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The Influence of Titania Electrode Modification with Lanthanide Ions Containing Thin Layer on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
- M. Zalas
- Maciej Klein
The lanthanide and scandium groups ions (except Pm and Ac) have been used as dopants of TiO2 film in dye-sensitized solar cells. The X-ray diffraction spectra show that the modification has no influence on the structure of the electrode; however, the diffuse reflectance UV-Vis measurements exhibit significant changes in the electronic properties of modified electrodes. The appearance of energy barrier preventing photoexcited electron back-transfer was confirmed for Sc, Ce, Sm, Tb, Ho, Tm, and Lu modified cells. The best photoconversion performance of 8.88 and 8.80% was found for samples modified with Ce and Yb, respectively, and it was greater by 31.4 and 30.2% than that of a unmodified cell.
The innovative experimental rig for wood steam drying at atmospheric pressure
- Jacek Barański
- Maciej Wierzbowski
The high cost of fossil fuel and soaring consumer interest have encouraged people in the wood industry to look for faster and more energy-efficient methods to dry lumber. The air-steam mixture as medium of drying process was used in a laboratory kiln especially arranged for that reason. Experimental rig is based on automatic control system. At the time of drying measurements of the internal temperature, wood temperature, moisture content and humidity can be performed. During experiments time of drying process was shorten and satisfactory results were obtained.
The innovative Exploitation of Brassica Vegetables in the Health Quality Food Production Chain
- Anna Piekarska
- Marzena Szczygłowska
- Dominik Kołodziejski
- Barbara Kusznierewicz
- Piotr Konieczka
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Tadeusz Pilipczuk
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
- Małgorzata Bodnar
- B. Bączek-Kwinta
In this overview the multidirectional opportunities of innovative exploitation of chemical and biological properties of vegetables from Brassiceae family are discussed. The specific chemical composition of brassicas, as regard both nutrients and non-nutrients, renders them particularly suitable for the health food production chain, literally from field to fork. the ability of these plants to accumulate heavy metals may be utilised for phytoremediation of arable soils, but also as a vehicle to fortify foods in micronutrients such as selenium. The agricultural waste of brassica crops containing glucosinolates and their degradation products represents a valuable raw material for crop protection in the process of biofumigation, at the same time constituting green manure. Moreover, glucosinolate derivatives owing to their chemical properties can target a number of biological processes implicated in human organism homeostasis. Consequently, rationally exploited Brassica vegetables may be a promising ingredient for research based productiuon of foods addressing gerenal public, as well as specific groups of consumers.
The investment process in the power supply industry
- Waldemar Kamrat
The basis for power supply industry programming in a market economy should be the principle of sustainable development, which must take into account maintaining an adequate level of energy security on the one hand, and the aim to preserve the maximum degree of non-renewable resources on the other hand. Therefore, the overriding aim should be a strive to meet the current and prospective demand for energy and fuel, in conjugation with the diversification of sources of access to technology and their manufacturing and delivery, while maintaining ownership. One of the most important conditions for the proper functioning of power engineering is not only the efficiency of current management but also the process of rational decision-making regarding planning. The accuracy of decision making influences, inter alia, the future development of the power engineering sector, its market share and capacity to generate profits for the national economy. The development of power engineering results from the implementation of specific investment projects, both new and replacement. Investing is a long term process which requires accumulating the capital necessary to finance the initial investment, which should yield a positive result with a delay. The general problems of investment process in the power supply industry are presented.
