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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2016

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  • New kinematic systems in single-sided lapping and their influence on lap wear
    • Adam Barylski
    • Norbert Piotrowski
    2016 Applied Mechanics and Materials

    Previous studies on one-sided lapping allow to state that not only parameters of lapping elements (i.e. properties of workpiece, abrasive grains and lapping plate) impact on a lapping efficiency. Influential are also kinematics and dynamics of the process. It is crucial to control an average velocity of lapping (v), a distribution of tangential acceleration (at), a nominal pressure (p), a lapping time (t) and disposal of workpiece in separator. Based on kinematics equations and the tribological models, the dimensionless distribution of the material removal volume and the trajectories of abrasive grains cutting on the lap were numerically simulated. Obtained information about excessive wear on lapping plate was the starting point to work out non-standard, single-plate lapping systems. In this paper ideas of unconventional lapping systems were presented. After numerous simulations and careful analysis it was observed, that the most desirable system is radial lapping system. It was point out that other systems are not very different from the standard kinematic system. Generated trajectories of an abrasive grain were almost identical. What is more, effects of kinematical parameters on the trajectories, velocities and accelerations observed in radial lapping system are shown.

  • New Materiality-towards ‘Media Environments
    • Karolina Życzkowska
    • Bogusława Konarzewska
    2016 Pełny tekst Procedia Engineering

    Article presents media solutions providing new materiality of architectural spaces. Media solutions in architecture evolve in new forms. Articlepresentsboth the developmentof new technological solutionsas well as new ways of application of media solutions in relation toarchitectural form. The aim of the article is to show technical aspects of new materiality - intelligent materials, allowing transmission of changeable visual content (like powerglass, GKDmediamesh, IMAGIC WEAVE, TEXLON lexipix, ETTLIN lux, OLED technology) and interaction between a user and space, so as spatial aspects of this new materiality. The goal of the article is to stress that media solutions do not stay just in the vertical position of a media façade, but go deeper in the users’ environment creating digital canopies (called in the article “media umbrellas”) and complex media environments. “Media umbrellas” due to their horizontal positions make boundaries between private and public space, indoor and outdoor zones, more fluid. Depending on context they can serve various functions. They follow pedestrians, eliminate monotony of long walkways, indicate entrance zones and cover places making them more cosy and more unusual. These structures can constitute fixed elements of architectural surroundings and take part in temporary events, provoking discussions and showing new possibilities. The article presents all types of this kind of solutions to prove that intelligent materials applied in architectural structures can shorten the distance between building and human, and make the space not only more visible and more dynamic, but also more accessible and more friendly.

  • New procedure for the control of the treatment of industrial effluents to remove volatile organosulfur compounds
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj
    • Patrycja Makoś
    • Andre Fernandes
    • Andrzej Przyjazny

    We present a new procedure for the determination of volatile organosulfur compounds in samples of industrial effluents using dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and gas chromatography with flame photometric detection. Initially, the extraction parameters were optimized. These included: type and volume of extraction solvent, volume of disperser solvent, salting out effect, pH, time and speed of centrifugation as well as extraction time. The procedure was validated for 30 compounds. The developed procedure has low detection limits of 0.0071–0.49 g/L and a good precision (relative standard deviation values of 1.2–5.0 and 0.6–4.1% at concentrations of 1 and 10 g/L, respectively). The procedure was used to determine the content of volatile organosulfur compounds in samples of effluents from the production of bitumens before and after chemical treatment, in which six compounds were identified, including 2-mercaptoethanol, thiophenol, thioanisole, dipropyl disulfide, 1-decanethiol, and phenyl isothiocyanate at concentrations ranging from 0.47 to 8.89 g/L. Problems in the determination of organosulfur compounds related to considerable changes in composition of the effluents, increase in concentration of individual compounds and appearance of secondary pollutants during effluent treatment processes are also discussed.

