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Ostatnie pozycje
Dehydrogenation in electron-induced dissociative ionization of pyridine molecule
- Michał Jurkowski
- Tomasz Wąsowicz
The electron-impact dissociative ionization of pyridine has been investigated using mass spectrometry. Thirty-two well-resolved mass peaks have been identified in the cation mass spectra and assigned to the most likely ionic molecular fragments. The new sixteen ionic fragments' appearance energies have been determined, and sixteen others remeasured. The total cross-section for electron-impact ionization of pyridine has been measured at 100 eV. Thorough analysis indicates that at least three peaks' groups in the mass spectra occur via the shake-off dehydrogenation mechanism, i.e., by sequential hydrogen atoms elimination from the pyridine parent cation or its fragmentation products. The nature of this process is deciphered.
Dekodowanie kodów iterowanych z użyciem sieci neuronowej
- Oskar Fiedot
- Marek Blok
Nadmiarowe kody iterowane są jedną z prostych metod pozyskiwania długich kodów korekcyjnych zapewniających dużą ochronę przed błędami. Jednocześnie, chociaż ich podstawowy iteracyjny dekoder jest prosty koncepcyjnie oraz łatwy w implementacji, to nie jest on rozwiązaniem optymalnym. Poszukując alternatywnych rozwiązań zaproponowano, przedstawioną w pracy, strukturę dekodera tego typu kodów wspomaganą przez sieci neuronowe. Zaproponowane rozwiązanie pozwala na wykrywanie oraz korekcję błędów w odbieranych ciągach.
DEM Analyses of Interface Behaviour Between Cohesionless Sand and Rigid Wall of Different Roughness
- Aleksander Grabowski
- Michał Nitka
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
Artykuł dotyczy trójwymiarowych symulacji numerycznych quasi-statycznego ścinania między niespoistym piaskiem a sztywnymi ścianami w aparacie bezpośredniego ścinania ścian. Chropowatość ścian sztywnych wahała się od gładkiej do bardzo szorstkiej. Na górną ścianę działało stałe ciśnienie normalne. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono metodą elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Ziarna piasku opisywano jako kulki z momentami kontaktowymi lub jako niesymetryczne nieregularne grudki. Zbadano wpływ chropowatości powierzchni na makroskopowe krzywe siła-przemieszczenie oraz na wyniki mikroskopowe na poziomie ziarna. Dla różnych chropowatości ścian obliczono wysokość strefy zlokalizowanej ścinania, rotacje ziaren oraz stosunek między poślizgami i rotacjami ziaren. Zaproponowano dwa różne warunki brzegowe wzdłuż ściany dla kontinuów mikropolarnych, biorąc pod uwagę rotacje i poślizgi ziaren oraz znormalizowaną chropowatość granicy faz. Wyniki DEM pozwalają lepiej zrozumieć zachowanie interfejsu między ciałami ziarnistymi a sztywnymi strukturami.
Dependent self-employed individuals: are they different from paid employees?
- Ondřej Dvouletý
- Dagmara Nikulin
This study focuses on dependent self-employment, which covers a situation where a person works for the same employer as a typical worker while on a self-employment contractual basis, i.e., without a traditional employment contract and without certain rights granted to "regular" employees. The research exploits the individual-level dataset of 35 European countries extracted from the 2017 edition of the European Labour Force Survey and compares the characteristics of employees and dependent self-employed individuals. Methodologically, the study relies on the estimation of a multivariate logistic regression model. The main hypothesis assuming that dependent self-employed work most often in low-skilled occupations was empirically supported. There was also a non-linear (u-shaped) relationship between the years of accumulated experience (with a turning point at 35 years) and the likelihood of being dependent self-employed. Other results showed that dependent self-employed are less likely to be women, and they are more likely born outside of the countries where they participate in the labour markets. The study contributes to the field by adopting a comparable definition of dependent self-employment and exploiting the recent theoretical support of The Work Precarity Framework. The phenomenon should still be addressed by policymakers and labour office representatives, aiming to protect, primarily, vulnerable lower-skilled workers. The ongoing research should study the longitudinal dimension of dependent self-employment with a focus on motivational aspects.
Depolarisation Model for a BAN Indoor Scenario
- Manuel M. Ferreira
- Filipe D. Cardoso
- Sławomir Ambroziak
- Mariella Särestöniemi
- Kenan Turbic
- Luis M. Correia
In this paper, an analysis of depolarisation in Body Area Networks for Body-to-Infrastructure communications based on a measurement campaign in the 5.8 GHz band in an indoor environment is performed. Measurements were made with an offbody antenna transmitting linearly polarised signals and dualpolarised receiving antennas carried by the user on the body. A Normal Distribution with a mean of 2.0 dB and a standard deviation of 4.3 dB is found to be the best fit for modelling crosspolarisation discrimination. The average correlation between the signals received by the orthogonally polarised antennas is below 0.5, showing that polarisation diversity can be used. A model is proposed for the average value of the standard deviation of the cross-polarisation discrimination ratio as a function of the transmitted polarisation, the mobility of users and link dynamics.
Der Begriff des Mythos bei Cassirer: zwischen UIdealismus, Ethnologie, politischer Philosophie und allgemeine Kulturphilosophie
- Andrzej Karalus
Der Mythos war eines der bevorzugten Forschungsobjekte Cassirers, denen er zwei Bücher, zahlreiche Artikel und wichtige längere Aufsätze widmete. In diesem Artikel versuche ich Cassirers Mythendeutung kurz zu rekapitulieren, um ihre Position in der Gesamtheit seines philosophischen Systems festzulegen und ihr Erklärungspotenzial zu gewinnen. In erstem Teil handle ich das allgemeine Problem des mythischen Denkens hauptsächlich aufgrund des zweiten Teils der Philosophie der symbolischen Formen ab. Ich möchte hierbei aufzeigen, dass der Mythos als symbolische Form einen Versuch der Vereinheitlichung der theoretischen Impulse des Deutschen Idealismus mit Feststellungen empirisch orientierter Kulturwissenschaften repräsentiert. Im zweiten Teil bespreche ich das Problem des Mythos aus Sicht der politischen Philosophie und im Hinblick auf die Totalitarismus-Debatte. In drittem Teil bespreche ich schließlich die Vorteile und Beschränkungen der Konzeption des totalitären Staates Cassirers und versuche seine Mythenauffassung in seine allgemeine Kulturphilosophie einzupflegen. Ich schlage vor, dass der Schlüssel zur fruchtbarsten Behandlung dieser Thematik vorerst in Das mythischen Denken zu finden ist, nicht in The Myth of the State. Ich weise auch auf die potentiellen Anwendungsbereiche seiner Betrachtungen hin.
Design advantages and analysis of a novel five-phase doubly-fed induction generator
- Roland Ryndzionek
- Michał Michna
- Filip Kutt
- Grzegorz Kostro
- Krzysztof Blecharz
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of the performance of a new five-phase doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the results of a research work related to fivephase DFIG framing, including the development of an analytical model, FEM analysis as well as the results of laboratory tests of the prototype. The proposed behavioral level analytical model is based on the winding function approach. The developed DFIG model was used at the design stage to simulate the generator’s no-load and load state. Then, the results of the FEM analysis were shown and compared with the results of laboratory tests of selected DFIG operating states. Findings – The paper provides the results of analytical and FEM simulation and measurement tests of the new five-phase dual-feed induction generator. The use of the MATLAB Simscape modeling language allows for easy and quick implementation of the model. Design assumptions and analytical model-based analysis have been verified using FEM analysis and measurements performed on the prototype. The results of the presented research validate the design process as well as show the fivephase winding design advantage over the three-phase solution regarding the control winding power quality. Research limitations/implications – The main disadvantage of the winding function approach-based model development is the simplification regarding omitting the tangential airgap flux density component. However, this fault only applies to large airgap machines and is insignificant in induction machines. The results of the DFIG analyses were limited to the basic operating states of the generator, i.e. the no-load state, the inductive and resistive load. Practical implications – The novel DFIG with five phase rotor control winding can operate as a regular three-phase machine in an electric power generation system and allows for improved control winding power quality of the proposed electrical energy generation system. This increase in power quality is due to the rotor control windings inverter-based PWM supply voltage, which operates with a wider per-phase supply voltage range than a three-phase system. This phenomenon was quantified using control winding current harmonic analysis.
