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Modyfikowany tytanian strontu jako anoda do tlenkowych ogniw paliwowych typu sofc
- Tadeusz Miruszewski
Publikacja przeglądowa na temat sposobu modyfikacji materiału anodowego opartego na bazie perowskitu SrTiO3 pod względem możliwości zastosowania w ogniwach typu SOFC
Molecular basis of lipopolysaccharide heterogeneity in Escherichia coli: envelope stress-responsive regulators control the incorporation of glycoforms with a third 3-deoxy-α-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid and rhamnose.
- Gracjana Klein-Raina
- Buko Lindner
- Helmut Brade
- Satish Raina
Mass spectrometric analyses of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from isogenic Escherichia coli strains with nonpolar mutations in the waa locus or overexpression of their cognate genes revealed that waaZ and waaS are the structural genes required for the incorporation of the third 3-deoxy-α-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) linked to Kdo disaccharide and rhamnose, respectively. The incorporation of rhamnose requires prior sequential incorporation of the Kdo trisaccharide. The minimal in vivo lipid A-anchored core structure Kdo(2)Hep(2)Hex(2)P(1) in the LPS from ΔwaaO (lacking α-1,3-glucosyltransferase) could incorporate Kdo(3)Rha, without the overexpression of the waaZ and waaS genes. Examination of LPS heterogeneity revealed overlapping control by RpoE σ factor, two-component systems (BasS/R and PhoB/R), and ppGpp. Deletion of RpoE-specific anti-σ factor rseA led to near-exclusive incorporation of glycoforms with the third Kdo linked to Kdo disaccharide. This was accompanied by concomitant incorporation of rhamnose, linked to either the terminal third Kdo or to the second Kdo, depending upon the presence or absence of phosphoethanolamine on the second Kdo with truncation of the outer core. This truncation in ΔrseA was ascribed to decreased levels of WaaR glycosyltransferase, which was restored to wild-type levels, including overall LPS composition, upon the introduction of rybB sRNA deletion. Thus, ΔwaaR contained LPS primarily with Kdo(3) without any requirement for lipid A modifications. Accumulation of a glycoform with Kdo(3) and 4-amino-4-deoxy-l-arabinose in lipid A in ΔrseA required ppGpp, being abolished in a Δ(ppGpp(0) rseA). Furthermore, Δ(waaZ lpxLMP) synthesizing tetraacylated lipid A exhibited synthetic lethality at 21-23°C pointing to the significance of the incorporation of the third Kdo.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the growth of poly (chloro-para-xylylene) films.
- Artur Giełdoń
- Cezary Czaplewski
- Krzysztof Smalara
- Maciej Bobrowski
Parylene C, poly(chloro-para-xylylene) is the most widely used member of the parylene family due to its excellent chemical and physical properties. In this work we analyzed the formation of the parylene C film using molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics methods. A five unit chain is necessary to create a stable hydrophobic cluster and to adhere to a covered surface. Two scenarios were deemed to take place. The obtained results are consistent with a polymer film scaling growth mechanism and contribute to the description of the dynamic growth of the parylene C polymer.
Molecular Strategy for Survival at a Critical High Temperature in Eschierichia coli
- Masayuki Murata
- Hiroko Fujimoto
- Kaori Nishimura
- Kannikar Charoensuk
- Hiroshi Nagamitsu
- Satish Raina
- Tomoyuki Kosaka
- Taku Oshima
- Naotake Ogasawara
- Mamoru Yamada
The molecular mechanism supporting survival at a critical high temperature (CHT) in Escherichia coli was investigated. Genome-wide screening with a single-gene knockout library provided a list of genes indispensable for growth at 47°C, called thermotolerant genes. Genes for which expression was affected by exposure to CHT were identified by DNA chip analysis. Unexpectedly, the former contents did not overlap with the latter except for dnaJ and dnaK, indicating that a specific set of non-heat shock genes is required for the organism to survive under such a severe condition. More than half of the mutants of the thermotolerant genes were found to be sensitive to H2O2 at 30°C, suggesting that the mechanism of thermotolerance partially overlaps with that of oxidative stress resistance. Their encoded enzymes or proteins are related to outer membrane organization, DNA double-strand break repair, tRNA modification, protein quality control, translation control or cell division. DNA chip analyses of essential genes suggest that many of the genes encoding ribosomal proteins are down-regulated at CHT. Bioinformatics analysis and comparison with the genomic information of other microbes suggest that E. coli possesses several systems for survival at CHT. This analysis allows us to speculate that a lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis system for outer membrane organization and a sulfur-relay system for tRNA modification have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer.
Monitoring and analytics of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in indoor air
- Sylwia Król
- Bożena Zabiegała
- Jacek Namieśnik
This paper reviews literature information on the behaviour of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the indoor environment, as well as the most likely emission sources. The consecutive stages of analytical procedures used for monitoring SVOCs in indoor environments are described. The most common approaches used for collecting samples from the gas and particulate phases are mentioned. The paper discusses and compares various types of sorbents and filters applied in dynamic, passive and denudational techniques, as well as the techniques used to liberate the SVOCs, including Soxhlet, sonication and microwave extraction. The main advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed, together with possible future trends. The approaches commonly used during the final determination step, such as gas chromatography and liquid chromatography, are presented together with their possible drawbacks, and ways of eliminating them are suggested. The review makes brief reference to the effects of human exposure to SVOCs in house dust and discusses the main aspects of the analytical procedures used to monitor the presence of SVOCs in this medium.
Monitoring of Gaseous Air Pollution
- Ryszard Katulski
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Jarosław Sadowski
- Jacek Stefański
- Waldemar Wardencki
W pracy przedstawiono informacje dotyczące: - źródeł emisji zanieczyszczeń obecnych w powietrzu atmosferycznym; - norm i przepisów prawnych regulujących dopuszczalne poziomy zawartości poszczególnych ksenobiotyków w powietrzu atmosferycznym; - klasyfikacji metodyk monitoringu zanieczyszczeń obecnych w powietrzu; - zdalnego systemu monitoringu zanieczyszczeń powietrza atmosferycznego z wykorzystaniem zestawu odpowiednich czujników.
Monitoring of occupational exposure to volatile organohalogen solvents (VOXs) in human urine samples of dry-cleaner workers by TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD procedure
- Irena Rutkiewicz
- Natalia Jakubowska
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
Chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents are often used for dry-cleaning clothes in the laundry industry. The object of this study was to monitor the occupational exposure of dry-clean employees coming into contact with VOXs. 25 workers collected their urine samples before the work shift, after 4 hours of work and after the work shift. The analyses of urine samples and solvents used in dry-cleaning were performed using TLHS-DAI-GC-ECD. Chloroform was detected in all urine samples, and dichloromethane and tetrachloroethene in nearly all urine samples collected before and after the work shift. The concentrations of the compounds determined in urine samples were higher at the end of the workday in directly exposed individuals. Concentrations of the compounds determined in urine samples depended mainly on the type of activities carried out at the dry-cleaning establishments.
Monitoring zapotrzebowania na usługi i kształtowanie oferty ośrodka innowacji
- Jerzy Koszałka
Omówiono istotę współczesnego marketingu usług z punktu widzenia ośrodka innowacji. Przedstawiono sposoby minitorowania potrzeb klientów ośrodka innowacji. Określono główne obszary analizy i wyboru rynku pod kątem kształtowania oferty ośrodka innowacji. Wskazano sposoby wykorzystania wniosków z monitoringu i analizy rynku do kształtowania portfela usług ośrodka innowacji oraz jego aktualizacji.
Monumental Art -sztuka humanizująca wielką płytę
- Bartosz Macikowski
W powszechnej ocenie osiedla z wielkiej płyty to szarość i anonimowość schedy po socjalizmie. Zaspa jednak zdaje się z wielu powodów być osiedlem szczególnym. Jednym z nich jest festiwal Monumental Art. Fenomen tego wydarzenia polega na tym, że to sztuka postanowiła się upomnieć o swoje miejsce w architekturze, nadając jej nie tylko nowy estetyczny wymiar, ale uzupełniając ją o bieżacy, zaangażowany komantarz rzeczywistości społecznej.
Morphology control via dual solvent crystallization for high-mobility functionalized pentacene-blend thin film transistors
- Maria Lada
- Marco J. Starink
- Miguel Carrasco
- Lichun Chen
- Pawel Miskiewicz
- Paul Brookes
- Małgorzata Franz
- David C. Smith
We present an approach to improving the performance of solution processed organic semiconductor transistors based on a dual solvent system. We here apply this to a blend containing the π-conjugated small molecule 6,13 bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene (TIPS-pentacene) and polystyrene, which acts as an inert binder. Using a semiconductor-binder solution of two solvents, where the main solvent is a better solvent of the small molecule and second solvent is a better solvent of the polymer, crystal morphologies can be altered and transistor mobilities increased by almost an order of magnitude. In this way, air-ambient and solution-processed transistors with linear and saturation mobilities higher than 1 cm2 V−1 s−1 have been fabricated. We discuss how the solubility properties of the formulation components can be used to identify solvent candidates that promote an efficient self-assembly of the small molecule.
Morphology of damage inflicted on brittle polymer in lubricated contact under cyclic static load
- Tadeusz Stolarski
- Pratip Vongbandit
In this article morphology of damage inflicted on the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plate in static point lubricated contact with a ball made of five different materials under cyclic normal load has been presented. It is argued that the counterface material and lubricating film play an important role in the damage process and the extent of damage inflicted in the PMMA plate.
Morse inequalities via Conley index theory
- Marek Izydorek
- Marcin Styborski
The relation known as the Morse inequalities can be extended to a more general setting of flows on a locally compact metric spaces (Conley index) as well as dynamical systems on Hilbert spaces (LS-index). This paper is a discourse around this extension. Except the part concerning the LS-index the material is self-contained and has a character of a survey.
Morskie urządzenia odbojowe. Część II: Nowoczesne rozwiązania i technologie
- Waldemar Magda
Trendy rozwojowe związane z nowoczesnymi urządzeniami odbojowymi stosowanymi w budownictwie morskim. Systemy odbojowe na nabrzeżach przyszłych terminali promowych. Nowe materiały do produkcji morskich odbojnic. Nowoczesne systemy cumowniczo-odbojowe nabrzeżowe oraz pełnomorskie.
Mosty kolejowe małych rozpiętości - obliczenia i badania
- Jacek Chróścielewski
- Anna Banaś
- Maciej Malinowski
- Mikołaj Miśkiewicz
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań i analiz obliczeniowych mostów kolejowych ma-łych rozpiętości. Przedstawiono sposoby modelowania w celu wiernego odzwierciedlenia rzeczywistej pracy konstrukcji. Podano zakres i metodykę prowadzonych badań in situ. Wy-niki analiz teoretycznych porównano z wynikami badań. Przedstawiono wnioski dotyczące sposobów modelowania tego typu konstrukcji i konieczności badań in situ oraz stosowania zaawansowanych modeli w celu jednoznacznej oceny poprawności zachowania się konstruk-cji.
Mosty zwodzone : koncepcje współczesne na przykładzie przeprawy w Sobieszewie
- Stefan Niewitecki
Motor bearing diagnostics performed by means of laser vibrometer
- Leon Swędrowski
- Ariel Dzwonkowski
Damage of bearings is the most common cause of failures in squirrel-cage induction motors. That is why the issues connected with diagnostics of bearings are so important. The equipment employed for bearing diagnostics usually makes use of vibrations as the criterion for technical condition of the bearings. This paper presents exemplary results of the research conducted on bearings with artificially introduced damage. A scanning laser vibrometer PSV-400 Polytec has been used for vibration measurements. The research of technical condition of the same bearings was simultaneously carried out with the usage of DREAM - a vibration diagnostics system.
Motor Cable Influence on the Conducted EMI Emission of the Converter Fed AC Motor Drive. - Vol. 1
- Jarosław Łuszcz
Investigation of conducted electromagnetic interference in AC motor drives fed by pulse width modulated voltage converters requires considering parasitic capacitances in converters, motor windings and feeding cables to be taken into account. Motor voltage transients and related conducted electromagnetic emission are significantly correlated with resonance effects occurring in load circuits. The levels of intensity of these phenomena depend mostly on frequency dependant impedance - frequency characteristics of motor windings with an accompanying feeding cable. An analysis of frequency converter load impedance characteristics allows for identification and determination of representative frequency ranges in which the foremost contributions to EMI noise generation have voltage ringing phenomena associated with the load parasitic capacitances. This chapter presents a method to model an AC motor with a feeding cable. AC motor windings have distributed parasitic capacitances and a particular focus on the influence of the feeding cable's parameters is modeled as a ladder circuit model. The proposed circuit model allows for an analysis of the influence of the cable parameters on conducted EMI emission generated by an AC motor drive system. The simulation results based on the proposed ladder circuit model are verified by the experimental tests which were carried out for an exemplary adjustable speed AC motor drive application with different lengths of feeding cables.
Możliwości aplikacyjne metodyki szacowania maksymalnej generacji rozproszonej
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
W referacie przedstawiono możliwości aplikacyjne metodyki szacowania maksymalnej generacji rozproszonej. Temat ten jest jednym z przykładowych rozwiązań problemu, który stoi dzisiaj przed operatorami systemów dystrybucyjnych, a związany jest z prognozowanym dużym nasyceniem energetyką wiatrową w najbliższych latach.
Możliwości aplikacyjne metodyki szacowania maksymalnej generacji rozproszonej
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
W artykule przedstawiono możliwości aplikacyjne metodyki szacowania maksymalnej generacji rozproszonej. Temat ten jest jednym z przykładowych rozwiązań problemu, który stoi dzisiaj przed operatorem systemu przesyłowego oraz przed operatorami systemów dystrybucyjnych, a związany jest z prognozowanym dużym nasyceniem energetyką wiatrową w najbliższych latach.
Możliwości doskonalenia w zarządzaniu jakościowym i środowiskowym w podmiotach gospodarczych
- Małgorzata Szymańska-Brałkowska
- Grzegorz Zieliński
W niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano problematykę dotyczącą doskonalenia podmiotów gospodarczych w obszarach zwiazanych z zarządzaniem jakością oraz zarządzaniem środowiskowym. Autorzy omówili oba te obszary pod kątem zarówno potrzeby doskonalenia, jak i czynników, które tę potrzebę generują. Dokonano również analiz dotyczących obu tych aspektów w obszarach wejścia do procesu, działań operacyjnych, jak i wyjścia.