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Publikacje z roku 2019
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Optical Magnetometry Based on Nanodiamonds with Nitrogen-Vacancy Color Centers
- Adam M. Wojciechowski
- Paulina Nakonieczna
- Mariusz Mrózek
- Krystian Sycz
- Andrzej Kruk
- Mateusz Ficek
- Maciej Jerzy Głowacki
- Robert Bogdanowicz
- Wojciech Gawlik
Nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond are a very promising medium for many sensing applications such as magnetometry and thermometry. In this work, we study nanodiamonds deposited from a suspension onto glass substrates. Fluorescence and optically detected magnetic resonance spectra recorded with the dried-out nanodiamond ensembles are presented and a suitable scheme for tracking the magnetic-field value using a continuous poly-crystalline spectrum is introduced. Lastly, we demonstrate a remote-sensing capability of the high-numerical-aperture imaging fiber bundle with nanodiamonds deposited on its end facet.
Optical properties of daylight curable resin doped with nanodiamond powder
- Krzysztof Królewski
- Aleksandra Wieloszyńska
- Aleksandra MARIA Kamińska
- Katarzyna Kardacz
In this paper a new material for 3D printing was elaborated on. Since diamond has very good optical properties, an idea occurred to us to apply it in 3D printing process. A mixture of nanodiamond powder and a standard 3D printing resin was created and several printouts have been completed. They have been tested for their abilities to transmit and absorb light in a wide spectrum of wavelengths. It turned out that the nanopowder doped resin in comparison to standard one has worst optical properties. However, it shows that mixture of resin and nanopowder can control optical properties of printouts.
Optimal ECG lead for deriving respiratory signal
- Piotr Przystup
- Artur Poliński
- Adam Bujnowski
- Tomasz Kocejko
- Jerzy Wtorek
EDR is an interesting measuring technique that allows an indirect assessment of respiratory activity. This is an alternative solution to direct methods that are based on the measurement of air flow, which require a specialized sensor or even a system. However, due to inter-personal anatomical differences, the optimal ECG lead (placement of the electrodes) ensuring the best EDR signal quality is not fixed. An influence of ECG lead geometrical relation to the heart axis on the EDR signal quality has been examined in the paper. It was found that optimal electrodes position strongly differs between individuals. For each person there were at least few leads with high correlation with reference signal (over 0.8). They allowed for respiration frequency estimation with almost 100% accuracy
Optimization of combined heat and power (CHP) market allocation: The case of Poland
- Paweł Bućko
- Marcin Jaskólski
- Alicja Stoltmann
Combined heat and power (CHP), that is production of electricity and useful heat in a single thermodynamic process, is a way of primary energy saving and emission reduction. Therefore, promotion of the electricity from high-efficiency cogeneration (CHP-E) was encouraged in the European Union. However, CHP-E promotion mechanisms proved low effectiveness in certain countries, like Poland, where the prices of certificates of origin were kept at relatively low levels. This paper attempts to analyse the effect of CHP-E support system on the market allocation of different cogeneration technologies. MARKAL model of Polish power system was applied to calculate the installed capacity and annual electricity production from cogeneration plants in time perspective to 2030. The impact of buy-out fee and resulting shadow prices of certificates on the market share of CHP-E and the technology choice was studied. The convergence of promotion mechanisms for CHP-E and electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) was also investigated.
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
- Michał Urbaniak
- Ewa Kardas-Cinal
- Marianna Jacyna
In the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described in detail. An original model is proposed which assumes optimization by controlling the train arrival time at the station within the technical time reserve. Optimization method was used metaheuristic and adapted swarm algorithm called the firefly algorithm. An exemplary simulation of the energy cooperation of trains for selected stops of a double-track railway line of the Tricity Rapid Urban Railway has been done and the obtained results are presented. Finally, in discussion and conclusions, the results were summarized and the significance of the development of the discussed method for transport rationalization was presented.
