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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2014

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  • Accurate design of pseudoelliptic inline SIW filters with frequency-dependent couplings
    • Andrzej Jędrzejewski
    • Łukasz Szydłowski
    • Michał Mrozowski

    This paper presents an accurate synthesis method for inline SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide) generalized Chebyshev bandpass filters with frequency-dependent couplings. The technique is based on the synthesis of a coupling matrix that takes into account the impedance of the frequency-dependent stub. Thus, a loading effect compensation in adjacent resonators (via resonant frequency adjustment) and coupling elements (via coupling-value modifications) is possible. The application of this method of synthesis is illustrated through an experiment in which a third-order filter consisting of rectangular half-wavelength resonators is implemented in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology. The resonators are separated by inductive irises and a parallel shorted stub. The stub acts as a dispersive inverter and produces the transmission zero. A substantial improvement in design accuracy is thus obtained. The measured and simulated results for this method are in good agreement.

  • Acoustic Streaming Induced by Periodic and Aperiodic Sound in a Bubbly Liquid
    • Paweł Wojda
    • Anna Perelomova
    2014 Pełny tekst ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A

    The vortex ow which follows intense sound propagating in a bubbly liquid, is considered. The reasons for acoustic streaming are both nonlinearity and dispersion. That makes streaming especial as compared with that in a Newtonian uid. Conclusions concern the vortex ow induced in a half-space by initially harmonic or impulse Gaussian beam. The vortex ow recalls a turbulent ow with increasing in time number of small-scale vortices in the vicinity of the axis of a beam's propagation.

  • Acoustics-related aspects of historic interior modernization projects
    • Tadeusz Kamisiński
    • Andrzej Kulowski

    The paper presents three historic interiors in which modernization projects have been carried out having an important impact on their acoustic qualities. Two of the described case studies are positive examples of solving the problem of a natural contradictions between modern technical standards and strict discipline imposed by the heritage conservation system. On the other hand, the effect of neglecting the acoustic needs when taking modernization-oriented decisions is also shown. The study emphasizes the cultural aspect of projects where modernized historic buildings still function in their original roles serving their purposes in accordance with contemporary technological requirements.

  • Activated Sludge Process Development
    • H. D. Stensel
    • Jacek Mąkinia

    This paper summarizes the most significant steps in the activated sludge process development and recognizes key contributors. Recognition of the roles of oxygen and living organisms was the first step (1882-1914). Ardern and Lockett (1914) named the accumulated olids "activated sludge". The process was rapidly accepted and applied in the period 1914-1930. The most dramatic changes in the activated sludge process understanding and treatment application occurred during the 1970 and 1980s.

  • Active Dynamic Infrared Thermal Imaging in Burn Depth Evaluation
    • Alicja Renkielska
    • Mariusz Kaczmarek
    • Antoni Zbigniew Nowakowski
    • Jacek Grudziński
    • Paweł Czapiewski
    • Aleksander Krajewski
    • Irena Grobelny
    2014 Journal of Burn Care & Research

    The aim of this study was to find the relationship between active dynamic thermography (ADT) with cold excitation and burn depth. This new modality of evaluation of burns seems to be an attractive proposal for quantitative classification, allowing proper choice of burn wound treatment: conservative or surgical, especially compared with static thermography. The work was an in vivo experiment on domestic pigs, and a small number of patients were also diagnosed as part of the study. Statistical analysis showed a high correlation between the ADT synthetic parameter--thermal time constant, τ--and the classification of burn wounds that were predicted to heal within 3 weeks and so were treated conservatively and those that were predicted to not heal within 3 weeks and so were surgically treated. The results of the study show an accuracy of 60.7% for clinical evaluation, 69.6% for static thermography, 83.0% for ADT, and 84.0% for histopathologic assessment. The authors have concluded that the ADT method with cold excitation is suitable for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of burn depth.

  • Active Dynamic Thermography imaging of wound healing processes in cardio surgery
    • Mateusz Moderhak
    • Antoni Zbigniew Nowakowski
    • Piotr Siondalski
    • Mariusz Kaczmarek
    • Łukasz Jaworski

    The surgery is a branch of medicine, that is integrally connected to wounds. Despite using sterile tools and compliance with aseptic rolls, some of the surgery wounds become infected. In clinical practice there is a lack of cheap, objective methods and tools for quantitative definition and estimation of the surgery wound healing progress. This paper presents preliminary results of Active Dynamic Thermography (ADT) parametric imaging of sternum surgery wounds. The study was performed in the Clinics of Cardio Surgery at the Medical University of Gdańsk. The results are presented in the form of the simplified exponential parameters approximation of examined objects’ thermal response: dTnorm and t90_10 images.