Design and Evaluation of the Compact and Autonomous Energy Subsystem of a Wave Energy Converter
- Marcin Drzewiecki
- Jarosław Guziński
This paper presents the results of the design process focused on the development of the energy subsystem (ES) of a wave energy converter (WEC). The ES is an important electrical part that significantly affects the energy reliability and energy efficiency of the entire WEC device. The designed ES was intended for compact WECs powering IoT network devices working in the distributed grid. The developed ES is an electronic circuit consisting of three cooperating subsystems used for energy conversion, energy storage, and energy management. The energy conversion subsystem was implemented as a set of single-phase bridge rectifiers. The energy storage subsystem was a battery-less implementation based on the capacitors. The energy management subsystem was implemented as a supervisory circuit and boost converter assembly. The designed ES was verified using the physical experiment method. The model experiment reflected the operation of the designed ES with a piezoelectric PZT-based WEC. The experimental results showed a 41.5% surplus of the energy supplied by ES over the energy demanded by the considered load at a duty cycle of ca. 6 min—37.2 mJ over 26.3 mJ, respectively. The obtained results have been evaluated and discussed. The results confirmed the designed ES as a convenient solution, which makes a significant contribution to the compact WECs that can be applied among others to a distributed grid of autonomous IoT network devices powered by free and renewable energy of sea waves. Finally, it will also enable sustainable development of mobile and wireless communication in those maritime areas where other forms of renewable energy may not be available.
Design and Optimization of a Compact Super-Wideband MIMO Antenna with High Isolation and Gain for 5G Applications
- Bashar A. F. Esmail
- Sławomir Kozieł
- Anna Pietrenko-Dąbrowska
This paper presents a super-wideband multiple-input multiple-output (SWB MIMO) antenna with low profile, low mutual coupling, high gain and compact size for microwave and millimeter wave (mm-wave) fifth-generation (5G) applications. A single antenna is a simple elliptical-square shape with a small physical size of 20 × 20 × 0.787 mm3. The combination of both square and elliptical shapes results in an exceptionally broad impedance bandwidth spanning from 3.4 to 70 GHz. An-tenna dimensions are optimized using the trust-region algorithm to enhance its impedance band-width, and maintain the gain within a predefined limit across the entire band. For that purpose, regularized merit function is defined, which permits to control both the single antenna reflection response and gain. Subsequently, the SWB MIMO system is constructed with four radiators ar-ranged orthogonally. This arrangement results in high isolation, better than 20 dB, over a fre-quency band from 3.4 to 70 GHz band. Further, the system achieves an average gain of approxi-mately 7 dB below 45 GHz and a maximum gain equal to 12 dB for 70 GHz. The system exhibits excellent diversity performance throughout the entire bandwidth, as evidenced by the low enve-lope correlation coefficient (ECC) (<3∙10−3), total active reflection coefficient (TARC) (≤−10 dB), and channel capacity loss (CCL) (<0.3 bit/s/Hz) metrics, as well as high diversity gain (DG) of approxi-mately 10 dB. Experimental validation of the developed SWB MIMO demonstrates a good match-ing between the measurements and simulations.
Design and Optimization of Metamaterial-Based 5G Millimeter Wave Antenna for Gain Enhancement
- Bashar Esmail
- Sławomir Kozieł
In this brief, a low profile, broadband, high-gain antenna array based on optimized metamaterials (MMs) with dual-beam radiation is reported for 5G millimeters wave (mm-wave) applications. The design is a simple bow tie operating at a 5G band of 28 GHz. It consists of two bow ties with substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)-based power splitter. A broad impedance bandwidth of 26.3−29.8 GHz is obtained by appropriately combining the resonances of the bow ties and the SIW. Further, the antenna exhibits symmetrical dual-beam radiation at ±25˚ over a broad bandwidth in the end-fire direction due to the arrangement of the two radiators. A MM array has been etched in the same substrate shared with the antenna to improve the gain performance while preserving compact size. The trust-region (TR) gradient-based algorithm is used to optimize the structure dimensions and to achieve a maximum gain of 12.2 dB at 29 GHz. The developed MM-based antenna is validated experimentally with a good matching between the simulated and measured data. The system features a small size, low profile, high gain, broad bandwidth, and dual-beam in the E-plane, demonstrating its suitability for 5G mm-wave indoor scenarios.
Design and Preparation of Magnetically-Oriented Poly(styr-co-MMA)-3MPS Capped Fe(ZnO) Hybrid Microspheres for Ion Exchange Removal of Toxic Pollutants from Wastewater
- Sahar Fatima
- Muhammad Imran
- Farah Kanwal
- Ayesha Javaid
- Shoomaila Latif
- Grzegorz Boczkaj
In this work, polymeric microspheres derived from polystyrene-co-methyl methacrylate embedded with magnetic ZnO nanoparticles (poly(styrene-co-MMA)-3MPS-Fe (ZnO)) were synthesized using the suspension polymerization method. The surfaces of polymeric Fe(ZnO) microspheres were improved by functionalization with amino and sulphonate groups. The physicochemical analysis indicated a large number of positively charged (anion exchange) groups (91 mmol/g) on the amine-modified polymeric microsphere (MFZPI) and a large number of negatively charged (cation exchange) groups (90 mmol/g) on the sulphonate-modified polymeric microsphere (SMFZPI)—revealing ambivalent character of obtained sorbent. The characterization of the synthesized compounds using various analytical techniques such as TGA, FTIR, XRD, SEM/EDX, UV-VIS and VSM indicated that synthesized microspheres were thermally stable, semi-crystalline in structure with hollow irregular morphology, optically active in UV region and slightly magnetic in nature. Due to the introduction of groups having ion exchange properties, these modified poly(styrene-co-MMA)-3MPS-Fe(ZnO) microspheres were used for the ion exchange sorptive removal of Cr(III) and fluorescein from aqueous matrix. The equilibrium sorption capacity of Cr(III) was 16.79 mg/g whereas of fluorescein was 12.03 mg/g under optimized conditions. Therefore, SMFZPI was found to be a promising sorbent for both cationic heavy metals and anionic dyes due to the presence of both acidic and basic groups. The mathematical modelling revealed that the sorption phenomenon followed pseudo-second-order kinetics with Freundlich equilibrium isotherm, indicating multilayer chemisorption of the pollutants on the synthesized ion exchange sorbents. This work establishes the utilization of polymeric magnetic ZnO-based ion exchange sorbents to effectively remove harmful toxins from wastewater.
