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Publikacje z roku 2019
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Architekci Malują 2019 - plenery w Krzesznej i Orłowie.
- Jacek Krenz
9 akwarel z pleneru w Krzesznej i w Orłowie -. Udział w wystawie zbiorowej grupy SARP oddział Wybrzeże Architekci malują
Architekci Malują Gdynię.
- Jacek Krenz
Katalog wystawy poplenerowej architektów zrzeszonych w grupie SARP Oddział Wybrzeże, Architekci Malują. Krenz J.: Cykl 5 akwarel.
Architekci malują Kaszuby
- Jacek Krenz
W lipcu Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Sopotu zaprasza na wystawę prezentującą pejzaże kaszubskie. Będzie to kolejna odsłona projektu ARCHITEKCI MALUJĄ zapoczątkowanego w 2016 roku. Obrazy i rysunki eksponowane w dworkowej Galerii powstały w ramach Arch Art 2019 podczas pleneru w urokliwej wsi Krzeszna w gminie Stężyca. Czerwcowe krajobrazy okazały się wyjątkowo sprzyjające wielu ciekawym artystycznym obserwacjom. Autorami prezentowanych prac są w kolejności alfabetycznej: Magdalena E. Corvin-Spolitakiewicz, Anna Fikus-Wójcik, Olena Karavaeva, Monika Knoblauch-Kwapińska, Irma Kowalke, Jacek Krenz, Grażyna Księżopolska-Sobczak, Aleksandra Marcinek, Wojciech Nowacki, Katarzyna Rajca, Agnieszka Rózga-Micewicz, Piotr Rzeszot, Beata Steffens, Nicolas Szopiński, Elżbieta Waśniewska.
Architekci malują, plener i nie tylko
- Jacek Krenz
J. Krenz, autorski cykl 4 akwarel: Abstraktyzacja krajobrazu
Architektura jako nauka:eksperyment - teoria - historia
- Maria Sołtysik
Autorka prezentuje architekturę jako dyscyplinę naukową. Ukazuje trzy obszary badawcze architektury: eksperyment, teorię i historię. Przedstawia elementy projektowanie architektonicznego jako pewien typ eksperymentu naukowego. Ukazuje również rolę teorii architektury i historii architektury w problematyce badawczej tej dyscypliny. Przedstawia całe zagadnienie w szerokim kontekście kulturowym - od czasów antycznych po współczesne - analizując i przywołując prace najsłynniejszych architektów, historyków i teoretyków architektury.
Architektura na terenach byłych nazistowskich obozów koncentracyjnych. Funkcjonalna zmienność upamiętniania
- Agnieszka Gębczyńska-Janowicz
Monografia poświęcona jest procesowi kreowania struktur architektonicznych powstających na terenach po dawnych obozach koncentracyjnych utworzonych przez Główny Urząd Gospodarki i Administracji SS. Przeprowadzone prace badawcze są kontynuacją badań naukowych podjętych w latach 2006-2010, których podsumowaniem stała się monografia "Polskie założenia pomnikowe. Rola architektury w tworzeniu miejsc pamięci od połowy XX wieku" Architektura w niniejszych badaniach jest ujmowana jako szeroko rozumiane zaangażowanie w przeorganizowanie przestrzeni w celu stworzenia miejsca jako nośnika pamięci o ważnej dla ogółu przeszłości. Jest sztuką kształtowania przestrzeni, a jej przedmiotem są nie tylko pojedyncze obiekty budowlane, ale na procesie organizowania fizycznie zdefiniowanego obiektu. Realizacje architektoniczne mogą funkcjonować jako nośnik pamięci , stanowiąc przede wszystkim świadectwo realności upamiętnianych wydarzeń.
Architektura zespołu Politechniki Gdańskiej 1904-2018
- Jakub Szczepański
Budynki i układ przestrzenny zespołu Politechniki Gdańskiej są doskonałym dokumentem są przemian architektury w XX wieku. Niezależnie od będącej przedmiotem dyskusji ciągłości lub nieciągłości dziejów uczelni jako instytucji prowadzącej badania naukowe i kształcącej studentów, jej architektura stanowi jednolitą całość. Położony u wylotu malowniczej doliny okolonej zielonymi wzgórzami zespół tworzą obiekty reprezentujące najważniejsze stylistyki architektoniczne ubiegłego stulecia. W 1979 r. poszczególne budynki zespołu Politechniki powstałe na początku XX wieku i jego historyczny układ jako całość zostały wpisane do wojewódzkiego rejestru zabytków. Dziś wydaje się to bezdyskusyjna, ale pod koniec lat 70. XX wieku wartość historyczna i estetyczna obiektów z epoki historyzmu, nie była oczywista. Obecnie toczą się dyskusje na temat wartości architektury z czasów PRL. Książka jest głosem w tej dyskusji.
