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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2016

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  • Tracking body movement for radio channel measurements in BAN with indoor positioning system
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    • Piotr Rajchowski
    • Krzysztof Cwalina

    This paper presents indoor positioning system based on inertial navigation with additional distance measurements using UWB modems and map matching to increase accuracy and eliminate position drift. Such system may be used to track position of human body during radio channel measurements for body area networks. Performance of proposed system and limitations caused by inertial navigation are briefly described.

    • Jarosław Przewłócki
    • Monika Zielińska

    W pracy przedstawiono tradycyjne metody wzmacniania fundamentów obiektów zabytkowych. Dokonano podziału metod zabezpieczania fundamentu na: wzmocnienie samego fundamentu, wzmocnienie podłoża gruntowego oraz przeniesienie obciążenia na niżej zalegające warstwy gruntu. W każdej z grup wyszczególniono oraz opisano stosowane metody poprawiające stan techniczny oraz pracę fundamentów. Wśród sposobów wzmacniających sam fundament znalazły się między innymi: poszerzenie ław, zastosowanie iniekcji, podbicie fundamentu czy też wymiana fragmentów jego konstrukcji. Jako przykład wzmocnienia podłoża gruntowego pod fundamentem posłużyły iniekcje zagęszczające. Podczas omawiania przeniesienia obciążeń na niżej zalęgające warstwy gruntu dużą uwagę poświęcono palom. Zaprezentowano sposób wyboru metody wzmacniania fundamentu, który ważny jest już na etapie planowania i projektowania prac przy obiektach zabytkowych. Pokazano zależność pomiędzy stanem podłoża gruntowego oraz fundamentu a wyborem sposobu zabezpieczenia fundamentu przed jego dalszą degradacją. Opracowanie poparte jest licznymi przykładami zastosowania zaprezentowanych metod w Polsce.

  • Transakcje masowymi produktami rolnymi na rynku zbóż w Polsce
    • Piotr Giruć

    W pracy podjęto problematykę doboru rodzaju transakcji do wymogów zmieniającej się gospodarki otwartej w warunkach światowej globalizacji. Rolnictwo zawsze traktowano jako sektor gospodarki, który bez względu na czynniki makroekonomiczne powinien być najbardziej ze wszystkich sektorów wspierany przez aktywną politykę interwencyjną państwa. Zamiar utrzymywania administracyjnie dochodów przedsiębiorstw rolnych na ustalonym bądź wynegocjowanym poziomie nie wytrzymuje krytyki i jest sprzeczny z konstytucyjnymi zasadami równości społecznej. Ryzyko działalności gospodarczej obejmuje wszystkie podmioty w gospodarce a preferowanie i stosowanie praktyk protekcjonistycznych względem jednej z wybranych grup społecznych jest niezrozumiałe i rodzi konflikty społeczne.

  • Transformacja tożsamości miejsca jako efekt interwencji artystycznych w przestrzeni publicznej
    • Magdalena Rembeza
    2016 Pełny tekst Studia Komitetu Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania Kraju PAN

    The subject of a paper is connected with art in public space as an element of shaping identity of a place. This issue is related to finding out new and effective urban regeneration’s tools, rebuilding the identity of degraded areas by art. In the article, the idea of an American “creative placemaking” is presented and compared with polish urban regeneration case study. The specific issues discussed in the article are: the role of creative placemaking in shaping urban environment and selected revitalization’s projects of public spaces with the participation of art such as Project Raw Houses in Huston, Texas and the art project Galeria Zewnętrzna in Dolne Miasto, Gdańsk. The research attempts to answer the question whether art really has an impact on shaping the identity of a place and if contemporary artistic activities (in particular “site specific” art) are effective tools for revitalization in polish conditions.

  • Transformation of the Perpetual Usufruct Right Into the Ownership of a Real Property Estate
    • Paweł Wysocki

    In addition to the ownership, there is in Poland the so-called perpetual usufruct right, which is an intermediate form between ownership and limited property rights. It allows for long-term use of the land which is not our ownership. Makes it possible to mortgage a property, is transferable and inheritable. The article describes the legal regulations governing the establishment and functioning of the perpetual usufruct, and the conditions under which it is possible to transform it into full ownership. The publication presents contentious issues which causes the Act of 29 July 2005 on Transformation of Perpetual Usufruct into the Ownership of the Real Property. It also includes case-law of the administrative courts and the Constitutional Court on this matter. Finally, the author presents proposals for changes in the law, which he believes would organize the process of transformation of the perpetual usufruct right into ownership.

