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Publikacje z roku 2018
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Buenos Aires – Toward Comprehensive Development and Sustainable Mobility
- Dorota Dominika Kamrowska-Załuska
This paper is introducing Buenos Aires’ achievements and challenges in implementing comprehensive development and integrating efficient and sustainable transport system within its urban structure. There are several important steps in this process starting from urban regeneration of Puerto Madero, the introduction and then implementation of a strategic plan Modelo territorial (2010) and of Buenos Aires' Plan de Movilidad Sustentable (2013). The last one - Sustainable Mobility Plan helped Buenos Aires win several prestigious rewards for innovative approach to mobility and sustainable transport and leadership in combating climate change. Buenos Aires City government demonstrates strong leadership by implementing wellplanned (Bus Rapid Transport) BRT solutions, stressing the importance of political will and support, flexibility and an open mind in listening to the points of view of all stakeholders involved. Buenos Aires has made a very important step toward sustainability by supporting development of more sustainable modes of transport, such as bicycle-sharing system and improving walkability of the city centre. The last initiative combined with strong focus on public spaces is adding to tourist attractiveness based on diversity of the capital of Argentina.
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
- Gabriela Maria Rembarz
- Julia Kaszubowska
This study presents the results of students’ work from Hafen City University in Hamburg and Gdansk University of Technology, carried out as part of a joint studio dealing with Nowy Port problem area. It refers to the methodology and design proposals, as well as to individual projects of students from Gdansk University of Technology - Spatial Management and Architecture. The aim of this study is to present framework project guidelines resulting from in-depth analyzes and projects of international groups to show design trends - spatial activities and interventions most recommended in given areas. This will constitute guidelines and directions for future projects carried out in Nowy Port.
Calculation of Resonance in Planar and Cylindrical Microstrip Structures Using a Hybrid Technique
- Rafał Lech
A hybrid technique was employed for the analysis of the resonance frequency of thin planar and cylindrical microstrip structures with the patches of arbitrary geometry. The proposed technique utilizes a combination of Galerkin’s moment method and a finite-element method (FEM). In this approach, an FEM is adopted to calculate the patch surface current densities, and a method of moments is utilized to calculate the resonance frequencies of the microstrip structure. The technique allows the analysis of different shaped patches. To verify the validity of the approach, the results were compared with those obtained from commercial software and actual measurements of manufactured prototypes.
Calibration of acoustic vector sensor based on MEMS microphones for DOA estimation
- Józef Kotus
- Grzegorz Szwoch
A procedure of calibration of a custom 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) for the purpose of direction of arrival (DoA) estimation, is presented and validated in the paper. AVS devices working on a p-p principle may be constructed from standard pressure sensors and a signal processing system. However, in order to ensure accurate DoA estimation, each sensor needs to be calibrated. The proposed algorithm divides the calibration process into two stages. First, amplitude calibration is performed in order to compensate for amplitude differences between pairs of microphones situated on each axis. After the pressure and velocity signals are computed from the corrected microphone signals, the second stage is performed in order to correct phase differences between the pressure and velocity signals, which then allows for computing the intensity signals for each axis. In order to validate the calibration method, a reference AVS was constructed from low cost components, namely MEMS microphones and a DSP board. The method was engineered with an assumption that it will be applicable to any AVS working on the same principle. A set of experiments was performed in order to validate the calibration method and to compare the accuracy of the calibrated sensor with a commercial AVS. It was found in the experiments that DoA accuracy of the proposed 3D AVS calibrated with the proposed procedure matches that of a commercial, high cost, factory-calibrated sensor. Therefore, the proposed calibration method fulfills the requirements of accurate DoA estimation, and it is applicable to calibration of custom built, low cost AVS devices, that may be implemented in practical applications for determining the direction of sound sources, such as environmental monitoring, traffic monitoring and public security systems.
