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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2015

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  • Scenariusze przekształceń struktury funkcjonalno - przestrzennej obszaru metropolitalnego Trojmiasta
    • Piotr Lorens

    Artykuł dotyczy mozliwych scenariuszy rozwoju przestrzennego obszaru metropolitaklnego Trójmiasta. Ujeto w nim mozliwe przesłanki kształtowania tychże oraz konsekwencje dla struktury obszaru.

  • Scenariusze rozwoju przestrzennego obszaru metropolitalnego Trójmiasta
    • Piotr Lorens
    2015 Pełny tekst Biuletyn Instytutu Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki Przestrzennej UAM. Seria Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna

    Artykuł dotyczy problematyki kształtowania struktury funkcjonalno-przestrzennej obszaru metropolitalnego Trójmiasta. Zawarto w nim rozważania dotyczące uwarunkowań przekształceń, możliwych wariantów rozwoju oraz ich konsekwencji. Analiza istniejących uwarunkowań obejmuje obecną sytuację w zakresie głównych koncentracji zainwestowania, planowane przekształcenia w zakresie infrastruktury transportowej oraz możliwości i tendencje przekształceń obszarów zdegradowanych. Na tej bazie opisano cztery najbardziej prawdopodobne warianty scenariusza przekształceń obszaru. Opis każdego z wariantów scenariusza przekształceń obejmuje przedstawienie założeń przestrzennych, przesłanek niezbędnych dla jego urzeczywistnienia, omówienie możliwego stanu wynikowego oraz konsekwencji jego realizacji. Podsumowaniem artykułu są wnioski dotyczące elementów koniecznych do realizacji scenariusza oraz konsekwencji ich ewentualnej wybiórczej realizacji

  • – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Jakub Wszołek
    • Adam Cichosz

    In this paper a useful Internet application for designing electronic systems is considered. A practical process of prototyping electronic devices by using such a dedicated web tool, hereinafter referred to as SchematicLab, is described. This solution, still in constant development, is now ready for use.

  • – A web tool for the design and analysis of electrical circuits
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Jakub Wszołek
    • Adam Cichosz

    Along with a general progress in the modern computational tools, dynamic development of Internet applications using the cloud methodology and solutions is now observed. Clearly, also the applications installed locally, and being commonly used previously, are gradually gaining their counterparts in computational network clouds. The clouds have also brought new service sales opportunities. Namely, the service sales model based on perpetual licenses is no longer in use. Instead, a very popular modern solution based on selling temporary licenses ensuring the utilization of shared services in the cloud has already been introduced.

  • Scientific research in the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering
    • Leszek Dąbrowski
    • Waldemar Karaszewski
    • Jacek Łubiński
    • Katarzyna Mazur
    • Artur Olszewski
    • Tadeusz Stolarski
    • Michał Wasilczuk
    • Ryszard Woźniak

    Short descriptions of various research subjects taken up at the Department of Machine Design and Automotive Engineering are included in the paper. The subjects cover a wide range of bearing systems and tribology research and the research on tires and road surfaces. A third field of activity is biomedical engineering – with the attempts to improve methods of modelling biological materials in FEM calculations. The Department has a significant laboratory equipment for both tribology and automotive research, including unique test rigs for journal and thrust bearings and trailers for measuring noise and rolling resistance of car tires. The equipment is used for research grants and R&D project realized for the industry.

  • Scoring ofsolventsusedinanalyticallaboratoriesbytheirtoxicological and exposurehazards
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Green analyticalchemistry,althoughawellrecognisedconcept,stilllacksreliableenvironmentalimpact assessment procedures.Thisarticledescribesscoringofsolvents,frequentlyusedinanalyticallabora- tories, withCHEMS-1model.Themodelusestoxicologicalandexposuredatatocalculatehazardvalues relatedtotheutilisationofsolvents. The originalmodelwasmodified toincorporatehazardsrelatedtothevolatilityofchemicals.The scoring ofhazardvaluesshowedthatpolarsolventsarelesshazardous.Thescoringresultswereapplied to assessthetotalhazardvaluesintermsofsolventconsumption.Thehazardscorescalculatedforeach chemical weremultipliedbythevolumesofsolventusedduringtheanalyticalprocedure.Theresults show thatcalculationoftotalproceduralhazardvaluesisvaluableinthegreenanalyticalchemistry assessment procedure.Moreover,theassessmentprocedurecanbecombinedwithotherprocedural greenness assessmentmethods.

