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Investigation of Weigh-in-Motion Measurement Accuracy on the Basis of Steering Axle Load Spectra
- Dawid Ryś
Weigh-in-motion systems are installed in pavements or on bridges to identify and reduce the number of overloaded vehicles and minimise their adverse eect on road infrastructure. Moreover, the collected trac data are used to obtain axle load characteristics, which are very useful in road infrastructure design. Practical application of data from weigh-in-motion has become more common recently, which calls for adequate attention to data quality. This issue is addressed in the presented paper. The aim of the article is to investigate the accuracy of 77 operative weigh-in-motion stations by analysing steering axle load spectra. The proposed methodology and analysis enabled the identification of scale and source of errors that occur in measurements delivered from weigh-in-motion systems. For this purpose, selected factors were investigated, including the type of axle load sensor, air temperature and vehicle speed. The results of the analysis indicated the obvious eect of the axle load sensor type on the measurement results. It was noted that systematic error increases during winter, causing underestimation of axle loads by 5% to 10% for quartz piezoelectric and bending beam load sensors, respectively. A deterioration of system accuracy is also visible when vehicle speed decreases to 30 km/h. For 25% to 35% of cases, depending on the type of sensor, random error increases for lower speeds, while it remains at a constant level at higher speeds. The analysis also delivered a standard steering axle load distribution, which can have practical meaning in the improvement of weigh-in-motion accuracy and trac data quality.
Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites
- Neha P. Asrani
- G. Murali
- Hakim Abdelgader
- K. Parthiban
- M. K. Haridharan
- K. Karthikeyan
Recent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior was assessed using pre-notched beams in accordance with the RILEM three-point bending test. Five diferent HFRGC mixtures were prepared using three fber types: steel, polypropylene and glass (SF, PF and GF). The parameters of the pre-notched beam in fexure tested in this study were the frst crack and peak load, crack mouth opening displacement at the frst crack load and peak load, equivalent tensile strength, post-peak slope, reinforcing index, residual tensile strength and fracture energy. The results reveal that there is a positive interaction amidst the fbers in geopolymer composites that leads to an enhancement in the mode I fracture energy compared to the reference specimen. This study probes the infuence of novel HFRGC while producing high-quality concrete, which can then be leveraged for sustainable infrastructure and various civil engineering works.
Investigations of size effect in concrete at aggregate level - experiments and calculations results using discrete element method
- Jan Suchorzewski
Size effect is a fundamental phenomenon in concrete. It is characterised by decreasing strength and increasing brittleness of concrete with increasing size. The thesis includes experimental and theoretical elements. The main goal of the thesis were investigations of a size effect at the aggregate level by taking fracture into account with the discrete element method (DEM) for various failure modes. Comprehensive experiments on a size effect were carried out for a tensile splitting test. In experiments, the micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and digital image correlation (DIC) technique were used. DEM for concrete was calibrated with the aid of simple uniaxial tests of uniaxial compression and uniaxial tension. In numerical calculations with the real internal concrete structure, the distribution and evolution of inter-particle contacts, inter-particle forces, force chains, rotations, broken contacts and energies was analyzed (depending on the specimen size) for various failure mechanisms: quasi-brittle, brittle and very brittle (snap-back). Experimental results were directly compared with experiments. Good agreement was achieved. In addition, comprehensive size effect experiments on reinforced concrete beams under bending without and with stirrups were carried out that were scaled along the height or length.