- Karol Podolski
- Krzysztof Nowicki
This article presents the problems related to IPv4 to IPv6 migration of applications supporting network services. It summarizes the needs of executing such migration. It shows the basic problems of automating the migration process, having defined the basic terms, i.e.: a network service, a network application. It shows a sample implementation of the automation of the migration process between IP technologies for selected network applications. The article compares examples of network applications and conditions for which the execution of the migration process automation is possible
The issues of quantum in empirical research on machines and other power systems
- Jerzy Girtler
W pracy uzasadniono, że w badaniach naukowych systemów empirycznych, zwłaszcza maszyn jak również i innych urządzeń energetycznych, należy uwzględnić istniejącą w ich eksploatacji przypadkowość i nieprzewidywalność zdarzeń. Nawiązano do osiągnięć mechaniki kwantowej wskazując na wynikający z nich postulat, że wielkości nazywane komplementarnymi, mają istotną własność, która polega na tym, że niemożliwy jest jednoczesny i zarazem dokładny pomiar ich wartości. Wykazano, że z mechaniki kwantowej wynika, iż przy powtarzaniu badań empirycznych, niezależnie czy są to obserwacje, doświadczenia, czy eksperymenty, nie można oczekiwać takich samych wyników, ale można oczekiwać tej samych częstości uzyskania poszczególnych wyników. Wynika z tego, że uzyskanie konkretnego wyniku badań jest zdarzeniem losowym. W artykule zwrócono też uwagę, że odkrycie w nauce zasady niejednoznacznej przyczynowości doprowadziło do zakwestionowania dawnego poglądu o istnieniu determinizmu jednoznacznego (czyli jednoznacznego wynikania skutku z każdej przyczyny) i przyjęcia determinizmu wieloznacznego, czyli determinizmu wynikającego z probabilistycznych praw mechaniki kwantowej, dopuszczającej (jak wiadomo) istnienie wyboru.Uwzględniając wspomniane dokonania mechaniki kwantowej jak też wyniki badań empirycznych uzyskiwane w fazie eksploatacji maszyn i innych urządzeń energetycznych, zaproponowano uwzględnienie w badaniach empirycznych dorobku mechaniki kwantowej.
The lasting traditions of activities in the field of wood technology researches at the Gdansk University of Technology
- Kazimierz Orłowski
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono sylwetki ludzi z Politechniki Gdańskiej, którzy odeszli, jednakowoż, których działalność była znacząca w obszarze drzewnictwa i mechanicznej technologii drewna.
The limit case of a domination property
- Magdalena Lemańska
- Juan Alberto Rodriguez-Velazguez
- Ismael Gonzalez Yero
Praca dotyczy dolnego ograniczenia liczby dominowania w grafach, ze względu na ilość wierzchołków oraz największą liczbę liści w drzewie spinającym.
The market and the fair as a traditional activity of the city
- Karolina Krause-Brykalska
The modern commercial center with its impersonal form still on the squares and streets appear traditional markets and its annual versions – fairs, which similarly to the historical commerce - gather different activities of the inhabitants.
The mechanical properties of biopolyether-urethanes synthesized from bioglycols and hydroxylated soybean oil
- Ewa Głowińska
- Janusz Datta
- Józef Haponiuk
Artykuł zawiera informcje dotyczące syntezy biopolietero-uretanów z uzyciem biokomponentów oraz porównanie wpływu przedłużaczy łańcucha polimerowego na właściwości mechaniczne i termomechaniczne wytworzonych materiałów.
The method of location and identification of weak electric field source in seawater
- Kazimierz Jakubiuk
- Paweł Zimny
- Mirosław Wołoszyn
The paper presents the method and measurement system that allows to lacate the detected object and to identify parameters of its simplified model in form of a current dipole.
The methods of heat recovery in air conditioning and ventilation systems
- Tadeusz Szymański
Przedstawiono wybrane metody i urządzenia do odzysku ciepła takie jak: recyrkulacja, regeneratory obrotowe, rekuperatory, rurki cieplne,układy z czynnikiem pośredniczącym, pompy ciepła oraz układy hybrydowe. Przedyskutowano podstawowe kryteriium oceny odzysku ciepła oraz efektywność cieplną wymiennika w układzie odzysku ciepła.
The model of end-to-end call setup time calculation for Session Initiation Protocol
- Piotr Gutkowski
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
End-to-end call setup delay is one of the most important grade of service (GoS) parameters for VoIP networks with Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). A typical subscriber wants to have a connection established as soon as possible. From the operator's perspective call setup time is also crucial because he needs to know how probability of successful packet transmission on SIP links is related to a call setup delay. Then he can make calculations how many resources are needed to guarantee such a transmission. In this paper we proposed the model for end-to-end call setup time calculation. The fundamentals of the model are to check all or almost all (highly probable) possible situations during the call setup. Formulas for calculation are included and results of numerical calculation are presented. Comparison against the values obtained from simulation shows that it is possible to make calculations of end-to-end call setup time and prepare discrete cumulative distribution function for trapezoid model in reasonable time using the proposed model.
