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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2020

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  • Subjective Quality Evaluation of Speech Signals Transmitted via BPL-PLC Wired System
    • Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
    • Grzegorz Debita
    • Marcin Habrych
    • Bogdan Miedziński
    • Przemysław Jedlikowski
    • Bartosz Polnik
    • Jan Wandzio
    • Xin Wang

    The broadband over power line – power line communication (BPL-PLC) cable is resistant to electricity stoppage and partial damage of phase conductors. It maintains continuity of transmission in case of an emergency. These features make it an ideal solution for delivering data, e.g. in an underground mine environment, especially clear and easily understandable voice messages. This paper describes a subjective quality evaluation of such a system. The solution was designed and tested in real-time operating conditions. It consists of a one-way transmission system, dedicated to delivering speech signals and voice commands. The study involved signal samples in three languages: English, German, and Polish, processed at different bitrates: 8, 16, and 24 kbps. Obtained results confirmed the usefulness of BPL-PLC technology for speech transmission purposes. Even in a narrowband scenario, with bitrates smaller than 1 Mbps, it proved to be a potentially life-saving communication system. Results of this study may aid researchers and parties from the mining and oil industry, as well as professionals involved in rescue operations.

  • Subjective Quality Evaluation of Underground BPL-PLC Voice Communication System
    • Grzegorz Debita
    • Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
    • Marcin Habrych
    • Bogdan Miedziński
    • Bartosz Polnik
    • Jan Wandzio
    • Przemysław Jedlikowski

    Designing a reliable voice transmission system is not a trivial task. Wired media, thanks to their resistance to mechanical damage, seem an ideal solution. The BPL-PLC (Broadband over Power Line – Power Line Communication) cable is resilient to electricity stoppage and partial damage of phase conductors. It maintains continuity of transmission in case of an emergency situation, including paramedic rescue operations. These features make it an ideal solution for delivering data, e.g. in an underground mine environment. This paper describes a subjective quality evaluation of such a system. The solution was designed and tested in real-time operating conditions. It involved two types of coupling, namely: induction-inductive and capacitive-inductive, as well as two transmission modes (Mode 1 and Mode 11 operating in the 2–7.5 MHz frequency range). The tested one-way transmission system was designed to deliver clear and easily understandable voice messages. The study involved signal samples in three languages: English (both British and American dialects), German, and Polish, processed in three bitrates: 8, 16, and 24 kbit/s, with the Ogg Vorbis codec. Obtained results confirmed the usefulness of the BPL-PLC technology for voice communication purposes. Results of this study may be of interest to professionals from the mining and oil industry.

  • Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
    • Marcin Włoch
    • Filip Bagiński
    • Piotr Koziński
    • Janusz Datta

    In this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous filler) were fabricated by using the hand lay-up method and the average content of glass fibres was 39–41 wt%. Flexural properties, thermo-mechanical properties, abrasion resistance and hardness were determined for each group of the prepared hybrid epoxy/glass composites. The obtained results were compared with control samples (without submicron particles). Investigations showed that the addition of 2 wt% SiO2, 4 wt% TiO2 or 4 wt% ZnO to epoxy resin improved the flexural strength and the flexural modulus of composites. Dynamic mechanical analysis showed that the addition of the mentioned particles enhanced storage and loss modulus. It can be attributed to the good dispersion and good interaction between submicron-mentioned particles and the epoxy matrix.

  • Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany
    • Sarah Forberger
    • Peter Gelius
    • Sven Messing
    • Kevin Volf
    • Liam Kelly
    • Simon J. E. Taylor
    • Joanna Żukowska
    • Jeroen Lakerveld
    • Catherine Woods

    Background Public policies are increasingly acknowledged as important part of promoting physical activity (PA). However, especially in states with sub-national administrative structures such as Germany, national and sub-national approaches differ considerably. In Germany, sport for all (SfA) promotion is mostly organized at sub-national level, which is usually not covered in national evaluations. Knowledge of these structures helps to understand national outcomes, enables comparisons and learning within and between countries, and assists in identifying support structures for effective PA promotion. Methods Data were collected in the PEN Policy Evaluation Network project. In addition to the WHO HEPA PAT, a questionnaire was sent to the sports representatives of the 16 federal states. Responses of 11 state representatives were included and overarching issues were identified using inductive thematic analysis. Results PA promotion in Germany is organized in three areas: SfA, professional sports and school sports. SfA promotion at sub-national level is assigned to different administrative bodies (ministries, senate administration, state chancellery) and policy areas: culture, health and care, home affairs with various aspects, education, social affairs and family. The priorities of the federal states are more diverse and specific compared to the national level. There is an overlap in the topics: urban planning, cycling, health prevention and targeting children. Cooperation mechanisms and partners vary between federal states, but some partners are active at sub-national and national level. Conclusions The results provide an insight into the complexity of PA and especially SfA promotion at sub-national level in Germany. Our results suggest that a broader range of approaches is used in the 16 German states than national overviews would suggest. These particularities must be taken into account when assessing and comparing the results from different countries.

  • Substancje biogenne i inne problemy w zarządzaniu wodami opadowymi w portach
    • Klaudia Kosek
    • Małgorzata Szopińska
    • Hubert Byliński
    • Wojciech Artichowicz
    • Sylwia Fudala-Książek
    • Aneta Łuczkiewicz
    2020 Pełny tekst Pismo PG

    Do niedawna uważano, że substancjami zanieczyszczającymi wody portowe są głównie substancje ropopochodne. Ich rozlewy powstawały najczęściej w wyniku awarii, nieuwagi lub np. zatonięcia statku. W ostatnich latach jednak organizacja HELCOM w roboczych dokumentach pt.: „Draft Report on potentialsources of nutrientinputs: Baltic Sea portshandlingfertilizers” (HOD 52-2017) oraz „Results of the questionnaire on fertilizer cargo handling in Baltic Sea ports” (MARITIME 18-2018) zwraca uwagę na przeładunek substancji sypkich, takich jak nawozy, czy pasze dla zwierząt. Straty podczas ich załadunku/rozładunku i składowania, mycia ładowni, a także niewłaściwego zarządzania wodą opadową powoduje, iż istotny ładunek substancji organicznej, fosforu i azotu trafia do wód portowych. Co istotne ilość substancji nawozowych przeładowywanych w portach Morza Bałtyckiego stale rośnie (od ok 33 milionów ton w 2013 r. do ok. 45 milionów ton w 2015 r.). Wychodząc naprzeciw wyzwaniom polityki środowiskowej związanej z koniecznością monitoringu i ograniczenia emisji substancji biogennych do wód Morza Bałtyckiego, w Katedrze Technologii Wody i Ścieków, na wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, w ramach Programu „Interreg Południowy Bałtyk”, realizowany jest projekt „Water Innovation System Amplifier” (WISA) - „Innowacyjne zielone technologie wspomagające gospodarkę wodami opadowymi”, 2019 – 2022 (STHB.02.02.00-SE-0153/18). Jego głównym celem jest opracowanie i wdrożenie technologii ograniczających emisję związków biogennych i innych zanieczyszczeń z obszarów portowych do przybrzeżnych wód Morza Bałtyckiego. Liderem projektu WISA jest Krinova AB z siedzibą w Kristianstad w Szwecji, a partnerami, poza Politechniką Gdańską, Uniwersytet w Kłąjpedzie, Port w Gdyni, Port w Åhus, oraz Gmina Hässleholm. Do współpracy w projekcie WISA zostali zaproszeni także lokalni przedsiębiorcy oraz organizacje pozarządowe, które mogłyby być zainteresowane wdrożeniem innowacyjnych narzędzi gospodarowania wodami opadowymi, zarówno w zakresie ich oczyszczania jak i możliwości ich ponownego wykorzystania.

  • Substrate Dependence in the Formation of Au Nanoislands for Plasmonic Platform Application
    • Marcin Łapiński
    • Robert Kozioł
    • Anita Cymann
    • Wojciech Sadowski
    • Barbara Kościelska
    2020 Pełny tekst PLASMONICS

    In this work, the influence of the various substrates on Au nanoisland formation has been studied. Nanostructures were obtained via annealing of thin Au films. In order to determine nanoisland formation mechanisms, correlation between an initial film thickness and temperature of formation, shapes, and dimensions of nanostructures was examined. For the surface morphology studies, nanograin structure, and chemical composition analysis, SEM, HR TEM, and EDS measurements were performed, respectively. Morphology studies showed that the temperature at which nanostructures form varies for different substrates, which indicates high impact of the substrate material on the nanostructure formation. In the case of silicon substrate, besides the phenomenon of spinodal dewetting, the effect of eutectics on the nanostructures was additionally taken into consideration.

  • Sugar matters: sugar moieties as reactivity-tuning factors in quercetin O-glycosides
    • Cezara Zagrean-Tuza
    • Augusitn Mot
    • Tomasz Chmiel
    • Attila Bende
    • Ioan Turcu
    2020 Pełny tekst Food & Function

    Quercetin, one of the most abundant flavonoids in plant-based foods, commonly occurs in nature in various glycosylated forms. There is still a less explored aspect regarding the cause of its glycosides diversity, depending on the sugars moiety attached. This work focuses on four widespread quercetin glycosides—hyperoside, isoquercitrin, quercitrin and rutin—by testing property-tuning capacity of different sugar moieties and thus explain and predict some of their functions in plant-based food. Electron paramagnetic spectra of the semiquinone anion radicals of these glycosides were interpreted in terms of hyperfine coupling constants and linewidths, highlighting a clear link between spin density trends, the identity of the bound sugar, as well as their reactivity corroborated with their modelled structures. Redox potential and lipophilicity were connected to a specific flavonoid-enzyme interaction and correlated with their prooxidant reactivity assessed by oxidation of ferrous hemoglobin. Hyperoside and isoquercitin—galactose and glucose glycosides—exhibit the highest prooxidant reactivity owing to their lowest redox potential and lipophilicity whereas rutin and quercitrin—rutinose and rhamnose glycosides—behave vice versa. The ability of the tested glycosides to undergo HAT or SET-type reactions has also been tested using five different analytical assays, including inhibition of cytochrome ctriggered liposome peroxidation. In most cases, rutin proved to be the most unreactive of all four tested glycosides considering either steric or redox reasons whereas the reactivity hierarchy of the other three glycosides were rather assay dependent.

  • Superconductivity in Metal-Rich Chalcogenide Ta2Se
    • Xin Gui
    • Karolina Górnicka
    • Qiang Chen
    • Haidong Zhou
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Weiwei Xie

    The metal–metal bond in metal-rich chalcogenide is known to exhibit various structures and interesting physical properties. Ta2Se can be obtained by both arc-melting and solid-state pellet methods. Ta2Se crystallizes a layered tetragonal structure with space group P4/nmm (No. 129; Pearson symbol tP6). Each unit cell consists of four layers of body-centered close-packing Ta atoms sandwiched between two square nets of Se atoms, forming the Se–Ta–Ta–Ta–Ta–Se networks. Herein, we present magnetic susceptibility, resistivity, and heat capacity measurements on Ta2Se, which together indicate bulk superconductivity with Tc = 3.8(1) K. According to first-principles calculations, the d orbitals in Ta atoms dominate the Fermi level in Ta2Se. The flat bands at the Γ point in the Brillouin zone yield the van Hove singularities in the density of states around the Fermi level, which is intensified by introducing a spin–orbit coupling effect, and thus could be critical for the superconductivity in Ta2Se. The physical properties, especially superconductivity, are completely different from those of Ta-rich alloys or transition-metal dichalcogenide TaSe2.

  • Superconductivity on a Bi Square Net in LiBi
    • Karolina Górnicka
    • Sylwia Gutowska
    • Michał Winiarski
    • Bartlomiej Wiendlocha
    • Weiwei Xie
    • R.j. Cava
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    2020 Pełny tekst CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS

    We present the crystallographic analysis, superconducting characterization and theoretical modeling of LiBi, that contains the lightest and the heaviest nonradioactive metal. The compound crystallizes in a tetragonal (CuAu-type) crystal structure with Bi square nets separated by Li planes (parameters a = 3.3636(1)Å and c = 4.2459(2) Å, c/a = 1.26). Superconducting state was studied in detail by magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity measurements. The results reveal that LiBi is a moderately coupled type-I superconductor (λe‑p = 0.66) with Tc = 2.48 K and a thermodynamic critical field Hc(0) = 157 Oe. Theoretical studies show that bismuth square net is responsible for superconductivity in this compound, but the coupling between the Li planes and Bi planes makes a significant contribution to the superconductivity.

  • Super-resolved Thermal Imagery for High-accuracy Facial Areas Detection and Analysis
    • Alicja Kwaśniewska
    • Jacek Rumiński
    • Maciej Szankin
    • Mariusz Kaczmarek

    In this study, we evaluate various Convolutional Neural Networks based Super-Resolution (SR) models to improve facial areas detection in thermal images. In particular, we analyze the influence of selected spatiotemporal properties of thermal image sequences on detection accuracy. For this purpose, a thermal face database was acquired for 40 volunteers. Contrary to most of existing thermal databases of faces, we publish our dataset in a raw, original format (14-bit depth) to preserve all important details. In our experiments, we utilize two metrics usually used for image enhancement evaluation: Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similarity Index Metric (SSIM). In addition, we present how to design a SR network with a widened receptive field to mitigate the problem of contextual information being spread over larger image regions due to the heat flow in thermal images. Finally, we determine whether there is a relation between achieved PSNR and accuracy of facial areas detection that can be analyzed for vital signs extraction (e.g. nostril region). The performed evaluation showed that PSNR can be improved even by 60\% if full bit depth resolution data is used instead of 8 bits. Also, we showed that the application of image enhancement solution is necessary for low resolution images to achieve a satisfactory accuracy of object detection.

  • Supervisory fuzzy control system for biological processes in sequencing wastewater batch reactor
    • Robert Piotrowski
    2020 Urban Water Journal

    The paper proposes the design of the supervisory heuristic fuzzy control system applied to a Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Based on real data records and the biological process and aeration system models, a control system for biological processes has been designed. The supervisory control system performs management of the reactor work cycle, determines the phase length, controls the sludge age, calculates the setpoint of dissolved oxygen, and adapts parameters of the lower control layer. The results of simulation tests for the case study wastewater treatment plant are presented.

  • Supporting study tours in the teaching of architectural heritage
    • Michał Kwasek
    • Aleksander Piwek
    2020 Pełny tekst World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education

    Study tours are a highly effective way to acquire knowledge. They improve students’ understanding of issues that otherwise may seem partly abstract to them. Presented in this article is the unique way in Poland in which support is given to the teaching of architectural heritage. It has been carried out continuously for almost 50 years in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology (FA-UT), Gdańsk, Poland, in co-operation with the staff and the Students’ Tourist Association (TXA), which also organises scientific trips. Knowledge of historical architecture provides students with a link to contemporary architecture. Study tours enable students to benefit from direct contact with historic buildings; thus they become aware of the scale as well as the nature of them. This improves students’ understanding of the theory. For the teacher, the study tour is an attractive teaching model. Demonstrated in this article are the advantages of the study tours, their impact on education and their potentialities.

  • Suppression of Supply Current Harmonics of 18-Pulse Diode Rectifier by Series Active Power Filter with LC Coupling
    • Wojciech Śleszyński
    • Artur Cichowski
    • Piotr Mysiak
    2020 Pełny tekst ENERGIES

    The reported research aims at improving the quality of three-phase rectifier supply currents. An effective method consists of adding properly formed booster voltages to the fundamental supply voltages using a series active filter. In the proposed solution, the booster voltages are generated by three single-phase systems consisting of inverters, LC filters, and single-phase transformers. The application of LC couplings ensures low emission of disturbances, but may provoke compensator stability problems. The article presents the current control system for a series active filter designed to suppress the dominant harmonics in the supply currents of an 18-pulse rectifier, without interference into fundamental current components. A proportional control is proposed in combination with integral terms implemented in the orthogonal coordinate systems, which synchronically rotate with frequencies equal to those of the harmonic components to be eliminated. The use of complex gains in integral terms allows a simple phase correction of the output signals. A description is given of the method to determine controller parameters based on the mathematical model of the control object. Sample results of experimental tests performed in steady-state and transient conditions are included to illustrate the quality of performance of the series active filter as compared to the results recorded for the rectifier alone, and for the rectifier with additional line reactor. The applied control method of active filter significantly reduces harmonic distortion of the grid current, which is particularly advantageous at nonideal supply voltage and low loads.

  • Surface and Corrosion Properties of AA6063-T5 Aluminium Alloy in Molybdate-containing Sodium Chloride Solutions
    • Dmitry Kharitonov
    • Illia Dobryden
    • Birhan Sefer
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Angelika Wrzesińska
    • Irina Makarova
    • Izabela Bobowska
    • Irina Kurilo
    • Per Claesson
    2020 Pełny tekst CORROSION SCIENCE

    Corrosion properties of aluminium alloy AA6063-T5 were investigated in molybdate-containing NaCl solutions. Electrochemical, microscopic, and spectroscopic experiments were utilized to examine the mechanism of corrosion inhibition by molybdates. SEM-EDX, magnetic force, and intermodulation electrostatic force microscopy data suggested that the inhibition initiation preferentially occurred over Fe-rich cathodic IMPs. Spectroscopic measurements demonstrated that the formed surface layer consists of mixed Mo(VI, V, IV) species. This layer provided inhibition with an efficiency of ∼90% after 4 h of exposure. High efficacy of ∼70% was achieved even after one week of exposure. A two-step oxidation-reduction mechanism of corrosion inhibition by aqueous molybdates was proposed

  • Surface diffusion and cluster formation of gold on the silicon (111)
    • Walery Pleczysty
    • Ihor Shtablavyi
    • Kamil Rybacki
    • Szymon Winczewski
    • Stepan Mudry
    • Jarosław Rybicki
    2020 Pełny tekst Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering

    Purpose: Investigation of the gold atoms behaviour on the surface of silicon by molecular dynamics simulation method. The studies were performed for the case of one, two and four atoms, as well as incomplete and complete filling of gold atoms on the silicon surface. Design/methodology/approach: Investigations were performed by the method of molecular dynamics simulation using the Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS). MEAM potential of interatomic interaction was used for modelling. Molecular dynamic simulations were carried out in isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NpT) with a timestep 1.0 fs. Findings: As a result of studies, the preferred interaction between gold atoms and the formation of clusters at temperatures up to 800 K was revealed. Analysis of the temperature dependences of the number of large jumps of atoms made it possible to calculate the activation energy of a single jump. It was found that activation energy of single atomic displacement decreases with increasing number of gold atoms. Research limitations/implications: Only a limited number of sets of atoms were used in the study. It is possible that for another combination of atoms and a larger substrate surface, the formation of gold nanoislands on the silicon surface can be observed, which requires further research. Practical implications: The research results can be used to select the modes of gold sputtering to create gold nanoislands or nanopillars on the silicon surface. Originality/value: Computer modelling of the behaviour of gold atoms on the surface of silicon with the possibility of their self-organization and cluster formation was performed for the first time.

  • Surface effects of network materials based on strain gradient homogenized media
    • Yosra Rahali
    • Victor Eremeev
    • Jean-François Ganghoffer

    The asymptotic homogenization of periodic network materials modeled as beam networks is pursued in this contribution, accounting for surface effects arising from the presence of a thin coating on the surface of the structural beam elements of the network. Cauchy and second gradient effective continua are considered and enhanced by the consideration of surface effects. The asymptotic homogenization technique is here extended to account for the additional surface properties, which emerge in the asymptotic expansion of the effective stress and hyperstress tensors versus the small scale parameters and the additional small parameters related to surface effects. Based on the elaboration of small dimensionless parameters of geometrical or mechanical nature reflecting the different length scales, we construct different models in which the importance of surface effects is dictated by specific choice of the scaling relations between the introduced small parameters. The effective moduli reflect the introduced surface properties. We show in particular that surface effects may become dominant for specific choices of the scaling laws of the introduced small parameters. Examples of networks are given for each class of the considered effective constitutive models to illustrate the proposed general framework.

  • Surrogate modeling of impedance matching transformers by means of variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and nested cokriging
    • Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
    • Sławomir Kozieł

    Accurate performance evaluation of microwave components can be carried out using full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools, routinely employed for circuit verification but also in the design process itself. Unfortunately, the computational cost of EM‐driven design may be high. This is especially pertinent to tasks entailing considerable number of simulations (eg, parametric optimization, statistical analysis). A possible way of alleviating these difficulties is utilization of fast replacement models, also referred to as surrogates. Notwithstanding, conventional modeling methods exhibit serious limitations when it comes to handling microwave components. The principal challenges include large number of geometry and material parameters, highly nonlinear characteristics, as well as the necessity of covering wide ranges of operating conditions. The latter is mandatory from the point of view of the surrogate model utility. This article presents a novel modeling approach that incorporates variable‐fidelity EM simulations into the recently reported nested kriging framework. A combination of domain confinement due to nested kriging, and low‐/high‐fidelity EM data blending through cokriging, enables the construction of reliable surrogates at a fraction of cost required by single‐fidelity nested kriging. Our technique is validated using a three‐section miniaturized impedance matching transformer with its surrogate model rendered over wide range of operating frequencies. Comprehensive benchmarking demonstrates superiority of the proposed method over both conventional models and nested kriging.

  • Survey of Methodologies, Approaches, and Challenges in Parallel Programming Using High-Performance Computing Systems
    • Paweł Czarnul
    • Jerzy Proficz
    • Krzysztof Drypczewski
    2020 Pełny tekst Scientific Programming

    This paper provides a review of contemporary methodologies and APIs for parallel programming, with representative technologies selected in terms of target system type (shared memory, distributed, and hybrid), communication patterns (one-sided and two-sided), and programming abstraction level. We analyze representatives in terms of many aspects including programming model, languages, supported platforms, license, optimization goals, ease of programming, debugging, deployment, portability, level of parallelism, constructs enabling parallelism and synchronization, features introduced in recent versions indicating trends, support for hybridity in parallel execution, and disadvantages. Such detailed analysis has led us to the identification of trends in high-performance computing and of the challenges to be addressed in the near future. It can help to shape future versions of programming standards, select technologies best matching programmers’ needs, and avoid potential difficulties while using high-performance computing systems.

  • Sustainability of Cluster Organizations as Open Innovation Intermediaries
    • Anna Lis
    • Marita Mcphillips
    • Adrian Lis
    2020 Pełny tekst Sustainability

    The purpose of the paper is to identify the most important open innovation practices used by cluster organizations (COs). To reflect these practices, the paper uses the concept of the trajectory of relationship development in COs, applied in the Interizon cluster organization. Additionally, this paper introduces the potential sustainability-related implications of open innovation adoption in cluster organizations. An in-depth direct interview and secondary data analysis were the basic techniques used for data collection. The study demonstrates that cluster organizations can play the role of open innovation intermediaries, implementing a set of different open innovation practices, depending on the level of advancement of cluster cooperation. The use of these practices leads to the development of ever stronger relationships between cluster members, thus conditioning access to the increasingly valuable resources of information and knowledge which are most relevant for the future sustainability-pursuing context. The good effects of multidimensional cooperation in the studied cluster organization prompted the authors to formulate a recommendation for sustainable diversity in the CO. The research goes beyond the state-of-the-art knowledge in the concept of industrial clusters by exposing a broader view on cooperation developed within cluster organizations. The study links the issue of clustering with the concept of open innovation, shedding new light on the processes of supporting knowledge and information flows in COs. Additionally, it contributes to developing a broader comprehension of the context dependencies of open innovation for potential sustainable innovation.

  • Sustainable energy system combined biogas-feedSolid Oxide Fuel Cell and Microalgae technology
    • Araceli Fuerte
    • Rita Ximena Valenzuela
    • Paloma Ferreira-Aparicio
    • B. Bochentyn
    2020 Pełny tekst

    In the new frontier of energy and environmental safety, new efficient and clean safe energy conversion systems are required. In this sense, the present work is framed within the context of Circular Economy and proposes a multidisciplinary study for the development of more efficient, economically viable and non-polluting energy conversion systems, based on the synergetic combination of different technologies: fuel cells, biofuels, CO2 capture, and the use of solar energy and microalgae. In a first step, a doped cerium oxide (Rh/Cu-CeCa) was evaluated as SOFC anode at 1023 K and using H2 and biogas from different sources (algal biogas and landfill biogas) as fuel. Achieved maximum power density for the single cell running on algal biogas was 80 % higher than that obtained with landfill biogas. The comparative study shows the benefits of algal biogas as fuel for SOFC and clean energy production.