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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2023

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  • Kościół franciszkanów Świętego Andrzeja Apostoła w Barczewie: badania i prace konserwatorskie w latach 2018-2023
    • Piotr Samól
    • Przemysław Gorek
    • Arkadiusz Koperkiewicz
    2023 Pełny tekst Warmińsko-Mazurski Biuletyn Konserwatorski

    Artykuł stanowi sprawozdanie z prac konserwatorskich prowadzonych w kościele franciszkańskim w Barczewie przez firmę Gorek Restauro wraz z odniesieniem do wynikow badań terenowych: architektonicznych, archeologicznych i konserwatorskich

  • Kościół św. Andrzeja w Barczewie. Historia przekształceń zespołu franciszkańskiego
    • Piotr Samól

    Kościół św. Andrzeja w Barczewie jest jedyną zachowaną świątynią klasztorną na Warmii, której początki sięgają średniowiecza. Porzucone przez franciszkanów w połowie XVI w. założenie klasztorne zostało odbudowane staraniem kardynała Andrzeja Batorego – bratanka króla Stefana i przekazane bernardynom. Batory zaczął wznosić także unikalną centralną kaplicę grobową, w której umieścił podwójny cenotaf dłuta Willema van den Blocke. Kolejne przebudowy kościoła i klasztoru zatarły jednak architekturę ówczesnego założenia. W książce autor śledzi losy założenia franciszkańskiego i chronologię jego przekształceń, poczynając od problematyki fundacji klasztorów na Warmii, a kończąc na omówieniu kompleksowych prac konserwatorskich prowadzonych w latach 2018-2022, w których brał udział. Ponieważ podstawowym źródłem do poznania dziejów zabytku jest jego autentyczna substancja, autor łączy warsztaty architekta i historyka – korzystając z wyników prowadzonych przez siebie badań terenowych i kwerend archiwalnych. Pracę uzupełnia próba analizy zmieniającej się w czasie architektury kościoła św. Andrzeja w ujęciu porównawczym. W efekcie książka znacząco poszerza wiedzę na temat budownictwa zakonnego w Prusach Królewskich oraz wskazuje, jak istotne są badania podstawowe (architektoniczne, archeologiczne, konserwatorskie, historyczne) zarówno dla poznawania dziejów poszczególnych obiektów, jak i prób syntezowania wiedzy o całych zjawiskach artystycznych.

  • Labour share and income inequalities in the European Union, taking into account the level of development of economies
    • Erik Soltis
    • Małgorzata Gawrycka
    • Szymczak Anna
    • Marta Kuc-Czarnecka
    2023 Pełny tekst EQUILIBRIUM Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy

    esearch background: The relationship between labour share and income inequality is a complex and multifaceted problem. Despite ongoing discussions among economists, there is still no consensus on the direction of the relationship between labour share and income ine-quality. Purpose of the article: The article aims to assess the impact of labour share on income inequal-ity, which is measured in three ways: the Gini index of gross income, the Gini index of market incomes, and the Gini index of household disposable income. Methods: Dynamic panel data models were applied to estimate the relationship between Gini coefficients and socio-economic indicators. The study investigated 25 European Union coun-tries over the 2011–2021 period. Findings & value added: Despite the long convergence process of the EU economies, there is still great diversity in the labour share, social inequalities, and the interplay between these factors. The added value of this research is the indication of labour share impact on three Gini measures covering a diverse income spectrum (from labour and capital). Based on the re-search findings, hypothesis 1, claiming that the more developed the national economy, the lower the share of employment income, favouring capital gains, is confirmed. Hypothesis 2 (as the share of income from work increases, the Gini coefficient of gross incomes decreases) must be rejected. There is no significant relationship between labour share and the studied Gini measures in 'old' EU countries. In 'new' EU members, there is a reverse relationship than assumed in hypothesis 2. The growth of the Gini coefficient was influenced by the rise in labour share, which can be attributed to the diversity in economic structures.

  • Lanthanide ions (Eu3+, Er3+, Pr3+) as luminescence and charge carrier centers in Sr2TiO4
    • Karol Szczodrowski
    • Mirosław Behrendt
    • J. Barzowska
    • N. Górecka
    • Natalia Majewska
    • Tadeusz Lesniewski
    • Marcin Łapiński
    • Sebastian Mahlik

    A series of strontium orthotitanate (Sr2TiO4) samples doped with 2% of a mole of europium, praseodymium, and erbium were obtained using the solid-state synthesis method. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique confirms the phase purity of all samples and the lack of the influence of dopants at a given concentration on the structure of materials. The optical properties indicate, in the case of Sr2TiO4:Eu3+, two independent emission (PL) and excitation (PLE) spectra attributed to the Eu3+ ions at sites with different symmetries: low – excited at 360 nm and high – excited at 325 nm, while, for Sr2TiO4:Er3+ and Sr2TiO4:Pr3+, the emission spectra do not depend on the excitation wavelength. The measurements of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) indicate the presence of only one type of charge compensation mechanism, which is based on the creation of strontium vacancies Image ID:d2dt04177d-t1.gif in all cases. This suggests that the different charge compensation mechanisms cannot easily explain the presence of Eu3+ at two non-equivalent crystal sites. The photocurrent excitation (PCE) spectroscopy investigations, that have not been reported in the literature so far, show that among all the studied dopants, only Pr3+ can promote the electrons to the conduction band and give rise to electron conductivity. The results collected from the PLE and PCE spectra allowed us to find the location of the ground states of lanthanides(II)/(III) in the studied matrix.

  • Laser-Induced Graphitization of Polydopamine on Titania Nanotubes
    • Adrian Olejnik
    • Krzysztof Polaczek
    • Marek Szkodo
    • Alicja Stanisławska
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Katarzyna Siuzdak
    2023 Pełny tekst ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

    Since the discovery of laser-induced graphite/graphene, there has been a notable surge of scientific interest in advancing diverse methodologies for their synthesis and applications. This study focuses on the utilization of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser to achieve graphitization of polydopamine (PDA) deposited on the surface of titania nanotubes. The partial graphitization is corroborated through Raman and XPS spectroscopies and supported by water contact angle, nanomechanical, and electrochemical measurements. Reactive molecular dynamics simulations confirm the possibility of graphitization in the nanosecond time scale with the evolution of NH3, H2O, and CO2 gases. A thorough exploration of the lasing parameter space (wavelength, pulse energy, and number of pulses) was conducted with the aim of improving either electrochemical activity or photocurrent generation. Whereas the 532 nm laser pulses interacted mostly with the PDA coating, the 365 nm pulses were absorbed by both PDA and the substrate nanotubes, leading to a higher graphitization degree. The majority of the photocurrent and quantum efficiency enhancement is observed in the visible light between 400 and 550 nm. The proposed composite is applied as a photoelectrochemical (PEC) sensor of serotonin in nanomolar concentrations. Because of the suppressed recombination and facilitated charge transfer caused by the laser graphitization, the proposed composite exhibits significantly enhanced PEC performance. In the sensing application, it showed superior sensitivity and a limit of detection competitive with nonprecious metal materials

  • Latent fingerprint imaging by spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
    • Marcin Strąkowski
    • Paulina Strąkowska
    • Jerzy Pluciński

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-contact and non-invasive optical method for evaluating semitransparent and scattering objects. Its unique features, such as non-destructive 3D measurements of tested objects with a fast scanning rate, make this technique interesting for latent fingerprint reading, which is the subject of this paper. So far, OCT has not found widespread use for reading fingerprints directly from surfaces due to its insufficient axial resolution. This problem has been overcome by applying spectroscopic analysis to the OCT measurements, which is based on retrieving the spatially resolved spectral characteristics of the recorded backscattered light directly from the OCT measurement data. The spectroscopic analysis is very sensitive to thin film thickness variations, improving the readability of the latent fingerprints by OCT, which is reported here as well. This study includes a description of spectroscopic analysis in combination with OCT and indicates the benefits for thin film evaluation, in particular, latent fingerprints. The example of latent fingerprint OCT measurements enhanced by spectroscopic analysis has been shown, as well as a brief discussion of the method’s applicability. Finally, improving fingerprint OCT imaging contrast and readability by applying spectroscopic analysis have been confirmed.

  • Leaf wettability and plant surface water storage for common wetland species of the Biebrza peatlands (northeast Poland)
    • Ewa Papierowska
    • Daria Sikorska
    • Sylwia Szporak-Wasilewska
    • Małgorzata Kleniewska
    • Tomasz Berezowski
    • Jarosław Chormański
    • Jan Szatyłowicz
    • Guillaume Debaene
    2023 Pełny tekst Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics

    Wetlands play a crucial role in buffering the effects of climate change. At the same time, they are one of the most endangered ecosystems on the globe. The knowledge of the water cycle and energy exchange is crucial for the practical preservation and exploiting their capabilities. Leaf wettability is an important parameter characterising the plant's ability to retain water on its surface, and is linked to the ecosystems' hydrological and ecological functioning. This research investigates the relationship between leaves' wettability based on contact angle measurements and water storage capacity (interception) for wetland vegetation. We performed the study for ten common plant species collected from Biebrza peatlands (Poland). We used CAM100 goniometer for the wetting contact angle measurements on the leaves' surface, and the weighing method for the plant surface water storage determination. The wetland plants' initial contact angle values ranged from 64.7° to 139.5° and 62.4° to 134.0° for the leaves' adaxial and abaxial parts, respectively. The average plant surface water storage was equal to 0.31 g·g–1, and values ranged from 0.09 to 0.76 g·g–1. The leaf hydrophobicity contributes to the amount of retained water. With increasing average contact angle, the amount of water retained on the plant decreased.

  • Leakage Current Measurements of Surge Arresters
    • Marek Olesz
    • Leszek Litzbarski
    • Grzegorz Redlarski
    2023 Pełny tekst ENERGIES

    The paper presents the methods of assessing the technical condition of varistor surge arresters used in laboratory tests and in operation—performed without disconnecting the arresters from the network. The analysis of the diagnostic methods was supplemented with the results of the measurements of the leakage current of arresters coming directly from their production and used in the power industry. Among the available methods of evaluating the technical condition of arresters, mainly indicator solutions (temperature and operation counter) and the measurement of the selected parameters of the leakage current are used. In the latter, the method of determining the resistive component of the leakage current, determined on the basis of the analysis of the voltage and current waveforms, or only the arrester current, has become widespread. In this type of measurement, current clamps are used in the operation, and additionally, in voltage measurements, voltage transformers are used, where you have to take into account the fundamental, additional sources of errors discussed in the article. These errors and the dispersion resulting from the production technology may fundamentally hinder the proper assessment of the technical condition; hence, it is so important to properly recognize the listed basic sources of measurement uncertainty. In addition, the analysis should take into account three factors related to external conditions: temperature, the voltage applied to the arrester, and the content of higher harmonics in the supply voltage, for which appropriate methods have been provided to determine the active component of the leakage current for reference conditions. This article presents the results of the measurements of the leakage currents of surge arresters measured with various methods.

    • Jan Cudzik
    • Barkin Güler,
    • Muhammed Aydoğan
    2023 Pełny tekst Przestrzeń i Forma

    Urban planning and urban design involve complex processes that require detailed information about the visual information of a place at various scales. Different graphic tools, such as game engines, are evolving to use urban representation fields. The concept of "level of detail" (LOD) has been used to categorize the level of detail in AEC applications such as BIM and GML for urban representation models. However, there is a need to distinguish between different LOD concepts commonly used in various fields, as these terms have different interpretations and implications. This article presents a novel approach to re-categorizing the level of detail concept in AEC applications, led by the traditional use of LOD and in parallel with urban planning scales. From an urbanist perspective, a four-stage LOD classification framework has been studied: LOD 1000 for urban and neighbourhood scales, LOD 2000 for the plaza and square scales, LOD 3000 for architectural and street scales, and LOD 4000 for protected and private areas.

  • Levels of creativity in architectural education
    • Karolina Życzkowska
    • Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
    2023 Pełny tekst Global Journal of Engineering Education

    Architectural design combines engineering science and art, thus stimulating creativity is a challenge in the didactic process. There are various levels of creativity that can be attained through architectural education. From idea to architecture (FITA) is a teaching method based on metaphorical and analogical reasoning that was developed, implemented and tested during architectural design classes in the Faculty of Architecture at Gdańsk University of Technology. Gdańsk, Poland. Four components of the FITA method: predesign, design, research and communication, were examined. To evaluate the suitability of the method a p-survey and an e-survey were used. The p-survey was intended to investigate teachers’ and students’ preferences within architectural design studios and to indicate a penchant for designing based on the initial idea among both groups. The next survey was focused on the FITA assessment among students and their preferences for starting points of design, considering the students’ creativity level checked through the test for creative thinking - drawing production (TCT-DP). Findings indicate that the FITA method positively influences students’ creativity at many levels and allows them to see compositional analogies. The TCT-DP results show that this method is mostly beneficial for students with an average level of creativity.

  • Liczby Ramseya on-line dla różnych klas grafów
    • Renata Zakrzewska
    2023 Pełny tekst

    Rozpatrujemy grę rozgrywaną na nieskończonej liczbie wierzchołków, w której każda runda polega na wskazaniu krawędzi przez jednego gracza - Budowniczego oraz pokolorowaniu jej przez drugiego gracza - Malarkę na jeden z dwóch kolorów, czerwony lub niebieski. Celem Budowniczego jest zmuszenie Malarki do stworzenia monochromatycznej kopii wcześniej ustalonego grafu H w jak najmniejszej możliwej liczbie ruchów. Zakładamy, że gracze grają optymalnie czyli najlepiej jak można w danym momencie i nie popełniają błędów. Malarka będzie próbowała przeszkodzić Budowniczemu jak długo się tylko da. Taką grę będziemy nazywać ̃(H)-grą. W wersji asymetrycznej tej gry, Malarka unika czerwonej kopii grafu G oraz niebieskiej kopii grafu H. Taką grę będziemy nazywać ̃ (G, H)-grą. Wartością liczby Ramseya on-line ̃(H) - wersja symetryczna lub ̃(G, H) - wersja asymetryczna, jest to minimalna liczba tur, w której gra się zakończy. W rozprawie rozważamy liczby Ramseya on-line dla różnych klas grafów. Wyznaczamy wartości liczb Ramseya on-line ̃(P4, P10), ̃(P4, P11) oraz górne oszacowanie ̃(P4, Pn) dla 12 ≤ n ≤ 22. Ponadto przedstawiamy górne oszacowanie ̃(S3, Pl) dla l ≥ 3 oraz dokładną wartość ෩(S3, P5). Pokazujemy nowe oszacowania z dołu i góry dla liczb ̃(C3, Pk) oraz ̃(C4, Pk) dla odpowiednich k oraz wyznaczamy dokładną wartość ̃(C4, P9).

  • Light pollution from illuminated bridges as a potential barrier for migrating fish–Linking measurements with a proposal for a conceptual model
    • Catherine Perez Vega
    • Jechow Andreas
    • James A. Campbell
    • Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • Franz Hölker
    2023 Pełny tekst BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY

    Illuminated bridges have become important assets to navigable aquatic systems. However, if artificial light at night (ALAN) from illuminated bridges reaches aquatic habitats, such as rivers, it can threaten the river's natural heterogeneity and alter the behavioural responses of migratory fish. Here, via a pilot study, we quantified levels of ALAN at illuminated bridges that cross a river and, propose a conceptual model to estimate its potential implications on two migrating fish species with contrasting life histories. Night-time light measurements on the river Spree in Berlin were performed continuously along a transect and in detail at seven illuminated bridges. Photometric data of the pilot study showed rapidly increased and decreased light levels at several illuminated bridges from which we derived several model illumination scenarios. These illumination scenarios and their potential effect on migrating Atlantic salmon smolts (Salmo salar) and European silver eel (Anguilla anguilla) are presented as a conceptual model, considering illuminated bridges as behavioural barriers to fish migration. ALAN's adverse effects on freshwater habitats must be better researched, understood, managed, and properly communicated to develop future sustainable lighting practices and policies that preserve riverscapes and their biodiversity.

  • Linear viscoelastic transversely isotropic model based on the spectral decomposition of elasticity tensors
    • Maciej Lewandowski-Szewczyk
    • B. Grzeszykowski
    • M.d. Gajewski

    The linear viscoelasticity is still a useful model in the engineering for studying the behavior of materials loaded with different loading rates (frequencies). Certain types of materials reveal also an anisotropic behavior: fiber reinforced composites, asphalt concrete mixtures, or wood, to name a few. In general, researchers try to identify experimentally the dependence of engineering constants like: directional Young’s moduli and Poisson’s ratios on loading velocity by means of creep or harmonic oscillatory tests. This approach is appealing from the experimental point of view. However, from the modeling perspective, this is not the case. The engineering constants emerge in nonlinear manner in the relationship between the strain and stress via fourth order stiffness tensor components. This is especially true in higher order anisotropies, yet even in isotropy Poisson’s ratio appears nonlinearly in the stiffness tensor. Several models for the linear viscoelasticity of anisotropic materials already exist in the literature that try to tackle this issue. In this paper, we propose a linear viscoelasticity model for anisotropic materials based on the spectral decomposition of the stiffness tensor. The proposed model offers several advantages: the natural choice of the stiffness tensor eigenvalues as time-dependent variables, state variables with clear interpretation as creep strains, and reduced burden of storage utilizing the orthogonality of the eigenspaces. We implemented the model in the finite-element method system AceGen/AceFEM, and calibrated parameters of the model with the experimental data available in the literature, thus proving the adequacy of the proposed model to describe anisotropic viscoelastic materials.

  • Linking Fashion and Tourism: From Body to Clothing and Lifestyle
    • Nadzeya Sabatini
    • Lorenzo Cantoni

    There are many profound links between fashion and tourism. This chapter provides a critical reflection, mainly from a philosophical, historical, and linguistic perspective, on the dynamic relationship and parallel evolution between these two sectors. It explains how their intercon nectedness form and mirror contemporary society. This chapter classifies the connections between the two, starting with the person, her body, and the relationship the latter has with fashion and tourism, and with the contemporary society at large. Four layers of such connections are exemplified. It also discusses a selfie, as a symbolic (digital) communication object and a complex phenomenon facilitated by changing technological affordances and societal functions as an excellent case of the complex relationships between fashion and tourism.

  • Lipids and Food Quality
    • Izabela Sinkiewicz

    This chapter deals with lipids present in food as well as their chemical, biological, and functional properties. The chapter begins with a presentation of the main groups of lipids including their chemical structure and physical properties. The physical properties of lipids affecting food processing are covered. Then, the role of lipids in human nutrition is presented. This is followed by a description of the undesirable changes in food lipids during storage and processing. The next part provides a broad outline of the effect of fats on food quality. The role of lipids in the formation of rheological properties of food and their contribution to food discoloration are described and also presented as precursors of aroma compounds. The chapter further describes the chemical and biochemical reactions of lipids including hydrolysis, esterification, hydrogenation, and oxidation. Frying fats including frying media, deep frying, and nutritional and health aspects are also discussed. The chapter concludes by presenting the formation and stability of lipid emulsions. The chapter provides useful knowledge about fats and lipids for food technologists and consumers.

  • Lipopolysaccharides: regulated biosynthesis and structural diversity
    • Satish Raina

    The cell envelope of Gram-negative bacteria contains two distinct membranes, an inner (IM) and an outer (OM) membrane, separated by the periplasm, a hydrophilic compartment that includes a thin layer of peptidoglycan. The most distinguishing feature of such bacteria is the presence of an asymmetric OM with phospholipids located in the inner leaflet and lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) facing the outer leaflet. The maintenance of this OM asymmetry is essential to impart a permeability barrier, which prevents the entry of bulky toxic molecules, such as antibiotics and bile salts, into the cells [1]. LPS is a complex glycolipid that, with few exceptions, is essential for bacterial viability and is one of the major virulence factors in pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Model bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, contain approximately 2–3 × 106 molecules of LPS that cover more than 75% of the OM [2]. The composition of LPS is highly heterogenous; however, they often share a common architecture, and for convenience can be divided into three parts. The first, a conserved glycophospholipid moiety called lipid A, which anchors LPS in the OM, constitutes the endotoxin principal since it is recognized by the innate immune cell receptor TLR4/MD2-CD14 complex. A proximal core oligosaccharide is attached to lipid A via 3-deoxy-α-D-manno-oct-2-ulsonic acid (Kdo), and in smooth bacteria a distal O-polysaccharide called an O-antigen is attached [3]. It should be noted that some bacteria display LPSs without the O-chain, which are thus named lipooligosaccharides (LOSs). The biosynthesis of LPS begins with the formation of the essential key precursor molecule Kdo2-lipid A, which requires the sequential action of seven essential enzymes on the cytoplasmic side of the IM. This Kdo2-lipid A serves as a substrate for an extension by the incorporation of various sugars by specific glycosyltransferases before the lipid A-core molecules are flipped by MsbA to the periplasmic side of the IM.

  • Load introduction to composite columns revisited—Significance of force allocation and shear connection stiffness
    • B. Grzeszykowski
    • Maciej Lewandowski-Szewczyk
    • M. Niedośpiał

    The AISC 360-16 Specification recommends that the design shear force between parts of a composite column in the load introduction area shall be calculated based on the force allocation at ultimate limit state. Applicability of this straightforward method to the load levels that usually arise in slender composite columns is questionable, as this capacity-based force allocation is only true when the axial force is equal to the plastic resistance of the composite cross-section. Next, the number of required shear connectors is calculated as a quotient of the design shear force and the strength of a single shear connector. We demonstrate that: first, for the lower load levels, the stiffness-based force allocation gives a more accurate estimate of the shear force; second, the number of shear connectors satisfying the strength requirement can lead to insufficient force transfer between parts of the composite cross-section. To investigate the shear transfer mechanism in composite columns, we derive an analytical model with linear elastic constitutive relations both for steel and concrete and three types of shear force slip laws: elastic, elastic plastic, and rigid plastic. The case studies carried out for different shear transfer scenarios demonstrate the importance of the shear connection stiffness on the effectiveness of the load introduction. The remaining portion of the shear force is transferred outside the load introduction area, which hampers the column's ability to withstand shearing from varying bending moments or incipient buckling. To control the shear force transfer efficiency by enhancing the shear connection stiffness, we propose an original Stiffness Method and provide design charts as an aid in the design process.

  • Longitudinal drug synergy assessment using convolutional neural network image-decoding of glioblastoma single-spheroid cultures
    • Anna Giczewska
    • Krzysztof Pastuszak
    • Megan Houweling
    • U Kulsoom Abdul
    • Noa Faaij
    • Laurine Wedekind
    • David Noske
    • Thomas Würdinger
    • Anna Supernat
    • Bart Westerman
    2023 Pełny tekst Neuro-Oncology Advances

    Abstract Background In recent years, drug combinations have become increasingly popular to improve therapeutic outcomes in various diseases, including difficult to cure cancers such as the brain cancer glioblastoma. Assessing the interaction between drugs over time is critical for predicting drug combination effectiveness and minimizing the risk of therapy resistance. However, as viability readouts of drug combination experiments are commonly performed as an endpoint where cells are lysed, longitudinal drug-interaction monitoring is currently only possible through combined endpoint assays. Methods We provide a method for massive parallel monitoring of drug interactions for 16 drug combinations in three glioblastoma models over a time frame of 18 days. In our assay, viabilities of single neurospheres are to be estimated based on image information taken at different time points. Neurosphere images taken at the final day (day 18) were matched to the respective viability measured by CellTiter-Glo 3D at the same day. This allowed to use machine learning to decode image information to viability values at day 18 as well as for the earlier time points (at day 8, 11, 15). Results Our study shows that neurosphere images allow to predict cell viability from extrapolated viabilities. This enables to assess the drug interactions in a time-window of 18 days. Our results show a clear and persistent synergistic interaction for several drug combinations over time. Conclusions Our method facilitates longitudinal drug-interaction assessment, providing new insights into the temporal-dynamic effects of drug combinations in 3D neurospheres which can help to identify more effective therapies against glioblastoma.