The multivariate multilevel analisis of different regional factors impact on road saferty in european country regions = Wielopoziomowa analiza wieloczynnikowa wpływu różnych charakterystyk regionalnych na poziom bezpieczeństwo ruchu w regionach krajów europejskich
- Joanna Wachnicka
- Leszek Smolarek
In this research, the effect of the European regional differences on the risk of been killed in road accident in these regions is investigated. Factors which differentiate regions can be described as automotive, economic, infrastructural, demographic, geographic. Analyzed risk, counted as regional fatality rate was modeled by the Poisson model. Because of regional diversity of Poisson distribution parameters, the Poisson distribution was adopted. The multivariate multilevel model was developed, in order to asses combined effects of different factors on road safety level in regions. Such models could be helpful to forecast such risk on the regional level and focus safety actions precisely for region, because the national actions and their results differentiate in regions so far.
The new concept of material.Material "przekryciowo-izolacyjny" "Cover & insulation" material
- Przemysław Kitowski
The new concept of product. Cooling band
- Przemysław Kitowski
The chapter below presents the innovative solution consist in applying the cooling band to help holding the hot object. The solution was found through substitute inputs analysis and brain storm method. The new product was submitted in Polish Patent Office under the No. W.120905.
The newly developed multipurpose ROV or an integrated mine hunting system
- Leszek Matuszewski
- Lech Rowiński
A modular mine hunting ROV concept is presented. The design is based on experience gained during 15 years of exploitation of the Ukwial ROV and development of Gluptak single shot mine hunting systems. The design goal was to multiply capabilities of the Ukwial without increasing weight and dimensional envelope. The vehicle is composed around powerful propulsion system that gives the system basic PVDS capability and mine disposal in strong currents. The modularization is achieved by application of a dedicated work modules equipped for reconnaissance, search, object identification, mine hunting and engineering tasks. The ROV system is designed to be a stand-alone mine hunting system or to be a component of an integrated mine hunting system composed of AUVs and a single shot mine destruction vehicles. While the vehicle system is designed to be portable, it can be operated both from dedicated naval ships as well as small vessels of opportunity. The features are advantageous for many small navies and other governmental agencies.
The outdoor market places in the public spaces of a modern city = Miejsca handlu targowego w przestrzeni publicznej współczesnego miasta (vol.1)
- Karolina Krause-Brykalska
Nowadays the market in the public space has different meanings. One of the point of view concentrate on the market as a low attraction of the city, which make it more chaotic. Although there exist contrary point of view – to apply the outdoor markets and the fairs in the public space as a one of the main attraction dedicated for toursits and local people.
The possibility of use by-products for synthesis of emulsifiers
- Elwira Sadecka
- Halina Szeląg
- Olga Krasodomska
In the last years the interest in use of materials originated from natural sources, e.g. vegetables to produce attractive products still grows. According to that, also the synthesis of these products should be adequate to the green chemistry requirements. The typical example observed in recent years focuses on utlization of bioglycerol - the by - product of global biodiesel manufacturing. The still growing production of biodiesel results in accumulation in the market significant quantities of this product. In this study an economically and environmentally sustainable synthesis of emulsifiers realized by direct esterification of glycerol fraction in microemulsion system was investigated.There were determined the kinetic parameters of the reaction leading to program the composition and properties of the obtained products. It was stated, that programmed glycerol esterification in the presence of selected surfactants concentration leads to obtain modified emulsifiers with desired hydrophilic - lipophilic properties. It allows the potential use of these products in different dispersion systems. There were estimated the possibilities of use of these products to stabilization of W/O and O/W emulsions. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the obtained emulsifiers there were prepared emulsion and the influence of chemical structure of the emulsifiers and the role of dispersed phases were investigated. It should be mentioned that in emulsion formulations there were used fruit seed oils (e.g. apple, strawberry, raspberry and blackcurrant). These oils, which are by products - in this case from juice production in food industry, characterize valuable composition of fatty acids and relatively high concentration of tocopherols.