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Publikacje z roku 2013
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Quantitative Active Dynamic Thermal IR-Imaging and Thermal Tomography in Medical Diagnostic
- Antoni Zbigniew Nowakowski
Principles of Active dynamic thermal (ADT) IR-imaging and Thermal Tomography are described in details. Basic medical applications of this new modality are also discussed.
Quantitative Analysis of Biofilm Formed on Vascular Prostheses by Staphylococcus Epidermidis with Different ica and aap Genetic Status
- Joanna Golus
- Magdalena Stankevic
- Rafal Sawicki
- Renata Los
- Anna Malm
- Grazyna Ginalska
OBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine biofilm formed on vascular prostheses by Staphylococcus epidermidis with different ica and aap genetic status, and to evaluate the effect of antibiotic-modified prostheses on bacterial colonization. METHODS: Biofilm formation was determined using fluorescence microscopy imaging. Quantitative analysis was conducted using the biofilm coverage ratio (BCR) calculations. RESULTS: Our investigations prove that the BCR method with fluorescent dye enabled an accurate assessment of biofilm coverage and comparison of the obtained results. The ica+ aap+ strains formed a biofilm on all of the examined vascular prostheses. Uni-Graft(®) modified with covalently immobilized amikacin was effective in preventing bacterial adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular biology techniques combined with phenotype studies give a broad insight into biofilm formation mechanisms. On the other hand, fluorescence microscopy imaging along with BCR calculations are reliable and simple tools to quantitatively estimate biofilm formation, as well as the effectiveness of antimicrobial prosthesis modification.
Quantum corrections to 4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
- Sergey Leble
- Grzegorz Kwiatkowski
The Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are valuated with account of rest d − 1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of space- time functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral and quantum corrections to energy in a quasiclassical approximation. The results are applied to appropriate conditions of the spin chain model and its dynamics, for which elementary solutions, energy and the quantum corrections are calculated.
Quantum corrections to phi^4 model solutions and applications to Heisenberg chain dynamics
- Grzegorz Kwiatkowski
- Sergey Leble
The Heisenberg spin chain is considered in φ^4 model approximation. Quantum corrections to classical solutions of the one-dimensional φ^4 model within the correspondent physics are evaluated with account of rest d−1 dimensions of a d-dimensional theory. A quantization of the model is considered in terms of spacetime functional integral. The generalized zeta-function formalism is used to renormalize and evaluate the functional integral and quantum corrections to energy in a quasiclassical approximation. The results are applied to appropriate conditions of the spin chain model and its dynamics, for which elementary solutions, energy and the quantum corrections are calculated.
Quantum mechanical which-way experiment with an internal degree of freedom
- Konrad Banaszek
- Paweł Horodecki
- M Karpiński
- Czesław Radzewicz
For a particle travelling through an interferometer, the trade-off between the available which-way information and the interference visibility provides a lucid manifestation of the quantum mechanical wave-particle duality. Here we analyse this relation for a particle possessing an internal degree of freedom such as spin. We quantify the trade-off with a general inequality that paints an unexpectedly intricate picture of wave-particle duality when internal states are involved. Strikingly, in some instances which-way information becomes erased by introducing classical uncertainty in the internal degree of freedom. Furthermore, even imperfect interference visibility measured for a suitable set of spin preparations can be sufficient to infer absence of which-way information. General results are illustrated with a proof-of-principle single-photon experiment
Quasi-ciągły pomiar geometrii rozjazdów kolejowych
- Zbigniew Kędra
W czasie budowy nowych torów i rozjazdów kolejowych, jak również w procesie ich utrzymania, należy wykonać odpowiednie pomiary i ocenić stan geometrii badanej infrastruktury. Pomiary te mogą być wykonane z wykorzystaniem jednego z trzech systemów pomiarowych: pojazdami pomiarowymi, maszynami do budowy i utrzymania lub urządzeniami lekkimi i ręcznymi. W artykule przedstawiona została metoda pomiarów szerokości toru i przechyłki w rozjazdach kolejowych z wykorzystaniem toromierzy ręcznych.
