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Diagnostyka zakażeń Candida spp. oparta o amplifikację DNA techniką PCR
- Kasjan Szemiako
Zakażenia wywoływane przez oportunistyczne grzyby z rodzaju Candida są poważnym problemem klinicznym. Niezbędne jest poszukiwanie nowych szybkich, czułych i pewnych metod do identyfikacji gatunkowej tych drobnoustrojów. W artykule przedstawiono opisane w literaturze metody diagnostyki molekularnej drożdżaków z rodzaju Candida oparte o amplifikację DNA techniką PCR.
Dichotomous design of real-time systems
- Zdzisław Kowalczuk
W pracy prezentuje się i analizuje dwie podstawowe metody projektowania komputerowych systemów czasu rzeczywistego, spełniających rozmaite zadania z zakresu automatyki, sterowania, nadzoru i diagnostyki, w których następuje interakcja komputera z obiektami i procesami przemysłowymi, które posiadają naturę ciągłą (pozwalającą na ścisłą matematyczną charakteryzację w czasie ciągłym). Definiuje się podejście uwarunkowane kontekstowo oraz podejście uwarunkowane komputerowo. Podejście komputerowe (zorientowane implementacyjnie lub narzędziowo) - ze względu na dziedzinę, w której dokonuje się odpowiedni projekt właściwy systemu sterowania - znane jest jako metoda czasu ciągłego. Z kolei podejście kontekstowe (zorientowane problemowo lub środowiskowo) jest - z punktu widzenia zasad projektowania właściwego (w układzie zamkniętym) - nazywane również metodą czasu ciągłego. Charakteryzuje się oba podejścia i pokazuje zasadnicze różnice, jakie występują między nimi. Ponadto podkreśla się szczególne cechy podejścia kontekstowego.
Dietary intervention with beetroot juice during doxorubicin cancer chemotherapy in vivo reduces markers of oxidative stress
- J. Łukowicz
- G. Peszyńska-Sularz
- A. Cieślak
- Anita Piasek
- Monika Janicka
- Agata Kot-Wasik
- S. Popadiuk
- Włodzimierz Grajek
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
Cancer chemotherapy with doxorubicin, despite high antitumor activity and broad spectrum of this drug, is on decline due to toxic side effects. The clinical efficacy of anthracyclines have continuously prompted the search for new adjuvants to alleviate undesirable side toxicity incurred by this group of cytostatics. The recent approaches involve the application of synthetic or purified natural antioxidants in combination with doxorubicin following the observation that at least some side toxic effects, cardiotoxicity in particular, stem from stimulation of formation of reactive oxygen species by this drug. In contrast, our research represents a purely nutritional approach and is aimed at finding out whether special design of patients' diet, i.e. enrichment in a food item with high antioxidative potential, can influence the final outcome of cancer therapy.In the first series of experiments, we checked whether the proposed dietary intervention with beetroot juice might have any impact on therapeutic efficacy of doxorubicin. For this purpose, leukaemia L1210 bearing mice were treated with doxorubicin and fed beetroot juice ad libitum (instead of water) for 7 or 14 days. Control mice received water to drink. Doxorubicin was very effective in prolonging survival time of leukaemia bearing mice (ILS about 400%). However, only in groups receiving this drug in combination with beetroot juice total cures were observed. These were not sporadic events but concerned about 50% of animals. Moreover, in all mice groups drinking beetroot juice, the animals were more lively and displayed better appetite, as if they tolerated better both the disease and chemotherapy.In separate series of experiments, leukaemia L1210 bearing mice were fed beetroot juice ad libitum instead of water for 7 days and then were treated with doxorubicin applied in different schemes. From control and treated mice, bloods and hearts were collected and analysed for various markers of oxidative insult. In blood, the integrity of DNA in white blood cells has been determined by comet assay and the level of isoprostanes in plasma. In hearts, also by means of comet assay, DNA damage in cardiomyocytes was evaluated. The results revealed that although doxorubicin induced immediate extensive oxidation of lipids and DNA damage, especially in cardiac tissue, the dietary intervention with beetroot juice prior to doxorubicin treatment clearly decreased all markers of oxidative stress tested.
