy- and ketoacids. LCAs are present in the environment at concentrations between 1 to 5000 ppm and different methods have been reported for their determination [1]. When volatile and nonvolatile acids are to be monitored then liquid chromatography, including ion chromatography is the method of choice. At high pH the acids are in ionized form and can be separated as carboxylates by means of anion exchange chromatography. LCAs can also be separated at low pH by ion exclusion chromatography or by reverse phase chromatography. Using Dionex-3000 instrument with an Acclaim Organic Acid, OA column dedicated to separation of organic acids the method has been developed to identify selected LCAs. With this analytical tool formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and also citric, malonic, and oxalic acids were measured in waste water from swine and cattle livestock farms.

  • Determination of the substances potentially allergenic in water
    • Aleksandra Szreniawa-Sztajnert

    Personal care chemicals are continuously released into environment through domestic and industrial wastewater, causing adverse effects on human health. Their presence can be detected in different environmental compartments. A group of chemicals included in most personal care products are the allergen fragrances. In the present work, simple and rapid methodology based on ultrasound-assisted emulsification-microextraction (USAEME) followed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has been developed for the determination of 25 suspected allergen fragrances in water samples. The proposed method was applied for the analysis of twenty two water samples collected from different sources to verify the presence of the target compounds.