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Publikacje z roku 2016
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Environmental risk assessment of Polish wastewater treatment plant activity
- Błażej Kudłak
- Monika Wieczerzak
- Galina Yotova
- Stefan Tsakovski
- Vasil Simeonov
- Jacek Namieśnik
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) play an extremely important role in shaping modern society's environmental wellbeing and awareness, however only well operated and supervised systems can be considered as environmentally sustainable. For this reason, an attempt was undertaken to assess the environmental burden posed by WWTPs in major Polish cities by collecting water samples prior to and just after wastewater release points. Both classical and biological methods (Microtox®, Ostracodtoxkit F™ and comet assay) were utilized to assess environmental impact of given WWTP. Interestingly, in some cases, water quality improvement indicated as a toxicity decrement toward one of the bio-indicating organisms makes water worse for others in the systems. This fact is particularly noticeable in case of Silesian cities where heavy industry and high population density is present. It proves that WWTP should undergo individual evaluation of pollutant removal efficiency and tuned to selectively remove pollutants of highest risk to surrounding regional ecosystems. Biotests again proved to be an extremely important tool to fully assess the impact of environmental stressors on water bodies receiving effluents from WWTPs.
Eqiuitable coloring of corona products of cubic graphs is harder than ordinary coloring
- Hanna Furmańczyk
- Marek Kubale
A graph is equitably k-colorable if its vertices can be partitioned into k independent sets in such a way that the number of vertices in any two sets differ by at most one. The smallest k for which such a coloring exists is known as the equitable chromatic number of G. In this paper the problem of determinig the equitable coloring number for coronas of cubic graphs is studied. Although the problem of ordinary coloring of coronas of cubic graphs is solvable in polynomial time, the problem of equitable coloring becomes NP-hard for these graphs. We provide polynomially solvable cases of coronas of cubic graphs and prove the NP-hardness in a general case. As a by-product we obtain a simple linear time algorithm for equitable coloring of such graphs which uses at most one extra color. Our algorithm is best possible, unless P=NP. Consequently, cubical coronas seem to be the only known class of graphs for which equitable coloring is harder than ordinary coloring.
Equitable coloring of graphs. Recent theoretical results and new practical algorithms
- Hanna Furmańczyk
- Andrzej Jastrzębski
- Marek Kubale
In this paper we survey recent theoretical results concerning conditions for equitable colorability of some graphs and recent theoretical results concerning the complexity of equitable coloring problem. Next, since the general coloring problem is strongly NP-hard, we report on practical experiments with some efficient polynomial-time algorithms for approximate equitable coloring of general graphs.
Erroneous GNSS Strain Rate Patterns and their Application to Investigate the Tectonic Credibility of GNSS Velocities
- Andrzej Araszkiewicz
- Mariusz Figurski
- Marek Jarosiński
The paper concerns investigation of the credibility of tectonic interpretation of GNSS strain rates. The analysis was focused on stable regions, where the crustal deformations are small and the reliability of GNSS velocities is questionable. We are showing how the unreliable motion of stations affects calculated strains around them. We expressed distribution of local principal strains by a sinusoidal function and used them to investigate the significance of strain distortion. Then we used this method to investigate real motions of GNSS stations. As a test object we used Polish GNSS stations belonging to the ASG-EUPOS network. Station velocities were estimated on the basis of the 4.5 years of observations. The results let us identify stations that disturb the obtained local GNSS strain rate field. After verification and exclusion of some stations, the new GNSS strains show a much greater internal compatibility and also better fit to the directions of lithosphere stresses.
