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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2022

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  • Social learning in cluster initiatives
    • Małgorzata Rozkwitalska
    • Anna Lis
    2022 Pełny tekst Competitiveness Review

    Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning occur in CIs? How is social learning facilitated through the emergence and evolution of various CoPs in CIs? Design/methodology/approach – The study applies the abduction approach for the interpretation of the collected data and attempts to create the best explanations for the observations on the basis of the CoP theory. The qualitative study of four CIs helped to identify various ways that social learning occurs in CIs and the role of the identified CoPs in the process. Social learning is portrayed as a collective journey within and between CoPs, where the interactions of their members deepen their level of involvement and help them to enhance learning in their CoP. Findings – The paper shows ways that social learning occurs in CIs and describes the role of CoPs. It identifies three types of CoPs in CIs: participants, cooperators and locomotives. Additionally, it documents different ways of social learning in CIs, namely one-way or two-way information transfer and raising awareness, demonstrating and inspiring, or motivating and educating. It also shows that while potentially every member of a CI has access to these practices, only a limited number of members are actually involved. Social learning in CIs is selective and some CI members accept their role as more peripheral in their CI. Originality/value – The literature on CIs, which are peculiar forms of clusters, is still underdeveloped. The research fills in the gap concerning the ways social learning occurs in CIs. It shows that selectiveness can be observed in this process, and emphasizes the role of interactions developed through CoPs and the benefits offered by them. The study applies the CoP approach. Consequently, it expands the theoretical base in view of the generally lacking studies on social learning in CIs in the literature on clustering. Since the CoP theory has rarely been applied in the management literature, it also augments this specific field.

  • Social Learning in Cluster Organizations and Accumulation of Technological Capability
    • Małgorzata Rozkwitalska
    • Anna Lis
    2022 Pełny tekst Inzinerine Ekonomika-Engineering Economics

    The purpose of the paper is to present how members of cluster organizations perceive their role in the accumulation of technological capability through social learning. The paper presents the results of a qualitative study of four cluster organizations. The theoretical foundation of the study are the communities of practice and the organizational inertia theories. The study indicates that the dynamics of technological capability of cluster organizations’ companies varies regarding three identified communities of practice, namely Participants, Cooperators and Locomotives. The so-called Dead souls (not included in any of the identified communities of practice) did not accumulate technological capability, while the companies classified as Participants increased their technological capability through social learning in cluster organizations provided that the cluster organizations offered comparatively high benefits. Those members of cluster organizations, identified as Cooperators and Locomotives, exhibited relatively high initial technological capability and increased it when the benefits received through social learning in cluster organizations were aligned with their technological trajectories. The study adds to the underdeveloped knowledge of cluster organizations by examining their role in enabling social learning that helps cluster firms accumulate technological capability.

  • Social perception of technological innovations at sports facilities: justification for financing ‘white elephants’ from public sources? The case of Euro 2012 Stadiums in Poland
    • Krystian Zawadzki
    2022 Pełny tekst Innovation-The European Journal of Social Science Research

    The main purpose of the paper is to provide a monetary valuation of social benefits in connection with the hypothetical implementation of technological innovations at four Euro 2012 stadiums in Poland. Not only the construction of the sport’s arenas, but also the ongoing maintenance drain the pockets of Polish taxpayers. At the same time Euro 2012 stadiums remain underused, which familiarize the host cities with the concept of ‘white elephants’. Due to the application of the contingent valuation method (CVM), the social effects obtained by the residents of four Polish cities were linked to proposed technological innovations, which were given appropriate monetary values. The research has proved the importance of technological innovations at the Euro 2012 stadiums in Poland. As a result, the residents of four Polish cities valued the social benefits related to the implementation of these innovations at PLN 70 million (USD 18 million).

  • Solar Photovoltaic Energy Optimization and Challenges
    • Arsalan Muhammad Soomar
    • Abdul Hakeem
    • Mustapha Messaoudi
    • Piotr Musznicki
    • Amjad Iqbal
    • Stanisław Czapp
    2022 Pełny tekst Frontiers in Energy Research

    The study paper focuses on solar energy optimization approaches, as well as the obstacles and concerns that come with them. This study discusses the most current advancements in solar power generation devices in order to provide a reference for decision-makers in the field of solar plant construction throughout the world. These technologies are divided into three groups: photovoltaic, thermal, and hybrid (thermal/photovoltaic). As a result, this article begins by outlining the approach that will be employed to undertake this research. Following that, solar energy production methods are researched and their sub-classifications are described in order to establish their resource needs and features. Following that, a detailed conversation is held. Each technology’s environmental and economic performance will be evaluated. Furthermore, a statistical analysis is conducted to emphasize the efficiency and performance of each solar technology, as well as to identify their global rankings in terms of power output. Finally, research trends in the development of solar power plants are presented. The credibility of the Photovoltaic system, types and limitations is the discussion under study system makes use of sun’s energy to generate electricity with the help of varied procedural systems; stand-alone, hybrid or grid charged. Based on this research, it is possible to infer that the primary goals of optimization approaches are to reduce investment, operation and maintenance costs, and emissions in order to improve system dependability. This paper also includes a brief overview of several solar energy optimization problems and issues.

