Publications Repository - Gdańsk University of Technology

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Gdańsk University of Technology

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  • Bezpieczeństwo eksploatacyjne komina żelbetowego-studium przypadku
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Tomasz Majewski
    • Małgorzata Lachowicz
    • Agnieszka Morawiak
    2019 Full text

    Monografia traktuje o bezpieczeństwie eksploatacyjnym komina. Monografia na podstawie ekspertyzy dotyczącej oceny stanu technicznego komina o wysokości 100 m usytuowanego na terenie Elektrociepłowni Elbląg zlokalizowanej w Elblągu przy ulicy Elektrycznej 20a.

  • Bezprzewodowy system telemedyczny monitorujący parametry życiowe pacjenta
    • Robert Burczyk
    • Piotr Rajchowski
    • Sławomir Ambroziak
    2019 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    Wszechobecny monitoring pacjenta jest jednym ze sposobów zniwelowania negatywnych skutków obecnego modelu opieki zdrowotnej i może być dużym krokiem naprzód w rozwoju medycyny. W niniejszym referacie przedstawiono projekt i wykonanie bezprzewodowego systemu telemedycznego, monitorującego parametry życiowe człowieka, takie jak aktywność elektryczna serca, przyspieszenie ciała oraz stan przycisku alarmowego. Składa się on z urządzenia nasobnego, stacji bazowej, komputera oraz terminala mobilnego. Przeprowadzono badania wpływu zmiennych warunków pracy na działanie sieci WBAN typu off-body, stanowiącej część wykonanego systemu.

  • Big Beautiful Buildings: Eine Schönheit, viele Maßstäbe - urbane Landschaften der Nachkriegsmoderne in Europa / Big Beautiful Buildings: one beauty, many scales - urban landscapes of the post-war modernism across Europe
    • Izabela Mironowicz

    Massive urbanization in Europe is not a phenomenon that began only in the 20th century. The roots of this process can be traced back two centuries. With the end of the Second World War the specific conjunction of powerful forces together changed the landscape of European cities. Urbanization was undoubtedly one of them. Among other factors, Musterd and van Kempen (2005) correctly itemized not only objective processes that can be measured and evaluated, such as the post-war housing shortage, a (still) high urbanization rate, especially in countries where the pre-war economy had been based on rural activities or available technology, but also specific social atmosphere. The latter includes the belief in modernity and progress, which can help to solve social or, in a broader sense, civilizational problems. Affordability of housing and equal access to public services were undoubtedly important for all European societies. These new attitude also included a demand for a higher standard of living (which obviously varied in different countries) and the important role of the state in redistributing social wealth. However, this ‘higher standard’ meant access to running water, efficient heating, and better hygienic facilities, rather than increasing living space per person. The recollections of the housing conditions of pre-wartime Europe were still fresh; it was an image that people did not look back upon fondly. Slum clearance was not happening in developing countries, it was actually an important element of housing policy in many, if not all European countries. (Murie, 2018)

  • Big Data and the Internet of Things in Edge Computing for Smart City
    • Jerzy Balicki
    • Honorata Balicka
    • Piotr Dryja
    • Maciej Tyszka

    Requests expressing collective human expectations and outcomes from city service tasks can be partially satisfied by processing Big Data provided to a city cloud via the Internet of Things. To improve the efficiency of the city clouds an edge computing has been introduced regarding Big Data mining. This intelligent and efficient distributed system can be developed for citizens that are supposed to be informed and educated by the smart agents. Besides, we suggest that these intelligent agents can be moved to the edge of the cloud and reduce the latency of the big data receiving. Finally, some numerical experiments with edge computing have been submitted to support this approach with optimization of two criteria. The first one is the CPU workload of the bottleneck computer and the second one is the communication workload of the bottleneck server.

  • "Big data" i Wielki Brat
    • Jarosław Wawer
    2019 Elektronika dla wszystkich

    Felieton popularnonaukowy dotyczący ochrony prywatności danych.

  • Big Data in Regenerative Urban Design
    • Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska
    • Hanna Obracht-Prondzyńska

    Why the use of Big Data in regenerative planning matters? The aim of this chapter is to study under what conditions Big Data can be integrated into regenerative design and sustainable planning? Authors seek to answer how – when related to the ecosystem and to human activities – Big Data can be used to: • both shape policies that support the development of regenerative human settlements, • support restorative design for practitioners working both in the public and the private sector. To achieve those goals, it is vital to integrate instruments based on Big Data in regenerative design by focusing on newer interdisciplinary processes and digital tools.

  • Bilateral multi-issue negotiation of execution contexts by proactive document agents
    • Bogdan Wiszniewski
    • Jerzy Kaczorek
    2019 Full text International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing

    A proactive document can react to its actual environment by autonomously selecting and performing actions integrated into its body and interact with its user. When migrating over a network of execution devices it may encounter diverse execution contexts, each one set up according to temporal characteristics of a receiving device and preferences of its owner. A concept to augment proactive documents with negotiation capability is proposed – to make them responsive to such dynamically changing contexts, and implemented in a system, where they can migrate as attachments to e-mail messages, owing to a dedicated e-mail client capable of handling them. Negotiation is based on a simple game-theoretic mechanism to minimise computation load on execution devices. Four negotiation algorithms are proposed and two of them evaluated in more detail in a series of experiments, when respectively, negotiating parties do not or do have knowledge on past encounters and negotiated contracts.