Error analysis for European IGS stations
- Anna Klos
- Janusz Bogusz
- Mariusz Figurski
- Maciej Gruszczynski
Each of the GPS time series that describes the changes of topocentric components consists of a deterministic and a stochastic part, whose character influences the errors of the deterministic parameters. As to the uncertainties of reliable velocities of permanent satellite station systems, surveys that estimate and take into account any dependencies that may affect subsequent operational efficiency are very important. For this analysis, we used 42 stations from the IGS (International GNSS Service) network from Europe, processed at the Military University of Technology EUREF Permanent Network Local Analysis Centre (MUT LAC). The deterministic part of the GPS time series was removed using the least squares method. The seasonal periods in topocentric components were determined assuming the existence of the residual Chandler oscillation (1.67 cpy), as well as the annual tropical (1 cpy) and draconitic (1.04 cpy) oscillations with their harmonics up to 4th. We assumed the character of the residue as a combination of white and powerlaw noise. The obtained results show, that in the case of the European sub-network of IGS stations we are dealing with the coloured noise between white and flicker noise with the amplitudes between 3 to 6 mm/year-k/4 for horizontal components and between 6 to 15 mm/year-κ/4 for the vertical ones, where κ is a spectral index. Finally, we showed that the amplitudes and spectral indices of noise are reduced after performing a spatio-temporal filtering. All the elicited results referred to the uncertainties of velocities by estimating them before and after filtration and the simulation of their values for different lengths of the time series.
Errors in the analysis of series resonant inverter/converter assuming sinusoidal waveforms of voltage and current
- Jan Mucko
- Ryszard Strzelecki
In this paper the theory and simulation results of the series resonant inverter / converter are presented. In this work the authors carried out a detailed comparative analysis of results obtained using the method of AC analysis in the steady state for the first harmonic with the results of computer simulation. The AC analysis under certain conditions can lead to errors disqualifying this method. In particular, these errors appear by low quality factor of resonant circuit, pulsed, discontinuous load current, switching frequency significantly different from the resonance. It was also shown that the coefficient for transforming the resistor behind the rectifier into the equivalent resistor in AC circuit may vary substantially from the values known from the literature
Estetyka domu jak element warunkujący poczucie przynależności w procesie zamieszkiwania
- Agnieszka Kurkowska
Dom jest formą schronienia, która stanowi przedmiot w złożonym procesie zamieszkiwania. Jednym z aspektów decydujących o doświadczaniu poczucia utożsamiania w tym procesie jest estetyka tego domu. Dbałość o jej spójność z oczekiwaniami przyszłych mieszkańców i wpasowanie w zastane otoczenie wydają się oczywistym zadaniem architekta. Jednak w przypadku istniejących osiedli mieszkaniowych wielorodzinnych, zwanych potocznie blokowiskami, wartości estetyczne powinny być przedmiotem rewaloryzacji. Nowoprojektowane obiekty mieszkalne na obszarze blokowisk mogą wpłynąć pozytywnie na mieszkańców poprzez próbę zmiany kontekstu opartą na projekcie krajobrazu wspartym wzorcami zaczerpniętymi z rodzimego regionu. Niedosłownie zaprezentowane rozwiązanie to ukazuje ideowa rzeźba architektoniczna pt. „mój piękny habitat”. Poprzez autorską formę oraz nieprzypadkowe aranżacje plenerowe utrwalone na fotografiach podjęto próbę wskazania istoty możliwych działań prowadzących do przywrócenia wartości utraconych. Jest też wskazówką dla projektowania nowych układów urbanistycznych, w których wartość zharmonizowania obiektów kulturowych z otoczeniem przyrodniczym, wzmocniona umożliwieniem samodzielnego współdecydowania o przyszłej estetyce obiektu, prowadzą do zaprojektowania domów, z którymi utożsamią się przyszli mieszkańcy i które wzbogacą dorobek kulturowy zamieszkiwanego regionu.
Estimation of a single balun parameters on the base of back-to-back measurements
- Łukasz Sorokosz
- Włodzimierz Zieniutycz
A method of estimation of a single balun S parameters based on the measured parameters of back-to-back configuration is presented in the paper. Proposed approach is to measure two back-to-back circuits: i) direct connection of baluns and ii) connection with additional transmission line segment between the baluns. Coupling effects in both circuits are calculated from full-wave simulations. Next they are applied to estimate the parameters of a single balun from measured data. Proposed method was verified using UWB planar microstrip-toCPS balun.
Estimation of blood pressure parameters using ex-Gaussian model
- Artur Poliński
- Tomasz Kocejko
The paper presents an example of model-based estimation of blood pressure parameters (onset, systolic and diastolic pressure) from continuous measurements. First, the signal was low pass filtered and its quality was estimated. Good quality periods were divided into beats using an electrocardiogram. Next, the beginning of each beat of the blood pressure signal was approximated basing on the function created from the sum of two independent distributions: Gaussian and exponential. The nonlinear least square method was used to fit measurement data to the model. The initial conditions for the fitting procedure were selected for each beat on the basis of its parameters. Finally, the diastolic and systolic values of blood pressure and onset were determined.
Estimation of respiration rate using an accelerometer and thermal camera in eGlasses
- Jacek Rumiński
- Adam Bujnowski
- Krzysztof Czuszyński
- Tomasz Kocejko
Respiration rate is a very important vital sign. Different methods of respiration rate measurement or estimation have been developed. However, especially interesting are those that enable remote and unobtrusive monitoring. In this study, we investigated the use of smart glasses for the estimation of respiration rate especially useful for indoors applications. Two methods were analyzed. The first one is based on measurements of respiration-related body movements using an accelerometer. The second one uses the thermal camera to observe temperature changes in the nostril region. For both methods signals were extracted, filtered and processed using two different respiration rate estimators. Both methods were validated during experiments with the participation of volunteers using the respiration belt as a reference measurement method. Results proved that for both methods it is possible to reliable estimate the respiration rate with Root Mean Square Error lower than 2 breaths per minute, which is sufficient for medical screening.
Estimation of Rician K-factor Values in Urban Terrain
- Jarosław Sadowski
This paper presents results of Rician K-factor estimation from CDMA2000 downlink signals recorded in the area of medium city. Signal and data processing methods used to estimate fading parameters are also briefly described.
Estimation of the amplitude of the signal for the active optical gesture sensor with sparse detectors
- Krzysztof Czuszyński
- Jacek Rumiński
- Artur Poliński
- Adam Bujnowski
In this paper we deal with the problem of precise gesture recognition for the active optical proximity sensor with sparse 8 photodiodes. We particularly focus on developing the method of estimating the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value representing maximum intensity of light reflected from an obstacle present in the front of the sensor. Different configurations of the fingers were used as an obstacle. The Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to cognize the accurate pattern created by fingers of considered configurations. The accurate description of curves representing finger profiles was obtained after applying the least squares method. The results of analyzes proved that finger arrangement configurations, particularly 1 finger and 2 jointed fingers, can be considered as sources of Gaussian like shapes on the face of the sensor. Therefore, data measured by 8 sparse photodiodes of the active optical gesture sensor were compared to normal distribution curves. The results of the comparison allow normalization of the measured data and the estimation of the real, usually not observable, maximum signal value. The results and discussion sections of the paper present the average detection accuracy, advantages and limitations of the proposed approach.
Eu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals: Preparation, structure and luminescence properties
- Michalina Walas
- Tomasz Lewandowski
- Anna Synak
- Marcin Stanisław Łapiński
- Wojciech Sadowski
- Barbara Kościelska
Eu3+ doped tellurite glass ceramics containing SrF2 nanocrystals were prepared using melt quenching technique and subsequent heat treatment of glass in 370 °C for different time periods. Thermal properties of glass matrix have been determined based on DSC measurements. XRD and XPS results confirmed formation of SrF2 nanocrystals in glass matrices after annealing at 370 °C. FTIR studies revealed absorption bands in the range of 500–850 cm−1 characteristic to TeO2 glasses. Obtained materials exhibited emission originated from the 5DJ (J = 0–2) to the 7FJ (J = 0–4) transitions of Eu3+ ions under 395 and 465 nm excitations. TRES measurements indicated presence of two different surroundings of the Eu3+ ions. In glass ceramics samples longer lifetimes of 615 nm emission of Eu3+ were achieved in comparison to the precursor glass.
Europejska legitymacja zawodowa inżyniera ma już trzy lata
- Adam Barylski
Omówiono ideę utworzenia Karty Zawodowej Inżyniera. Podano zasady przyznawania oraz korzyści z jej otrzymania. Przedstawiono udział Europejskiej Federacji Inżynierskich Stowarzyszeń Narodowych FEANI oraz Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT w zakresie uznawania kwalifikacji zawodowych inżynierów w Europie, USA, Australii i Kanadzie.
EU-Turkey Customs Union and Bilateral Foreign Direct Investment Flows
- Adam Marszk
Main aim of this text is presentation of the effects of customs union between the European Union and turkey on bilateral FDI flows in light of the theory of linkages between economic integration and FDI flows. First section of the text is a survey of main theoretical links between economic integration and FDI flows. Second section focuses on the history and scope of the customs union. Third and fourth sections are empirical and are devoted to presentation of the results of analysis of FDI inflows to the European Union and turkey, including main trends and impact of the economic integration. According to the results of the conducted research, FDI inflow to both sides of the agreement increased substantially. Intraregional FDI flows grew since the formation of the union which may be attributed to the positive impact of reduction of trade barriers and access to enlarged markets as well as linked changes in the turkey's legislation. FDI inflow from the third countries also increased.
Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
- Małgorzata Śmiałek-Telega
The field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental science, and in central to core technologies such as semiconductor fabrications, nanotechnology and plasma processing. In recent years the molecular physics also started significantly contributing to the area of the radiation damage at molecular level and thus cancer therapy improvement through both experimental and theoretical advances, developing new damage measurement and analysis techniques. It is therefore worth to summarise and highlight the most prominent findings from the AMP community that contribute towards better understanding of the fundamental processes in biologically-relevant systems as well as to comment on the experimental challenges that were met for more complex investigation targets.
Evaluating the position of a mobile robot using accelerometer data
- Zdzisław Kowalczuk
- Tomasz Merta
This paper analyses the problem of determining the position of a robot using an accelerometer, which is an essential part of inertial measurement units (IMU). The information gained from such a gauge, however, requires double integration of sensor data. To assure an expected effect, a mathematical model of a low-cost accelerometer of the MEMS type is derived. Moreover, in order to improve the performance of positioning based on acceleration, we propose to construct the designed location system using a mathematical model of the considered mobile robot controlled by a DC motor. Computational and simulation case studies of the resulting observer-based system, in deterministic and stochastic settings, are performed to test the method, to determine its limitations, and, in particular, to verify if the system can work properly for low-cost accelerometers of standard precision.
Evaluation of adhesive forces and the specific surface energy of zirconia stabilized by yttria with alumina additions ceramic by AFM method
- T. Kuznetsova
- Mohammad Hossein Ghaemi
- T. Zubar
- Sergei Chizhik
- Anna Zykova
- S. Lobach
- S. Sayenko
The adhesive forces and the specific surface energy of ceramic material surfaces are very important for further tribological and biomedical applications of ceramics. Partially stabilized zirconia (zirconium oxide) is popular for manufacturing various medical products. ZrO2 stabilized by Y2O3 with additions of 5 wt% alumina was produced by slip casting method with a subsequent sintering. Structure and chemical composition of ceramic surface were analysed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The adhesive forces were measured by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) method. Parameters of specific surface energy show some range of values. Results demonstrate the importance of evaluation not only total surface specific energy but its local parameters in the points of additives concentration on the surface of material.
Evaluation of affective intervention process in development of affect-aware educational video games
- Mariusz Szwoch
In this paper initial experiences are presented on implementing specific methodology of affective intervention design (AFFINT) for development of affect-aware educational video games. In the described experiment, 10 student teams are to develop affect-aware educational video games using AFFINT to formalize the whole process. Although all projects are still in progress, first observations and conclusions may already be presented.
Evaluation of Ambient Air Odour Quality in Vicinity of Municipal Landfill Using Electronic Nose Technique
- Jacek Gębicki
- Tomasz Dymerski
- Jacek Namieśnik
The paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality evaluation with respect to concentration of odorants in a vicinity of municipal landfill. The investigation was carried out with a prototype of electronic nose and a team of panelists utilizing the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. Performed measurements revealed that the prototype of electronic nose could be employed for determination of odorants concentration in ambient air; difference in mean values of odorants concentration obtained with both techniques was statistically insignificant in 75% of cases. The highest mean values of odorants concentration amounted from 12.5 to 36.7 ou/m3 depending on distance from the emitter, measurement direction and applied measurement technique.