Optimization of the spindle speed during milling of large-sized structures with the use of technique of Experiment-Aided Virtual Prototyping
- Krzysztof Kaliński
- Marek Galewski
- Michał Mazur
- Natalia Morawska
In the paper are presented considerations concerning vibration suppression problems during milling of large-sized workpieces with the use of innovative method of matching the spindle speed of cutting tool. It depends on repeatable change of the spindle speed value as soon as the optimal vibration state of the workpiece approaches. The values of dominant “peaks” in the frequency spectra and the Root Mean Square (RMS) values of time domain displacements are evaluated. The efficiency of the proposed approach is evidenced by chosen mechatronic design technique, called Experiment-Aided Virtual Prototyping (E-AVP). Thanks to the results of the identification of the modal subsystem obtained by the Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) method, it can be stated that the parameters obtained from the experiment and delivered from the computational model have been correctly determined and constitute reliable process data for the simulation tests.
Optimization of using recuperative braking energy on a double-track railway line
- Michał Urbaniak
- Ewa Kardas-Cinal
In the introduction, possible ways of reusing energy from recuperation are presented. Next, the paper investigates the possibility of using regenerative braking in the range allowed by the detailed timetable by adopting the method of transferring the recovered electric energy directly to the catenary and immediate use of this energy by another train at the same power section. In the main part of the work, it is shown, that the use of energy recovered from regenerative braking can be optimized by controlling the arrival time of the train to the station within the range allowed by the detailed timetable. The possibilities of using the adopted method are shown on the example of "Tricity" (metropolis of Gdansk, Sopot, Gdynia) suburban railway line no. 250. Finally, selected optimization results are presented and a simplified analysis of the financial benefits resulting from the use and optimization of regenerative braking is presented.
Optimum shape of turnout diverging track with segments of variable curvature
- Władysław Koc
In the paper an attempt has been made to focus on shaping the variable curvature in the diverging track of the railway turnout. Basing on some earlier studies, solutions provided with a circular arc in the mid-zone, and in the extreme regions with segments of non-linear curvature of equal length and zero curvature at the start and end of the turnout, have been assumed as models. The most advantageous type of curvature has been chosen taking into account the kinematic conditions. The presentation made includes an analytical record of the curvature and the tangent inclination angle in the diverging track length and the Cartesian coordinates of the track. The final part of the paper referred to the determination of a set of basic values relating to geometric parameters appropriate for a given speed of trains and adequate for ensuring the minimization of the length of the entire turnout at a given final ordinate.
Optymalizacja parametrów obciążenia generatora magnetokumulacyjnego
- Mirosław Wołoszyn
- Daniel Kowalak
- Kazimierz Jakubiuk
- Mikołaj Nowak
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji komputerowej generatora magnetokumulacyjnego (GM) obciążonego cewką indukcyjną. Badania symulacyjne przeprowadzono w celu optymalizacji parametrów cewki obciążenia generatora dla wybranej konstrukcji modelu GM. Badano wpływ indukcyjność i rezystancji obciążenia na współczynnik wzmocnienia prądu w układzie oraz na energię pola magnetycznego zgromadzoną w obciążeniu.
Optymalizacja podczyszczania odcieków i ścieków
- Sylwia Fudala-Książek
- Aneta Łuczkiewicz
- Przemysław Kowal
- Małgorzata Szopińska
- Karol Mazurkiewicz
Istnieje kilka metod dedykowanych podczyszczaniu odcieków składowiskowych i ścieków technologicznych. Jakie są wady i zalety niektórych z nich? Które mogą oznaczać większy wydatek dla przedsiębiorstw, a które mogą przynieść im korzyści?
