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Publikacje z roku 2013
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2-bondage in graphs
- Marcin Krzywkowski
A 2-dominating set of a graph G=(V,E) is a set D of vertices of G such that every vertex of V(G)D has at least two neighbors in D. The 2-domination number of a graph G, denoted by gamma_2(G), is the minimum cardinality of a 2-dominating set of G. The 2-bondage number of G, denoted by b_2(G), is the minimum cardinality among all sets of edges E' subseteq E such that gamma_2(G-E') > gamma_2(G). If for every E' subseteq E we have gamma_2(G-E') = gamma_2(G), then we define b_2(G) = 0, and we say that G is a gamma_2-strongly stable graph. First we discuss the basic properties of 2-bondage in graphs. We find the 2-bondage numbers for several classes of graphs. Next we show that for every non-negative integer there exists a tree with such 2-bondage number. Finally, we characterize all trees with 2-bondage number equaling one or two.
3D Buckling Analysis of a Truss with Horizontal Braces
- Piotr Iwicki
- Marcin Krajewski
The present research is devoted to the study of out–of–plane buckling of a truss with horizontal braces. The truss is a model of real roof truss scaled by factor 1=4. A linear buckling and a non–linear analysis with geometric and material non–linearity were carried out. The truss buckling and limit load for different stiffnesses and number of braces are found. Numerical analysis are verified by experiment. Threshold bracing stiffness condition for full bracing of the truss is proposed.
3D GIS technology. More accurate GIS-every-day-reality
- Anna Sobieraj-Żłobińska
- Beata Wieczorek
Geographical space can be described with the Geographic Information System (GIS). It consists of software, hardware, data, algorithms, procedures for processing information and accessibility, as well as the people who use the system and the legal, technological and organisational procedures. GIS is commonly applied in such studies as “Environmental Protection Programmes”, and in numerous reports and documents regarding spatial planning, thematic tasks, modelling of natural phenomena and other management-associated actions (Żero, 2011). It is a significant help for specialist and policymarkers to better understand some phenomena.
3D scanning system for railway current collector contact strips
- Sławomir Judek
- Leszek Jarzębowicz
Undisturbed collection of current from a contact wire of the catenary constitutes one of the basic elements in reliable operation of electrified rail transport, particularly when vehicles move at high speed. Quality of current collection is influenced by the construction of catenary and current collectors, as well as by the technical condition and regulation of these two elements. Total contact force of a current collector head on contact line and the condition of contact strip surface determine the quality of the contact between a current collector and contact line. This paper presents an innovative stand for diagnosing contact strips on current collectors with the use of 3D imaging technique. The stand has been tested in laboratory and during trial exploitation on a railway line. Implementation potential of the proposed method has been confirmed.
3-monochloro-1,2-propandiol w produktach żywnościowych
- Justyna Gromadzka
- Paulina Biernacka
- Jacek Namieśnik
3-monochloro-1,2-propandiol (3-MCPD) jest związkiem należącym do grupy zanieczyszczeń żywności zwanych chloropropanolami. Powstaje on w produktach żywnościowych poddanych działaniu podwyższonej temperatury. Po raz pierwszy jako zanieczyszczenie żywności został zidentyfikowany w 1978 roku w roślinnych hydrolizatach białkowych i produktach pochodnych takich jak sosy sojowe. Później jego obecność wykryto w wielu popularnych produktach żywnościowych. Z uwagi na fakt iż związek ten został uznany za kancerogenny, spożywanie w regularnych dawkach nawet niewielkich ilości 3-MCPD może stanowić potencjalne zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia człowieka. MCPD przyjmowane jest wraz z żywnością w postaci wolnej jako 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol oraz 1,3-dichloropropanol (1,3-DCP), a także w postaci estrów z kwasami tłuszczowymi, które w układzie pokarmowym człowieka ulegają enzymatycznej hydrolizie, pod wpływem enzymów z grupy lipaz, do wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych i wolnych 3-MCPD oraz 1,3-DCP.
3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol in Infant Foods and Human Breast Milk: Determination by GC-MS
- Renata Marcinkowska
- Magdalena Kupska
- Justyna Gromadzka
- Jacek Namieśnik
3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol is one of the food borne contaminants called chloropropanols. Over the last decade plenty of analytical methods was developed in order to determine 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in its free and bound form in various foodstuffs with the use of GC-FID, GC-ECD, LC-TOFMS and finally GC-MS, which is now widely used in laboratories. The aim of this research was the determination of 3-monochloropropane--1,2-diol in samples of infant foods from various producers and samples of human breast milk collected during different periods after childbirth. 3-Monochloropropane-1,2-diol was determined in all of the analysed samples. The concentrations were proportional to the amount of fat which foodstuffs contained. The level of free and bound 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol in analysed samples may be considered as dangerous for infants’ health.
4-Point beam tensile test on a soft adhesive
- Michal Budzik
- Julien Jumel
- Martin Shanahan
An adhesive butt joint with a soft bondline has been studied. A series of experiments was conducted on test pieces constituted of aluminium adherends bonded with a low modulus epoxy adhesive, ScotchWeld™ 2216. The joint was subjected to four point bending, in tension/compression loading, under constant deflection rate, with the bondline being parallel to the applied load. The objective was to examine and evaluate crack nucleation for a range of adhesive layer thicknesses. Three criteria were used to evaluate joint efficiency. Firstly, force/stress at crack onset revealed that thinner bondlines were preferable to produce stronger and stiffer bonded structures. Secondly, fracture energy was derived, which, in the presentconfiguration, is associated with the energy stored within the adhesive layer, rather than the substrates. This is one of originalities of the test proposed. Fracture energy data lead to the conclusion, that more energy is dissipated by the joints with lower effective rigidity, viz. thicker bondlines. Finally,we applied a criterion of non-linear, 'pragmatic' work of adhesion - similar to the J-integral approach.In terms of energy consumption, the third criterion yielded (quasi) independence of the adhesive thickness. From the data collected, we conclude that for optimal joint design, rate effects must be carefullytaken into account.
9 triennale małych form malarskich, Toruń 2013
- Krzysztof Wróblewski
Katalog towarzyszący wystawie 9 triennale małych form malarskich, która odbyła się w galerii sztuki Wozownia w Toruniu w 2013 roku. Katalog liczy 96 stron i zawiera teksty krytyczne i noty biograficzne laureatów w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 123 kolorowe reprodukcje prac. ISBN 978-83-63211-21-9.
99mTc-Galacto-RGD2: A Novel 99mTc-Labeled Cyclic RGD Peptide Dimer Useful for Tumor Imaging
- Shundong Ji
- Andrzej Czerwiński
- Yang Zhou
- Guoqiang Shao
- Francisco Valenzuela
- Paweł Sowiński
- Satendra Chauhan
- Michael Pennington
- Shuang Liu
This study sought to evaluate [99mTc(HYNIC-Galacto-RGD2)-(tricine)(TPPTS)] (99mTc-Galacto-RGD2: HYNIC = 6-hydrazinonicotinyl; Galacto-RGD2 = Glu[cyclo[Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Lys(SAA-PEG2-(1,2,3-triazole)-1-yl-4-ethylamide)]]2 (SAA = 7-amino-L-glycero-L-galacto-2,6-anhydro-7-eoxyheptanamide, and PEG2 = 3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid); and TPPTS = trisodium triphenylphosphine-3,3',3''-trisulfonate) as a new radiotracer for tumor imaging. Galacto-RGD2 was prepared via the copper(I)-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar azide−alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition. HYNICGalacto-RGD2 was prepared by reacting Galacto-RGD2 with sodium succinimidyl 6-(2-(2-sulfonatobenzaldehyde)hydrazono)nicotinate (HYNIC-OSu) in the presence of diisopropylethylamine, and was evaluated for its integrin αvβ3 binding affinity against 125I-echistatin bound to U87MG glioma cells.
A benchmark for particle shape dependence
- Gaël Combe
- Cécile Nouguier-Lehon
- Émilien Azéma
- Krzysztof Szarf
- Baptiste Saint-Cyr
- Marie Chaze
- Farhang Radjaï
- Pascal Villard
- Jean-Yves Delenne
- Vincent Richefeu
- Philippe Sornay
- Charles Voivret
- Cegeo Cegeo
Particle shape is a major parameter for the space-filling and strength properties of granular materials. For a systematic investigation of shape effect, a numerical benchmark test was set up within a collaborative group using different numerical methods and particles of various shape characteristics such as elongation, angularity and nonconvexity. Extensive 2D shear simulations were performed in this framework and the shear strength and packing fraction were compared for different shapes. We show that the results may be analyzed in terms of a low-order shape parameter eta describing the degree of distortion from a perfectly circular shape. In particular, the shear strength is an increasing function of eta with nearly the same trend for all shapes, the differences being of second order compared to eta. We also observe a nontrivial behavior of packing fraction which, for all our simulated shapes, increases with eta from the random close packing fraction for disks, reaches a peak considerably higher than that for disks, and subsequently declines as eta is further increased. Finally, the analysis of contact forces for the same value of eta leads to very similar statistics regardless of our specific particle shapes.
A biochemical multi-species quality model of a drinking water distribution system for simulation and design
- Krzysztof Armiński
- Tomasz Zubowicz
- Mieczysław Brdyś
Drinking Water Distribution Systems (DWDSs) play a key role in sustainable development of modern society. They are classified as critical infrastructure systems. This imposes a large set of highly demanding requirements on the DWDS operation and requires dedicated algorithms for on-line monitoring and control to tackle related problems. Requirements on DWDS availability restrict the usability of the real plant in the design phase. Thus, a proper model is crucial. Within this paper a DWDS multi-species quality model for simulation and design is derived. The model is composed of multiple highly inter-connected modules which are introduced to represent chemical and biological species and (above all) their interactions. The chemical part includes the processes of chloramine decay with additional bromine catalysis and reaction with nitrogen compounds. The biological part consists of both heterotrophic and chemo-autotrophic bacteria species. The heterotrophic bacteria are assumed to consume assimilable organic carbon. Autotrophs are ammonia oxidizing bacteria and nitrite oxidizing bacteria species which are responsible for nitrification processes. Moreover, Disinfection By-Products (DBPs) are also considered. Two numerical examples illustrate the derived model’s behaviour in normal and disturbance operational states.
A CMRC-based compact rat-race coupler with harmonic suppression
- Adrian Bekasiewicz
- Piotr Kurgan
In this paper, an eective miniaturization technique exploiting compact microstrip resonant cells has been discussed and experimentally validated on the basis of a 3-dB microstrip rat-race coupler. The application of the method proposed has resulted in 91 % circuit area reduction in comparison to a conventional rat-race coupler. Experimental results show good agreement with theoretical characteristics, as well as an additional eect, i.e., the suppression of unwanted frequencies up to 5 GHz.
A Combined TOPSIS and FA Based Strategic Analysis of Technical Condition of High Power Transformers
- Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
- Miroslav Gutten
- Stefan Hamacek
The paper presents mathematical model { TOPSIS method, which was utilized on insulating state of distribution transformer to analyze and sensibility of individual measurements methods mutual comparison. We can uniquely determine the importance of these measurements methods with this mathematical appara- tus in these measurements methods in insulating state of transformers.
A Concept of Modeling and Optimization of Applications in Large Scale Systems
- Paweł Czarnul
The chapter presents the idea that includes modeling and subsequent optimization of application execution on large scale parallel and distributed systems. The model considers performance, reliability and power consumption. It should allow easy modeling of various classes of applications while reflecting key parameters of both the applications and two classes of target systems: clusters and volunteer based systems. The chapter presents several applications of the approach: simulation of application execution on particular systems, optimization of assignment of several applications onto a complex environment that consists of several clusters and vol- unteer based systems as well as for assessment of best future system configurations for execution of predefined application sets.
A Concept of Using Knowledge Models to Secure Intellectual Capital in Enterprise
- Norbert Boleński
- Edward Szczerbicki
Without a doubt, knowledge has become the most important resource for all companies in the world. Knowledge extended of our own observations and practice is being called experience. With the increase of knowledge and gained experience, the individual becomes more and more valuable employee in terms of business. The above mentioned knowledge can be gained only by self-improvement, which requires time and other necessary elements for the implementation of the process of cognition. Possibility of acquiring new knowledge by practice is strongly related with the working area environment. Employers may create the proper environment within their companies and provide employees with necessary tools, yet it generates high cost. However, technological development which has took place in recent years along with legislation changes being consequences of globalization, resulted in an increase of mobility of knowledge, experience and individuals who possess both. At times when global labor market is open for highly skilled employees, the employer is not always able to keep the desired, experienced employee at his company. Therefore, it is highly important from the company’s point of view to be capable to secure intellectual capital prior to its loss with an eventual loss of the employee. The paper is an initial concept of planned doctorate research, focused on feasibility of development of tools based on SOEKS (Set of Experience Knowledge Structure) and Decisional DNA that will allow the company to accumulate knowledge and protect its’ previously gained intellectual capital. Those tools will be also designed to enable delegating duties to less experienced employees by providing them with An instrument that will allow them to independently perform more complicated tasks. The tool that planned for this research is called by the Authors a Virtual Mentor (VM).
A coupled continuous-discontinuous approach to concrete elements.
- Jerzy Bobiński
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
Artykuł omawia zastosowanie metody elementów skończonych do opisu procesu pękania elementów betonowych z równoczesnym uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń i rys. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
A Cross-Team Collaborative Evaluation of a CRM System
- Marcin Sikorski
This paper presents an analysis of an usability evaluation a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) performed by a team composed of external usability experts jointly with a CRM staff. The evaluation process differed from a classical scheme known from former projects, including some new elements resulting from a specific context of this study. These novel elements resulted in reshaping the role of the CRM system and considering it as a specific back-stage on-line service for internal customers. Discussion of lessons learned from this unprecedented study concludes the paper.
A family of new generation miniaturized impedance analyzers for technical object diagnostics
- Jerzy Hoja
- Grzegorz Lentka
The paper presents the family of three analyzers allowing to measure impedance in range of 10 ohm<|Zx|<10 Gohm in a wide frequency range from 10 mHz up to 100 kHz. The most important features of the analyzers family are: miniaturization, low power consumption, low production cost, telemetric controlling and the use of impedance measurement method based on digital signal processing DSP. The miniaturization and other above mentioned features of the analyzers were obtained thanks to the use of the newest generation of large scale integration chips: e.g.. „system on a chip” microsystems (AD5933), 32-bit AVR32 family microcontrollers and specialized modules for wireless communication using ZigBee standard. When comparing metrological parameters, the developed instrumentation can equal portable analyzers offered by top worldwide manufacturers (Gamry, Ivium) but outperforms them on smaller dimensions, weight, a few times smaller price and a possibility to work in a distributed telemetric networks. All analyzer versions are able to put into medium-volume production.
A Hyperdense Semantic Domain for Discontinuous Behavior in Physical System Models
- Pieter J. Mosterman
- Gabor Simko
- Justyna Zander
Multiple time models have been proposed for the formalization of hybrid dynamic system behavior. The superdense notion of time is a well-known time model for describing event-based systems where several events can occur simultaneously. Hyperreals provide a domain for defining the semantics of hybrid models that is elegantly aligned with first principles in physics. This paper discusses the value of both time models and shows how approximating dierent physical effects is best expressed over different domains. Finally, the formalization and interaction of two types of discontinuities observed in hybrid systems, mythical modes and pinnacles, are explored. This analysis helps specify semantics that combine continuous-time behavior with discontinuities in the computational system.