Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2015

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  • Estimation of the uncertainty of the LEM CV 3-500 transducers processing function
    • Ariel Dzwonkowski
    • Anna Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • Leszek Rafiński
    2015 Pełny tekst Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    The paper presents the methodology for estimating uncertainty of a voltage transducer processing function based on the example of LEM CV 3-500 transducer. The analysis was performed using the method based on the GUM Guide propagation of uncertainty law and the Monte Carlo numerical method. The article also presents a comparative analysis of the results of a voltage measurement evaluation done using the Monte Carlo simulation method, and results obtained with the use of the propagation of uncertainty law method, for a few selected voltage and frequency values.

    • Krystian Zawadzki
    2015 Pełny tekst Financial Internet Quarterly

    The European Football Championship (Euro 2012) organized in Poland became the pretext for a number of infrastructural changes. A high level of expenditure makes the Polish event the most expensive among events of this magnitude. The fact that these changes were 100% financed by public funds raises the question of whether these funds were used in a substantiated way. Therefore, the aim of this study is to estimate the willingness-to-pay (WTP) among the community of the Pomeranian region, in connection with the construction of the stadium in Gdansk. A survey conducted among 299 respondents was the source of information. The results of the study show that the average value of WTP for the whole sample was 6.71 EUR 2012, while the aggregate value for the whole region was 15.4 million EUR 2012. The regression analysis showed that the level of WTP is determined in particular by income levels. The results thus confirm the existence of intangible benefits associated with the constructed facilities. However, it should be noted that the importance of these benefits is insignificant and does not compensate for the massive expenditure from public sources.

    • Grzegorz Rotta
    • Tomasz Seramak
    • Katarzyna Zasińska
    2015 Pełny tekst Advances in Materials Science

    Porous structures made of metal or biopolymers with a structure similar in shape and mechanical properties to human bone can easily be produced by stereolithographic techniques, e.g. selective laser melting (SLM). Numerical methods, like Finite Element Method (FEM) have great potential in testing new scaffold designs, according to their mechanical properties before manufacturing, i.e. strength or stiffness. An example of such designs are scaffolds used in biomedical applications, like in orthopedics’ and mechanical properties of these structures should meet specific requirements. This paper shows how mechanical properties of proposed scaffolds can be estimated with regard to total porosity and pore shape.

  • e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów – otwarte pytania o MOOC w zdalnej edukacji
    • Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka
    2015 Pełny tekst EduAkcja. Magazyn Edukacji Elektronicznej

    Jeżeli chcemy dobrze i skutecznie uczyć, nie obędzie się bez głębokich zmian zarówno na poziomie myślenia o dydaktyce akademickiej, jak i o metodach jej rozwoju. 30 kwietnia 2015 r. odbyła się na Politechnice Gdańskiej druga edycja Konferencji „e Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów”. Wśród ponad 120 uczestników Konferencji mieliśmy przyjemność gościć między innymi przedstawicieli ponad dwudziestu uczelni z Polski i z zagranicy (Holandii, USA i Ukrainy) oraz Fundacji Młodej Nauki. Z wystąpień oraz dyskusji kuluarowych wynika jasno, że na wielu uczelniach, również zagranicznych, poszukuje się rozwiązań zmieniających tradycyjny sposób kształcenia akademickiego i metody promowania najskuteczniejszych form kształcenia wspartego technologią. Chodzi tu zarówno o wprowadzanie rozwiązań technologicznych, jak i działań związanych z przygotowaniem pracowników do prowadzenia zajęć ze studentami oraz zapewnianiem wsparcia metodycznego oraz technicznego.

  • e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów, czyli MOOC tegorocznej konferencji
    • Anita Maria Dąbrowicz-Tlałka
    2015 Pismo PG

    Dnia 30 kwietnia 2015 r. odbyła się na Politechnice Gdańskiej II Konferencja „e-Technologie w Kształceniu Inżynierów” („e-Technologies in Engineering Education”). Konferencja miała na celu popularyzację najnowszych technologii w edukacji oraz pokazanie dobrych praktyk w tym zakresie. W czasie tegorocznej edycji, podobnie jak poprzedniej, przedstawiano przykłady wykorzystania najnowszych technologii w kształceniu na kierunkach inżynierskich, w tym technologii mobilnych, oraz zaprezentowano modele tworzenia dydaktycznych zasobów multimedialnych. Na konferencji mieliśmy okazję zapoznać się również z projektami związanymi z e-kształceniem realizowanymi również na Politechnice Gdańskiej.

  • Etyczność działań w public relations - między amoralizmem a kazuistyką
    • Ewa Hope
    2015 Pełny tekst STUDIA MEDIOZNAWCZE

    Artykuł jest refleksją filozoficzną dotyczącą problemów moralnych public relations i dziennikarstwa. Autorka stawia w nim tezę, że dziennikarze i specjaliści public relations – wykonując profesje, których fundamentem jest informacja, komunikacja i zaufanie społeczne - współcześnie bardzo wiele swoich działań wyłączają ze sfery tych, które mogłyby być oceniane z punktu widzenia moralności. Uznają też, że ocenie etycznej można poddać tylko indywidualne, pojedyncze przypadki sytuując je w szerokim kontekście uwarunkowań kulturowych, ekonomicznych i społecznych, a takie traktowanie zadań swojego zawodu niestety sprzyja postępującej anomii moralnej w społeczeństwie.

  • Etyka a integracja środowiska prawniczego - granice kompromisu w ramach budowania sieci korporacyjnej
    • Przemysław Banasik
    2015 Pieniądze i Więź

    W artykule podjęto rozważania na temat możliwości współpracy i wzajemnych interakcji różnych korporacji prawniczych. Starano się odpowiedzieć na pytanie na ile etyka (kodeksy deontologiczne) tych korporacji umożliwiają taką współpracę i jakie są jej granice.

  • Etyka marketingu - czy marketing jest etyczny?
    • Anna Drapińska
    2015 Pełny tekst Marketing i Zarządzanie

    Od jakiegoś czasu pojawiają się krytyczne głosy wobec marketingu, jako działań nieetycznych, wycelowanych przeciwko klientom i społeczeństwu jako całości. Można stwierdzić, że wizerunek marketingu jest w tym kontekście negatywny. Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy marketing jest etyczny. Stwierdzono, że istotą marketingu jest dbanie o dobro interesariuszy przedsiębiorstw oraz łączenie interesu firmy, klientów i społeczeństwa jako całości. W koncepcji marketingu nie istnieją założenia i cele związane z manipulacją i brakiem uczciwości, a za negatywny wizerunek marketingu odpowiedzialni są głównie praktycy, którzy często stosują agresywne i nieuczciwe działania sprzedażowe, posługując się narzędziami marketingowymi.

  • Euro 2012 in Gdańsk, Poland. Is it worth using public funds?
    • Krystian Zawadzki
    2015 Athenas Journal of Sport

    The aim of this study is to estimate the willingness - to - pay (WTP) among the community of the Pomeranian region, Poland in connection with intangible benefits and costs st emming from hosting the Euro 2012 in Gdansk. A survey conducted among 407 respondents was the source of information. The results of the study show that the average value of WTP benefit for the whole sample was 45,72 PLN2012 and WTP cost was 3,86 PLN2012. The aggregate values for the whole region was in terms of benefits and costs 396,6 million PLN2012 and 33,49 million PLN2012 respectively. The results thus confirm the existence of both intangible benefits and costs associated with the event. However, it shou ld be noted that the importance of the net benefits is insignificant and does not compensate for the massive expenditure from public sources.