Design and Synthesis of NTU-9/C3N4 Photocatalysts: Effects of NTU-9 Content and Composite Preparation Method
- Damian Makowski
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Mateusz Baluk
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Beata Bajorowicz
- Mateusz Adam Baluk
Hybrid materials based on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and NTU-9 metal–organic frameworks (MOF) were designed and prepared via solvothermal synthesis and calcination in air. The as-prepared photocatalysts were subsequently characterized using Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), photoluminescence (PL) emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The obtained NTU-9/C3N4 composites showed a greatly improved photocatalytic performance for the degradation of toluene in the gas phase under LED visible-light irradiation (max = 415 nm). The physicochemical properties and photocatalytic activities of the obtained NTU- 9/C3N4 materials were tuned by varying the NTU-9 content (5–15 wt%) and preparation method of the composite materials. For composites prepared by calcination, the photocatalytic activity increased with decreasing NTU-9 content as a result of the formation of TiO2 from the MOFs. The best photocatalytic performance (65% of toluene was photodegraded after 60 min) was achieved by the NTU-9/C3N4 sample prepared via the solvothermal method and containing 15 wt% MOF, which can be attributed to the appropriate amount and stable combination of composite components, efficient charge separation, and enhanced visible-light absorption ability. The photocatalytic mechanisms of the prepared hybrid materials depending on the preparation method are also discussed.
Design and synthesis of TiO2/Ti3C2 composites for highly efficient photocatalytic removal of acetaminophen: The relationships between synthesis parameters, physicochemical properties, and photocatalytic activity
- Anna Grzegórska
- Agnieszka Gajewicz-Skrętna
- Grzegorz Trykowski
- Karol Sikora
- Anna Zielińska-Jurek
In this study, we report the potential of TiO2/Ti3C2 composite fabricated by oxidation of MXene for degradation of persistent organic pollutants. The effect of the synthesis conditions (time, temperature, and reaction environment) on the morphology, physicochemical properties, and photocatalytic activity was investigated. It was found that acetaminophen degradation was positively correlated with TiO2 content in the composite structure. Furthermore, the findings confirmed that the synthesis reaction environment strongly influenced the obtained materials photocatalytic activity. The TiO2/Ti3C2 composite obtained by solvothermal route in the presence of hydrochloric acid and ammonium fluoride exhibited the highest efficiency towards acetaminophen degradation than other composite materials, for which ACT removal reached 92 % within 60 min of irradiation under simulated solar light. The improved photocatalytic performance can be attributed to the presence of anataserutile polymorphs exposing highly active { 0 0 1} and { 1 0 1} facets coupled with MXene. Superoxide anion radicals and hydroxyl radicals played a major role in ACT degradation. Moreover, 3-hydroxyacetaminophen was detected as the first intermediate of ACT degradation, leading quickly to aromatic ring opening and production of aliphatic acids. Overall, this work provides an effective strategy for designing novel and efficient MXene-based photocatalysts for the degradation of emerging contaminants in water systems.
Design of an Autonomous IoT Node Powered by a Perovskite-Based Wave Energy Converter
- Marcin Drzewiecki
- Jarosław Guziński
This paper presents the results of experimental research focused on wave energy harvesting and its conversion to power Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The harvesting and conversion process was performed using a wave energy converter (WEC) consisting of a lead zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramic perovskite material and a prototype power electronic circuit. The designed WEC was considered as a power supply for an end node device (END) of an IoT network. The END consisted of a long-range radio module and an electronic paper display. A set of physical experiments were carried out, and the results confirmed that an energy surplus was supplied by WEC compared to the energy consumed by the END. Hence, the proposed scheme was experimentally validated as a convenient solution that could enable the autonomous operation of an IoT device. The use case presented here for the proposed WEC was analysed for selected sea areas on the basis of wave statistics. The novelty of this paper arises from an investigation that confirms that WECs can significantly contribute to the development of wireless and mobile IoT communication powered by freely available sea wave energy.
Design of compact self-quintuplexing antenna with high-isolation for penta-band applications
- Rusan Kumar Barik
- Sławomir Kozieł
This article presents a novel compact self-quintuplexing antenna architecture based on a substrate-integrated rectangular cavity (SIRC) for pentaband applications. The proposed self-quintuplexing antenna is constructed by employing an SIRC, one Pi-shaped slot (PSS), one T-shaped slot (TSS), and five 50Ω microstrip feedlines. The PSS and TSS are engraved on the top of the SIRC to create five radiating patches, which are excited by five 50Ω feedlines to achieve pentaband operation with self-quintuplexing characteristics. The resonating frequencies can be tuned independently based on the dimension of the radiator without disturbing other bands. A detailed parametric analysis is carried out to provide a suitable frequency tunable range and high isolation. In addition, an equivalent lumped circuit is developed to analyze the proposed self-quintuplexing antenna. To validate the proposed antenna architecture, an SIRC-based self-quintuplexing antenna operating at 2.29, 2.98, 3.65, 4.37, and 5.08 GHz is fabricated and demonstrated. The fabricated antenna offers competitive performance with a compact size of 0.173λ2, pentaband operation, high isolation of 29.31 dB, and a wide frequency tunability range from 2.29 GHz to 6.03 GHz. Furthermore, the fabricated self-quintuplexing antenna exhibits the measured realized gain of 3.59, 4.55, 3.91, 5.70, and 4.92dBi at 2.29, 2.98, 3.64, 4.37, and 5.08 GHz, respectively.
Design of Frequency-Reconfigurable Branch-Line Crossover Using Rectangular Dielectric Channels
- Rusan Kumar Barik
- Sławomir Kozieł
- Eirikur Bernhardsson
This paper presents an efficient yet straightforward passive reconfiguration technique to tune the operating frequency of a branch-line crossover (BLCO). The underlying principle is to fill rectangular dielectric channels (RDCs) prepared beforehand with either air or materials of different relative permittivity. Two configurations (one RDC and three RDCs in each arm) of the branch-line crossover are employed to estimate the tunability range of the operating frequency. The introduction of RDCs packed with different materials in the branch lines modifies the effective permittivity of the dielectric medium, resulting in an alteration of the operating frequency. The size and the positions of the RDCs are optimized using full-wave electromagnetic simulations to achieve maximum tunability range while ensuring reasonable bandwidth. A lumped circuit model (LCM) is developed to analyze the working principle of the proposed technique. To validate computational models, two prototypes of the branch-line crossover are realized, fabricated, and experimentally demonstrated. The first BLCO packed with seven RDCs exhibits a frequency tuning range of 15.8%, whereas the second prototype filled with twenty-one RDCs features a tuning range of 36.9%.
Design of metamaterials: Preface
- Anil Misra
- François Hild
- Victor Eremeev
This special issue “Design of metamaterials” collects several papers that have presented theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies of metamaterials.
Design of novel highly sensitive sensors for crack detection in metal surfaces: theoretical foundation and experimental validation
- Zahra Shaterian
- Ali Karami Horestani
- Ferran Martin
- Michał Mrozowski
The application of different types of microwave resonators for sensing cracks in metallic structures has been subject of many studies. While most studies have been focused on improving the sensitivity of planar crack sensors, the theoretical foundation of the topic has not been treated in much detail. The major objective of this study is to perform an exhaustive study of the principles and theoretical foundations for crack sensing based on planar microwave resonators, especially defective ground structures (DGS) including complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs). The analysis is carried out from the equivalent circuit model as well as the electromagnetic (EM) field perspectives, and guidelines for the design of crack sensors with high sensitivity are developed. Numerical and experimental validation of the provided theoretical analysis is another aim of this article. With this aim, the developed guidelines are used to design a crack sensor based on a single-ring CSRR. It is shown that the sensitivity of the proposed sensor is almost three times higher than the sensitivity of a conventional double-ring CSRR. Moreover, it is demonstrated that folded dumbbell-shape DGS resonators can be used to achieve even higher sensitivities. The CSRR-based crack sensors presented in this study and other studies available in the literature are only sensitive to cracks with a specific orientation. To address this limitation, a modified version of the DGS is proposed to sense cracks with arbitrary orientations at the cost of lower sensitivity. The performance of all the presented sensors is validated through EM simulation, equivalent circuit model extraction, and measurement of the fabricated prototypes.
Designing efficient A-D-A1-D-A type fullerene free acceptor molecules with enhanced power conversion efficiency for solar cell applications
- Malik Muhammad Iqbal Asif
- Muhammad Arshad
- Muhammad Yasir Mehboob
- Muhammad Khan
- Sanwal Piracha
The achievement of highly efficient power conversion efficiency (PCE) is a big concern for non-fullerene organic solar cells (NF-OSCs) because PCE can depend on numerous variables. Here, new five novel acceptor molecules without fullerenes were developed and investigated using DFT (density functional theory) and TD-DFT (time dependent-density functional theory). Compared to the recently synthesized molecule (PZ-dIDTC6), the developed molecules display a narrow optical band gap, exhibiting a red shift in the absorption spectrum. The developed molecules (YM1-YM5) express high mobility of electrons and holes in the active layer of OSCs (organic solar cells). In addition, high open-circuit voltage (Voc) values with maximum charge density shifting are noted in designed molecules. YM1-YM5 is also associated with low binding energy and excitation energy. This work proves that noncovalent conformational locking is favourable for improving PCE devices.
Detecting Lombard Speech Using Deep Learning Approach
- Krzysztof Kąkol
- Grazina Korvel
- Gintautas Tamulevicius
- Bożena Kostek
Robust Lombard speech-in-noise detecting is challenging. This study proposes a strategy to detect Lombard speech using a machine learning approach for applications such as public address systems that work in near real time. The paper starts with the background concerning the Lombard effect. Then, assumptions of the work performed for Lombard speech detection are outlined. The framework proposed combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and various two-dimensional (2D) speech signal representations. To reduce the computational cost and not resign from the 2D representation-based approach, a strategy for threshold-based averaging of the Lombard effect detection results is introduced. The pseudocode of the averaging process is also included. A series of experiments are performed to determine the most effective network structure and the 2D speech signal representation. Investigations are carried out on German and Polish recordings containing Lombard speech. All 2D signal speech representations are tested with and without augmentation. Augmentation means using the alpha channel to store additional data: gender of the speaker, F0 frequency, and first two MFCCs. The experimental results show that Lombard and neutral speech recordings can clearly be discerned, which is done with high detection accuracy. It is also demonstrated that the proposed speech detection process is capable of working in near real-time. These are the key contributions of this work.
Detecting type of hearing loss with different AI classification methods: a performance review
- Michał Kassjański
- Marcin Kulawiak
- Tomasz Przewoźny
- Dmitry Tretiakow
- Jagoda Kuryłowicz
- Andrzej Molisz
- Krzysztof Koźmiński
- Aleksandra Kwaśniewska
- Paulina Mierzwińska-Dolny
- Miłosz Grono
Hearing is one of the most crucial senses for all humans. It allows people to hear and connect with the environment, the people they can meet and the knowledge they need to live their lives to the fullest. Hearing loss can have a detrimental impact on a person's quality of life in a variety of ways, ranging from fewer educational and job opportunities due to impaired communication to social withdrawal in severe situations. Early diagnosis and treatment can prevent most hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry, which measures air and bone conduction hearing thresholds at various frequencies, is widely used to assess hearing loss. A shortage of audiologists might delay diagnosis since they must analyze an audiogram, a graphic representation of pure tone audiometry test results, to determine hearing loss type and treatment. In the presented work, several AI-based models were used to classify audiograms into three types of hearing loss: mixed, conductive, and sensorineural. These models included Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Decision Trees, RandomForest, Feedforward Neural Network (FNN), Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Graph Neural Network (GNN), and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The models were trained using 4007 audiograms classified by experienced audiologists. The RNN architecture achieved the best classification performance, with an out-of-training accuracy of 94.46\%. Further research will focus on increasing the dataset and enhancing the accuracy of RNN models.
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii Infection in Small Ruminants: Old Problems, and Current Solutions
- Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
- Karolina Sołowińska
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic zoonosis of veterinary importance, with implications for public health. Toxoplasma gondii infection causes abortion or congenital disease in small ruminants. Moreover, the consumption of infected meat, cured meat products, or unpasteurized milk and dairy products can facilitate zoonotic transmission. Serological studies conducted in various European countries have shown the high seroprevalence of specific anti-T. gondii antibodies in sheep and goats related to the presence of oocysts in the environment, as well as climatic conditions. This article presents the current status of the detection possibilities for T. gondii infection in small ruminants and their milk. Serological testing is considered the most practical method for diagnosing toxoplasmosis; therefore, many studies have shown that recombinant antigens as single proteins, mixtures of various antigens, or chimeric proteins can be successfully used as an alternative to Toxoplasma lysate antigens (TLA). Several assays based on DNA amplification have been developed as alternative diagnostic methods, which are especially useful when serodiagnosis is not possible, e.g., the detection of intrauterine T. gondii infection when the fetus is not immunocompetent. These techniques employ multicopy sequences highly conserved among different strains of T. gondii in conventional, nested, competitive, and quantitative reverse transcriptase-PCR.
Detection of Water on Road Surface with Acoustic Vector Sensor
- Józef Kotus
- Grzegorz Szwoch
This paper presents a new approach to detecting the presence of water on a road surface, employing an acoustic vector sensor. The proposed method is based on sound intensity analysis in the frequency domain. Acoustic events, representing road vehicles, are detected in the sound intensity signals. The direction of the incoming sound is calculated for the individual spectral components of the intensity signal, and the components not originating from the observed road section are discarded. Next, an estimate of the road surface state is calculated from the sound intensity spectrum, and the wet surface detection is performed by comparing the estimate with a threshold. The proposed method was evaluated using sound recordings made in a real-world scenario, and the algorithm results were compared with data from a reference device. The proposed algorithm achieved 89% precision, recall and F1 score, and it outperforms the traditional approach based on sound pressure analysis. The test results confirm that the proposed method may be used for the detection of water on the road surface with acoustic sensors as an element of a smart city monitoring system.
Determinants of the incidence of non-academic staff in European and US HEIs
- Alessandro Avenali
- Cinzia Daraio
- Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz
In this article, we contribute to the scant literature covering quantitative studies on the determinants of the non-academic staff incidence in higher education institutions by analysing how the proportion of non-academic staff is related to key features such as size, prestige, year of foundation and financial structure of universities. We apply nonlinear regression analysis to compare HEIs across Europe and the USA, taking into account time and cross-country heterogeneity of the two balanced panel datasets concerning European and American universities over a period of 6 years (2011–2016 for Europe and 2012–2017 for the USA). Evidence suggests that in both Europe and the USA, public and larger (if sufficiently large) as well as more research-oriented units are characterised by a higher proportion of non-academic staff. In Europe, we observe an inverted U-shaped effect of the share of non-personnel expenditure and the foundation year on the proportion of nonacademic staff, while the proportion of non-academic staff decreases with the share of core and third-party funding. For the USA, we obtain similar findings except that the share of core funding and third-party funding is characterised by a U-shaped effect, and the impact of the share of non-personnel expenditure has no empirical effect on the proportion of nonacademic staff. Additionally, we discover that some factors that contribute to the proportion of non-academic staff may constitute indicators of performance, suggesting the need for further research to extend our knowledge on the complex issue of the role played by non-academic staff in university performance.
Determinanty stabilności fiskalnej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego
- Maria Jastrzębska
. Celem rozdziału jest omówienie istoty i znaczenia stabilności fiskalnej JST oraz dokonanie klasyfikacji jej determinant w podziale na instytucjonalno- -prawne, ekonomiczno-finansowe, społeczne i naturalne, polityczne i organizacyjne, a także zwrócenie uwagi na te z nich, które szczególnie negatywnie oddziałują na stabilność fiskalną JST (w podziale na niezależne i zależne od JST)
Determinanty stabilności fiskalnej jednostki samorządu terytorialnego
- Maria Jastrzębska
Celem rozdziału jest omówienie istoty i znaczenia stabilności fiskalnej JST oraz dokonanie klasyfikacji jej determinant w podziale na instytucjonalno- -prawne, ekonomiczno-finansowe, społeczne i naturalne, polityczne i organizacyjne, a także zwrócenie uwagi na te z nich, które szczególnie negatywnie oddziałują na stabilność fiskalną JST (w podziale na niezależne i zależne od JST).
Determination of benzodiazepines and Z-hypnotic drugs in whole blood samples by GC–MS/MS: Method development, validation and application
- Laura Banaszkiewicz
- Mateusz Kacper Woźniak
- Michal Kaliszan
- Agata Kot-Wasik
Benzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs are widely used as anxiolytics, sedative hypnotics, anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants. “Designer benzodiazepines” (DBZDs) are a new psychoactive substance class consisting of benzodiazepine derivatives that are not allowed for medical use and are known for being used recreationally. From a toxicologist standpoint, the huge number of such substances implicate a necessity for developing fast and reliable methods to identify and quantify these substances in biological matrices, especially in blood. In this study, a method based on gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) was developed and validated for the determination of 28 benzodiazepine derivatives and 3 Z- drugs. Liquid–liquid extraction requiring the use of a 0.5 mL sample of whole blood and 1 mL of ethyl acetate was applied. No derivatization was necessary to obtain sensitivity and selectivity. All validation data met the established acceptance criteria in accordance with international forensic toxicology guidelines. The method was linear within the tested range of 1–100 ng/mL, 1–200 ng/mL, 1–250 ng/mL, 5–200 ng/mL and 10–250 ng/mL depending on the analyte. The LOD was in the range of 0.09 to 0.66 ng/mL, while the LOQ was between 1 and 10 ng/mL. The calculated mean accuracy ranged between 85.1% and 114.4% for intraday replicates and between 85.2% and 111.2% for interday replicates. Intraday precision (as CVs) ranged from 0.2% to 12.5%, while interday precision ranged from 2.0% to 14.5%. Recovery was between 83.8% and 111.2%. This study was the first attempt to apply GC–MS/MS for the multianalyte determination of benzodiazepines and Z-drugs without analyte derivatization. The developed method proved to be sensitive, specific, simple and fast. The analysis in MRM mode gives high sensitivity and selectivity. Thus, the presented method can be successfully utilized for clinical and forensic toxicology analysis, for interpretation of results and for the preparation of forensic toxicological opinions for courts of law.
Determination of equivalent axle load factors with the use of strain energy of distortion
- Dawid Ryś
- Francesco Canestrari
The paper proposes a new method for calculation of equivalent axle load factors based on the analysis of strain energy of distortion induced in road pavements by traffic loads. The main advantage of the method is the more accurate calculation of the effects of multiple axles and super single versus dual tyres. The methodconsiders the location of critical points, at which strain energy of distortion reaches extreme values. When single axles are considered, the function of equivalent axle load factor takes on the form of the well-known power equation with the exponent ranging from 2.7 to 5.3. It was proved that the damaging effect of triple axles on asphalt pavement is several times higher than the damaging effect of three single axles carrying the same load, but at a greater distance to each other. Due to this fact, traffic load may be significantly underestimated in many pavement design methods.
Determination of Glycerol, Propylene Glycol, and Nicotine as the Main Components in Refill Liquids for Electronic Cigarettes
- Paweł Kubica
Refill liquids for electronic cigarettes are an important area of research due to the health safety and quality control of such products. A method was developed for the determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine in refill liquids using liquid chromatography, coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with electrospray ionisation (ESI). Sample preparation was based on a simple dilute-and-shoot approach, with recoveries ranging from 96 to 112% with coefficients of variation < 6.4%. Linearity, limits of detection and quantification (LOD, LOQ), repeatability, and accuracy were determined for the proposed method. The proposed sample preparation and the developed chromatographic method using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) were successfully applied for the determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine in refill liquid samples. For the first time, the developed method using HILIC-MS/MS has been applied for the determination of the main components of refill liquids in a single analysis. The proposed procedure is rapid and straightforward and is suitable for quick determination of glycerol, propylene glycol, and nicotine. The nicotine concentrations corresponded to the labelling of samples (it varied from <LOD—11.24 mg/mL), and the ratios of propylene glycol to glycerol were also determined.
Determination of Liquid Detergent Pods as a Potential Microplastic Source
- Karolina Gwizdała
- Paweł Szarlej
- Przemysław Gnatowski
- Edyta Piłat
- Maciej Sienkiewicz
- Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
Washing pods became a popular way to add detergent to washing machines. Despite the claims about the degradability of the pod film, the sludge in pipes can be observed after the usage of such pods. This study focused on a quantitative and qualitative analysis of washing pod films as a source of microplastic.
Determination of t8/5 cooling times for underwater local dry welding of steel
- Grzegorz Rogalski
- Aleksandra Świerczyńska
- Dariusz Fydrych
Knowledge of thermal history is the basic condition for studying the structure - properties of welded joints. The determinant of thermal history is the thermal cycle, whose in-situ measurements are still a big challenge. Water as the welding environment complicates this issue even more. The article presents a method to determine an equation for calculating t8/5 cooling times for underwater gas metal arc welding of unalloyed steels using the local dry cavity method. The work uses the contact method of temperature measurements with the use of thermocouples to obtain the temperature changes of the points of welded joints covered by the thermal field. On this basis, the values of the t8/5 cooling times were determined. A regression analysis of the Response Surface Method was used to determine the equation, which resulted in a second-order model with interactions. Statistically significant factors were determined (thickness of welded elements and heat input value) and the model veracity was confirmed as the assumptions of normality and homogeneity of variance (homoscedasticity) of the residuals were met. The t8/5 cooling time values depend on the thickness of the welded elements and heat input value in a nonlinear way. In terms of the test conditions, the cooling times ranged from 3.0 to 7.7 s. The equation allowed for the calculation of t8/5 cooling times during underwater welding of unalloyed steels using the local dry cavity method based on the variability of the experimental conditions with satisfactory accuracy.
Determination of the Major By-Products of Citrus hystrix Peel and Their Characteristics in the Context of Utilization in the Industry
- Martyna Lubinska-Szczygeł
- Anna Kuczyńska-Łażewska
- Małgorzata Rutkowska
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Elena Katrich
- Shela Gorinstein
Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) is a popular citrus in Southeast Asia. Despite the growing interest in the peel of the fruit, the leaves are the most frequently used part of the fruit. The aim of the study was to determine the main by-products of the peel, such as pectins, minerals, essential oil, and bioactive compounds, and to evaluate the possibility of using them in various branches of industry. In the study of the essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation performed using the TGA chromatography technique (GC-MS), sabinene (31.93%), β-pinene (26%), and limonene (19%) were selected as the most abundant volatile compounds. Nine microelements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Ni, Cr, Mo, and V), four macroelements (Mg, Ca, K, and Na), and seven ballast substances (Cd, Hg, Pb, Al, V, Sr, and Pt) were also determined using the microwave plasma-atomic emission spectrometry technique (MP-AES). In the case of microelements, iron 32.72 ± 0.39 mg/kg DW (dry weight) had the highest concentration. In the case of macroelements, the calcium content was 9416 ± 34 mg/kg DW. Optimization of the pectin extraction was also performed by selecting citric acid and obtaining a yield of 7.6–17.6% for acid extraction and 9.9–28.2% for ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), depending on the temperature used. The obtained pectins were characterized by the degree of methylation, galacturonic acid content, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging, and DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) analysis. Among bioactive compounds, the contents of polyphenols (22.63 ± 2.12 mg GAE/g DW), flavonoids (2.72 ± 0.25 mg CE/g DW, vitamin C (2.43 ± 0.19 mg Asc), xantoproteins + carotenes (53.8 ± 4.24 ug), anthocyanins (24.8 ± 1.8 mg CGE/kg DW), and chlorophylls A and B (188.5 ± 8.1, 60.4 ± 3.23 µg/g DW) were evaluated. Antioxidant capacity using (cupric ion-reducing antioxidant capacity) CUPRAC and DPPH assays was also provided with the results of 76.98 ± 8.1, and 12.01 ± 1.02 µmol TE/g DW, respectively.
Developing Materials for Biodegradable Otolaryngological Stents
- Marta Razimowicz
- Przemysław Gnatowski
- Paweł Szarlej
- Edyta Piłat
- Maciej Sienkiewicz
- Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
Materials for otolaryngological stents have to be characterized by good tensile strength, wear resistance, biocompatibility, and specific degradation time. This work aimed to synthesize polyurethanes based on various biodegradable polyol blends. Their biodegradability and mechanical properties were tested and compared to commercial BIOFLEX material.
Development and application of asphalt binder relaxation test in different dynamic shear rheometers
- Johannes Büchner
- Dawid Ryś
- Stefan Trifunović
- Michael P. Wistuba
In this study, a novel relaxation test is proposed to evaluate asphalt binder low temperature properties using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) with parallel plates of 4 mm in diameter. Three rheometers from three different manufacturers are used to analyze seven asphalt binders. Different material parameters are derived which are useful to evaluate and discriminate different asphalt binders. Test results of all three instruments from different manufacturers are judged identical. Finally, results are compared to results from low temperature tests using a Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) and a linear correlation is identified for the characteristic m-value from BBR testing.
Development and evaluation of RADA-PDGF2 self-assembling peptide hydrogel for enhanced skin wound healing
- Milena Deptula
- Joanna Sawicka
- Piotr Sass
- Paweł Sosnowski
- Przemyslaw Karpowicz
- Małgorzata Zawrzykraj
- Anna Wardowska
- Anna Tymińska
- Maria Dzierżyńska
- Zuzanna Pietralik-Molińska
- Barbara Peplińska
- Jacek Zielinski
- Karolina Kondej
- Maciej Kozak
- Paweł Sachadyn
- S. Rodziewicz-Motowidło
- Michal Pikula
Background: Wound healing complications affect numerous patients each year, creating significant economic and medical challenges. Currently, available methods are not fully effective in the treatment of chronic or complicated wounds; thus, new methods are constantly sought. Our previous studies showed that a peptide designated as PDGF2 derived from PDGF-BB could be a promising drug candidate for wound treatment and that RADA16-I can serve as a release system for bioactive peptides in wound healing. Based on that, in this work, we designed a new self-assembling hydrogel RADA-PDGF2, connecting both peptides by a sequence specific for neutrophil elastase, and evaluated its activity in wound healing. Methods: The physicochemical properties of the designed scaffold were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, cryoSEM microscopies, and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The enzymatic cleavage was performed using human neutrophil elastase and monitored using high performance liquid chromatography and MS spectroscopic techniques. The aforementioned techniques (HPLC and MS) were also used to assess the stability of the peptide in water and human plasma. The biological activity was analyzed on human skin cells using a colorimetric XTT test, collagen synthesis evaluation, and a migration assay. The biocompatibility was analyzed with LDH cytotoxicity assay and flow cytometric analysis of activation of immune cells. Finally, RADA-PDGF2 activity in wound healing was checked in a mouse dorsal skin injury model. Results: The analysis showed that RADA-PDGF2 can self-assemble, form a hydrogel, and release a bioactive sequence when incubated with human elastase. It shows pro-proliferative and pro-migratory properties and accelerates wound closure in the mouse model compared to RADA16-I. In addition, it is not cytotoxic to human cells and does not show immunogenicity. RADA-PDGF2 seems to be a promising drug candidate for wound management.
Development and validation of an eco-compatible UV–Vis spectrophotometric method for the determination of Cu2+ in aqueous matrices
- Prisco Prete
- Davide Iannaccone
- Antonio Proto
- Marek Tobiszewski
- Raffaele Cucciniello
Cu 2+ are ubiquitous ions in the ecosystem and are responsible of serious environmental pollution. Indeed, the development of sensitive methods for Cu 2+ detection is an urgent demand. In this work, we proposed a new spectrophotometric method for Cu 2+ determination in different water matrices (distilled water, drinking water, wastewater, and river water). The method employs a bio-based organic ligand namely tetrasodium iminodisuccinate (IDS) able to form a stable complex with the analyte with a maximum absorption at 710 nm. Within the linear range of 6.3–381 mg L −1 , the limit of detection (LOD) was deter- mined to be as 1.43 mg L −1 . Moreover, the recovery data of the spiked analysis of drinking/river/wastewater water samples were also satisfactory and verified the feasibility of the method for the analysis of Cu 2+ in natural conditions. Finally, the AGREE assessment tool was used for a quantitative evaluation of the proposed method and reference method, in agreement with the green analytical chemistry principles. The results showed the lower environmental impact of the proposed method and the suitability of this novel approach for Cu 2+ in water matrices.
Development and validation of lumbar spine finite element model
- Tomasz Wiczenbach
- Łukasz Pachocki
- Karol Daszkiewicz
- Piotr Łuczkiewicz
- Wojciech Witkowski
The functional biomechanics of the lumbar spine have been better understood by finite element method (FEM) simulations. However, there are still areas where the behavior of soft tissues can be better modeled or described in a different way. The purpose of this research is to develop and validate a lumbar spine section intended for biomechanical research. A FE model of the 50th percentile adult male (AM) Total Human Model for Safety (THUMS) v6.1 was used to implement the modifications. The main modifications were to apply orthotropic material properties and nonlinear stress-strain behavior for ligaments, hyperelastic material properties for annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus, and the specific content of collagenous fibers in the annulus fibrosus ground substance. Additionally, a separation of the nucleus pulposus from surrounding bones and tissues was implemented. The FE model was subjected to different loading modes, in which intervertebral rotations and disc pressures were calculated. Loading modes contained different forces and moments acting on the lumbar section: axial forces (compression and tension), shear forces, pure moments, and combined loading modes of axial forces and pure moments. The obtained ranges of motion from the modified numerical model agreed with experimental data for all loading modes. Moreover, intradiscal pressure validation for the modified model presented a good agreement with the data available from the literature. This study demonstrated the modifications of the THUMS v6.1 model and validated the obtained numerical results with existing literature in the sub-injurious range. By applying the proposed changes, it is possible to better model the behavior of the human lumbar section under various loads and moments.
Development of a new generation of unmanned surface and underwater vehicles using the advanced technologies and achievements towards the application of control systems by the artificial intelligence AI.
- Mirosław Gerigk
- Mateusz Gerigk
The operation of offshore structures at sea requires implementation of the advanced systems of permanent monitoring of work of such the installations. Novel solutions concerning such the systems should be associated with application of unmanned maritime surface and underwater platforms. The unmanned maritime platforms are and will be based on application of the newest achievements of some important technologies. Between these technologies is an important role to be played by the AI artificial technology used by the advanced control systems. The implementations of the advanced systems of permanent monitoring of work of offshore installations using the AI-based systems may provide an increase of the level of functionality, performance and safety of such the structures and systems. This paper presents a general approach to further development of the AUV Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and USV-WIG Unmanned Surface - Wing in Ground Vehicles equipped with a control system based on the AI technology. It is shown within the paper that it is relatively easy to develop an idea of implementation of the AUV and USV-WIG unmanned maritime vehicles but in the same time it is difficult task indeed to reach a level of real applications. The paper presents a general approach to the AUV and USV-WIG vehicle designs. A complexity of an approach to a vehicle design is shown by using the performance-oriented risk-based method. The main design drives are presented too. A brief description concerning a control system for both the AUV and USV-WIG vehicles based on the mini-brain AI control system is described. Some results of research in this area are presented. In final part of the paper the practical remarks and conclusions are given.
Development of a new green analytical methodology for the determination of phthalates in single-use babies diapers using ultrasound-assisted extraction and polypropylene porous membrane
- Anna Rożańska
- Opas Bunkoed
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
A green extraction strategy was developed and utilized for the extraction and determination of phthalates. The extraction is based on ultrasound-assisted extraction and a polypropylene porous membrane. The Box-Behnken model was performed to optimize the extraction condition. The optimal extraction conditions are 5.5 mL of ethyl acetate, 10 min of extraction time and 55 C for extraction temperature. The developed green extraction method was successfully applied to extract target phthalate from baby's diapers. Under the optimal condition, the developed method provided acceptable recoveries in the range of 87 to 102% with a relative standard deviation lower than 13%. The developed method exhibited good linearity in the range of 0.05 to 10.0 µg g-1 with a coefficient of determination greater than 0.992 (R2). Applied the developed method coupled with the gas chromatography-mas spectroscopy (GC-MS) method, benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and dioctyl phthalate (DOP) were found in some diaper samples. While low concentrations of diisononyl phthalate (DINP) and diisodecyl phthalate (DIDP) were detected in almost all diaper samples. The greenness of the developed method was also evaluated. The developed method can be used as an alternative simple, green and efficient strategy for the determination of phthalates in baby diapers. In sum, the presented article is the first step in raising awareness about carcinogenic impurities to which infants and older children are exposed.
Development of a simulation model of the activities of a transport and forwarding enterprise in the organization of international road cargo transportation
- Ievgenii Lebid
- Nataliia Luzhanska
- Iryna Lebid
- Alexander Mazurenko
- Maksym Roi
- Ievgen Medvediev
- Tetiana Sotnikova
- Serhii Hrevtsov
The object of this study is the process of planning the work of a transport and forwarding company when serving different categories of customers who need organizational support for the delivery of goods by road transport in international traffic. The solved problem is due to the need to devise recommendations for organizing the work of forwarders when interacting with customers of transport and forwarding services that export or import different categories of cargo. A simulation model of the transport and forwarding company’s work in customer service was developed and implemented in the GPSS World simulation automation package. The model provides for the optimization of organizational and management processes in cooperation with customers of transport and forwarding services. When developing the model, the duration of the types of work in which freight forwarders are involved in the export and import of goods by road transport was taken into account. The model also predicts the probability of errors in the forwarder’s work and the duration of their elimination. The application of the developed model in practice will enable the owners of transport and forwarding companies to plan the full-time number of forwarders and the duration of service provision under different conditions of interaction with customers. The simulation results reflect the performance indicators of the enterprise in serving different categories of customers. This will make it possible to optimize the work of the enterprise by planning personnel support. At the same time, the duration of transport and forwarding services will be reduced by 10–15 %, the capacity of the enterprise will increase by 6–11 %, and the reliability of service provision will increase by 8–14 %
Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
- Paweł Madejski
- Krzysztof Banasiak
- Paweł Ziółkowski
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Jarosław Mikielewicz
- Tomasz Kuś
- Michał Karch
- Piotr Michalak
- Milad Amiri
- Paweł Dąbrowski
- Kamil Stasiak
- Navaneethan Subramanian
- Tomasz Ochrymiuk
One promising solution for developing low-emission power technologies is using gaseous fuel combustion in pure oxygen when the exhaust gas mixture is composed of H2O and CO2, and where CO2 is separated after steam condensation. The paper presents the results of computational analyses providing to the Spray-Ejector Condenser (SEC) development, which is one of the crucial components of the negative CO2 gas power plant (nCO2PP) cycle development. The proposed design of the ejector-condenser to ensure the high effectivity of vapor condensation and CO2 compression with preparation to separation, ready for application in gas power cycle, is a novelty of this research. Different computational techniques leading to the development and better understating of ejector operation were applied. The main operating conditions in the characteristic connected with the developed nCO2pp cycle points were investigated to evaluate the impact of the operating conditions on SEC performances. The amount of motive water needed for the cooling purpose is susceptible to the inlet water pressure and temperature and strongly affects the generated pressure of the suction stream. The preliminary results confirm that the SEC's basic design and geometrical dimensions can be applied in the negative CO2 power plant cycle. Results from CFD modeling give the possibility to investigate the turbulent flow of water/steam/CO2 mixture together with the condensation process occurring at this same time. It is found that the average droplet diameter and motive water supplying method significantly effects the condensation intensity. The further direction of the presented computational research activities and results is to test various designs of Spray-Ejector Condensers that will enable the evaluation of the direct contact condensation process and develop the final geometrical design.
Development of iron doped strontium titanates as oxygen electrode for solid oxide fuel cells
- Aleksander Mroziński
Producing efficient solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) without the use of harmful elements is one of the current challenges. Increasing the safety of people and reducing production costs is possible, among others, thanks to the use of iron doped strontium titanates as porous oxygen electrodes. In this thesis, the results of research on iron doped strontium titanates as potential oxygen electrodes for SOFC are presented. The research focused on: 1. Solid state reaction synthesis of iron doped strontium titanates with different amounts of substituted iron (SrTi1-xFexO3-δ, STFx) and materials with different nonstoichiometry in the strontium sublattice (SrxTi0.3Fe0.7O3-δ, STF-x). Electrical and microstructural studies have proven that these materials can be an alternative to those currently used not only at 800 °C but also at 700 °C. 2. Determining the electrochemical processes occurring in the STFx and STF-x materials during the oxygen reduction reaction and distinguishing which process limits the yield depending on the material used. Thanks to electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, a distribution of relaxation times analysis and microstructural studies, it was possible to identify the electrochemical processes occurring in these porous cathodes and indicate which ones limit the efficiency of the electrodes depending on the stoichiometry.
Development of novel optoelectronic sensory structures utilising colour centres in nanodiamonds and their interactions with analytes
- Maciej Głowacki
The goal of this dissertation was to develop and assess surface modifications of fluorescent nanodiamonds (NDs) for optical sensing. Three modification routes were tested, each aimed at a different application. Modification with poly-L-lysine (pLys) was verified for optical sensing of pH via an interrelationship between electrically negative (NV¯) and neutral (NV0) nitrogen-vacancy centres. Immobilisation of Ochratoxin A (OTA), one of the most common mycotoxins, was examined for optical investigation of interactions between the toxin and DNA in various comestible liquids. Attachment of hyperbranched polyglycerol (HPG) was tested for creation of a biomarker characterised by excellent colloidal stability in a broad pH range, in highly ionic environments and physiological media while maintaining a stable optical response. Moreover, the aim of the dissertation was to exploit techniques for depositing fluorescent NDs on glass structures to create composite platforms suitable for integration with modern optoelectronic systems used in magnetic field sensing. Matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) was tested to obtain patterns of the diamond particles on glass coverslips for 3D sensing of the magnetic fields. Dip coating was examined to cover glass rods with the fluorescent diamond particles for drawing a composite fibre with the particles in its core. A microfluidic system was assembled to infuse anti-resonant hollow-core fibres (ARHCFs) with suspensions of fluorescent diamond particles to create platforms for optical sensing of magnetic field gradients.
Development of the Polish energy sector through transformation and harmonization with the European energy and climate policy
- Waldemar Kamrat
The paper presents the dilemmas of energy sector development vs European energy policy due to the way of energy transition. The identification of barriers and opportunities for the development of the power industry is presented. The possibilities of using modern energy technologies for the processes of energy transformation are described. The path useful to achieving climate and energy goals is determined. The new method of electricity demand forecasting taking into account the demographic situation, which allows for precise determination of demand is presented. Energy policy determinants in Poland are defined. The Polish energy sector possibilities of energy transition are described.
Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases
- Andrzej Wardziński
- Aleksander Jarzębowicz
Assurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the system’s architecture. Such goals are applicable for given conditions of use, for instance, operational modes or target environments. It is recommended that the complete context of each of the argument modules, encompassing information about systems/components, goals and conditions of use, is described explicitly to enable efficient management and proper use of each module. This becomes even more important for component-based design, including the use of out-of-context components. In this paper, we describe a concept of a generic System Assurance Reference Model (SARM), which bridges the gap between assurance cases and the related context models. We identify the key factors that condition the high-level assurance case structure, explain how they can drive its decomposition into assurance case modules and outline the process of creating and using context models. We present a prototype solution which implements the SARM model and enables automatic data flow between models and assurance cases.
DevEmo—Software Developers’ Facial Expression Dataset
- Michalina Manikowska
- Damian Sadowski
- Adam Sowiński
- Michał Wróbel
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the relevance of remote activities and digital tools for education, work, and other aspects of daily life. This reality has highlighted the need for emotion recognition technology to better understand the emotions of computer users and provide support in remote environments. Emotion recognition can play a critical role in improving the remote experience and ensuring that individuals are able to effectively engage in computer-based tasks remotely. This paper presents a new dataset, DevEmo, that can be used to train deep learning models for the purpose of emotion recognition of computer users. The dataset consists of 217 video clips of 33 students solving programming tasks. The recordings were collected in the participants’ actual work environment, capturing the students’ facial expressions as they engaged in programming tasks. The DevEmo dataset is labeled to indicate the presence of the four emotions (anger, confusion, happiness, and surprise) and a neutral state. The dataset provides a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between emotions and computer-related activities, and has the potential to support the development of more personalized and effective tools for computer-based learning environments.
Diagnostic Analysis of Exhaust Gas with A Quick-Changing Temperature from a Marine Diesel Engine Part II / Two Factor Analysis
- Patrycja Puzdrowska
The article presents a continuation of research carried out to determine the effect of input parameters (changes in engine structure parameters) on selected output parameters (diagnostic measures), based on quickly changing exhaust gas temperature. A method of determining the simultaneous influence of two input factors (the structure parameter and the engine load) on one output factor was presented, as well as an evaluation of which of the analysed input factors has a stronger influence on the output parameter. The article presents the stages of the experimental research conducted and statistical inference based on the results. Three changing parameters for the structure were reviewed: the active cross sectional area of the inlet air channel, the injector opening pressure and the compression ratio. Based on the quickly changing temperatures of the exhaust gases, three diagnostic measures were defined and subjected to statistical tests. The following data were averaged over one cycle for a 4-stroke engine operation: the intensity of changes, the specific enthalpy and the peak-to-peak value of the exhaust gas temperature. The results of the two-factor analysis are presented. Conclusions on the analysis are given and a criterion for the selection of a diagnostic measure, depending on the analysed parameter of the structural design of the diesel engine, is proposed. The previous part of the article presented the results of the first stage of the elimination study: the one-factor statistical analysis (randomised complete plan). This paper presents the results of the second stage of the studies: two-factor analysis (block randomised plan), where the significance of the effect of changing the values of the structural parameters on the diagnostic measures were analysed in the background of a variable engine load. The next (third) part will present the results of the calculations and analysis of the interaction coefficient of significance.
Diagnostyka cienkościennych żelbetowych sklepień kolebkowych w budynku zabytkowym. Część II
- Tomasz Majewski
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
W artykule przedstawiono opis oraz wyniki oceny stanu technicznego konstrukcji przekrycia Hali Głównej Dworca Kolejowego Gdańsk Główny. Ze względu na prowadzone prace związane z remontem kapitalnym Dworca Głównego PKP w Gdań- sku zaistniała konieczność przeprowadzenia rewitalizacji poddasza Hali Głównej, obejmująca między innymi jego termomodernizację (ocieplenie wysklepek) oraz zabezpieczenie elementów wiązarów dachowych przed pożarem. W celu oceny stanu technicznego skle- pień oraz poziomu wytężenia elementów konstrukcyjnych dachu wykonano szereg badań i pomiarów, w tym skanowanie zbroje- nia żelbetowych sklepień kolebkowych z zastosowaniem detekto- ra ferromagnetycznego w celu oceny średnicy, rozstawu i grubo- ści otulenia prętów zbrojenia łupin oraz badania ultradźwiękowe betonu przy użyciu betonoskopu w celu oszacowania wytrzyma- łości betonu na ściskanie, jego jednorodności oraz grubości płasz- cza powłoki. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki wykonanych badań i analiz, które pozwoliły na zaproponowanie sposobu naprawy cien- kościennych sklepień żelbetowych typu Rabitza.
Diagnostyka i naprawy dylatacji konstrukcyjnych w płytach posadzkowych. Część II
- Sylwia Świątek-Żołyńska
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
- Sebastian Kasprzak
W artykule przedstawiono najczęściej spotykane uszkodzenia dylatacji konstrukcyjnych w płytach posadzkowych na gruncie wraz z omówieniem sposobów naprawy. Dylatacje konstrukcyjne w płytach posadzkowych najczęściej realizowane są z wykorzystaniem dylatacji systemowych, które w trakcie dłu- goletniej eksploatacji ulegają naturalnemu zużyciu lub uszkodze- niom mechanicznym. W artykule omówiono istotne aspekty tech- nologiczno-materiałowe w zakresie demontażu starych i montażu nowych systemowych dylatacji konstrukcyjnych z uwzględnie- niem funkcji obiektu. Przedstawiono również przypadki połącze- nia starych płyt posadzkowych z nowo wykonywanymi, a także rozwiązania w zakresie remontów i napraw dylatacji w bramach przejazdowych oraz szczelin skurczowych.
Diagnostyka, naprawy i wzmacnianie elementów żelbetowych uszkodoznych w następstwie skurczu
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
- Tomasz Majewski
W artykule opsano wpływ zjawisk reologicznych: skurczu i pełzania na wytężenie i zarysowanie żelbetowych elementów konstrukcyjnych