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Publikacje z roku 2016
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- Marta Maier
- Aleksandra Podwysocka
W statystycznych badaniach makroekonomicznych na temat zjawisk gospodarczych w społeczeństwie, oprócz używania typowych metod ilościowych ważne jest też stosowanie innych metod badawczych z zakresu nauk społecznych. W niniejszym opracowaniu potwierdzamy, że teoria ugruntowana może być traktowana jako metoda uzupełniająca w badaniach na temat starzenia się populacji i badania determinant wydajności pracy. Uzupełniająco badania mogą być realizowane z wykorzystaniem paradygmatu interpretatywno-symbolicznego, który daje możliwość obserwacji współzależności społecznych, przy zachowaniu orientacji na wartości.
Imidazoacridinone antitumor agent C-1311 as a selective mechanism- based inactivator of human cytochrome P450 1A2 and 3A4 isoenzymes.
- Agnieszka Potęga
- Barbara Fedejko-kap
- Zofia Mazerska
5-Diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311), a promising antitumor agent that is also active against autoimmune diseases, was determined to be a selective inhibitor of the cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2 and 3A4 isoenzymes. Therefore, C-1311 might modulate the effectiveness of other drugs used in multidrug therapy. The present work aimed to identify the mechanism of the observed C-1311-mediated inactivation of CYP1A2 and CYP3A4. The inactivation experiments were performed in vitro using the human recombinant CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 (Bactosomes). CYP isoenzyme activities were determined using the CYP-specific reactions, 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylation (CYP1A2) and testosterone 6β-hydroxylation (CYP3A4). The concentrations of CYP-specific substrates and their metabolites formed by CYP isoenzymes were measured by RP-HPLC with UV-Vis detection. The inhibition of CYPs by C-1311 was time-, concentration- and NADPH-dependent, which suggested a mechanism-based mode of action. Using a 10-fold dilution method and potassium ferricyanide we demonstrated the irreversible nature of the inhibition. In addition, the inhibition was attenuated by the presence of alternate substrates (alternative active site ligands) but not by a nucleophilic trapping agent (glutathione) or a reactive oxygen scavenger (catalase), which further supported a mechanism-based action. Substrate depletion partition ratios of 299 and 985 were calculated for the inactivation of CYP1A2 and CYP3A4, respectively. Our results indicated that C-1311 is a potent mechanism-based inactivator of CYP1A2 and CYP3A4. This finding provided new insights into the mechanism of C-1311 antitumor action, particularly in relation to potential pharmacokinetic drug–drug interactions between C-1311 and/or its derivatives and the substrates of CYP isoforms.
Imigranci z federacji Rosyjskiej w warunkach członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej
- Krystyna Gomółka
Artykuł ukazuje sytuacje imigrantów z przybywających do Polski po akcesji po Unii Europejskiej
Imigranci z Kazachstanu w Polsce w warunkach członkostwa w UE
- Krystyna Gomółka
Imigranci z byłych krajów ZSRR rozpoczęli przybywać do Polski od 1992 r. Zjawisko to wiązało się z otwarciem polskich granic i ze zmianą sytuacji politycznej. Przyjazdy obywateli Kazachstanu były możliwe dzięki podpisaniu przez Polskę stosownych umów międzynarodowych, porozumień ramowych z Wspólnotami Europejskimi oraz umów bilateralnych podpisanych przez rząd Polski z rządem Kazachstanu. Choć nawiązanie stosunków dyplomatycznych między państwami nastąpiło na początku lat 90. XX w. to rozwój wzajemnych kontaktów zanotowano dopiero na przełomie XX i XXI w. Celem pracy jest analiza: liczebności imigrantów z Kazachstanu przybywających do Polski, trybu i czasu ich przebywania oraz zajęć podejmowanych przez nich. Hipoteza badawcza pracy brzmi: nieliczni imigranci z Kazachstanu nie stanowili poważnego problemu dla Polski w okresie jej przynależności do UE. W celu weryfikacji hipotezy autorka postawiła następujące pytania badawcze: 1) Na podstawie, których aktów prawnych przybywali do Polski imigranci z Kazachstanu?; 2) Przez jaki okres czasu przebywali w Polsce?; 3) Czym zajmowali się podczas pobytu w Polsce?; 4) Jak wielu emigrantów występowało o status uchodźcy?; 5) W jaki sposób Polska rozwiązała problem uchodźców z Kazachstanu? Praca powstała w oparciu o literaturę przedmiotu oraz dostępne dane statystyczne GUS.
Imigranci z Kirgistanu,Turkmenistanu i Tadżykistanu w Polsce w warunkach członkostwa UE
- Krystyna Gomółka
Artykuł charakteryzuje czas pobytu i zajęcia imigrantów z tych Państw w Polsce.
Impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline
- Rafał Ossowski
- Krzysztof Szarf
The paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of an unsecured excavation on an underground pipeline in selected soil conditions. The research was inspired by a real-life failure of a water pipeline which was caused by a nearby unsecured excavation (Sikora et al. 2015). The failure was triggered by displacement of soil mass in the vicinity of the pipeline. The study conducted in the framework of Finite Element Method is focused on analyzing different soil conditions and pipe rigidity combinations and calculating the resulting displacements. The FEM parametric study aims at investigation of the soil model parameters sensitivity on the possible magnitude of horizontal and vertical deformations. The research and analysis can be incorporated into recommendations for engineers performing earthworks in urban areas.
Impact of configuration of earth continuity conductor on induced sheath voltages in power cables
- Stanisław Czapp
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
In high voltage power cable systems a problem of induced sheath voltages exist. Due to these voltages electric shock and damage of non-metallic outer sheath of the cables may occur. Exposure to voltage of the outer sheath may be very high in case of earth fault with high value of earth current. In order to reduce induced sheath voltages an earth continuity conductor (conductors) along power cables is applied. Configuration of this conductor is very important for reducing induced voltages as well. This paper considers the effect of earth continuity conductor configurations on induced sheath voltages in power cables. The calculations of the voltages are based on a power cable system to be applied in a local power system.
Impact of Cultivation Conditions, Ethylene Treatment, and Postharvest Storage on Selected Quality and Bioactivity Parameters of Kiwifruit “Hayward” Evaluated by Analytical and Chemometric Methods
- Yong Seo Park
- Martin Polovka
- Kyung-Sik Ham
- Yang-Kyun Park
- Suchada Vearasilp
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Fernando Toledo
- Patricia Arancibia-Avila
- Shela Gorinstein
Organic, semiorganic, and conventional “Hayward” kiwifruits, treated with ethylene for 24 h and stored during 10 days, were assessed by UV spectrometry, fluorometry, and chemometrical analysis for changes in selected characteristics of quality (firmness, dry matter and soluble solid contents, pH, and acidity) and bioactivity (concentration of polyphenols via Folin-Ciocalteu and p-hydroxybenzoic acid assays). All of the monitored qualitative parameters and characteristics related to bioactivity were affected either by cultivation practices or by ethylene treatment and storage. Results obtained, supported by statistical evaluation (Friedman twoway ANOVA) and chemometric analysis, clearly proved that the most significant impact on the majority of the evaluated parameters of quality and bioactivity of “Hayward” kiwifruit had the ethylene treatment followed by the cultivation practices and the postharvest storage. Total concentration of polyphenols expressed via p-hydroxybenzoic acid assay exhibited the most significant sensitivity to all three evaluated parameters, reaching a 16.5% increase for fresh organic compared to a conventional control sample.
Impact of Innovative Financial Products on Financial Systems: Exchange Traded Products and the Polish Financial System
- Adam Marszk
Exchange Traded Products (ETPs) are one of the most recent and most rapidly developing financial products. As their assets grow they have an increasing impact on financial systems in many countries, including USA, UK or Japan. Development of ETPs is linked with many opportunities and threats for the local financial systems. Their correct assessment is becoming more difficult due to the growing complexity of the available products, thus posing problems not only for the participants of the financial markets (including buyers and sellers of ETPs as well as intermediaries) but also for the supervising authorities. The main ETP development trends (e.g. size of the global assets under management) are outlined in this article. Structural changes are discussed in the context of their impact on both local and global financial systems. One of the key topics is the consequences of the changing landscape of the most popular type of ETP - Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). Simple and safe physical ETFs are being replaced by complicated synthetic ETFs, significantly increasing possible risks for the holders of such products, for other entities involved in their creation and distribution, and, consequently, for the whole financial system. The last part of the article is devoted to the Polish perspective on this topic. It may be argued that in Poland the role of ETPs (even ETFs) is still marginal. ETPs can influence, though, the Polish financial system through a number of links between Polish and foreign financial institutions and markets. As a result, fast transmission of the future shocks caused by such products is increasingly more probable.
Impact of the inclination angle of the condenser with refrigerant R410A on heat transfer coefficient – experimental study
- Henryk Charun
- Marian Czapp
- Stanisław Czapp
- Magdalena Orłowska
In the paper the authors present results of a laboratory test of the condenser with refrigerant R410A. The effect of the inclination of this condenser on the heat transfer coefficient value has been considered. The test has proved that there is an optimal inclination angle of the condenser which gives maximal value of this coefficient.
Implementacja adaptacyjnej metody alokacji strumieni danych w radiowych sieciach ad hoc
- Krzysztof Cwalina
- Piotr Rajchowski
W artykule przedstawiono adaptacyjną metodę alokacji strumieni danych w radiowych sieciach ad hoc. Badania skupiono wokół dynamicznej zmiany przepływności w kanale radiowym pomiędzy węzłami wieloskokowej sieci ad hoc. Wyniki pomiarów pozwoliły określić m.in. rzeczywisty czas rekonfiguracji urządzeń, opóźnienia w transmisji danych i zysk uzyskany dzięki użyciu zaproponowanej metody alokacji strumieni danych.
Implementacja w technologii radia programowalnego transceivera opartego na technice OFDM pracującego w trybie dupleksu czasowego
- Jędrzej Hajduczenia
Technika OFDM jest obecnie jedną z najbardziej popularnych metod realizacji szybkiej transmisji danych w warstwie fizycznej współczesnego systemu radiokomunikacyjnego. Choć jej wykorzystanie w technologii radia programowalnego w celu realizacji jednokierunkowej transmisji jest dość powszechne, to wciąż trudno znaleźć przykłady implementacji łączy dwukierunkowych czasu rzeczywistego, w szczególności tych opartych na trybie dupleksu czasowego. W związku z tym w artykule przedstawiono wybrane aspekty praktyczne dotyczące implemementacji tego typu transceivera.
Implementacja zintegrowanego systemu kursowego w systemie nawigacji inercyjnej
- Paweł Tomasz Kosz
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono implementację zintegrowanego systemu kursowego opartego na czujnikach inercyjnych jakimi są żyroskopy oraz magnetometry. Opisano metody wyznaczania kursu poruszającej się osoby, a następnie przedstawiono integrację otrzymanych wyników w oparciu o filtr Kalmana. Zaprezentowane wyniki badań uzyskano na podstawie testów przeprowadzonych w rzeczywistych warunkach przy wykorzystaniu jednostki pomiarowej.
Implementation of Business Processes in Smart Cities Technology
- Cezary Orłowski
- Artur Ziółkowski
- Aleksander Orłowski
- Paweł Kapłański
- Tomasz Sitek
- Witold Pokrzywnicki
The goal of the paper is to present the results of studies concerning the development of a method of implementation of business processes in Smart Cities systems. The method has been developed during studies carried out within the building of a Smart Cities system for Gdańsk, and is based on basic development project management mechanisms (drawing from best practices, and in particular from the RUP methodology) and business-oriented development principles, where the role of business process modeling is crucial for the implementation of functionalities of IT systems.
- Krystyna Gomółka
34 IMPLEMENTATION OF INOGATE PROGRAMME IN ARMENIA, AZERBAIJAN AND GEORGIA Krystyna Gomółka Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology Ul. G. Narutowicza 11/12, 80 - 233 Gdańsk, Poland Krystyna.Gomolka@zie.pg.gda.pl Abstract INOGATE Programme is one of the instruments designed for the implementation of the energy policy developed by the EU and the countries of the East European, Caucasus and Central Asian regions. Its objectives include the formation of a common energy market, increasing the security of supply, diversif ication, transit and supporting the development of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia were implementing projects in the framework of the programme between 2009 and 2014 in selected thematic areas, at a different pace and with emphasis on different thematic areas. Armenia focused on the introduction of energy passports for houses, Georgia – on the development of an energy efficiency plan and Azerbaijan – on the establ ishment of procedures increasing the security of petroleum, gas and energy transit. Of the three countries, Georgia made the most significant and Azerbaijan – the least progress; this was due to the policy pursued by this country which, in common with Arme nia, aimed a less strong relationship with the EU.
Implementation of magnitude calculation of complex numbers using improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm
- Robert Smyk
- Maciej Czyżak
The paper presents the hardware implementation of the improved alpha max plus beta min algorithm for calculating the magnitude of complex numbers. This version of the algorithm requires the general division which is performed using a noniterative multiplicative division algorithm. We analyze in detail the division algorithm, its error and the impact of finite word-length signal representations on the assumed total computation error. An analysis is performed to determine the binary length of operands at each stage of the magnitude calculator in order not to exceed the assumed total error. An FPGA implementation is presented along with its hardware requirement and delay.
Implementation of power transformer controlled switching algorithm
- Jacek Horiszny
The article presents two new algorithms of controlled switching the power transformer. The main aim of the paper is to obtain formulas that determine the moments of closing of the circuit breaker poles. The study contains projects of control systems for both algorithms. Mathematical formulas for the time instants of the breaker poles closing were developed on the basis of electric circuit theory and magnetic circuit theory. The presented systems were simulated using a model created in the ATP/EMTP software. Numerical simulations have proved that the shown systems properly perform the controlled switching carried out in accordance with the proposed algorithms. The times of the poles closing were correctly determined and the inrush currents were reduced to a level of the current of unloaded transformer., while the solutions presented in the literature provide a reduction of inrush current to a value comparable to the rated current of the transformer, which is tens times greater than the no-load current. Additional achievement of the work is the development of analytical formulas that determine the times of the breaker poles closing.
Implementation of Weigh-in-Motion System in Freight Traffic Management in Urban Areas
- Jacek Oskarbski
- Daniel Kaszubowski
The article presents how the Weigh-in-Motion system can be used for managing Gdynia’s freight traffic. Potential sites for weight pre-selection were identified in an analysis of the technical and location conditions. Situated directly in the east part of the Port of Gdynia a site was selected for a pilot implementation. Theoretical scenarios were simulated using an extended WIM system as a tool for controlling access to selected parts of the city. The results suggest that emissions can be reduced and traffic flows can be improved. The scenarios, however, are very general in character and should only be seen as an introduction into further and more detailed analyses to give a fuller understanding of the problem and the objectives of urban transport policy. In the Authors’ opinion this work must be complemented with a verification of how the WIM can be introduced in Gdynia in formal and organisational terms. This should build on the experience from the CIVITAS "Dyn@mo" project. A number of statutory changes are required to allow local authorities to make a full use of the potential of WIM systems.