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Publikacje z roku 2011
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The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
- Eugeniusz Kozaczka
- Grażyna Grelowska
- Wojciech Szymczak
- Sławomir Kozaczka
Propagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less important. In this paper we will consider the examination of the layer structure of the seabed by the means of the acoustic methods. By the notion of acoustic methods we mean use of phenomena in the field of nonlinear hydroacoustics. Based on this, the parametric sonar was constructed and was used to the seabed sounding. This parametric sonar is commonly called sub-bottom profiler. The selected results of extensive experimental research, that have been performed in waters of the Gulf of Gdańsk in the years 2008-2010, will be presented in this work.
The fast identification of explosives, natcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers
- Janusz Smulko
- Jan Dobkowski
- Andrzej Kwiatkowski
- Marcin Gnyba
- Paweł Wierzba
- Malgorzata Czerwicka
- Piotr Stepnowski
- A. Trynda
The fast identification of explosives, narcotics and other chemicals carried on board of ships or transported in containers to the harbors is an important problem of maritime security. Raman spectroscopy is an advanced technique used in state-of-the art laboratories for fast identification of chemicals. No sample preparation is required, and identification can be carried out through transparent packing, such as plastic or glass, without opening it. Continuous progress in the field of photonics has resulted in commercial availability of low-power compact Raman spectrometers which can be integrated into portable systems. Such systems can be used by law enforcement personnel or first responders to identify solid and liquid chemical substances of concern in the scene, providing results within minutes.This paper present a portable Raman spectrometer designed and built by our team as well as discusses its operation and performance. The device uses separate modules with laser emitting at 785 nm and 355 nm, belonging to safety class IIIB. The modules work independently to reduce disturbances at the field measurements and to increase amount of investigated chemicals. The paper discusses efficiency of detection of a few example narcotics that can be mixed with typically used variety of adulterants/impurities. Similar data are presented for a few selected explosives. Further possible applications of the system are outlined as well.
The hat problem on a union of disjoint graphs
- Marcin Krzywkowski
The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player can see everybody excluding himself. We consider such a problem on a graph, where vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an edge. The solution of the hat problem is known for cycles and bipartite graphs. We investigate the problem on a union of disjoint graphs.
The hat problem on cycles on at least nine vertices
- Marcin Krzywkowski
The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The team wins if at least one player guesses his hat color correctly, and no one guesses his hat color wrong; otherwise the team loses. The aim is to maximize the probability of winning. In this version every player can see everybody excluding himself. We consider such a problem on a graph, where vertices correspond to players, and a player can see each player to whom he is connected by an edge. The solution of the hat problem on a graph is known for trees and for the cycle C_4. We solve the problem on cycles on at least nine vertices.
The Imidazoacridinone Antitumor Drug, C-1311, Is Metabolized by Flavin Monooxygenases but Not by Cytochrome P450s.
- Agnieszka Potęga
- Emilia Dąbrowska
- Magdalena Niemira
- Agata Kot-Wasik
- Sebastien Ronseaux
- Colin Henderson
- Roland Wolf
- Zofia Mazerska
Prezentowane w publikacji wyniki badań mają na celu wyjaśnienie roli enzymów wątrobowych w metabolizmie przeciwnowotworowych pochodnych C-1311 oraz C-1330. Oba związki inkubowane były z frakcją mikrosomalną oraz enzymami rekombinantowymi należącymi do grypy cytochromu P450, FMO oraz UGT. Badania wykazały, że oba związki są metabolizowane przez enzymy frakcji mikrosomalnej, ale nie przez enzymy cytochromu P450. Aktywność enzymatyczna dwóch z nich, CYP1A2 i CYP3A4, była hamowana przez badane związki. Jednakże, obie pochodne okazały się bardzo dobrymi substratami dla enzymów FMO1 i FMO3. Również inkubacja z enzymami UGT1A1 potwierdziła udział tego enzymu w przemianach metabolicznych C-1311 i C-1330. Podsumowując, wykazano, że monooksygenazy flawinowe (FMO) odgrywają kluczową rolę w transformacji mikrosomalnej badanych związków, a nie enzymy cytochromu P450.
The impact of mega sports events on the stock markets
- Krystian Zawadzki
Wpływ wielkoformatowych imprez sportowych na gospodarkę może być rozpatrywany na różnych płaszczyznach. Najczęściej przywołuje się zmiany w zakresie PKB kraju lub regionu goszczącego, zmiany na rynku pracy, rozbudowę bądź modernizację infrastruktury oraz tendencje w zakresie przepływu turystycznego. Kanały oddziaływania tak dużych wydarzeń są jednak dużo szersze i obejmują ponadto: życie publiczne, polityczne i kulturalne, informację, edukację, sport oraz aspekty psychologiczne. W niniejszym opracowaniu badaniu poddano zależność pomiędzy organizacją wielkoformatowych imprez sportowych a rynkami kapitałowymi, w szczególności rynkami akcji państw - organizatorów. W założeniu reakcja rynków finansowych jest ściśle powiązana z oczekiwaniami prowadzenia biznesu w państwach/miastach, które przygotowują się do przeprowadzenia dużego wydarzenia sportowego. Ponieważ oddziaływanie to wiąże się z rozwojem miejsc, w których organizowane są tego typu imprezy, powinno mieć ono charakter pozytywny. W konsekwencji organizacja wielkoformatowych imprez sportowych winna przyczyniać się do wzrostu ceny akcji i wartości indeksów na giełdach państw - gospodarzy.
The impact of wind farms with fixed speed induction generators on grid damping in Northern Ireland
- Douglas Wilson
- Zbigniew Lubośny
- Janusz Bialek
The influance of infiltration of LNF cathode with CGO
- Weronika LEWANDOWSKA-Iwaniak
- Sebastian Molin
- Piotr Jasiński
The influence of boundary conditions on the resistance and stiffness of rainscreen panels
- Piotr Lewandowski
- Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
The influence of cultivation conditions on the myrosinase activity and glucosinolate content in white cabbage
- Anna Piekarska
- Tadeusz Pilipczuk
- Barbara Kusznierewicz
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
In the process of biofumigation typically natural compounds present in Brassicaceae family are used to combat pests and protect crops. Glucosinolates, sulfur-containing secondary metabolites found in Brassica plants, are hydrolized by the enzyme myrosinase (β-thioglucosidase, EC with the liberation of degradation products such as isothiocyanates, nitriles, thiocyanates and epithionitriles. Isothiocyanates are the most bioactive among these compounds and accordingly mosefficient in the suppression of many kinds of herbivoresa and soil born pathogens. Otherglucosinolates degradation products are much less effective, therefore it is desirable todirect the glucosinolates hydrolysis in such way so as to obtain only isothiocyanates as theend products. The goal of our research is to investigate the influence of cultivars and cultivation condition on content of glucosinolates and myrosinase activity in white cabbage (B.oleracea var.capitata). Many factors like environmental conditions may influence myrosinase activity in cabbage as well as the presence of other specifier proteins, which promote formation of thiocyanates, epinitriles or epithionitriles. All these factors determine the yield of isothiocyanates and in consequence, the efficacy of the biofumigation process. In the ideal situation, the content of isothiocyanates should match that of glucosinolates, when myrosinase acts in optimal conditions. In cabbages grown in different regions of Poland, the content of glucosinolates and isothiocyanates, as well as myrosinase activity will be determined. On this basic it will be possible to select the cabbage cultivar and cultivation conditions ensuring the highest level of isothiocyanates for use in the biofumigation process.
The influence of disinfection by-products on swimmers and swimming pool staff
- Aleksandra Korkosz
- Aleksandra Małachowska
- Andreas Hänel
- Jan Hupka
W większości przypadków na basenach kąpielowych stosuje się chlorowanie jako metodę dezynfekcji wody. Produkty uboczne dezynfekcji, a także ich negatywny wpływ na zdrowie człowieka jest dobrze znany. Dezynfekcja wody prowadzi do tworzenia się produktów ubocznych. W pracy omówiono negatywny wpływ owych produktów zarówno na kąpiących się jaki i personel przebywający w hali basenowej
The influence of glycols on thermal stability and chemical structure of glycolysates
- Janusz Datta
W pracy omówiono wpływ glikoli (etano-1,2-diolu - heksano-1,6-diolu) na właściwości termiczne oraz budowę chemiczną glikolizatów. Analizy przeprowadzono dla półproduktów wytworzonych w jednym stosunku masowym odpadowego poliuretanu do glikolu wynoszącego 10:1.
The Influence of Shear Deformation in analysis of plane frames
- Karol Daszkiewicz
The focus of the paper is to investigate the influence of shear deformation effect on the distribution of internal forces and frame deformation. To estimate shear deformation effect, the Timoshenko beam theory and the concept of shear deformation coefficients are used. Analysis of example frames gives the possibility to evaluate what have the most impact on size of shear deformation and in which type of frames the shear deformation effect is remarkable. The plane frame, consisting of short members, can be modelled in FEM program by shell elements, which gives an opportunity to compare obtained results for different type of frame elements with that received for shell elements.
The influence of sterilization with EnbioJet Microwave Flow Pasteurizer on composition and bioactivity of aronia and blue-berried honeysuckle juices
- Anita Piasek
- Barbara Kusznierewicz
- Iwona Grzybowska
- Edyta Malinowska-Pańczyk
- Anna Piekarska
- Amaya Azqueta
- Andrew R. Collins
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
In this study, fruit juices that are rich sources of anthocyanins, obtained from aronia (Am. chokeberry, Aronia melanocarpa) and blueberry honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea L. var. edulis) were used to examine the preservation of plant phytochemicals and bioactivity upon sterilization -either thermal, or with an EnbioJet microwave flow pasteurizer. The chemical properties verified included determinations of anthocyanins and other polyphenols by HPLC, total antioxidant activity, and profiles of antioxidants by post-column derivatization. Compared to heat treatment, the higher stability of aronia and blueberry honeysuckle phytocomplexes during processing with the EnbioJet device for temperatures ensuring microbial purity (range investigated 90 - 130 °C) was demonstrated. In the same batches of juices submitted to heating at 100 °C, the rapid decline of anthocyanin content accompanied by lowered antioxidant activity was observed. The changes in chemical composition were reflected in altered biological activity. Both cytotoxicity and protection of DNA against oxidative damage were higher for microwaved juices than for juices processed by the heating method that caused degradation of bioactive phytochemicals.
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
- Małgorzata Śmiałek-Telega
- Nykola C. Jones
- Richard Balog
- Nigel J. Mason
- David Field
Experiments were carried out to determine the dependence of the physical form of supercoiled DNA films on the initial temperature of the substrate. Such films are often used in irradiation experiments involving low energy particles, like electrons or photons. In order to obtain absolute values for cross sections for such experiments, the spatial distribution of the sample in the film has to be well estimated. These investigations aim to correlate the size and form of a DNA film with the initial temperature of the substrate, on which the liquid sample is deposited prior to evacuation. From our previous studies we concluded that the presence of agents preventing DNA structural water evaporation is required in order to preserve the supercoiled plasmid DNA form under vacuum conditions. Therefore, we examined the temperature dependence on films prepared from plasmid suspended in solutions containing magnesium hydroxide, Tris-Cl buffer and various concentrations of sodium hydroxide. To visualise the films we used a conventional light microscope with a CCD camera and a scanning electron microscope. The results revealed a significant influence of the temperature of the substrate on both the area of the substrate covered by the film as well as on the spatial distribution of DNA molecules. An increase in the amount of sodium hydroxide that stabilises supercoiled DNA under vacuum increases DNA aggregation. After these investigations we conclude that the best temperature of the substrate to produce uniform and thin films should be between −5 ◦C and −10◦C for substrates which are not atomically flat and above 0 ◦ C for atomically flat substrates.
The influence of the substrate temperature on the preparation of DNA films for studies under vacuum conditions
- Małgorzata Anna Śmiałek
- Nykola C. Jones
- Richard Balog
- Nigel J. Mason
- David Field
Przeanalizowano wpływ temperatury na formowanie warstw DNA. Sprawdzono wpływ stabilizatorów na jakość otrzymanych próbek. Stwierdzono, że optymalnymi warunkami przygotowywania filmów do badań w warunkach próżniowych jest - 10 st. C przy minimalnej zawartości NaOH.
The IPV6 Deployment - Best practices
- Jordi Mongay Batalla
- Artur Binczewski
- Wojciech Burakowski
- Bartosz Gajda
- Krzysztof Nowicki
- Maciej Stroiński
- Józef Woźniak
The new Internet Protocol IPv6 has been regarded for quite a long time as the only option to ensure uninterrupted operation for the Internet service providers andend-users in the current Internet. The article presents important faets about the IPv6, including current statistics of the IPv4 usage, the IPv6 statistics for Poland comparing to the whole Internet. Moreover, this paper shows important aspeets of migration from IPv4 towards IPv6 using different dedicated tools: a universallPv4-IPv6 ip46nat Translator, the IPv6 Migration Guide - to help network administrators to facilitate IPv6 deployment and a migration tool which is able to check whether the process has been finished successfuily. As far as the next steps after migration are concerned, the paper covers the development of the IPv6 services and application like the Dibbler - a portable, open DHCPv6 implementation, the IPTVv6 and VoIPv6 services on the IMS platform and the pmacct-snmp for network management. Finaily, the article highlights the importance of virtualization and IPv6 for current cloud computing, and also presents the nationallPv6 testbed network in Poland named PL-LAB.
The laboratory kit of EMC disturbances sources
- Andrzej Elert
- Emil Śniadach
- Stanisław Galla
Przedstawiono podstawowe przyczyny powstawania zakłóceń w urządzeniach elektrycznych i elektronicznych oraz metody i sposoby ich analizy. Przedstawiono również koncepcje układów elektronicznych mających być wzorcowymi źródłami zaburzeń stosowanymi podczas ćwiczeń laboratoryjnych. Jako źródła zaburzeń małych i wysokich częstotliwości wybrano układy mogące być łatwo sterowane i zmieniane w celu wskazania konieczności stosowania rozwiązań minimalizujących powstawanie przebiegów niepożądanych. Wskazano również wybrane układy będące źródłami zakłóceń pozwalają na zobrazowanie zaburzeń zarówno w zakresie m.cz. jak i w.cz. oraz na łatwe wprowadzanie różnych elementów przeciwzakłóceniowych do ich konstrukcji oraz przeprowadzenie analizy ich działania w programach symulacyjnych.
The Lighting Designer and New Technologies: Lighting for Enhancing Business in Shops & Restaurants – The Do’s & Don’ts of Retail Lighting
- Karolina M. Zielińska
This paper will address issues of successful retail lighting schemes to make the audience familiar with the Do’s & Don’ts. It will also look into the details of designing lighting particularly for window displays, external shop signage and outdoor terraces of restaurants. A holistic approach to retail lighting will be presented with case studies of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ lighting solutions, mostly from Europe, to underline the impacts of lighting on the retail business in the respective countries.
The Low Frequency Noise Behaviour of SiC MESFETs
- Alicja Konczakowska
- Jacek Andrzej Cichosz
- Dariusz Dokupil
- Paweł Flisikowski
- Arkadiusz Szewczyk
- Barbara Stawarz-Graczyk