Optymalizacja prędkości obrotowej narzędzia podczas wytaczania przedmiotów wielkogabarytowych
- Krzysztof Kaliński
- Marek Galewski
- Michał Mazur
- Natalia Morawska
Przedstawiono nową metodę wyznaczania optymalnej prędkości obrotowej narzędzia podczas wytaczania przedmiotów wielkogabarytowych, na podstawie symulacji procesu obróbki. Przeprowadzane są one dla modelu obliczeniowego wirującego narzędzia, dostrojonego do wyników testów modalnych, wraz z przyjętym modelem procesu skrawania. Ocenie podlegają wartości skuteczne (RMS) poziomu drgań w dziedzinie czasu oraz wartości dominujących amplitud w widmie, uzyskane w wyniku symulacji procesu wytaczania. Skuteczność metody potwierdzono na podstawie wyników badań eksperymentalnych, obejmujących lokalny pomiar wartości parametrów chropowatości Ra i Rz powierzchni otworu w najniżej położonym miejscu przedmiotu.
Optymalizacja treningu i wnioskowania sieci neuronowych
- Marek Blok
- Mariusz Pietrołaj
Sieci neuronowe są jedną z najpopularniejszych i najszybciej rozwijających się dziedzin sztucznej inteligencji. Ich praktyczne wykorzystanie umożliwiło szersze użycie komputerów w wielu obszarach komunikacji, przemysłu i transportu. Dowody tego są widoczne w elektronice użytkowej, medycynie, a nawet w zastosowaniach militarnych. Wykorzystanie sztucznej inteligencji w wielu przypadkach wymaga jednak znacznej mocy obliczeniowej, co stanowi problem zarówno przy opracowywaniu, jak i testowaniu nowo wdrażanych rozwiązań. Jednym z coraz szerzej badanych aspektów tego problemu jest ograniczenie dokładności obliczeń wykonywanych w ramach treningu oraz wnioskowania sieci neuronowych.
Optymalizujące, krzepko dopuszczalne sterowanie systemami sieciowymi z zastosowaniem do systemów wodociągowych
- Arkadiusz Cimiński
Celem rozprawy doktorskiej było rozwiązanie problemu naukowego zdefiniowanego jako krzepko dopuszczalne sterowanie hydrauliką systemu wodociągowego. Wielkościami sterującymi były prędkości obrotowe pomp a wielkościami sterowanymi napory hydrauliczne w wybranych węzłach systemu. Do rozwiązania problemu sterowania tym systemem, wykorzystano technikę sterowania predykcyjnego oraz algorytmy genetyczne i krzepką predykcje wyjść systemu wodociągowego. W rozprawie doktorskiej przedstawiono charakterystykę systemu wodociągowego ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zachowania się procesów hydraulicznych (napory i przepływy) oraz wpływu niepewności modelu i pomiarów na sterowanie tymi wielkościami. W rozprawie zaprezentowano różne podejścia do sterowania systemem wodociągowym, różniące się uwzględnieniem albo nieuwzględnieniem niepewności występujących w systemie. Do rozwiązania problemu sterowania dla tych dwóch podejść, wykorzystano algorytm genetyczny oraz symulator systemu wodociągowego (podejście bez niepewności) lub krzepką predykcje wyjść (podejście z niepewnością). W rozprawie opracowano m.in. nowe operatory genetyczne, algorytm efektywnej generacji trajektorii granicznych wyjść systemu czy algorytm generacji krzepko dopuszczalnego sterowania. Proponowane w rozprawie algorytmy były testowane na modelu rzeczywistego systemu wodociągowego miasta Chojnice.
Ordered TiO2 nanotubes with improved photoactivity through self-organizing anodization with the addition of an ionic liquid: effects of the preparation conditions
- Anna Pancielejko
- Paweł Mazierski
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
- Justyna Łuczak
Modifying the geometric and surface parameters of oriented TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) is beneficial to the utilization of solar energy for chemical reactions, and this performance may be further improved. Thus, the effects of adding an ionic liquid (IL), 1-butylpiridinium chloride [BPy][Cl], and the effects of the water content and preparation conditions on the surface morphological, physicochemical, photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 NTs were thoroughly examined and presented. The anodic oxidation of Ti foil in an organic electrolyte containing a small amount of [BPy][Cl] allowed for obtaining IL_NTs with a well-ordered structure, even at low voltages (10 V). Additionally, the application of [BPy][Cl] enabled one of the geometric parameters of the IL_NTs, namely, the diameter, to be tuned, while the length remained the same (i.e., control over diameter was first noted). Improvements in the photocatalytic and photoelectrochemical activities of the IL_NTs in comparison with those of the pristine sample were observed (approximately 2.5 times higher due to the better utilization of incident photons). It is evident that the most significant parameter to influence the photoactivity was the electrolyte composition, especially the water and IL contents (15 vol.% and 0.01 wt.%, respectively). Consequently, the interaction between [BPy][Cl] and the TiO2 NT surface was demonstrated by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy XPS results.