Canned food as a source of bisphenol a (BPA) exposure - estimation of consumption among young women from Gdansk, Poland
- Aleksandra Konieczna
- Aleksandra Rutkowska
- Natalia Jatkowska
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Dominik Rachoń
Bisfenol A (BPA) jest organicznym związkiem endokrynnie czynnym , który modyfikuje pracę hormonów prowadząc do niekorzystnych dla zdrowia skutków. BPA jest substancją stabilizującą chlorek poliwinylu- jednego z najczęściej stosowanych polimerów plastików, wykorzystywanego w produkcji powszechnie używanych produktów, w tym opakowań, plastikowych butelek, zabawek, papieru paragonowego; używany jest także w produkcji żywic epoksydowych umieszczanych w produkcji żywności.
Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapour Fluxes of a Alkaline Fen and Their Dependence on Reflectance
- Wojciech Ciezkowski
- Tomasz Edward Berezowski
- Malgorzata Kleniewska
- Jaroslaw Chormanski
This study shows results of parallel measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes (carbon dioxide and water vapour) and canopy reflectance of alkaline fen. Fluxes were measured using eddy-covariance technique on micrometeorological station located in the Upper Biebrza Basin (NE Poland) in Rogożynek Village. Study site is located in the Biebrza National Park which was established to protect one of the biggest coherent lowland wetland area in the Central Europe. Statistical relations of reflectance and spectral indices with fluxes were calculated based on measurements during two growing season (2015 and 2016). Four types of functions were examined: linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic and for two timestamps: half-hour and day. The correlation between carbon dioxide fluxes and reflectance is better than for water vapour fluxes. For both carbon dioxide and water vapour we obtained higher correlations coefficients using selected spectral indices than using reflectance and higher correlations for daily timestamp than for half-hour fluxes.
Carboxylic acids as efficient corrosion inhibitors of aluminium alloys in alkaline media
- Joanna Wysocka
- Mateusz Cieślik
- Stefan Krakowiak
- Jacek Ryl
The efficiency of AA5754 aluminium alloy corrosion inhibition achieved with maleic, malic, succinic, tartaric, citric, tricarballylic acids and serine in alkaline environment (pH 11) was examined. Selected corrosion inhibitors are characterized by different numbers and distribution of carbonyl and hydroxyl groups within their molecules. We have proposed and verified a novel approach for determining the adsorption isotherms based on the impedance measurements in galvanostatic mode (g-DEIS), allowing to distinguish subtle changes in the adsorption dynamics. It was shown that g-DEIS precisely determines the inhibitor concentration required for the full coverage of aluminium surface with the adsorbed inhibitor monolayer. Our approach was then cross-verified with the ellipsometry, cyclic polarization and classic EIS measurements, while the SEM and XPS analyses served to determine changes in the surface topography and chemistry. We have demonstrated that the investigated compounds significantly decelerate the corrosion rate of AA5754 at low inhibitor concentrations. Inhibition efficiency exceeds 99% at 6.9 mM for tricarballylic, 8.1 mM for citric and 12.0 mM for tartaric acid. The inhibition efficiency was primarily dependent on the high number of carbonyl groups in the molecule, while the inhibition provided by monocarboxylic amino acid (serine) was negligible, reaching 60% at 20 mM. The plotted isotherms fitted the Langmuir adsorption model, with similar values of Gibbs free energy for each studied inhibitor. The adsorption of carboxylic acids onto the surface of aluminium occurred via ligand exchange mechanism. On the basis of electrochemical and XPS studies, we claim that the role played by hydroxyl groups is secondary, while their presence slightly worsens the corrosion resistance of aluminium
Carsharing - Opportunities and Threats for Cities: Proposals of Solutions for Urban Policy
- Piotr Marek Smolnicki
- Jacek Sołtys
The carsharing of a current generation is a short-term car renting service with a capability to find in the nearest surrounding a fleet car parked anywhere in the public space where the previous user left it, as well as to book, open, rent and pay of, with the use of a dedicated mobile application. Nowadays, only a minority of municipalities is considering implementing the carsharing in their policies. The lack of awareness of decision-makers about carsharing results from the lack of a research regarding complex problems related to the carsharing diffusion, therefore it is justified to take up the topic. The purpose of the article is (1) to present positive and negative effects of the carsharing development, and (2) to indicate principles and tools for the urban policy to counteract threats and promote development according to positive scenario. A scenario method using the intuitive-logic approach was applied, preceded by a structural analysis, that is, the study of dependencies between variables. The realization of a positive or pessimistic scenario depends on political decision-makers and their intellectual background. Carsharing is both an opportunity and a threat to the city, therefore it may result in significant changes on spatial structures, depending on the urban policy.