Are the short cationic lipopeptides bacterial membrane disruptors? Structure-Activity Relationship and molecular dynamic evaluation
- Katarzyna Greber
- Joanna Zielińska
- Łukasz Nierzwicki
- Krzesimir Ciura
- Piotr Kawczak
- Joanna Nowakowska
- Tomasz Bączek
- Wiesław Sawicki
Short cationic lipopeptides are amphiphilic molecules that exhibit antimicrobial activity mainly against Grampositives. These compounds bind to bacterial membranes and disrupt their integrity. Here we examine the structure-activity relation (SAR) of lysine-based lipopeptides, with a prospect to rationally design more active compounds. The presented study aims to explain how antimicrobial activity of lipopeptides is affected by the charge of lipopeptide headgroup and the length of lipopeptide acyl chain. The obtained SAR models suggest that the lipophilicity of short synthetic cationic lipopeptides is the major factor that determines their antimicrobial activities. In order to link the differences in antimicrobial activity to the mechanism of action of lipopeptides containing one and two hydrophobic chains, we additionally performed molecular dynamic (MD) simulations. By using combined coarse-grained and all-atom simulations we also show that these compounds neither affect the organization of the membrane lipids nor aggregate to form separate phases. These results, along with the onset of antimicrobial activity of lipopeptides well below the critical micelle concentration (CMC), indicate that lipopeptides do not act in a simple detergent-like manner.
Artificial intelligence for software development — the present and the challenges for the future
- Łukasz Korzeniowski
- Krzysztof Goczyła
Since the time when first CASE (Computer-Aided Software Engineering) methods and tools were developed, little has been done in the area of automated creation of code. CASE tools support a software engineer in creation the system structure, in defining interfaces and relationships between software modules and, after the code has been written, in performing testing tasks on different levels of detail. Writing code is still the task of a skilled human, which makes the whole software development a costly and error-prone process. It seems that recent advances in AI area, particularly in deep learning methods, may considerably improve the matters. The paper presents an extensive survey of recent work and achievements in this area reported in the literature, both from the theoretical branch of research and from engineer-oriented approaches. Then, some challenges for the future work are proposed, classified into Full AI, Assisted AI and Supplementary AI research fields.
Artificial-Hand Technology—Current State of Knowledge in Designing and Forecasting Changes
- Jacek Szkopek
- Grzegorz Redlarski
The subject of human-hand versatility has been intensively investigated for many years. Emerging robotic constructions change continuously in order to mimic natural mechanisms as accurately as possible. Such an attitude is motivated by the demand for humanoid robots with sophisticated end effectors and highly biomimic prostheses. This paper provides wide analysis of more than 80 devices that have been created over the last 40 years. It compares both the mechanical structure and various actuators from conventional DC motors and servomechanisms, through pneumatic muscles, to soft actuators and artificial muscles. Described measured factors include angles, forces, torques, tensions, and tactiles. Furthermore, the appropriate statistics of kinematic configuration, as well as the type or number of drive units and sensory systems, show not only recent problems, but also trends that will be followed in the future.
Asphalt concrete subjected to long-time loading at low temperatures – Deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle
- Mariusz Jaczewski
- Józef Judycki
- Piotr Jaskuła
The article presents the observed deviations from the time-temperature superposition principle of asphalt concretes, tested in the bending beam creep test at low temperatures for a long time of loading. In almost all tested asphalt concretes, deviations appeared after 500 s of loading at the temperature of -10 C. Some types of bitumen presented deviations at other temperatures – usually the harder the grade of the bitumen, the higher was the temperature of appearance of deviation. The article investigates also the impact of the following factors on the described deviations: type of bitumen, assumed time of loading and level of loading.
Assessing the Effects of the Road Surface and Weather Conditions on Road Safety
- Marcin Budzyński
- Agnieszka Tubis
When transport is analysed for its safe delivery the focus is mainly on assessing the safety of roads and the risk of undesired events. These include road accidents, an occurrence which is relatively rare and random. Randomness means that accidents depend on several factors which are partly deterministic (can be controlled) and partly stochastic (random and unpredictable). The set of crash contributing factors can be classified by time (before, during, after the accident) and source (man, road, vehicle, environment – weather conditions, enforcement, etc.). The authors conducted an assessment of how weather conditions affect the risk of an accident due to the factor’s significant contribution to road accidents (33% of all fatalities on Polish roads happened on wet road surfaces). This case involves a combination of two sources of hazard: external conditions in the form of the weather which are beyond the driver’s control and anthropotechnical factors that address vehicle condition and driver behaviour controlled by the driver.
