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Publikacje z roku 2012
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Analysis of MArkers of Exposure to Constituents of Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)
- Sylwia Narkowicz
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
Tobacco smoke is a complex mixture of more than 4000 chemical compounds, many of which are harmful to human health. These compounds belong to various chemical classes, including amides, imides, lactams, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, amines, hydrocarbons, ethers, and inorganic compounds. There are three types of tobacco smoke streams: the mainstream, the sidestream, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). In view of the threatto human health resulting from exposure to either of these tobacco smoke streams or to ETS,it has become necessary to monitor levels of substances haracteristic of tobacco smoke, i.e., "biomarkers," The biomonitoring of toxic substances involves the analysis of biological materials taken from human subjects (urine, saliva, placenta, sweat, blood) for the presence of selected biomarkers. This article presents information on sample preparation techniques and analytical methodologies applicable in the analysis of biological materials for the presence of biomarkersand also on the levels of biomarkers present in samples of biologicalmaterial taken from people exposed to various degrees to the harmful actions of substances present in tobacco smoke.
Analysis of the bulk solid flow during gravitational silo emptying using X-ray and ECT tomography
- Krzysztof Grudzień
- Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
- Adrien Jerome
- Eric Maire
- Laurent Babout
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów zmian koncentracji piasku bezkohezyjnego zachodzących w prostokątnym modelu silosu opróżnianym grawitacyjnie. Pomiary wykonano z zastosowaniem kontynualnego promieniowania rentgenowskiego oraz z użyciem tomografii pojemnościowej. Badania wykonano dla zróżnicowanego zagęszczenia początkowego piasku oraz różnego stopnia szorstkości ścian. Szczególny nacisk położono na zachowanie sie materiału sypkiego w strefie przyściennej w częsci rónoleglej silosu. Wyniki pomiaów prestwiono w postaci wykresów (1D), zdjęć (2D) oraz trójwymiarowej rekonstrukcji obrazu (3D)
Analysis of the impact of AOP on source code quality: Paradox of aspect-oriented separation of concerns
- Adam Przybyłek
Almost four decades ago, Parnas advocated modularity for the sake of changeability, independent development, and comprehensibility. The recipe for modularization is to define a clean interface, hide an implementation detail, keep low coupling and high cohesion. Although modules have taken many forms over the years from functions and procedures to classes, no form has been capable of expressing so-called crosscutting concerns in a modular way. Over a decade ago, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) was proposed to "modularize the un-modularizable". Since then, aspect-oriented (AO) languages have been providing new abstraction and composition mechanisms to deal with concerns that could not be modularized because of the limited abstractions of object-oriented programming. Nowadays, the AO paradigm pervades all areas of software engineering. With its growing popularity, practitioners are beginning to wonder whether they should start looking into it. However, every new paradigm makes claims that managers want to hear. In this dissertation we find out how much of what has been written about AOP is true and how much is hype.
Analysis of the incompressibility constraint in the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method
- Kamil Szewc
- Jacek Pozorski
- Jean-Pierre Minier
Analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle
- Mateusz Gerigk
- Marek Kraskowski
- Zbigniew Burciu
The paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the xperiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and roll angles, the maximum acceleration, as well as the occurrence and degree of flooding of bonnet and windscreen. Both the computations and the experiment have revealed that in the case of free water entry, i.e. without braking, the water covers the windscreen even at a moderate slope of the beach (10°); however, if braking of the wheels during the water entry process were possible, the flooding of the bonnet and windscreen could be avoided even at a steep slope (30°).
Analytical comparison between capacitor assisted and diode assisted cascaded quasi-z-source inverters
- Dmitri Vinnikov
- Indrek Roasto
- Tanel Jalakas
- Ryszard Strzelecki
- Marek Adamowicz
Quasi-Z falownik z prostym obwodem impedancyjnym jest bardzo interesującym rozwiązaniem topologicznym ze względu na unikalną możliwość jednostopniowego przekształcanie DC/AC w połączeniu z funkcjami obniżania i podwyższania napięcia. W niektórych aplikacjach jego właściwości podwyższające są jednak niewystarczające. Wyższe napięcie wejściowe można uzyskać w wyniku zastosowania w quasi-Z-falownikach kaskadowych obwodów impedancyjnych. W artykule omówiono cztery nowe topologie kaskadowych quasi-Z-falowników.Przedstawiono wyniki analizy stanów statycznych tych układów przy przewodzeniu ciągłym. Porównano właściwości badanych topologii, zweryfikowane eksperymentalnie. Omówiono także inne problemy związane z proponowanymi układami.
Analytical eco-scale for assessing the greenness of analytical procedures
- Agnieszka Gałuszka
- Piotr Konieczka
- Zdzisław M. Migaszewski
- Jacek Namieśnik
We propose the analytical eco-scale as a novel comprehensive approach to evaluating the greenness of analytical methodology. It is based on assigning penalty points to parameters of an analytical process that are not in agreement with the ideal green analysis. This approach compares different parameters and different steps of the analytical process. Traditional green chemistry metrics 9e.g. Atom Economy, E-factor and Reaction Mass Efficiency), which were introduced for organic preparation, do not usually fit the purposes of green analytical chemsitry. Existing databases for evaluation of green analytical methods refer to known procedures and instruments, and do not encourage new, more environmentlly-frindly equivalents.
Analytical procedures for the determination of surfactants in environmental samples
- Ewa Olkowska
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
Because of their specific physical and chemical properties (amphiphilicity, solubility in polar and nonpolar liquids, ability to form micelles, adsorption at phase boundaries, low toxicity) surfactants (surface-active compounds) are widely applied in industry and in the household. As their applications are on a very large scale, it has become necessary to acquire a more detailed understanding of their environmental fate.In the methodologies for analysing environmental samples, the isolation and/or preconcentration of analytes constitutes an important step. The usual techniques are liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), solid-phase extraction (SPE - also used for extract clean-up following analytes isolation by another technique) or accelerated solvent extraction (ASE).For the analysis of samples/extracts, depending on whether information is required - the total concentration or the levels of particular surface-active compounds in environmental samples - spectrophotometry, tensammetry or electrophoresis, and chromatography may be used. Nowadays, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is usually coupled with a universal mass spectrometry detector (MS) (or tandem mass spectrometry detector MS-MS), what allows for detection, identification and quantification the various compounds in a particular group of surfactants in suitably prepared solvent extracts.
Analytical progress on symmetric geometric discord: Measurement-based upper bounds
- Adam Miranowicz
- Paweł Horodecki
- Ravindra Chhajlany
- Jan Tuziemski
- Jan Sperling
Quantum correlations may be measured by means of the distance of the state to the subclass ofstates having well defined classical properties. In particular, a geometric measure of asymmetricdiscord [Daki´c et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 190502 (2010)] was recently defined as the Hilbert-Schmidt distance of a given two-qubit state to the closest classical-quantum (CQ) correlated state.We analyze a geometric measure of symmetric discord defined as the Hilbert-Schmidt distance ofa given state to the closest classical-classical (CC) correlated state. The optimal member of isjust specially measured original state both for the CQ and CC discords. This implies that thismeasure is equal to quantum deficit of post-measurement purity. We discuss some general relationsbetween the CC discords and explain why an analytical formula for the CC discord, contrary to theCQ discord, can hardly be found even for a general two-qubit state. Instead of such exact formula,we find simple analytical measurement-based upper bounds for the CC discord which, as we show,are very efficient in the case of two qubits and may serve as independent indicators of two-partyquantum correlations. In particular, we propose an adaptive upper bound, which corresponds to theoptimal states induced by single-party measurements: optimal measurement on one of the partiesdetermines an optimal measurement on the other party. We discuss how to refine the adaptiveupper bound by nonoptimal single-party measurements and by an iterative procedure which usuallyrapidly converges to the CC discord. We also raise the question of optimality of the symmetricmeasurements realising the CC discord on symmetric states, and give partial answer for the qubitcase.
