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Publikacje z roku 2016
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Ellipsometric investigation of nitrogen doped diamond thin films grown in microwave CH4/H2/N2 plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
- Mateusz Ficek
- Kamatchi J Sankaran
- Jacek Ryl
- Robert Bogdanowicz
- I-Nan Lin
- Ken Haenen
- Kazimierz Darowicki
The influence of N2 concentration (1%–8%) in CH4/H2/N2 plasma on structure and optical properties of nitrogen doped diamond (NDD) films was investigated. Thickness, roughness, and optical properties of the NDD films in the VIS–NIR range were investigated on the silicon substrates using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The samples exhibited relatively high refractive index (2.6 6 0.25 at 550 nm) and extinction coefficient (0.05 6 0.02 at 550 nm) with a transmittance of 60%. The optical investigation was supported by the molecular and atomic data delivered by Raman studies, bright field transmission electron microscopy imaging, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy diagnostics. Those results revealed that while the films grown in CH4/H2 plasma contained micron-sized diamond grains, the films grown using CH4/H2/(4%)N2 plasma exhibited ultranano-sized diamond grains along with n-diamond and i-carbon clusters, which were surrounded by amorphous carbon grain boundaries.
Embodying Intelligence in Autonomous Systems with the Use of Cognitive Psychology and Motivation Theories
- Zdzisław Kowalczuk
- Michał Czubenko
The article discusses, on a certain level of abstraction and generalization, a coherent anthropological approach to the issue of controlling autonomous robots or agents. A contemporary idea can be based on appropriate modeling of the human mind using the available psychological knowledge. One of the main reasons for developing such projects is the lack of available and effective top-down approaches resulting from the known research on autonomous robotics. On the other hand, there is no system that models human psychology sufficiently well for the purpose of constructing autonomous systems. Nevertheless, to combat this lack, several ideas have been proposed for embodying human intelligence. We review recent progress in our understanding of the mechanisms of cognitive computations underlying decision-making and discuss some of the pertinent challenges identified and implemented in several systemic solutions founded on cognitive ideas (like LIDA, CLARION, SOAR, MANIC, DUAL, OpenCog). In particular, we highlight the idea of an Intelligent System of Decision-making (ISD) based on the achievements of cognitive psychology (using the aspect of 'information path'), motivation theory (where the needs and emotions serve as the main drives, or motivations, in the mechanism of governing autonomous systems), and several other detailed theories, which concern memory, categorization, perception, and decision-making. In the ISD system, in particular, an xEmotion subsystem covers the psychological theories on emotions, including the appraisal, evolutionary and somatic theories.
Emergent approach to Knowledge Management by Small Companies: multiple case-study research
- Małgorzata Zięba
- Ettore Bolisani
- Enrico Scarso
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to examine knowledge management approach followed by small companies on the example of firms from the knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) sector. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on the results of a qualitative survey involving 12 owners and managers of small companies operating in the KIBS sector. The survey uses the case study method. Findings: The findings confirm that small companies adopt an emergent approach to KM: in the analysed cases there were no formal KM plans, despite the fact that the examined companies have all introduced various KM practices. This shows that there can be the need to define KM approaches that better fit smaller companies.Practical implications: Although an emergent approach may be seen as unplanned, companies should learn how to be aware of their KM practices and, once they are, how to develop them properly. For executives to be able to recognize emergent KM practices, notions and elements of KM need to be introduced in their business background and professional education (e.g. how KM fits into a small organization, what KM processes are, what KM tools and practices exist, etc.). Originality/value: The study contributes to the understanding of KM in really small entities, still a much under-explored topic.
EMG and gaze based interaction with graphic interface of smart glasses application
- Tomasz Kocejko
- Adam Bujnowski
- Jacek Rumiński
- Krzysztof Czuszyński
- Michał Pietrewicz
- Artur Poliński
In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of the interaction using eye tracking and electromyography. Smart glasses requires reliable interfaces for controlling the graphic content displayed directly in front of the user's eye. Presented research is related with the eGlasses project, which is focused on the development of an open platform in the form of multisensory electronic glasses and related interaction methods. One of the implemented interaction methods is the one based on eye tracking module. The eye tracking provides quite accurate pointing but there is always a matter of how to select and confirm while using the eye tracking. In this paper we combine the eye tracking with the EMG signal acquired from the skeletal muscles. Both, the advantages and limitation of the method are discussed.
Emocje w pracy: rozszerzenie teorii Wymagania – Zasoby w Pracy
- Beata Basińska
Podjęty przeze mnie problem dotyczy optymalnego funkcjonowania w pracy, reprezentowany przez dobrostan zawodowy, który jest kierowany przez dwa procesy: deterioracji zdrowia i motywacji. Te procesy mogą być mediowane przez emocje w kontekście pracy. Emocje są odpowiedzią na nadmierne wymagania oraz na niewystarczające zasoby organizacyjne (szacunek, rozwój kariery i pewność pracy). Emocje jako funkcja walencji i aktywacji są rdzennym i proksymalnym komponentem dobrostanu zawodowego, pierwszym sygnałem pozytywnych i negatywnych zmian w dystalnych wymiarach dobrostanu zawodowego, reprezentowanych przez wypalenie zawodowe i zaangażowanie w pracę. W badaniu przyjęłam plan poprzeczny, w którym wzięły udział dwie grupy, grupa policjantów (n = 414) i heterogeniczna grupa pracowników (n = 271). Natomiast w przyjętym planie dwufazowym ze średnim odstępem czasu 6 tygodni uczestniczyła heterogeniczna grupa pracowników (n = 151). Wyniki moich badań pokazują, że w sytuacji pracy dominuje pozytywny bilans emocjonalny z przewagą emocji o niskiej aktywacji. Te emocje są dwukrotnie silniej współzależne niż emocje o wysokiej aktywacji. Dodatkowo emocje pozytywne mogą anulować działanie emocji negatywnych, teraz i w przyszłości. Trzy profile emocjonalne, pozytywny, negatywny i mieszany, są związane z różnymi poziomami wypalenia zawodowego i zaangażowania w pracę. Odpowiednie konfiguracje emocji pełnią rolę mediatora w relacji pomiędzy charakterystyką pracy a dobrostanem zawodowym. Dla wypalenia zawodowego (charakterystyka pracy – wyczerpanie i zdystansowanie) wiodące są emocje o niskiej aktywacji. Natomiast dla zaangażowania w pracę (zasoby organizacyjne – wigor, oddanie, zaabsorbowanie) kluczowe są emocje pozytywne o wysokiej aktywacji uzupełniane emocjami negatywnymi o niskiej aktywacji. Odnotowałam krzywoliniową relację pomiędzy bilansem emocjonalnym a wyczerpaniem i wigorem (energetyczne aspekty procesów straty i rozwoju zdrowia). I prostoliniową relację pomiędzy charakterystyką pracy a dystalnymi wymiarami dobrostanu zawodowego takimi jak zdystansowanie, oddanie i zaabsorbowanie. Teoretyczna kontrybucja pracy pokazuje, że zarówno walencja, jak i aktywacja są istotne w zrozumieniu procesu straty, ochrony i rozwoju zdrowia w perspektywie hedonistycznej i eudajmonistycznej. Implikacje praktyczne mogą pokazać, jak kadra zarządzająca może lepiej wykorzystać potencjał pracowników dla ich zdrowia i rozwoju, a także dla wzrostu organizacji.
- Kazimierz Orłowski
- Wojciech Blacharski
- Tomasz Pikała
The producers of panel saws tend to improve sawing accuracy and minimise a level of vibrations, to increase their competitiveness at the market. Mechanical vibrations in the main saw driving system, which level depend on a plethora independent factors, may really affect sawing accuracy and general machine tool vibrations. The objective of the research was to explore vibrations signals of the main spindle system, and to extract informative features for assessment of the current design of the panel saw Fx3. Accelerations of the main spindle system body in X, Y and Z axes of the panel saw co-ordinate system were measured with the vibration tester Fluke 810. The both the root-mean-square value and the peak amplitude value of vibrational velocities of the body of the main spindle of the panel saw allowed us to assess vibrational quality of the examined machine tool. From this point of view the analysed system might be classified in the quality range between “rather good” and “good”. These results confirmed that in the design of the panel saw potential quality possibilities are still hidden in reserve.
- Sławomir Ambroziak
- Kenan Turbić
- Carla Oliveira
- Luis M. Correia
- Ryszard Katulski
W referacie przedstawiono wąskopasmowy empiryczny model tłumienia propagacyjnego dla sieci WBAN pracujących w środowisku wewnątrzbudynkowym przy częstotliwości 2,45 GHz.
Employee Suggestion Program as a way to involve employees in improving business processes
- Adam Lewiński
The following article presents one of the Lean Management tools – employee suggestion program. Companies consider this method as a way to involve employees in improving business processes. In the first part of the article the author explained the idea of the Japanese management system. The next part presents the philosophy of Kaizen, which is crucial for proper implementation of Lean Management concept in the company. Moreover, the author described the way of operating the suggestion scheme and analyzed several reports discussing the experiences of this tool in numerous Polish companies. In the last part of the paper, the author describe the aspects of the employee suggestion program in the selected, surveyed enterprise.
Energetyczne wykorzystanie biogazu
- Paweł Kowalski
- Inna Suchkova
- Jerzy Buriak
Artykuł przedstawia przegląd sposobów wykorzystania biogazu będącego jednym z odnawialnych źródeł energii. Pokazano uproszczony schemat pozyskiwania tego surowca. Przeanalizowany został skład biogazu oraz porównano typy odpadów, z jakich może zostać on uzyskany. Zaprezentowano również możliwości wykorzystania energii zawartej w biogazie.
Energochłonność docierania jednotarczowego elementów płaskich z węglików spiekanych oraz ceramiki technicznej.
- Adam Barylski
Przedstawiono wyniki badan docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich. Badano wpływ prędkości i czasu docierania na energochłonność obróbki. W badaniach stosowano mikroziarna węglika boru i docieraki żeliwne.
Energochłonność docierania jednotarczowego elementów płaskich z węglików spiekanych oraz ceramiki technicznej
- Adam Barylski
W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich. Badano wpływ prędkości i czasu docierania na energochłonność obróbki. W badaniach stosowano mikroziarna węglika boru i docieraki żeliwne.
Energochłonność pralnic przemysłowych z technologią ozonowania
- Tomasz Muszyński
- Rafał Andrzejczyk
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
W wyniku wprowadzenia ozonu do procesu czyszczenia uzyskuje się lepszą jakość wody usuwanej z procesów prania do kanalizacji. Woda będąca pozostałością po zakończonym procesie zawiera między innymi mniej pozostałości środków chemicznych, mniej pozostałości patogenów oraz posiada stabilne pH. Ponadto użycie ozonu w procesie czyszczenia tkanin prowadzi do redukcji zużycia wody i energii w poszczególnych cyklach płukania i suszenia, co przyczynia się do rozwoju zrównoważonego.
Energy consumption estimation of low-power devices using an integrating coulombmeter
- Grzegorz Lentka
- Dariusz Palmowski
- Arkadiusz Hojka
The main problem in designing devices powered with Energy Harvesting is an estimation of energy demand of low-power devices as well as quantity of energy provided by the selected energy transducer in the assumed work conditions. Due to the work characteristic of each block of the device and properties of the measured signal, measurement is not trivial. The paper presents the proposal of the micro-charge measurement device based on an integrating coulombmeter.
Energy Consumption Modeling in SPMD and DAC Applications
- Jarosław Kuchta
In this chapter, we show a study of energy consumption during execution of SPMD and DAC application – the same applications which time of execution we modeled in the previous two chapters. We measured an average power usage at a single node of the GALERA+ cluster during application execution and then we modeled the total energy consumption by the application. Next we simulated the applications using MERPSYS and we compared the results of simulation with the results of our model. Finally we discuss the influence of measurement conditions and power consumption definition in the cluster on the results of power consumption modeling.
Energy losses in hydrostatic drive:Drive investigation method compatible with diagram of power increase opposite to the direction of power flow
- Zygmunt Paszota
Energy losses and efficiency of drive motor must be presented as functions of physical quantities independent of losses in the motor. Such quantities are speed and load required by the driven device, changing in the drive operating field. Speed and load decide of the useful power and, in differentiated way, of kinds and values of losses in the motor. But energy losses and efficiency of drive motors are evaluated as functions of parameters depending on the losses. An example of the wrong interpretation may be presentation of energy efficiencies of hydrostatic motors as dependent on the flow intensity of the motor feeding liquid and on the pressure decrease in the motor. A cause of such situation is the view of the power flow in the drive motors represented by the Sankey diagram of power decrease in the direction of power flow. It is necessary to replace the so far applied view of the power flow by the proposed diagram of increase of power in the motor and in the drive system in the direction opposite to the direction of power flow. The monograph presents a new perspective exemplified by investigations of losses and energy efficiency of elements and systems of hydrostatic drive.
- Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
- Leszek Jarzębowicz
In 2011–2013, stationary supercapacitor storage developed by the Electrotechnical Institute in Warsaw was put into trial operation in the trolleybus substation “Północna” (North) located in Gdynia. The article presents the results recorded during supercapacitor storage operation and discusses the impact of the storage on energy consumption savings. Guidelines for selecting a location for stationary supercapacitor storage were carried out based on exploitation experience.
Enhanced Eye-Tracking Data: a Dual Sensor System for Smart Glasses Applications
- Paweł Krzyżanowski
- Tomasz Kocejko
- Jacek Rumiński
- Adam Bujnowski
A technique for the acquisition of an increased number of pupil positions, using a combined sensor consisting of a low-rate camera and a high-rate optical sensor, is presented in this paper. The additional data are provided by the optical movement-detection sensor mounted in close proximity to the eyeball. This proposed solution enables a significant increase in the number of registered fixation points and saccades and can be used in wearable electronics applications where low consumption of resources is required. The results of the experiments conducted here show that the proposed sensor system gives comparable results to those acquired from a high-speed camera and can also be used in the reduction of artefacts in the output signal.
Enhanced photocatalytic, electrochemical and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes arrays modified with Cu, AgCu and Bi nanoparticles obtained via radiolytic reduction
- Michał Nischk
- Paweł Mazierski
- Zhishun Wei
- Katatrzyna SiuzdaK
- N. Kouame
- E. Kowalska
- Hynd Remita
- A. Zaleska-Medynska
TiO2 nanotubes arrays (NTs), obtained via electrochemical anodization of Ti foil, were modified with monometallic (Cu, Bi) and bimetallic (AgCu) nanoparticles. Different amounts of metals’ precursors were deposited on the surface of NTs by the spin-coating technique, and the reduction of metals was performed via gamma radiolysis. Surface modification of titania was studied by EDS and XPS analysis. The results show that AgCu nanoparticles exist in a Agcore-Cushell form. Photocatalytic activity was examined under UV irradiation and phenol was used as a model pollutant of water. Over 95% of phenol degradation was achieved after 60 min of irradiation for almost all examined samples, but only slight difference in degradation efficiency (about 3%) between modified and bare NTs was observed. However, the initial phenol degradation rate and TOC removal efficiency was significantly enhanced for the samples modified with 0.31 and 0.63 mol% of Bi as well as for all the samples modified with Cu and AgCu nanoparticles in comparison with bare titania nanotubes. The saturated photocurrent, under the influence of simulated solar light irradiation, for the most active Bi- and AgCu-modified samples, was over two times higher than for pristine NTs. All the examined materials were resistant towards photocorrosion processes that enables their application for long term processes induced by light.
Enhanced photoelectrochemical performance of inorganic-organic hybrid consisting of BiVO4 and PEDOT:PSS
- Konrad Trzciński
- Mariusz Szkoda
- Katatrzyna SiuzdaK
- Mirek Sawczak
- Anna Lisowska-Oleksiak
The PEDOT:PSS (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate)) was electrodeposited on a thin layer of bismuth vanadate (BiVO 4 ) prepared using the pulsed laser deposition technique onto FTO. The inorganic-organic junction was characterized by Raman spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy and sc anning electron microscopy. Chronoamperometry curves, recorded under simulated solar light illumination, were performed to determine generated photocurrent during water and hydroquinone oxidation at the electrode surface. Experiments were performed for three types of electrode materials: i) FTO/BiVO 4 , ii) FTO/PEDOT:PSS and iii) FTO/BiVO 4 /PEDOT:PSS in aqueous electrolyte. Almost 5 times higher photocurrent in electrolyte containing hole scavenger was generated after modification of BiVO 4 photoanode with electrodeposited polymer. It is noteworthy that anodic photocurrent was stable even after 4 h of illumination. Cyclic voltammetry curves of FTO/BiVO 4 /PEDOT:PSS recorded before and after experiments performed under electrode illumination indicated that the organic part in tested junction is photo-corrosion resistant.
Entrepreneurship Vulnerability to Business Cycle. A New Methodology for Identification Pro-cyclical and Counter-cyclical Patterns of Entrepreneurial Activity
- Ewa Lechman
- Piotr Dominiak
In literature, there is ongoing discussion whether entrepreneurial activity, approximated by, for instance, changes in self-employment, tends to behave pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or rather is a-cyclical. Thus far, both theoretical and empirical evidence, where various multiple methodological approaches are used, does not provide clear answer to the latter; while widely offered explanations are scattered and lack robustness. This paper is designed to contribute to the present state of the art, by presenting a novel methodological approach to identification of the relationship between the intensity of entrepreneurial activity and business cycle. Put differently, we aim unveil if entrepreneurship (approximated by changes in self-employment) behaves pro-cyclically, counter-cyclically or a-cyclically. To exemplify our new conceptual approach, we use quarterly data on deflated gross domestic product and selfemployment. The empirical evidence presents the case of Italy. The period of analysis is restricted to the years 1995-2014. All statistics are extracted from OECD datasets on Annual Labor Force and Gross Domestic Product.