  • Niebezpieczeństwo ukryte w żywności-aminy biogenne. Cz. II. Metody oznaczania i wyzwania.
    • Mateusz Kacper Woźniak
    • Marek Biziuk
    2016 Analityka: Nauka i Praktyka

    Ze względu na aktywność biologiczną amin biogennych ich oznaczanie zarówno jakościowe, jak i ilościowe w żywności ma istotne znaczenie w celu zapewnienia ochrony zdrowia i życia ludzkiego. Obecnie do monitoringu amin biogennych w żywności najczęściej wykorzystuje się: wysokosprawną chromatografię cieczową (HPLC), chromatografię cienkowarstwową (TLC) oraz absorpcyjną spektrofotometrię cząsteczkową. Są to jednak techniki czasochłonne, niezbyt przyjazne dla środowiska i w większości przypadków wymagające przeprowadzenia procesu derywatyzacji. Dlatego też, konieczne jest opracowanie nowych, szybkich i opartych na zasadach zielonej chemii analitycznej metodyk pozwalających na oznaczanie AB w żywności. Obiecujące wydaje się zastosowanie technik ekstrakcyjnych, tj.: SPME i SBSE na etapie przygotowania próbek, a do oznaczania jakościowego i ilościowego chromatografii gazowej (GC) oraz elektroforezy kapilarnej (CE). Jednakże wymagają one udoskonalenia i walidacji, co może być tematem przyszłych badań.

  • Niekonwencjonalna metoda korekty siły w wieszaku drogowego wiaduktu łukowego
    • Krzysztof Żółtowski
    • Mikołaj Binczyk
    • Przemysław Kalitowski
    2016 Pełny tekst Materiały Budowlane

    Artykuł dotyczy wiaduktu łukowego zlokalizowanego w Słupsku w ciągu nowo budowanej łącznicy DK 6 i DK 21. Jako wieszaki na obiekcie zastosowano typowy system sworzniowy bez możliwości naciągania (nie ma mufy i nakrętek). Odpowiednie siły w cięgnach miały pojawić się w sposób naturalny po zwolnieniu przęsła z podpór montażowych. Jak się okazało, jeden z wieszaków został pozbawiony naciągu. W artykule przedstawiono sposób identyfikacji sił w wieszakach oraz niekonwencjonalną metodę korekty siły w nienapiętym wieszaku.

  • Nieliniowa analiza MES i monitoring konstrukcji prętowo – cięgnowych
    • Mikołaj Miśkiewicz

    Monografia dotyczy aplikacji nieliniowej teorii prętów przestrzennych przy wykorzystaniu formalizmu MES w systemie monitoringu technicznego konstrukcji. W pracy wyróżnia się dwie części: teoretyczno – numeryczną oraz aplikacyjną. W pierwszej sformułowano podstawy nieliniowej teorii prętów, algorytmy numeryczne oraz stworzenie kodu autorskiego programu komputerowego (MES) wraz z jego testami. Przestrzeń konfiguracyjna sformułowanej nieliniowej teorii prętów zawiera w definicji iloczyn kartezjański przestrzeni euklidesowej i grupy obrotów SO(3), a więc nie posiada struktury przestrzeni liniowej co w obszarze implementacji MES wymagało niestandardowych technik aproksymacji i interpolacji zmiennych. Opracowany autorski program B6 jest przystosowany do statycznej analizy nieliniowej konstrukcji prętowych, stateczności i małych drgań nałożonych na skończone deformacje. Z uwagi na niewielki rozmiar i pełne przystosowanie do analizy konstrukcji prętowo-cięgnowych w stanach awaryjnych jest idealnym rozwiązaniem do aplikacji jako rdzeń systemów monitoringu technicznego. Dlatego został on wykorzystany do analizy w czasie rzeczywistym dachu hali Olivia w Gdańsku, czego szczegółowy opis stanowi drugą część monografii.

  • Nieustalony przepływ w rurociągach pod ciśnieniem – eksperyment a teoria
    • Natalia Krystyna Gietka
    2016 Polski Instalator

    Uderzenie hydrauliczne w przewodach pod ciśnieniem to zjawisko gwałtownych zmian ciśnienia będących następstwem szybkich w czasie zmian prędkości. Przyczynami powstawania uderzenia hydraulicznego mogą być zarówno przypadkowe zdarzenia (np. przerwy w dostawie prądu do stacji pomp, awaria pomp), jak i niewłaściwe eksploatowanie instalacji (np. nieprawidłowe zamykanie lub otwieranie zaworów). Przeciwdziałanie skutkom tego zjawiska polega na ograniczeniu przyrostów ciśnienia, co można osiągnąć m. in. poprzez powolne otwieranie i zamykanie zaworów, odpowiedni dobór materiału przewodu itd. Uderzenie hydrauliczne stanowi ważny problem, z jakim muszą zmierzyć się zarówno projektanci jak i użytkownicy systemów przesyłowych (np. sieci wodociągowe, instalacje przemysłowe, rurociągi naftowe itd.). Potwierdzeniem jego istotności jest fakt nałożenia na projektantów obowiązku sprawdzania zachowania projektowanych instalacji w warunkach szybkozmiennych przepływów nieustalonych. Szczególnie istotny wpływ na przebieg uderzenia hydraulicznego ma charakterystyka przewodu w tym materiał, z którego został on wykonany. Z tego powodu dokładne rozpoznanie zjawiska stanowi istotne zagadnienie, zarówno naukowe jak i praktyczne.