  • Seagrass vegetation and meiofauna enhance the bacterial abundance in the Baltic Sea sediments (Puck Bay)
    • Emilia Jankowska
    • Katarzyna Jankowska
    • Maria Włodarska-Kowalczuk

    This study presents the first report on bacterial communities in the sediments of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the shallow southern Baltic Sea (Puck Bay). Total bacterial cell numbers (TBNs) and bacteria biomass (BBM) assessed with the use of epifluorescence microscope and Norland’s formula were compared between bare and vegetated sediments at two localities and in two sampling summer months. Significantly higher TBNs and BBM (PERMANOVA tests, P < 0.05) were recorded at bottom covered by the seagrass meadows in both localities and in both sampling months. The relationships between bacteria characteristics and environmental factors (grain size, organic matter, photopigments in sediments), meiofauna and macrofauna densities, as well as macrophyte vegetation characteristics (shoot density, phytobenthos biomass) were tested using PERMANOVA distance-based linear model (DISTLM) procedures and showed that the main factors explaining bacteria characteristics are bottom type (vegetated vs. unvegetated) and meiofauna density. These two factors explained together 48.3 % of variability in TBN and 40.5 % in BBM, and their impacts did not overlap (as indicated by DISTLM sequential tests) demonstrating the different natures of these relationships. The effects of seagrass were most probably related to the increase of organic matter and providing habitat while higher numbers of meiofauna organisms may have stimulated the bacterial growth by increased grazing

  • Searching for innovation knowledge: insight into KIBS companies
    • E. Bolisani
    • Małgorzata Zięba
    • Paiola Marco
    • E. Scarso

    Purpose – The paper analyzes the patterns of research of “innovation knowledge” (i.e. knowledge that can result in introducing innovations in the company that can be observed in KIBS (Knowledge-Intensive Business Services) companies. Particularly, it identifies and classifies the possible approaches adopted by companies on the basis of two dimensions: the intensity/proactivity of search efforts, and the source primarily used. Design/methodology/approach – The paper examines the approaches adopted by 15 Italian and Polish KIBS companies. It employs a multiple case-study method, which is justified due to the descriptive and exploratory nature of the research, and the complexity of the phenomenon under investigation. Primary data were collected through semi-structured interviews to entrepreneurs and executives of the investigated firms. KIBS companies were chosen as object of study because they are often highly innovative and, in turn, they contribute to their clients’ innovative capability as well. Originality/value – The paper provides a better understanding of ways and sources of knowledge for innovation in KIBS. It has already been acknowledged that KIBS rely on various sources of knowledge for innovation, but not much is known about the approaches they adopt. The cases confirm that hardly ever KIBS use only one source of knowledge for innovation. Customers are often uses as a key source of knowledge, but employees are also expected to provide innovative ideas. Therefore, KIBS companies can follow various models to acquire knowledge for innovation. In particular, some companies can have a passive approach (i.e. innovative ideas come as a kind of side-effect of their daily business), while others have an active approach (namely, they actively search for new ideas originating from various sources). In addition, some rely more on internal resources (i.e. their employees, internal departments, etc.), while others on external sources (clients, suppliers, service providers, universities, etc.). It is possible to combine these dimensions and to obtain four combinations, as is described in the paper. Practical implications – The outcomes of the study are important for both research and practice. As regards research, it contributes to the discussion regarding knowledge sources of innovation and the processes of their exploitation in KIBS firms.

  • Searching for smart solutions:Comparative study of Gdansk and Glasgow
    • Joanna Bach-Głowińska

    This chapter is the executive summary of undertaken comparative study between Gdansk and Glasgow.

  • Secondary arc modelling for single pole reclosing analyses
    • Jacek Klucznik
    • Zbigniew Lubośny
    • Krzysztof Dobrzyński
    • Stanisław Czapp

    The paper discusses two evaluation methods of single pole auto-reclosing process effectiveness in HV transmission lines. Secondary arc current and recovery voltage calculation results obtained by load flow calculation are compared to the results obtained by the time domain simulations. Moreover, a nonlinear secondary arc model implementation is presented. The paper presents the study results for the three types of EHV transmission lines: single circuit, double circuit and double circuit with shunt reactors. The authors indicate, that precise representation of secondary electric arc in power system studies can lead to different conclusion than analysis carried out on simplified arc models.