Assessing Tram Infrastructure Safety Using the Example of the City of Gdańsk
- Marcin Budzyński
- Jacek Szmagliński
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Krystian Birr
- Sławomir Grulkowski
- Joanna Wachnicka
Analysis of Gdańsk’s tram network statistics shows that incidents are quite frequent (about 650 within 5 years) and mostly involve collisions and crashes. As well as reducing the tram systems’ efficiency and reliability, incidents have a nega-tive effect on road safety. As Polish cities extend their tram networks, they must also ensure that their existing networks are safe. This is to be achieved by conducting safety assessments. The article presents different assessment methods, at different stages of tram infrastructure lifecycle providing a basis for a comprehensive diagnosis and recommendations for improve-ment. The objective of the study was to conduct a comprehensive safety assessment and analysis of the existing and planned tram network across Gdańsk, using different study methods and tools. One of the tools was safety inspection of tram infra-structure involving technical diagnosis and road safety. The aim was to identify hazards and their sources which may con-tribute to tram accidents. The next tool was safety audit of design documentation to identify hazards in the planning, concept and detailed design. The study included a detailed diagnosis of tram accidents and an analysis of the causes and circum-stances of the incidents. Tram drivers were surveyed to identify sites that may be potentially hazardous and to understand the causes as seen by the drivers. A technique for analysing conflicts between trams and other road users was also very helpful. This helped to identify dangerous behaviour at selected sites. Risk analysis for potential high risk locations was carried out (e.g. for significant gradients of tramways).
Assessment of dynamic characteristics of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core
- Gennadi Mikhasev
- Victor Eremeev
- Krzysztof Wilde
- Svetlana Maevskaya
Based on the equivalent single-layer linear theory for laminated shells, free and forced vibrations of thin cylindrical sandwich panels with magnetorheological core are studied. Five variants of available magnetorheological elastomers differing in their composition and physical properties are considered for smart viscoelastic core. Coupled differential equations in terms of displacements based on the generalized kinematic hypotheses of Timoshenko accounting for transverse shears with coefficients depending on the complex shear modulus for a smart core are used to govern vibrations of cylindrical panels. Assuming conditions of simple support for straight and curvilinear edges, solutions in the explicit form describing natural modes as well as an equation with respect to the required complex eigenfrequencies are found. To predict the shell response to an external harmonic force, the general solution of non-homogeneous governing equations is derived in the form of series in natural modes. To estimate damping capability of magnetorheological elastomers under consideration, the principle tunable parameters, the lowest natural frequencies and associated logarithmic decrements are calculated for the same panels with different magnetorheological elastomers under the action of a magnetic field of different intensities. Finally, the amplitude–frequency plots for magnetorheological elastomer-based panels of different opening angles with and without magnetic field are presented.
Assessment of Failure Occurrence Rate for Concrete Machine Foundations Used in Gas and Oil Industry by Machine Learning
- Patryk Ziółkowski
- Sebastian Demczyński
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
Concrete machine foundations are structures that transfer loads from machines in operation to the ground. The design of such foundations requires a careful analysis of the static and dynamic effects caused by machine exploitation. There are also other substantial differences between ordinary concrete foundations and machine foundations, of which the main one is that machine foundations are separated from the building structure. Appropriate quality and the preservation of operational parameters of machine foundations are essential, especially in the gas and oil industry, where every disruption in the technological process is costly. First and foremost, there are direct repair costs from damage to foundations, but there are also indirect costs associated with blockages of the production process. Foundation repairs can temporarily shut down a given part of the refining process from operation. Thanks to cooperation from our partner, we obtained data from 510 concrete machine foundations from a refinery. Our database included many parameters, such as concrete cover thickness, machine gravity center distortion, the angular frequency of vertical self-excited vibrations, the angular frequency of horizontal self-excited vibrations, amplitudes of oscillation, foundation area, foundation volume, and information on occurring failures. Concrete machine foundation failure is not yet fully understood. In our study, we assessed what affects the failure occurrence rate of concrete machine foundations and to what extent. We wanted to find out whether there are correlations between the foundation failure occurrence rate and the mentioned parameters. To achieve this goal, we utilized state-of-the-art machine learning techniques.