  • Bile salts in digestion and transport of lipids
    • Adam Macierzanka
    • Amelia Torcello-Gómez
    • Christian Jungnickel
    • Julia Maldonado-Valderrama

    Because of their unusual chemical structure, bile salts (BS) play a fundamental role in intestinal lipid digestion and transport. BS have a planar arrangement of hydrophobic and hydrophilic moieties, which enables the BS molecules to form peculiar self-assembled structures in aqueous solutions. This molecular arrangement also has an influence on specific interactions of BS with lipid molecules and other compounds of ingested food and digestive media. Those comprise the complex scenario in which lipolysis occurs. In this review, we discuss the BS synthesis, composition, bulk interactions and mode of action during lipid digestion and transport. We look specifically into surfactant-related functions of BS that affect lipolysis, such as interactions with dietary fibre and emulsifiers, the interfacial activity in facilitating lipase and colipase anchoring to the lipid substrate interface, and finally the role of BS in the intestinal transport of lipids. Unravelling the roles of BS in the processing of lipids in the gastrointestinal tract requires a detailed analysis of their interactions with different compounds. We provide an update on the most recent findings concerning two areas of BS involvement: lipolysis and intestinal transport. We first explore the interactions of BS with various dietary fibres and food emulsifiers in bulk and at interfaces, as these appear to be key aspects for understanding interactions with digestive media. Next, we explore the interactions of BS with components of the intestinal digestion environment, and the role of BS in displacing material from the oil-water interface and facilitating adsorption of lipase. We look into the process of desorption, solubilisation of lipolysis, products and formation of mixed micelles. Finally, the BS-driven interactions of colloidal particles with the small intestinal mucus layer are considered, providing new findings for the overall assessment of the role of BS in lipid digestion and intestinal transport. This review offers a unique compilation of well-established and most recent studies dealing with the interactions of BS with food emulsifiers, nanoparticles and dietary fibre, as well as with the luminal compounds of the gut, such as lipase-colipase, triglycerides and intestinal mucus. The combined analysis of these complex interactions may provide crucial information on the pattern and extent of lipid digestion.

    • Izabela Koss-Mikołajczyk
    • Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
    2019 Full text Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość

    Z raportu Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO) z 2014 r. wynika, że przewlekłe choroby niezakaźne (NCDs), czyli tzw. choroby cywilizacyjne, do których zalicza się choroby układu krążenia, przewlekłe choroby układu oddechowego, nowotwory, czy cukrzycę typu 2, stanowią obecnie bezpośrednią przyczynę ponad 50 % przedwczesnych zgonów na świecie. W badaniach ostatnich 20 lat dowiedziono, że sposób odżywiania jest głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na zagrożenie tymi chorobami. Z drugiej strony rosnąca wiedza konsumentów na temat właściwości chemoprewencyjnych pewnych składników żywności, przede wszystkim pochodzenia roślinnego, umożliwiła wykorzystanie niektórych roślin jadalnych w profilaktyce chorób przewlekłych. Prozdrowotne działanie tych produktów najczęściej związane jest z obecnością przeciwutleniaczy, które mogą wpływać na wiele istotnych mechanizmów biologicznych o kluczowym znaczeniu dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu ludzkiego. W licznych badaniach wykazano silne działanie fizjologiczne bioaktywnych fenoli roślinnych. Obserwacje te doczekały się komercjalizacji w postaci masowej produkcji suplementów diety wzbogaconych w substancje określane mianem przeciwutleniaczy, mimo że ich właściwości chemiczne nie zawsze uzasadniały użycie tego terminu. W badaniach epidemiologicznych dowiedziono, że nadmierne oczekiwania przedsiębiorców nie były w pełni uzasadnione. Okazało się, że wyizolowane bioaktywne fitozwiązki mogą nie być już tak skutecznymi czynnikami chemoprewencyjnymi, jak zawierające je owoce lub warzywa. W niniejszej pracy podjęto próbę krytycznej oceny takiego stanu rzeczy.

  • Bioconversion of waste materials to hydrogen via dark fermentation using Enterobacter aerogenes
    • Karolina Kucharska
    • Edyta Słupek
    • Marian Antoni Kamiński
    2019 Full text Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna

    Hydrogen can be obtained via dark fermentation with the use of anaerobic Enterobacter aerogenes. The efficiency of hydrogen production by fermentation techniques is strongly dependent on the con-ditions used i.e. the pH range, temperature, composition of fermentation broths, oxygen content, or even the presence of substances with potentially inhibitory effects on the microbiological culture [1-4]. The paper describes the study of dark fermentation in four parallel thermostatic glass bioreactors with a working capacity of 50 mL each. The research concerned differences in hydrogen productivity de-pending on the type of carbon source used. Obtained exemplary results allowed to evaluate the effec-tiveness of the process [6] in relation to the production of hydrogen from various types of raw materi-als, i.e. pure glucose, waste glycerol and alkaline meadow grass hydrolysates, obtained according to the procedure given in [5]

  • Biokonwersja materiałów odpadowych do wodoru na drodze fermentacji ciemnej z wykorzystaniem Enterobacter aerogenes
    • Karolina Kucharska
    • Edyta Słupek
    • Marian Antoni Kamiński
    2019 Full text Aparatura Badawcza i Dydaktyczna

    W drodze fermentacji ciemnej z wykorzystaniem względnych beztlenowców z gatunku Enterobacter aerogenes można otrzymać wodór. Wydajność wytwarzania wodoru technikami fermentacyjnymi jest silnie zależna od zastosowanych warunków w zakresie pH, temperatury, składu brzeczek fermentacyjnych, zawartości tlenu czy nawet obecności substancji o potencjalnie inhibitującym wpływie na hodowlę mikrobiologiczną [1-4]. W pracy opisano badania przebiegu fermentacji ciemnej w czterech wspólnie termostatowanych szklanych bioreaktorach o pojemności roboczej 50 mL. Badania dotyczyły różnic w produktywności wodoru w zależności od rodzaju zastosowanego źródła węgla. Uzyskane przykładowe rezultaty pozwoliły na ocenę efektywności procesu w odniesieniu do wytwarzania wodoru z różnego rodzaju surowców, tj. czystej glukozy, gliceryny odpadowej i hydrolizatów alkalicznych trawy polnej, uzyskanych zgodnie z procedurą opisaną przez autorów w pracy [5].