  • Night in a big city. Light festivals as a creative medium used at night and their impact on the authority, significance and prestige of a city
    • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska

    Cities in times of global urbanization, are looking for completely new marketing methods, one such tool is the creative use of artificial light after dark, in the form of light festivals. This paper aims to introduce the historical development of the phenomenon and contemporary as well as contemporary illuminations / projects of illuminations of Fete des Lumieres festival in Lyon, Luminale in Frankfurt or on a smaller scale Lights in Alingsas in Sweden by reviewing/ through a review of best practices and case studies in Europe. The intention of this paper is also to demonstrate how much light festivals can contribute to the promotion and communication of a European town in the development of its marketing strategy, contributing towards creating its image, significance and its distinctive target brand.

  • Niobiany ziem rzadkich - właściwości i zastosowania
    • Piotr Winiarz
    2016 Pełny tekst Technical Issues

    Rare earth niobates are a very interesting group of materials. These compound have different properties which could be changes in a wide range by appropriate doping. X-Ray diffraction examinations for some compounds of RE3NbO7 group were shown

  • No Quantum Realization of Extremal No-Signaling Boxes
    • Ravishankar Ramanathan
    • Jan Tuziemski
    • Michał Horodecki
    • Paweł Horodecki

    The study of quantum correlations is important for fundamental reasons as well as for quantum communication and information processing tasks. On the one hand, it is of tremendous interest to derive the correlations produced by measurements on separated composite quantum systems from within the set of all correlations obeying the no-signaling principle of relativity, by means of information-theoretic principles. On the other hand, an important ongoing research program concerns the formulation of device-independent cryptographic protocols based on quantum nonlocal correlations for the generation of secure keys, and the amplification and expansion of random bits against general no-signaling adversaries. In both these research programs, a fundamental question arises: Can any measurements on quantum states realize the correlations present in pure extremal no-signaling boxes? Here, we answer this question in full generality showing that no nontrivial (not local realistic) extremal boxes of general no-signaling theories can be realized in quantum theory. We then explore some important consequences of this fact.

  • No Quick Response
    • Krzysztof Wróblewski

  • Noble metal modified TiO2 microspheres: Surface properties and photocatalytic activity under UV-vis and visible light
    • Ewelina Grabowska
    • Martyna Marchelek
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Grzegorz Trykowski
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    Composite photocatalysts that consist of TiO2and noble metal nanostructures have been considered tobe the promising and pivotal material for accessible enhancement of the efficiency in the photocatalyticprocess carried out in the aqueous and gas phases. In this work we fabricated porous TiO2microspheresthrough a hydrothermal process followed by photochemical reduction of noble metal nanoparticles atthe TiO2surface. The morphology and structure of M-TiO2spheres (M = Ag, Au, Pt and Pd) were studiedwith the use of various techniques, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray powderdiffraction analysis (XRD), photoluminescence (PL) and UV–vis diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy (DRS).The effect of metal amount (from 0.1 to 1 wt.%.) on the photocatalytic activity during toluene degradationin gas phase and phenol degradation in aqueous phase was investigated. Additionally, the photocatalyticactivity of the M-TiO2samples was evaluated by measuring the formation rate of photo-induced hydroxylradicals (•OH) under UV–vis light irradiation using coumarin as a probe. The obtained results indicatedthat toluene could be mostly removed from the air over TiO2microspheres modified with Ag, Au, Pt, andPd nanoparticles. UV-mediated photoreactivity was almost similar for all samples obtained by loadingmetals from solutions consisting of 0.1 and 1 wt.% of metal precursors. Under visible light, except for Au, ingas phase toluene oxidation, the optimized loading of the metals was 0.1 wt.-% (photoreactivity changedin order: Ag-TiO2≈ Pd-TiO2> Pt-TiO2» Au-TiO2). In case of phenol degradation in the aqueous phase, inthe presence of UV irradiation the highest amount of metal (1.5 wt.%) was profitable, while under the Vislight reaction the medium amount of metal (0.5 wt.%) was beneficial. Additionally, it was noticed thatphenol was degraded not only via oxidation by•OH radicals but probably also in direct reaction withthe photogenerated carriers (e−/h+), particulary in the presence of TiO2spheres loaded with Au and Agnanoparticles.