  • Europe, between Mandatory and Voluntary Approach to CSR: Some New Evidence from the Polish Listed Companies
    • Magdalena Popowska
    2015 Journal of Yasar University

    This paper aims to explore the relationship between corporate governance rules and application of CSR practices into operations of the top 30 companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Since in Poland, so far, there is no obligation to follow any specific CSR standards or to make disclosures of non-financial, social and environmental information, this is still a fully voluntary approach. At the moment, only some of the companies listed on the WSE are regularly applying and reporting on CSR practices. The limited attention paid to CSR norms as well as CSR reporting under Polish law means also that foreign companies seeking access to Polish capital market generally will not face serious constraints in terms of regulations regarding CSR. Moreover, the situation in Europe is very diverse. Although European companies have no general legal obligation under EU law to adopt CSR policies or to report on them, the 2003 Accounts Modernization Directive deals with a range of issues on corporate accounting and reporting, and it has been at origin of more detailed legislation interventions at the national level. Countries such as Sweden, Denmark, France, the Netherlands, and the UK have mandated the disclosure of corporate social responsibility data. While in adopting and implementing corporate governance rules for the listed companies Poland has been not too distant from the other European countries, it appears only on the verge of a decision on the mandatory application of the CSR policy. Also the evidence on this topic from Polish listed companies is still quite poor in Poland. This paper would be an attempt to give a first conclusion from the preliminary research and will provide a basis for the further deeper analysis.

  • European Solidarity Centre
    • Monika Arczyńska

    Text on European Solidarity Centre in Gdansk.

  • Europejskie Centrum Solidarności
    • Monika Arczyńska

    Tekst o Europejskim Centrum Solidarności.

  • Evaluating the effectivness of an outsourced processes on the basis of key performance indicators
    • Piotr Grudowski
    • Mateusz Muchlado

    According to the statistics outsourcing has become typical solution for mature economies. Besides short run attempt based on cost reduction, getting popular is the method of increasing the effectiveness by implementing outsourced process. Authors in this article present the methods of measuring outsourcing performance on the basis of key performance indicators.

  • Evaluating the mobile robot positions using accelerometer data
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Tomasz Merta

    This paper analyzes the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on acceleration, we propose to construct the designed location system using a mathematical model of the considered mobile robot controlled by a DC motor. Computational and simulation case studies of the resulting observer-based system, in deterministic and stochastic settings, are performed to test the method, to determine its limitations, and, in particular, to verify if the system can work properly for low-cost accelerometers of standard precision.

  • Evaluation and behaviour of slowly biodegradable substrate on mathematical modelling of oxygen uptake rate in activated sludge systems
    • Jakub Drewnowski

    The effect of the readily biodegradable (Ss) fraction in activated sludge systems has been extensively investigated, but only minor information can be found about the effect of Xs on OUR in activated sludge systems. The aim of this study was to determine the evaluation and behaviour of Xs on mathematical modelling of OUR using ASM2d and its modification. The essential study was divided into two major parts: experimental investigation and mathematical modeling. In the first part of research a novel measurement procedure for a indirect determination of the effect of Xs was developed and implemented. The results of laboratory tests were futher used to evaluate a mechanism of the hydrolysis process using an existing Activated Sludge Model No 2d (ASM2d). In comparison with the orginal ASM2d, the modified model supported by both lab/full-scale computer simulations better predicted the COD and OUR behavior of parallel samples with the settled wastewater (SWW) without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation (C-F). The average ARDs were 19.0% and 29.3% (original ASM2d) vs. 13.4% and 20.4% (modified ASM2d), respectively, for the SWW without pretreatment and after C-F.

  • Evaluation Criteria for Affect-Annotated Databases
    • Agata Kołakowska
    • Agnieszka Landowska
    • Mariusz Szwoch
    • Wioleta Szwoch
    • Michał Wróbel

    In this paper a set of comprehensive evaluation criteria for affect-annotated databases is proposed. These criteria can be used for evaluation of the quality of a database on the stage of its creation as well as for evaluation and comparison of existing databases. The usefulness of these criteria is demonstrated on several databases selected from affect computing domain. The databases contain different kind of data: video or still images presenting facial expressions, speech recordings and affect-annotated words.

  • Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Virtual Bass Synthesis Strategy
    • Piotr Hoffmann
    • Bożena Kostek

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel approach to the Virtual Bass Synthesis (VBS) strategy applied to portable computers. The developed algorithms involve intelligent, rule-based settings of bass synthesis parameters with regard to music genre of an audio excerpt and the type of a portable device in use. The Smart VBS algorithm performs the synthesis based on a nonlinear device (NLD) with artificial controlling synthesis system according to music genre. Classification of musical genres is performed using the k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm and the extracted MPEG 7-based feature vectors optimized by the Principal Component Analysis method. To confirm the relationship between the presented excerpt of music from a variety of music genres and the listener’s preferences, subjective tests using the Mushra method are performed. On the basis of the listeners’ opinions statistical tests are carried out and show that listeners in most cases prefer the SVBS strategy developed by the authors in comparison to either an audio excerpt with the bass boost algorithm applied and unprocessed audio file. Furthermore, the listeners indicated that perception of the proposed SVBS strategy is similar for different types of portable devices.

  • Evaluation of cathode materials for electrochemical photocatalyst deposition
    • Andreas Haenel

    Electrochemical deposition of photocatalyst, especially TiO2, onto several cathode materials was investigated and evaluated. The deposited films were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDX) and electrochemical measurements. Photocatalytic activity was determined by the decomposition of cyclohexane in air by irradiation with ultraviolet light emitting diodes. It was found that stainless steel is the best cathode material.

  • Evaluation of Open Source SIEM for Situation Awareness Platform in the Smart Grid Environment
    • Rafał Leszczyna
    • Michał Wróbel

    The smart grid as a large-scale system of systems has an exceptionally large surface exposed to cyber-attacks, including highly evolved and sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) or Botnets. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. The smart grid requires developing and deploying an extensive ICT infrastructure that supports significantly increased situational awareness and enables detailed and precise command and control. The paper presents one of the studies related to the development and deployment of the Situation Awareness Platform for the smart grid, namely the evaluation of open source Security Information and Event Management systems. These systems are the key components of the platform.

  • Evaluation of polycaprolactone as a new sorbent coating for determination of polar organic compounds in water samples using membrane–SPME
    • Łukasz Marcinkowski
    • Adam Kloskowski
    • Agata Spietelun
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Commercially available solid-phase microextraction fibers used for isolation of polar analytes are based on the adsorption phenomenon. In consequence, typical limitations bonded with analytes displacement and matrix effects are very frequent. In the present study, alternative solution is described. Polycaprolactone (PCL) was used for the first time as sorbent to isolate polar organic compounds from water samples using the membrane–solid-phase microextraction (M-SPME) technique. In this technique, due to protective role of the mechanically and thermally stable polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane, internal polar coating might be melted during extraction and desorption of analytes. In consequence sorbents with low melting points like a PCL might be utilized. Based on chromatographic retention data, triazines were selected as a model compounds for evaluation of the sorptive properties of the polycaprolactone. Applying the screening plan and central composite design, statistically significant parameters influencing extraction efficiency were determined and optimized. The analysis of variance confirmed the significant influence of temperature, salt content, and pH of samples on the extraction efficiency. Besides the new PCL/PDMS fiber, a commercial fiber coated with divinylbenzene/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/PDMS) was used for comparative studies. The results obtained showed that PCL is an interesting sorbent which can be successfully applied for isolation of polar organics from aqueous matrices at a broad range of analytes concentration. The determined detection limits of procedure based on the novel fiber enable its application at the concentration levels of triazines recommended by the US EPA standards. The practical applicability of the developed fiber has been confirmed by the results based on the analysis of real samples.