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Publikacje z roku 2013
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Retencja w warunkach aglomeracji miejskich – zbiornik rurowy
- Ziemowit Suligowski
- Maria Orłowska-Szostak
problem retencji wód opadowych na obszarze zurbanizowanym. przykład warszawski konsekwencji braku wcześniejszej strategii. zbiornik retencyjny wód opadowych w mieście. koncepcja zbiornika rurowego. rozwiązania zbiorników rurowych np. realizacji warszawskich. problem krakowski. propozycja realizacji bezwykopowej dla obszarów szczególnie intensywnie zagospodarowanych
Retrieval with Semantic Sieve
- Julian Szymański
- Henryk Krawczyk
- Marcin Deptuła
The article presents an algorithm we called Semantic Sieve applied for refining search results in text documents repository. The algorithm calculates socalled conceptual directions that enables interaction with the user and allows to narrow the set of results to the most relevant ones. We present the system where the algorithm has been implemented. The system also offers in the presentation layer clustering of the results into thematic groups. Preliminary evaluation indicates the proposed approach can be useful for precessing search results and serve as effective tool for improving retrieval with keywords.
Reversible Video Stream Anonymization for Video Surveillance Systems Based on Pixels Relocation and Watermarking
- Janusz Cichowski
- Andrzej Czyżewski
A method of reversible video image regions of interest anonymization for applications in video surveillance systems is described. A short introduction to theanonymization procedures is presented together with the explanation of its relation to visual surveillance. A short review of state of the art of sensitive data protection in media is included. An approach to reversible Region of Interest (ROI) hiding in video is presented, utilizing a new relocation algorithm for hashing and a watermarking technique for extra data embedding. Implemented application is described, and results obtained using it are reported. Future work and possible improvements to introduced algorithms are discussed.
Revisiting The Determination Of Cutting Power While Sawing Of Wood With Circular Saw Blades By Means Of Fracture Mechanics
- Kazimierz Orłowski
- Tomasz Ochrymiuk
In the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness but also shear yield strength, which are then applied in the models. Furthermore, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, which include fracture toughness in addition to plasticity and friction, broaden possibilities of energetic effects modeling of the sawing process even for small values of the uncut chip. However, for circular sawing machines the chip acceleration power variation as a function of mass flow and tool velocity ought to be included in analysis of sawing at larger cutting speeds. In this paper the forecasting method for determination of cutting power for sawing with circular saw blades is going to be described. The prognostication of energetic effects are done for a real sawing pattern applied in a sawmill, in which mainly Polish pine wood is sawn into lumber. Even though, the raw material is a pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) its mechanical data is really affected by its provenance, even as it concerns just the Polish territory.
Rewitalizacja obiektów pobrowarnych i jej wpływ na rozwój przestrzeni miejskiej
- Natalia Balcerzak
Rheology of potato starch chemically modified with microwave-assisted reactions
- Hanna Staroszczyk
- Maciej Fiedorowicz
- Joanna Opalińska-Piskorz
- Robert Tylingo
Native potato starch was sulfated, selenated, borated, silicated and zincatated by means of microwave-assisted reactions with varying doses of relevant reagents. Resulting products were characterized involving rheological behavior of pastes, their weight-average molecular weight (Mw), and radius of gyration (Rg). Most of the pastes showed shear-thinning behavior, with the flow behavior index (n) below unity. The pastes of starch sulfated and borated with boric acid exhibited n higher than native potato starch paste. They had significantly lower consistency index (K) and plastic viscosity and no yield stress. Mw values of these starches were considerably reduced. The pastes of starch selenate, borate after borax, and silicate after silicic acid, with n lower than native potato starch, had similarly lower K and plastic viscosity but, simultaneously, they showed non-zero yield stress values, and yield stress, Mw and Rg of starch selenate were reagent concentration dependent. Also magnitudes of n, K, plastic viscosity, yield stress, Mw and Rg of pastes of starch silicate after sodium metasilicate and zincatate were reagent concentration dependent. While their n rose with concentration, K and plastic viscosity significantly decreased, and yield stress ceased. The effect of temperature on the apparent viscosity of modified starch pastes followed Arrhenius equation.
Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis as a tool for monitoring methanogenic archaea changes in an anaerobic digester
- Przemysław Kowal
- Sławomir Ciesielski
The applicability of a newly-designed PCR primer pair in examination of methanogenic Archaea in a digester treating plant biomass was evaluated by Ribosmal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (RISA). To find a suitable approach, three variants of RISA were tested: (1) standard, polyacrylamide gel-based, (2) automated, utilized capillary electrophoresis (GA-ARISA), and (3) automated microfluidics-based (MF-ARISA). All three techniques yielded a consistent picture of archaeal community structure changes during anaerobic digestion monitored for more than 6 weeks. While automated variants were more practical for handling and rapid analysis of methanogenic Archaea, the gel-based technique was advantageous when micro-organism identification was required. A DNA-sequence analysis of dominant bands extracted from the gel revealed that the main role in methane synthesis was played by micro-organisms affiliated with Methanosarcina barkeri. The obtained results revealed that RISA is a robust method allowing for detailed analysis of archaeal community structure during organic biomass conversion into biogas. In addition, our results showed that GA-ARISA has a higher resolution and reproducibility than other variants of RISA and could be used as a technique for tracking changes in methanogenic Archaea in an anaerobic digester.
Rigid finite elements and multibody modelling used in estimation and reduction of rod vibrations
- Krzysztof Lipiński
In the paper, a mechanical set composed of a robot (manipulator) and of an elastic beam is considered. The beam is fixed to the top of the robot structure. In most of the similar cases, undesired vibrations can be excited in the beam. They are especially significant, when dynamics in the robot braking period is examined. In the paper, estimation and modification of length of the braking period is proposed, in order to reduce the undesired vibrations. Investigations are restricted to numerical models, only. The rigid finite elements modelling and the multibody modelling are used together to obtain the system required numerical model. Instead of the classical rigid finite elements, its modified version is used, where some of the relative deformations are locked between the neighbour elements. As a result, sizes of the obtained matrices can be reduced as well as the time of the numerical calculations, too.
Rigid polyurethane foams modified with selected layered silicate nanofillers
- Magdalena Danowska
- Łukasz Piszczyk
- Michał Strankowski
- Maria Gazda
- Józef Haponiuk
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of three different nanofillers on the properties of rigid polyurethane foams, which were prepared by a one-step, laboratory-scale method from a two-component system at the ratio of NCO groups to OH groups equaled to 2. The reaction mixture consisted of the proper amounts of the commercial oligoether polyol, catalysts, water, nanoclays, and polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Three types of montmorillonite were used as clay component, i.e., montmorillonite modified by methyl tallow bis-2-hydroxyethyl ammonium (Cloisite VR 30B), a synthetic layered silicate (Laponite VR RD), and an aluminium phyllosilicate absorbent, essentially impure clay consisting mostly of montmorillonite (Bentonite). Thermal properties of rigid polyurethane foams and nanocomposite foams were investigated by dynamical thermal analysis, thermogravimetry, oxygen index, and thermal conductivity measurements. It has been shown that the foams modified by selected nanofillers are characterized by high mechanical strength, as well as improved fire barrier properties.
Road safety analysis in Poland using time-series modelling techniques
- Joanna Żukowska
A number of international studies argue that there is a correlation between the number of traffic fatalities and the degree of public activity. The studies use the unemployment rate to support that argument. As unemployment grows miles travelled fall, a factor known to affect road safety. This relationship seems to be true for Poland, as well. The model presented in the paper is intended to prove it. It is a structural time-series local level model with the explanatory variable (the unemployment rate) and some interventions. Because of the dynamic nature of traffic safety developments it lends itself very well to modelling in that way.
- Kazimierz Jamroz
- Leszek Smolarek
Strategic road safety programmes setting out long-term visions and road infrastructure development plans must be based on road safety forecasts and an understanding of the long-term impact of different measures on road safety. The objective of this paper is to discuss a concept of road safety management for an area of a selected country because there are no simple tools of road safety management for the development and implementation of national and regional road safety strategies. The paper will present a method for estimating fatalities and road fatality rate in relation to the most significant sources of hazard. To estimate the number of fatalities a multiple factor model was used which is the quotient of the population of a country as a measure of risk exposure and the road fatality rate as the measure of the probability of road accident consequences. To implement the proposed method a general procedure was developed for estimating fatalities for a specific area. The paper will present a proposed risk classification as the key to risk evaluation and a method for determining the potential for reducing societal risk and indicate those countries which have the highest potential for road death reduction.
- Ryszard Krystek
- Lech Michalski
- Joanna Żukowska
- Kazimierz Jamroz
The concept of the “Integrated System of Transport Safety” in Poland is a novel solution, built upon the best practices available from only a handful of countries in the world. In the last few decades, the extent of applying integrated transport safety systems to improve transport safety systems has varied; nevertheless, studying the experience of the safest countries in the world we can say that enormous progress has been achieved in this respect. Progress includes both social attitudes and system solutions. Both these issues are of critical importance. Firstly, they involve the recognition of human rights to safety. This, however, raises the question of whether these rights to transport safety are actually respected? Practice shows that the execution of this declaration is very difficult and to a significant extent depends on the insistence and awareness of the public. The paper is documenting the three year research project “Integrated System of Transport Safety” commissioned by the Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education in 2007.
Robust Monitoring of Water Quality in Drinking Water Distribution System
- Krzysztof Armiński
- Mieczysław Brdyś
The paper develops a novel open loop set bounded observer for robust estimation of water quality in DWDS based on the advanced nonlinear quality dynamics model including disinfections by-products (DBPs). The observer utilises a cooperativeness of the quality dynamics model and is computationally efficient, hence applicable to on-line quality monitoring. The simulation results illustrate its good and sustainable performance.
Robust Parameter Estimation and Output Prediction for Reactive Carrier-Load Nonlinear Dynamic Networks
- Mieczysław Brdyś
- Tomasz Zubowicz
- Krzysztof Armiński
In this paper an extension of on-line model simplification technique for a class of networked systems, namely reactive carrier-load nonlinear dynamic networked system (RCLNDNS), kept within point-parametric model (PPM) framework is addressed. The PPM is utilised to acquire a piece wise constant time-varying parameter linear structure for the RCLNDNS suitable for the on-line one step ahead prediction that may be applied to monitoring and model predictive control purposes. The advantageous structure of PPM offers a considerable simplification of those algorithms in terms of computational burden in comparison to the nonlinear structures. Moreover, the availability of technical tools makes the analysis of the final form algorithms straightforward. An application to water quality estimation/prediction in drinking water distribution system illustrates the technology.
Robustness of quantum-randomness expansion protocols in the presence of noise
- Piotr Andrzej Mironowicz
- Marcin Pawłowski
In this paper we investigate properties of several randomness generation protocols in the device independent framework. Using Bell-type inequalities it is possible to certify that the numbers generated by an untrusted device are indeed random. We present a selection of certificates which guarantee two bits of randomness for each run of the experiment in the noiseless case and require the parties to share a maximally entangled state. To compare them we study their efficiency in the presence of white noise. We find that for different amounts of noise different operators are optimal for certifying most randomness. Therefore the vendor of the device should use different protocols depending on the amount of noise expected to occur. Another of our results that we find particularly interesting is that using a single Bell operator as a figure of merit is rarely optimal.
Roczna ocena stanu technicznego i stopnia bezpieczeństwa budowli piętrzących elektrowni wodnych na rzekach Radunia i Wierzyca.
- Wojciech Szudek
- Witold Sterpejkowicz-Wersocki
- Ryszard Dunikowski
Opracowanie zawiera roczną analizę przemieszczeń reperów kontrolowanych oraz kształtowania się zwierciadła wody w sieci piezometrów, które wraz z oględzinami budowli pozwoliły przedstawić ocenę stanu technicznego budowli hydrotechnicznych i zalecenia dotyczące ich dalszej eksploatacji.
Rodzina grafenu
- Kamila Sadowska
Tekst jest próbą sklasyfikowania istniejących materiałów z rodziny grafenu. W artykule podano definicje dwuwymiarowych materiałów węglowych i określono zasady tworzenia nazw dla nowych pochodnych grafenu, opierając się na wytycznych zaproponowanych przez międzynarodowy zespół redakcyjny czasopisma "Carbon"
Rola i znaczenie tunelu pod Martwą Wisłą w rozwoju regionu i metropolii
- Tomasz Parteka
Artykuł prezentuje rolę i znaczenie tunelu pod Martwą Wisłą jako wyjątkowego zadania inżynieryjnego układu transportowego GOM.
Rola Politechniki Gdańskiej w kształtowaniu nowej kultury mobilności w mieście
- Romanika Okraszewska
Artykuł traktuje o potrzebie nowej kultury mobilności w mieście i o roli ośrodków uniwersyteckich w kształtowaniu pożądanych społecznych postaw transportowych. Autorka opisuje działania na rzecz zarządzania aktywną mobilnością podejmowane na Politechnice Gdańskiej.