Anion recognition by n,n'-diarylalkanediamides
- Ewa Wagner-Wysiecka
- Natalia Łukasik
The preparation of N,N'-diarylalkanediamides from respective aliphatic dicarboxylic acidesand 4-nitroaniline via microwave-promoted reactions is presented. The most positive effect of microwave irradiation was observed for N,N'-bis(4-nitrophenyl)butanediamide. Anion binding studies on the obtained diamides were carried out in DMSO and acetonitrile using UV-vis and 1H NMR spectroscopy. A mechanism for selective fluoride recognition by N,N'-bis(4-nitrophenyl)butanediamide in DMSO is proposed.
Anisotropic stochastic dispersion model for large-eddy simulations of particle-laden turbulent flows
- Jacek Pozorski
- Maria Knorps
- Jean-Pierre Minier
- J.g.m. Kuerten
Annotating Words Using WordNet Semantic Glosses
- Julian Szymański
- Włodzisław Duch
An approach to the word sense disambiguation (WSD) relaying onthe WordNet synsets is proposed. The method uses semantically tagged glosses to perform a process similar to the spreading activation in semantic network, creating ranking of the most probable meanings for word annotation. Preliminary evaluation shows quite promising results. Comparison with the state-of-theart WSD methods indicates that the use of WordNet relations and semantically tagged glosses should enhance accuracy of word disambiguation methods.
Anonimizacja obrazów z nagrań endoskopowych w systemie wspomagania diagnostyki chorób przewodu pokarmowego
- Adam Blokus
- Adam Brzeski
- Jan Cychnerski
W artykule skoncentrowano sie na problemie anonimizacji obrazów z filmów endoskopowych w systemie wspomagania diagnostyki przewodu pokarmowego. Opisano źródła obrazów endoskopowych pod katem zawartosci danych personalnych. Zaproponowano algorytmy automatycznego usuwania tych danych, zbadano ich skutecznosc oraz dokonano oceny przydatnosciw systemie wspomagania diagnostyki.
Antagonist adhesion effects due to variable substrate surface
- Michal Budzik
- Julien Jumel
- Martin Shanahan
The effects of variability of intrinsic adhesion within a joint have been studied using a single cantilever beam (SCB) test. Fracture energy was found not to be a simple function of relative areas of 2 surface pre-treatments: a 'weak' zone decreased strength more than expected from simple, additive considerations. By severing the adhesive along the strong-weak transition, fracture energy increased.The prior antagonist effect appears to be directly linked to supplementary stresses generated near the crossover by continuity of the adhesive layer, existent despite differences in adhesion.
Antifungal Activity of Homoaconitate and Homoisocitrate Analogs
- Maria Jolanta Milewska
- Marta Prokop
- Iwona Gabriel
- Marek Wojciechowski
- Sławomir Milewski
Thirteen structural analogs of two initial intermediates of the L-alpha-aminoadipate pathway of L-lysine biosynthesis in fungi have been designed and synthesized, including fluoro- and epoxy-derivatives of homoaconitate and homoisocitrate. Some of the obtainedcompounds exhibited at milimolar range moderate enzyme inhibitory properties against homoaconitase and/or homoisocitrate dehydrogenase of Candida albicans. The structural basis for homoisocitrate dehydrogenase inhibition was revealed by molecular modeling ofthe enzyme-inhibitor complex. On the other hand, the trimethyl ester forms of some of the novel compounds exhibited antifungal effects. The highest antifungal activity was found for trimethyl trans-homoaconitate, which inhibited growth of some human pathogenicyeasts with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 16-32 mcg/mL.
Antioxidant Interactions between Major Phenolic Compounds Found in 'Ataulfo' Mango Pulp: Chlorogenic, Gallic, Protocatechuic and Vanillic Acids
- Hugo Palafox-Carlos
- Joana Gil-Chavez
- Rogerio R. Sotelo-Mundo
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Shela Gorinstein
- Gustavo A. Gonzalez-Aquiar
Phenolic compounds are known to have antioxidant capacity; however, there is little information about molecular interactions between particular phenolics found in fruits at different developmental stages. Therefore, the total antioxidant capacity of the phenolic compounds of a fruit may not correspond to the sum of individual antioxidant capacity given by antioxidants from that tissue. In this study, individual antioxidant capacity and the interactions of four major phenolic compounds (chlorogenic, gallic, protocatechuic and vanillic acid) found in 'Ataulfo' mango pulp were tested using the DPPH assay. Significant synergism was found in the majority of the all combinations, as well as the combination of the four phenolics. However, antagonism was also observed between some molecules. This work demonstrated particular interactions that may occur in a complex environment within the complex framework of a natural food. The present results may also assist in the future design of functional foods or ingredients based on their antioxidant activity and their synergistic or antagonist interactions.
Aplication of impedance imaging to evaluation of organic coating degradation at a local scale
- Michał Szociński
- Kazimierz Darowicki
- Katarzyna Schaefer
Zaproponowano nowe podejście do oceny lokalnych właściwości elektrycznych powłok organicznych. Wykorzystuje ono mikroskop sił atomowych pracujący w trybie kontaktowym. Pomiędzy igłę mikroskopu i podłoże metalowe pokryte powłoką przykładany jest sinusoidalny napięciowy sygnał pobudzenia o zadanej częstotliwości i mierzony jest prądowy sygnał odpowiedzi. Zalety tego podejścia zostały zaprezentowane na przykładzie powłoki akrylowej poddanej działaniu dwóch, różnych czynników niszczących - promieniowania ultrafioletowego i ekspozycji na elektrolit. Możliwe było wykrycie wczesnych etapów degradacji powłoki, ich przestrzenne zlokalizowanie i rozróżnienie mechanizmów degradacji tej samej powłoki eksponowanej na różne czynniki degradujące
Aplikacja programu AutoCAD wspomagająca proces inwentaryzacji elementów zastosowanych w projekcie instalacji elektrycznej
- Grzegorz Andrzej Kostro
W artykule opisano zagadnienia dotyczące zastosowania programu AutoCAD jako narzędzia wspomagającego proces inwentaryzacji elementów zastosowanych w projekcie instalacji elektrycznej. Do tego celu opracowano aplikację w środowisku programistycznym AutoLISP, integrowanym z programem AutoCAD. Opracowana aplikacja dokonuje analizy projektu instalacji elektrycznej, na podstawie której wyodrębniane są nazwy symboli (bloków) zastosowanych w projekcie oraz ich liczba. Wynikiem końcowym pracy opracowanej aplikacji jest tabelka zawierająca spis wszystkich nazw, ich symboli graficznych i ich liczby występowania w projekcie.
Aplikacja wspomagająca procesy obliczania powierzchni ciała człowieka
- Grzegorz Redlarski
- Piotr Mateusz Tojza
W materiale przedstawiono strukturę opracowanego i wykonanego systemu komputerowego - BSA Analysis Tool, wspomagającego obliczenia wybranych parametrów organizmu człowieka: BSA, TBSA i BMI. Poza opisem systemu, wskazano na utylitarny charakter przedstawionych rozwiązań, szczególnie w ośrodkach medycznych - jako narzędzie wspomagające procesy leczenia oparzeń i chemioterapii oraz w ośrodkach naukowo-dydaktycznych - jako narzędzie wspomagające procesy edukacyjne i dydaktyczne.
Aplikanci i asesorzy komorniczy
- Przemysław Banasik
Komentarz zawiera szczegółowe omówienie przepisów ustawy o komornikach sądowych i egzekucji. Autorzy analizują problemy, które pojawiają się w praktyce, a są związane z postępowaniem egzekucyjnym, a także szerzej - z postępowaniem cywilnym. W monografii przedstawiono prawa i obowiązki komorników sądowych, sposób ich powołania i odwołania, kwestie nadzoru nad nimi i ich odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej. Szczególnie przydatna dla czytelnika może okazać się część dotycząca kosztów i opłat egzekucyjnych. Publikacja uwzględnia aktualne orzecznictwo i literaturę przedmiotu.