Ion conduction in beryllium-alumino-silicate glasses doped with sodium or sodium and lithium ions
- Natalia Wójcik
- Piotr Kupracz
- Ryszard Barczyński
- B Jonson
- S Ali
Electrical properties of beryllium-alumino-silicate glasses containing sodium ions or sodium and lithium ions were studied with impedance spectroscopy technique over a frequency range from 10 mHz to 1 MHz and at temperature range from 213 to 473 K. The frequency- and temperature-dependent conductivity spectra of individual single alkali glasses were superimposed by means of the Summerfield scaling. Mixed-alkali glasses do not overlap into a single master curve. Glasses doped with sodium ions exhibit significantly higher values of D.C. conductivity and lower activation energy (~0.63 eV) than glasses doped with both sodium and lithium ions (~0.95 eV). The observed mixed-alkali effect can be described by the dynamic structure model (DSM). The conductivity pre-exponential factors and activation energy follow the Meyer-Neldel rule in both glass series. It was observed that the replacement of SiO2 by BeO in single cation glasses resulted in decrease in activation energy and pre-exponential factor σ0. In mixed cations glasses similar effect found for D.C. conduction process parameters was assigned to influence of both oxides BeO and Al2O3.
Ionic conductivity behavior by activated hopping conductivity (AHC) of barium aluminoborosilicate glass–ceramic system designed for SOFC sealing
- M Da
- W Pontuschka
- J Bartolomé
- Piotr Jasiński
- Jakub Karczewski
- Signo Reis
Non-conducting BaO-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 parent glasses designed for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing applications were prepared using the melt-quenching technique. The glass formation region was determined according to phase equilibrium relations and was found to be in the composition range 70BaO-(x)Al2O3-(10−x)B2O3-20SiO2 where 3.0 < x < 6.0 wt%. The conductivity values obtained conductivity ranged from 10−5 to 10−10 S/cm at temperatures between 600 and 850 °C. The batch compositions presented a threshold of dc conductivity near 70BaO wt% with a quasi linear behavior with the decrease of the BaO content. Different values of conduction activation energy were observed at temperatures above the glass transition temperature (Tg) (up to 700 °C), which were attributed to the thermal bond-breaking of non-bridging oxygen (NBO) defects. The experimental results of the electrochemical characterization by impedance spectroscopy of glass–ceramic interfaces with yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) acting as solid ionic conductor electrolyte are presented and discussed.
Iridium 5d -electron driven superconductivity in ThIr3
- Karolina Górnicka
- Debarchan Das
- Sylwia Gutowska
- Bartłomiej Wiendlocha
- Michał Winiarski
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Dariusz Kaczorowski
A polycrystalline sample of superconducting ThI r 3 was obtained by arc-melting Th and Ir metals. Powder x-ray diffraction revealed that the compound crystalizes in a rhombohedral crystal structure (R-3m, s.g. #166) with the lattice parameters: a = 5.3394 ( 1 ) Å and c = 26.4228 ( 8 ) Å . Normal and superconducting states were studied by magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity measurements. The results showed that ThI r 3 is a type-II superconductor (Ginzburg-Landau parameter κ = 38 ) with the critical temperature T c = 4.41 K . The heat capacity data yielded the Sommerfeld coefficient γ = 17.6 mJ / ( mo l K 2 ) and the Debye temperature Θ D = 169 K . The ratio Δ C / ( γ T c ) = 1.6 , where Δ C stands for the specific heat jump at T c , and the electron–phonon coupling constant λ e − p = 0.74 suggest that ThI r 3 is a moderate-strength superconductor. The experimental studies were supplemented by band structure calculations, which indicated that the superconductivity in ThI r 3 is governed mainly by 5 d states of iridium. The significantly smaller band-structure value of Sommerfeld coefficient as well as the experimentally observed quadratic temperature dependence of resistivity and enhanced magnetic susceptibility suggest the presence of electronic interactions in the system, which compete with superconductivity.
Iron(III)-selective materials based on a catechol-bearing amide for optical sensing
- Natalia Łukasik
- Ewa Wagner-Wysiecka
- Aleksandra Małachowska
The synthesis and ion-binding properties of a new amide L derived from 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid are described. Due to the presence of a catechol unit, the compound interacts selectively with iron(III) in organic solvent (dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO) to produce a color change from pale yellow to green. The incorporation of the ligand L into polymeric matrices or its encapsulation into surfactant-based spheres enables analyte detection in aqueous solutions. The influence of the ligand environment (i.e. organic solvent, polymeric membrane or micelle) on the properties of the sensing materials is analyzed and the sensors are compared.