  • Noise Analysis of Continuous GPS Time Series of Selected EPN Stations to Investigate Variations in Stability of Monument Types
    • Anna Klos
    • Janusz Bogusz
    • Mariusz Figurski
    • Wieslaw Kosek

    The type of monument that a GPS antenna is placed on plays a significant role in noise estimation for each permanent GPS station. In this research 18 Polish permanent GPS stations that belong to the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) were analyzed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). The antennae of Polish EPN stations are placed on roofs of buildings or on concrete pillars. The analyzed data covers a period of 5 years from 2008 to 2013. The analysis was made on the daily topocentric coordinate changes. Firstly, the existence of the combination of white noise, flicker noise and random-walk on each of the stations was set up before the analysis, secondly – a random-walk plus white noise model was assumed, because monument instability is thought to follow random-walk. The first combination of noises did not yield any conclusions about stability of monuments, probably because of the domination of flicker noise in the time series. The second one, even if not quite correct – noises in GPS time series do not strictly reflect random-walk only-showed that concrete pillars perform better than buildings for GPS antenna locations. Unfortunately, on the basis of this it cannot be clearly stated whether they are better as monuments or not. Moreover, the stacked Power Spectral Densities (PSDs) of topocentric coordinates were obtained with Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for each monument type. Even though stacked spectra are quite similar and do not really show any differences, PSDs made for certain station are more varied.

  • Noise and Rolling Resistance Properties of Various Types of Winter Tyres Compared to Normal Car Tyres
    • Ulf Sandberg
    • Piotr Mioduszewski
    • Jerzy Ejsmont
    • Tiago Vieira

    To cope with winter weather conditions, potentially including snow and ice, it is common to use winter tyres, or ”all-seasons” tyres assumed to be safe both in summer and winter. In some northern countries, winter tyres are mandatory. Traditionally, it has been assumed that winter tyres are noisier than normal tyres (here called summer tyres) and winter tyres equipped with studs are assumed to be very noisy.This paper presents a study where noise and rolling resistance properties of tyres for winter conditions are compared to summer and all-season tyres. The winter tyres include types optimized for central-European climate, tyres optimized for Nordic climate and tyres with studs. In total, approximately 35 car tyres in new condition have been tested.Noise properties have been measured with the CPX method and rolling resistance has been measured with a trailer method; all measurements made on two in-service road surfaces; an SMA 8 and a DAC 16 pavement. Tyres were loaded with loads and inflation as required in ECE Regulation R117.Results indicate that winter tyres are somewhat quieter than summer tyres; except studded tyres which are much noisier. Rolling resistance is approximately similar among the main types; surprisingly including also studded tyres.

  • Nondestructive Optical Sensing of Flavonols and Chlorophyll in White Head Cabbage ( Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba ) Grown under Different Nitrogen Regimens
    • Giovanni Agati
    • Lorenza Tuccio
    • Barbara Kusznierewicz
    • Tomasz Chmiel
    • Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
    • Artur Kowalski
    • Maria Grzegorzewska
    • Ryszard Kosson
    • Stanislaw Kaniszewski

    A multiparametric optical sensor was used to nondestructively estimate phytochemical compounds in white cabbage leaves directly in the field. An experimental site of 1980 white cabbages (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata subvar. alba), under different nitrogen (N) treatments, was mapped by measuring leaf transmittance and chlorophyll fluorescence screening in one leaf/cabbage head. The provided indices of flavonols (FLAV) and chlorophyll (CHL) displayed the opposite response to applied N rates, decreasing and increasing, respectively. The combined nitrogen balance index (NBI = CHL/FLAV) calculated was able to discriminate all of the plots under four N regimens (0, 100, 200, and 400 kg/ha) and was correlated with the leaf N content determined destructively. CHL and FLAV were properly calibrated against chlorophyll (R2 = 0.945) and flavonol (R2 = 0.932) leaf contents, respectively, by using a homographic fit function. The proposed optical sensing of cabbage crops can be used to estimate the N status of plants and perform precision fertilization to maintain acceptable crop yield levels and, additionally, to rapidly detect health-promoting flavonol antioxidants in Brassica plants.