Cassier E.Filozofia form symbolicznych. Część pierwsza: Język. Przekład, wstęp i opracowanie Przemysław Parszutowicz, Kęty : Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki, 2018
- Przemysław Parszutowicz
Neokantysta Cassirer podejmuje wyjściową kantowską intuicję, rozszerza ją jednak także poza przyrodoznawstwo, na cały obszar „rozumienia świata”. […] Sztuka, język, religia i nauka to wymiary ludzkiej aktywności sensotwórczej, które manifestują się jako obszary kultury, każdorazowo różniące się w swej funkcji i ekspresji. Wspólne im jest to, że nie odwzorowują po prostu tego, co dane, lecz że raczej to, co dane, najpierw wytwarzają. Dzieło sztuki, tekst, obrzęd czy teoria naukowa nie są po prostu zastane – inaczej niż przedmioty przyrody – lecz muszą dopiero zostać stworzone mocą ludzkiej kreatywności. […] Tak jak niegdyś Kant obwieszczał, iż dumna nazwa ontologii musi ustąpić miejsca skromnemu mianu samej tylko analityki czystego intelektu, tak teraz Cassirer pokazuje, że nie tylko czysty intelekt jest siedzibą rzeczywistości i znaczenia, lecz są nią wszystkie osiągnięcia ludzkiego ducha. Kultura jest ogółem manifestacji tych duchowych energii konkretyzujących się w danym tworzywie. Stąd również Cassirer twierdzić może, że człowiek w kulturze, „zamiast zajmować się rzeczami […], ustawicznie sam ze sobą rozmawia”.
Cathodically activated Au/TiO2 nanocomposite synthesized by a new facile solvothermal method: An efficient electrocatalyst with Pt-like activity for hydrogen generation
- A. Mezni
- Mohamed Ibrahim
- M. El-kemary
- A. Shaltout
- Nasser Mostafa
- Jacek Ryl
- T. Kumeria
- T. Altalhi
- Mohammed Amin
We report here a facile, template-free and one-step solvothermal approach for the synthesis of high-temperature stable gold/titania nanocomposite (NCs), providing a new, simple, quick and inexpensive wet-chemical route. Our approach is based on the assembly of gold salt and titanium butoxide in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Also, we present here, for the first time, a cathodically activated Au/TiO2 catalyst with Pt/C activity for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in 0.5 M H2SO4 in the dark. The as-prepared (unactivated) Au/TiO2 NCs exhibits considerable electrocatalytic activity for H2 generation in the dark, with a low onset potential (EHER) of −64 mV vs. RHE, a Tafel slope (-bc) of 60 mV dec−1 and an exchange current density (jo) of 0.12 mA cm−2. Long-term stability and durability tests in 0.5 M H2SO4, employing cyclic voltammetry technique (10,000 of repetitive cycling) and 72 h of chronoamperometry measurements at a high cathodic potential (cathodic activation), reveal that the electrocatalyst activates during such aging processes yielding an activated Au/TiO2 catalyst with Pt/C-like activity for H2 generation (EHER -3 mV, -bc: 35 mV dec−1, and jo: 0.95 mA cm−2). The outstanding HER activity of the activated catalyst is discussed.
Cavitation Erosion – Phenomenon and Test Rigs
- Alicja Krella
- Dominika Ewa Zakrzewska
The cavitation and cavitation erosion phenomenon have been shortly presented. The main four types of test rigs to investigate the cavitation erosion resistance have been shown. Each type of test design is described and an example of a design is shown. A special attention has been payed to the designs described in the International ASTM Standards: a vibratory design and a cavitating jet cell. There was shown that the design of a test device and the test conditions affect the resistance to cavitation erosion of a material.