Is Germany a Hub of ‘Factory Europe’ for CEE Countries?
- Aleksandra Kordalska
- Magdalena Olczyk
The goal of the paper is to decompose gross exports and imports to/from Germany for seven selected economies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia for 2000 and 2014, in order to identify the role of Germany in absorbing, reflecting and redirecting CEE trade. The authors use a gross trade decomposition proposed by Bonin and Mancini (2017), which is the extended version of the methodology of Koopman et al. (2014). The analysis shows a deep integration of CEE into ‘Factory Germany’ as the European industrial centre and a smaller role of Germany as a market of final destination. Germany plays an increasing role in the redirection of CEE exports to extra-European destinations, especially to the USA, China, and Russia. Additionally, it is found that the Baltic countries and Poland export domestic value added mostly included in services, while the Visegrád countries do so in manufacturing.
IV Światowy Zjazd Inżynierów Polskich i XXVI Kongres Techników Polskich w Krakowie
- Adam Barylski
Omówiono przebieg i przesłanie IV Światowego Zjazdu Inżynierów Polskich i XXVI Kongresu Techników Polskich, który odbył sie w dniach13 - 15 czerwca 2019 roku w Krakowie. Hasłem przewodnim obrad był "Inżynier Przyszłości".
Jacek Krenz. Akwarele
- Jacek Krenz
Wystawa indywidualna 24 obrazów w technice akwarelowej i akrylowej oraz rysunki
Jak gładkość generuje punkty periodyczne
- Grzegorz Graff
Jednym z ważnych problemów teorii układów dynamicznych i topologii jest pytanie, jaka jest najmniejsza liczba punktów stałych lub periodycznych w danej klasie odwzorowań. Na przykład klasyczne twierdzenie Brouwera stwierdza, że każde ciągłe odwzorowanie kuli domkniętej w siebie ma przynajmniej jeden punkt stały. Szczególnie interesujące staje się powyższe pytanie w odniesieniu do klasy homotopii danego odwzorowania f. Artykuł poświęcony jest temu zagadnieniu oraz problemowi wzrostu liczby punktów periodycznych dla odwzorowań sfery w siebie.
Jak wiele wiedzy warto zdobyć na studiach? Strategie studiowania na przykładzie studentów zarządzania Politechniki Gdańskiej
- Paweł Ziemiański
- Krzysztof Zięba
Dane statystyczne dotyczące obiektywnej sytuacji osób kończących studia na uczelni wyższej (np. łatwość znalezienia pracy, początkowe zarobki) wskazują na racjonalność podjęcia decyzji o studiowaniu. Jednocześnie w obliczu głosów krytykujących system kształcenia wyższego, dla studentów najistotniejszym profitem osiąganym w wyniku studiów może stawać się dyplom ich ukończenia. W artykule opisane są przeprowadzone przez autorów badania jakościowe i ilościowe, których celem jest identyfikacja strategii studiowania obieranych przez studentów. Wykorzystano metodę sędziów kompetentnych, którymi byli studenci ostatniego semestru, którzy wskazywali (n = 31) i rangowali (n = 30) wiedzę niezbędną do tego, aby poradzić sobie na studiach. Uzyskane od nich informacje zostały wykorzystane do zidentyfikowania możliwych strategii studiowania, które następ-nie były oceniane przez studentów dopiero rozpoczynających studia (n = 176). Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na preferowanie przez studentów strategii kładących nacisk na jedynie niektóre elementy wiedzy dostępnej w czasie studiów. Ponadto, wybory strategii wskazywane przez studentów dopiero rozpoczynających studia są tożsame z wyborami wskazywanymi przez studentów ostatniego semestru. W opinii autorów uzyskane wyniki mogą zostać wykorzystane w praktyce edukacyjnej, na przykład do tworzenia bardziej zindywidualizowanych ścieżek studiowania.