  • Biological and mechanical properties of bone cement with nanoparticles - in vivo and in vitro research
    • Beata Świeczko-Żurek
    • Marcin Wekwejt
    • Anita Kajzer
    • Wojciech Kajzer
    • Karolina Siwicka
    • Antonio Ramos
    • Michel Mesnar
    • Olive Jean-marc

    Despite antibiotics preventive treatment, before and after an implant implementation, risk of infection are real. These infections at the implant surface develop in a few months after applying them into the body. To prevent the development of bacteria and to reduce the risk of infection, implants coated with nanoparticles come into use. The Mechanical Department of the Technical University of Gdańsk carried out a research with the use of bone cement and metal nanoparticles used as an alternative to antibiotics [1-3]. Thus far, bone cement was used without supplement or with one or two drugs. These new experiments included pure bone cement with nanometals, without drugs. The titanium specimens were covered with such coating. Some specimens were inserted into rat's thigh for six weeks. Afterwars the implant was removed from the body and examined by means of scanning electron microscope. The results of the research were positive: there was a good adhesion of osteoblasts on the implant surface and there were no traces of infections. Biological researches have also been carried out. Boneless samples were places into a bacterial liquid generated by researcher (Registered patent no P409082). This liquid contains the five most common bacteria in the human body. Simultaneously mechanical and corrosion researches were carried out. A as result, this study concerns bone cement with nanoparticles, used as an alternative to antibiotics.

  • Biomarkers of alcohol consumption in body fluids - possibilities and limitations of application in toxicological analysis
    • Mateusz Kacper Woźniak
    • Marek Wiergowski
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Marek Biziuk

    Ethyl alcohol is the most popular legal drug, but its excessive consumption causes social problems. Despite many public campaigns against alcohol use, car accidents, instances of aggressive behaviour, sexual assaults and deterioration in labor productivity caused by inebriated people is still commonplace. Fast and easy diagnosis of alcohol consumption is required in order to introduce proper and effective therapy, and is crucial in forensic toxicology analysis. The easiest method to prove alcohol intake is determination of ethanol in body fluids or in breath. However, since ethanol is rapidly metabolized in the human organism, only recent consumption can be detected using this method. Because of that, the determination of alcohol biomarkers was introduced for monitoring alcohol consumption over a wider range of time. The markers described in this article are ethanol, its non-oxidative metabolites (ethyl glucuronide, ethyl sulfate, phosphatidylethanol, ethyl phosphate, fatty acid ethyl esters) and oxidative metabolites (acetaldehyde and acetaldehyde adducts). The objective of this study is to review published studies focusing on the sample preparation methods and chromatographic or biochemical techniques for the determination of alcohol biomarkers in whole blood, plasma, serum and urine. Authors also described issues concerning the detection window of these biomarkers, and possibilities and limitations of their use in routine analytical toxicology for monitoring alcohol consumption or sobriety during alcohol therapy.

  • Biomechanical properties of 3D-printed bone models
    • Angela Andrzejewska

    Bone lesions resulting from large traumas or cancer resections can be successfully treated by directly using synthetic materials or in combination with tissue engineering methods (hybrid). Synthetic or hybrid materials combined with bone tissue’s natural ability for regeneration and biological adaptation to the directions of loading, allow for full recovery of its biological functions. Increasing interest in new production methods or various types of regenerative membranes and shaped scaffolds means that methods such as additive manufacturing can significantly accelerate the preparation of constructs used in the further biological adaptation of natural tissue. The porosity that allows not only ingrowth of the natural tissue, but also the ability of the synthetic material to transfer loadings in the skeletal system during the regeneration interval, will have a significant impact on regenerative capacities. This work presents the results of preliminary analyzes of bone models in the field of mechanical strength for monotonically and cyclically loading conditions. The determined material constants, such as ultimate tensile strength, Young modulus, and toughness or fatigue life, can be used in numerical simulations of new membranes for the regeneration of damaged bone tissue.

  • Biomolecular influenza virus detection based on the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy using the nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes with covalently bound antibodies
    • Katarzyna Siuzdak
    • Paweł Niedziałkowski
    • Michał Sobaszek
    • T Łega
    • Mirosław Sawczak
    • Elżbieta Czaczyk
    • Karolina Dziąbowska
    • Tadeusz Ossowski
    • Dawid Nidzworski
    • Robert Bogdanowicz

    New rapid pathogen detection methods with improved cost-effectiveness and efficiency are currently in the focus of the scientists from all over the world. Based on the experiences from the rapid spread of the influenza virus pandemic in 2009 it is clear that the development of the system for early diagnosis of this infection is essential. The crucial stage of the treatment is the detection of the viral infection during its initial development phase when approximately only several dozens to hundreds of virus particles are present in the pharynx of the infected individual. The present study describes the new universal antibody-modified nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond biosensor for the direct detection of the viral particles at ultralow concentrations. Polyclonal anti-M1 antibodies (aM1) against the M1 protein, the universal biomarker of influenza virus, are attached to the surface of the diamond electrode. Capturing the M1 protein results in electrochemical impedance spectra changes. Achieved limit of detection (LOD) for the approach using M1 biomarker in saliva buffer is 5 × 10−14 g/mL, i.e., several virus particles per sample. Additionally, this assay may be soon developed into the first commercial test utilizing diamond electrodes for the detection of the influenza infection.

  • Biophilic Design: A Trend Watch
    • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    2019 Full text ARC Lighting In Architecture

    During the 20th century, many people migrated to cities for employment and economic opportunities, abandoning farming and natural landscapes so their direct connection to the countryside and nature was lost. This process continues to this day with unprecedented urban growth, in fact, it’s estimated 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. Due to the evolutionary disposition of humans, when people live in an urban habitat they will still seek to restore their lost relationship with plants and the natural world.

