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Publikacje z roku 2014
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Data Model Development for Security Information Sharing in Smart Grids
- Rafał Leszczyna
- Michał Wróbel
The smart grid raises new security concerns which require novel solutions. It is commonly agreed that to protect the grid, the effective collaboration and information sharing between the relevant stakeholders is prerequisite. Developing a security information sharing platform for the smart grid is a new research direction which poses several challenges related to the highly distributed and heterogeneous character of the grid. In this paper an approach to developing a data model for security information sharing platform for the smart grid which addresses these questions is presented together with the results of its application.
DC-link voltage balancing in cascaded H-Bridge converters
- Arkadiusz Lewicki
In the paper a DC-link voltage balancing strategy for multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) converter is proposed. Presented solution bases on optimal choice of active vector durations in Space-Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SV-PWM). It makes it possible to DC-link voltages control and to properly generate the output voltage vector in the case of DC-link voltage unbalance. Results of simulation and experimental researches on proposed control strategy are presented in the paper.
- Justyna Kujawska
Systemy opieki zdrowotnej ze względu na uwarunkowania społeczno-ekonomiczne, takie jak wydłużanie się długości życia, starzenie się społeczeństwa, rozwój technologii medycznych i wysokie koszty funkcjonowania, muszą dbać o efektywność. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie modelu pomiaru i oceny wpływu czynników ryzyka na zdrowie, z wykorzystaniem metody Data Envelopment Analysis. Analizę przeprowadzono dla 34 krajów OECD dla lat 2000 i 2011, korzystając z modelu Slack Based Measure. Jako wyniki zdrowia przyjęto oczekiwaną długość życia w zdrowiu (HALE) dla kobiet i dla mężczyzn oraz, co jest nową koncepcją, postrzegany stan zdrowia. Jako czynniki ryzyka uwzględniono palenie tytoniu, emisję tlenków azotu oraz otyłość. Dla krajów o niskiej efektywności określono jej przyczyny oraz wskazano kierunki zmian, które powinny zapewnić pełną efektywność.
Decisional DNA based framework for representing Virtual Engineering Objects
- Syed Imran Shafig
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Cesar Sanin
- Carlos Toro
In this paper, we propose a frame-work to represent the Virtual Engineering Objects (VEO) utilizing Set of Knowledge Experience Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. A VEO will enable the discovery of new knowledge in a manufacturing unit and the generation of new rules that drive reasoning. The proposed VEO framework will not only be knowledge based representation but it will also have its associated experience embedded within it. This concept will evolve and discover implicit knowledge in industrial plant, which can be beneficial for the engineers and practitioners. A VEO will be a living representation of an object; capable of adding, storing, improving and sharing knowledge through experience, similar to an expert of that area.
Decisional DNA for modeling and reuse of experiential clinical assessments in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment
- Eider Sanchez
- Wang Peng
- Carlos Toro
- Cesar Sanin
- Manuel Grana
- Edward Szczerbicki
- Eduardo Carrasco
- Frank Guijarro
- Luis Brualla
Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) are active knowledge resources that use patient data to generate case specific advice. The fast pace of change of clinical knowledge imposes to CDSS the continuous update of the domain knowledge and decision criteria. Traditional approaches require costly tedious manual maintenance of the CDSS knowledge bases and repositories. Often, such an effort cannot be assumed by medical teams, hence maintenance is often faulty. In this paper, we propose a (semi-)automatic update process of the underlying knowledge bases and decision criteria of CDSS, following a learning paradigm based on previous experiences, such as the continuous learning that clinicians carry out in real life. In this process clinical decisional events are acquired and formalized inside the system by the use of the SOEKS and Decisional DNA experiential knowledge representation techniques. We propose three algorithms processing clinical experience to: (a) provide a weighting of the different decision criteria, (b) obtain their fine-tuning, and (c) achieve the formalization of new decision criteria. Finally, we present an implementation instance of a CDSS for the domain of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Deep compaction control of sandy soils
- Lech Bałachowski
- Norbert Kurek
Vibroflotation, vibratory compaction, micro-blasting or heavy tamping are typical improvement methods for the cohesionless deposits of high thickness. The complex mechanism of deep soil compaction is related to void ratio decrease with grain rearrangements, lateral stress increase, prestressing effect of certain number of load cycles, water pressure dissipation, aging and other effects. Calibration chamber based interpretation of CPTU/DMT can be used to take into account vertical and horizontal stress and void ratio effects. Some examples of interpretation of soundings in pre-treated and compacted sands are given. Some acceptance criteria for compaction control are discussed. The improvement factors are analysed including the normalised approach based on the soil behaviour type index.