Jakość w pomorskim Modele doskonałości jako podstawa promocji jakości. Przegląd rozwiązań światowych - cz.1.
- Piotr Grudowski
W opracowaniu przedstawiono model Nagrody im W.E. Deminga stosowany do oceny doskonałości organizacyjnej
Jakość w Pomorskim. Modele doskonałości jako podstawa promocji jakości. Przegląd rozwiązań światowych – cz.2
- Piotr Grudowski
W artykule zaprezentowano stosowane w różnych regionach świata tzw. modele doskonałości organizacyjnej stanowiące podstawę przyznawania krajowych nagród jakości. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na stosowany w Stanach Zjednoczonych model MBNQA.
JamesBot - an intelligent agent playing StarCraft II
- Zdzislaw Kowalczuk
- Jan Cybulski
- Michał Czubenko
The most popular method for optimizing a certain strategy based on a reward is Reinforcement Learning (RL). Lately, a big challenge for this technique are computer games such as StarCraft II which is a real-time strategy game, created by Blizzard. The main idea of this game is to fight between agents and control objects on the battlefield in order to defeat the enemy. This work concerns creating an autonomous bot using reinforced learning, in particular, the Q-Learning algorithm for playing StarCraft. JamesBot consists of three parts. State Manager processes relevant information from the environment. Decision Manager consists of a table implementation of the Q-Learning algorithm, which assigns actions to states, and the epsilon-greedy strategy, which determines the behavior of the bot. In turn, Action Manager is responsible for executing commands. Testing bots involves fighting the default (simple) agent built into the game. Although JamesBot played better than the default (random) agent, it failed to gain the ability to defeat the opponent. The obtained results, however, are quite promising in terms of the possibilities of further development.
- Krzysztof Wróblewski
Obraz był częścią wystawy "30 lat galerii Milano". Tematem obrazu jest rzeźba pt. "Janiela" autorstwa Stanisława Horno-Popławskiego
Jaw biomechanics: Estimation of activity of muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint
- Wiktoria Wojnicz
- Izabela Lubowiecka
- Agnieszka Tomaszewska
- Katarzyna Szepietowska
- Paweł Michał Bielski
The aim of this study was to elaborate a method of estimation of activity of surface muscles acting at the temporomandibular joint of the healthy subjects by using a surface electromyography (EMG). The scope of this study involved testing chosen jaw motions (open, close, lateral deviation) and process of mastication occurring during eating food with different toughness (chewing gum, cereal and carrot) by using mixed sides, right side and left side of the jaw.
Job-related emotions and job burnout among civil servants: examining the shape of the relationship in cross-sectional and longitudinal models
- Beata Basińska
- Ewa Gruszczyńska
Wstęp: Związek pozytywności, czyli proporcji między pozytywnymi a negatywnymi emocjami, z wypaleniem zawodowym może przybierać kształt krzywoliniowy. Ponadto z perspektywy teoretycznej jest to relacja przyczynowo - skutkowa, w której pozytywność jest proksymalnym, a wypalenie – dystalnym wymiarem dobrostanu zawodowego. Dotychczasowe badania były jednak prowadzone najczęściej w planie poprzecznym i testowały relacje prostoliniowe. Celem pracy było zbadanie kształtu relacji między pozytywnością a wypaleniem zawodowym z uwzględnieniem planów poprzecznego i podłużnego na przykładzie grupy urzędników administracji publicznej. Materiał i metody: W badaniu wzięło udział 238 urzędników (73,5% stanowiły kobiety). Pozytywność oceniano za pomocą Skali dobrostanu emocjonalnego w pracy (Job-related Affective Well-being Scale – JAWS-12). Wyczerpanie i zdystansowanie – 2 komponenty wypalenia zawodowego – mierzono dwukrotnie, w odstępie 4 miesięcy, za pomocą Oldenburskiego kwestionariusza wypalenia zawodowego (Oldenburg Burnout Inventory – OLBI). Wyniki: W planie poprzecznym modele uwzględniające relacje krzywoliniowe między pozytywnością a wypaleniem zawodowym były lepiej dopasowane do danych niż modele zawierające relacje prostoliniowe. Relacje między pozytywnością a wyczerpaniem i zdystansowaniem były krzywoliniowe z punktem przegięcia funkcji około wartości 2 dla pozytywności. W planie podłużnym dla wyczerpania w dalszym ciągu lepiej dopasowany był natomiast model krzywoliniowy, podczas gdy dla zdystansowania – model prostoliniowy. Wnioski: W grupie urzędników relacje między pozytywnością a wyczerpaniem były krzywoliniowe. Może to wskazywać na indywidualne koszty utrzymywania w pracy wyższego nasilenia emocji pozytywnych w porównaniu z negatywnymi. Z kolei rola pozytywności dla zdystansowania jest jednak bardziej złożona, z możliwą funkcją ochronną w dłuższej perspektywie czasowej.
