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Publikacje z roku 2016
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Finite Element Method Applied in Electromagnetic NDTE: - A Review
- Marek Augustyniak
- Zbigniew Usarek
The paper contains an original comprehensive review of finite element analysis (FEA) applied by researchers to calibrate and improve existing and developing electromagnetic non-destructive testing and evaluation techniques, including but not limited to magnetic flux leakage (MFL), eddy current testing, electromagnetic-acoustic transducers (EMATs). Premium is put on the detection and modelling of magnetic field, as the vast majority of ENDT involves magnetic induction, either as a primary variable MFL or a complementary phenomenon (EC, EMATs). FEA is shown as a fit-for-purpose tool to design, understand and optimise ENDT systems, or a Reference for other modelling algorithms. The review intentionally omits the fundamentals of FEA and detailed principles of NDT. Strain-stress FEA applications in NDT, especially in ultrasonography and hole-drilling methodology, deserve as well a separate study.
Five-phase squirrel-cage motor. Construction and drive properties
- Jarosław Guziński
- Grzegorz Andrzej Kostro
- Patrick Strankowski
- Marcin Morawiec
- Atif Iqbal
This paper presents the simulation and experimental results of a five-phase squirrel-cage induction motor. The new machine has been designed to operate in a drive system with third harmonic rotor flux injection in order to improve the motor torque utilization. The motor structure, the mathematical model as well as the laboratory prototype have been described. The motor speed-torque characteristics and transients are elaborated Furthermore, the start-up possibility in the case of one or two stator winding faults has been shown as well. The idea of a closed loop speed control with increased load torque is presented.
Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars in experiments and according to aci ACI 440.1R guide
- Marcin Abramski
- Piotr Korzeniowski
- Witold Tisler
The paper presents research conducted on two concrete slabs reinforced with the carbon composite bars and two other concrete slabs reinforced with basalt composite bars. The carbon bars were plain, while the basalt ones were ribbed. The slabs were experimentally investigated in the flexural state of effort with the concentrated forces applied. The results are compared with the analytical solution proposed in the guide ACI 440.1R-06 of the American Concrete Institute. The calculation procedures in respect of flexure, as well as deflection, as per ACI 440.1R-06, are presented, briefly explained and discussed in the paper. Some suggestions to revise the existing procedures are offered. The authors present and discuss the following results of their experimental investigation: the ultimate capacity of the slabs, their modes of failure, deflections and the strains in reinforcement
Flock behavior and control
- Kacper Radziszewski
- Adrian Krężlik
In this paper we present the results of the Flock Behaviour and Control workshop cluster during “Shapes of Logic Conference 2015”. During the event, students got familiar with the techniques of both visual and sound real-time data processing. The second topic presented for students was behaviourbased approach of design process, mainly based on the mathematical rules set up by Craig Raynolds on the swarm behaviour. The aim of the cluster was to investigate potential use of both tools together, creating advanced, real-time algorithms
Flora i fauna w sztuce cystersów Pomorza Gdańskiego. Flora and fauna in the art of Pomerelian Cistercians.
- Aleksander Piwek
W sztuce cystersów pomorskich bardzo często spotyka się motywy odnoszące się do flory i fauny. W okresie średniowiecza miały one najczęściej znaczenie symboliczne, związane ze Starym i Nowym Testamentem. Ich głównym zadaniem było przypomnienie zakonnikom o miłosierdziu Pańskim oraz treści związanych z tymi fragmentami życia Jezusa, które są wskazówkami jak powinni żyć chrześcijanie. Sygnalizowano też konieczność wykazywania stałej czujności przed czającym się wszędzie złem. Użyte motywy wykorzystywano tak, aby przesłanie jakie niosą było celne i przydatne dla zakonników. Od renesansu zakres stosowanych symboli rozszerzano o przedstawienia nieznanych dotąd owoców. Tematy zdobień uwzględniały wówczas nie tylko cele ściśle religijne, ale także świeckie. Symbolikę zaczęto stosować w celu oddania cech charakteryzujących cystersów (głównie opatów) i zmarłych świeckich, którzy wiele znaczyli dla opactwa – fundatorów i dobroczyńców, a także tych, którzy czynnie wspierali zakonników. Zdobienia zaczęły mieć charakter tylko dekoracyjny lub informacyjny, pozbawiony symboli. Wraz z zainteresowaniami historią, wzrosła popularność wybranych symboli. Bogactwo wykorzystanych form wskazuje, że artyści nie tylko powtarzali tematy popularne, ale też byli twórczy w poszukiwaniu nowych.