  • Security Information Sharing for the Polish Power System
    • Rafał Leszczyna
    • Maciej Łosiński
    • Robert Małkowski

    The Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. With the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape the use of partnerships and information sharing has become critical. However due to several anonymity concerns the relevant stakeholders may become reluctant to exchange sensitive information about security incidents. In the paper a multi-agent architecture is presented for the Polish Power System which addresses the anonymity concerns. Polish Power System; electric grid; information security; information sharing; anonymity; Multi-Agent Systems;

  • SEI Growth and Depth Profiling on ZFO Electrodes by Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    • Andrea DiCicco
    • Angelo Giglia
    • Roberto Gunnella
    • Stephan Koch
    • Franziska Mueller
    • Francesco Nobili
    • Marta Pasqualini
    • Stefano Passerini
    • Roberto Tossici
    • Agnieszka Witkowska
    2015 Pełny tekst Advanced Energy Materials

    ZnFe2O4 (ZFO) Li-ion batteries (LIBs) represent a reliable, affordable, and safe energy storage technology for use in portable application. However, current LIB active materials (graphite, lithium/transition metal spinel or layered oxides, olivine structures) can store only limited energy since they rely on insertion storage based on solid-state host-guest interactions. Moreover, performances and durability of the cells are strongly influenced by the characteristics of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), which is formed upon the electrodes, especially for graphite, during the first charge/discharge cycle. This process is difficult to study and control. The aim of this work is to study the evolution of the SEI in this innovative anode material at selected charging steps by exploiting the surface sensitivity of the soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique requires synchrotron radiation and was never used before for such a purpose, although it appears to be very suitable for a detailed depth profiling of the SEI of advanced electrodes. The main conclusions that can be drawn by this work can be summarized as follows: 1) the evolution of the SEI takes place already during the first steps of the charging process and its thickness reach about 40 nm at about 1/3 of the full capacity, with a stable total thickness up to 20 working cycles; 2) the XAS technique is found to be very effective providing an estimate of the local thickness of the SEI, and indicates that the SEI grows preferentially around the ZFO nanoparticles.

  • Sektor usług wiedzochłonnych oraz jego dynamika i struktura zatrudnienia w krajach Unii Europejskiej
    • Małgorzata Zięba
    2015 Pełny tekst Central European Economic Journal

    Niniejszy artykuł dotyczy sektora usług wiedzochłonnych oraz jego dynamiki i struktury zatrudnienia. W części teoretycznej opracowania przedstawiono zagadnienia definicyjne oraz klasyfikacyjne związane z sektorem usług wiedzochłonnych, a także omówiono kwestie wiedzochłonności tego sektora. W części badawczej zaprezentowano analizę dynamiki i struktury zatrudnienia w sektorach usług wiedzochłonnych krajów należących do Unii Europejskiej. Główne wnioski płynące z dokonanych analiz są następujące. Po pierwsze, zatrudnienie w sektorach usług wiedzochłonnych wzrosło bardziej niż zatrudnienie w sektorach usług mniej wiedzochłonnych we wszystkich analizowanych krajach Unii Europejskiej. Zatrudnienie w sektorach usług mniej wiedzochłonnych na przestrzeni analizowanego okresu bądź wzrosło w mniejszym stopniu, bądź wręcz zmalało o kilka punktów procentowych w większości badanych przypadków. Po drugie, we wszystkich analizowanych krajach udział pracowników z grupy HRST (Human Resources in Science and Technology) w ogóle zatrudnionych pracowników jest większy w sektorach usług wiedzochłonnych niż w tych mniej wiedzochłonnych. Po trzecie, zaobserwowano również nieco zaskakujące zjawisko – w krajach powszechnie uważanych za gospodarki oparte na wiedzy ten udział zatrudnionych z grupy HRST w sektorach usług wiedzochłonnych jest w niektórych przypadkach niższy niż w krajach mniej rozwiniętych.

  • Selected issues on inovativeness of enterprises in Poland
    • Ewa Grzegorzewska-Mischka
    • Kamil Brodnicki
    2015 Pełny tekst Przedsiębiorstwo we współczesnej gospodarce - teoria i praktyka

    The article presents the issue of innovative activities in company processes. The forms of innovative activity important from the point of view of industrial, trade and service enterprises were described. The influence of different types of implemented innovations on the possible benefits obtained by enterprises was also described.

  • Selected issues related to the toxicity of ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents—a review
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Katarzyna Owczarek
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Green Chemistry plays a more and more important role in implementing rules of sustainable development to prevent environmental pollution caused by technological processes, while simultaneously increasing the production yield. Ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DESs) constitute a very broad group of substances. Apart from many imperfections, ILs and DESs have been the most promising discoveries in the world of Green Chemistry in recent years. The main advantage of ILs is their unique physicochemical properties—they are very desirable from the technological point of view, but apart from these benefits, ILs appear to be highly toxic towards organisms from different trophic levels. DES areas of usage are very spread, because they cover organic synthesis, extraction processes, electrochemistry, enzymatic reactions and many others. Moreover, DESs seem to be a less toxic alternative to ionic liquids. New possibilities of applications and future development trends are sought and presented, including such important solutions of life branches as pharmaceuticals’ production and medicine.

  • Selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children
    • Agnieszka Landowska
    • Katarzyna Karpienko
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Małgorzata Szczerska

    In this article the procedure of selection of physiological parameters for optoelectronic system supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children is proposed. Authors designed and conducted an experiment in which a group of 30 health volunteers (16 females and 14 males) were examined. Under controlled conditions people were exposed to a stressful situation caused by the picture or sound (1kHz constant sound, which was gradually silenced and finished with a shot sound). For each of volunteers, a set of physiological parameters were recorded, including: skin conductance, heart rate, peripheral temperature, respiration rate and electromyography. The selected characteristics were measured in different locations in order to choose the most suitable one for the designed therapy supporting system. The bio-statistical analysis allowed us to discern the proper physiological parameters that are most associated to changes due to emotional state of a patient, such as: skin conductance, temperatures and respiration rate. This allowed us to design optoelectronic sensors network for supporting behavioral therapy of children with autism.

  • Semantic OLAP with FluentEditor and Ontorion Semantic Excel Toolchain
    • Dariusz Dobrowolski
    • Paweł Kapłański
    • Andrzej Marciniak
    • Zdzisław Łojewski

    Semantic technologies appear as a step on the way to creating systems capable of representing the physical world as real time computational processes. In this context, the paper presents a toolchain for an ontology based knowledge management system. It consists of the ontology editor, FluentEditor and the distributed knowledge representation system, Ontorion. FluentEditor is a comprehensive tool for editing and manipulating complex ontologies that uses Controlled Natural Language (CNL). Its main feature is the usage of Controlled English as a knowledge modelling language. Ontorion is a Distributed Knowledge Management System with Natural Language interfaces (CNL) and a built-in rules engine. The Ontorion system is equipped with plugins for connection with other software environments, for example rOntorion using an R language package to access ontologies. It is exemplified with the semantic extension of On Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) using R language.

  • Semantic URL Analytics to Support Efficient Annotation of Large Scale Web Archives
    • Tarcisio Souza
    • Elena Demidova
    • Thomas Risse
    • Helge Holzmann
    • Gerhard Gossen
    • Julian Szymański

    Long-term Web archives comprise Web documents gathered over longer time periods and can easily reach hundreds of terabytes in size. Semantic annotations such as named entities can facilitate intelligent access to the Web archive data. However, the annotation of the entire archive content on this scale is often infeasible. The most efficient way to access the documents within Web archives is provided through their URLs, which are typically stored in dedicated index files. The URLs of the archived Web documents can contain semantic information and can offer an efficient way to obtain initial semantic annotations for the archived documents. In this paper, we analyse the applicability of semantic analysis techniques such as named entity extraction to the URLs in a Web archive. We evaluate the precision of the named entity extraction from the URLs in the Popular German Web dataset and analyse the proportion of the archived URLs from 1,444 popular domains in the time interval from 2000 to 2012 to which these techniques are applicable. Our results demonstrate that named entity recognition can be successfully applied to a large number of URLs in our Web archive and provide a good starting point to efficiently annotate large scale collections of Web documents.

  • Sensing of anesthetic drugs in blood with Raman spectroscopy
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Marcin Gnyba
    • Małgorzata Szczerska
    • Teemo Myllylä
    • Janusz Smulko
    • Ishan Barman

    A proof-of-concept study of a Raman spectroscopy-based approach for measuring the content of anesthesia drugs in blood is presented. Spectra of spiked blood from several patients exhibit prominent changes in regions associated with the drug.

  • Sensitive simultaneous determination of 19 fluorobenzoic acids in saline waters by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
    • Paweł Kubica
    • Hervé Garraud
    • Joanna Szpunar
    • Ryszard Lobinski

    A solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure using C18 stationary phase was optimized for the preconcentration of 19 fluorinated derivatives of benzoic acid (FBA): mono-, di-, tri-, and tetrafluorosubstituted in the ring, trifluoromethylbenzoic acid and 3,5-bistrifluoromethyl benzoic acid from undiluted salt-rich (>20%) reservoir waters. Quantitative (>90%) retention/elution of 16 out of 19 analyte compounds was achieved allowing a fourfold preconcentration factor accompanied by the elimination of >99% of salt. For the three most polar compounds (2,6-dFBA, 2,3,6-tFBA, and 2,4,6-tFBA) the non-quantitative recoveries (>70%) were corrected by dedicated custom-synthesized deuterated internal standards. The FBAs were determined by HPLC – MS/MS revisited in terms of a choice of column, elution conditions and MS/MS signal acquisition parameters allowing the baseline separation and a gain in sensitivity. For a sample intake of 4 mL, detection limits for all the compounds in a reservoir water sample containing more than 20% salt were between 0.01 and 0.05 ng/mL which represents a gain of a factor of 10–20 in comparison with the state-of the art LC–MS/MS procedures for samples of similar complexity.