Justification of models of changing project environment for harvesting grain, oilseed and legume crops
- Anatolii Тryhuba
- Oleh Bashynskyi
- Ievgen Medvediev
- Serhii Slobodian
- Dmytro Skorobogatov
An analysis of the condition of implementation of projects in agricultural production is carried out. The disadvantages of existing methods and models of planning of the content and time of execution of works in the projects, which mostly do not take into account the changing components of their project environment, are substantiated. The proposed methodology for justifying the models of a changing project environment for harvesting grain, oilseed and legume crops is based on the analysis of official statistics of agrometeorological stations and involves the implementation of production experiments, which makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the results. It has been established that the dewy periods of time in the projects for the collection of early oilseeds, cereals and legumes are characterized by a probabilistic distribution of the time of occurrence of dew and its duration. The indicated regularity and the established correlation relationship between the occurrence of dew and its duration are the main components of the model. The substantiated model of the pink period of time allows to take into account the changing events of the project environment and to improve the quality of the content management process and the time of performance of the harvesting work. It is established that the deficit of humidity in the air, in which the performance of harvesting is effective, changes over the course of the day by parabolic dependence. Its maximum value depends on the agrometeorologically acceptable duration of the works in the projects of harvesting early oilseeds, grain and legume crops, which is the basis for substantiating the model of the air humidity deficit and taking into account its impact on the implementation of works in these projects. The obtained results of the research are the basis of development of simulation models of projects for the collection of early oilseeds, grain and legume crops to improve the accuracy of determining the use indicators and resource requirements for the implementation of these projects. The obtained models increase the quality of management decision making in the projects of harvesting early oilseeds, grain and legume crops.
Key-Marker Volatile Compounds in Aromatic Rice (Oryza sativa) Grains: An HS-SPME Extraction Method Combined with GC×GC-TOFMS
- Widiastuti Setyaningsih
- Tomasz Majchrzak
- Tomasz Dymerski
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Miguel Palma
The aroma of rice essentially contributes to the quality of rice grains. For some varieties, their aroma properties really drive consumer preferences. In this paper, using a dynamic headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) system coupled to a two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) using a time-of-flight mass spectrometric detector (TOFMS) and multivariate analysis, the volatile compounds of aromatic and non-aromatic rice grains were contrasted to define some chemical markers. Fifty-one volatile compounds were selected for principal component analysis resulting in eight key-marker volatile compounds (i.e., pentanal, hexanal, 2-pentyl-furan, 2,4-nonadienal, pyridine, 1-octen-3-ol and (E)-2-octenal) as responsible for the differences between aromatic and non-aromatic rice varieties. The factors that are most likely to affect the HS-SPME efficiency for the aforementioned key-marker compounds were evaluated using a 25−2III fractional factorial design in conjunction with multi-response optimisation. The method precision values, expressed as % of coefficient of variation (CV), were ranging from 1.91% to 26.90% for repeatability (n = 9) and 7.32% to 37.36% for intermediate precision (n = 3 × 3). Furthermore, the method was successfully applied to evaluate the volatile compounds of rice varieties from some Asian countries.