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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2015

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  • Positive management of the university
    • Krzysztof Leja
    2015 Pełny tekst Journal of Positive Management

    Purpose: To demonstrate that contemporary universities may be improved by synthesis of strategic antinomies, i.e. seeking the possibility of combining opposite approaches to solving problems concerning university organization and management. Findings: That approach discounts the importance of building positive relationships between members of staff and undertaking activities intended to create a situation where the sheer joy of work will dominate in universities. This in turn will promote integration of the academic environment and induce employees to strive for mastery to find pleasure and satisfaction rather than to achieve specific effects of their activity, which eventually will lead to better efficiency. The motivation method used at universities to date turns out to be ineffective; therefore, following the positive thinking idea formulated by Martin Seligman, I propose to apply a synthesis of strategic paradoxes observed in universities and use the results to counteract the noticeable distress of academic communities and replace it with positive thinking, consisting of the aspiration to discover and understand phenomena, the sense of belonging to the academic community and building positive relationships with that community. Such an approach is in agreement with the “philosophy” proposing to replace the dictatorial (“tyranny of OR” (either ‘a’ or ‘b’, but not both at the same time with the “genius of the OR” (both ‘a’ and ‘b’), applied by visionary organizations, such as universities should strive to become. Limitations: Conservative views and resistance to change of academic circles hamper research but the openness of the management of (some) universities may break down that resistance, conclusions from analyses require empirical verification. Paper type: Conceptual paper

  • Positive solutions to advanced fractional differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions
    • Tadeusz Jankowski
    2015 Pełny tekst Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics

    We study the existence of positive solutions for a class of higher order fractional differential equations with advanced arguments and boundary value problems involving Stieltjes integral conditions. The fixed point theorem due to Avery-Peterson is used to obtain sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple positive solutions. Certain of our results improve on recent work in the literature.

  • Positron scattering on molecular hydrogen: Analysis of experimental and theoretical uncertainties
    • Kamil Fedus
    • Jan Franz
    • Grzegorz P. Karwasz
    2015 Pełny tekst PHYSICAL REVIEW A

    Experiments performed in recent years on positron scattering from molecular hydrogen indicated a rise of the total cross section in the limit of zero energy, but essentially disagree on the amplitude of this rise. Mitroy and collaborators [J.-Y. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 223202 (2009)] predicted a scattering length somewhat different from values deduced experimentally. Using a Markov chain Monte Carlo modified effective range theory (MCMC-MERT) we show that the prediction of Mitroy and collaborators allows one to validate the recent experimental results and determine possible uncertainties. By comparing the MERT analysis with the fixed-nuclei density functional calculations we also deduce that probably the effect of virtual positronium formation (or coupling to the virtual positronium state) determines an almost constant value of the total cross section from 3 eV up to the positronium-formation threshold.

  • Possible effects of the 1984 St. Clair River ice jam on bed changes
    • Tomasz Kolerski
    • Hung Tao Shen

    This study examines the possible effect of the record ice jam of 1984 in the St. Clair River on river bed changes and conveyance. Numerical simulations were made to examine the flow and bed shear stresses during the jam formation and release periods. Simulation results indicate that the ice jam in the river did not cause a significant increase in bed shear stress compared to pre- and post-jam open water conditions. The insignificant change on bed shear stress during the ice jam period is the result of the large flow depth and the limited jam thickness. The bed shear stresses are much less than the critical shear stress for bed particle movement. This implies that the jam may not have had a significant impact on the channel conveyance.

  • Potentiometric Solid-Contact Multisensor System for Simultaneous Measurement of Several Ions
    • Artur Jasiński
    • Marcin Urbanowicz
    • Marcin Guziński
    • Maria Bocheńska
    • Marcin Guzinski

    The design and performance of potentiometric multisensor system made in solid-contact technology is described. Both, the measuring electrodes as well as the reference electrode are in a compact cell. The system allows for simultaneous measurement of various ions. The characteristics of the electrodes for Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ions were determined using the designed system and compared with ISEs of the same membrane composition in classical system. The potentiometric cells were used to determine the concentration of the ions in synthetic and real human sweat samples. The obtained results for synthetic samples were compared to the expected values and for collected real sample of sweat were compared to the results obtained by flame photometry (Na+, K+) and by AAS (Ca2+).

  • Potrzeba wykorzystania narzędzi Enterprise Project Management w przedsiębiorstwie między narodowym - studium przypadku
    • Krzysztof Redlarski
    2015 Pełny tekst Problemy Zarządzania

    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące projektu wdrożenia narzędzia informatycznego, które usprawni proces planowanie pracy i zarządzanie zasobami w filiach zagranicznych, mającego znamiona systemu Enterprise Project Management - do wspomagania zarządzania projektami. Omówiono zalety oraz wady tego typu rozwiązań w stosunku do tradycyjnych sposobów zarządzania. Wskazano szanse i zagrożenia dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw wynikające z zastosowania nowoczesnych produktów informatycznych wspomagających zarządzanie projektami. Zaprezentowano również czynniki psychologiczne, które mogą budzić obawy pracowników międzynarodowych filii i stanowić przeszkodę w implementacji systemów Enterprise Project Management.

  • Potwierdzanie efektów uczenia się jakonowe zadanie dla uczelni wyższych
    • Władysław Koc
    • Agnieszka Krysiak
    • Karolina Grygiel
    2015 Dzień Jakości PG

    Praca nawiązuje do przeprowadzonej w 2014 roku nowelizacji ustawy z dnia 27 lipca 2005 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym. Wprowadzono w niej nowy obowiązek dla uczelni wyższych – potwierdzanie efektów uczenia się nabytych poza systemem studiów. Omowiono zasady kształcenia w kontekście Lifelong Learning oraz walidacji efektów uczenia się. Przedstawiono podstawy wdrożeniowe potwierdzania efektów uczenia się na Politechnice Gdańskiej.

  • Pounding Between Superstructure Segments in Multi-Supported Elevated Bridge with Three-Span Continuous Deck Under 3D Non-Uniform Earthquake Excitation
    • Robert Jankowski
    2015 Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami

    Reports after severe ground motions show that the earthquake-induced structural pounding may lead to significant damage in elevated bridges. The aim of this paper is to analyse pounding between superstructure segments of a highway elevated bridge with three-span continuous deck under 3D non-uniform earthquake excitation, which is induced by spatial seismic effects related to the propagation of seismic wave. The conditional stochastic approach has been applied to generate the earthquake records for different support locations along the structure. The analysis has been conducted with the help of FEM taking into account the influence of rotation of superstructure segments due to corner collisions. The detailed non-linear strain-rate dependent model has been applied to simulate the behaviour of bearings under earthquake excitation. The results of the study confirm that pounding has considerable influence on the behaviour of the analysed bridge and may lead to the substantial increase in the structural response. They show that the structural response depends much on the gap size between adjacent superstructure segments. Moreover, the results clearly indicate that the incorporation of the non-uniform earthquake excitation may lead to considerable changes in the structural behaviour. The application of the method of conditional stochastic modelling for generation of earthquake records has also been proved to be useful for practical purposes of modelling the spatial seismic effects for long multi-supported elevated bridges.

  • Power Electronic Transformer For Smart Grid Application
    • Marcin Morawiec
    • Arkadiusz Lewicki
    • Zbigniew Krzemiński

    In this paper the control system of Power Electronic Transformer (PET) for the Smart Grid application is proposed. The structure of PET is based on two Cascaded H-bridge (CHB) converters. The electrical energy is transferred between converters using Dual-Active-Bridges (DAB) and high-frequency transformers. This type of coupling has been used to connect the DC-links of all H-bridges. The proposed control system for PET makes it possible for DC-link voltage stabilization and allows to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of converter currents and voltages. The simulation and experimental researches of 600 kVA / 3.3kV PET are presented in the paper.

  • Power Surge Compensator based on a Four Level Diode Clamped Inverter for ship application. Average model
    • Maciej Grabarek
    • Marcin Parchomiuk
    • Ryszard Strzelecki

    Paper presents continuous average value model of Power Surge Compensator based on a Four Level Diode Clamped Inverter with super capacitor as a energy storage device. This conditioner is design for power surge or fluctuation elimination, by compensating it with energy stored in ESD. Continuous average value model of multilevel S-PWM has been presented also. Summary of raised problem is a simulation model made in PowerSim Psim 8 and MATLAB/SIMULINK environments, presented functionality of Power Surge Compensator during transient in power distribution system

    • Robert Kowalak
    • Ryszard Zajczyk
    • Artur Zbroński
    2015 Pełny tekst Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej


    • Anna Szymczak
    • Małgorzata Gawrycka
    2015 Pełny tekst Studia Ekonomiczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach

    Pracę definiuje się w różny sposób w zależności od przyjętego kryterium i dyscypliny naukowej, której jest ona przedmiotem badań. Może być traktowana jako źródło dochodów umożliwiających zaspokojenie potrzeb człowieka lub jako podstawowy czynnik produkcji wpływający na efektywność funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Z punktu widzenia gospodarki praca stanowi jeden z głównych czynników wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego. Praca pełni równolegle funkcje społeczne i ekonomiczne, stanowiące wzajemnie powiązane i współzależne elementy jednej całości. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest zbadanie ekonomicznej roli pracy z punktu widzenia pracobiorcy, pracodawcy i gospodarki i określenie w jakim przypadku będzie ona traktowana jako dobro indywidualne, a kiedy jako dobro społeczne. Badania dotyczą lat 2004 i 2012. W pracy wykorzystano metodę indukcji, dedukcji oraz elementy analizy porównawczej.

  • Prace doktorskie, habilitacje oraz profesury o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej w 2014 r.
    • Marek Biziuk
    • Żaneta Polkowska
    2015 Orbital

    Zestawienie prac doktorskich, habilitacji oraz profesur o tematyce chemii analitycznej i pokrewnej przeprowadzonych na polskich uczelniach w 2014 r.

  • Pragmatyzm bez rewolucji - o urbanistyce Gdańska
    • Łukasz Pancewicz
    2015 Architektura & Biznes

    Artykuł zawiera syntezę polityki przestrzennej miasta Gdańska, realizowanej w ciągu ostatniej dekady.

  • Precyzyjna kompensacja zniekształceń harmonicznych prądu przez równoległy filtr aktywny
    • Artur Cichowski
    • Wojciech Śleszyński
    2015 Pełny tekst Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    W artykule zaprezentowano cztery źródłaniedokładnej kompensacji harmonicznych prądu przez filtraktywny. Są nimi: niedokładna synchronizacja z napięciem siecizasilającej, opóźnienia wprowadzane w układzie sterującym,fluktuacje napięcia w obwodzie pośredniczącym orazzniekształcenia napięć generowanych przez przekształtnikenergoelektroniczny spowodowane głównie czasem martwym.W artykule przedstawiono wpływ zaproponowanych udoskonaleńalgorytmu sterowania równoległym filtrem aktywnym naograniczanie zniekształceń prądów sieciowych. Wszechstronnepodejście do algorytmu sterowania równoległym filtrem aktywnympozwoliło uzyskać unikalnie niską zawartość zniekształceńharmonicznych prądów pobieranych z sieci elektroenergetycznej.

  • Predicting the viscosity and electrical conductivity of ionic liquids on the basis of theoretically calculated ionic volumes
    • Dorota Wileńska
    • Iwona Anusiewicz
    • Sylwia Freza
    • Maciej Bobrowski
    • Edith Laux
    • Stefanie Uhl
    • Herbert Keppner
    • Piotr Skurski

    Selected physical properties of the ionic liquids might be quantitatively predicted based on the volumes of the ions these systems are composed of. It is demonstrated that the ionic volumes calculated using relatively simple theoretical quantum chemistry methods can be utilised to estimate the viscosities and electrical conductivities of various commonly used ionic liquids. The fitting formulas of the exponential form are offered and their predictive usefulness is verified. The quality of such predictions is discussed on the basis of several ionic liquids involving [Tf2 N]­- and [BF4]-­ anions and 16 various cations. The dependence of the viscosity and electrical conductivity of the ionic liquids on the temperature is also investigated and the temperature-dependent equations are derived and compared to the experimentally measured values.

  • Prediction of coking dynamics for wet coal charge
    • Dariusz Kardaś
    • Sylwia Polesek-Karczewska
    • Przemysław Ciżmiński
    • Stelmach Sławomir
    2015 Pełny tekst Chemical and Process Engineering : New Frontiers

    A one-dimensional transient mathematical model describing thermal and flow phenomena during coal coking in an oven chamber was studied in the paper. It also accounts for heat conduction in the ceramic oven wall when assuming a constant temperature at the heating channel side. The model was solved numerically using partly implicit methods for gas flow and heat transfer problems. The histories of temperature, gas evolution and internal pressure were presented and analysed. The theoretical predictions of temperature change in the centre plane of the coke oven were compared with industrial-scale measurements. Both, the experimental data and obtained numerical results show that moisture content determines the coking process dynamics, lagging the temperature increase above the water steam evaporation temperature and in consequence the total coking time. The phenomenon of internal pressure generation in the context of overlapping effects of simultaneously occurring coal transitions – devolatilisation and coal permeability decrease under plastic stage – was also discussed

  • Prediction of consumer electricity needs based on Internet weather forecasts
    • Artur Opaliński
    2015 Pełny tekst Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej

    Electrical energy is considered both as an important driver for producing and transporting goods in companies, as well as a good in itself which requires planning and management for generating and delivering it to consumers in proper time and amounts. Weather information can be considered to convey part of the data on energy delivery needs of consumers. Free meteorological data sources on the Web do not offer consistent data to automate energy consumption forecasts. The paper identifies and addresses these inconsistencies to provide for automatic data gathering and supply to a demand forecasting model.

  • Prediction of flow boiling heat transfer coefficient for carbon dioxide in minichannels and conventional channels
    • Dariusz Mikielewicz
    • Blanka Jakubowska

    In the paper are presented the results of calculations using authors own model to predict heat transfer coefficient during flow boiling for carbon dioxide. The experimental data from various researches were scrutinised conducted for a full range of quality variation and wide range of mass velocity. The aim of the study was to test the sensitivity of the in-house model. The work shows the importance of taking into account surface tension of the flow structure and influence on confinement number and value of its exponent m of the fulfillment conditions of convergence with the experimen-tal data.