Quasi-controlled Experimentations on the Impact of AOP on Software Comprehensibility
- Adam Przybyłek
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) emerged as a paradigm to modularize the concerns that lead to interwoven code if implemented using traditional programming techniques. Unfortunately, the new constructs introduced by aspect-oriented (AO) languages result in both: (1) obstacles in modular reasoning, and (2) high coupling between aspects and the augmented modules. There have been numerous attempts to tackle these issues, but none have succeeded without sacrificing obliviousness or losing the power of AOP. In this paper, we propose a new approach to AOP inspired by the classification of aspects by Clifton & Leavens. Our approach reduces coupling in AO programs and restores modular reasoning in case when the aspects are spectators.
Quaternion Encryption Method for Image and Video Transmission
- Mariusz Dzwonkowski
- Roman Rykaczewski
Quaternions are hyper-complex numbers of rank 4. They are often applied to mechanics in 3D space and are considered to be one of the best ways of representing rotations. In this paper a quaternion encryption method, based on algorithm by Nagase et al. (2004) has been proposed. According to a computer-based simulation the results of the performed research yield a high level of security, which is additionally strengthened by the implementation of Counter mode of encryption and modular arithmetic operations.
Racjonalne projektowanie podpór wiaduktu drogowego
- Kazimierz Gwizdała
- Paweł Więcławski
Posadowienie obiektów mostowych i dróg realizowane jest bardzo często w trudnych warunkach geotechnicznych. Trasy autostrad, dróg ekspresowych i obwodnic miast prowadzi się przez obszary gdzie występują grunty uwarstwione o bardzo zróżnicowanej wytrzymałości i odkształcalności. Projektowanie obiektów inżynierskich i dróg w takich warunkach wymaga zastosowania specjalistycznych technologii i nowoczesnych metod obliczeniowych. Takie wymagania nieodłącznie związane są z wykonaniem badań podłoża na najwyższym poziomie z parametrami geotechnicznymi skorelowanymi z metodą obliczeń stosowaną w projektowaniu posadowienia. Grunty, które tradycyjnie określono jako „nienośne i nie nadające się do bezpośredniego posadowienia” wymagają specjalnej oceny i określenia miarodajnych parametrów wytrzymałościowych i odkształceniowych. Technicznie uzasadnione i ekonomiczne projektowanie powinno być związane generalnie z poprawą naturalnych warunków występujących w podłożu gruntowym i wykorzystaniem czynników, które mogą poprawić przekazywanie obciążeń na wszystkie warstwy podłoża gruntowego. Jednym z takich czynników, nie zawsze właściwie docenionym, jest wpływ czasu na nośność fundamentów głębokich. W referacie przedstawiono przykłady wpływu czasu na nośność pali, co bezpośrednio związane jest z ich liczbą i długością zastosowaną w posadowieniu podpór i ekonomiczną stroną zastosowanych rozwiązań.
Radio kognitywne jako technologia przyszłości komunikacji radiowej na potrzeby transportu
- Małgorzata Gajewska
W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję radia kognitywnego, jako technologii przyszłości komunikacji radiowej, na potrzeby transportu, w której następuje inteligentne dostosowywanie rozmaitych parametrów do zmiennych warunków pracy systemu. Następnie omówiono cykl kognitywny. Ponadto zaproponowano zastosowanie algorytmu sztucznej inteligencji, znanego pod nazwą „algorytm symulowane wyżarzanie”, do zastosowania w radiu kognitywnym, w celu zwiększenia efektywności jego działania.
Rain Water: Atmospheric Deposition
- Żaneta Polkowska
Water is transferred from the atmosphere to the land surface mainly via various forms of atmospheric precipitation; however, the contribution of surface condensation/deposition (e.g., dew, hoar frost, occult precipitation) should not be neglected. Rainwater and liquid deposits (dew, hoar frost, rime) are components of the physical and geographical environment that are easily assimilated and transported. Thus, they are generally a good indicator of the chemical composition of the environment. This entry summarizes the current state of knowledge on the role of atmospheric precipitation and deposition in pollutant transport and distribution. Issues such as routes of transport of atmospheric pollutants to the surface, seasonality and spatial variability of wet precipitation and deposition, and the effect of meteorological parameters and terrain topography on the composition and abundance of the pollutants found in precipitation/deposition samples are discussed.
- Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska
- Krzysztof Ciunel
Vegetable oils are renewable feedstock currently being used for production of biofuels from sustainable biomass resources. The existing technology for producing diesel fuel from plant oils, such as rapeseed, soybean, canola and palm oil are largely centered on transesterification of oils with methanol to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel. Rapeseed pellet - crushed seed residue from oil extraction is a byproduct of biodiesel production process. As other types of biomass, it can either be burned directly in furnaces or processed to increase its energetic value. The interest to use different types of biomass as fuels has grown rapidly during the last years as a mean to reduce the CO2 emissions of energy production. Biomass is renewable, abundant and has domestic usage, the sources of biomass can help the world reduce its dependence on petroleum products and natural gas. Energetically effective utilization of rapeseed pellet could substantially improve the economic balance of an individual household in which biodiesel for fulfilling the producer’s own energetic demand is obtained. In this article the experimental results of analyzing the emissions levels of different pollutants in exhaust fumes during different stages of biomass boiler operation were presented. It has been proved that that the pellet, a byproduct of biodiesel production, is an excellent renewable and environmentally-friendly energy source, especially viable for use in household tap water heating installations.
- Katarzyna Gdula-Kasica
- Aleksandra Dorota Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Sebastian Lech Wachowski
- Piotr Jasiński
- Maria Gazda
The properties of doped barium cerate barium zirconate solid solution are presented in presented work. It was found that doping of solid solution of barium cerate and zirconate by rare-earth elements have an influence on microstructure and electrical properties of the samples.
Rational method of grit chamber efficiency determination
- Marlena Gronowska-Szneler
- Jerzy Sawicki
Although grot chambers are designed with utmost care, they still remain difficuly to control. As concentration of grit is non-uniform, representative measurements of the sand concentration is a very complex issue. In the paper the results of measure,ents performed at WTP in Gdańsk and Gdynia were analyzed. The proposed method to determine grit chambers efficiency is based on comparison of suspension flow in the inlet and flux of sediment, removed from the device bottom.
Realizacja programowa algorytmów filtracji, estymacji i sterowania w PLC/PAC
- Jarosław Tarnawski
Sterowniki programowalne PLC (ang. Programmable Logic Controller) są główną przemysłową platformą implementacji algorytmów sterowania bezpośredniego. Standardowo producenci PLC dostarczają programistom jedynie podstawowe, najprostsze metody sterowania. Wraz z rozwojem sterowników PLC oraz ich następców PAC (ang. Programmable Automation Controller) pojawiły się zwiększone możliwości obliczeniowe i pamięciowe tych urządzeń oraz pełniejsza implementacja języków programowania określonych w normie IEC-61131-3. PLC i PAC mają obecnie moc obliczeniową i dostępną pamięć odpowiadającą komputerom osobistym PC sprzed kilku lat, można je programować również w językach wysokiego poziomu stosując zmienne zdefiniowane w postaci macierzowej.Uwzględniając pewne ograniczenia i specyfikę działania PLC oraz PAC można w tych urządzeniach zaimplementować wiele zdyskretyzowanych algorytmów sterowania, estymacji czy filtracji. Pomimo niewątpliwych potencjalnych korzyści wynikających ze stosowania zaawansowanych metod w warstwie sterowania bezpośredniego, temat ten w literaturze jest skromnie reprezentowany. W artykule prezentowane jest podejście do programowania algorytmów filtracji, estymacji i sterowania, opisanych równaniami różnicowymi. Przedstawiono metodykę budowy oprogramowania dla PLC/PAC. Dla zilustrowania procesu implementacji algorytmu z pogranicza filtracji i estymacji wykorzystano metodę najmniejszych kwadratów ze współczynnikiem zapominania RLS_FF.
Realizacja samo-testowania części analogowych elektronicznych syste-mów wbudowanych z wykorzystaniem mikrokontrolerów rodziny XMEGA A
- Zbigniew Czaja
Przedstawiono mikrosystem pomiarowy zbudowany z zasobów sprzętowych mikrokontrolera ATXmega32A4 pełniący funkcję układu testera wbudowanego przeznaczonego do samotestowania części analogowych elektronicznych systemów wbudowanych. Samotestowanie opiera się na metodzie diagnostycznej, w której układ badany pobudzany jest impulsem prostokątnym, a jego odpowiedź czasowa próbkowana przez przetwornik A/C mikro-kontrolera. Licznik mikrokontrolera ustala czas trwania impulsu oraz momenty próbkowania.
Real-Time Bleeding Detection in Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Examinations Video
- Adam Blokus
- Adam Brzeski
- Jan Cychnerski
The article presents a novel approach to medical video data analysis and recognition of bleedings. Emphasis has been put on adapting pre-existing algorithms dedicated to the detection of bleedings for real-time usage in a medical doctor’s office during an endoscopic examination. A real-time system for analyzing endoscopic videos has been designed according to the most significant requirements of medical doctors. The main goal of the performed research was to establish the possibility of ensuring the necessary performance of a given class of algorithms to introduce the solution into real life diagnostics. The structures of two exemplary algorithms for bleeding detection have been analyzed to distinguish and discuss parallelization options. After applying them to the algorithms, the usage of a supercomputer multimedia processing platform allowed to acquire the throughput and latency values required for real-time usage. Different configurations of the algorithms have been tested and their measured parameters have been provided and discussed.
- Bartosz Namieśnik
- Michał Hoeft
- Krzysztof Nowicki
The primary aim of this paper is to present a new application which is at this moment the only open source real-time VoIP quality monitoring tool that supports IPv6 networks. The application can keep VoIP system administrators provided at any time with up-to-date voice quality information. Multiple quality scores that are automatically obtained throughout each call reflect influence of variable packet losses and delays on voice quality. This article analyses the E-model based methods used in the application to estimate voice quality and the technique of obtaining real-time call quality scores. The example quality monitoring results are presented in several diagrams, interpreted and compared to the PESQ-based reference measurement results.
Real-time working gas recognition system based on the array of semiconductor gas sensors and portable computer Raspberry PI
- Ewa Ardanowska
- Paweł Kalinowski
- Łukasz Woźniak
- Grzegorz Jasiński
- Piotr Jasiński
The gas-analyzing systems based on the array of partially selective gas sensors and pattern-recognition techniques are potentially fast and low-cost alternative for other devices, like gas analysers. They give the possibility of recognition the type and the concentration of measured volatile compounds in their working environment. In this work we present the implementation of gas recognition system, in which the signals from an array of six semiconductor gas sensors are processed in real time using the software written for the portable computer Raspberry PI.
Rearrangement of azoxybenzocrowns into chromophoric hydroxyazobenzocrowns and the use of hydroxyazobenzocrowns for the synthesis of ionophoric biscrown compounds
- Mirosław Szarmach
- Ewa Wagner-Wysiecka
- Elżbieta Luboch
The Wallach rearrangement was used as a method for preparing p-hydroxyazobenzocrown ethers starting from different azoxybenzocrowns as substrates. Synthesis of a series of p-hydroxyazobenzocrowns under modified conditions and characterization of the obtained products are presented. o-Hydroxyazobenzocrowns were identified among the products of the photochemical rearrangement of azoxybenzocrowns. Novel biscrowns were synthesized from p-hydroxyazobenzocrown ethers. The synthesized host molecules, differing in the size of the macrocycles and in the substituents in the aromatic rings, have the same dioxymethylene linkers. They were used as potential sodium or potassium ionophores in classic and miniature (screen-printed) ion-selective electrodes. The properties (tautomerism, acid–base equilibrium) of newly prepared o-hydroxyazobenzocrown ethers and their p-substituted analogs were studied using spectroscopic methods and compared.