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Publikacje z roku 2013
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Using an IEEE1149.1 Test Bus for Fault Diagnosis of Analog Parts of Electronic Embedded Systems
- Zbigniew Czaja
- Bogdan Bartosiński
The new solution of a BIST called the JTAG BIST for self-testing of analog parts of electronic embedded systems is presented in the paper. The JTAG BIST consists of the BCT8244A and SCANSTA476 integrated circuits of Texas Instruments controlled via the IEEE 1149.1 bus. The BCT8244A is a scan test device with octal buffers, and the SCANSTA476 is a 12-bit ADC with 8 analog input channels. Self-testing approach is based on the fault diagnosis method in which we stimulate the tested analog part by the single square pulse using the BCT8244A and we sample the time response of the analog part two times by the SCANSTA476. The measurement results are used for fault detection and also a single soft fault localization of the analog part.
Using Decisional DNA to Enhance Industrial and Manufacturing Design: Conceptual Approach
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Cesar Sanin
During recent years, manufacturing organizations are facing market changes such as the need for short product life cycles, technological advancement, intense pressure from competitors and the continuous customers’ expectation for high quality products at lower costs. In this scenario, knowledge and its associated engineering/management of every stage involved in the industrial design has become increasingly important for manufacturing companies in order to improve their performance and to take effective decisions. Knowledge based industrial design techniques have been used in the past with fair bit of success but they have their share of limitations like they may be time consuming, costly, domain specific and at times not very intelligent. This paper proposes a novel approach where the set of experience knowledge structure (SOEKS) and decisional DNA (DDNA) techniques are used for the experience based representation of engineering artefacts. The knowledge representation method that we propose; captures and re-uses the product and process involved within an engineering knowledge perspective. We also introduce in this paper a new concept that we call Virtual Engineering Object (VEO), which is a conceptual entity that permits a dual computerized/ real world representation of an engineering entity. It contains the embedment of the decisional model expressed within the set of experience, a geometric representation and the necessary means to relate such virtualization with the physical object being represented. VEO will act as a living representation of the object capable of adding, storing, improving and sharing knowledge through experience, in a way similar to an expert of that area.
Using evidence based arguments to support trust
- Janusz Górski
Wprowadzono podstawowe koncepcje metodyki TRUST-IT: argumentu i dowodu, modelu argumentacji, szablonu argumentacji, oceny argumentu oraz kontekstu aplikacyjnego. Przedstawiono zakres funkcjonalności, modele udostepniania oraz politykę bezpieczeństwa informacji związane z usługami NOR-STA wspomagającymi zastosowania metodyki TRUST-IT. Przedstawiono również dotychczasowe doświadczenia związane z wdrażaniam uzług NOR-STA w różnych środowiskach docelowych.
Using Physiological Signals for Emotion Recognition
- Wioleta Szwoch
Recognizing user’s emotions is the promising area of research in a field of human-computer interaction. It is possible to recognize emotions using facial expression, audio signals, body poses, gestures etc. but physiological signals are very useful in this field because they are spontaneous and not controllable. In this paper a problem of using physiological signals for emotion recognition is presented. The kinds of physiological signals and sensors are described. The models of emotions, the methods of emotions’ elicitation are presented. There is also a brief review of research progress in using physiological signals for emotion recognition presented in literature.
Using River Formation Dynamics Algorithm in Mobile Robot Navigation
- Grzegorz Redlarski
- Aleksander Pałkowski
- Mariusz Dąbkowski
River Formation Dynamics is a heuristic optimization algorithm based on the manner, in which drops of water form the river bed. The idea is to imitate the movement of drops on the edges between given nodes thus performing a search based on their height, which is modified through the mechanism of soil erosion and sediment deposition. In this way decreasing gradients are constructed, and these are followed by subsequent drops to compose new gradients and reinforce the best ones. This paper presents implementation of the method in wheeled mobile robot path searching task in an environment with obstacles. At first, a concise introduction to the RFD algorithm is presented, along with the problem's requirements. In the main part a simulation test has been performed using the algorithm to find the shortest route from the starting point to the goal. The tests were made with different landscape layouts, measuring the computation time. The last section presents a real life implementation of the algorithm using a Pioneer P3-DX mobile robot. The validity of this solution is discussed, as well as any modifications, along with a brief comparison with a similar, popular search path algorithm.
Usługi Third Party Call Control zrealizowane z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania Open Source
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Maciej Kowalski
- Tomasz Łabacki
Koncepcja sieci NGN zakłada otwartość na usługi udostępniane użytkownikom (abonentom). Jej realizacja wymaga ulokowania tej funkcjonalności w zewnętrznych elementach w stosunku do sieci telekomunikacyjnej udostępniającej usługi przenoszenia. Jednym z rozwiązań jest serwer Third Party Call Control (3PCC) w którym można ulokować scenariusze sterowania przebiegiem połączenia. W artykule przedstawiono i omówiono projekt, wykonany w technologii VoIP, w którym w ramach koncepcji 3PCC zaimplementowano i przetestowano 21 usług, stosując oprogramowanie Open Source.
Ustalenie prędkości zderzenia w oparciu o zakres uszkodzeń samochodu z wykorzystaniem metod energetycznych – badania pilotażowe
- Mirosław Owczarz
- Marcin Witkiewicz
- Stanisław Taryma
W artykule przedstawiono omówienie możliwości technicznych mierzenia profi lu odkształcenia samochodu powypadkowego przy użyciu specjalnie do tego celu zaprojektowanego i wykonanego przyrządu pomiarowego. Przyrząd ten zastosowany w metodzie grafi cznej wyznaczania wartości pracy deformacji, powoduje zwiększenie wykorzystania metod energetycznych jako niezwykle istotnych w praktyce opiniowania szczególnie trudnych i złożonych zdarzeń drogowych.
Usuwanie arsenu z wody podziemnej w procesie zintegrowanym - koagulacja/mikrofiltracja
- Rafał Bray
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w skali ułamkowo technicznej nad zastosowaniem procesu koagulacji (współwytrącania) jonami żelaza, zintegrowanego z mikrofiltracją, do usuwania arsenu z wody podziemnej, zawierającej ok. 40 μg As/l, 0,70 mg Fe/l oraz 0,09 mg Mn/l. Jako koagulant zastosowano wodny roztwór siarczanu żelaza (III), w dawkach od 0,5 do 18 mg Fe/l. W badaniach wykorzystano rurowe membrany mikrofiltracyjne wykonane z PVDF, o granicznej rozdzielczości (cut off) 400 kDa. Stosowano przepływ jednokierunkowy (dead-end), przy ciśnieniu transmembranowym od 0,1 do 0,2 MPa. Badania wykazały, że już przy dawkach rzędu 2,0 mg Fe/dm3 uzyskano obniżenie stężenia arsenu poniżej poziomu dopuszczalnego dla wód przeznaczonych do spożycia (10 μg As/dm3) a współczynnik retencji arsenu przekraczał 76 %. Dalszy wzrost dawki koagulantu skutkował już niewielkim obniżeniem stężenia arsenu. Stężenie żelaza w permeacie, w całym zakresie zastosowanych dawek, było w ilościach śladowych. Usuwaniu arsenu towarzyszyło również obniżenie barwy, absorbancji UV oraz utlenialności. Proces był natomiast nieskuteczny w usuwaniu manganu.
Uszkodzenia wielowarstwowych posadzek betonowych
- Marzena Kurpińska
Posadzki wielowarstwowe to często projektowane elementy wewnętrznego wykończenia budowli. Mają bardzo duży wpływ na kształtowanie architektoniczne wnętrz oraz zapewnienie właściwych warunków użytkowania. W artykule przedstawiono przyczyny wystąpienia uszkodzeń posadzki w postaci rys i spękań. Górna trudno ścieralna warstwa posadzki grubości ok. 20 mm została wykonana metodą „mokre na suche”.
Uwagi do praktyki bezwykopowej realizacji kolektorów kanalizacyjnych. Inżynieria Morska i Geotechnika
- Ziemowit Suligowski
Techniki bezwykopowe w realizacji rurociągów. Problem różnorodności technologii, znajomość procesów wśród projektantów. Błędy w projektach, konieczność znajomości gabarytów urządzeń. Elementy wspomagające w realizacji. Konstrukcja wsporcza, komora startowa
Uwarunkowania i dylematy polityki regionalnej na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomorskiego
- Jacek Sołtys
Istnieją duże różnice w poziomie rozwoju między obszarami metropolitalnymi a obszarami poza nimi, czyli peryferyjnymi. Różnice te dotyczą również czynników i szans rozwoju. Autor ocenia czynniki rozwojowe w powiatach na obszarze peryferyjnym województwa pomor-skiego. Analizuje też uwarunkowania przestrzenne rozwoju obszaru. Za ważne uwarunkowa-nie uznaje dystans 30 km jako akceptowalny dla dojazdów do pracy. Wynika z niego, że tzw. miejski system dzienny bazujący na miastach powiatowych i niektórych innych miastach może być modułem polityki regionalnej. W polu zainteresowania autora znajdują się też dylematy polityki regionalnej: efektywność czy spójność, kierunki wsparcia (obecny biznes czy po-zyskiwanie nowego), szerokość i elastyczność zasady interwencji.
UWB Microstrip Antennas on a Cylindrical Surfaces
- Rafał Lech
- Wojciech Marynowski
- Adam Kusiek
Conformal antennas are becoming popular due to their many advantages and possibilities of applications they offer. The advantages of using antennas with a curved surface arise not only from the possibility of integrating them with the object on which they are mounted on but also from the increase, relatively to planar antennas, of their visible angular range. The circular antenna arrays, or arrays of radiators located on the surface of a cylinder may be the examples of such antenna that provide omnidirectional radiation patterns in azimuth plane or provide, in this plane, the possibility of beam control. Such antennas can be used e.g. in base stations for mobile communications systems.In the analysis of conformal antennas one encounters the electromagnetic problem which consists in finding the electromagnetic field resulting from radiation sources placed on curved surfaces. It is a boundary problem, where the fields in the area outside antenna surface and the fields or current distribution on the radiating elements have to be matched. Determination of radiation characteristics is reduced to finding the electromagnetic field in the antenna far zone. For this case, the simplified relations are often used. Determination of the mutual-couplings between the radiators requires finding the fields in the antenna near zone and is therefore more difficult issue, because no simplifications can be utilized. The inclusion of mutual-coupling effect is of great importance in pattern synthesis problems, where if the mutual-coupling is neglected, poor results are obtained especially in the shaped beam region. The microstrip Ultra Wideband (UWB) antennas are very attractive to short pulse technology and have been proposed for wireless communication systems to transmit coded signals. Their compact and simple structures with small dimensions and light weight are suitable for easy integration with system components of phased and active antenna arrays. The analysis of UWB microstrip antennas mounted on a circular cylinder is being conducted in the paper. The influence of curvature of the antennas on their reflection coefficients and radiation patterns is investigated and the comparison between planar and conformal radiators is made. A commercial softwares are used to design the UWB radiators and investigate the influence of the curvature.
Użyteczność platformy KASKADA (rozdział 6)
- Andrzej Czyżewski
- Henryk Krawczyk
Zadania wykonane w ramach projektu MAYDAY EURO 2012 w temacie można podzielić na dwie główne kategorie: prace implementacyjne, obejmujące zarówno implementację rozwiązań ekstrakcji cech twarzy jak i systemów rozpoznawania i typowania osób na platformach WINDOWS i KASKADA, prace badawcze, obejmujące z kolei badania związane ze skutecznością typowania i rozpozna-wania osób oraz możliwości zrównoleglania opracowanych rozwiązań na platformie KASKADA. Wykonane w ramach każdej z kategorii zadania opisane są w kolejnych rozdziałach pracy zbiorowej, która ukazała się w wydawnictwie książkowym nakładem Katedry Architektury Systemów Komputerowych WETI PG.
Validation of a sampling procedure
- Małgorzata Bodnar
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Piotr Konieczka
Each step of the analytical procedure influences the final results in a significant way. In the majority of cases the analytical procedure encompasses sampling because the analysis of the entire object (material) is usually not possible. Thus it is necessary to include the uncertainty related to sampling procedure in the uncertainty budget calculations. This paper describes two basic ways of estimating the sampling uncertainty, i.e. experimental and via modeling. There is also an example which shows how to estimate uncertainty using analysis of variance.
Validation of atmospheric aerosols sampling in equivalent fractions
- Cristina Maria Oliveira
- Maria Filomena G. Camões
- Paulina Bigus
- Alejandro Arias Fachado
- Ricardo J. N. Bettencourt da Silva
Physical properties and chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols are of extreme importance, in many fields of interest, namely the Environment even with legal implications. Atmospheric sampling poses inherent problems with consequent demands on sampling optimisation, with sampling strategies requiring validation. In this work a study was conducted aiming at validating the collection of atmospheric aerosols in equivalent fractions. Aerosols were actively collected using a sampling system consisting of a PM10 (≤ 10 μm) inlet coupled to a manifold with six channels of filter holders. The set up was mounted on the roof of building C8 of FCUL, in Lisbon. Samples were treated and analysed by Ion Chromatography (IC) for chloride, nitrate and sulphate anions, in the aerosol water-soluble fraction. The evaluation of the compatibility of measurement results was used to validate sampling and analytical procedures. The results obtained for the measurements in the six filter holder positions are, in general, compatible and the positions can be considered metrologically equivalent.
