Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Ostatnie pozycje

  • Properties of LiMnBO3 glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics
    • Przemysław Michalski
    • Agata Gołębiewska
    • Julien Trebosc
    • Olivier Lafon
    • Tomasz Pietrzak
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Jan Nowiński
    • Marek Wasiucionek
    • Jerzy Garbarczyk
    2019 Pełny tekst SOLID STATE IONICS

    Polycrystalline LiMnBO3 is a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries. In this work, we investigated the thermal, structural and electrical properties of glassy and nanocrystallized materials having the same chemical composition. The original glass was obtained via a standard melt-quenching method. SEM and 7Li solid-state NMR indicate that it contains a mixture of two distinct glassy phases. The results suggest that the electrical conductivity of the glass is dominated by the ionic one. The dc conductivity of initial glass was estimated to be in the order of 10−18 S·cm−1 at room temperature. The thermal nanocrystallization of the glass produces a nanostructured glass-ceramics containing MnBO3 and LiMnBO3 phases. The electric conductivity of this glass-ceramics is increased by 6 orders of magnitude, compared to the starting material at room temperature. Compared to other manganese and borate containing glasses reported in the literature, the conductivity of the nanostructured glass ceramics is higher than that of the previously reported glassy materials. Such improved conductivity stems from the facilitated electronic transport along the grain boundaries.

  • Properties of nano-Fe3O4 incorporated epoxy coatings from Cure Index perspective
    • Maryam Jouyandeh
    • Negar Rahmati
    • Elnaz Movahedifar
    • Behzad Hadavand
    • Zohre Karami
    • Mehdi Ghaffari
    • Peyman Taheri
    • Ehsan Bakhshandeh
    • Henri Vahabi
    • Mohammad Ganjali
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Mohammad Saeb

    The mission of an advanced epoxy-based nanocomposite coating is to provide a given substrate with protection against an unwelcome guest; e.g. corrosive molecules/media, environmental stress, flame, thermal degradation or microorganisms. In such systems, the degree to which superior properties can be guaranteed depends on the state of network formation in the epoxy in the presence of nanoparticles. For low-filled epoxy nanocomposite coatings, barrierity was taken as the main mechanism controlling over the efficiency of corrosion inhibition in the coating against oxygen or other corrosive moieties, whilst in highly-loaded nanocomposites one should take a closer look at both physical and chemical interaction between the resin and nanoparticles. In this sense, epoxy/ Fe3O4 systems were studied here as model nanocomposite coatings and their anti-corrosion and flame retardancy potentials were patterned in terms of qualitative cure analysis made in terms of Cure Index. Anti-corrosion and flame retardancy properties of the aforementioned nanocomposite coatings were mechanistically described at either low or high loading levels in view of Cure Index for postulates of structure-properties association in advanced nano-Fe3O4 incorporated epoxy nanocomposite coatings. We hope that speculations and visulizations provided here about structure-properties relationships are useful to be used in open discussions between experts in the hope of generalization to complex systems containing different types of nanoparticles whatever surface functionality.

  • Properties of Nanohydroxyapatite Coatings Doped with Nanocopper, Obtained by Electrophoretic Deposition on Ti13Zr13Nb Alloy
    • Michał Bartmański
    • Łukasz Pawłowski
    • Gabriel Strugała
    • Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń
    • Andrzej Zieliński
    2019 Pełny tekst Materials

    Nowadays, hydroxyapatite coatings are the most common surface modification of long-term implants. These coatings are characterized by high thickness and poor adhesion to the metallic substrate. The present research is aimed at characterizing the properties of nanohydroxyapatite (nanoHAp) with the addition of copper nanoparticle (nanoCu) coatings deposited on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy by an electrophoresis process. The deposition of coatings was carried out for various amounts of nanoCu powder and various average particle sizes. Microstructure, topography, phase, and chemical composition were examined with scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-ray diraction. Corrosion properties were determined by potentiodynamic polarization technique in simulated body fluid. Nanomechanical properties were determined based on nanoindentation and scratch tests. The wettability of coatings was defined by the contact angle. It was proven that nanoHAp coatings containing nanocopper, compared to nanoHAp coatings without nanometals, demonstrated smaller number of cracks, lower thickness, and higher nanomechanical properties. The influence of the content and the average size of nanoCu on the quality of the coatings was observed. All coatings exhibited hydrophilic properties. The deposition of nanohydroxyapatite coatings doped with nanocopper may be a promising way to improve the antibacterial properties and mechanical stability of coatings.

  • Prophylaxis of Non-communicable Diseases: Why Fruits and Vegetables may be Better Chemopreventive Agents than Dietary Supplements Based on Isolated Phytochemicals?
    • Izabela Koss-Mikołajczyk
    • Monika Baranowska
    • Vanja Todorović
    • Adriana Albini
    • Clementina Sansone
    • Pierre Andreoletti
    • Mustapha Cherkaoui-malki
    • Gérard Lizard
    • Douglas Noonan
    • Sladana Sobajić
    • Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska

    The World Health Organization (WHO) report from 2014 documented that non-communicable socalled civilization diseases such as cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, cancer or type 2 diabetes are responsible for over 50% of all premature deaths in the world. Research carried out over the past 20 years has provided data suggesting that diet is an essential factor influencing the risk of development of these diseases. The increasing knowledge on chemopreventive properties of certain food ingredients, in particular, those of plant origin, opened the discussion on the possibility to use edible plants or their active components in the prevention of these chronic diseases. Health-promoting properties of plant foods are associated with the presence of secondary metabolites that can affect many biological mechanisms of critical importance to the proper functioning of the human organism. Particularly, there have been numerous investigations indicating strong physiological effects of bioactive plant phenols belonging to the flavonoid family. These observations initiated mass production of dietary supplements containing flavonoids commercialized under the name antioxidants, even if their chemical properties did not justify such a term. However, epidemiological studies revealed that isolated bioactive phytochemicals are not as effective as fruits and vegetables containing these substances whereas they are of interest of the functional food industry. In this paper, the critical assessment of reasons for this turn of events has been attempted and the concept of food synergy has been suggested as a future strategy of dietary chemoprevention.

  • Proposal of a Mobile Medical Waste Incinerator with Application of Automatic Waste Feeder and Heat Recovery System as a Novelty in Poland
    • Jan Wajs
    • Roksana Bochniak
    • Aleksandra Gołąbek
    2019 Pełny tekst Sustainability

    The paper presents and discusses the issues of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and the problems regarding their proper management in Poland. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers human health and the environment. Infectious waste must be properly disposed of—in practice, the only method of their disposal available in Poland is a thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose. This causes many problems to smaller entities such as the local health centers, but also to the beauty and tattoo salons. As a solution to these problems, the mobile medical waste incinerator was proposed. During designing an incinerator unit, a diverse morphological composition of the medical waste should be taken into account, however, there are no inspection reports available in Poland. Based on a few data concerning the composition of the medical waste, the article presents designing considerations in regard to the incinerator’s chamber dimensions. The calculations were carried out for several variants of the waste morphological composition. The own construction of a mobile medical waste incinerator, which conforms to the regulations in Poland and the European Union, was presented. It should be emphasized that it is a novelty on the Polish market, due to the automatic waste feeder into the combustion chamber, adapted to a mobile unit.