Dimeric structure of the N-terminal domain of PriB protein from Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis solved ab initio
- Dorothee Liebschner
- Krzysztof Brzezinski
- Miroslawa Dauter
- Zbigniew Dauter
- Marta Nowak
- Józef Kur
- Marcin Olszewski
PriB is one of the components of the bacterial primosome, which catalyzes the reactivation of stalled replication forks at sites of DNA damage. The N-terminal domain of the PriB protein from the thermophilic bacterium Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis (TtePriB) was expressed and its crystal structure was solved at the atomic resolution of 1.09 Å by direct methods. The protein chain, which encompasses the first 104 residues of the full 220-residue protein, adopts the characteristic oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding (OB) structure consisting of a five-stranded β-barrel filled with hydrophobic residues and equipped with four loops extending from the barrel. In the crystal two protomers dimerize, forming a six-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The structure of the N-terminal OB domain of T. tengcongensis shows significant differences compared with mesophile PriBs. While in all other known structures of PriB a dimer is formed by two identical OB domains in separate chains, TtePriB contains two consecutive OB domains in one chain. However, sequence comparison of both the N-terminal and the C-terminal domains of TtePriB suggests that they have analogous structures and that the natural protein possesses a structure similar to a dimer of two N-terminal domains.
Diminshed toxicity of C-1748, 4-methyl-9-hydroxyethylamino-1-nitroacridine, compared with its demethyl analog, C-857, corresponds to its resistance to metabolism in HepG2 cells
- Anna Wiśniewska
- Magdalena Niemira
- Karolina Jagiełło
- Agnieszka Potęga
- Małgorzata Świst
- Colin Henderson
- Anna Skwarska
- Ewa Augustin
- Jerzy Konopa
- Zofia Mazerska
The narrow "therapeutic window" of anti-tumour therapy may be the result of drug metabolism leading to the activation or detoxification of antitumour agents. The aim of this work is to examine (i) whether the diminished toxicity of a potent antitumour drug, C-1748, 9-(2'-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine, compared with its 4-demethyl analogue, C-857, results from the differences between the metabolic pathways for the two compounds and (ii) the impact of reducing and/or hypoxic conditions on studied metabolism. We investigated the metabolites of C-1748 and C-857 formed in rat and human liver microsomes, with human P450 reductase (POR) and in HepG2 cells under normoxia and hypoxia. The elimination rate of C-1748 from POR knockout mice (HRN) was also evaluated. Three products, 1-amino-9-hydroxyethylaminoacridine, 1-aminoacridinone and a compound with an additional 6-membered ring, were identified for C-1748 and C-857 in all studied metabolic systems. The new metabolite was found in HepG2 cells. We showed that metabolic rate and the reactivity of metabolites of C-1748 were considerably lower than those of C-857, in all investigated metabolic models. Compared with metabolism under normoxia, cellular metabolism under hypoxia led to higher levels of 1-aminoacridine and aza-acridine derivatives of both compounds and of the 6-membered ring metabolite of C-1748. In conclusion, the crucial role of hypoxic conditions and the direct involvement of POR in the metabolism of both compounds were demonstrated. Compared with C-857, the low reactivity of C-1748 and the stability of its metabolites are postulated to contribute significantly to the diminished toxicity of this compound observed in animals.
Diody termiczne - potencjalne możliwości wykorzystania diod termicznych w technice
- Jolanta Fieducik
- Jan Godlewski
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia przewodnictwa i przenikania ciepła w różnych strukturach. Przeanalizowano działanie różnych rodzajów makro, mikro i nano diod termicznych. Wskazano możliwości transportu ciepła przy pomocy diod w ściśle określonym kierunku, oraz możliwości wykorzystania tych rozwiązań w budownictwie.
Direct chromatographic methods in the context of green analytical chemistry
- Marek Tobiszewski
- Jacek Namieśnik
We review analytical protocols based on gas and liquid chromatography (GC and LC), but involving no sample preparation.Green analytical chemistry seeks to minimize negative impacts of analytical chemistry. Direct analytical methods ideally fulfillthis requirement, as they preclude sample preparation - the most polluting step of the analytical procedure.We describe examples of GC methodologies for environmental and food analysis using on-column, programmed temperaturevaporizers and injectors with sorbent-packed liners.Although LC methods are less amenable to eliminating sample pretreatment, we also present some successful applications ofdirect LC methods in environmental and food analysis, and bioanalysis.