CEE Trade in Services: Value-Added Versus Gross Terms Approaches
- Aleksandra Kordalska
- Magdalena Olczyk
This article assesses the impact of the determinants of service exports in both value-added terms and gross terms for seven Central Eastern European economies in 1995–2011. The results confirm the importance of increasing labor productivity and highly skilled and medium-skilled workers in the growth of trade in services. Exports of services are also supported by linkages between domestic services, especially business services, and the manufacturing sector. The results show that the impacts of the determinants are fairly similar when exports are measured in value-added or gross terms; however, the strength of the impact differs across the countries analyzed.
Celebrating 50 years of SWIMs (Salt Water Intrusion Meetings)
- Vincent Post
- Gualbert Oude Essink
- Adam Szymkiewicz
- Mark Bakker
- Georg Houben
- Emilio Custodio
- Clifford Voss
The Salt Water Intrusion Meetings, or SWIMs, are a series of meetings that focus on seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers and other salinisation processes. 2018 marks the 50th year of the SWIM and the 25th biennial meeting. The SWIM proceedings record half a century of research progress on site characterisation, geophysical and geochemical techniques, variable-density flow, modelling, and water management. The SWIM is positioning itself to remain a viable platform for discussing the coastal aquifer management challenges of the next 50 years.
Celebrities’ personal brand authenticity in social media: an application in the context of football top-players. The Robert Lewandowski case
- Wioleta Kucharska
- Federico Brunetti
- Ilenia Confente
- Dušan Mladenović
The aim of the study is to explore personal brand authenticity in social media through sentiment analysis. A survey has been conducted in the context of football players with respect to Robert Lewandowski – the most valuable Polish football-celebrity brand. Authors first assess antecedents of his brand authenticity basing on an international sample of social media users, made of 219 cases from 22 countries (intentionally excluding Poland), adopting the structural equation modelling method (SEM) for the data analysis. Next, the results obtained with the sentiment analysis at the same time are compared. This study is the first assessing the authenticity of a football star. Findings lead to interesting implications for the authentic personal brands' creation of football celebrities online.
Cell Density-Dependent Cytological Stage Profile and Its Application for a Screen of Cytostatic Agents Active Toward Leukemic Stem Cells
- Jan Jakub Lica
- Grzegorz Jan Grabe
- Mateusz Heldt
- Majus Misiak
- Patrycja Bloch
- Marcin Serocki
- Marta Switalska
- Joanna Wietrzyk
- Maciej Bagiński
- Andrzej Hellmann
- Edward Borowski
- Andrzej Składanowski
Proliferation and expansion of leukemia is driven by leukemic stem cells (LSCs). Multidrug resistance (MDR) of LSCs is one of the main reasons of failure and relapses in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treatment. In this study, we show that maintaining HL-60 at low cell culture density or applying a 240-day treatment with anthrapyridazone (BS-121) increased the percentage of primitive cells, which include LSCs determining the overall stage profile. This change manifested in morphology, expression of both cell surface markers and redox-state proteins, as well as mitochondrial potential. Moreover, four sublines were generated, each with unique and characteristic stage profile and cytostatic sensitivity. Cell density-induced culture alterations (affecting stage profiles) were exploited in a screen of anthrapyridazones. Among the compound tested, C-123 was the most potent against primitive cell stages while generating relatively low amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Furthermore, it had low toxicity in vivo and weakly affected blood morphology of healthy mice. The cell density-dependent stage profiles could be utilized in preliminary drug screens for activity against LSCs or in construction of patient-specific platforms to find drugs effective in case of AML relapse (drug extrapolation). The correlation between ROS generation in differentiated cells and toxic effect observed in HL-60 has a potential application in myelotoxicity predictions. The discovered properties of C-123 indicate its potential application in AML treatment, specifically in conditioned myeloablation preceding allogeneic transplantation and/or ex vivo treatment preceding autologous transplantation.