Defence in depth conception in nuclear power plants and requirements for instrumentation and control systems
- Kazimierz Kosmowski
The aim of this article is to identify and discuss some issues of the safety systems’ design for nuclear power plants equipped with the light water reactors using a defence in depth (D-in-D) conception. Because the functional safety solutions play nowadays an important role for the risk control, the basic requirements for the instrumentation and control systems are specified with regard to relevant international standards. For the design purposes the safety functions are categorized into three categories. The I&C systems implementing these functions are assigned to one of three classes that conform to defined design, manufacturing and qualification requirements. These systems are designed to implement functions of relevant categories. Additional design requirements are discussed, including hardware and software aspects, to achieve and maintain the required reliability commensurate with the importance of the safety functions to be performed to reduce risk.
- Agnieszka Łukowicz
- Elżbieta Urbańska-Galewska
Permanent urban growth of the world of today world implies demanding challenges for the steel construction industry. Nowadays, one of the most important issues is the cost optimization of steel structures. Since the weight of building materials is a major component of the total cost, engineers and designers try to reduce structural weight, without compromising durability and sustainability of a steel structure. Therefore, light gauge steel structures are considered the key to the future of simplified and low-cost construction. Cold-formed steel sections extensively encounter the modern steel construction industry. Not only are they used as secondary elements like purlins or sheeting, but also they can serve as primary load-bearing members in fabricated steel panels and trusses. Over the last few years, only typical forms of cold-formed steel sections (e.g. lipped C-sections and lipped Z-sections) have been extensively studied and the obtained results have been presented in many publications. A new and innovative form of cold-formed steel section was proposed recently. This trapezoidal thin-walled section, which is referred to as the GEB-section, has been already patented in the Polish Patent Office. Due to its relatively high strength-to-weight ratio it can be successfully used for primary load-bearing members in steel structures. Unfortunately, most of the rules given in EN 1993-1-3 cover the design of typical forms of cold-formed steel sections whose deformation modes are well known. The paper reports the results of the experimental investigation on deformation behavior of the GEB-section under pure bending and axial compression. The experimental study was carried out in order to determine the local and distortional buckling modes of the analyzed cold-formed steel section.
Degradacja i Recykling Poliuretanów
- Janusz Datta
W pracy przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z degradacją i recyklingiem poliuretanów, m.in. recyklingiem materiałowym, recyklingiem chemicznym, odzyskiem energetycznym, biodegradacją i recyklingiem organicznym. Przedstawiono również aktualne trendy w zagospodarowaniu odpadów poliuretanowych.
Degradacja przestrzeni publicznych miasta nadmorskiego jako wynik procesu komercjalizacji
- Krystyna Pokrzywnicka
- Maciej Busch
Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych
- Wojciech Toczek
- Krzysztof Kaczmarczyk-Mróz
Przedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.
Density functional theory calculations on entire proteins for free energies of binding: Application to a model polar binding site
- Stephen Fox
- Jacek Dziedzic
- Thomas Fox
- Christofer Tautermann
- Chris-Kriton Skylaris
In drug optimization calculations, the molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) method can be used to compute free energies of binding of ligands to proteins. The method involves the evaluation of the energy of configurations in an implicit solvent model. One source of errors is the force field used, which can potentially lead to large errors due to the restrictions in accuracy imposed by its empirical nature. To assess the effect of the force field on the calculation of binding energies, in this article we use large-scale density functional theory (DFT) calculations as an alternative method to evaluate the energies of the configurations in a “QM-PBSA” approach. Our DFT calculations are performed with a near-complete basis set and a minimal parameter implicit solvent model, within the self-consistent calculation, using the ONETEP program on protein–ligand complexes containing more than 2600 atoms. We apply this approach to the T4-lysozyme double mutant L99A/M102Q protein, which is a well-studied model of a polar binding site, using a set of eight small aromatic ligands. We observe that there is very good correlation between the MM and QM binding energies in vacuum but less so in the solvent. The relative binding free energies from DFT are more accurate than the ones from the MM calculations, and give markedly better agreement with experiment for six of the eight ligands. Furthermore, in contrast to MM-PBSA, QM-PBSA is able to correctly predict a nonbinder
Density smoothness estimation problem using a wavelet approach
- Karol Dziedziul
- Bogdan Ćmiel
In this paper we consider a smoothness parameter estimation problem for a density function. The smoothness parameter of a function is defined in terms of Besov spaces. This paper is an extension of recent results (K. Dziedziul, M. Kucharska, B. Wolnik, Estimation of the smoothness parameter ). The construction of the estimator is based on wavelets coefficients. Although we believe that the effective estimation of the smoothness parameter is impossible in general case, we can show that it becomes possible for some classes of the density functions.