Directed percolation effects emerging from superadditivity of quantum networks
- Łukasz Czekaj
- Ravindra Chhajlany
- Paweł Horodecki
Entanglement-induced nonadditivity of classical communication capacity in networks consisting of quantum channels is considered. Communication lattices consisting of butterfly-type entanglement-breaking channels augmented, with some probability, by identity channels are analyzed. The capacity superadditivity in the network is manifested in directed correlated bond percolation which we consider in two flavors: simply directed and randomly oriented. The obtained percolation properties show that high-capacity information transfer sets in much faster in the regime of superadditive communication capacity than otherwise possible. As a by-product, this sheds light on a type of entanglement-based quantum capacity percolation phenomenon.
Dirichlet-to-Neumann and Neumann-to-Dirichlet methods for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator
- Sebastian Bielski
Przedstawiono dwie metody służące do znajdowania wartości własnych i funkcji własnych równania Helmholtza w ograniczonej dziedzinie. Punktem wyjścia była konstrukcja zasad wariacyjnych uwzględniających możliwość stosowania nieciągłych funkcji próbnych (lub funkcji próbnych o nieciągłych pochodnych normalnych). Następny etap to wykorzystanie powierzchniowych operatorów całkowych typu DtN i NtD. Efektywność metod przetestowano na przykładzie konkretnego zagadnienia.
Discrimination of workers aged 55+ in companies in Poland
- Anita Richert-Kaźmierska
- Katarzyna Stankiewicz
The problem of discrimination on the grounds of age in the workplace is particularly topical not only in Poland but also in Europe as a whole. The paper presents the essence of the discrimination and its most common manifestations. The results of own research on the youngPoles' perception of the discrimination on grounds of age in the workplace, intergenerational competition in the labour market and some of the factors shaping these situations are also presented. Young Poles notice the problem of discrimination on grounds of age in the workplace and are willing to admit that it applies to people aged over 55. They indicate the weaknesses of the elderly and assess themselves as more attractive in the labour market. But at the same time they are aware that the elderly have some unique competencies, which may explain the youth's views on the intergenerational competition in the labour market
Discussion - Experimental study of dapped–end beams subjected to inclined load
- Krystyna Nagrodzka-Godycka
- Paweł Piotrkowski
Discussion - Experimental study of dapped–end beams subjected to inclined load
Distance measurement errors in silent FM-CW sonar with matched filtering
- Jacek Marszal
- Roman Salamon
The secretiveness of sonar operation can be achieved by using continuous frequency-modulated sounding signalswith reduced power and significantly prolonged repeat time. The application of matched filtration in the sonarreceiver provides optimal conditions for detection against the background of white noise and reverberation, and avery good resolution of distance measurements of motionless targets. The article shows that target movementcauses large range measurement errors when linear and hyperbolic frequency modulations are used. Theformulas for the calculation of these errors are given. It is shown that for signals with linear frequencymodulation the range resolution and detection conditions deteriorate. The use of hyperbolic frequencymodulation largely eliminates these adverse effects.
Distillation cleanup preceded gc determination of short-chain monocarboxylic acids in aqueous and solid samples of wastewater origin = Oznaczanie krótkołańcuchowych kwasów monokarboksylowych w próbkach wodnych i stałych pochodzących z oczyszczalni ścieków z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej poprzedzonej destylacją
- Anna Banel
- Anna Jakimska-Nagórska
- Marta Wasielewska
- Bogdan Zygmunt
Short-chain monocarboxylic acids (SCMAs) (C2-C5) formed in the process of aerobic biodegradation of larger organic molecules should often be monitored to optimize wastewater biological treatment and study the processes of converting organic waste matter into methane, etc. Gas chromatography (GC) seems a method of choice for such a task. Majority of samples require clean up before they can be injected into GC system. In this work a special refluxing apparatus is applied to concentrate and clean up the troublesome environment samples before injection into GC. To optimize separation of SCMAs in aqueous sample a special arrangement of two capillary columns, of very different polarity was used. The operational parameters of sample preparation were optimized and enrichment factors determined. The procedure developed was applied to determine SCMAs in troublesome aqueous and solid samples of wastewater treatment origin.