  • Proposal of a mobile medical waste incinerator with automatic waste feeder and heat recovery system
    • Jan Wajs
    • Roksana Bochniak
    • Aleksandra Gołąbek

    The paper presents and discusses the issue of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and their proper management. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers the human being health and the environment. Infectious waste must therefore be properly disposed of – one of the most commonly used methods is the thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose. During designing an incinerator unit, the diverse morphological composition of medical waste should be taken into account. It affects the entire process, which very often is difficult or even impossible to conduct due to the specificity of the waste. It is also necessary to respect the legal regulations applicable in a given country. Based on the few data concerning the composition of medical waste, the article presents the designing considerations in regard with the incinerator's chambers dimensions. The calculations were carried out for several variants of the waste morphological composition. The own construction of a mobile medical waste incinerator, which is also presented here, complies with the regulations in Poland and the European Union. It should be emphasized that it is a novelty on the Polish market, due to the automatic waste feeder into the combustion chamber, adapted to mobile unit.

  • Proposition of the methodology for Data Acquisition, Analysis and Visualization in support of Industry 4.0
    • Syed Imran Shafiq
    • Edward Szczerbicki
    • Cesar Sanin
    2019 Pełny tekst Procedia Computer Science

    Industry 4.0 offers a comprehensive, interlinked, and holistic approach to manufacturing. It connects physical with digital and allows for better collaboration and access across departments, partners, vendors, product, and people. Consequently, it involves complex designing of highly specialized state of the art technologies. Thus, companies face formidable challenges in the adoption of these new technologies. In this paper, critical components of Industry 4.0, their significance and challenges as identified in the literature are presented. Furthermore, a test case framework for the implementation of Industry 4.0 is proposed. The system covers four layers: decision support, data processing, data acquisition and transmission and sensors. Condition monitoring data from machines and shop floor are captured, stored, organized and visualized in real time. Knowledge representation technique of SOEKS/DDNA is used for doing the semantic analysis of the data, Virtual Engineering Object (VEO), Virtual Engineering Process (VEP) a nd Virtual Engineering Factory (VEF) are used for creating virtual engineering objects, process and factory respectively, Python and its utility Bokeh is used for visualization. The proposed Industry 4.0 framework will make it possible to gather and analyze data across machines, processes and resources supporting faster, flexible, and more efficient control and production of higher-quality goods at reduced costs.

  • Propozycja optymalizacji wyboru interfejsu bezprzewodowego w heterogenicznej sieci dostępowej
    • Daniel Perwejnis
    • Michał Hoeft
    • Józef Woźniak
    2019 Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny + Wiadomości Telekomunikacyjne

    Szybki rozwój sieci bezprzewodowych oraz ich szeroka dostępność sprawiają, iż ich użytkownicy coraz częściej znajdują ię w obszarze działania kilku róznych bezprzewodowych systemów zapewniajacych dostęp do zasobów internetu. Środowisko takie nazywamy heterogenicznym. Integruje ono bowiem zróżnicowane technologicznie sieci w tym najczęściej rozwiązania standardu IEEE.*02.11 oraz sieci komórkowe zarówno 3G, jak 4G, ale także4 systemy WiMAX i inne. Jednym z istotnych problemów staje się wówczas optymalny wybór sieci dostępowej z uwzględnieniem wymagań stawianych przez aplikację lub sformułowanych przez samego użytkownika. W artykułe skupiono się na na prezentacji wybranych problemów optymalizacji wyboru interfejsu bezprzewodowego w heterogenicznym środowisku bezprzewodowym. Założono przy tymzarówno punkt widzenia użytkownika który każdorazowodysponuje ograniczoną informacją o zasobach całej sieci heterogenicznej, jak też operatora, mającego pełną informację o stanie sieci, koncentrując się jednak na tej pierwszej grupie. W części eksperymentalnej zaprezentowano autorskie narzędzie Handover Manager do wspomagania wyboru łącza dostępowego.

  • Protect our right to light
    • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • Kyra Xavia
    2019 NATURE

    “The struggle for light” is how the Swiss architect Le Corbusier described the history of architecture in 1935. Today, with the skies crowded out by buildings in modern cities, those words should ring in the ears of policymakers and planners. Skyscraper construction is booming. China is the leader, last year completing 88 of the 143 buildings around the world that are taller than 200 metres (see ‘Vertical growth’). As the nation’s urban populations swell, by 2025 it will need to build 10 cities the size of New York, or 5 million buildings, to house people migrating from the countryside. Most of the buildings will be tightly packed towers of flats. These ‘vertical cities’ will look a lot like Hong Kong, one of the world’s densest urban areas, which has 26,000 people packed into each square kilometre.Beyond Asia, even historic European cities such as Frankfurt, Amsterdam and London are now embracing skyscrapers. London’s skyline is set to be transformed by 510 tall structures over the next decade. Middle Eastern cities such as Dubai and Doha are competing to erect ever more showy palaces in the air. But dense, vertical development comes at a huge price. Placing tall buildings close together slashes levels of natural light in and around them. In Asia and Australia, solar ultraviolet radiation can be reduced by up to 90% in shaded ‘urban canyons’. Evidence is emerging of the widespread health effects of chronic low exposure to natural light, from vitamin D deficiency to short-sightedness. And dense, dark cities will be energy-hungry and unsustainable.

  • Prowadzenie działalności gospodarczej przez małe przedsiębiorstwa
    • Ewa Grzegorzewska-Mischka
    • Wojciech Wyrzykowski

    Głównymi fundamentami decydującymi o rozwoju przedsiębiorczości są regulacje prawne oraz instytucje odpowiedzialne za ich respektowanie i egzekwowanie. O ile, przeważnie duże i średnie przedsiębiorstwa dobrze radzą sobie nawet w skomplikowanym otoczeniu prawnym, o tyle mikro i mali przedsiębiorcy mają z tym wiele problemów.Zmienność, niejasność i interpretowalność prawa związanego z zakładaniem, prowadzeniem i zarazem opodatkowaniem działalności gospodarczej powoduje, że narażeni są oni na podejmowanie błędnych decyzji których konsekwencjami jest brak sukcesy ale również ponoszenie kar. Z uwagi na to, że zakres problematyki związanej z realizacją przedsiębiorczości jest bardzo szeroki, w recenzowanej publikacji wybrano najistotniejsze zdaniem Autorów obszary rozwiązań prawnych i zagadnień ekonomicznych związanych z prowadzeniem działalności w małych rozmiarach.

  • Przebicie w połączeniach typu płyta-słup – przegląd poszczególnych rodzajów zbrojenia oraz metod wymiarowania w świetle wybranych norm projektowych
    • Marcin Burdziński
    • Mateusz Kozłowski
    2019 Pełny tekst

    W referacie przedstawiono podstawowe informacje związane z przebiciem w połączeniu typu płyta-słup, opisano sposoby zbrojenia z uwagi na przebicie, a także przybliżono metody wymiarowania na przebicie według normy europejskiej (EC2), normy amerykańskiej (ACI) oraz fib Model Code 2010.

  • Przedsiębiorstwo na rynku finansowym
    • Gabriela Golawska-Witkowska
    • Ewa Mazurek-Krasodomska
    • Anna Rzeczycka

    Jednym z istotnych elementów otoczenia przedsiębiorstwa jest rynek finansowy, na którego poszczególnych segmentach może ono pozyskiwać źródła finansowania, lokować nadwyżki finansowe lub poszukiwać możliwości ograniczania ryzyka finansowego. Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona problematyce rynku finansowego w kontekście możliwości, jakie oferuje on firmom. Głównym celem jest wskazanie istoty i zasad funkcjonowania rynku pieniężnego, depozytowo-kredytowego, kapitałowego, instrumentów pochodnych oraz szczególnych form finansowania działalności przedsiębiorstwa, takich jak faktoring, forfaiting, leasing i franchising. Dokonując przeglądu różnorodnych instrumentów finansowych, wskazano w niej na ich specyfikę oraz określono możliwości ich wykorzystania przez firmy. Uwzględniono także procedury związane z zastosowaniem tych instrumentów. Poprzez identyfikację mechanizmów funkcjonowania poszczególnych segmentów rynku finansowego określono miejsca, w których przedsiębiorcy mogliby poszukiwać źródeł finansowania, inwestować nadwyżki środków oraz ograniczać ryzyko prowadzonej działalności. Wskazano tym samym na możliwości zwiększenia aktywności biznesowej przedsiębiorstw oraz ich bezpieczeństwa.

    • Zbigniew Korczewski
    2019 Pełny tekst Journal of Polish CIMEEAC

    W artykule zaprezentowanoprofil statutowej działalnościKatedry Siłowni Morskich i Lądowych Wydziału Oceanotechniki i Okrętownictwa Politechniki Gdańskiejw zakresie badań naukowych oraz dydaktyki. Przybliżono, specyfikę funkcjonowania Katedry, którątradycyjnie charakteryzują bliskiezwiązkiz marynarką wojenną(początkowo niemiecką, a następnie polską), dla której zawsze stanowiła ważnezapleczeintelektualne i laboratoryjne, podczas realizacji podejmowanych zadań inwestycyjnych, modernizacyjnych i szkoleniowych. Miało to również swoje odzwierciedlenie w obsadzie stanowiskakierownika Katedry, które często powierzano profesorom wywodzącym się z korpusu oficerskiego marynarki wojennej. Omówiono zagadnienia naukowe, które są od lat rozwijane, w trzech zasadniczych kierunkachbadawczych: projektowania, technologii wytwarzania i eksploatacji maszyn i urządzeń zabudowanych w siłowniach okrętowych i lądowych, a także w siłowniach różnego rodzaju obiektów oceanotechnicznych. W ostatnich dwóch dekadach wiodącymkierunkiem badań naukowych byładiagnostyka techniczna silników okrętowych–tłokowych i turbinowych, głównie eksploatacyjna: cieplno-przepływowa i drganiowa, którą ostatnio rozszerzono o badania identyfikacyjne procesu emisjispalin. Projekty naukowo-badawcze, realizowane w tym zakresie od 2015 rokudotyczyły opracowania innowacyjnej metody suchej odsiarczania spalinsilników okrętowych zasilanych paliwami pozostałościowymi, a także metody testowania modyfikowanych paliw żeglugowych w rzeczywistych warunkach pracy silnika Diesla.Stanowiska laboratoryjne, zaprojektowane i zbudowane w ramach projektów są sukcesywnie rozwijane i przystosowywane do nowych tematów badań naukowych, jak również dla potrzeb zajęć dydaktycznych. W artykule scharakteryzowano dodatkowodziałalność dydaktyczną Katedryw zakresie prowadzonychna Wydziale kierunków studiów: „oceanotechnika”, „energetyka”, „transport”, „techniki geodezyjne w inżynierii”oraz uruchomionego w bieżącym roku akademickim: „inżynieria morska i brzegowa”.Aktualne obciążenie dydaktyczne nauczycieli akademickich Katedry wynosi 3350godzin(2500 godzin etatowych), co stanowi 12% ogólnej (sumarycznej) liczby godzin dydaktycznych realizowanych na Wydziale.

  • Przegląd nanododatków stosowanych w warstwach asfaltowych nawierzchni drogowych
    • Mariusz Jaczewski
    2019 Drogownictwo

    Jednym z kierunków rozwoju technologii materiałowych jest nanotechnologia rozumiana jako dziedzina zajmująca się zastosowaniem nanododatków do wytwarzania nowych materiałów oraz ich wpływem na parametry modyfikowanych materiałów. W ostatnich latach nanotechnologia wkracza do technologii modyfikacji asfaltów stosowanych w nawierzchniach drogowych. W artykule przedstawiono stosowane obecnie w budownictwie drogowym nanododatki oraz ich właściwości.

  • Przegląd nowoczesnych technologii i innowacyjnych rozwiązań w bibliotekach naukowych na Światowym Kongresie Bibliotek i Informacji oraz 85. Konferencja Generalna IFLA (Ateny, Grecja, 24-30 sierpnia 2019 r.)
    • Anna Wałek
    2019 Pełny tekst Przegląd Biblioteczny

    Główne zagadnienia tegorocznego kongresu IFLA dotyczyły społeczno-kulturalnych aspektów funkcjonowania bibliotek, nie zabrakło jednak także sesji poświęconych nowym technologiom i innowacjom w bibliotekach, w tym w bibliotekach naukowych i akademickich.

  • Przeliczanie jednostek miar - proste, a jednak kłopotliwe
    • Waldemar Magda
    2019 Pełny tekst Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika

    Poprawność pisowni separatora dziesiętnego, jednostek miary oraz wartości mianowanych w układzie metrycznym jednostek miar (SI). Dwa słynne przykłady katastrof spowodowanych błędami przeliczania wartości pomiędzy układami jednostek miar: anglosaskim i metrycznym (SI). Wyjaśnienie przyczyny błędnego wzoru Minikina znanego szeroko w inżynierii morskiej, portowej i brzegowej. Proste zadanie rachunkowe z tematu rurociągu podmorskiego, do samodzielnego wykonania przez Czytelnika, obrazujące stopień złożoności problemu transformacji wzoru pomiędzy dwoma różnymi układami jednostek miar.

  • Przetwarzanie hydroakustycznych i lidarowych danych przestrzennych w celu konstrukcji trójwymiarowych modeli rzeczywistych obiektów
    • Marek Kulawiak
    2019 Pełny tekst

    Zautomatyzowana rekonstrukcja kształtu powierzchni reprezentowanych przez chmury punktów jest zagadnieniem badanym od wielu lat, jednak rezultaty osiągane za pomocą istniejących algorytmów odtwarzania modeli są dalekie od satysfakcjonujących, jeżeli wejściowe zbiory punktów cechują się nieregularną strukturą przestrzenną, co jest częstym zjawiskiem w przypadku danych pochodzących z sondowania hydroakustycznego czy skaningu laserowego. Sformułowana teza pracy doktorskiej zakładała możliwość uzyskania dokładniejszych modeli badanych obiektów w porównaniu do wyników osiąganych z użyciem znanych algorytmów, poprzez zastosowanie odpowiedniej kombinacji metod i technik przetwarzania danych wejściowych mających na celu zwiększenie ich poziomu regularności przed zastosowaniem faktycznego procesu odtwarzania kształtu reprezentowanych przez nie powierzchni. W pracy wykorzystano kombinacje różnych sposobów przetwarzania danych przestrzennych pochodzących z różnych źródeł, które zostały przetestowane dla wielu przypadków. Wykazano, że ich zastosowanie ma pozytywny wpływ na jakość odtworzonych modeli. Przedstawione wyniki zastosowania zaproponowanej metodyki pokazują, że wykorzystywane przez nią na różnych etapach procedury pozwalają na uzyskanie dokładniejszych trójwymiarowych modeli badanych obiektów w porównaniu do wyników osiąganych z użyciem znanych algorytmów.

  • Przetwarzanie wielkoskalowych danych w ochronie zdrowia - możliwości i korzyści
    • Tomasz Dziubich

    W rozdziale przedstawiona została idea, pojęcia związane z przetwarzaniem wielkoskalowych danych oraz uogólniona architektura aktualnie wykorzystywanych tego typu systemów w zastosowaniach medycznych. Opisano funkcje oferowane przez bazowe elementy architektury ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości komponentu analityki dużych zbiorów danych medycznych. Na bazie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu dokonano zestawienia kluczowych funkcji, które powinny posiadać moduły analityczne: wyszukiwanie wzorców opieki, możliwości analizy nieustrukturyzowanych danych, zdolność wspomagania decyzji diagnostycznych i menadżerskich, możliwości predykcyjne i identyfikowalności zasobów (traceability). Przeanalizowano korzyści i potencjał wynikający z zastosowania analityki dużych danych w zakresie: infrastruktury informatycznej (IT), operacyjnym, organizacyjnym i strategicznym w ochronie zdrowia.

  • Przyczyny uszkodzeń i sposób naprawy posadzki ze styrobetonu
    • Paweł Piotrkowski
    • Łukasz Drobiec
    2019 Materiały Budowlane

    W artykule opisano uszkodzenia, badania i sposób naprawy posadzki wykonanej na istniejącym stropie żelbetowym o powierzchni ok. 1050 m2 i podłożu ze styrobetonu. W posadzce stwierdzono znaczne uszkodzenia w postaci zarysowań, odspojeń i nierówności. W celu określenia ich przyczyn wykonano badania in situ oraz badania laboratoryjne. Stwierdzono, że przyczyną powstania uszkodzeń są błędy wykonawcze. Wykonano próbną naprawę uszkodzeń (na polu 4,7 x 6,0 m), a następnie metodę naprawczą zastosowano na całej powierzchni posadzki.

  • Ptasie pióra jako biomonitory do uzyskiwania informacji o stanie środowiska
    • Małgorzata Rutkowska
    • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
    • Martyna Lubinska-Szczygeł
    • Anna Różańska
    • Justyna Możejko-Ciesielska
    • Jacek Namieśnik
    2019 Analityka: Nauka i Praktyka

    Wzrost antropopresji sprawia, że do poszczególnych elementów ekosystemów emitowane są duże ilości różnych ksenobiotyków. W efekcie konieczne jest stałe monitorowanie poziomu zawartości ekotoksyn w poszczególnych elementach środowiska wykorzystując procedury analityczne charakteryzujące się odpowiednimi parametrami metrologicznymi, takimi jak: duża precyzja i dokładność, mała wartość liczbowa granicy oznaczalności i wykrywalności oraz duża selektywność. Ptaki, pomimo faktu, iż w królestwie zwierząt stanowią jedną z mniejszych grup taksonomicznych, są ważnym elementem dużej części sieci ekologicznych. Ptaki zajmują kluczową pozycje w łańcuchu pokarmowym, a ptasie pióra wydają się być odpowiednim materiałem badawczym, który może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywany jako źródło informacji na temat stanu środowiska. W pracy zprzedstawiono informacje na temat wykorzystania ptasich piór do oceny poziomu zanieczyszczenia środowiska. Szczegółowo opisano rodzaje zanieczyszczeń i metody analityczne stosowane do ich oznaczania.

  • Pt-rich intermetallic APt8P2 (A = Ca and La)
    • Xin Gui
    • Zuzanna Sobczak
    • Tomasz Klimczuk
    • Weiwei Xie

    The combination of experimental and theoretical investigation of two new Pt-rich intermetallic compounds: APt8P2 (A = Ca and La) is presented, including solid-state synthesis, crystal structure determination, physical properties characterization and chemical bonding analysis. APt8P2 was obtained through the high-temperature pellet synthesis. According to both single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction results, APt8P2 crystallize in the monoclinic DyPt8P2-type structure with space group I2/m (S.G. 12). Crystal structure of APt8P2 can be considered as intercalating multiple Pt layers into APt2P2. Magnetic susceptibility measurement indicates diamagnetism of both compounds. The specific heat down to 1.8 K shows no evidence for bulk superconductivity in either CaPt8P2 and LaPt8P2. Electronic structure calculations match well with the observed structural stability and metallic behavior. The following Crystal Orbital Hamiltonian Population (-COHP) calculations suggest that the difference of Pt-Pt antibonding interaction could be the key factor that results in the shrinkage of c axis in APt8P2.

  • Pupil detection supported by Haar feature based cascade classifier for two-photon vision examinations
    • Miłosz Martynow
    • Agnieszka Zielińska
    • Marcin Marzejon
    • Maciej Wojtkowski
    • Katarzyna Komar
    2019 Pełny tekst

    The aim of this paper is to present a novel method, called Adaptive Edge Detection (AED), of extraction of precise pupil edge coordinates from eye image characterized by reflections of external illuminators and laser beams. The method is used for monitoring of pupil size and position during psychophysical tests of two-photon vision performed by dedicated optical set-up. Two-photon vision is a new phenomenon of perception of short-pulsed near infrared laser beams focused on human retina as having color of half of their wavelength and it is caused by two-photon absorption occurring in human photoreceptors during safe illumination conditions. The AED method is constructed of four basic image processing operations of computational complexity of order approx. O(width*height), which makes possible to use it in real time applications. Furthermore, to achieve high resistance of AED method for presence of light reflections on images as well as other difficulties, we apply machine learning model - Haar feature based cascade (Hfbc) classifier. After implementation of trained Hfbc classifier, our method is able to find pupil edge on images, for which it was failed with this before. Finally, we obtain pupil radius and central pixel coordinates even for images containing eyelashes, changed position of illuminator or presence of reflections caused by stimulating laser beam, which significantly improves pupil edge detection efficiency.

  • Purification of model biogas from toluene using deep eutectic solvents
    • Edyta Słupek
    • Patrycja Makoś
    • Jacek Gębicki
    • Andrzej Rogala
    2019 Pełny tekst E3S Web of Conferences

    Biogas from landfills and wastewater treatment facilities typically contain a wide range of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that can cause severe operational problems when biogas is used as fuel. Among the contaminants commonly occur aromatic compounds, i.e. benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylenes (BTEX). In order to remove BTEX from biogas, different processes can be used. A promising process for VOCs removal is their absorption in deep eutectic solvents (DES). In this work, three DES: ([ChCl] U TEG [choline chloride]:urea:tetraethylene glycol (1:2:2), [ChCl] U [choline chloride]:urea (1:2), [ChCl] DEG [choline chloride]:diethylene glycol (1:2)) and water were tested to toluene absorption in concentration of 2000 ppm v/v in nitrogen stream. The results demonstrated the high absorption capacity of toluene using DES based on glycols.

  • Quadrotor Flight Controller Design Using Classical Tools
    • Tomasz Zubowicz
    • Krzysztof Armiński
    • Arkadiusz Kusalewicz

    A principal aspect of quadrocopter in-flight operation is to maintain the required attitude of the craft’s frame, which is done either automatically in the so-called supervised flight mode or manually during man-operated flight mode. This paper deals with the problem of flight controller (logical) structure and algorithm design dedicated for the man-operated flight mode. The role of the controller is to stabilise the rotational speeds of the Tait-Bryan angles. This work aims to extend the sustainable performance operating range of a proportional-integral-derivative output feedback compensator (PID) based flight controller by exploiting the concepts of feedforward inverse actuator model and the re-definition of input space in order to handle the non-linearity of the system under control. The proposed solution is verified numerically and implemented in the form of a discrete-time domain algorithm, obtained by emulation, using a physical quadrocopter model.

  • Qualification of brazing procedure for furnace brazing of austenitic steel according to requirements of the ASME BPVC section IX
    • Grzegorz Rogalski
    • Michał Landowski
    • Aleksandra Świerczyńska
    • Jerzy Łabanowski
    • Jacek Tomków
    2019 Pełny tekst Przegląd Spawalnictwa

    The article presents the procedure for qualifying brazing technology in a vacuum furnace on the example of stainless steel elements joined with copper filler material from the F-No group. 105, in accordance with the ASME Sec. IX, part QB (ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Qualification Standard for Welding, Brazing and Fusing; Procedures; Welders; Brazers; and Welding, Brazing and Fusing Operators). The essential variables of the furnace brazing process are discussed in relation to the requirements of the protocol of qualified PQR (Procedure Qualification Record) and BPS (Brazing Procedure Specification) in accordance with the ASME Sec. IX. The requirements for joints by the calculation code ASME Sec. VIII div.1 (Rules of Construction of Pressure Vessels), related to the working temperature of the designed device have also been taken into account. The paper presents examples of brazed joints made and their properties (strength, fill level of the clearance) obtained on the basis of the carried out tests. Attention was paid to the technological aspects during the performance of brazed joints using vacuum furnaces.

  • Qualitative analysis of phospholipids and their oxidised derivatives – used techniques and examples of their applications related to lipidomic research and food analysis
    • Karol Parchem
    • Shlomo Sasson
    • Carla Ferreri
    • Agnieszka Bartoszek-Pączkowska
    2019 Pełny tekst FREE RADICAL RESEARCH

    Phospholipids (PLs) are important biomolecules that not only constitute structural building blocks and scaffolds of cell and organelle membranes, but also play a vital role in cell biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, dietary exogenous PLs are characterized by high nutritional value and other beneficial health effects, which are confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. For this reason, PLs are of high interest in lipidomics that targets both the analysis of membrane lipid distribution as well as correlates composition of lipids with their effects on functioning of cells, tissues and organs. Lipidomic assessments follow-up the changes occurring in living organisms, such as free radical attack and oxidative modifications of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) build in PL structures. Oxidized PLs (oxPLs) can be generated exogenously and supplied to organisms with processed food or formed endogenously as a result of oxidative stress. Cellular and tissue oxPLs can be a biomarker predictive of the development of numerous diseases such as atherosclerosis or neuroinflammation. Therefore, suitable high-throughput analytical techniques, which enable comprehensive analysis of PL molecules in terms of the structure of hydrophilic group, fatty acid (FA) composition and oxidative modifications of FAs, have been currently developed. This review addresses all aspects of PL analysis, including lipid isolation, chromatographic separation of PL classes and species, as well as their detection. The bioinformatic tools that enable handling of large amount of data generated during lipidomic analysis are also discussed. In addition, imaging techniques such as confocal microscopy and mass spectrometry imaging for analysis of cellular lipid maps, including membrane PLs, are presented.

  • Quality Evaluation of Voice Transmission Using BPL Communication System in MV Mine Cable Network
    • Grzegorz Debita
    • Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
    • Marcin Habrych
    • Bogdan Miedziński
    • Jan Wandzio
    • Przemysław Jedlikowski
    2019 Pełny tekst Elektronika Ir Elektrotechnika

    This article presents results of a quality evaluation study, considering voice transmission in a 6 kV medium voltage cable network using the BPL (Broadband over Power Line) communication system. The tests are carried out under real mining conditions for the selected power cable without voltage, earthed at both sides. Such a method of monitoring work conditions is of great importance, especially during a disaster. Power cables are potentially resistant to mechanical damage and, thus, ensure continuity of transmission, also, in cases of electricity stoppage and partial damage (interruption) of the phase conductors. The voice transmission quality is tested for a relatively low bitrate of 8 kbps–48 kbps using both induction and mixed induction-capacitive coupling with the power cable. Such a solution should provide both reliable and high-quality services, considering clear and understandable voice messages to people. The quality evaluation is carried out on a group of 15 people aged between 25–35 years old. The tested signal samples consist of voice messages in British English, German, and Polish. On the basis of the investigated results, respective conclusions are formulated.

  • Quality increase for single-welded joints of thin-walled structures by means of simulation modelling
    • Myroslav Panchuk
    • Oleh Matviienkiv
    • Lubomyr Shlapak
    • Marek Szkodo
    • Wojciech Kiełczyński
    • Andrii Panchuk
    2019 Pełny tekst REVISTA DE METALURGIA

    The Simulation calculation module and the SolidWorks software package have helped to define the optimal shape and dimensions of single-welded joints which may serve the basis for calculating the process parameters of welding. Having compared the models with different weld cross-sections the authors have defined that the weld height and width do not significantly affect the stress concentration, and the stress concentration and value mainly depend on the shape of the root bead and the gap size between the welded parts

  • Quality Parameters in IMS/NGN Networks
    • Sylwester Kaczmarek
    • Maciej Sac

    The Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, including elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) concept, is a proposition of a telecommunication network dedicated to the needs of current and future information society. The main goal of NGN is to provide Quality of Service (QoS), for which proper network design is necessary with respect to among others standardized call processing performance parameters, including expected values of Call Set-up Delay (E(CSD)) and Call Disengagement Delay (E(CDD)). These aspects are the subject of the paper, in which analytical and simulation traffic models of IMS/NGN are described, allowing assessment of E(CSD) and E(CDD). As the simulation model reflects the phenomena taking place in real IMS/NGN network, it is used as a reference for evaluation of quality of the analytical results, obtained using different queuing system models. Consequently, the queuing system models most appropriate for engineering applications are indicated. Moreover, application of the proposed analytical traffic model for design of IMS/NGN service stratum resources is presented and discussed.

  • Quantification of unconjugated and total ibuprofen and its metabolites in equine urine samples by gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry: Application to the excretion study
    • Emilia Waraksa
    • Mateusz Woźniak
    • Laura Banaszkiewicz
    • Ewa Kłodzińska
    • Mariusz Ozimek
    • Robert Wrzesień
    • Barbara Bobrowska-Korczak
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Ibuprofen (IBU) is a widely used nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in human and also veterinary medicine. NSAIDs are usually highly metabolized compounds in horses; they are often present in equine urine, mostly in their conjugated forms (glucuronides). Thus, hydrolysis to cleave the glucuronide linkage prior to anti-doping analysis is often necessary for improving detection. In this study, unconjugated and total IBU and its metabolites were determined by GC–MS/MS in equine urine samples collected after drug administration to six horses (mares and geldings). The results indicated that enzymatic hydrolysis using β-glucuronidase from E. coli improved the detection of IBU and its phase I metabolites in equine urine samples; in a few cases, this method allowed to monitor analytes for a longer period of time. The percentages of conjugated analytes were within 5.4–48.4% for IBU and in the range of 0.2–55.5% for phase I metabolites of IBU. Unchanged IBU was found at the highest concentration levels in equine urine samples collected after drug administration; and also parent compound lasted for a longer period of time in equine urine than its phase I metabolites, with the exception of samples collected from one horse, in which 2-OH IBU was detectable for a longer duration than IBU.

  • Quantitative assessment
    • Piotr Konieczka
    • Małgorzata Rutkowska

    The main trends in the development of analytical chemistry are the determination of increasingly lower concentrations of analytes in samples with complex matrix composition (trace analysis). While the obtained analytical results must be reliable, which means that they must accurately (truly and precisely) reflect the actual content of analytes in a representative sample of the material object under study. However, it is an extremely difficult and complicated task, which is a great challenge for analysts. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important to pay attention to the problem of quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC)of the obtained results. This chapter provides information on QA/QC systems. The terms for quality of the results - its relevance and consequences, uncertainty estimation, traceability, measurement errors (types and effects) are also described.

  • Quasi-analytical Near-to-Far Field Transformation Based on Field Matching Method for Scattering Problems
    • Małgorzata Warecka
    • Piotr Kowalczyk
    • Rafał Lech
    2019 Pełny tekst

    A new quasi-analytical near-to-far field transformation based on field matching method (field expansion in a base of Hankel functions) is presented. This approach uses finite element method to obtain near field, then the field is expressed in a base of Hankel functions. The evaluated coefficients allow to calculate the field outside the numerical domain, also in a far distance. The main advantage of the proposed technique is avoiding of the Green’s function integration. The method can be applied for obstacles of an arbitrary cross section and homogeneous in one direction. In order to confirm the validity of the presented techniquethreedifferentstructureswereanalyzedandtheresults were verified with the other methods.

  • Quasi-discrete modelling of PMSM phase currents in drives with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
    • Leszek Jarzębowicz
    2019 Pełny tekst IET Power Electronics

    This study proposes a new quasi-discrete approach to modelling the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The quasi-discrete modelling reflects the impact of continuous rotor movement, which takes place during a control cycle, on the shape of motor current waveforms. This provides much improvement in current modelling accuracy under inverter low switching-to-fundamental frequency operation. The proposed approach may be used in predictive control to compute current at forthcoming instants or in classical control to improve precision of determining mean current feedback. The superior accuracy of the quasi-discrete model is confirmed by simulation and experiment for an exemplary PMSM drive operating at inverter switching frequency of 5 kHz and fundamental frequency reaching 400 Hz.

  • Racjonalne wymiarowanie osadników wirowych
    • Marlena Gronowska-Szneler
    • Jerzy Sawicki
    2019 Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna

    Wobec braku w literaturze metody wymiarowania osadników wirowych, zaproponowano kryteria projektowe, bazujące na analizie wpływu siły odśrodkowej ma ruch cząstki zawiesiny oraz na czas jej przebywania w osadniku. Kryteria zostały pozytywnie zweryfikowane empirycznie. Maja prostą postać matematyczną, więc mogą być bez trudu stosowane w praktyce.

  • Radar data fusion in the STRADAR system
    • Marek Blok
    • Sylwester Kaczmarek
    • Magdalena Młynarczuk
    2019 Pełny tekst Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Marynarki Wojennej

    The main task of the Polish Border Guard is protection of the country’s border which requires utilization of multimedia surveillance systems automatically gathering, processing and sharing various data. The paper presents such a system developed for the Maritime Division of the Polish Border Guard within the STRADAR project and the problem of fusion of radar data in this system. The system, apart from providing communication means, gathers data from AIS, GPS and radar receivers: ARPA and SCANTER 2001. In the paper the concept of the radar data gathering in STRADAR system is provided with detailed presentation of radar servers, Radar INT modules and a reduplication (fusion) module and the proposition of the algorithm for radar data fusion.

  • Radar Signal Parameters Estimation Using Phase Accelerogram in the Time-Frequency Domain
    • Karol Abratkiewicz
    • Piotr Samczyński
    • Krzysztof Czarnecki

    Radar signal parameter estimation, in the context of the reconstruction of the received signal in a passive radar utilizing other radars as a source of illumination, is one of the fundamental steps in the signal processing chain in such a device. The task is also a crucial one in electronic reconnaissance systems, e.g. ELINT (Electronic Intelligence) systems. In order to obtain accurate results it is important to measure, estimate and precisely reconstruct the considered signal. Then it is necessary to identify it. The following paper presents a new approach to the estimation of the phase parameters of radar pulses. The novel method of chirp-rate estimation is described and used to analyze such signals. First, the method was examined by simulated pulses, and then true measured signals collected from an ATC (Air Traffic Control) radar were utilized. Using the phase accelerogram, an instantaneous chirp-rate was computed thanks to three novel estimators and the results were compared to results acquired using a different, already known, estimation method of the phase coefficients based on matching filtration – EGCT (Extended Generalized Chirp Transform).

  • Randomly Functionalized Polyethylenes: In Quest of Avoiding Catalyst Deactivation
    • Lidia Jasińska-Walc
    • Rob Duchateau
    • Miloud Bouyahyi
    • Younes Turki
    • Akhilesh Tanwar
    2019 ACS Catalysis

    Well-defined randomly functionalized polyolefins produced by catalysis form an interesting class of polymers with great potential for various applications. One of the major challenges for the production of these materials forms the incompatibility of the commonly used electrophilic group 4 metal based catalysts and the desired nucleophilic, especially protic functionalities like hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups. Although pacification of the protic functionality remains necessary, it was found that lowering the oxidation state of a constrained geometry type of catalyst from Ti(IV) to Ti(III) turned the catalyst unexpectedly tolerant to a wide variety of aluminum alkyl pacified, hydroxyl-functionalized olefin comonomers. The catalyst’s tendency to undergo chain transfer to aluminum, which was found to be intensified by the presence of aluminum alkyl pacified, hydroxyl-functionalized comonomers, can be efficiently suppressed by the addition of a sterically hindered phenol such as 2,6-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol (BHT). Surprisingly, the addition of BHT also increases the catalyst’s affinity to incorporate these functionalized comonomers.