Fluctuation enhanced gas sensing with WO3-based nanoparticle gas sensors modulated by UV light at selected wavelengths
- Maciej Trawka
- Janusz Smulko
- Lech Hasse
- Claes Goran Granqvist
- Fatima E. Annanouch
- Radu Ionescu
The sensitivity and selectivity of WO3-based gas sensors can be enhanced by UV-irradiation-induced modulation, especially if different wavelengths are employed. We used fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing, based on measurements of resistance fluctuations in the gas sensor, to study the effects of such modulation on the noise intensity for ambient atmospheres of synthetic air without and with additions of small amounts of ethanol, methane and formaldehyde. Our data confirmed that the method is energy efficient and can be applied to improve gas detection sensitivity and selectivity. The results are strongly dependent on the gaseous species, and a single UV-modulated WO3-based gas sensor discriminate between different gases.
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing with Organically Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle Gas Sensors Targeting Biomedical Applications
- Łukasz Lentka
- Mateusz Kotarski
- Janusz Smulko
- Umut Cindemir
- Zareh Topalian
- Claes Goran Granqvist
- Raul Calavia
- Radu Ionescu
Detection of volatile organic compounds is a useful approach to non-invasive diagnosis of diseases through breath analysis. Our experimental study presents a newly developed prototype gas sensor, based on organically-functionalized gold nanoparticles, and results on formaldehyde detection using fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing. Formaldehyde was easily detected via intense fluctuations of the gas sensor’s resistance, while the cross-influence of ethanol vapor (a confounding factor in exhaled breath, related to alcohol consumption) was negligible.
Foamed Polyurethane Composites With Different Types of Ash – Morphological, Mechanical and Thermal Behavior Assessments
- Aleksander Hejna
- Milena Kopczyńska
- Urszula Kozłowska
- Marek Klein
- Paulina Kosmela
- Łukasz Piszczyk
ncorporation of two types of ash particles into flexible polyurethane foams has been investigated, wood ash from gasification process and fly ash resulting from coal burning in power plant. Samples were modified with 5, 10 and 15 wt% of fillers. Structure, mechanical and thermal properties of obtained foams were investigated. Incorporation of both types of ash particles resulted in materials showing satisfactory mechanical properties, simultaneously decreasing their density. Addition of fly ash inhibited noticeably thermal degradation of material, because of the thermal insulation effect of gas trapped in the spherical ash particles. Results of research show that fly ash can be successfully used as a modifier of thermal properties in polyurethane foams, enhancing the economical aspect of the production through the decrease of material’s density and incorporation of low cost filler.
Forced Degradation Studies of Ivabradine and In Silico Toxicology Predictions for Its New Designated Impurities
- Piotr Pikul
- Marzena Jamrógiewicz
- Joanna Nowakowska
- Weronika Hewelt-Belka
- Krzesimir Ciura
All activities should aim to eliminate genotoxic impurities and/or protect the API against degradation. There is a necessity to monitor impurities from all classification groups, hence ivabradine forced degradation studies were performed. Ivabradine was proved to be quite durable active substance, but still new and with insufficient stability data. Increased temperature, acid, base, oxidation reagents and light were found to cause its degradation. Degradation products were determined with the usage of HPLC equipped with Q-TOF-MS detector. Calculations of pharmacological and toxicological properties were performed for six identified degradation products. Target prediction algorithm was applied on the basis of Hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channels, as well as more general parameters like logP and aqueous solubility. Ames test and five cytochromes activities were calculated for toxicity assessment for selected degradation products. Pharmacological activity of photodegradation product ( UV4 ), which is known as active metabolite, was qualified and identified. Two other degradation compounds ( Ox1 and N1 ), which were formed during degradation process, were found to be pharmacologically active.
Formal Institutions: the Source of Unproductive Entrepreneurship in Poland
- Julita Wasilczuk
- Piotr Dominiak
The purpose of this article is to determine the entrepreneurs' perception of formal institutions in Poland as a source of non-productive behaviours. The research methodology was developed based on many years of the teams' research experience. It involved three stages of research: 1) panel of experts and 2) telephone surveys of 1,612 entrepreneurs in Poland, which were the basis for 3) development of detailed research to be conducted among 300 entrepreneurs. The Polish entrepreneurs are mostly forced to unproductivity and they rather do not use the institutions to fight off the competition (offensive, voluntary unproductivity). The entrepreneurs themselves do not seem to provide much evidence for the unproductivity caused by the formal institutions. The study revealed a number of shortcomings in the research methodology itself. Conducting the research on a larger group of respondents necessitated the development of a standard questionnaire which does not capture all the shades of unproductivity. Perhaps individual interviews with entrepreneurs would allow for describing the activities treated as voluntary unproductivity. The original contribution of the authors is the division of unproductive entrepreneurship into voluntary and forced. So far no studies of this type have been conducted in Poland.
Fosfolipidy oraz produkty ich hydrolizy jako żywieniowe czynniki prewencyjne w chorobach cywilizacyjnych
- Karol Parchem
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
Wyniki licznych badań epidemiologicznych wskazują, że fosfolipidy odgrywają istotną rolę w profilaktyce chorób przewlekłych, z którymi borykają się współczesne społeczeństwa. Omawiane związki są odpowiedzialne za prawidłowe funkcjonowanie błon komórkowych przez zapewnienie odpowiedniej ich płynności oraz przepuszczalności i właściwej aktywności białek błonowych, w tym receptorów. Wspomniane mechanizmy pełnią istotną rolę w pro- filaktyce chorób nowotworowych, autoimmunologicznych, czy neurologicznych. Budowa i właściwości fosfolipidów powodują, że są dostępnym źródłem biologicznie aktywnych kwasów tłuszczowych. Aktywność biologiczną wykazują również inne produkty endogennej hydrolizy fosfolipidów. Zalicza się do nich lizofosfolipidy, będące produktami odłączenia wolnego kwasu tłuszczowego od glicerofosfolipidów w reakcji katalizowanej przez fosfolipazę A oraz kwas fosfatydowy i podjednostki hydrofilowe uwalniane w wyniku aktywności fosfolipazy D. Do bioaktywnych produktów hydrolizy zalicza się także ceramidy, będące produktem hydrolizy fosfosfingolipidów katalizowanej przez sfingomielinazę. Fosfolipidy do organizmu ludzkiego są dostarczane ze spożywaną żywnością. Duża ich zawar- tość występuje w żółtku jaja, wątrobie wieprzowej i drobiowej, a także w produktach sojowych. Na szczególną uwagę zasługują fosfolipidy pochodzące z owoców morza, ponieważ są bogatym źródłem niezbędnych dla organizmu kwasów tłuszczowych z rodziny n-3.
Fotokatalityczne właściwości TiO2
- Kamila Sadowska
- Maciej Klein
Fotokataliza to reakcja zachodząca na skutek absorpcji światła przez fotokatalizator lub substrat. Fotokatalizator to substancja, która wpływa korzystnie na przebieg reakcji zachodzącej pod wpływem światła i sama nie ulega zużyciu. Dobry fotokatalizator powinien wykazywać wysoką aktywność fotokatalityczną. Wśród półprzewodników wykazujących działanie fotokatalityczne w reakcjach degradacji związków organicznych za najbardziej efektywny uważa się ditlenek tytanu (TiO2).
Four level inverter's DC bus voltage balancing with 3-terminal DAB converter
- Maciej Grabarek
- Ryszard Strzelecki
- Valentin Tomasov
- Dmitri Vinnikov
—Multilevel inverters become more and more popular, especially in the medium or high voltage and high power applications. Unfortunately, some of inverter topologies require additional DC bus voltage balancing systems. This paper presents a novel approach to such systems, which is based on a multiple terminal DAB converter. Along with the voltage balancing function the proposed solution enables the connection of energy storage devices to the inverter which extends the functionality of the inverter
Fourier transforms on Cantor sets: A study in non-Diophantine arithmetic and calculus
- Diederik Aerts
- Marek Czachor
- Maciej Kuna
Fractals equipped with intrinsic arithmetic lead to a natural definition of differentiation, integration, and complex structure. Applying the formalism to the problem of a Fourier transform on fractals we show that the resulting transform has all the required basic properties. As an example we discuss a sawtooth signal on the ternary middle-third Cantor set. The formalism works also for fractals that are not self-similar.
Fractional Problems with Right-Handed Riemann-Liouville Fractional Derivatives
- Tadeusz Jankowski
In this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions for advanced fractional differential equations containing the right-handed Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative both with nonlinear boundary conditions and also with initial conditions given at the end point T of interval [0,T ]. We use both the method of successive approximations, the Banach fixed point theorem and the monotone iterative technique, as well. Linear problems are also discussed. A few examples illustrate the results.
Fracture simulations in concrete beam under bending using a mesoscopic model with cohesive elements
- Wojciech Trawiński
The main aim of this paper was to investigate a complex fracture process in a concrete beam subjected to 3-point bending test by means of the 2D meso-scale FEM with 4-node cohesive elements embedded in the initial mesh of 3-node solid elements. The material heterogeneity was taken into account by considering 3 different phases (aggregate, cement matrix, ITZs) on the basis of randomly generated internal structure of concrete and assigning different material properties to each phase. The effect of the shape and content of the aggregate particles was comprehensively analysed in the paper. In addition, parametric studies were carried out for different fracture properties of the cohesive elements.
Framework for Product Innovation Using SOEKS and Decisional DNA
- Mohammad Waris
- Cesar Sanin
- Edward Szczerbicki
Product innovation always requires a foundation based on both knowledge and experience. The production and innovation process of products is very similar to the evolution process of humans. The genetic information of humans is stored in genes, chromosomes and DNA. Similarly, the information about the products can be stored in a system having virtual genes, chromosomes and decisional DNA. The present paper proposes a framework for systematic approach for product innovation using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. Through this system, entrepreneurs and organizations will be able to perform the product innovation process technically and quickly, as this framework will store knowledge in the form of experiences of the past innovative decisions taken. This proposed system is dynamic in nature as it updates itself every time a decision is taken.
Free-surface elevation in open vortex flow controls
- Mielczarek Szymon
- Jerzy Sawicki
- Szymon Mielczarek
Rotational form of fluid motion is complex, but very important in science and technology. The paper is devoted to the hydraulic mechanism of flow in open vortex flow controls, or regulators. The velocity field was described by the kinematic model, and intensity of rotation - by means of the energy balance between the input and dissipation. In consequence some algebraic expresions were obtained, which can be useful in approximated description of the regulator operatin and design.
Friendly Applications: supporting education of children with autism
- Agnieszka Landowska
- Michał Wróbel
- Anna Budzińska
- Iwona Ruta-Sominka
Friendly Applications is a project introducing a family of applications supporting education of children with autism at kindergarten level. The applications were developed as a joint initiative of Gdansk University of Technology and Institute for Child Development, which uses the applications in daily educational activities.