  • Activity and discrimination against women in the labour market in the countries of Baltic Sea Region
    • Magdalena Olczyk
    • Marzena Starnawska

    An increasing participation of women in the labour market seem to be a key to overcome the problems of the EU labour market and to achieve the objectives of Strategy Europe 2020. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to identify differences in the situation of women in the labour market in selected countries such as those in the Baltic Sea region and to attempt to verify the hypothesis of the existence of discrimination against women in the labor market in the analyzed region. Participation of women in the labour market will be compared with the activity of men in these markets. The author analyzes selects nine countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, i.e. Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Finland, Sweden and Norway (the only country outside of the EU). Research period covers the years 2000-2011. Analysis of economic activity and employment indicated the increase in labour force participation and in employment among women in all countries in the period 2000-2011. Although, it remains a high diversity in levels of the analyzed indicators between the "old" EU-15 countries (a high level of activity and employment) and the New Members of the EU (a low level of activity and employment). The determinants of high activity and employment among women are: high education, work in the service sector and the age between 55-64 years. These conclusions are confirmed by the analysis of unemployment rates in selected countries, where the falling rates of unemployment are recorded in most countries especially among women with higher education. Furthermore, the analysis of gender employment gap indicates that the gap between the employment rate of men and women quickly reduces among workers with higher education and in the age group 55-64.

  • Acyl Meldrum's acid derivatives: application in organic synthesis
    • Karolina Janikowska
    • Janusz Rachoń
    • Sławomir Makowiec

    This review is focused on one of the most important classes of Meldrum's acid derivatives commonly known as acyl Meldrum's acids. The preparation methods of these compounds are considered including the recently proposed and rather rarely used ones. The chemical properties of acyl Meldrum's acids are described in detail, including thermal stability and reactions with various nucleiophiles. The possible mechanisms of these transformations are analyzed.

  • Adaptacja inwazyjnych gatunków ichtiofauny w wodach Zatoki Gdańskiej na przykładzie Neogobius melanostomus
    • Katarzyna Tarasewicz

    Babka bycza Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1811) jest rybą pochodzącą z rejonów Morza Czarnego, Morza Kaspijskiego i Morza Azowskiego [23]. Jednak od kilkunastu lat zasiedla nowe rejony geograficzne Zatokę Gdańską, w której w strefie przybrzeżnej stała się rybą dominującą. Sprzyjające dla babki byczej warunki środowiska w polskich wodach t.j.: brak naturalnych wrogów i dostatek pokarmu sprawiły, że gatunek ten zaczął się szybko rozprzestrzeniać i dominować w strefie litoralu. Jednakże nie tylko warunki środowiskowe ale również cechy biologii gatunku miały znaczący wpływ na kolejne etapy inwazji. Jedną z tych cech jest wysoka efektywność rozrodu. Stosunek ilości samców do samic u babki byczej ma istotny wpływ na efektywność opieki nad potomstwem i liczebność kolejnych pokoleń. Mała liczba samców prowadzi do powstawania dużych gniazd, których samiec nie jest w stanie upilnować, tym samym część rozwijającej się ikry jest wyjadana przez drapieżniki. Od początku inwazji w Zatoce Gdańskiej stwierdzano wyraźną przewagę liczby samców nad liczbą samic.

  • Adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji sygnału fonokardiograficznego wykorzystujący sztuczną sieć neuronową
    • Dawid Gradolewski
    • Piotr Tojza
    • Grzegorz Redlarski
    2014 Pełny tekst Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    Podstawowym problemem podczas projektowania systemu autodiagnostyki chorób serca, bazującego na analizie sygnału fonokardiograficznego (PCG), jest konieczność zapewnienia, niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych, sygnału o wysokiej jakości. W artykule, bazując na zdolności Sztucznej Sieci Neuronowej (SSN) do predykcji sygnałów periodycznych oraz quasi-periodycznych, został opracowany adaptacyjny algorytm filtracji dźwięków serca. Wykazano, że poprzez zastosowanie jednokierunkowej, dwuwarstwowej sieci neuronowej ze 100 neuronami w warstwie wejściowej oraz odpowiednio z 25 i 10 neuronami w warstwach ukrytych oraz poprzez zastosowanie algorytmu Silva-Almeida podczas uczenia sieci metodą wstecznej propagacji wraz z sigmoidalną funkcją pobudzenia tangensa hiperbolicznego, możliwa jest efektywna filtracja sygnału PCG. Opracowany algorytm został przetestowany zarówno dla dźwięków serca zarejestrowanych u osoby zdrowej (S1-S4) jak dla dźwięków serca osób posiadających zmiany patologiczne (normalne rozszczepienie tonu S1, klik wyrzutowy oraz dudnienie rozkurczowe).