  • Solubility of Methane in Water: Some Useful Results for Hydrate Nucleation
    • Joanna Grabowska
    • Samuel Blazquez
    • Eduardo Sanz
    • Iván M. Zerón
    • Jesús Algaba
    • José Manuel Míguez
    • Felipe J. Blas
    • Carlos Vega

    In this paper, the solubility of methane in water along the 400 bar isobar is determined by computer simulations using the TIP4P/Ice force field for water and a simple LJ model for methane. In particular, the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the gas phase and the solubility of methane in water when in contact with the hydrate has been determined. The solubility of methane in a gas–liquid system decreases as temperature increases. The solubility of methane in a hydrate–liquid system increases with temperature. The two curves intersect at a certain temperature that determines the triple point T3 at a certain pressure. We also determined T3 by the three-phase direct coexistence method. The results of both methods agree, and we suggest 295(2) K as the value of T3 for this system. We also analyzed the impact of curvature on the solubility of methane in water. We found that the presence of curvature increases the solubility in both the gas–liquid and hydrate–liquid systems. The change in chemical potential for the formation of hydrate is evaluated along the isobar using two different thermodynamic routes, obtaining good agreement between them. It is shown that the driving force for hydrate nucleation under experimental conditions is higher than that for the formation of pure ice when compared at the same supercooling. We also show that supersaturation (i.e., concentrations above those of the planar interface) increases the driving force for nucleation dramatically. The effect of bubbles can be equivalent to that of an additional supercooling of about 20 K. Having highly supersaturated homogeneous solutions makes possible the spontaneous formation of the hydrate at temperatures as high as 285 K (i.e., 10K below T3). The crucial role of the concentration of methane for hydrate formation is clearly revealed. Nucleation of the hydrate can be either impossible or easy and fast depending on the concentration of methane which seems to play the leading role in the understanding of the kinetics of hydrate formation.

    • Karol Grębowski
    • Mikołaj Miśkiewicz
    • Krzysztof Wilde
    2022 Pełny tekst

    In 2014–2018, as a result of the expansion of the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a project was imple- mented consisting of building a northern ring road, called the Northern Marmara Highway. The concept of the structural design of the ring road’s intermediate supports aims at constructing sup- ports that according to the TURKISH DLH 2008 standard must comply with the design require- ments for the three calculated earthquake insensitivity levels (D1, D2, D3). The article discusses the modelling of plastic hinges in the reinforced concrete intermediate supports using finite elements methods. The Ductility Demand-Capacity method was used to determine the geometrical parame- ters of the cross-section plasticisation zones, their ability to move and rotate, and their ductility. Due to the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their non-linear behaviour under dynamic load, this method was concluded to be imperfect. Therefore, an improved algorithm was proposed by determining the main parameters of the plastic hinges depending on the degree of concrete deg- radation according to Lubliner’s assumptions. The new algorithm was used to design the structure of viaducts of the Istanbul Northern Marmara Highway ring road implemented by the authors. The obtained results may help to prevent failures and damage to the viaducts’ supports structure and thus ensure the safety of all users exploiting the objects. Based on the collected results, it was prov- en that the proposed concept of intermediate supports with a variable geometry and stiffness design including the plastic-damage reinforced concrete model, and on the basis of the plastic hinges con- cept, broadens and enriches the issue of analysis of bridge structures exposed to earthquakes.

  • Solvent Exchange around Aqueous Zn(II) from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    • Adrian Malinowski
    • Maciej Śmiechowski
    2022 Pełny tekst Liquids

    Hydrated zinc(II) cations, due to their importance in biological systems, are the subject of ongoing research concerning their hydration shell structure and dynamics. Here, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations are used to study solvent exchange events around aqueous Zn2+, for which observation in detail is possible owing to the considerable length of the generated trajectory. While the hexacoordinated Zn(H2O)62+ is the dominant form of Zn(II) in an aqueous solution, there is a non-negligible contribution of the pentacoordinated Zn(H2O)52+ complex which presence is linked to the dissociative solvent exchange events around Zn2+. The pentacoordinated Zn(II) has a much tighter hydration sphere and is characterized by a trigonal bipyramidal structure, in contrast to the usual octahedral symmetry of the hexacoordinated complex. In total, two full exchange events are registered in the analyzed trajectory. AIMD simulations on an adequate length scale thus provide a direct way of studying such solvent exchange events around ions in molecular detail.

