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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2016

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  • Architektoniczna przestrzeń idei jako forma rewitalizacji obszarów mieszkaniowych
    • Agnieszka Kurkowska
    2016 Pełny tekst Przestrzeń i Forma

    Obiekt architektoniczny inkluzywnie powstający w zwartej tkance miejskiej nie zawsze jest możliwy do zrealizowania w formie obiektu budowlanego. W trudnych do doinwestowania strefach, formą aktywizacji społecznej i przydania przestrzeni wyjątkowych wartości mogą być tymczasowo powstające struktury architektoniczne. Tymczasowość nie umniejsza ich celowości realizacji określonych potrzeb, a przekazana treść i uzyskane doświadczenia zapisują się trwale w świadomości mieszkańców, wpływając na ich poczucie dobrego zamieszkiwania. Odzyskane idee, po ustaniu ich fizycznego oddziaływania egzystują w rzeczywistości pozafizycznej; przywołane z pamięci inspirują – stymulując kolejne refleksje i działania. Tak swoją rolę spełniać może architektura w przestrzeni idei, szczególnej kategorii przynależnej architekturze. Uwolniony zamysł oddziałuje na stałe elementy fizycznego otoczenia swoimi silnymi konotacjami. Abstrakcja spotyka się z faktem w codziennym doświadczeniu zamieszkiwania. Architekt uczestniczy w szerszym i złożonym procesie. Przykładem takiego działania mogą być struktury powstające w ramach Festiwalu Artystycznego ‘Obrazy Ogniem Malowane’ organizowanego cyklicznie przez ‘Gdański Archipelag Kultury’. W tegorocznej edycji zaistnieje w przestrzeni model ideowej rzeźby architektonicznej nawiązującej do archetypu schronienia i ludzkiej potrzeby ucieczki przed niedogodnościami. Planowane działanie, stanowiące wyabstrahowany fragment procesu projektowego, przynależy do pogranicza sztuki i architektury. Intencjonalności towarzyszy geometryzacja idei i kreacja przestrzenna ukazująca formę, ale także niosąca silne przesłanie. Kontekst blokowiska – nienaturalnej siedziby ludzkiej - generującej niepokój i piętrzącej negatywne wartości a wraz z tym problemy społeczne, jest istotnym odniesieniem dla zindywidualizowanej autorskiej ‘kryjówki’.

  • Architektura bezpieczeństwa systemu netBaltic
    • Tomasz Gierszewski
    2016 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    W artykule zaprezentowano założenia dotyczące zabezpieczania węzłów sieci realizowanej w ramach systemu netBaltic. Ze względu na dużą różnorodność rozważanych mechanizmów komunikacyjnych architektura bezpieczeństwa została podzielona na kilka elementów – infrastrukturę klucza publicznego (PKI), bezpieczeństwo systemowe węzłów, zabezpieczanie komunikacji w modelu samoorganizującej wieloskokowej sieci kratowej, a także sieci niewrażliwej na opóźnienia. W niniejszym artykule skupiono się na infrastrukturze klucza publicznego oraz bezpieczeństwie systemowym węzłów.

  • Architektura medialna w przestrzeniach komercyjnych
    • Karolina Życzkowska

    Tematyka monografii dotyczy przestrzeni komercyjnych, w których wykorzystywane są rozwiązania z zakresu architektury medialnej. Tytułowane są one inteligentnymi przestrzeniami komercyjnymi. Przestrzeń komercyjna rozumiana jest jako przestrzeń miasta związana z obiektami, które powstają wraz z rozwojem „przemysłów dóbr kultury”, kreacją „produktu miejskiego” oraz są istotne w identyfikacji wizualnej miasta, jak też z punktu widzenia turystyki miejskiej. Architektura medialna stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie autoprezentacji tych obiektów (nazywanych obiektami działalności komercyjnych), co rozgrywa się w ramach synergii architektury, sztuki oraz technologii informacyjnych i oświetleniowych. Monografia ukazuje szeroki kontekst rozwoju inteligentnych przestrzeni komercyjnych na tle przemian ponowoczesnego miasta. Obrazuje zarówno specyfikę rozwiązań medialnych w zależności od funkcji obiektów działalności komercyjnych, jak również rolę architektury medialnej w strukturze wizualnej przestrzeni, tworząc „katalog kategorii” występujących w obrazie ponowoczesnego miasta. Punktem wyjścia do przeprowadzonych analiz było opracowanie zestawu 71 reprezentatywnych przykładów obiektów działalności komercyjnych wykorzystujących rozwiązania z zakresu architektury medialnej, które zrealizowano w XXI wieku. W rezultacie wyłoniono 6 kategorii i 14 podkategorii rozwiązań z zakresu architektury medialnej. Kategorie rozwiązań z zakresu architektury medialnej powiązano z funkcjami tych obiektów. Rozróżniono stopień czytelności przestrzeni związanej z rozpatrywanymi kategoriami jako punkt wyjścia do oceny przyjazności inteligentnych przestrzeni komercyjnych w zakresie aspektów funkcjonalno – przestrzennych. Rozpatrzono także aspekty technologiczno – estetyczne przyjazności tych przestrzeni biorąc pod uwagę dyskrecję rozwiązań medialnych oraz możliwość interakcji z użytkownikiem. W ocenie przyjazności inteligentnych przestrzeni komercyjnych uwzględniono dwie wyżej wskazane grupy aspektów. Monografia proponuje oryginalną metodę wieloaspektowej oceny inteligentnych przestrzeni komercyjnych w zakresie ich czytelności, przyjazności oraz charakterystyki rozwiązania medialnego. Dzięki szczegółowym analizom reprezentatywnego zbioru istniejących rozwiązań, wykazuje duży potencjał aplikacyjny. Tworzy podstawę do świadomego projektowania nowych rozwiązań medialnych, sygnalizując także potrzebę regulacji prawnych.

  • Architekturführer Danzig: Gdansk Sopot Gdynia
    • Justyna Borucka
    • Harald Gatermann

    Im Zweiten Weltkrieg bis auf die Grundmauern zerstört, wurde der historische Stadtkern der Hansestadt Danzig als polnisches Gdańsk wiederaufgebaut – ein Paradebeispiel für kritische Rekonstruktion in Polen und zugleich eine bis heute stark umstrittene Entscheidung. Zusammen mit dem mondänen Seebad Sopot und der modernen Hafenstadt Gdynia bildet die Bernsteinstadt eine Metropolregion an der polnischen Ostseeküste: die Dreistadt (Trójmiasto). Gilt Sopot als Architekturmuseum der Jahrhundertwende mit Jugendstilvillen und nostalgischen Badehäusern, entstand Gdynia als Stadt der avantgardistischen Moderne in den Dreißigerjahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts. Die Dreistadt vereint damit die drei großen Strömungen des 20. Jahrhunderts, die grundlegende Architekturdebatten auslösten. Dieser Architekturführer erschließt die Metropolregion Danzig mit 20 Touren. Anhand von über 300 Bauten und Projekten begibt sich das Autorenpaar auf Spurensuche durch die Dreistadt – per pedes, Fahrrad, Bahn oder Auto. Sachkundige Objekttexte, umfangreiches Plan- und Bildmaterial sowie Exkurse zu architektonischen Besonderheiten bieten die ideale Hilfe zur Erkundung der Region.

  • Arctic catchment as a sensitive indicator of the environmental changes: distribution and migration of metals (Svalbard)
    • Kozak Katarzyna
    • Żaneta Polkowska
    • Stachnik Łukasz
    • Luks Bartłomiej
    • Stanisław Chmiel
    • Ruman Marek
    • Lech Dariusz
    • Krystyna Kozioł
    • Tsakovski Stefan
    • Simeonov Vasil
    • Bartłomiej Luks
    2016 Pełny tekst International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

    Arctic regions experience metal pollution, despite their remote location, and the distribution and migration of those metals determine their potential impact on the local environment. Here, a High-Arctic catchment (Revelva, Svalbard) located remotely from human-induced pollution sources is studied with respect to the distribution and migration of chosen trace elements (Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Cs, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sr, Tl, U, V and Zn) in surface waters. The metal concentrations fluctuated in 2010–2012 between 0.01 and 354 μg L−1, the highest mean-weighted concentration noted for Sr (42.5 μg L−1). The concentrations in the river water were likely influenced by both natural and human-activity-related processes. These factors can produce substances of the same chemical composition (e.g. carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and metals may be emitted both by a volcanic eruption and by industrial sources). Therefore, chemometric techniques were used in the current paper to distinguish the multiple sources of pollution in the Revelva catchment. The authors were seeking to determine whether there is indeed evidence for contamination, sufficient to cause environmental damage in polar region. As a result, it was shown that the long-range transport could play an important role in shaping the metal concentration profile of this Arctic tundra environment, capturing both the influence of volcanic eruptions within the region and the human activity in a range of distances from the study site.

  • Arka - cykl No quick response
    • Krzysztof Wróblewski

  • Aromatic heptaene antibiotics as an alternative for synthetic triazole fungicides in plant protection
    • Ł Sobiech
    • Paweł Szczeblewski
    • T. Kosiada
    • Z. Sawińska
    • G. Skrzypczak
    • Edward Borowski
    2016 Przemysł Chemiczny

    An in vitro antifungal activity of candicidin and ascosin antibiotics (0,01-10 μg/mL) towards representative strains of phytopathogenic fungi was detd. Both compds. exhibited similar half max. effective concns. inhibiting growth of the fungi as that of tebuconazole used for comparison.

    • Piotr Czyż

    The article presents a general discussion on the direction of contemporary architecture. We can freely speak that postmodernity, understood in its philosophical core as a search for meaning in architecture, as a strategy of building our environment is over. What comes next? Some say, from lack of better naming, that we live in post-postmodern times. Term post-postmodernity is a call for new strategy of shaping our societies and environment. Author’s aim is to propose a discussion on this topic from Kenneth Frampton’s concept of Architecture of Resistance. Resistance from urge to constantly design something new, something that will be shown in journals, from “myth of new forms”. Times of “meaning in architecture’ are over and architecture needs to be defended from political and economic drive to build new meaning, new icons in architecture. We can seek inspiration in our practise not in avant-garde, but in arriere-garde, as presented by Kenneth Frampton in 1983. Aim of rearguard is to defend the back, those who are in the end, who are poor, anonymous, casual. This article proposes that efforts of architects and architectural theory should be put on casual, everyday architecture that shapes our everyday lives.

  • Arterial cannula shape optimization by means of the rotational firefly algorithm
    • Krzysztof Tesch
    • Katarzyna Kaczorowska-Ditrich

    The article presents global optimization results of arterial cannula shapes by means of the newly modified firefly algorithm. The search for the optimal arterial cannula shape is necessary in order to minimize losses and prepare the flow that leaves the circulatory support system of a ventricle (i.e. blood pump) before it reaches the heart. A modification of the standard firefly algorithm, the so-called rotational firefly algorithm, is introduced. It is shown that the rotational firefly algorithm allows for better exploration of search spaces which results in faster convergence and better solutions in comparison with its standard version. This is particularly pronounced for smaller population sizes. Furthermore, it maintains greater diversity of populations for a longer time. A small population size and a low number of iterations are necessary to keep to a minimum the computational cost of the objective function of the problem, which comes from numerical solution of the nonlinear partial differential equations. Moreover, both versions of the firefly algorithm are compared to the state of the art, namely the differential evolution and covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategies.

  • As causas do trincamento a frio de um ação submetido a soldagem subaquática
    • Dariusz Fydrych
    • Jerzy Łabanowski
    • Jacek Tomków
    • Grzegorz Rogalski

    A soldagem subaquàtica usada na confeccao de juntas de acos de alta resistencia aumenta a sua susceptibilidade ao trincamento a frio, um efeito decorrente da transferencia de calor muito mais rapida a partir da area de soldagem e da presenca de hidrogenio difusivel, o que causa aumento da fragilidade do metal. Este trabalho avalia esta propensao ao trincamento a frio do aco S355G10+N usado na construcao de estrururas hidrotecnicas e de engenharia oceanica. Foi verificado, a partir de ensaios de severidade termica controlada (Controlled Thermal Severity, CTS), que o aco investigado tende ao trincamento a frio durante o processo de soldagem subaquatica.

    • Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
    • Helena Janik
    • Iga Gubańska
    2016 Pełny tekst Chemistry & Chemical Technology

    The introduction of the paper was devoted to the main items of tissue engineering (TE) and the way of porous structure obtaining as scaffolds. Furthermore, the significant role of the scaffold design in TE was described. It was shown, that properly designed polyurethanes (PURs) find application in TE due to the proper physicochemical, mechanical and biological properties. Then the use of L-ascorbic acid (L-AA) in PUR systems for TE was described. L-AA has been applied in this area due to its suitable biological characteristics and antioxidative properties. Moreover, L-AA influences tissue regeneration due to improving collagen synthesis, which is a primary component of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Modification of PUR with L-AA leads to the materials with higher biocompatibility and such system is promising for TE applications.

  • Asking Data in a Controlled Way with Ask Data Anything NQL
    • Alessandro Seganti
    • Paweł Kapłański
    • Jesus Campo
    • Krzysztof Cieśliński
    • Jerzy Koziołkiewicz
    • Paweł Zarzycki

    While to collect data, it is necessary to store it, to understand its structure it is necessary to do data-mining. Business Intelligence (BI) enables us to make intelligent, data-driven decisions by the mean of a set of tools that allows the creation of a potentially unlimited number of machine-generated, data-driven reports, which are calculated by a machine as a response to queries specified by humans. Natural Query Languages (NQLs) allow one to dig into data with an intuitive human-machine dialogue. The current NQL-based systems main problems are the required prior learning phase for writing correct queries, understanding the linguistic coverage of the NQL and asking precise questions. Results: We have developed an NQL as well as an entire Natural Language Interface Database (NLIDB) that supports the user with BI queries with minimized disadvantages, namely Ask Data Anything. The core part - NQL parser - is a hybrid of CNL and the pattern matching approach with a prior error repair phase. Equipped with reasoning capabilities due to the intensive use of semantic technologies, our hybrid approach allows one to use very simple, keyword-based (even erroneous) queries as well as complex CNL ones with the support of a predictive editor. Supplementary Information: Supplementary materials a

  • Assessment of damage causes of a 17 m long wind turbine blade model
    • Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
    • Karol Niklas
    • Tomasz Falborski
    • Andrzej Wołoszyn
    • Jakub Kowalski

    The subject matter is to verify the stiffness of the steel supporting structure and assess the causes of cracks in the 17 m long wind turbine blade model

  • Assessment of hydrogenation of deposited metal of P 62 MR covered electrodes
    • Dariusz Fydrych
    • Michał Landowski
    • Aleksandra Świerczyńska
    • Grzegorz Rogalski

    The determination of diffusible hydrogen content in deposited metal of P 62 MR covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding by mercury method was carried out. The test results indicate that covered electrodes 62 P MR grade generate a mean of 4.02 ml/100g of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal, which is consistent with H5 class.

  • Assessment of microstructure, physical and thermal properties of bitumen modified with LDPE/GTR/elastomer ternary blends
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Michał Sulkowski
    • Mohammad Saeb
    • Xavier Colom
    • Józef Haponiuk

    LDPE/GTR/elastomer ternary blends with variable LDPE/GTR ratio and constant elastomer content were prepared via melt-compounding. Obtained LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends were applied as thermoplastic modifiers into bitumen. Microstructure, physical and thermal properties of the modified bitumen were determined. It was observed that chemical composition of LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends has significant influence on their density and rheological behavior, which are also main factors affecting the dispersion of LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends into bitumen matrix and interfacial interactions between used components. Microstructure and thermal behavior of modified bitumen confirmed that physical interactions between bitumen and LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends are limited with increasing content of GTR. This phenomenon is due to mainly cross-linked structure of GTR and its low flowability. The conducted investigations showed that interfacial interactions between of thermoplastic modifier and bitumen, therefore the conventional and thermal properties of modified bitumen can be improved and easily modified by changing composition of LDPE/GTR/elastomer blends.

    • Romana Antczak-Jarząbska
    • Marek Krzaczek
    2016 Pełny tekst Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports

    The paper presents the research results of field measurements campaign of natural ventilation performance and effectiveness in a residential building. The building is located in the microclimate whose parameters differ significantly in relation to a representative weather station. The measurement system recorded climate parameters and the physical variables characterizing the air flow in the rooms within 14 days of the winter season. The measurement results showed that in spite of proper design and construction of the ventilation system, unfavorable microclimatic conditions that differed from the predicted ones caused significant reduction in the efficiency of the ventilation system. Also, during some time periods, external climate conditions caused an opposite air flow direction in the vent inlets and outlets, leading to a significant deterioration of air quality and thermal comfort measured by CO PMV index in a residential area.

  • Assessment of the Relationship between the Shape of the Lateral Meniscus and the Risk of Extrusion Based on MRI Examination of the Knee Joint
    • Arkadiusz Szarmach
    • Piotr Luczkiewicz
    • Monika Skotarczak
    • Mariusz Franciszek Kaszubowski
    • Pawel Winklewski
    • Jaroslaw Dzierzanowski
    • Maciej Piskunowicz
    • Edyta Szurowska
    • Bogusław Baczkowski
    2016 Pełny tekst PLOS ONE

    Background Meniscus extrusion is a serious and relatively frequent clinical problem. For this reason the role of different risk factors for this pathology is still the subject of debate. The goal of this study was to verify the results of previous theoretical work, based on the mathematical models, regarding a relationship between the cross-section shape of the meniscus and the risk of its extrusion. Materials and Methods Knee MRI examination was performed in 77 subjects (43 men and 34 women), mean age 34.99 years (range: 18–49 years), complaining of knee pain. Patients with osteoarthritic changes (grade 3 and 4 to Kellgren classification), varus or valgus deformity and past injuries of the knee were excluded from the study. A 3-Tesla MR device was used to study the relationship between the shape of the lateral meniscus (using slope angle, meniscus-cartilage height and meniscus-bone angle) and the risk of extrusion. Results Analysis revealed that with values of slope angle and meniscus-bone angle increasing by one degree, the risk of meniscus extrusion raises by 1.157 and 1.078 respectively. Also, an increase in meniscus-cartilage height by 1 mm significantly elevates the risk of extrusion. At the same time it was demonstrated that for meniscus-bone angle values over 42 degrees and slope angle over 37 degrees the risk of extrusion increases significantly. Conclusions This was the first study to demonstrate a tight correlation between slope angle, meniscus-bone angle and meniscus-cartilage height values in the assessment of the risk of lateral meniscus extrusion. Insertion of the above parameters to the radiological assessment of the knee joint allows identification of patients characterized by an elevated risk of development of this pathology.

  • Assessment of toxic and endocrine potential of substances migrating from selected toys and baby products
    • Natalia Jatkowska
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    • Błażej Kudłak

    Analysis of literature data shows that there is limited information about the harmful biological effects of mixture of compounds from the EDC group that are released from the surface of toys and objects intended for children and infants. One of the tools that can be used to obtain such information is appropriate bioanalytical tests. The aim of this research involved determining whether tests that use living organisms as an active element (Vibrio fischeri - Microtox®, Heterocypris incongruens – Ostrocodtoxkit FTM and the XenoScreen YES/YASTM test of oestrogenic/androgenic activity) can be a tool for estimating the combined toxic effects induced by xenobiotics released from objects intended for children. To reproduce the conditions to which objects are exposed during their use, liquids with a composition corresponding to that of human bodily fluids (artificial sweat and saliva) were used. This research focused on the main parameters influencing the intensification of the migration process (temperature, contact time and composition of the extraction mixture). The studies aimed to estimate the endocrine potential of the extracts showed, that compounds released from the surface of studied objects exhibit antagonistic androgenic activity. While, on the basis of the results of Microtox® test, one can state, that the largest quantity of toxic compounds are released in the first two hours of using the object. The FTIR spectra analyses confirmed that no degradation of polymeric material took place. On the basis of the results obtained, it was unanimously concluded that contact of the object with bodily fluids may result in the release of a large number of xenobiotics, which has a disadvantageous effects on the metabolic processes of the indicator organisms.

  • Asymmetric Renyi Problem and > PATRICIA Tries
    • Michael Drmota
    • Abram Magner
    • Wojciech Szpankowski

    In 1960 R´enyi asked for the number of random queries necessary to recover a hidden bijective labeling of n distinct objects. In each query one selects a random subset of labels and asks, what is the set of objects that have theselabels? Weconsider here anasymmetric version of the problem in which in every query an object is chosenwith probability p > 1/2 and we ignore “inconclusive” queries. We study the number of queries needed to recover the labeling in its entirety (the height), to recover at least one single element (the fillup level), and to recover a randomly chosen element (the typical depth). This problem exhibits several remarkable behaviors: the depth Dn converges in probability but not almost surely and while it satisfies the central limit theorem its local limit theorem doesn’t hold; the height Hn and the fillup level Fn exhibit phase transitions with respect to p in the second term. To obtain these results, we take a unified approach via the analysis of the external profile defined at level k as the number of elements recovered by the kth query. We first establish new precise asymptotic results for the average and variance, and a central limit law, for the external profile in the regime where it grows polynomially with n. We then extend the external profile results to the boundaries of the central region, leading to the solution of our problem for the height and fillup level. As a bonus, our analysis implies novel results for random PATRICIA tries, as it turns out that the problem is probabilistically equivalent to the analysis of the height, fillup level, typical depth, and external profile of a PATRICIA trie built from n independent binary sequences generated by a biased(p) memoryless source.

  • Atmospheric deposition in coniferous and deciduous tree stands in Poland
    • Anna Kowalska
    • Aleksander Astel
    • Andrzej Boczoń
    • Żaneta Polkowska

    The objective of this study was to assess the transformation of precipitation in terms of quantity and chemical composition following contact with the crown layer in tree stands with varied species composition, to investigate the effect of four predominant forest-forming species (pine, spruce, beech, and oak) on the amount and composition of precipitation reaching forest soils, and to determine the sources of pollution in atmospheric precipitation in forest areas in Poland. The amount and chemical composition (pH, electric conductivity, alkalinity, and chloride, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, ammonium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron aluminum, manganese, zinc, copper, total nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon contents) of atmospheric (bulk, BP) and throughfall (TF) precipitation were studied from January to December 2010 on twelve forest monitoring plots representative of Polish conditions. The study results provided the basis for the determination of the fluxes of pollutants in the forest areas of Poland and allowed the comparison of such fluxes with values provided in the literature for European forest areas. The transformation of precipitation in the canopy was compared for different tree stands. The fluxes of substances in an open field and under canopy were influenced by the location of the plot, including the regional meteorological conditions (precipitation amounts), vicinity of the sea (effect of marine aerosols), and local level of anthropogenic pollution. Differences between the plots were higher in TF than in BP. The impact of the vegetation cover on the chemical composition of precipitation depended on the region of the country and dominant species in a given tree stand. Coniferous species tended to cause acidification of precipitation, whereas deciduous species increased the pH of TF. Pine and oak stands enriched precipitation with components that leached from the canopy (potassium, manganese, magnesium) to a higher degree than spruce and beech stands.