  • Ranking of Heterogeneous Catalysts Metals by Their Greenness
    • Marta Bystrzanowska
    • Petko Petkov
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    2019 Pełny tekst ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

    Catalysis is very important process in industry and laboratory practice, especially from the point of green chemistry principles. However, eco-friendly character of heterogeneous catalysts, containing transition metal components has not been evaluated, yet. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive assessment of 18 heterogeneous metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, V, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru, Mn, Au, Cu, Cd, Zr, Fe, Rh, Ir, Sn, Zn, Ag) using multicriteria decision analysis approach. The ranking of alternatives according to relevant criteria like toxicity of pure metals and metal salts towards fish and Daphnia magna, algae/plants, metal toxicity towards rats via ingestion, carcinogenicity, the endangerment degree of metals, boiling point and energy for atom detachment, estimated as metal-metal bond strength in diatomic transition metal units, classification of elemental impurities according to International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)and their degree of importance is presented. Life cycle assessment (LCA) related parameters of metals have been also included. The assessment showed ruthenium, iron and molybdenum as the most favourable alternatives, in contrary to nickel, cobalt and rhodium. Results of environmental evaluation strictly depend on chosen scenario of assessment, in terms of toxicity, endangered elements or LCA. Sensitivity analyses towards variations in input data and applied weights, prove that results are reliable. Multicriteria decision analysis can be successfully applied in metal catalysts evaluation for particular case studies of different reactions.

  • Rapid Multi-band Patch Antenna Yield Estimation Using Polynomial Chaos-Kriging
    • Xiaosong Du
    • Leifur Leifsson
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    2019 Pełny tekst

    Yield estimation of antenna systems is important to check their robustness with respect to the uncertain sources. Since the Monte Carlo sampling-based real physics simulation model evaluations are computationally intensive, this work proposes the polynomial chaos-Kriging (PC-Kriging) metamodeling technique for fast yield estimation. PC-Kriging integrates the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) as the trend function of Kriging metamodel since the PCE is good at capturing the function tendency and Kriging is good at matching the observations at training points. The PC-Kriging is demonstrated with an analytical case and a multi-band patch antenna case and compared with direct PCE and Kriging metamodels. In the analytical case, PC-Kriging reduces the computational cost by around 42% compared with PCE and over 94% compared with Kriging. In the antenna case, PC-Kriging reduces the computational cost by over 60% compared with Kriging and over 90% compared with PCE. In both cases, the savings are obtained without compromising the accuracy.

  • Rapid multi-objective design of integrated on-chip inductors by means of Pareto front exploration and design extrapolation
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Piotr Kurgan

    Identification of the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives allows for making educated design decisions as well as assessing suitability of a given component or circuit for a specific application. In case of inductors, the typical objectives include maximization of the quality factor and minimization of the layout area, as well as maintaining a required inductance at a given operating frequency. This work demonstrates low-cost multi-objective design optimization of integrated inductors. The primary technique utilized here is a point-by-point Pareto front exploration where subsequent Pareto-optimal designs are obtained by moving along the front using local search methods. Considerable reduction of the design cost is achieved by extrapolating inductor dimensions at the subsequent optimal point, based on already available data as well as size constraints. The proposed methodology is verified using two examples of spiral inductors implemented in 65-nm CMOS technology. Comparisons with point-by-point optimization without extrapolation are also provided.

  • Rapid Re-Design and Bandwidth/Size Trade-Offs for Compact Wideband Circular Polarization Antennas Using Inverse Surrogates and Fast EM-Based Parameter Tuning
    • Ullah Ubaid
    • Sławomir Kozieł
    • Ismail Mabrouk

    Design of compact wideband circularly polarized (CP) antennas is challenging due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of several characteristics (reflection, axial ratio, gain) while maintaining a small size of the structure. Antenna re-design for various operating bands is clearly more difficult yet practically important because intentional reduction of the bandwidth (e.g., by moving the lower edge of the operating band up in frequency) may lead to a considerable size reduction, which can be beneficial for specific application areas. This paper proposes a rigorous approach to rapid re-design of miniaturized CP antennas involving inverse surrogate models and fast electromagnetic (EM)-based parameter tuning. Our methodology allows for a precise control of the lower operating frequency of the CP antenna (both in terms of the impedance and axial ratio bandwidth) and accomplishing the geometry parameter scaling at an extremely low cost of a few EM analyses of the structure at hand. Our methodology is demonstrated by re-designing a compact wide slot CP antenna in the range of 3.2 GHz to 5.8 GHz. The proposed approach can be used for fast rendering of the bandwidth/size trade-offs (the footprints obtained for the verification structure range from 783 mm2 to 482mm2), thus determining the most suitable designs for particular applications. The numerical findings are validated experimentally.

  • Reactivity study of a β-diketiminate titanium(III) complex with a phosphanylphosphido ligand towards chlorophosphanes. A new method of synthesis of β-diketiminate titanium(IV) complexes with versatile phosphanylphosphinidenes
    • Aleksandra Ziółkowska
    • Natalia Szynkiewicz
    • Jerzy Pikies
    • Łukasz Ponikiewski
    2019 Pełny tekst POLYHEDRON

    The reactivity of ab-diketiminate titanium(III) complex with a phosphanylphosphido ligand, [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}] (1)(MeNacNac= [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6-iPr2Ph), was investigatedtowards selected chlorophosphanes, such astBu2PCl,iPr2PCl, Cy2PCl, (Cy)tBuPCl, (Me)tBuPCl, (Ph)tBuPCl, Ph2PCl, (iPr2N)tBuPCl and (Et2N)2PCl. The reactions withtBu2PCl and Ph2PCl lead mainly to theearlier described complex [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-PtBu2}] (1a), while the reactions withiPr2PCl, Cy2PCl,(Cy)tBuPCl, (Me)tBuPCl and (Ph)tBuPCl lead to mixtures of differentb-diketiminate titanium(IV) com-plexes with phosphanylphosphinidene ligands:1aand [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-PiPr2}] (1b),1aand[MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-PCy2}] (1c),1aand [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-P(Cy)tBu}] (1d),1aand [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-P(Me)tBu}] (1e),1aand [MeNacNacTi(Cl){g2-P-P(Ph)tBu}] (1f) respectively. The newly obtainedcompounds1cand1dwere isolated and their identities unambiguously confirmed by X-ray diffraction,NMR spectroscopy and elemental analysis. In the reaction with (Et2N)2PCl the related titanium(IV) com-plex is not observed, but the phosphetanetBu2P-P(l2-PNEt2)2P-PtBu2(3) is formed

  • Reakcja miesięcznej i sezonowej temperatury powietrza na północnym skłonie Karkonoszy i ich przedpolu na zmiany wskaźnika NAO.
    • Anna Styszyńska
    • Krzysztof Migała
    • Grzegorz Urban

    Przedstawiono wpływ wskaźnika NAO na kształtowanie temperatury powietrza w warunkach górskich na przykładzie Karkonoszy. Stwierdzono zmniejszanie się wpływu NAO na temperaturę powietrza ze wzrostem wysokości. Stwierdzono, że relacje między NAO a temperaturą powietrza są istotne jedynie w okresie zimowym od grudnia do marca włącznie. Związki te są niestacjonarne i wynikają ze wzrostu ciśnienia w Wyżu Azorskim w okresie 1988-2015. Modyfikuje on zmiany zachmurzernia i usłonecznienia w tym rejonie.

  • Real and Virtual Instruments in Machine Learning – Training and Comparison of Classification Results
    • Maciej Blaszke
    • Damian Koszewski
    • Szymon Zaporowski

    The continuous growth of the computing power of processors, as well as the fact that computational clusters can be created from combined machines, allows for increasing the complexity of algorithms that can be trained. The process, however, requires expanding the basis of the training sets. One of the main obstacles in music classification is the lack of high-quality, real-life recording database for every instrument with a variety of musical articulation. This study aims not only to expand databases with samples prepared by using VSTs but also to verify quality of real-instrument signal classification, compared to signals created digitally. Also, the possibility of training an algorithm with real and additional synthetic data mixed is explored. In the paper, machine learning algorithms are described first. A way to generate an expanded training set and the classification process preparation is presented afterward. Then, the results are compared, and future work is outlined in conclusions.

  • Realizacja mobilnego urządzenia do wytwarzania kurtyny elektromagnetycznej do zastosowań specjalnych
    • Piotr Rajchowski
    • Krzysztof Cwalina
    • Jarosław Magiera
    • Alicja Olejniczak
    • Paweł Kosz
    • Agnieszka Czapiewska
    • Robert Burczyk
    • Krzysztof Kowalewski
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    • Sławomir Ambroziak

    In the article the assumptions, design and realisation of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (AEGIS) were presented, both in the area of hardware and software. The device is designed to block radio communication by which it is possible to detonate the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the demonstrator for generating the jamming signal, that were presented in the paper, aimed at assessing the correctness of the device operation and generated signal parameters verification. On the basis of the obtained results, the ability to jam the cellular systems as well as other radio devices operating in the frequency band from 400 MHz to 2700 MHz was assessed.

  • Real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
    • Robert Rink
    • Robert Małkowski
    2019 Pełny tekst

    In recent years renewable sources have been dominating power system. The share of wind power in energy production increases year by year, which meets the need to protect the environment. Possibility of conducting, not only computer simulation, but also laboratory studies of wind turbine operation and impact on the power system and other power devices in laboratory conditions would be very useful. This article presents a method of performing real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine. The advantage of a hybrid model is the combination of the possibilities and flexibility of simulation of aerodynamic and mechanical phenomena with the electric machine, which is seen from the point of view of the grid as a real wind turbine. The originality of the presented approach is using a real-time digital model to control a power device connected to the grid. Real-time simulation is performed of aerodynamic phenomena and conversion of wind energy for a mechanical moment on the shaft, which controls via a converter of asynchronous motor driving a doubly-fed induction generator. The hybrid model allows testing wind turbines in transient conditions after disturbances not feasible with physical wind. The paper describes the concept and the structure of a wind turbine hybrid model. Components of a wind turbine hybrid model are described. The results of laboratory studies of the real-time hybrid model of a wind turbine are presented.

  • Reasons behind changes in the share of labour in national income in the Polish economy: Selected aspects
    • Małgorzata Gawrycka
    • Anna Szymczak
    2019 Pełny tekst Journal of Economics and Management

    Aim/purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of structural changes taking place in the Polish economy on the share of labour in national income. Design/methodology/approach – The scope of this study includes a review of the literature dedicated to the issue and an empirical analysis of data available on this topic. The study uses elements of descriptive statistics and the method of induction. Findings – The conducted analysis shows that in the years 2005-2016, a relation contrary to that reported by de Serres, Scarpetta, & de la Maisonneuve (2002), concerning shifts of employee groups between sectors of the national economy, prevailed in Poland. No research results on the impact of the decrease in the share of self-employed on the decrease in the share of labour in the national income have been confirmed. At the same time, the effect of changes in the relation between employee remuneration and the added value, resulting from their transition between sectors of the national economy, was positively verified. Research implications/limitations – The results related to changes in the share of self- -employed in the national economy should be treated with caution, as there are also economically inactive entities listed in the Central Statistical Office (GUS) register. Originality/value/contribution – To date, in Poland comprehensive research into the influence of structural changes on the share of labour in national income has not been conducted.

  • Recent Achievements in Constitutive Equations of Laminates and Functionally Graded Structures Formulated in the Resultant Nonlinear Shell Theory
    • Stanisław Burzyński
    • Jacek Chróścielewski
    • Karol Daszkiewicz
    • Agnieszka Sabik
    • Bartosz Sobczyk
    • Wojciech Witkowski

    The development of constitutive equations formulated in the resultant nonlinear shell theory is presented. The specific features of the present shell theory are drilling rotation naturally included in the formulation and asymmetric measures of strains and stress resultants. The special attention in the chapter is given to recent achievements: progressive failure analysis of laminated shells and elastoplastic constitutive relation for shells made of functionally graded material (FGM). The modified Hashin criterion is used to estimate failure initiation in laminates and stiffness degradation approach in the last ply failure computations. The numerical results obtained for axially compressed C-shaped column are compared with experimental load-deflection curve. The Cosserat plane stress assumption, Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa (TTO)model and improvedmethod of shear correction factor calculation are applied in the elastoplastic constitutive relation for FGM shell. The proposed formulation is tested in numerical examples: rectangular compressed plate and channel section clamped beam. The influence of TTO model parameters and Cosserat characteristic length is investigated.

  • Recent trends in determination of neurotoxins in aquatic environmental samples
    • Małgorzata Rutkowska
    • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
    • Tomasz Majchrzak
    • Wojciech Wojnowski
    • Hanna Mazur-Marzec
    • Jacek Namieśnik

    Anatoxins, saxitoxins, ciguatoxins, beta-N-methylamino-l-alanine and its isomers are groups of neurotoxins which have a highly specific effect on the nervous system of animals, including humans, by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses. In order to assess the human exposure to these neurotoxins, selective, interlaboratory-validated analytical methods are being developed to facilitate obtaining reliable results on the levels of neurotoxins both in the water and in biological samples. The aim of this work is to provide an overview of the state of the art of analytical techniques used for isolation and determination of neurotoxins from samples of aquatic ecosystems. This work also constitutes an attempt to outline the current state of knowledge in regard to the occurrence of neurotoxic compounds in aquatic ecosystems on the basis of studies in which adequate analytical methods were used.

  • Reclaimed rubber in-situ grafted with soybean oil as a novel green reactive plasticizer in SBR/silica compounds
    • Adeel Hassan
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Shifeng Wang
    2019 ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

    Polymer recycling and biodegradable polymeric materials are two major routes towards the sustainable development of polymer materials which contributes to the management of waste. In this regard, an eco-friendly approach is presented wherein high reclaiming degree of ground tire rubber (GTR) was achieved by low-temperature oxidation under swollen action of soybean oil. In-situ reclaimed GTR with soybean oil was cured into reactive plasticizer (RP) through a free-radical chain reaction between activated molecular rubber chains and soybean oil. During the curing process, degraded rubber chains were involved in synergistic reactions of recombination to strengthen bound rubber involved with core-shell structure carbon black and grafting with soybean oil. RP was obtained by modification of highly reclaimed rubber to control leachable oils and to modulate the reaction. Reactive plasticizers are further explored as a multifunctional additive to styrene-butadiene rubber/silica compounds. Reactive plasticizers performed the following three functions towards styrene-butadiene rubber/silica compounds: i) value-added rubber substitute; ii) reinforcing filler with the increase in tensile strength maximum up to 112% approximately on account of bound rubber involved with core-shell structure carbon black; and most importantly, as a iii) reactive plasticizer.