  • Some accelerationist remarks on Marcuse’s drives theory and his dialectics of civilization
    • Andrzej Karalus
    2022 Pełny tekst Analiza i Egzystencja

    Marcuse’s theory of civilization offers a promising Freud-Marx synthesis. His approach, best articulated in Eros and Civilization, aims at a thorough reformulation of the Freudian drive doctrine to render it more historical and concatenate it to the problem of structural violence and the institutionalized (and internalized) mechanism of repression. I claim that the said reformulation provides a cornerstone for Marcuse’s highly idiosyncratic variant of a critical theory, which, according to my interpretation, possesses clear proto-accelerationist undertones. The article offers a concise recapitulation of Marcuse’s “dialectics of civilization” and points at the somewhat surprising close convergences with the accelerationist version of postcapitalism in his reflection on politics, technology, and the role of arts and aesthetic imagination in challenging the affirmative (desublimating) character of culture.

  • Some new soliton solutions to the higher dimensional Burger–Huxley and Shallow water waves equation with couple of integration architectonic
    • Farrah Ashraf
    • Tehsina Javeed
    • Romana Ashraf
    • Amina Rana
    • Ali Akgül
    • Shahram Rezapour
    • Muhammad Bilal Hafeez
    • Marek Krawczuk
    2022 Pełny tekst Results in Physics

    In this paper, we retrieve some traveling wave, periodic solutions, bell shaped, rational, kink and anti-kink type and Jacobi elliptic functions of Burger’s equation and Shallow water wave equation with the aid of various integration schemes like improved -expansion scheme and Jacobi elliptic function method respectively. We also present our solutions graphically in various dimensions.

  • Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station
    • Joanna Potapowicz
    • Małgorzata Szopińska
    • Danuta Szumińska
    • Robert Józef Bialik
    • Żaneta Polkowska
    2022 Pełny tekst CHEMOSPHERE

    The paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water and sediment samples, respectively. The analysis of PAH indicator ratio values showed that pyrogenic or mixed sources contribute to the PAH pollution in Antarctic sediments and water more than does petroleum. The main source is the combustion of biomass (e.g. as a result of fires) and coal, and PAHs are mostly associated with the activity of stations or are transported to a lesser extent by long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) from South America. The values of the ΣLMW/ΣHMW ratio in sediments indicate that petrogenic sources contribute to PAH contamination, but among the six PAH ratios tested, petrogenic sources were identified as dominant in approximately 17–19% of cases. Lack of coherence in the obtained results confirms the mixed origin of PAHs in the studied samples. Although the differentiation of PAHs sources is still ambiguous, caution is recommended in light of the Antarctic system's evident and rapid response to global and local PAH emissions, and the dependency of accumulation and release cycle processes on weather conditions. A reduction in petrol usage in favour of renewable energy sources, and restriction of tourism are strongly recommended for better preservation of the pristine Antarctic environment.

  • Spatiotemporal Assessment of Satellite Image Time Series for Land Cover Classification Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Case Study of Reunion Island, France
    • Naik Nitesh Navnath
    • Kandasamy Chandrasekaran
    • Andrzej Stateczny
    • Venkatesan Meenakshi Sundaram
    • Prabhavathy Panneer
    2022 Pełny tekst Remote Sensing

    Current Earth observation systems generate massive amounts of satellite image time series to keep track of geographical areas over time to monitor and identify environmental and climate change. Efficiently analyzing such data remains an unresolved issue in remote sensing. In classifying land cover, utilizing SITS rather than one image might benefit differentiating across classes because of their varied temporal patterns. The aim was to forecast the land cover class of a group of pixels as a multi-class single-label classification problem given their time series gathered using satellite images. In this article, we exploit SITS to assess the capability of several spatial and temporal deep learning models with the proposed architecture. The models implemented are the bidirectional gated recurrent unit (GRU), temporal convolutional neural networks (TCNN), GRU + TCNN, attention on TCNN, and attention of GRU + TCNN. The proposed architecture integrates univariate, multivariate, and pixel coordinates for the Reunion Island’s landcover classification (LCC). the evaluation of the proposed architecture with deep neural networks on the test dataset determined that blending univariate and multivariate with a recurrent neural network and pixel coordinates achieved increased accuracy with higher F1 scores for each class label. The results suggest that the models also performed exceptionally well when executed in a partitioned manner for the LCC task compared to the temporal models. This study demonstrates that using deep learning approaches paired with spatiotemporal SITS data addresses the difficult task of cost-effectively classifying land cover, contributing to a sustainable environment.

  • Sperm segmentation and abnormalities detection during the ICSI procedure using machine learning algorithms
    • Aleksandra Frączek
    • Gabriela Karwowska
    • Mateusz Miler
    • Joanna Liss
    • Anna Węsierska
    • Magdalena Mazur-Milecka

    (1) About 15-20% of couples struggle with the problem of infertility. 30 to 40% of these cases are caused by abnormalities in the structure and motility of sperm. Sometimes the only possibility for such people is to use the procedure of artificial insemination. CASA systems are used to increase the efficiency of this procedure by selecting the appropriate sperm cell. (2) This paper presents an approach to the sperm classification on the basis of its entire structure analysis, including flagella - often poorly visible and therefore ignored in the CASA systems element. The training of the Mask R-CNN architecture was performed on 2 publicly available and one specially created for this purpose sperm database. A 14-element feature vector was also proposed for the classification of 4 classes of typical head defects (amorphous, normal, tapered and pyriform) by the Support Vector Machine. (3) The sperm head (mAP 94.28%) and the whole flagellum (mAP 90.29%) were successfully detected. However, the flagella segmentation results were significantly lower (50.88%) than that the head segmentation (88.32%). Classification with SVM scored 82% accuracy. (4) Research has shown that segmentation and the use of a simple SVM classifier allow for quite good results in the classification of sperm defects. However, it is important to develop a larger whole sperm database, to improve the segmentation results.

  • Spiral Search Grasshopper Features Selection with VGG19-ResNet50 for Remote Sensing Object Detection
    • Andrzej Stateczny
    • G. Uday Kiran
    • G. Bindu
    • Kanegonda Ravi Chythanya
    • K. Ayyappa Swamy
    2022 Pełny tekst Remote Sensing

    Remote sensing object detection plays a major role in satellite imaging and is required in various scenarios such as transportation, forestry, and the ocean. Deep learning techniques provide efficient performance in remote sensing object detection. The existing techniques have the limitations of data imbalance, overfitting, and lower efficiency in detecting small objects. This research proposes the spiral search grasshopper (SSG) optimization technique to increase the exploitation in feature selection. Augmentation is applied in input images to generate more images, and this helps to train the model and reduces data imbalance problems. The VGG-19 and ResNet50 model is applied for feature extraction, and this helps to extract deep features to represent objects. The SSG feature selection technique increases the exploitation and select unique features for object detection that helps to overcome the data imbalance and overfitting problem. The SSG feature selection model helps to balance the exploration and exploitation that escape from the local optima trap. The SSG model has 82.45% mAP, the SSD model has 52.6% mAP, and the MPFP-Net model has 80.43% mAP.

  • Społeczność akademicka świętuje Tydzień Otwartego Dostępu 2022
    • Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła
    • Agnieszka Szymik
    2022 Pełny tekst Pismo PG

    W dniach 24-30 października 2022 roku odbyła się kolejna odsłona święta Otwartego Dostępu pod hasłem „Otwartość dla sprawiedliwości klimatycznej”. Jak co roku w ostatni pełny tydzień października, Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej zorganizowała dla społeczności akademickiej szereg atrakcji, które miały na celu promowanie idee otwartości wśród naukowców i studentów.

  • Spurious Modes in Model Order Reduction in Variational Problems in Electromagnetics
    • Valentin De La Rubia
    • David Young
    • Grzegorz Fotyga
    • Michał Mrozowski

    In this work, we address an everlasting issue in 2 model order reduction (MOR) in electromagnetics that has 3 remained unnoticed until now. Contrary to what has been 4 previously done, we identify for the very first time spurious 5 modes in MOR for time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations and 6 propose a methodology to remove their negative influence on the 7 reduced order model (ROM) response. These spurious modes 8 have nonzero resonance frequency and may have shown up 9 in the past giving rise to spikes in the frequency response, 10 in effect, deteriorating the accuracy and efficiency of the MOR 11 process. However, they were never characterized as spurious 12 mode contributions, rather they were most likely considered 13 as poor localized approximation issues in the MOR process. 14 When we try to get further physical insights from the ROM, 15 rather than simple frequency domain data, we cannot afford 16 any poorly localized approximation issue, that is, any spurious 17 mode in the band of analysis. Otherwise, these mathematical, 18 but nonphysical, modes will mislead the physical behavior of the 19 device under analysis. A computationally inexpensive variational 20 divergence condition is established to identify spurious modes in 21 the band of analysis, since any physical in-band mode must be 22 divergence-free. In addition, once a spurious mode is identified in 23 the band of analysis, its influence is removed from the ROM by 24 a physics-based coupling strategy. As a result, a robust spurious 25 mode contribution-free MOR in electromagnetics is proposed. 26 Finally, several actual microwave circuits, such as a quad-mode 27 filter and a triple-mode triple-band filter, will illustrate the 28 capabilities and efficiency of the proposed approach.

  • Stability investigation of the PCM nanocomposites
    • Paulina Boroń
    • Maciej Fabrykiewicz
    • Janusz Cieśliński

    In present study was showed the results of research the stability of nanoPCMs in terms of types and concentrations of surfactant used. For stearic acid has been added PVP or oleic acid in concentrations of 0%, 5% and 10%. Nanoparticles TiO2 and Al-2O3 in concentration of 1% were chosen to be researched in this test. The mixing of nanocomposites has been done in an ultrasonic scrubber in which the samples were placed for 45 mins. The stability was researched through the measurement the changing of temperature over time. The measurements have been done in controlled thermostatic conditions. The results were obtained after clotting the samples from 70°C to 20°C and melting the samples form 20°C to 70°C. The expected results was obtaining plot waveforms with reduced loading time for materials containing surfactants and nanoparticles at their core.

  • Stan przedawaryjny oraz sposób naprawy dźwigarów dachowych z drewna klejonego
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Tomasz Majewski
    2022 Pełny tekst

    W artykule przedstawiono opis uszkodzeń konstrukcji dachu sali sportowej, w szczególności drewnianych dźwigarów dachowych z drewna klejonego, które powstały w wyniku popełnionych błędów projektowych oraz wykonawczych. W pracy przedstawiono różne koncepcje naprawy oraz zrealizowane rozwiązanie projektowe wzmocnienia dźwigarów dachowych.

  • Stan przedawaryjny oraz sposób naprawy dźwigarów dachowych z drewna lejonego
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    • Tomasz Majewski

    W artykule przedstawiono opis uszkodzeń konstrukcji dachu sali sportowej w szczególności drewnianych dźwigarów dachowych z drewna klejonego które powstały w wyniku popełnionych błędów projektowych oraz wykonawczych. W pracy przedstawiono różne koncepcje naprawy oraz zrealizowane rozwiązanie projektowe wzmocnienia dźwigarów dachowych.

  • Stardust - Investigation of Microbes in the Stratosphere
    • Marcin Jasiukowicz
    • Bartosz Rybacki
    • Mateusz Grzybowski
    • Natalia Czortek
    • Dawid Rekowski
    • Jakub Pawłowski
    • Paulina Podpirko
    • Kacper Loret
    • Dominika Tomaszewska
    • Szymon Magrian
    • Karol Pelzner
    • Remigiusz Galikowski
    • Bartosz Rybak
    • Beata Krawczyk
    2022 Pełny tekst

    The stratospheric microbiome has been investigated several times using the methods of classical microbiology. In this experiment, we have combined them with some novel approaches including whole- metagenome amplification, Maldi TOF mass spectrometry and Sanger DNA sequencing. The results of the experiment may provide the scientists with knowledge about the mechanisms of survivability of microorganisms in stratospheric conditions such as high doses of UV and cosmic radiation, low temperature and low humidity. The preliminary results have shown that the stratosphere is very poor in microorganisms in comparison to the regular, tropospheric air. Also the investigation is very difficult due to many problems with both small amounts of biological material and the high risk of contamination. However, contamination is possible to control, and modern methods of biotechnology help in the research of low quantities of material. The experiment was launched from Esrange Space Center in September 2021, onboard BEXUS 30 balloon mission conducted within the REXUS/BEXUS programme.

  • Starodruki w cyfrowej odsłonie – Biblioteka PG zrealizowała projekt Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki
    • Anna Sobolewska
    • Kamila Kokot-Kanikuła
    2022 Pismo PG

    Biblioteka Politechniki Gdańskiej ukończyła właśnie realizację projektu „Społeczna Odpowiedzialność Nauki” w ramach modułu „Wsparcie dla bibliotek naukowych”. Projekt realizowany był w ramach konkursu ogłoszonego w 2019 roku przez Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki.