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Entasis- shape of beauty
- Michał Gołębiewski
- Anna Wancław
Two algorithms for the construction of entasis given by [2,3] are examined in this study. It has been shown, that those shapes are not an ellipse for which they were considered by the authors, but another curves.
Entrepreneurial education and attitudes among young generations in a gender perspective: the case of Polish educational system
- Magdalena Popowska
This paper is an attempt to analyze the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial attitudes and intentions of young people: male and female students of Polish high schools and universities. The author makes an effort to verify the impact of the exposure to the business education and entrepreneurs on the decision to start-up. Special emphasis will be placed on the gender differences when discussing a respective factors’ impact and on the country context, especially when analyzing the influence of perception of entrepreneurs by young generation of respondents. The paper will provide also a number of tips and guidelines for decision-makers in the wider area of entrepreneurship education, and thus ensuring proper orientation of policy support in this largely underestimated field of education.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Exposure, Health Effects, and Analysis
- Sylwia Narkowicz
- Żaneta Polkowska
- Bogumiła Kiełbratowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemicals, and 44 compoundshave been classified as human carcinogens. Toxicity can beboth mainstream smoke as well as the constituents of environmentaltobacco smoke. In the light of this evidence, work is intensifyingon assessing exposure on the basis of the results of tests performedto quantify the amounts of suitable environmental tobacco smokeconstituent biomarkers in samples of biological materials takenfrom humans. The authors present information on the compositionof tobacco smoke and its toxicity to humans, and also data onthe methodologies applicable in the analysis of biological materialsamples for their biomarker content.
Epidemiological study of Toxoplasma gondii infection among cattle in Northern Poland
- Lucyna Holec-Gąsior
- Dorota Drapała
- Bartosz Dominiak-Górski
- Józef Kur
Toxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is a significant disease in livestock and humans. Because of medical and veterinary importance it is essential to study the prevalence of T. gondii infection among human and animals in various parts of the word. In this study, 4033 cattle from eight provinces of Northern Poland (belonging to 190 herds) were tested for IgG antibodies against T. gondii by an in-house ELISA technique based on native Toxoplasma lysate antigen. The diagnostic sensitivity of test used in this study was 96.3%, and specificity was 98% for the group of 77 cattle sera (27 seropositive and 50 seronegative) previously characterized with the use of agglutination and immunofluorescence methods. A 127 (3.15%) out of all tested animals belonging to 72 (37.9%) out of 190 herds were founded as positive. Furthermore, our results showed that the way of feeding and farming, the size of the herd and the age of animals have the influence on the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among cattle. The percentage of infected cattle was the highest for old animals which belongs to the small herds with the traditional way of farming. These results indicate that T. gondii infection in cattle from Northern Poland is relatively low and consumption of beef and milk can be regarded as a poor source of infection for humans.
Epigenetic Basis of Regeneration: Analysis of Genomic DNA Methylation Profiles in the MRL/MpJ Mouse
- Bartosz Górnikiewicz
- Anna Ronowicz
- Justyna Podolak-Popinigis
- Piotr Madanecki
- Anna Stanisławska-Sachadyn
- Paweł Sachadyn
Epigenetic regulation plays essential role in cell differentiation and dedifferentiation, which are the intrinsic processes involved in regeneration. To investigate the epigenetic basis of regeneration capacity, we choose DNA methylation as one of the most important epigenetic mechanisms and the MRL/MpJ mouse as a model of mammalian regeneration known to exhibit enhanced regeneration response in different organs. We report the comparative analysis of genomic DNA methylation profiles of the MRL/MpJ and the control C57BL/6J mouse. Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation followed by microarray analysis using the Nimblegen '3 × 720 K CpG Island Plus RefSeq Promoter' platform was applied in order to carry out genome-wide DNA methylation profiling covering 20 404 promoter regions. We identified hundreds of hypo- and hypermethylated genes and CpG islands in the heart, liver, and spleen, and 37 of them in the three tissues. Decreased inter-tissue diversification and the shift of DNA methylation balance upstream the genes distinguish the genomic methylation patterns of the MRL/MpJ mouse from the C57BL/6J. Homeobox genes and a number of other genes involved in embryonic morphogenesis are significantly overrepresented among the genes hypomethylated in the MRL/MpJ mouse. These findings indicate that epigenetic patterning might be a likely molecular basis of regeneration capability in the MRL/MpJ mouse.
Equitable coloring of corona products of graphs
- Hanna Furmańczyk
- K. Kaliraj
- Marek Kubale
- J. Vernold Vivin
In this paper we consider an equitable coloring of some corona products of graphs G and H in symbols, G o H). In particular, we show that deciding the colorability of G o H is NP-complete even if G is 4-regular and H is K_2. Next, we prove exact values or upper bounds on the equitable chromatic number of G o H, where G is an equitably 3- or 4-colorable graph and H is an r-partite graph, a path, a cycle or a complete graph.
Ernst Cassirer's Idea of the Critique of Knowledge
- Przemysław Parszutowicz
Article is a systematic and historical presentation of a specific understanding of the idea of transcendentalism, developed in so called Marburg School of neo-Kantianism. Their unique line of interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy which consisted in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understanding of basic philosophical concepts is characteristic, from one hand, of Marburg School of idealism and, on the other hand, perfectly describes Cassirer’s peculiar understanding of philosophy – as “critics of knowledge”. The main thesis of this paper is that the critical method understood as a method of searching for fundamental principles and conditions of possibility of objectiveness is a basic tool of analysis and investigations carried out by the author of Philosophy of Symbolic Forms.
Ernst Cassirer’s Idea of the Critique of Knowledge
- Przemysław Parszutowicz
The article analyses systematically and historically the specific idea of transcenden-talism developed in the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. The unique line of the Marburg’s School interpretation of Kant’s critical philosophy consists in contrasting critical (relational) and dogmatic (substantial) understandings of basic philosophical concepts. This line is characteristic of the Marburg School idealism, and it perfectly grasps Ernst Cassirer’s peculiar understanding of philosophy—as “the critique of knowledge.” The main thesis of this paper is the following one: the critical method understood as the method of searching for fundamental principles and conditions of possibility of objectiveness is a basic tool of analysis and investigations carried out by Cassirer.
Erratum to "Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics" by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, R. P. Soni
- Radosław Szmytkowski
We correct a number of misprints in the handbook "Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematial physics" (3rd edition) by Magnus, Oberhettinger and Soni.
Estetyka i architektura na rozdrożu = The aesthetics and the architecture at the crossroads
- Krystyna Pokrzywnicka
Opis dzieła architektury w formie refleksji estetycznej następuje w innym przedziale czasowym niż samo zaistnienia artefaktu w przestrzeni-Estetyka oraz krytyka architektoniczna nie posługują się wspólnym językiem naukowym.Estetyka i architektura sa wyrażane odmiennymi językami opisu zjawisk.Utrudnia to wzajemne odczytanie intencji oceniającego i twórcy.
Estimating Intercept Range of Silent Sonar
- Roman Salamon
- Jacek Marszal
When used in military application, sonars should ensure secretiveness. There is some evidence suggesting that silent sonars have a significant advantage over pulse sonars in the respect. If improved, the secretiveness of silent sonar translates into the distance over witch its soundings signal are detected by intercept sonars. The article gives estimated distances for far, medium, and short range sonars operating in the oceans and Baltic Sea. An analysis was conducted and showed that the sistance for detecting silent sonar by intercept sonar can be reduced several times or even more than ten times versus the detection performance of tipical pulse sonars.
Estimation of a smoothness parameter by spline wavelets
- Natalia Jarzębkowska
- Magdalena Meller
We consider the smoothness parameter s*(f) of a function f∈L2(R) in terms of Besov spaces. The existing results on estimation of smoothness [K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska and B. Wolnik, J. Nonparametric Statist. 23 (2011)] employ the Haar basis and are limited to the case 0<s*(f)<1/2. Using p-regular (p≥1) spline wavelets with exponential decay we extend them to density functions with 0<s*(f)<p+1/2. Applying the Franklin–Strömberg wavelet p=1, we prove that the presented estimator of s*(f) is consistent for piecewise constant functions. Furthermore, we show that the results for the Franklin–Strömberg wavelet can be generalised to any spline wavelet (p≥1).
- Maciej Niedźwiecki
- Michał Meller
- Yoshinobu Kajikawa
- Dawid Łukwiński
A new adaptive comb filtering algorithm, capable of tracking the fundamental frequency and amplitudes of different frequency components of a nonstationary harmonic signal embedded in white measurement noise, is proposed. Frequency tracking characteristics of the new scheme are studied analytically, proving (under Gaussian assumptions and optimal tuning) its statistical efficiency for quasi-linear frequency changes. Laboratory tests show that the proposed algorithm can be successfully used for active control of MRI noise.