- Marcin Potrykus
The purpose of the study is to assess whether the inclusion of investments in gold and/or crude oil improves an investment portfolio consisting of shares of enterprises included in the WIG20 index (traditional invest-ments). All possible combinations of investment portfolios with minimal risk and maximum efficiency were tested. The portfolios were determined based on Markowitz’s portfolio theory. All results were compared with a naive strategy. In total, nearly 55,000 investment portfolios consisting of three, four or five invest-ments were constructed. The study showed that the application of portfolio theory contributes to obtaining better results than a naive strategy. The minimum risk portfolios that included gold and crude oil showed a risk reduction of 0.39 p.p. on average and a maximum cumulative loss of 7.85 p.p. on average. Portfolios with maximum efficiency achieved an average increase in the rate of return of the investment portfolio of 0.024 p.p. and an average increase in efficiency of 0.0256.
Assessment of image processing methods for the determination of propagation of squat-type defects in rails
- Eligiusz Mieloszyk
- Anita Milewska
- Sławomir Grulkowski
We demonstrate the idea of squat-type defect measurement in the rail and the concept of tracking of the defect development using the techniques of image acquisition and image processing as well as the methods of metric spaces. We introduce the concepts of a set diameter δ(A) and the metric ρ1, which come from the properties of plane figures, to compare and to observe the development of the defects. We characterize the feasibility of the method to determine the dynamics of the defect development. The tests have shown that it is possible to apply the method with a camera during current diagnostic procedures provided that the distance to the rail is similar. Normalized metric enables easy comparison of the results and allows for the assessment of the reliability of the rails. The advantages of the method include simplicity and ability to observe the defects during the entire cycle of their development, which makes it possible to take the diagnostic decisions at the appropriate time
Assessment of technical condition and repair of steel structure elements on the example of fire damage in a warehouse building
- Andrzej Ambroziak
- Paweł Piotrkowski
- Tomasz Heizig
The paper analyses a case study on the structural assessment of warehouse building partially damaged by fire caused by external source (fire of lorries close to the building). The authors focus on the site investigations and laboratory test results prior to assessing actual condition of the structural elements. Both strengthening concept and repair procedure of a steel column are addressed here. A short literature survey in the paper regards fire damages and its impact on the entire structural systems and its members.
Assessment of the Accuracy of Determining the Angular Position of the Unmanned Bathymetric Surveying Vehicle Based on the Sea Horizon Image
- Krzysztof Naus
- Łukasz Marchel
- Piotr Szymak
- Aleksander Nowak
The paper presents the results of research on assessing the accuracy of angular position measurement relative to the sea horizon using a camera mounted on an unmanned bathymetric surveying vehicle of the Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) type. The first part of the article presents the essence of the problem. The rules of taking the angular position of the vehicle into account in bathymetric surveys and the general concept of the two-camera tilt compensator were described. The second part presents a mathematical description of the meters characterizing a resolution and a mean error of measurements, made on the base of the horizon line image, recorded with an optical system with a Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) matrix. The phenomenon of the horizon line curvature in the image projected onto the matrix that appears with the increase of the camera height has been characterized. The third part contains an example of a detailed analysis of selected cameras mounted on UAVs manufactured by DJI, carried out using the proposed meters. The obtained results including measurement resolutions of a single-pixel and mean errors of the horizon line slope measurement were presented in the form of many tables and charts with extensive comments. The final part presents the general conclusions from the performed research and a proposal of directions for their further development.
Assessment of the Bulgarian Wastewater Treatment Plants’ Impact on the Receiving Water Bodies
- Galina Yotova
- Svetlana Lazarova
- Błażej Kudłak
- Boika Zlateva
- Veronika Mihaylova
- Monika Wieczerzak
- Tony Venelinov
- Stefan Tsakovski
Deterioration of water quality is a major problem world widely according to many international non-governmental organizations (NGO). As one of the European Union (EU) countries, Bulgaria is also obliged by EU legislation to maintain best practices in assessing surface water quality and the efficiency of wastewater treatment processes. For these reasons studies were undertaken to utilize ecotoxicological (Microtox®, Phytotoxkit FTM, Daphtoxkit FTM), instrumental (to determine pH, electrical conductivity (EC), chemical oxygen demand, total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), chlorides, sulphates, Cr, Co, Cu, Cd, Ba, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Se, Pb), as well as advanced chemometric methods (partial least squares–discriminant analysis (PLS-DA)) in data evaluation to comprehensively assess wastewater treatment plants' (WWTPs) effluents and surface waters quality around 21 major Bulgarian cities. The PLS-DA classification model for the physicochemical parameters gave excellent discrimination between WWTP effluents and surface waters with 93.65% correct predictions (with significant contribution of EC, TSS, P, N, Cl, Fe, Zn, and Se). The classification model based on ecotoxicological data identifies the plant test endpoints as having a greater impact on the classification model efficiency than bacterial, or crustaceans’ endpoints studied.