Derivation of the scaling laws used in geotechnical centrifuge modelling-application of dimensional analysis and Buckingham Π theorem
- Jakub Konkol
Geotechnical centrifuge modelling has been a world-wide used technology in physical tests. In this paper a derivation of scaling laws by dimensional analysis for the centrifugal modelling is presented. Basic principles of centrifuge modelling are described. Scaling laws for slow events like consolidation and fast events like dynamic loads are shown. The differences in scale factors for both processes are noticed. The aim of this paper is to introduce geotechnical centrifuge technology to a wider Polish audience.
Design analysis of combined gas-vapour micro power plant with 30 kW air turbine
- Marian Piwowarski
- Krzysztof Kosowski
The article presents basic results of the design analysis of a combined gas-vapour micro power plant with a waste-heat boiler without exhaust reheat, working in the vapour section in the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system. The analysis concerned working media most frequently used in those types of power plants and planned to be used in future. The object of the analysis was a micro power plant with a 30 kW gas (air) turbine for which the low-boiling medium was selected in such a way as to obtain maximal possible power output of the vapour turbine and, consequently, the highest efficiency of the combined cycle. The analysis also included vapour micro power plants with heat regeneration for so-called dry media and cycles without heat regeneration for so-called wet media. The amount of thermal energy available for utilisation in the cogeneration micro power plant at the assumed condenser temperatures equal to 95ºC, 55ºC and 30ºC, respectively, was assessed. The most favourable medium in terms of the obtained power output and efficiency of the combined cycle was selected and the effect of the low-boiling medium on design parameters of the vapour micro turbine was assessed.
Design and modeling of reliable networks
- Jacek Rak
- Brigitte Jaumard
- Roland Wessaely
Design and numerical testing of 5-box gfrp shell footbridge
- Marian Klasztorny
- Jacek Chróścielewski
- Piotr Szurgott
- Roman Romanowski
The paper formulates new design conditions for composite footbridges, taking into account the material and structural specificity of these objects, i.e. the strength condition, the serviceability condition and the frequency condition. A GFRP composite footbridge labelled with CFB2 code has been designed, with the original superstructure in the form of an opened-closed 5-box girder. The foot and cycle track bridge is simply supported, of 12.00 m span length and 2.50 m usable width. The main constituents of laminates are bi-directional balanced sewn E-glass woven fabrics, with orientation [0/90] and [45/–45] with respect to the bridge axis, as reinforcement and flame retardant vinylester resin as matrix. The infusion processing technology and bonding with an adhesive of the composite shells are used. The numerical modelling and dynamic and static analysis of the footbridge have been conducted using the FE code MSC.Marc 2010. The considerations include one-shell geometry of the superstructure, structural GFRP laminates of specified ply sequences, bonded joints with an adhesive and original steel plate / rubber pad / bolt or anchor support connections. Load combinations are adopted in accordance with Polish bridge standards.
Design and simulation of a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever sensor/actuator for analysis of the soft tissues properties
- Łukasz Sienkiewicz
- Jean-Francois Rouchon
- Mieczysław Ronkowski
- Grzegorz Andrzej Kostro
This paper is devoted to a new prototype of piezoelectric cantilever transducer dedicated for the characterization of the mechanical properties of soft tissues. General description of the actuator’s structure is presented including the basic principles of the measurement. The chosen geometry of the prototype is discussed and compared with the existing one. Constitutive equations are presented for the active and passive layer of the cantilever transducer. The prototype is verified by means of finite element method analysis. Results of static and modal analysis are presented and discussed.
Design and synthesis of new analogues of batracylin linked to tuftsin and retro-tuftsin derivatives
- Wioleta Januchta
- Krystyna Dzierzbicka
- Grzegorz Cholewiński
- Andrzej Składanowski
- Marcin Serocki
The synthesis of derivatives of batracylin with several peptides was elaborated followed by their cytotoxic activity investigation.
Design of microstrip antenna subarrays: a simulation-driven surrogate-based approach
- Adrian Bekasiewicz
- Włodzimierz Zieniutycz
- Sławomir Kozieł
- Stanislav Ogurtsov
A methodology for computationally efficient simulation-driven design of microstrip antenna subarrays is presented. Our approach takes into account the effect of the feed (here, a corporate network) on the subarray side-lobe level and allows adjustment of both radiation and reflection responses of the structure under design within a single automated process. This process is realized as surrogate-based optimization that produces designs meeting requirements imposed on both radiation and reflection at the cost of just a few simulations of the high-fidelity model of the structure of interest. Selected optimal designs of microstrip subarrays operating at 10 GHz have been manufactured and validated by measuring their radiation patterns and reflection coefficients