Organic Acids and Polyphenols Determination in Polish Wines by Ultrasound-Assisted Solvent Extraction of Porous Membrane-Packed Liquid Samples
- Alicia Robles
- Magdalena Fabjanowicz
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Piotr Konieczka
In the near future, Poland is going to have more and more favorable conditions for viticulture. Organic acids and polyphenols are among the most commonly analyzed compounds due to their beneficial properties for human health and their importance in the winemaking process. In this work, a new technique involving ultrasound-assisted solvent extraction of porous membrane-packed liquid samples (UASE-PMLS) was for the first time described and applied for real samples. The methodology based on UASE-PMLS for organic acids and polyphenols in wine samples was optimized and validated. Using the new technique coupled to GC–MS, organic acids and polyphenols were evaluated in Polish wine samples. Extraction solvent, extraction temperature, derivatization time and sample pH were optimized. Chemometric tools were used for data treatment. Good linearity was obtained for the concentration ranges evaluated with r values between 0.9852 and 0.9993. All parameters of method validation (intra- and inter-day precision and matrix effect) were over 80% with coefficient of variation (CV) up to 17%. Recovery was between (92.0 ± 8.5)% and (113 ± 16)%. Finally, green assessment was evaluated using Analytical Eco-Scale and Green Analytical Procedure Index (GAPI). The UASE-PMLS is characterized by many advantages, e.g., the extraction process is fast and easy coupled to GC–MS. Regarding other extraction techniques, the amount of used solvent is minimum, and no waste is generated. Therefore, it is an environmentally friendly technique.
Organic carbon fluxes of a glacier surface: a case study of Foxfonna, a small Arctic glacier
- Krystyna Kozioł
- Helen Moggridge
- Joseph Cook
- Andy Hodson
Arctic glaciers are rapidly responding to global warming by releasing organic carbon (OC) to downstream ecosystems. The glacier surface is arguably the most biologically active and biodiverse glacial habitat and therefore the site of important OC transformation and storage, although rates and magnitudes are poorly constrained. In this paper, we present measurements of OC fluxes associated with atmospheric deposition, ice melt, biological growth, fluvial transport and storage (in superimposed ice and cryoconite debris) for a supraglacial catchment on Foxfonna glacier, Svalbard (Norway), across two consecutive years.We found that in general atmospheric OC input (averaging 0.63 ± 0.25Mg a-1 total organic carbon, i.e. TOC, and 0.40 ± 0.22Mg a-1 dissolved organic carbon, i.e. DOC) exceeded fluvial OC export (0.46 ± 0.04Mg a-1 TOC and 0.36 ± 0.03Mg a-1 DOC). Early in the summer, OC was mobilised in snowmelt but its release was delayed by temporary storage in superimposed ice on the glacier surface. This delayed the export of 28.5% of the TOC in runoff. Biological production in cryoconite deposits was a negligible potential source of OC to runoff, while englacial ice melt was far more important on account of the glacier’s negative ice mass balance (–0.89 and –0.42m a-1 in 2011 and 2012, respectively). However, construction of a detailed OC budget using these fluxes shows an excess of inputs over outputs, resulting in a net retention of OC on the glacier surface at a rate that would require c. 3 years to account for the OC stored as cryoconite debris. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Organizational IT Competency, Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Sharing
- Wioleta Kucharska
- G. Scott Erickson
IT competency plays a vital role in knowledge management processes. Information technology affects an organization’s ability to store and recall knowledge that has been made explicit through codification, including different forms such as written documents, reports, presentations, patents, formulas, etc. This study aims to measure the influence of a company’s IT competency dimensions such as IT-knowledge, IT-operations, and IT-infrastructure on knowledge sharing. For this purpose, a survey of 910 Polish employees with different roles and experiences and across different industries has been conducted. The data were analyzed with a structural equation modeling method (SEM). Findings suggest that infrastructure is not a significant IT competency when it comes to knowledge sharing, whereas IT-knowledge and IT- operations are. It means that infrastructure should be perceived as a necessary but not sufficient factor to ensure the knowledge-sharing flow in organizations. This conclusion leads to the interesting implication that IT-operations and IT-knowledge are actually the vital factors to support effective knowledge sharing. It means that business case knowledge, which is pivotal for effective operations is fundamental for developing IT competency. It means that knowledge workers who act as “bridges” between IT and business operations became more and more valuable human capital assets.
Oriented Gaussian beams for high-accuracy computation with accuracy control of X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
- Paweł Wojda
- Sergey Kshevetskii
A highly accurate method for calculating X-ray propagation is developed. Within this approach, the propagating wave is represented as a superposition of oriented Gaussian beams. The direction of wave propagation in each Gaussian beam agrees with the local direction of propagation of the X-ray wavefront. When calculating the propagation of X-ray waves through lenses, the thin lens approximation is applied. In this approximation, the wave parameters change discontinuously when the wave passes through a lens; the corresponding explicit formulae are derived. The theory is applied to highly accurate calculation of the focusing of X-rays by a system of many beryllium lenses. Fine structure of the wave electric field on the focal plane is revealed and studied. The fine structure is formed due to the diffraction of waves at the edges of the lens apertures. Tools for controlling the calculation accuracy are proposed. The amplitude of the electric field on the focal plane and the focal spot width are shown to be very sensitive to the quality of the calculation, while the best focus position can be obtained even from simple calculations.
Origin of bitumen fractions in the Jurassic-early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation in Argentina: insights from organic petrography and geochemical techniques
- Aleksandra Małachowska
- Maria Mastalerz
- Labraun Hampton
- Jan Hupka
- Agnieszka Drobniak
This paper investigates chemical functional groups of the two extracted bitumen fractions in shales of the Jurassic to early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta Formation of the Neuquén Basin in Argentina, South America. The results indicate that Bitumen I is strongly aliphatic and appears to be genetically related to fluorescent amorphous organic matter. In contrast, Bitumen II consists of highly condensed, aromatic hydrocarbons, and has some correspondence to nonfluorescent amorphous organic material. Comparison of Rock-Eval VI pyrolysis data (S1 and S2) with the bitumen yields suggests that Bitumen I relates to S1 but also to S2. In addition, Bitumen I has a positive correlation with light liquid hydrocarbons (C5–C29), but also partially with heavier hydrocarbons (above C30). This suggests that Bitumen I corresponds to the majority of lighter hydrocarbons up to C29 and some portion to heavier hydrocarbons. These results have implications for the assessment of the mobility of generated hydrocarbons and their availability for production.
Orteza bioniczna kończyny górnej
- Gustaw Rzyman
Zastosowanie robotyki we współczesnej medycynie jest powszechną praktyką. Również w rehabilitacji po udarze i urazie rdzenia kręgowego możliwe jest zwiększenie skuteczności leczenia dzięki bionicznej ortezie kończyny górnej. Na wczesnym etapie stworzono model matematyczny i porównano trzy metody klasyfikacji: maszyną wektorów nośnych, K najbliższych sąsiadów i metoda drzewa decyzyjnego. Ponadto zastosowano najlepszy zestaw domen czasowych (MAV, WAMP, WL i SSC) i wybrano takie parametry, aby model charakteryzował się najwyższą efektywnością.