  • Adapting the pinch point analysis to improve the ORC design process
    • Michał Ryms
    • Tadeusz Pyś
    • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska

    Pinch point analysis can be adapted so as to assist in the early stages of designing the ORC systems. Typically used in determining the working parameters of heat exchangers, it can be employed to improve the heat fitting between the source of heat and the working fluids of the ORC system. To attain the parametric match, an algorithm was built enabling quick estimation of the possible heat reception by the specific working fluid. In effect, it is now possible to attain quick estimation of the upper limits of the electrical power output and the overall conversion efficiency. This paper outlines the developed algorithm and the range of its possible applications, and presents the results of sample calculations.

  • Adaptive acoustic crosstalk cancellation in mobile computer device
    • Kuba Łopatka
    • Andrzej Czyżewski
    2014 Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania

    The cancellation of acoustic crosstalk is employed to enhance the stereo image in mobile listening conditions. A practical setup employing a mobile computer is employed. The adaptation of the crosstalk cancellation filter to the position of the listener's head is featured. The measurement evaluating the possibility of practical application of the method are described. The head and torso simulator was used for measurements. The spatial and spectral efficiency of the algorithm was evaluated. The results of the measurements show that the algorithm is effective in a limited frequency range and in a narrow sweet spot.

  • Adaptive filtering approach to dynamic weighing: a checkweigher case study
    • Michał Meller
    • Maciej Niedźwiecki
    • Przemysław Pietrzak

    Dynamic weighing, i.e., weighing of objects in motion, with out stopping them on the weighing platform, allows one to increase the rate of operation of automatic weighing systems used in industrial production processes without compromising their accuracy. The paper extends and compares two approaches to dynamic weighing, based on system identification and variable-bandwidth filtering, respectively. Experiments, carried on a conveyor belt type checkweigher, show that when appropriately tuned, both approaches yields satisfactory results that meet stringent metrological accuracy specifications.

  • Adaptive Method of Raster Images Compression and Examples of Its Applications in the Transport Telematic Systems
    • Marcin Sokół
    • Małgorzata Gajewska
    • Sławomir Gajewski

    The paper presents a concept and exemplary application of an adaptive method of compression of raster images which may be applied, i.a. in ITS systems. The described method allows to improve the efficiency of systems belonging to ITS category, which require transmission of large volumes of image data through telecommunications networks. The concept of the adaptive method of compression of raster images described in the paper uses a compressor with a variable compressor ration and is based on the dependence of the degree of compression of each transmitted digital image on the transmission conditions (defined by the average data transmission rate) and the number of digital images queuing in the buffer to be processed and transmitted.

  • Advanced Modeling of Management Processes in Information Technology
    • Zdzisław Kowalczuk
    • Cezary Orłowski

    This book deals with the issues of modeling management processes of information technology and IT projects while its core is the model of information technology management and its component models (contextual, local) describing initial processing and the maturity capsule as well as a decision-making system represented by a multi-level sequential model of IT technology selection, which acquires a fuzzy rule-based implementation in this work. In terms of applicability, this work may also be useful for diagnosing applicability of IT standards in evaluation of IT organizations. The results of this diagnosis might prove valid for those preparing new standards so that - apart from their own visions – they could, to an even greater extent, take into account the capabilities and needs of the leaders of project and manufacturing teams. The book is intended for IT professionals using the ITIL, COBIT and TOGAF standards in their work. Students of computer science and management who are interested in the issue of IT project and technology management are also likely to benefit from this study. For young students of IT, it can serve as a source of knowledge in the field of information technology evaluation. This book is also dedicated to specialists in modelling socio-technical systems.

  • Affective Learning Manifesto – 10 Years Later
    • Agnieszka Landowska

    In 2004 a group of affective computing researchers proclaimed a manifesto of affective learning that outlined the prospects and white spots of research at that time. Ten years passed by and affective computing developed many methods and tools for tracking human emotional states as well as models for affective systems construction. There are multiple examples of affective methods applications in Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). This paper revises whether the white spots from the 2004 manifesto have been covered as well as explores the progress in affective tutoring systems construction. The article provides also a brief comparison of selected affective tutoring systems. When reviewing affective computing literature in 2014 one might be impressed – there are algorithms that recognize affect from diverse input channels with accuracies reaching over 90%. There are emotional virtual characters and some of them are used in e‐learning environments. However, although there is much progress in affective computing research, it seems that more white spots are found than covered, which is typical for relatively young scientific domains. Highest emotion recognition accuracies are obtained for distinguishing two emotions, which is obviously not enough for learning systems. Some of the future challenges include: improvement of both accuracy and granularity of emotion recognition, methods for emotion representation models mapping and comparison, integration of emotion recognition results from multiple input channels, effective intervention models for learning, design patterns and frameworks for affective tutoring systems, models for quantifying and integration of uncertainty related to emotional states recognition, affect‐adaptive control flows and more. The thesis of this paper can be summarized as follows: Affective computing grew up from infancy, however it is still far from maturity especially when applied to learning support. During the decade of diverse investigations, affective‐cognitive imbalance in ITS has changed in research, however has not changed in learning support tools.

  • Aggregation of Rhodamine 6G in titanium dioxide nanolayers and bulk xerogels
    • Aneta Lewkowicz
    • Anna Synak
    • Piotr Bojarski
    • Beata Grobelna
    • Jakub Karczewski
    • Sebastian Mahlik
    • Dawid Jankowski

    Nanolayers and bulk xerogels of Rhodamine 6G (Rh6G) in titanium dioxide (Rh6G/TiO2) were prepared using the sol–gel method. The spectroscopic and structural properties of these two types of hybrid matrices were studied as a function of dye concentration. In both cases absorption, fluorescence and time resolved emission spectra show the formation of fluorescent aggregates. The observed stronger changes in characteristics of bulk xerogels can be explained not only by the formation of aggregates but also by different structure of both materials.

  • Ag/Pt-modified TiO2 nanoparticles for toluene photooxidation in the gas phase
    • Anna Zielińska-Jurek
    • Adriana Zaleska-Medynska

    Ag/Pt-modified TiO2nanocomposites were synthesized using the sol–gel method. The effect of metal typeand amount as well as synthesis route on the photocatalytic activity in reaction of toluene removal, usedas a model volatile organic compound, was investigated. Toluene, at the concentration of about 200 ppm,was irradiated over modified TiO2using light-emitting diodes (LEDs, max= 415 nm). The results showedthat toluene could be mostly removed from the air after 20 min of irradiation over TiO2modified withAg/Pt bimetallic nanoparticles. The efficiency of toluene degradation in four subsequent cycles decreasedfrom 99 to 53%, but it could be re-established by thermal treating of the sample. The photocatalyst show-ing the highest degradation rate consisted of large crystallites of Ag with a diameter of about 15–30 nmwith fine Pt nanoparticles ranging from 0.8 to 2.0 nm surrounding TiO2layer.

  • Aktualna działalność i rola Komitetu Akustyki PAN
    • Eugeniusz Kozaczka

    Opis aktualnej działalności i roli Komitetu Akustyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, obecny skład Komitetu Akustyki PAN, regulamin oraz przewodniczący KA PAN od powstania komitetu do chwili obecnej.

  • Aktualne trendy w zakresie certyfikacji normatywnych systemów zarządzania w branży spożywczej
    • Piotr Grudowski
    • Elwira Brodnicka

    W opracowaniu omówiono aktualne trendy dotyczące certyfikacji systemu zarządzania jakością w sektorze rolno-spożywczym. Na podstawie danych uzyskanych z dużej, renomowanej jednostki certyfikującej przedstawiono analizę porównawczą dotyczącą liczby wydanych certyfikatów dla ogólnych systemów zarządzania oraz dla systemów branżowych dedykowanych sektorowi rolno-spożywczemu w odniesieniu do przedsiębiorstw różnych wielkości.