  • Biopsy needles coated with the antimicrobial coatings
    • Małgorzata Borowska
    • Agata Kot-Wasik
    • Justyna Kucińska-Lipka

    Drug delivery systems are used to achieve higher therapeutic effects of medicaments in a specific diseased site with minimal toxicological effect. The used of biopolymers in drug delivery systems ensure the biocompatibility, biodegradability and low immunogenicity. Drug delivery systems enhance the drug delivery actively and can be used in different diseases. In this study, two types of polymer coatings were prepared and were applied on biopsy needles surface. High perfor-mance liquid chromatography is a very good solution to analysis of release the drug from antimicrobial coatings and it was used in this studies.

  • Biotrickling filtration of n-butanol vapors: process monitoring using electronic nose and artificial neural network
    • Bartosz Szulczyński
    • Piotr Rybarczyk
    • Milena Gospodarek
    • Jacek Gębicki

    Biotrickling filtration is one of the techniques used to reduce odorants in the air. It is based on the aerobic degradation of pollutants by microorganisms located in the filter bed. The research presents the possibility of using the electronic nose prototype combined with artificial neural network for biofiltration process monitoring in terms of reduction in n-butanol concentration and odour intensity of treated air. The study was conducted using two-section biotrickling filter packed with a commercially available mixture of peat and perlite during 42 days with different n-butanol inlet concentrations, i.e., 100, 200, 400, and 800 ppm. During the tests, a concentration and odour intensity removal efficiency of around 90% and 20% was obtained, respectively. It has been shown that the highest values were obtained for an inlet n-butanol concentration of 200–400 ppm.

  • Bisphenols (A, S, and F) affect the basic hormonal activity determined for pharmaceuticals – Study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
    • Błażej Kudłak
    • Monika Wieczerzak
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Pharmaceuticals and analogs of bisphenol A (BPA) are increasingly threatening environmental pollutants. In this study, mixtures of selected pharmaceuticals (diclofenac sodium salt, chloramphenicol, oxytetracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride, estrone, ketoprofen, progesterone, gemfibrozil and androstenedione) were prepared with BPA and its two analogs (namely, bisphenols F and S) at such ratios to reflect environmentally detectable levels. Then, the mixture solutions were studied with a XenoScreen YES/YAS assay to determine the variations in the initial hormonal response of each pharmaceutical compound due to the presence of a bisphenol analog. The results obtained were modeled with the concentration addition (CA) and independent action (IA) approaches, the trueness of which was studied with model deviation ratios (MDR). The estrogenic agonistic activity of the drugs studied was most strongly affected by the presence of BPA in solution (twenty-one cases of synergy observed for CA models versus twelve cases of antagonism in the case of IA predictions). BPS shows a strong agonistic estrogenic impact on most of the drugs studied at medium and high concentration levels; androgenic agonistic activity was also impaired with elevated concentrations of BPS.

  • Blade Section Prpfile Array Lifting Surface Design Method for Marine Screw Propeller Blade
    • Przemysław Król
    2019 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    The lifting surface model is widely used in screw propeller design and analysis applications. It serves as a reliable tool for determination of the propeller blade mean line and pitch distribution. The main idea of this application was to determine the blade shape that would satisfy the kinematic boundary condition on its surface with the prescribed bound circulation distribution over it. In this paper a simplified lifting surface method is presented – in which the 3D task for the entire blade is replaced by a set of 2D tasks for subsequent blade section profiles.

  • Blast Charge Technique as a Method of Soil Improving to Locate the New Supporting Runways
    • Eligiusz Mieloszyk
    • Mariusz Wyroślak
    2019 Full text IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    A quick and effective method of reinforcing the ground base designed for the construction of engineering structures used for performing various types of air operations was presented. It allows to use wastelands, wetlands, swamps, etc. for these purposes, thus creating a dispersed network of landing sites, increasing the access of large social groups to air transport and increasing their mobility.

  • Błedy projektowe oraz wykonawcze przyczyną uszkodzeń podłogi w pomieszczeniach nad tunelem
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Tomasz Majewski
    • Patryk Ziółkowski

    Przedmiotem artykułu jest podłoga w pomieszczeniach znajdujących się nad tunelem kolejowym w wielkopowierzchniowym Centrum Handlowym. W wyniku błędów projektowych oraz wykonawczych podłoga nie spełniała warunków bezpieczeństwa konstrukcji oraz bezpieczeństwa użytkowania. Popełnione błędy były przyczyną awarii, a w przyszłości doprowadzić mogły do katastrofy budowlanej.

  • Błędy projektowe zewnetrznego szybu dźwigu osobowego oraz ich negatywny wpływ na eksploatację budynku przychodni
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Tomasz Majewski
    • Patryk Ziółkowski

    Po 25 latach eksploatacji budynku przychodni podjęto decyzję o jego przystosowaniu dla potrzeb osób niepełnosprawnych. W związku z tym opracowano projekt budowlany zewnętrznego, dostawianego do ściany szczytowej szybu widnowego. Szyb zaprojektowany został jako murowany z pustaków ceramicznych z poziomymi przewiązkami w poziomie stropów budynku przychodni, posadowiony na żelbetowej monolitycznej płycie fundamentowej o grubości 25 cm. Ściany szybu w części zagłębionej w gruncie zaprojektowane zostały jako żelbetowe. Po 3 latach od chwili zakończenia budowy szybu zaobserwowano pierwsze usterki i uszkodzenia - widoczne było odspojenie konstrukcji szybu od ściany szczytowej budynku. Dodatkowo w trakcie eksploatacji dochodziło do powtarzających się zatrzymań (zakleszczenia) kabiny w szybie co istotnie utrudniało funkcjonowanie przychodni.

  • Boron doped Nanocrystalline Diamond-Carbon Nanospike Hybrid Electron Emission Source
    • Sankaran Kamatchi
    • Mateusz Ficek
    • Panda Kalpataru
    • Chien-Jui Yeh
    • Sawczak Mirosław
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Keh-Chyang Leou
    • Jeong Young Park
    • I-Nan Lin
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    • Ken Haenen
    2019 Full text ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    Electron emission signifies an important mechanism facilitating the enlargement of devices that have modernized large parts of science and technology. Today, the search for innovative electron emission devices for imaging, sensing, electronics, and high-energy physics continues. Integrating two materials with dissimilar electronic properties into a hybrid material is an extremely sought-after synergistic approach envisioning a superior field electron emission (FEE) material. An innovation is described regarding the fabrication of a nanostructured carbon hybrid resulting from the one-step growth of boron doped nanocrystalline diamond (BNCD) and carbon nanospikes (CNSs) by a microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique. Spectroscopic and microscopic tools are used to investigate the morphological, bonding, and microstructural characteristics related to the growth mechanism of these hybrids. Utilizing the benefits of both the sharp edges of the CNSs and the high stability of BNCD, a promising FEE performance with a lower turn-on field of 1.3 V um-1, a higher field enhancement factor of 6780, and a stable FEE current stability lasting for 780 min is obtained. The microplasma devices utilizing these hybrids as a cathode illustrate a superior plasma illumination behavior. Such hybrid carbon nanostructures, with superb electron emission characteristics, can encourage the enlargement of several electron emission device technologies.

  • Branża IT – wyzwania związane z zarządzaniem kapitałem ludzkim
    • Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
    2019 Full text Edukacja Ekonomistów i Menedżerów

    Artykuł dotyczy procesów zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim w firmach IT, w których największe wyzwania wiążą się z dwoma obszarami: zatrudniania i zatrzymywania specjalistów IT w organizacji. Działy HR prześcigają się w stosowaniu coraz to nowszych rozwiązań, aby pozyskać oraz motywować kompetentnych informatyków do pracy na rzecz firmy. Głównym celem artykułu jest prezentacja działań dotyczących rekrutacji oraz motywowania pracowników IT na przykładzie dwóch wybranych firm. Dokonano porównania: wartości istotnych w kulturze organizacji, metod rekrutacji i selekcji, sposobu zarządzania i roli działu HR oraz działań rozwojowych proponowanych zatrudnionym pracownikom. Wyniki zaprezentowano na tle czynników wpływających na specyfikę branży, takich jak: konkurencyjność rynku pracy, globalizacja i wirtualizacja.

  • Bridging the gap between architectural and environmental engineering education in the context of climate change
    • Lucyna Nyka
    2019 Full text World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education

    Indicated in this article is the urgent need to adjust architectural education to the challenges triggered by climate change. Although reports on the future scenarios for cities are alarming, documents that set criteria for architectural education do not indicate competencies related to climate change adaptation and mitigation, mainly by avoiding environmental engineering considerations. An immediate answer to this problem could be specifically shaped design studios that bridge the gap between architectural and environmental engineering. Proposals developed by students prove that combining architectural concepts with environmental and water management issues contribute to the spatial, ecological and social quality of a project. However, as proposed by a few, such design studios do not contribute significantly to the overall profile of a graduate architect. This may result in a lack of specialist competencies among graduates, which could substantially inhibit a process of adaptation of cities to climate change.

  • Bridging theory and practice in postgraduate education on development and planning: Gdynia Urban Summer Schools 2016-2018
    • Karolina Krośnicka
    • Piotr Lorens
    • Izabela Mironowicz
    2019 Full text World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education

    In this article, the authors discuss results achieved by the Gdynia Urban Summer School (GUSS) organised annually (between 2016 and 2018) in Gdynia, Poland. The GUSS was meant for young practitioners from various professions such as urban and regional planning, urban design, architecture, civil engineering and transport planning. The objective was to give workshop participantspractical interdisciplinary experience and to develop skills for lifelong learning. The way to achieve this is through learning by doing but, at the same time, breaking the daily routine and typical patterns of thinking, thus exchanging ideas and design experiences within a group of practitioners. The ‘interactive method’ adopted at the summer school is frequently applied in spatial planning, whereby the search is facilitated for an outside of the box approach or for unobvious answers to problems identified by local experts. An international group of young planners worked in a studio setting under the guidance of international experts. The host city of Gdynia, in return, received a finished product in the form of the final presentation and the report.

  • Buckling and initial post-local buckling behaviour of cold-formed channel member flange
    • Czesław Szymczak
    • Marcin Kujawa

    The initial post-buckling behaviour of a cold-formed channel member flange after its local buckling is investigated. An axially compressed column or beam subjected to pure bending is considered. The member material is assumed to follow a linear stress-strain relationship. The governing non-linear differential equation of the problem is derived using the minimum total potential energy principle. An approximate solution for the equation is found by means of the perturbation approach, which allows obtaining the critical buckling stress and the initial post-buckling equilibrium path. The bifurcation point is shown to be symmetric and stable. The proposed analytical solution is compared with finite element method (FEM) and finite strip method (FSM) results to check the validity and range of applicability.

  • Budownictwo ogólne w ujęciu tradycyjnym
    • Erwin Wojtczak

    Budownictwo jest od najdawniejszych czasów niezwykle ważną i dynamicznie rozwijającą się dziedziną działalności człowieka. Stanowi istotną gałąź wiedzy praktycznej z zakresu inżynierii lądowej, której znajomość jest niezbędna w procesie projektowania i wznoszenia otaczających nas konstrukcji. To nauka interdyscyplinarna, korzystająca z wiedzy trzech podstawowych dyscyplin: mechaniki budowli, materiałoznawstwa oraz fizyki budowli. Tematyka książki dotyczy podstawowych rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych stosowanych na przestrzeni lat w budownictwie ogólnym. Treść została podzielona na rozdziały opisujące poszczególne elementy konstrukcji typowego budynku, od fundamentów poprzez ściany, nadproża, stropy i schody aż po dach. W książce zawarto przegląd różnorodnych technologii, kładąc główny nacisk na metody historyczne (tradycyjne, nierzadko obecnie niestosowane), pojawiają się jednak również odwołania do aktualnego stanu praktyki inżynierskiej. Szczególną uwagę należy zwrócić na podane procedury obliczeniowe, które w wielu przypadkach zostały zastąpione nowszymi, a ich zaprezentowanie ma na celu jedynie przybliżenie czytelnikowi ówczesnego stanu wiedzy technicznej.

  • Building a Nest by an Automaton
    • Jurek Czyzowicz
    • Dariusz Dereniowski
    • Andrzej Pelc

    A robot modeled as a deterministic finite automaton has to build a structure from material available to it. The robot navigates in the infinite oriented grid $Z x Z$. Some cells of the grid are full (contain a brick) and others are empty. The subgraph of the grid induced by full cells, called the {\em field}, is initially connected. The (Manhattan) distance between the farthest cells of the field is called its {\em span}. The robot starts at a full cell. It can carry at most one brick at a time. At each step it can pick a brick from a full cell, move to an adjacent cell and drop a brick at an empty cell. The aim of the robot is to construct the most compact possible structure composed of all bricks, i.e., a {\em nest}. That is, the robot has to move all bricks in such a way that the span of the resulting field be the smallest. Our main result is the design of a deterministic finite automaton that accomplishes this task and subsequently stops, for every initially connected field, in time $O(sz)$, where $s$ is the span of the initial field and $z$ is the number of bricks. We show that this complexity is optimal.

  • Building collective intelligence through experience: a survey on the use of the KREM model
    • Cecilia Zanni-Merk
    • Edward Szczerbicki

    This article presents a survey on the use of KREM, a generic knowledge-based framework for building collective intelligence through experience. After a discussion on the disadvantages of the traditional architecture used to deploy intelligent systems, the KREM architecture (Knowledge, Rules, Experience, Meta-Knowledge) is presented. The novelty of the proposal comes from the inclusion of the capitalisation of experience and the use of meta-knowledge in the traditional architecture previously discussed. KREM improves the efficiency of traditional intelligent systems by allowing incomplete expert knowledge models to be used, gradually completing them, learning with experience. In addition, the use of meta-knowledge can guide their execution more effectively. This framework has been successfully used in various projects in different application areas, which are presented and discussed.

  • Building Information Modeling in Small and Middle Sized Buildings – Case Study
    • Beata Grzyl
    • Wojciech Migda
    • Magdalena Apollo
    2019 Full text IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a technology designed to improve and integrate all engineering aspects in the construction design process. Tools that incorporate the idea of BIM are becoming more advanced and also more popular. Available software solutions have already reached an assumable high level of development, but still are not as widespread and used on nearly as many construction projects as could be expected. Therefore the aim of this paper is to show the advantages and limitations of BIM by looking at projects of small and middle sized buildings from the conventional (2D) and BIM approach perspective. The study was based on the present projects executed in Poland and first-hand experience. In addition, the paper also presents a literature review and the results of a survey on the level of knowledge and scope of BIM technology application in Pomerania (Poland). The results of the study indicate that, against common opinion, BIM software is not only useful for large investments, but can also be recommended for the design of small and middle sized buildings. Presented case study reveals, that the use of BIM in smaller projects also provides significant advantages, especially in the context of time consumed for the design process.

  • Building Polish space sector – from small islands of excellence to a national innovation ecosystem
    • Bogdan Wiszniewski
    2019 Full text IFAC-PapersOnLine

    In the paper a national potential of Poland to build its space industry after joining the European Space Agency (ESA) in 2012 is assessed, based on the series of survey reports published annually by POLSA since 2016. Their methodology was based on the ESA technology tree, classifying all the space-related technical knowhow and allowed identification of the most promising strengths to exploit and shortages to challenge by policymakers implementing up to the 2030 horizon the Polish Space Strategy.

  • Business Sentiment Analysis. Concept and Method for Perceived Anticipated Effort Identification
    • Nina Rizun
    • Aleksandra Revina

    Representing a valuable human-computer interaction interface, Sentiment Analysis (SA) is applied to a wide range of problems. In the present paper, the researchers introduce a novel concept of Business Sentiment (BS) as a measurement of a Perceived Anticipated Effort (PAE) in the context of business processes (BPs). BS is considered as an emotional component of BP task contextual complexity perceived by a process worker after reading the task text. PAE is interpreted as a business process (BP) key performance indicator predicting urgency, criticality and complexity of the BP task processing. Using qualitative evaluation, the researchers proved the workability of both BS concept and its effective application method to measure PAE. As practical contributions of the research, quantitative support in a form of statistical reports and qualitative support in a form of task prioritization recommendations and time management for a BP worker are suggested

  • Calculating the Partition Coefficients of Organic Solvents in Octanol/Water and Octanol/Air
    • Miroslava Nedyalkova
    • Sergio Madurga
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    • Vasil Simeonov
    2019 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

    Partition coefficients define how a solute is distributed between two immiscible phases at equilibrium. The experimental estimation of partition coefficients in a complex system can be an expensive, difficult, and time-consuming process. Here a computational strategy to predict the distributions of a set of solutes in two relevant phase equilibria is presented. The octanol/water and octanol/air partition coefficients are predicted for a group of polar solvents using density functional theory (DFT) calculations in combination with a solvation model based on density (SMD) and are in excellent agreement with experimental data. Thus, the use of quantum-chemical calculations to predict partition coefficients from free energies should be a valuable alternative for unknown solvents. The obtained results indicate that the SMD continuum model in conjunction with any of the three DFT functionals (B3LYP, M06-2X, and M11) agrees with the observed experimental values. The highest correlation to experimental data for the octanol/water partition coefficients was reached by the M11 functional; for the octanol/air partition coefficient, the M06-2X functional yielded the best performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first computational approach for the prediction of octanol/air partition coefficients by DFT calculations, which has remarkable accuracy and precision.

  • Calculation of the Effects of Implementing a DSM Electricity Demand Management Strategy Using the Example of Analysis of Changes in the Power System Load
    • Wiktoria Stahl
    • Paweł Bućko
    2019 Full text Acta Energetica

    The paper presents the impact of implementing Demand Side Management (DSM) solutions through proper management and control of the process of charging and discharging electric car batteries. As a result, the daily load curves were shaped so as to fill valleys and cut down peaks. Therefore, the implementation of power demand management solutions had a significant impact on the power system operation. The impact of DSM solutions manifested in the form of changes in the power system loads. As part of the analysis of power demand changes, indicators have been proposed that enable their description. The use of these indicators will allow one to detect and compensate for any negative effects of implementing DSM solutions.

  • Calculation of Vibrational Resonance Raman Spectra of Molecules Using Quantum Chemistry Methods
    • Julien Guthmuller

    The understanding and interpretation of experimental resonance Raman (RR) spectra can strongly benefit from theoretical simulations. These can be achieved by combining quantum chemistry (QC) methods to calculate the electronic and vibrational molecular properties, together with appropriate models and approximations to compute the Raman intensities. This chapter presents the main and most commonly employed approaches to calculate RR spectra using QC methods. It summarizes the theory of Raman scattering and provides several approximations in order to obtain practical expressions from which the Raman intensities can be calculated using QC methods. The properties of the excited states, i.e. energies, geometries, vibrational frequencies, transition dipole moments, and gradients can be calculated with QC methods. The chapter also describes different applications on molecular systems in order to assess the accuracy of the methods and to present the impact of different vibronic effects on the RR intensities.

  • Can unequal distributions of wealth influence vote choice? A comparative study of Germany, Sweden and the United States.
    • Piotr Paradowski
    • Lindsay Flynn

    It is widely accepted that income influences voting behavior. Does wealth? Is the effect similar across countries? Studies of wealth and voting behavior have not existed until recently, in part because of the absence of data on wealth holdings. The findings in this chapter indicate that wealth is related to voting behavior in some countries but not in others. The chapter models the effects of wealth on one form of voting behavior, vote choice, in three archetypal countries – the United States, Germany, and Sweden, each representing a distinct political and social welfare regime. If vote choice is predicated on wealth holdings above and beyond the effect of income, the growth in wealth inequality experienced since the 1970s serves to further polarize electoral outcomes. As other chapters in this volume point out, this polarization impedes decision making and implementation at both governmental and policy levels.

  • Can we rely on the pulse transit time - pressure relationship - models comparison
    • Artur Poliński
    • Adam Bujnowski
    • Tomasz Kocejko
    • Jerzy Wtorek

    An unobtrusive, noninvasive and continuous pressure measurement is invaluable however, still being under research and development. There are many attempts proposing an appropriate relationship between pulse pressure velocity and pressure. Fifteen different formulas, both theoretical and experimental, describing relation between blood pressure and crosssectional area of the vessel were examined. Using these formulas the relation between blood pressure and pulse transit time were derived. The results obtained show variety of dependences. For some of them an explicit derivation was not possible due to non-linear characteristics of the models. It follows from the study performed that depending on the assumptions accepted, even using the same approach, one can obtain contradictory results.

  • Capacity analysis of the selected track system in partially ordered space
    • Eligiusz Mieloszyk
    • Anita Milewska
    • Sławomir Grulkowski
    2019 Full text MATEC Web of Conferences

    A proper location of the interval sections has significant impact on the traffic flow in the railway track network. This issue is critical during line modernization as well as when a new solution accounting for the traffic forecast at particular element of the railway track network is developed . However, the situation is more complex and more expensive for railway stations since improvement of the capacity requires critical organizational changes and additional investments. We have applied partially ordered linear spaces to study the capacity of a track system.

  • Capon-like DoA estimator for rotating arrays
    • Michał Meller
    • Kamil Stawiarski
    2019 Full text

    We propose a nonparametric superresolution DoA estimator that is suitable for use with rotating arrays. The proposed method can be regarded as an extension of the Capon approach. We investigate its properties using computer simulations and present results obtained by processing of real world data.

  • Catalytic Activity of Nickel and Ruthenium–Nickel Catalysts Supported on SiO2, ZrO2, Al2O3, and MgAl2O4 in a Dry Reforming Process
    • Izabela Wysocka
    • Andrzej Rogala
    • Jan Hupka
    2019 Full text Catalysts

    Dry reforming of methane (DRM) is an eco-friendly method of syngas production due to the utilization of two main greenhouse gases—methane and carbon dioxide. An industrial application of methane dry reforming requires the use of a catalyst with high activity, stability over a long time, and the ability to catalyze a reaction, leading to the needed a hydrogen/carbon monoxide ratio. Thus, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of support and noble metal particles on catalytic activity, stability, and selectivity in the dry reforming process. Ni and Ni–Ru based catalysts were prepared via impregnation and precipitation methods on SiO2, ZrO2, Al2O3, and MgAl2O4 supports. The obtained catalysts were characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) specific surface area, and elemental carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen-sulphur analysis (CHNS) techniques. The catalytic activity was investigated in the carbon dioxide reforming of a methane process at 800 ◦C. Catalysts supported on commercial Al2O3 and spinel MgAl2O4 exhibited the highest activity and stability under DRM conditions. The obtained results clearly indicate that differences in catalytic activity result from the dispersion, size of an active metal (AM), and interactions of the AM with the support. It was also found that the addition of ruthenium particles enhanced the methane conversion and shifted the H2/CO ratio to lower values.

  • Causes of damage and methods of repairing floor made on polystyrene concrete
    • Paweł Piotrkowski
    • Łukasz Drobiec
    2019 Full text MATEC Web of Conferences

    The paper describes damages, tests and repair of the floor made on existing ceiling and expanded polystyrene concrete underlay. The floor was built on a reinforced concrete ceiling with an area of about 1050 m2. Significant damage in the form of cracks, detachments and unevenness was found in the floor. In order to determine the causes of damage, in situ tests and laboratory tests were carried out. It was found that the damage was caused by numerous performance errors. A test repair of the damage (4.7x6.0 m) was carried out, and then the repair method was applied on the entire floor surface.

  • Cavitation Erosion Resistance Influence of Material Properties
    • Dominika Zakrzewska
    • Alicja Krella
    2019 Full text Advances in Materials Science

    The cavitation erosion is the phenomena that causes degradation of fluid flow machinery components due to repetitive implosion of cavitation bubbles adjacent to the solid surface. Cavitation erosion is a complex phenomenon, which includes not only hydrodynamic factors of liquid, but also properties of erodible material e.g. microstructure, hardness or Young modulus. In order to reduce the negative impact of erosion on machine components, there are many methods to increase cavitation erosion resistance. The paper discusses the correlations between structural and mechanical properties and the resistance to cavitation erosion (CER) of pure materials, their alloys and coatings. Methods to increase CER have also been described - using heat / thermochemical treatment and application of coatings by various methods.

  • Ceglana tożsamość. Dziedzictwo materialne jako rdzeń gdańskich tożsamości
    • Jakub Szczepański
    2019 Full text Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica

    Artykuł dotyczy cegły elewacyjnej jako materiału budowlanego będącego istotnym elementem kształtowania gdańskiej tożsamości.

  • CeIr3: superconductivity in a phase based on tetragonally close packed clusters
    • Karolina Górnicka
    • Elizabeth M. Carnicom
    • Sylwia Gołąb
    • Marcin Stanisław Łapiński
    • Bartłomiej Wiendlocha
    • Weiwei Xie
    • Dariusz Kaczorowski
    • Robert J. Cava
    • Tomasz Klimczuk

    We present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting and spectroscopic characterization, and theoretical modeling of CeIr3. Lattice parameters a = 5.2945(1) Å and c = 26.219(1) Å are found for the R-3m symmetry crystal structure, which are close to the literature values. CeIr3 is a moderate type-II superconductor (κ GL = 17, λ e–p = 0.65) below 2.5 K. Ce ions exhibit a strongly intermediate valence character as evidenced by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The normal state magnetic susceptibility is weakly temperature dependent and follows the inter-configuration fluctuation model with a singlet Ce−4 f 0 ground state. Theoretical calculations support a non-magnetic ground state of the system and reveal that Ir−5d states are dominant at the Fermi level.

  • Cel i funkcje zamówień publicznych
    • Mariusz Zaborowski
    2019 Full text Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne

    System zamówień publicznych, obok zagadnień prawnych, obejmuje między innymi również zagadnienia organizacyjne, czy też ekonomiczne. Dlatego elementy systemowe należy rozpatrywać w bardzo szerokim ujęciu i nie można zawężać ich tylko do zagadnień prawnych. Cele i funkcje zamówień przeplatają się nawzajem i tym samym są od siebie niezależne. Nie można mówić o celach bez wyraźnego oparcia w funkcjach zamówień publicznych i odwrotnie. Dlatego treść i cel systemu zamówień publicznych determinuje wielość funkcji, jakie pełni jego regulacja i tym samym wpływa na gospodarkę i podmioty występujące na rynku.

  • Centralny serwer w multimedialnym systemie dyspozytorsko-teleinformatycznym STRADAR
    • Marek Blok
    • Sylwester Kaczmarek
    • Maciej Sac
    2019 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    Przedstawiono architekturę i najnowsze funkcje centralnego serwera (Centrum) w rozproszonym systemie monitorowania akwenów morskich opracowanym dla straży granicznej. System umożliwia prezentację bieżącej i archiwalnej sytuacji na mapie, obrazu z kamer, rozmów telefonicznych oraz plików i wiadomości tekstowych (SMS) wymienianych przez funkcjonariuszy straży granicznej. W artykule skupiono się na nowych funkcjonalnościach centrum, związanych ze sterowaniem kamerami oraz wizualizacją danych radarowych przechowywanych w serwerach archiwizacji pochodzących z radarów ARPA oraz Terma SCANTER 2001.

  • CFGFRPT Piles with a Circular Cross-Section and their Application in Offshore Structures
    • Eligiusz Mieloszyk
    • Marcin Abramski
    • Anita Milewska
    2019 Full text Polish Maritime Research

    The possibilities of using concrete piles in a polymer composite reinforced with glass fibres in offshore facilities were shown. Laboratory tests of CFGFRPT type piles compressed axially and in eccentric compression for the analysis of CFGFRPT piles were used. Methods of analysis of dynamic systems for mathematical modelling of the displacement of the hammer in the pile driving process were applied. The possibilities of combining CFGFRPT piles, including the creation of hybrid piles were also presented. For example, concrete piles can be combined with concrete piles in a polymer composite reinforced with glass fibres with different fibre beam angles. The possibilities of using such hybrid piles in offshore facilities were indicated.

    • Ewa Kozłowska
    • Rob Howard
    2019 Full text Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Technology in classroom is a matter of heated discussions in the field of education development, especially when multidisciplinary education goes along with language skills. Engineers’ education requires theoretical and practical knowledge. Moreover, dedicated computer skills become crucial for both young graduates and experienced educators on the labor market. Teaching online with or without using different Learning Management Systems (LMS) became an integrated part of teaching and grading systems at most of the universities. Unfortunately, the overuse of technology happens to result in lower learning efficiency instead of bringing development. In this article examples of overuse or misuse of technology in the classroom were discussed and some case study improvements were presented, based on case studies investigated by the representatives of Gdansk University of Technology and Online Language Center.