  • Long-term mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation for aortic stenosis in immunosuppression-treated patients: a propensity-matched multicentre retrospective registry-based analysis
    • Michał Walczewski
    • Aleksandra Gąsecka
    • Adam Witkowski
    • Maciej Dabrowski
    • Zenon Huczek
    • Radosław Wilimski
    • Andrzej Ochała
    • Radosław Parma
    • Bartosz Rymuza
    • Marek Grygier
    • Marek Jemielity
    • Anna Olasińska-Wiśniewska
    • Dariusz Jagielak
    • Radosław Targoński
    • Krzysztof Pastuszak
    • Peter Gresner
    • Marcin Grabowski
    • Janusz Kochman
    2023 Pełny tekst Postępy w Kardiologii Interwencyjnej

    Introduction Data regarding patients with a previous medical record of immunosuppression treatment who have undergone transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) are limited and extremely inconclusive. Available studies are mostly short term observations; thus there is a lack of evidence on efficacy and safety of TAVI in this specific group of patients. Aim To compare the in-hospital and long-term outcomes between patients with or without a medical history of immunosuppressive treatment undergoing TAVI for aortic valve stenosis (AS). Material and methods We conducted a retrospective registry-based analysis including patients undergoing TAVI for AS at 5 centres between January 2009 and August 2017. The primary endpoint was long-term all-cause mortality. Secondary endpoints comprised major vascular complications, life-threatening or disabling bleeding, stroke and new pacemaker implantation. Results Of 1451 consecutive patients who underwent TAVI, two propensity-matched groups including 25 patients with a history of immunosuppression and 75 patients without it were analysed. No differences between groups in all-cause mortality were found in a median follow-up time of 2.7 years following TAVI (p = 0.465; HR = 0.73; 95% CI: 0.30–1.77). The rate of major vascular complications (4.0% vs. 5.3%) was similar in the two groups (p = 1.000). There were no statistically significant differences in the composite endpoint combining life-threatening or disabling bleeding, major vascular complications, stroke and new pacemaker implantation (40.0% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.218). Conclusions Patients who had undergone TAVI for AS had similar long-term mortality regardless of whether they had a previous medical record of immunosuppression. Procedural complication rates were comparable between the groups.

  • Long‐time scale simulations of virus‐like particles from three human‐norovirus strains
    • Agnieszka Lipska
    • Adam Sieradzan
    • Cezary Czaplewski
    • Andrea D. Lipińska
    • Krzysztof Ocetkiewicz
    • Jerzy Proficz
    • Paweł Czarnul
    • Henryk Krawczyk
    • Józef Liwo

    The dynamics of the virus like particles (VLPs) corresponding to the GII.4 Houston, GII.2 SMV, and GI.1 Norwalk strains of human noroviruses (HuNoV) that cause gastroenteritis was investigated by means of long-time (about 30 μs in the laboratory timescale) molecular dynamics simulations with the coarse-grained UNRES force field. The main motion of VLP units turned out to be the bending at the junction between the P1 subdomain (that sits in the VLP shell) and the P2 subdomain (that protrudes outside) of the major VP1 protein, this resulting in a correlated wagging motion of the P2 subdomains with respect to the VLP surface. The fluctuations of the P2 subdomain were found to be more pronounced and the P2 domain made a greater angle with the normal to the VLP surface for the GII.2 strain, which could explain the inability of this strain to bind the histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs).