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Publikacje z roku 2020
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Systematic Water Uptake Energetics of Yttrium-Doped Barium Zirconate—A High Resolution Thermochemical Study
- Mayra Goncalves
- Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Pardha Saradhi Maram
- Łukasz Kryścio
- Maria Gazda
- Alexandra Navrotsky
A combination of surface area analyzer and microcalorimetry was employed to investigate the in situ water uptake energetics and the mechanism of proton incorporation in yttrium-doped barium zirconate in the temperature range 200–400 °C. The BaZr1–xYxO3 solid solutions are made with variable yttrium content (x = 10, 20, and 30 mol %) by a controlled oxidant-peroxo synthesis method. The water uptake increases as the partial pressure of water increases; however, no saturation in the hydration isotherm is observed, implying further reaction at higher pH2O. The results suggest three distinct regions of hydration energies as a function of water content. The first water uptake enthalpy values showed high exothermicity, −140, −158, and −157 kJ mol–1 for BaZr1–xYxO3 (x = 10, 20, and 30 mol %), respectively, at 400 °C, and the strong exothermic contribution supports the dissociative incorporation of water. The stepwise in situ hydration energetics is essential to understand the mechanisms of water incorporation and the role of H2O uptake in transport properties.
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
- Kazimierz Kosmowski
This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology (OT) to reduce relevant risks. This approach includes verifying the safety integrity level (SIL) of defined safety functions, and then to check the level obtained taking into account the security assurance level (SAL) of particular domain, such as a safety related control system (SRCS), in which given safety function is to be implemented. The SAL is determined based on a vector of fundamental requirements (FRs). The method proposed uses defined risk graphs for the individual and/or the societal risk, and relevant risk criteria, for determining the SIL required of given safety function, and probabilistic models to verify the SIL achievable for the SRCS architecture to be designed and then implemented in an industrial installation.
Systems engineering approach to functional safety and cyber security of industrial critical installations
- Kazimierz Kosmowski
This chapter addresses the systems engineering approach to integrated functional safety and cybersecurity analysis and management regarding selected references, standards and requirements concerning critical installations and their industrial automation and control system (IACS). The objective is to mitigate the vulnerability of industrial installations that include the information technology (IT) and the operational technology (OT) to reduce relevant risks. This approach includes verifying the safety integrity level (SIL) of defined safety functions, and then to check the level obtained taking into account the security assurance level (SAL) of particular domain, such as a safety related control system (SRCS), in which given safety function is to be implemented. The SAL is determined based on a vector of fundamental requirements (FRs). The method proposed uses defined risk graphs for the individual and/or the societal risk, and relevant risk criteria, for determining the SIL required of given safety function, and probabilistic models to verify the SIL achievable for the SRCS architecture to be designed and then implemented in an industrial installation.
Szkodliwe związki powstające wskutek przemian sacharydów
- Hanna Staroszczyk
W rozdziale opisano zagadnienia związane ze zdrowotnymi aspektami spożywania sacharydów, scharakteryzowano alternatywne substancje słodzące oraz przedstawiono interakcje sacharydów z innymi składnikami żywności.
Świat i jego ekosystem mobilny – dane statystyczne i perspektywy rozwoju
- Józef Woźniak
Główną uwagę położono na szeroką prezentację technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjne, które, jak się powszechnie oczekuje, będą, podobnie jak w ostatnich dwóch dziesięcioleciach, istotnym elementem rozwoju i katalizatorem zmian zachodzących we wszystkich obszarach bazujących na wymianie, przetwarzaniu, przechowywaniu i udostępnianiu informacji cyfrowych, wpływając na rozwój i kreowanie różnorodnych ekosystemów cyfrowych. zaprezentowano sposoby wdrażania technologii piątej generacji (5G), wskazując fazy w implementacji i kamienie milowe w rozwoju systemów i sieci 5G w Polsce i na świecie. Uwagę poświęcono też koncepcjom IoT oraz nowym, perspektywicznym technologiom sieciowym. Zaprezentowano też szkicowo problemy odnoszące się do usług chmurowych.
Tangible and intangible economic impact of hosting mega sporting events
- Krystian Zawadzki
Due to the fact that the impetus for the creation of this paper was inaccuracies in the results of research relating to the economic effects caused by the organisation of mega sporting events, an analysis of the impact of 1988-2008 mega sporting events on host economies was conducted. The research shows that in selected areas of the economy, sporting events can be identified, with occasional positive (SOG) and negative (WOG) economic effects, both nationally and regionally.
Tax Evasion, Tax Morale, and Trade Regulations: Company-Level Evidence from Poland
- Dagmara Nikulin
Objective: To investigate the determinants of the phenomenon of evading taxes among polish entrepreneurs. In particular, I examine such factors as tax administration satisfaction, tax morale, tax burden, and the influence of trade regulations. Research Design & Methods: A survey study conducted in 2017 in Poland among 454 enterprises. I used the zero-inflated negative binomial modelling technique to examine the impact of factors on the probability and extent of tax evasion. I also checked the robustness of the obtained results. Findings: I report low tax morale of company managers, low level of satisfaction of tax administration, and tightness of trade regulations as important factors that impact the probability of tax evasion. Moreover, tax morale plays an important role in explaining the extent of underreporting income. I report no significant impact of tax burden on the probability to evade taxes and the magnitude of evasion. Implications & Recommendations: Tax burden should not be considered as predominant in explaining tax evasion inclinations. More social aspects, like the perceived quality of governance, the level of trade regulations, and tax morale, become increasingly important in affecting tax evasion attitudes. Contribution & Value Added: I offer empirical evidence on the determinants of tax evasion. To that end, I utilise a new econometric approach and own primary data.
Taxonomy of Schemes for Resilient Routing
- Ivan Ganchev
- Jacek Rak
- Tibor Cinkler
- Máirtín O’droma
This chapter provides a taxonomy of schemes for resilient routing followed by a discussion of their application to contemporary architectures of communication networks. In particular, a general classification of schemes for resilient routing is first presented followed by a description of the reference schemes for IP networks. The chapter in its later part focuses on the representative techniques of resilient routing for a multi-domain and multi-layer network scenarios followed by conclusions also referring to the applicability of the resilient routing schemes in disaster scenarios.
Teaching architectural history through virtual reality
- Szymon Kowalski
- Piotr Samól
- Jakub Szczepański
- Witold Dłubakowski
The impact of implementing 3D models and virtual reality in teaching the theory of architecture and architectural history is the theme of this article. Virtual reality and easy-to-use 3D tools allow a whole historic object to be visualised. As a result, there is social and economic pressure to modernise present educational methods using this technology. Therefore, the authors have focused their research on an issue of significance today: how the newest digital technologies might influence the development of students’ technical skills and their abilities for logical thinking.
Team Roles and Team Performance in Small Virtual Software Teams
- Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
The article presents the results of research on the composition of team roles conducted in 24 student software teams. An adaptation of M. Belbin’s model by B. Kożusznik was used. The model of team balance according to Belbin and Haaf is presented and correlations between team balance and team performance are analysed. Team performance is measured at three levels: result, satisfaction and team climate. The selected constellation of team roles (such as Shaper and Plant, Implementer and Monitor-Evaluator) were analysed in the context of software team performance. The level of team virtualisation was also taken into account.
Technical and Economic Analysis of the Implementation of Selected Variants of Road Investment
- Marcin Szczepański
- Beata Grzyl
The aim of the article is to analyze three variants of modernization and reconstruction of a road intersection, which in practice is the cause of numerous collisions and accidents. Detailed design solutions are presented for them. The aim of the analyses is to indicate an effective solution that, taking into account technical modifications of the road system elements, will ensure the functionality of the road system to the highest degree and significantly reduce the number of road incidents. To indicate the optimal solution, quantitative data (cost and duration of activities for three options) and qualitative data (determined based on the own experience and knowledge of road industry experts) is analyzed. The authors refer to many criteria of various natures (e.g., economic, technical, functional, environmental, social), which allow for comprehensive consideration of the current requirements of road users and changing circumstances, among others a steady increase in the number of vehicles and growing social expectations in terms of road parameters. Considering the presented analyses and arguments, the authors recommend option 1 as optimal. This is the most expensive solution among those analyzed and with the longest implementation time, however, taking into account the long-term prognosis of the direction and scope of changes to the existing standards and requirements for road infrastructure, it can be stated that option 1 meets them to the highest degree, and also has the greatest potential. The envisaged solution ensures high standards of the quality of road infrastructure use in terms of functionality, capacity, technical parameters, as well as the safety of traffic participants related to the smoothness of the journey, reduction of the number of collisions and accidents.
Techno‐economic evaluation of a natural deep eutectic solvent‐based biorefinery: Exploring different design scenarios
- Adepu K. Kumar
- Shaishav Sharma
- Gaurav Dixit
- Ekta Shah
- Aesha Patel
- Grzegorz Boczkaj
This paper presents a comprehensive techno‐economic evaluation of an integrated natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES)‐based biorefinery – a 1 ton day−1 capacity design plant. The key parameters include payback period, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR). These were compared with the parameters of conventional biorefineries. The ‘n th plant’ results clearly revealed that the single product‐based biorefinery is not a sustainable approach. Hence, value‐added products viz ., cellulose, lignin, xylan, silica, etc ., play a vital role in the cost‐effectiveness of bio‐based biorefineries. Based on ‘base‐case’ experimental results, a pilot‐scale plant design scenario is most feasible, with a NPV of 1.4 million USD, >100% IRR, and a payback period of <2 years. Sensitivity analysis revealed that lignin has the greatest impact on revenue. This report proves that multi‐product biorefineries provide better sustainability. The concepts of solvent recycling and reuse, and key challenges to the commercialization of this design approach, were also discussed. The application of NADES in biorefineries, has several advantages, making the implementation of NADES a key feature for increased sustainability in this industry.
Technologia wytwarzania opakowań PET dla produktów wrażliwych
- Waldemar Karaszewski
W artykule przedstawiono nowoczesne, liniowe maszyny rozdmuchowe przeznaczone do wytwarzania opakowań (butelek) PET metodą rozdmuchu z preform. Opisano systemy umożliwiające zmniejszenie zużycia energii elektrycznej niezbędnej do wytworzenia jednego opakowania PET.
Technological and Media Platforms: Redefinition of Meanings as Symbolic Power over the Discourse
- Jan Kreft
Redefining the meanings of such social terms as “likes” and “friends” on Facebook is a popular practice. In terms of consistency, the (auto)-redefinition of the term “platform” is itself particularly important from a media management perspective. The article proposes to consider the redefinition of meanings as a form of wielding non-transparent power over discourse. From this perspective, redefining a meaning is a form of holding symbolic power, i.e. imposing meaning and thus concealing the system of powers existing at its base. The article is theoretical in its nature and complements the framework that explains how, by redefining and imposing new meanings, media and technology platform managing companies can use a new interpretation of the relationship between the organization and the user and other entities. The aim of the article is to stimulate research on the redefinition of meanings as a form of media management by providing a new theoretical perspective. Hermeneutics, that provides a framework for looking at the redefinition of meanings, was taken as the theoretical perspective.
Technological capability dynamics through cluster organizations
- Anna Lis
- Małgorzata Rozkwitalska
Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portrait how members of cluster organizations (COs) perceive the role of COs in enabling them to accumulate technological capability (TC) significant for their innovation. Design/methodology/approach – The authors report the findings from their qualitative study based on an analysis of four COs. The organizational inertia and absorptive capacity (AC) theories are the theoretical underpinning of the research. Findings – The study shows that the dynamics of TC of the cluster companies included in the study sample relates to their initial level of TC and cluster cooperation. The companies with relatively low initial TC increase it through COs if the clusters offer comparatively high benefits. On the other hand, those COs’ members that present relatively high initial TC advance it, provided that the external knowledge and other benefits they can absorb in their clusters are suited to their technological trajectories. Research implications/limitations – The research is preliminary in nature and portrays how firms with different levels of TC cooperate within COs and how this cooperation translates into TC improvements. The findings add to the state-of-the-art knowledge on the link between TC and AC of companies involved in COs by depicting the role of COs in providing knowledge and other cluster benefits that help cluster companies to accumulate TC and improve their AC. Nevertheless, the applied methodology does not allow the authors to generalize the findings. Practical implications – The coordinators of COs should skillfully shape the levels of cluster cooperation, matching them to the desired level of the cluster companies. They should create smaller subgroups composed of companies with similar TC, which may translate into its higher dynamics. Originality/value – The knowledge about the role of COs in providing cluster benefits that help cluster companies to accumulate TC and improve their AC is still insufficient. The study shed new light on the key role of the levels of cluster cooperation and the types of commitment related to them (i.e. technological effort), which may be a matter of importance in the dynamics of TC accumulation.
Tecnología y Democracia ¿Un amor de pandemia o una relación estable?
- Robert Krimmer
- David Duenas Cid
Prologar una obra como esta es un privilegio y una responsabilidad. Es un privilegio en tanto que da paso a un seguido de contribuciones de gran calado y relevancia académica que contribuyen a la mejora del conocimiento existente acerca de la relación entre la tecnología y el funcionamiento de la democracia. Es una responsabilidad en el sentido que debe poner sobre la mesa algunas de las cuestiones abiertas de la disciplina y como se engarzan con la motivación que reside detrás de esta propuesta editorial, en un momento en que es más necesaria que nunca. Sabiendo de la complejidad de este cometido, queremos arrojar algunas ideas que sirvan para enmarcar la relación que existe entre los dos conceptos en liza en: tecnología, democracia y su (a nuestro entender, necesaria) interrelación.
Telomere uncapping by common oxidative guanine lesions: Insights from atomistic models
- Miłosz Wieczór
- Jacek Czub
Oxidative damage to DNA is widely known to contribute to aging and disease. This relationship has been extensively studied for telomeres – structures that cap chromosome ends – due to their role in cell proliferation and senescence, and exceptional susceptibility to oxidation. Indeed, the repetitive telomeric DNA sequence contains the 5′-GGG-3′ motif that has the lowest ionization potential of all trinucleotides. Accordingly, experiments consistently show that telomeric oxidative lesions are more abundant and persistent than elsewhere in the genome. This led to a hypothesis that telomeres act as sensors of prolonged oxidative stress and prevent carcinogenesis, as disruption of telomeric integrity triggers senescence or apoptosis. Here, we use atomistic alchemical Molecular Dynamics simulations to perform a combinatorial assessment of changes in DNA binding affinity of telomeric proteins induced by oxidative guanine lesions. We rank lesions by their effect on telomere integrity, as well as telomeric proteins by their sensitivity to DNA oxidation. While the binding of most proteins is abolished by DNA oxidation, HOT1 emerges as a notable exception, suggesting its potential role in sensing of oxidative damage. Through statistical analysis and free energy decomposition, we also identify common trends in structural responses of protein-DNA complexes that contribute to decreased binding affinity.
Temperature distribution of supercapacitors prepared by various technologies
- Stanisław Galla
- Arkadiusz Szewczyk
- Janusz Smulko
- Łukasz Lentka
Supercapacitors, also known by different names such as electrostatic double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) or ultra-capacitors, are electrical storage devices still in development. These devices require fast and reliable methods of assessing their state-of-health. Thermographic imaging is a method which can be applied with this aim due to its popularity, and the high negative impact of overheating on a supercapacitor’s parameters. Moreover, thermographic imaging can be easily used to identify any hot spots, present during charging and discharging while in use. These devices are comprised of porous carbon electrodes and an electrolyte, and during the charging/discharging process, extensive heat may be generated and dissipated there. We have observed temperature fluctuations and were able to identify the inhomogeneity of the tested structures. The electrical parameters (capacitance C and equivalent serial resistance ESR) were measured to determine deterioration of the specimen as requested by the industrial standard. X-ray examination of the samples was performed to identify the shape of the applied metal charge collectors. Both techniques indicated areas where eventual overheating took place due to their electrodes’ shape, suggesting their further optimisation. The proposed method is much less accurate than the calorimetric methods, determining energy flows, but is still sufficient to identify problems with heat dissipation in the developed specimens. Finally, some conclusions about the ability to apply this method in practice to monitor supercapacitors during use were presented.
Termoplastyczne elastomery poli(estro-uretanowe) otrzymywane z udziałem bio-glikolu poddane dwukrotnemu przetwórstwu
- Ewa Głowińska
- Joanna Niesiobędzka
- Arkadiusz Cybart
- Janusz Datta
Recykling materiałów polimerowych w istotny sposób wpływa na zmniejszenie ilości odpadów z tworzyw sztucznych składowanych na wysypiskach śmieci. Jedną z metod recyklingu jest recykling mechaniczny, stosowany szczególnie w przypadku materiałów o właściwościach termoplastycznych. W pracy zbadano wpływ dwukrotnego przetwórstwa termoplastycznych elastomerów poli(estro-uretanowych), TPU, otrzymywanych z udziałem bio-glikolu na strukturę chemiczną, właściwości termiczne, przetwórcze i mechaniczne. W efekcie umożliwi to prognozowanie ilości cykli przetwórczych oraz określenie zmian, jakie mogą zajść w strukturze i właściwościach. Poli(estro-uretany) otrzymano metodą prepolimerową. Zsyntezowane materiały po uprzednim rozdrobnieniu poddano dwukrotnie procesom przetwórczym za pomocą mieszalnika typu Brabender. Próbki do badań formowano przy użyciu prasy hydraulicznej. Strukturę chemiczną otrzymanych materiałów określono za pomocą spektroskopii w podczerwieni FTIR. Zbadano wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia (MFI), właściwości termiczne i mechaniczne, twardość oraz gęstość. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wykazano wpływ ponownego przetwórstwa na zmiany w strukturze oraz badanych właściwościach poli(estro-uretanów). Stwierdzono, że otrzymane materiały mogą być ponownie wykorzystane do produkcji nowych wyrobów, niemniej jednak zmianie ulegną ich warunki przetwórcze. Słowa kluczowe: termoplastyczne elastomery poli(estro-uretanowe), wskaźnik szybkości płynięcia, właściwości mechaniczne, właściwości termiczne, przetwórstwo.
Test Stand for Multi-option Stretching of Soft Tissues
- Grzegorz Rotta
- Szymon Grymek
The paper presents the genesis of the design and possibilities of the test stand for stretching soft tissues as well as examples of tests carried out on this device.