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Państwowy zasób geodezyjny i kartograficzny
- Bogdan Szczechowski
Rozdział poświęcony państwowemu zasobowi geodezyjnemu i kartograficznemu. Przedstawia zasady formalno-prawne jego funkcjonowania we współczesnym świecie. Rozdział w kontekście monografii podaje zasady na poziomie masowego użytkownika zasobu geodezyjnego i kartograficznego.
Państwowy zasób geodezyjny i kartograficzny
- Bogdan Szczechowski
Rozdział poświęcony państwowemu zasobowi geodezyjnemu i kartograficznemu. Przedstawia zasady formalno-prawne jego funkcjonowania we współczesnym świecie. Rozdział w kontekście monografii podaje zasady na poziomie masowego użytkownika zasobu geodezyjnego i kartograficznego.
Parallelization of Compute Intensive Applications into Workflows based on Services in BeesyCluster
- Paweł Czarnul
The paper presents an approach for modeling, optimization and execution of workflow applications based on services that incorporates both service selection and partitioning of input data for parallel processing by parallel workflow paths. A compute-intensive workflow application for parallel integration is presented. An impact of the input data partitioning on the scalability is presented. The paper shows a comparison of the theoretical model of workflow execution and real execution times. The execution of this distributed workflow is compared to a highly parallel approach using MPI. Finally, results for an integrated workflow/MPI approach are shown.
Parallelization of video stream algorithms in kaskada platform
- Adam Brzeski
The purpose of this work is to present different techniques of video stream algorithms parallelization provided by the Kaskada platform - a novel system working in a supercomputer environment designated for multimedia streams processing. Considered parallelization methods include frame-level concurrency, multithreading and pipeline processing. Execution performance was measured on four time-consuming image recognition algorithms, designed to support medical endoscopic examinations. The achieved results confirm high capabilities of Kaskada platform for executing parallel algorithms. Frame-level parallelization was proved to be a great solution for offline processing, while pipeline processing combined with multithreading provided high performance for online, real-time analysis.
Parameters optimization in medicine supporting image recognition algorithms
- Adam Brzeski
In this paper, a procedure of automatic set up of image recognition algorithms' parameters is proposed, for the purpose of reducing the time needed for algorithms' development. The procedure is presented on two medicine supporting algorithms, performing bleeding detection in endoscopic images. Since the algorithms contain multiple parameters which must be specified, empirical testing is usually required to optimise the algorithm's efficiency, which is time-consuming and therefore costly. To approach this problem, the parameters were transformed into a solution space, which was later searched using various local and global optimization methods. After the optimization was performed, the achieved efficiency rates were compared to the empirically established values, showing similar effects, and therefore successfulness of the automatic parameters optimization.
Parametry akwizycji w systemach z mieszanymi torami pomiarowymi
- Dariusz Świsulski
Przedstawiono metodę przetwarzania sygnału impulsowego modulowanego częstotliwościowo, która pozwala na stosowanie tych samych parametrów akwizycji dla torów z napięciowym i częstotliwościowym nośnikiem informacji.
Parametry akwizycji w systemach z napięciowymi i częstotliwościowymi torami pomiarowymi
- Dariusz Świsulski
Przedstawiono metodę przetwarzania sygnału impulsowego modulowanego częstotliwościowo. Pozwala ona na uzyskanie informacji o częstotliwości sygnału impulsowego modulowanego częstotliwościowo w tych samych chwilach czasu, w których próbkowane są sygnały w torach napięciowych. Pozwala też na stosowanie tych samych parametrów akwizycji dla torów z napięciowym i częstotliwościowym nośnikiem informacji.
Parametryczna krzywa przejściowa dla dróg kolejowych
- Władysław Koc
Zakres stosowania krzywych przejściowych o nieliniowej zmianie krzywizny na drogach kolejowych jest, jak dotąd, bardzo ograniczony. W pracy (przeprowadzając stosowną analizę) wskazano na główną przyczynę takiego stanu rzeczy - bardzo małe wartości rzędnych poziomych w rejonie początkowym, w praktyce często wręcz niemożliwe do realizacji. Postanowiono więc poszukać nowej postaci krzywej przejściowej, rezygnując z warunku zerowania się pochodnej krzywizny w punkcie początkowym i wprowadzając tam pewne zaburzenie (mniejsze jednak niż występujące w paraboli trzeciego stopnia). Wykorzystując metodę identyfikacji krzywizny za pomocą równań różniczkowych wyznaczono równanie odpowiedniej krzywej przejściowej, którą - z uwagi na występujący parametr C - określono mianem parametrycznej krzywej przejściowej. Krzywa ta charakteryzuje się łagodnym przebiegiem krzywizny w rejonie wejścia w łuk kołowy, a przyjęcie odpowiedniej wartości parametru C ∈(0,1) zależy od konkretnej sytuacji geometrycznej i następuje w wyniku analizy wartości rzędnych poziomych w rejonie początkowym krzywej przejściowej.
Parity vertex colouring of graphs
- Piotr Borowiecki
- Kristina Budajova
- Stanislav Jendrol
- Stanislav Krajci
A parity path in a vertex colouring of a graph is a path along which each colour is used an even number of times. Let Xp(G) be the least number of colours in a proper vertex colouring of G having no parity path. It is proved that for any graph G we have the following tight bounds X(G) <= Xp(G) <=|V(G)|− a(G)+1, where X(G) and a(G) are the chromatic number and the independence number of G, respectively. The bounds are improved for trees. Namely, if T is a tree with diameter diam(T) and radius rad(T), then ceil(log2(2+diam(T))) <= Xp(T) <= 1+rad(T). Both bounds are tight. The second thread of this paper is devoted to relationships between parity vertex colourings and vertex rankings, i.e. a proper vertex colourings with the property that each path between two vertices of the same colour q contains a vertex of colour greater than q. New results on graphs critical for vertex rankings are also presented.
Park miejski w Jaśkowej Dolinie
- Katarzyna Rozmarynowska
Autorka przedstawia dzieje najstarszego gdańskiego parku miejskiego we Wrzeszczu.
Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
- Agnieszka Tuszyńska
- Katarzyna Kołecka
In this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from lake water.To deepen the knowledge about migration of pollutants in water and waste water their particle size analysis based on the laser diffraction method were carried out. Speciation of phosphorus and organic matter expressed in COD was carried out for the purpose of determination of the participation and type of dissolved substances as well as suspended matter.The granulometric analysis showed that from sewage and lake water treated in ETS the suspension above size 100 μm is efficiently removed. On the basis of obtained results it was proved that ETS efficiently remove particulate fractions of phosphorus and organic matter. In sewage and surface water inflowed to analyzed facilities 30 - 45% of organic matter and 55-80% of phosphorus were attributed to suspended solids. In the effluent a part of pollutants in suspended fraction decreased and it were 15% for COD and 35% for phosphorus in waste water and 24% for COD and 50% for phosphorus in lake water.
Pełna separacja
- Ziemowit Suligowski
Celowość, skuteczność, potrzeby oczyszczania wód opadowa. Krytyczna ocena schematycznych działań.
Peptide modification with thiomalonoamide moiety
- Karolina Janikowska
- Sławomir Makowiec
Abstract: Meldrum acid derivatives under the thermal decomposition are well known source of ketenes. Recently we investigated chemical properties of thiocarbamolyl meldrum acids. We found that 5-(α-alkylamino- α'-sulfhydryl)methylene Meldrum's acids hated in the presence of amines produce thiomalonamides. We used this reaction to the one pot synthesis of series of short peptides containing thiomalonoamide motif.
Percepcja wiarygodności internetowych serwisów handlowych w kontekście zachowań konsumenckich
- Beata Basińska
- Igor Garnik
- Marcin Sikorski
Celem pracy było sprawdzenie, w jaki sposób zachowania konsumenckie determinowane czynnikami społecznymi różnicują percepcję atrybutów kształtujących wiarygodność internetowych serwisów handlowych. Doświadczenie w transakcjach on-line oraz poczucie własnej skuteczności konsumentów nie przyczyniały się do powstawanie różnic. Kobiety, inaczej niż mężczyźni, potrzebowały więcej rekomendacji i były bardziej wyczulone na nieprofesjonalizm w sieci. Jednak może być to warunkowane odmiennością rodzajów kupowanych produktów.
Performance analysis of mobility protocols and handover algorithms for IP-based networks
- Józef Woźniak
- Przemysław Machań
- Krzysztof Gierłowski
- Tomasz Gierszewski
- Michał Hoeft
- Michał Lewczuk
A rapid growth of IP-based networks and services has created the vast collection of resources and functionality available to users by means of a universal method of access - an IP protocol. At the same time, advances in design of mobile electronic devices have allowed them to reach utility level comparable to stationary, desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. Following this trend multiple extensions to the base IP protocol stack have been developed, devoted to user mobility support. In this paper we present a short overview of the most popular methods of handling mobility in IPv4 and IPv6 networks, along with their overall performance analysis and comparison. Critical performance issues of IP mobility mechanisms are presented, as well as optimizations proposed in standardized solutions.
Performance Evaluation of Preemption Algorithms in MPLS Networks
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Krzysztof Nowak
Preemption is a traffic engineering technique in Multiprotocol Switching Networks that enables creation of high priority paths when there is not enough free bandwidth left on the route. Challenging part of any preemption method is to select the best set of paths for removal. Several heuristic methods are available but no wider comparison had been published before. In this paper, we discuss the dilemmas in implementing preemption methods and present the simulation study of well known existing algorithms. Based on the results, we provide recommendations for deployment of preemption for the two most common evaluation criteria: number of preemptions and preempted bandwidth.
Performance Evaluation of the Parallel Codebook Algorithm for Background Subtraction in Video Stream
- Grzegorz Szwoch
A background subtraction algorithm based on the codebook approach was implemented on a multi-core processor in a parallel form, using the OpenMP system. The aim of the experiments was to evaluate performance of the multithreaded algorithm in processing video streams recorded from monitoring cameras, depending on a number of computer cores used, method of task scheduling, image resolution and degree of image content variability. The results of the tests are presented and discussed. The main purpose of the research is application of the tested algorithm in a real-time video content analysis system, e.g. for automatic detection of important security threats.
Performance Measurements of Real Time Video Transmission from Car Patrol
- Maciej Szczodrak
- Andrzej Ciarkowski
- Bartosz Głowacki
- Kamil Kacperski
The HSUPA technology application to video streaming from moving vehicle to the central server is presented in the paper. A dedicated software for transmission control in case of non public IP address is employed. Quality of video streaming in urban area was measured. Several car routes were investigated in the area of the Polish Tricity. Measurements pointed out that the real time streaming quality during vehicle movement is sufficient within the prevailing time period.
Permeation and sorption properties of poly(ether-block-amide) membranesfilled by two types of zeolites
- Karel Friess
- VLADIMíR Hynek
- Milan ŠíPEK
- Wojciech Kujawski
- Ondřej Vopička
- Miroslav Zgažar
- Maciej Kujawski
The experimental study of transport properties of mixed matrix membranes (MMMs) based on PEBA-4033 with two types of zeolites is reported. Gas (CO2, O2, N2) and vapor (benzene, toluene, methanol, water) permeation measurements were performed using the differential flow permeameter at temperature of 298.15 K and at atmospheric pressure. Gas/vapor permeation was monitored by measuring the changes of the thermal conductivity of carrier gas (H2). Sorption experiments were performed gravimetrically. Determined values of the transport parameters (permeability, diffusion and sorption coefficients) of all studied vapors revealed expected high-order permeability of PEBA based membranes for vapors in comparison with gases whereas increasing of zeolite-filler content up to 30 wt.% in polymer matrix led to higher values of permeability and gas/gas and vapor/gas selectivity in comparison with pure polymer.
Perspectives of Telematics Implementation in Tri-City Transport Systems Management and Planning
- Jacek Oskarbski
In 2010 the City of Gdynia applied for match funding the project ''Implementation of the Integrated Traffic Management System TRISTAR in Tri-City" under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment. This year the project has been placed on a list approved by the Ministry of Infrastructure. Tri-City proceeds with a tender for the implementation of the system. The project will be implemented in key elements are included in the TRISTAR system architecture. They will enable the implementation of further elements of the system. The paper presents the characteristics and the expected effects of the implementation of new components, which will include multi-level model of transportation systems, automatic incident detection system, weight in motion and buslanes /HOV lanes control with the use of ITS. Public consultation of the studies and projects will be done using an internet platform including e.g. simulations developed using multi-level model.