Venture capital w finansowaniu inwestycji podwyższonego ryzyka w warunkach kryzysu
- Gabriela Golawska-Witkowska
- Anna Rzeczycka
W publikacji przedstawiono venture capitał jako źródło finansowania inwestycji podwyższonego ryzyka. Wykorzystanie venture capital odniesiono do kryzysu gospodarczego. Podjęto się również oceny funkcjonowania funduszy venture capital w warunkach gospodarki Polski.
Verification of ESPAR Antennas Performance in the Simple and Calibration Free Localization System
- Mateusz Rzymowski
- Przemysław Woźnica
- Łukasz Kulas
This paper presents the results of simulations and measurements of an indoor localization system that uses Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas with switched directional beam. Proposed antennas are dedicated for 2.4GHz ISM low-cost applications where determination of the incoming signal is required. The antennas performance is analyzed and verified with relation to positioning methods based on the simplest direction of arrival (DoA) algorithm. The object position is estimated by incoming signal direction indicated by a pair of antennas. The existing analysis of ESPAR antenna performance with regard to DoA estimation methods usually base on experimental measurements where negative influence of the environment is limited or only certain operational angles are discussed. In this paper all measurements were done in the office and warehouse environment and compared with corresponding ray-tracing simulations.
- Marek Galewski
- Marek Chodnicki
- Krzysztof Jan Kaliński
The main goal of modern machining operations is to achieve increasingly better performance. High Speed Machining and/or High Performance Cutting, despite a lot of advantages, have also some drawbacks, for example, a possibility of losing stability and development of self-excited chatter vibration. This paper presents an approach of vibration surveillance during high speed milling with a use of active optimal control. Non-stationary model of the milling process is described with the use of convention of the discrete hybrid system, and the problem of optimal control at energy performance index is defined and resolved. Numerous computer simulations disclosed efficiency of the surveillance by the active optimal control of flexible workpiece vibration. The performed real experiments of the milling process support the meaning of the method of vibration surveillance.
Vibrational Sum-Frequency Generation Activity of a 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Phospholipid Hybrid Bilayer: Retrieving Orientational Parameters from a DFT Analysis of Experimental Data
- Dan Lis
- Julien Guthmuller
- BENOîT Champagne
- Christophe Humbert
- Bertrand Busson
- André Peremans
- Francesca Cecchet
The vibrational nonlinear activity of films of 2,4-dinitrophenyl phospholipid (DNP) at the solid interface is measured by sum-frequency generation spectroscopy (SFG). Hybrid bilayers are formed by a LangmuirSchaefer approach in which the lipid layer is physisorbed on top of a self-assembled monolayer of dodecanethiol on Pt with the polar heads pointing out from the surface. The SFG response is investigated in two vibrational frequency domains, namely, 30502750 and 13751240 cm1. The first region probes the CH stretching modes of DNP films, and the latter explores the vibrational nonlinear activity of the 2,4-dinitroaniline moiety of the polar head of the lipid. Analysis of the CH stretching vibrations suggests substantial conformational order of the aliphatic chains with only a few gauche defects. To reliably assign the detected SFG signals to specific molecular vibrations, DFT calculations of the IR and Raman activities of molecular models are performed and compared to experimental solid-state spectra. This allows unambiguous assignment of the observed SFG vibrations to molecular modes localized on the 2,4-dinitroaniline moiety of the polar head of DNP. Then, SFG spectra of DNP in the 13751240 cm1 frequency range are simulated and compared with experimental ones, and thus the 1,4-axis of the 2,4-dinitrophenyl head is estimated to have tilt and rotation angles of 45 +/- 5 degrees and 0 +/- 30 degrees, respectively
Video Analytics-Based Algorithm for Monitoring Egress from Buildings
- Maciej Szczodrak
- Andrzej Czyżewski
A concept and practical implementation of the algorithm for detecting of potentially dangerous situations of crowding in passages is presented. An example of such situation is a crush which may be caused by obstructed pedestrian pathway. Surveillance video camera signal analysis performed on line is employed in order to detect hold-ups near bottlenecks like doorways or staircases. The details of implemented algorithm which uses optical flow method combined with fuzzy logic are explained. The implementation details are introduced with focus on the computing platform and parallel processing. The experiments were carried out on the set of gathered video recordings from the surveillance camera installed in the campus of Gdansk University of Technology. The results of experiments performed on gathered video recordings show that efficiency of the algorithm is high.