Cellulose Nanomaterials in Biomedical, Food, and Nutraceutical Applications: A Review
- Augustine Amalraj
- Sreeraj Gopi
- Sabu Thomas
- Józef Haponiuk
Nanotechnology with bionanomaterials have tremendous potential to enhance and utilize for nutrient and bioactive absorption, drug delivery systems, pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical field through various applications. Cellulose nanomaterials are green materials that are obtained from renewable sources and possess exceptional mechanical strength and biocompatibility. The associated unique physical and chemical properties have made various nanocomposite materials an intriguing prospect for different application in the biomedical, food, and nutraceutical industries. In this review, we have discussed and provided a summary of the recent researches in the utilization of cellulosic nanomaterials in applications related to food packaging, bone tissue engineering, wound dressing, drug delivery, and nutraceutical research area and industries.
CE-MS and GC-MS as “Green” and Complementary Methods for the Analysis of Biogenic Amines in Wine
- Michał Woźniakiewicz
- Aneta Woźniakiewicz
- Paweł Nowak
- Ewa Kłodzińska
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
Two novel complementary analytical methods, namely an extraction-free capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry (CE-MS) and direct immersion-solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (DI-SPME-GC-MS), have been developed and successfully applied for the determination of biogenic amines (BAs) in wine and fruit wine. They have been rigorously compared to each other in terms of various analytical criteria, and in addition, their “greenness,” standing for general safety and eco-friendliness, has been assessed using three different tools. Both procedures established in this work allow to determine the major BAs that are important for human health and life. Due to a faster and easier sample preparation step, the CE-MS method seems to be more user-friendly for routine and laborious analyses. On the other hand, the LOD values noted for the GC-MS method were always lower than those for the CE-MS approach. The lowest LOD in GC-MS was 3.1 ng/mL, while in CE-MS 25 ng/mL. This may be beneficial when BAs are present in wine at low concentration. The recovery values obtained for the CE-MS and GC-MS methods were similar and ranged from 65 to 117% and 64 to 106%, respectively. The greenness profile of these methodologies has been assessed and compared to each other using the following tools: National Environmental Methods Index (NEMI), greening profile algorithm, and analytical Eco-Scale. The evaluation based on all three scales indicates that both methods proposed in this works meet the requirements of a “green analytical chemistry” and can be safely used for the routine analysis of the studied BAs in wine samples with a minimal detrimental impact on human health and the environment.
Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals
- Leszek Matuszewski
- Neil Canter
Seals perform an important and at times overlooked function in a lubricant system. They prevent or minimize the movement of the lubricant between two surfaces and also minimize the level of contamination in the system. Seals are divided into static and dynamic types. Static seals operate in systems where the mating surfaces do not move relative to each other. In contrast, dynamic seals operate under conditions where the mating surfaces are in relative motion with each other. A previous TLT article discussed a second-generation engine oil seal prepared from polytetrafluoroethylene.1 This seal represented an improvement over a first-generation material because it was installed without an installation aid. Performance testing showed the benefit of having a reduced length and more grooves in the seal lip. Evaluation testing demonstrated that additional grooves led to a reduction in friction in the engine.
Certified Integrated Circuit Design Lab - obtaining the certificate and the benefits of having it
- Marek Wójcikowski
This paper describes the process of establishing and maintaining a certified integrated circuit design lab. The advantages of having a certification for the lab are presented, and also how to obtain the certificate based on the example of Cadence Certified Lab at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. Various integrated circuits designed at the lab are also briefly shown.
Certyfikacja wielokryterialna jako narzędzie kształtowania wysokiej jakości przestrzeni miejskiej
- Joanna Kabrońska
Celem tego artykułu jest omówienie systemów certyfikacji wielokryterialnej - zarówno narzędzi służących ocenie pojedynczych budynków, jak i zespołów zabudowy. Przeanalizowano rolę systemów certyfikacji oraz innowacyjnych technologii jako sposobu redukcji zużycia energii i osiągania wysokiej jakości energetycznej środowiska zbudowanego.