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Publikacje z roku 2011
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Common methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine and related compounds I. Gas, liquid and thin-layer chromatography
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Calum Morrison
- Marek Biziuk
This article reviews the most common, useful methods for the chiral determination of amphetamine (AM) and AM-deriveddesigner drugs in different of matrix, including blood, hair, urine, medicaments or standard solutions, taking into considerationarticles published in the past 15 years. We consider chromatographic methods (e.g., gas, liquid, high-performance liquid, and thinlayer). We describe several types of chiral derivatization reagent, mobile-phase additive and chiral stationary phase commonlyused in the chromatographic methods. Tables summarize basic information about conditions (e.g., type of column and mobilephase), detection mode and reference data for each procedure.
Communication Platform for Evaluation of Transmitted Speech Quality
- Andrzej Ciarkowski
- Andrzej Czyżewski
A voice communication system designed and implemented is described. The purpose of the presented platform was to enable a series of experiments related to the quality assessment of algorithms used in the coding and transmitting of speech. The system is equipped with tools for recording signals at each stage of processing, making it possible to subject them to subjective assessments by listening tests or, objective evaluation employing PESQ or PSQM algorithms. The functionality for the simulation of distortions typical for voice communication over the Internet was implemented, making it possible to obtain reproducible, quantifiable results. An application of the presented platform for evaluation of acoustic echo canceler algorithm based on watermarking techniques, which was developed earlier is presented as an example of an effective deployment of the described technology.
Compact antenna array comprising fractal-shaped microstripradiators
- Adrian Bekasiewicz
- Piotr Kurgan
- Piotr Duraj
- Marek Kitliński
A design method of antenna array consisting of eight microstrip patches modified with Sierpinski fractal curves has been presented andexperimentally validated in this paper. Method proposed has enabled the achievement of considerable miniaturization of array length (26%),together with multi-band behavior of the antenna, which proves the attractiveness of presented design methodology and its ability to be implemented in more complex microstrip structures.
Compact broadband multi-way 1:6 power divider
- Adrian Bekasiewicz
- Piotr Kurgan
- Marek Kitliński
This paper introduces a design flow of a microstrip multi-way 1:6 power divider incorporating photonic bandgap (PBG) structures. Themethod proposed has enabled the achievement of considerable miniaturization (15%) together with transmission characteristics enhancement(141% bandwidth). Measured results show significant similarity to theoretical characteristics, which proves the attractiveness of presented design methodology.
Compact Planar Balun for the UWB Dipole Feeding Network
- Łukasz Sorokosz
- Włodzimierz Zieniutycz
- Mariusz Pergol
W pracy opisano wyniki z badań numerycznych ultra szerokopasmowego symetryzatora planarnego o zredukowanych wymiarach. Układ został zaprojektowany w oparciu o konfigurację opisaną w literaturze. Względem konfiguracji bazowej, układ przeprojektowano na inne podłoże. W celu weryfikacji przydatności układu, przeprowadzono symulację anteny dipolowej zasilanej opisywanym symetryzatorem. Na podstawie otrzymanych rezultatów przekazano układ do realizacji.
Comparative analysis of IP-based mobility protocols and fast handover algorithms in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs
- Józef Woźniak
- Przemysław Machań
- Krzysztof Gierłowski
- Michał Hoeft
- Michał Lewczuk
A rapid growth of IP-based networks and services created the vast collection of resources and functionality available to users by means of an uniform method of access - an IP protocol. At the same time, advances in design of mobile electronic devices allowed them to reach utility level comparable to stationary, desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. Unfortunately, the base IP protocol does not perform very well in mobile environments, due to lack of handover support and higher layer mobility management mechanisms. In this paper we present an overview of the most popular and promising methods of handling mobility in IPv4 and IPv6 networks, covering both ISO-OSI layer 2 low level handover mechanisms in IEEE 802.11 WLAN systems and ISO-OSI layer 3+ mobility solutions.
Comparative modeling of shear zone patterns in granular bodies with finite and discrete element method
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki numeryczne naporu piasku na ściankę szczelną. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych i skończonych na bazie mikropolarnego hipoplastycznego prawa materiałowego. Porównanie obu podejść wykonano na poziomie makro i mikro. Wyniki numeryczne porównano także z wynikami doświadczalnymi.
Comparative study of flow condensation in conventional and small diameter tubes
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Rafał Andrzejczyk
Flow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symmetrical phenomena, however their description with a single correlation has yet to be suggested. In the case of flow boiling in minichannels there is mostly encountered the annular flow structure, where the bubble generation is not present. Similar picture holds for the case of inside tube condensation, where annular flow structure predominates. In such case the heat transfer coefficient is primarily dependent on the convective mechanism. In the paper a method developed earlier by D. Mikielewicz et al. is applied to calculations of heat transfer coefficient for inside tube condensation. The method has been verified using experimental data from literature due to Cavallini et. al , Hoo-Kyu Oh et al. , Matkovic et. al , Park et al. and compared to Cavallini et al. and Thome et al. correlations for calculations of heat transfer coefficient.
Comparative study of flow condensation in conventional and small diameter tubes
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
- Rafał Andrzejczyk
In the paper a method developed earlier by the first author is applied to calculations of heat transfer coefficient for inside tube condensation. The method has been verified using experimental data from literature on several fluids in different microchannels and compared to three well established correlations.
Comparative study of neural networks used in modeling and control of dynamic systems
- Hocine Tiliouine
In this paper, a diagonal recurrent neural network that contains two recurrent weights in the hidden layer is proposed for the designing of a synchronous generator control system. To demonstrate the superiority of the proposed neural network, a comparative study of performances, with two other neural network (1_DRNN) and the proposed second-order diagonal recurrent neural network (2_DRNN). Moreover, to confirm the superiority of the proposed 2_DRNN, the results obtained with this network were also compared with those of the IEEE recommended convevtional excitation control system (CECS).
Comparative testing of numerical models of river ice jams
- Carson Rick
- Beltaos Spyros
- Grueneveld Joe
- Healy Dan
- She Yuntong
- Malenczak Jarrod
- Morris Mike
- Saucet Jean-Philippe
- Tomasz Kolerski
- Hung Toa Shen
Ice processes in general, and ice jams in particular, play a dominant role in the hydrologic regime of Canadian rivers, often causing extreme floods and affecting the life cycle of many aquatic, terrestrial, and avian species. Various numerical models have been developed to help simulate the formation and consequences of these very dynamic and often destructive jam events. To test and compare the performance of existing models, a series of three tests have been devised and coordinated by a task force appointed by the Committee on River Ice Processes and the Environment (CRIPE). The results indicate that the overall performance of the models is good when calibration data are available, but considerably more varied when the models are applied in uncalibrated or "blind" mode. However, the diversity of results in the blind mode may be attributed more to the variations in perceptions of the physical processes by the users, as compared to the mechanics of the numerical computations.
Comparing combined gas tubrine/steam turbine and marine low speed piston engine/steam turbine systems in naval applications
- Marek Dzida
- Wojciech Olszewski
Porównano układy napędowe okrętowe kombinowane turbina gazowa- turbina parowa oraz spalinowy okrętowy silnik tłokowy wolnoobrotowy - turbina parowa. Porównywano moce oraz zużycie paliwa oraz parametry pary świeżej układu turbiny parowej.
Comparison of conductivity averaging methods for one-dimensional unsaturated flow in layered soils
- Adam Szymkiewicz
- Rainer Helmig
W artykule przedstawiono numeryczne rozwiązania równania Richardsa, opisującego nieustalony przepływ wody w uwarstwionym gruncie nienasyconym. Przeanalizowano różne metody obliczania średniej przewodności hydraulicznej między węzłami siatki numerycznej oraz różne możliwości położenia węzłów względem granic warstw gruntu. Najlepsze wyniki otrzymano stosując metodę uśredniania stanowiącą adaptację wcześniejszej propozycji jednego z autorów (Szymkiewicz, Water Resources Research, vol. 45, W10403, 2009) do przypadku gruntu uwarstwionego.
Comparison of Selection Schemes in Evolutionary Method of Path Planning
- Piotr Kolendo
- Bartosz Jaworski
- Roman Śmierzchalski
This article compares an impact of using various selection schemes on the quality of the solution for the problem of planning the path for a moving object using the evolutionary method. In study case problem of avoiding collisions at sea is analyzed. The modelled environment includes static constraints (lands, canals, etc.) and dynamic objects (moving ships). Article analyses behaviour of selection schemes in two similar environments which differ in number of dynamic objects (highly congested areas). Research has proven that application of specific selectors improves results of study case evolutionary path planning situation.
Comparison of the contents of bioactive compounds and the level of antioxidant activity in different kiwifruit cultivars
- Y.-S. Park
- H. Leontowicz
- M. Leontowicz
- Jacek Namieśnik
- M. Suhaj
- Milena Cvikrova
- Olga Martncova
- M. Weisz
- S. Gorinstein
Głównym celem prowadzonych badań było stwierdzenie która z odmian owoców kiwi (''Hayward'', ''Daeheuhg'', ''Haenam'' oraz ''Bidan'') jest najbardziej odpowiednią z punktu widzenia konsumpcji przez człowieka. Z tego powodu w odpowiednio przygotowanych próbkach ekstraktów z owoców kiwi oznaczono:- profile związków bioaktywnych;- poziomy aktywności przeciwutleniającej. Wyniki pomiarów zawartości polifenoli (flawonoidy oraz kwasy fenolowe) uzyskane w wyniku zastosownania techniki FT-IR zostały poddane obróbce chemometrycznej (analiza wiązkowa, analiza głównych czynników). Uzyskane wyniki mogą być podstawą do następującego uszeregowania odmian owoców kiwi ze względu na poziom zawartości związków bioaktywnych: ''Bidan''>''Haenam''>''Daeheung''=''Hayward''. Odmiana ''Bidan'', która jest stosunkowo nową odmianą owoców kiwi jest zalecana do konsumpcji.
Comparison of the Efficiency of Turbo Codes with Mechanisms of Reducing the Number of Iterations
- Andrzej Marczak
The paper presents the construction of encoders and decoders turbo codes with different number of states. Simulation results of the transmission quality of the turbo codes were presented. Decoders for turbo codes have worked with a fixed number of iterations and with the mechanisms reducing the number of iterations. Data were transmitted in Outdoor to Indoor & Pedestrian B environment for data rate 384 kbps. The SOVA algorithm was used for turbo decoders.
Comparison of the tests for equivalence of the measurement methods for measurement of PM10 dust in ambient air
- Jacek Gębicki
- Krystyna Szymańska
The paper presents the motives for conducting the equivalence tests and the reasons of discrepancies between the results of PM10 dust concentration obtained via the reference method and the methods based on 'on-site' measurement. The reference and non-reference methods of measurement of PM10 dust concentration in air have been discussed. Field tests for equivalence, following the Polish standard and the European Union (EU) guidelines, carried out by the ARMAAG Foundation in the Tri-City region have been analyzed. Correction factors with respect to the 'on-site' samplers, obtained in various measurement stations in the EU member countries have also been presented.
Comparison of Tracking Methods in Respect of Automation of Animal Behavioral Test
- Magdalena Mazur-Milecka
Automation in experiments carried out on animals is getting more and more important in research. Computers take over laborious and time-consuming activities like recording and analysing images of experiment scene. The first step in an image analysis is finding and distinguishing between the observed animals, and then tracking all objects during the experiment. In this paper four tracking methods are presented. Quantitative and qualitative figures of merit are applied to confront those methods. The comparison took into consideration a level of correct object recognition during different disturbances, the speed of computation, requirements as to the frame rate and image illumination, quality of recovering from occluded situations and others.
Comparison of two methods for parameters selection of the proportional observer of induction motor state variables
- Tadeusz Białoń
- Arkadiusz Lewicki
- Roman Niestrój
- Marian Pasko
Artykuł opisuje problemy odtwarzania prędkości obrotowej wału maszyny indukcyjnej przy wykorzystaniu estymatorów MRAS. Porównano dwie metody doboru wzmocnień obserwatora, analityczną i bazującą na algorytmach genetycznych
Comparison of various speech time-scale modificartion methods
- Adam Kupryjanow
- Andrzej Czyżewski
The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the different time-scale modification (TSM) methods on the quality of the speech stretched up using the designed non-uniform real-time speech time-scale modification algorithm (NU-RTSM). The algorithm provides a combination of the typical TSM algorithm with the vowels, consonants, stutter, transients and silence detectors. Based on the information about the content and on the estimated value of the rate of speech (ROS), the algorithm adapts to the scaling factor value, and removes the redundant signal i.e. silence, stutter and transients. TSM algorithms named: SOLA, PSOLA and WSOLA were examined in order to assess the quality of the stretched speech, the complexity of the calculation and the possibility of their usage in the NU-RTSM algorithm. Subjective tests were performed in order to compare the quality of various time-scaling meth-ods.