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Krzysztof Czerwionka
- Jacek Mąkinia
- Magdalena Kaszubowska
- Joanna Majtacz
In order to improve efficiency of N removal within the existing capacities, the denitrification process can be enhanced by adding external carbon sources. The studies on utilization of various by-products or waste materials as alternative carbon sources for denitrification have been carried out for over 20 years (Sage et al. 2006). Among several commercially available organic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, glucose), which can be considered effective carbon sources for denitrification, methanol has been most commonly used (Pagilla et al. 2006). The problem of high costs of commercial organic compounds can be overcome if “by chance one does have access to industrial wastewater, for example, brewery wastewater”(Henze et al. 1995). Recently, Gu and Onnis-Hayden (2010) presented a comprehensive literature review that summarized various types of external carbon sources that can be applied for enhancing denitrification. The “alternative” sources comprised raw industrial/agricultural by-products, such as corn syrup, molasses, brewery waste, and other process wastes (such as glycerol from biodiesel production). Makinia et al. (2009) compared the effects of dosing different organic compounds (settled wastewater, and various external “conventional” and “alternative” carbon sources) on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions using a non-acclimated process biomass from a full-scale facility
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Krzysztof Czerwionka
- Jacek Mąkinia
- Magdalena Kaszubowska
- Joanna Majtacz
- Mateusz Angowski
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zastosowaniem półproduktów oraz produktów odpadowych z gorzelni i destylarni, jako potencjalne źródło zewnętrznego węgla organicznego w celu poprawy denitryfikacji w systemach z biologicznym usuwaniem związków biogennych. W celu porównania efektywności trzech badanych substancji (oleje fuzlowe, odcieki i syrop) wykonano testy na szybkość redukcji azotanów (z ang. NUR) oraz szybkość zużycia tlenu (z ang. OUR). Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły przydatność badanych produktów, jako źródło zewnętrznego węgla organicznego do procesu denitryfikacji. Z uwagi na znacznie wyższe stężenia związków organicznych uznano do dalszych badań w skali technicznej wytypowano oleje fuzlowe.
Distorsional analysis of I-section beam
- Marcin Kujawa
An elastic stiffness matrix was derived in the case of distortion of a restrained thin-walled I-section beam using the minimum total stationary elastic energy condition. The function describing the angle of distortion was adopted form the solution of differential equation in the case of restrained distortion. The example presented in the paper helps to assess the correctness of the proposed solution. The proposed elastic stiffness matrix is applicable for solving distortion problems of bar structures composed of thin-walled members.
Distributed Detection of Selected Features in Data Streams Using Grid-class Systems
- Mariusz Matuszek
This chapter describes basic methodology of distributed digital signal processing. A choice of distributed methods of detection of selected features in data streams using grid-class systems is discussed. Problems related to distribution of data for processing are addressed. A mitigating method for data distribution and result merging is described.
Distributed infrastructure of self-organizing service servers
- łukasz Domżalski
- Michał Wójcik
This paper presents an idea of creating distributed system consisting of autonomous self-organizing service providers. It shows a real implemented system allowing for dynamic service search without interaction with client based on the inter-servers communication. Moreover presented system can be easily enriched with new elements without the need for restarting already existing servers.
Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements
- Józef Kotus
- Maciej Szczodrak
- Andrzej Czyżewski
- Bożena Kostek
An innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis. Dynamic estimation of noise source parameters and real measurement results of emission data areutilized to create dynamic noise maps accessible to the general public. This operation is performed through thenoise source prediction employing a propagation model being optimized for computer cluster implementationrequirements. It enables the system to generate noise maps in a reasonable time and to publish regularly mapupdates in the Internet. Moreover, the functionality of the system was extended with new techniques forassessing noise-induced harmful effects on the human hearing system. The principle of operation of thedosimeter is based on a modified psychoacoustic model of hearing and on the results of research performed withparticipation of volunteers concerning the impact of noise on hearing. The primary function of the dosimeter isto estimate, in real time, auditory effects which are caused by exposure to noise. The results of measurementsand simulations performed by the system prototype are depicted and analyzed. Several cases of long-term andshort-term measurements of noise originating from various sources were considered in detail. The presentedoutcomes of predicted degree of the hearing threshold shift induced during the noise exposure can increase theawareness of harmfulness of excessive sound levels.