  • Non-isolating bondage in graphs
    • Marcin Krzywkowski
    2016 Pełny tekst Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

    A dominating set of a graph $G = (V,E)$ is a set $D$ of vertices of $G$ such that every vertex of $V(G) \setminus D$ has a neighbor in $D$. The domination number of a graph $G$, denoted by $\gamma(G)$, is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of $G$. The non-isolating bondage number of $G$, denoted by $b'(G)$, is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges $E' \subseteq E$ such that $\delta(G-E') \ge 1$ and $\gamma(G-E') > \gamma(G)$. If for every $E' \subseteq E$ we have $\gamma(G-E') = \gamma(G)$ or $\delta(G-E') = 0$, then we define $b'(G) = 0$, and we say that $G$ is a $\gamma$-non-isolatingly strongly stable graph. First we discuss various properties of non-isolating bondage in graphs. We find the non-isolating bondage numbers for several classes of graphs. Next we show that for every non-negative integer there exists a tree having such non-isolating bondage number. Finally, we characterize all $\gamma$-non-isolatingly strongly stable trees.

  • Nonlinear FEM 2D failure onset prediction of composite shells based on 6-parameter shell theory
    • Jacek Chróścielewski
    • Agnieszka Sabik
    • Bartosz Sobczyk
    • Wojciech Witkowski
    2016 Pełny tekst THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES

    Within the framework of the nonlinear 6-parameter shell theory with the drilling rotation and asymmetric stress measures, the modifications of Tsai-Wu and Hashin laminate failure initiation criteria are proposed. These improvements enable to perform first ply failure estimations taking into account the non-symmetric stress measures. In order to check the validity of the proposed criteria, finite element analyses are performed with the use of the Authors’ program and the Abaqus package. It is shown that the classical forms of the well known failure hypotheses can predict different stress capacity of structure, if the stress measures do not preserve the symmetry condition.

  • Non-metaldoped TiO2 nanotube arrays for high efficiency photocatalytic decomposition of organic species in water
    • Mariusz Szkoda
    • Katarzyna Siuzdak
    • Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak

    Titanium dioxide is a well-known photoactive semiconductor with a variety of possible applications. The procedure of pollutant degradation is mainly performed using TiO2 powder suspension. It can also be exploited an immobilized catalyst on a solid support. Morphology and chemical doping have a great influence on TiO2 activity under illumination. Here we compare photoactivity of titania nanotube arrays doped with non-metal atoms: nitrogen, iodine and boron applied for photodegradation of organic dye - methylene blue and terephtalic acid. The doped samples act as a much better photocatalyst in the degradation process of methylene blue and lead to the formation of much higher amount of hydroxyl radicals (•OH) than undoped TiO2 nanotube arrays. The use of a catalyst active under solar light illumination in the form of thin films on a stable substrate can be scaled up for an industrial application.

  • Non-places in the centre of the historic Main Town in Gdansk? – Design Thinking as a method of solving problems in cities
    • Joanna Szechlicka
    • Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska
    • Paweł Mrozek
    • Joanna Szustakiewicz

    The interiors of reconstructed extensive blocks of the historic Main Town in Gdansk are nowadays degraded areas, full of cars, with “holes” after never-finished archaeological excavations. It is not surprising that inhabitants avoid them. These are NON-PLACES. This situation prompts social movements to act. The first step towards the change was the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of revitalization of one of the backyards. The main issue was to find a way of its development accepted by users, economically justified and based on the cultural heritage of this unique city. This was noticed by the dwellers, the media and the local government as well. The second step - the implementation of the project - is in progress. Based on this example, the question could be asked how to improve public participation in development process to make it more inclusive and effective. The aim of the paper is to assess if Design Thinking methodology could help to strengthen dialogue in urban space. The project of development of the backyard in the Main Town in Gdansk can be an example that it might be the relevant method of solving problems in cities in the participatory way.

  • Nonreciprocal properties of elliptical ferrite coupled line junction
    • Adam Kusiek
    • Wojciech Marynowski
    • Jerzy Mazur

    In this paper the nonreciprocal properties of el-liptical ferrite coupled line (EFCL) junction are examined. In the analysis the technique combining spectral-domain approach (SDA) with coupled-mode method (CMM) is applied. The nu-merical results concerning gyromagnetic coupling coefficient of ferrite coupled lines and scattering matrix of EFCL junction are presented. The obtained results are validated with the use of commercial software Ansoft HFSS.