Estymacja wybranych parametrów modelu generatora synchronicznego z wykorzystaniem metody gradientowej rozmytej – referat konferencyjny
- Jacek Klucznik
- Zbigniew Lubośny
- Krzysztof Dobrzyński
Referat prezentuje metodę estymacji parametrów modelu generatora synchronicznego z wykorzystaniem algorytmu gradientowego. Przedstawiono przykład estymacji parametrów modelu hydrogeneratora w oparciu o przebiegi napięcia generatora podczas dwóch testów: zrzutu mocy czynnej i zrzutu mocy biernej. Prezentowane analizy zostały wykonane w autorskim programie wykorzystującym środowisko modelowania PowerFactory firmy DIgSILENT.
Etyka w zawodzie specjalistów public relations
- Ewa Hope
Książka traktuje o zasadach,wartościach, normach, dylematach etycznych w zawodzie specjalisty PR, analizuje również rolę instytucji i dokumentów, które mogą pomóc w wyborach, podejmowanych decyzjach w pracy public relations.
Euro 2012 economic impact on host cities in Poland
- Krystian Zawadzki
The UEFA European Championship (Euro) is among the world's most important sporting events staged nowadays. Apart from tremendous excitement among football fans, such a major event has a number of other implications, above all of economic nature. This study, as one of the few concerned with the Polish circumstances, is intended to determine what significance should be attributed to stage the Euro 2012 in Polish host cities. aware of the difficulty in finding an unequivocal answer, the Authorfocused on four isolated areas of impact, namely: sports infrastructure, other infrastructure, tourist traffic and the labour market.
Europejski projekt ADDPRIV Automatyczna interpretacja danych pozyskiwanych z obrazu dla potrzeb systemów monitoringu wizyjnego funkcjonujących z poszanowaniem prywatności osób
- Andrzej Czyżewski
- Karol Lisowski
- Piotr Bratoszewski
- Piotr Hoffmann
Systemy monitorowania bezpieczeństwa publicznego generują i przechowują ogromne ilości danych implikując wzrost prawdopodobieństwa użycia tych danych w sposób nieodpowiedni z punktu widzenia ochrony danych osobowych. W niniejszym referacie zaprezentowany jest europejski projekt ADDPRIV, który bezpośrednio odnosi się do kwestii poszanowania prywatności poprzez automatyczne rozpoznawanie istotności danych pochodzących z rozproszonego systemu kamerowego nadzoru bezpieczeństwa. Przedstawiono założenia projektu i wyniki dotychczasowych prac badawczo eksperymentalnych zrealizowanych w Politechnice Gdańskiej, która jest uczestnikiem tego projektu europejskiego.
Evaluating Security and Resilience of Critical Networked Infrastructures after Stuxnet
- Rafał Leszczyna
- Igor Nai Fovino
The chapter presents the current configuration of the simulation environment for the evaluations of the security and resilience of critical networked infrastructures, which enables simulations of Stuxnet-like attacks. The configuration includes new features added to the MAlSim - Mobile Agent Malware Simulator after the advent of Stuxnet in reference to the experiments aiming at the security evaluation of a power plant which we conducted in 2007. The attack scenarios developed for the implementation in the new configuration of the laboratory are described.
- Kazimierz Darowicki
- Stefan Krakowiak
Evaluation of possibilities of genotyping of Candida glabrata clinical isolates with RAPD-PCR method and microsatellite analysis
- Piotr Szweda
- Katarzyna Magdalena Gucwa
- L. Naumiuk
- E. Romanowska
- K. Dzierzanowska-Fangrat
The aim of the study was to compare the discriminatory power of RAPD-PCR method using RSD10 primer and microsatellite (GACA)4 analysis for genotyping clinical isolates of C. glabrata. Isolates were received from patients of two Polish hospitals: Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw (n=17) and Medical University of Gdansk (n=37). Species identification was confirmed by two phenotypic methods: growth on chromagar plates (Biocorp) and Candida API ID 32C test (bioMérieux), as well as by PCR reaction. For both tested methods for genotyping, the size of amplified DNA fragments varied mainly between 200 and about 3000 bp. The sets of 9 and 8 different products of amplification were obtained in the case of microsatellite and RAPD-PCR method, respectively. The amplicon arrays were analyzed and dendrograms were constructed using a matrix generated by UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Means) in MVSP program (Multi Variate Statistical Package) version 3.22. As a result 20 different genotypes were distinguished in the case of microsatellite analysis and the collection of strains was divided into 26 genotypes in the case of RAPD-PCR analysis with RSD10 primer. Additionally, an evident correlation between genotype classification and geographical origin of the isolates was observed in the case of RADP-PCR method. The performed investigation revealed that RAPD-PCR amplification with RSD10 primer represents high discriminatory power in molecular differentiation of C. glabrata clinical isolates and can be recommended for at least preliminary analysis of possible route of transmission of this pathogen in hospitals and community.