  • Transport properties of microemulsions with ionic liquid apolar domains as a function of ionic liquid content
    • Jakub Piekart
    • Justyna Łuczak
    2016 RSC Advances

    The specific conductivity, dynamic viscosity and apparent diffusion coefficient of each of four aqueous ionic liquid microemulsions (IL-MEs) were measured as a function of ionic liquid (IL) content. The investigated systems were composed of water, hydrophobic ILs (1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate or bis(trifluoromethanesulphonyl)imide) and the nonionic surfactant Triton X-100 or its mixture with cosurfactant (butanol). Measurements were conducted across the whole IL content range, and results are discussed in terms of the anion type and the influence of cosurfactant. The comparative approach revealed that IL-MEs exhibit higher conductivity than pure ILs, that addition of cosurfactant further increases the conductivity of the system, and that the increase depends on the anion structure. Furthermore, addition of cosurfactant causes a serious decrease in viscosity which is beneficial since high viscosity is one of the factors limiting the broader use of ILs. The apparent diffusion coefficients, measured with cyclic voltammetry, exhibited good consistency with values obtained by other techniques and allowed closer insight into the properties and structures of the studied systems. The conclusions were supported by UV-Vis as well as FTIR spectrophotometric measurements. The pronounced facilitation of transport properties is favorable to many applications such as synthesis or separation processes. This is the first work regarding the dependence of IL-based ME properties on IL content.

  • Tratwy ratunkowe: sztywne i pneumatyczne
    • Agnieszka Królicka-Gałązka
    • Kazimierz Trębacki
    2016 Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe

    W artykule omówione zostały zbiorowe środki ratunkowe, które powinny być na pokładzie statków pasażerskich. Do nich należą tratwy ratunkowe sztywne oraz pneumatyczne. Wymieniono 10 prób, którym poddawane są wszystkie typy tratw. Dla każdej tratwy przypisana jest odpowiednia ilość ludzi i w związku z tym należy przeprowadzić próby wyporności. Najważniejsze z nich to próby szczelności i wytrzymałości materiału poszycia oraz szwów.

  • Trendy rozwoju systemów produkcyjnych
    • Jolanta Łopatowska
    2016 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka

    Systemy produkcyjne podlegają ciągłym zmianom. W artykule przedstawiono cechy warunkujące ten rozwój, które wynikają z oczekiwań i wymagań rynku. Wskazano również główne nurty rozwoju, na które mają również wpływ naciski wewnętrzne na poprawę efektywności funkcjonowania. Dało to podstawę do wyróżnienia czterech etapów rozwoju systemów produkcyjnych i wskazania powiązanych z nimi rozwiązań. Przedstawiono ponadto model systemu produkcyjnego uwzględniającego jego informacyjny charakter.

  • Trigger-based Model to Assess the Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation
    • Cezary Orłowski
    • Tomasz Deręgowski
    • Miłosz Kurzawski
    • Artur Ziółkowski
    • Bartosz Chrabski

    The process of change the method of project management from waterfall to agile is called “agile transformation” (AT). The decision to agile transformation is undertaken based on many different factors. Many companies decide to abandon classic, waterfall methodology for agile without prior analysis. This approach makes the processes of agile transformation is hard to control and frequently the implementation of agile fails. The results of unsuccessful transformation are delayed projects, exceed budget or requirements are not satisfied. This paper presents key factors and enablers in the agile transformation process. The authors indicate what are the stages of readiness to agile transformation and what factors should be deeply analysed before the agile transformation process. During the research authors defined four main groups of AT triggers with the examples and three groups of factors, which should be assess before transformation process. It has been observed that accurate assessment of organization is crucial for bring the company closer to the AT’s start point.

  • Troubleshooting of the determination of bisphenol A at ultra-trace levels by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
    • Kamila Wilczewska
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Andrzej Wasik

    Determination of trace amounts of bisphenol A (BPA) may cause problems mainly related to the presence of BPA in solvents (even in LC-MS grade), laboratory vessels, and plastic equipment used for sample preparation. Variable and sometimes significant amounts of BPA present in the background cause problems in obtaining good repeatability of measurements at the ultra-trace levels. Such observations (i.e., poor repeatability of results) were made during development of the LC-MS/MS method for determination of BPA in human serum samples. The method included gradient separation of the sample’s constituents. The BPA peak was present in the chromatograms not only when procedural blanks were injected but also when void injections were made. One of the possible ways to eliminate background contamination is to change the source of solvents, use a different water purification system, and introduce rigorous equipment cleaning procedures. However, despite the use of these recommended guidelines, the peak of BPA was still present in the system blank. It was observed that the intensity of the BPA peak was proportional to the time of column conditioning. It was concluded that BPA, present in the components of the mobile phase, is being enriched in the front of the separation column during its conditioning (i.e., when mobile phase elution strength was low). This paper describes effects of gradient and isocratic elution conditions on LC-MS/MS system blank. The problem of spurious BPA peak, originating from the mobile phase, was solved by replacing gradient with isocratic elution mode. The use of isocratic elution conditions with the mobile phase of relatively high elution strength (50 % of acetonitrile) allowed elimination of the peak of BPA coming from the mobile phase and significantly improved the precision of determination of BPA at low concentration levels.

  • Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model
    • Wioleta Kucharska
    • Rafał Kowalczyk

    The aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed with the equal structural modelling method. The results indicate that a total effect of Trust on Tacit Knowledge Sharing is strongly mediated by Collaborative Culture.

  • Trust Dynamics Analysis of CTR Scheme Subversion under Virtual Anonymity and Trust-Unaware Partner Selection
    • Jerzy Konorski

    We propose a framework to study Markovian trust value dynamics in a centralized Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) scheme under trust-unaware partner selection using a mean-value approximation. Analytically founded answers are sought to questions like: Can dishonest agents subvert the CTR scheme (i.e., acquire higher trust values than honest agents)? Is indirect reciprocity incentivized? Is there a qualitative impact of a growing proportion of dishonest agents and collusion among them?

  • Trust triggers and barriers in intercultural teams
    • Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
    2016 Pełny tekst Journal of Intercultural Management

    Intercultural teams are more and more popular nowadays — they constitute a serious challenge in terms of effective cooperation and trust building, however. The article presents the potential problems that can affect intercultural cooperation and stresses the power of trust in cultural diversity conditions. The ten-factor model of intercultural team trust is presented. The main aim was to answer the questions: what are the differences in trust factor importance in homogenous and diverse teams and what are the most dangerous trust barriers according to Y generation business students? A survey conducted on 200 respondents allowed for concluding that the deep trust (compatibility, goodwill, predictability, well-being, inclusion and accessibility) is less important than the initial trust (open sharing of information, integrity and reciprocity), with the exception of competence assessment, as well as that all the trust factors are equally important for homogenous and culturally diverse teams, even if there are some differences in their hierarchy depending on the teams’ cultural composition. Language differences and stereotypes were pointed as the most important trust barriers. The influence of intercultural training on the elimination of trust barriers was also proved.

  • Trzy dzielnice, trzy rewitalizacje. Dolny Wrzeszcz.
    • Daniel Załuski
    2016 Architektura-Murator

    Opis programu rewitalizacji dzielnicy Dolny Wrzeszcz w Gdańsku.

  • Tuning the ferromagnetic phase in the CDW compound SmNiC2 via chemical alloying
    • G. Prathiba
    • I. Kim
    • S. Shin
    • Judyta Strychalska-Nowak
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • T. Park
    2016 Pełny tekst Scientific Reports

    We report a study on tuning the charge density wave (CDW) ferromagnet SmNiC2 to a weakly coupled superconductor by substituting La for Sm. X-ray diffraction measurements show that the doped compounds obey Vegard’s law, where La (Lu) alloying expands (shrinks) the lattice due to its larger (smaller) atomic size than Sm. In the series Sm1−xLaxNiC2, CDW transition (TCDW =148K) for SmNiC2 is gradually suppressed, while the ferromagnetic (FM) ordering temperature (TC) at 17K slightly increases up to x=0.3. For x>0.3, TC starts to decrease and there is no signature that could be related with the CDW phase. Electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements point toward the possible presence of a FM quantum critical point (QCP) near x=0.92, where the TC is extrapolated to zero temperature. Superconductivity in LaNiC2 (Tsc=2.9K) is completely suppressed with small amount of Sm inclusion near the proposed FM critical point, indicating a competition between the two ordered phases. The tunable lattice parameters via chemical substitution (La,Lu) and the ensuing change among the ordered phases of ferromagnetism, CDW and superconductivity underscores that SmNiC2 provides a rich avenue to study the rare example of a FM QCP, where the broken symmetries are intricately correlated

  • Turbulence model evaluation for numerical modelling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids
    • Hendrik Boertz
    • Albert Baars
    • Janusz Cieśliński
    • Sławomir Smoleń
    2016 Applied Mechanics and Materials

    In this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid with particle volume concentrations ranging from 0% to 10%. A prior turbulence model evaluation of k-ε-, k-ω- and k-ω-SST-model revealed substantial deviations between the tested models and resulted in applying the k-ω-SST-model for the simulation. Nusselt number predictions for the nanofluid are in agreement with experimental results and a conventional single-phase correlation. The mean deviation is in the range of 5%. Friction factor values show a mean deviation of 1.5% to a conventional single-phase correlation, however, they differ considerably from the nanofluid experimental data

  • Two small RNAs conserved in Enterobacteriaceae provide intrinsic resistance to antibiotics targeting the cell wall biosynthesis enzyme glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase
    • Muna Khan
    • Yvonne Gopel
    • Sławomir Milewski
    • Boris Gorke
    2016 Pełny tekst Frontiers in Microbiology

    Formation of glucosamine-6-phosphate GlcN6P) by enzyme GlcN6P synthase (GlmS) represents the first step in bacterial cell envelope synthesis. In Escherichia coli, expression of glmS is controlled by small RNAs (sRNAs) GlmY and GlmZ. GlmZ activates the glmS mRNA by base-pairing. When not required, GlmZ is bound by adapter protein RapZ and recruited to cleavage by RNase E inactivating the sRNA. The homologous sRNA GlmY activates glmS indirectly. When present at high levels, GlmY sequesters RapZ by an RNA mimicry mechanism suppressing cleavage of GlmZ. The interplay of both sRNAs is believed to adjust GlmS synthesis to the needs of the cell, i.e., to achieve GlcN6P homeostasis. Bacilysin (tetaine) and Nva-FMDP are dipeptide antibiotics that impair cell envelope synthesis by inhibition of enzyme GlmS through covalent modification. However, although taken up efficiently, these antibiotics are less active against E. coli for reasons unknown so far. Here we show that the GlmY/GlmZ circuit provides resistance. Inhibition of GlmS causes GlcN6P deprivation leading to activation of GlmY and GlmZ, which in turn trigger glmS overexpression in a dosagedependent manner. Mutation of glmY or glmZ disables this response and renders the bacteria highly susceptible to GlmS inhibitors. Thus, E. coli compensates inhibition of GlmS by increasing its synthesis through the GlmY/GlmZ pathway. This mechanism is also operative in Salmonella indicating that it is conserved in Enterobacteriaceae possessing these sRNAs. As GlmY apparently responds to GlcN6P, co-application of a non-metabolizable GlcN6P analog may prevent activation of the sRNAs and thereby increase the bactericidal activity of GlmS inhibitors against wild-type bacteria. Initial experiments using glucosamine-6-sulfate support this possibility. Thus, GlcN6P analogs might be considered for co-application with GlmS inhibitors in combined therapy to treat infections caused by pathogenic Enterobacteriaceae.

  • Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
    • Wojciech Trawiński
    • Jerzy Bobiński
    • Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski

    The paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried out using the 2D meso-scale finite element method (FEM) with cohesive elements located in the cement matrix and along the ITZs. In addition, parametric studies were carried out for different material constants. The effect of the shape, content and density of aggregate packing was also investigated. A satisfactory agreement with respect to the load-displacement and crack geometry was achieved between FE analyses and experiments.

  • Two-phase optimizing approach to design assessments of long distance heat transportation for CHP systems
    • Piotr Hirsch
    • Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz
    • Michał Grochowski
    • Robert Piotrowski

    Cogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for power plants is a method of putting to use waste heat which would be otherwise released to the environment. This allows the increase in thermodynamic efficiency of the plant and can be a source of environmental friendly heat for District Heating (DH). In the paper CHP for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is analyzed with the focus on heat transportation. A method for effectivity and feasibility evaluation of the long distance, high power Heat Transportation System (HTS) between the NPP and the DH network is proposed. As a part of the method the multi-criteria decision-making problem, having the structure of the mathematical programming problem, for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of the HTS is formulated. The constraints for this problem include a static model of HTS, that allows considerations of system lifetime, time variability and spatial topology. Thereby variation of annual heat demand within the DH area, variability of ground temperature, insulation and pipe aging and/or terrain elevation profile can be taken into account in the decision-making process. The HTS construction costs, pumping power, and heat losses are considered as objective functions. In general, the analyzed optimization problem is multi-criteria, hybrid and nonlinear. The two-phase optimization based on optimization simulation framework is proposed to solve the decision-making problem. The solver introduces a number of assumptions concerning the optimization process. Methods for problem decomposition, scalarization and relaxation are proposed and optimization procedures for the decomposed problem are discussed. The methodology is tested on a sample case study of the NPP planned to be built in Northern Poland. The sensitivity analysis of the problem is also provided.

    • Marek Dzida
    • Jacek Frost
    2016 Pełny tekst Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    The station was established as part of a project co-financed by the European Union with the funds of the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme titled: “Establishment of state-of-the-art technical infrastructure for the Engineers of the Future learning programme at the Gdańsk University of Technology” executed in 2013-2015.