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Politechniki Gdańskiej

Publikacje z roku 2017

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  • Universities as Part of the Urban Transport System—Analysis Using the Example of the Gdansk University of Technology and Medical University of Gdansk
    • Aleksandra Romanowska
    • Romanika Okraszewska
    • Kazimierz Jamroz

    Many cities perceive academic function as a distinctive feature, representing the rank and prestige of the city. Universities provide places for work and learning for a high number of people and represent a significant proportion compared to the total city population (even 22%). Many of Polish universities are located in the urban structure in the form of spatially concentrated campuses, where the number of people working and studying reaches from a few thousand to several dozens of thousands. Because they are the destination for a number of daily, obligatory school and work-related trips, universities can therefore be perceived as the city’s significant traffic generators. The paper describes problems resulting from the existence of universities in the city structure for both neighbouring areas and cities’ transport systems, based on research conducted for two universities in Gdansk. The research included traffic and parking counts and surveys of transport behaviour conducted among employees and students.

    • Katarzyna Bobkowska
    • Marek Przyborski
    • Paweł Tysiąc
    2017 Pełny tekst

    This article presents aspects of the cooperation between university and the company, on the example of Polish technical universities, which educate students, in the field of geodesy and cartography (among many others. Nowadays scientific development is one of the most important elements affecting the economy of the country. This involves continuous contact between the two parties, the business community and the scientific societies. Thanks to such cooperation, highly valued commercialized products, which goes to the customer, are formed. With many programs, enabling the financing of the consortia between these parties, the significant increase of undertaken cooperation between industry and universities is noticed. The article describes examples relating not only to joint scientific and development research, the issues of student internships in companies outside were also discussed, for both the practice in the home country and in other European countries. Graduate knowledge should not be based solely on the experience gained in the theoretical classes (lectures) and practical (exercises, laboratories, projects) elements, the student should also inquire the knowledge and skills outside their own university and find out what problems he may encounter at professional work. Contact between the academic staff and representatives of the industry should be carried out continuously. Despite the research conducted at the university, guided educational policy should be adapted to the requirements of employers to students (Engineers and Master of technical sciences).

  • Uniwersytet na rozdrożu
    • Krzysztof Leja
    2017 Pełny tekst Studia i Prace Kolegium Zarządzania i Finansów

    W artykule pokazano różne postrzeganie społecznej odpowiedzialności uniwersytetu w literaturze przedmiotu. Omawiając pokrótce model uniwersytetu badawczego i przedsiębiorczego, starano się wyjaśnić źródła polaryzacji poglądów na miejsce i rolę uczelni oraz kierunek zmian, w którym powinny zmierzać. Korzystając z kwadrantów wiedzy D. Stokesa, zaproponowano ewolucję uniwersytetów w kierunku opisanym kwadrantem Pasteura. Podejmując próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak tam dojść, wskazano, że ważnym czynnikiem i jednym z kluczy do sukcesu jest zrozumienie mechanizmów motywowania i kreowania takiej kultury organizacyjnej uniwersytetu, aby, jak stwierdził Z. Nęcki, w uczelniach zapanowała hedonistyczna frajda twórczej pracy.

  • Urban Mentoring as a new polish management technique in participatory planning
    • Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
    • Gabriela Maria Rembarz

    A decade of experience in implementation of numerous urban modernization projects in Poland resulted in a lively debate on socialization of the planning process, in which the matter of the public space quality has become the center of gravity. In those years, transformation from the classic administrative model of „bureaucracy planning” to the model of „management planning” has not been complete. The socialist primacy of the public interest in planning has been replaced by a neoliberal, progressive privatization of the public space and of the urban functions, which in reality means dominance of strong private investors’ interests over the local community. The modern National Urban Policy adopted in Poland in 2015 introduces legal bases for corrective reforms of the system, allowing the next step – entering the next phase of building another participative model of city management. This important political decision aimed at introduction of the rules allowing realization of modern developmental concepts, i.e. SMART CITY, faces numerous barriers associated with too low competencies of building a social consensus based on modern urban planning knowledge. The article describes experience gained through implementation of the “Quo vadis Gdansk? The residents plan their city” project involving participatory, strategic planning for improvement of the of the public space quality in the districts Gdansk. The innovative technique of cooperation between the planners and the local community – urban mentoring – has been an answer to the major contemporary need for modern methods of cohering (balancing) the knowledge about cities. Finding the middle ground between the primacy of public good and the private capital gain allows development of a predictable and reliable situation, lowering of the investment risk, prevention of destructive speculative practices. Urban mentoring facilitates formation of the platforms of permanent and satisfactory compromise for all the parties involved, based on conciliatory cooperation of the urban planning process’ participants. A reflection on the possibilities of applying the results of planning using the above mentioned technique for creative cooperation of the public sector with the local entrepreneurs and with external private investors constitutes the summary.

  • Urządzenia do konwersji i magazynowania energii
    • Anna Danuta Dettlaff
    • Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka
    • Ewa Klugmann-Radziemska
    2017 Pełny tekst

    Efektywne akumulowanie energii elektrycznej stanowi rosnący problem, w szczególności ze względu na możliwość magazynowania energii otrzymanej przy pomocy systemów opartych na odnawialnych źródłach energii, a także ze względu na wzrastające zapotrzebowanie na przenośne urządzenia elektryczne o coraz większych wymaganiach energetycznych. W poniższej pracy zostały przedstawione dwa rodzaje urządzeń służące do konwersji i magazynowania energii elektrycznej: ogniwa galwaniczne i kondensatory elektrochemiczne. W monografii opisano zasadę ich działania oraz porównano ich wady i zalety kładąc szczególny nacisk na możliwość ich komercyjnego zastosowania. Wymieniono i opisano najważniejsze rodzaje akumulatorów oraz rozróżniono typu kondensatorów w zależności od stosowanych materiałów elektrodowych czy elektrolitu.

  • Use of AMI Meters in the Process of Low Voltage Grid Optimization
    • Krzysztof Dobrzyński
    • Zbigniew Lubośny
    • Jacek Klucznik
    • Sławomir Noske
    • Dominik Falkowski
    2017 Pełny tekst Acta Energetica

    This is a report of a project involving, inter alia, low voltage grid performance optimization with data from AMI meters . The study was supported with a European UPGRID grant, and executed by a consortium of companies from seven European countries, including Poland .

  • Use of Daylight and Aesthetic Image of Glass Facades in Contemporary Buildings
    • Małgorzata Rogińska-Niesłuchowska
    2017 Pełny tekst

    The paper deals with the architecture of contemporary buildings in respect to their aesthetic image created by the use of natural light. Sustainability is regarded as a principle of contemporary architecture, where daylighting is an important factor as it affects energy consumption and environmental quality of the space inside a building. Environmental awareness of architecture, however, involves a much wider and more holistic view of design. The quality of sustainable architecture can be considered in its aesthetic and cultural context with regard to landscape, local tradition, and connection to the surrounding world. This approach is associated with the social mission of architecture, i.e. providing appropriate space for living, facilitating social relations and having positive impact on people. The purpose of the research is to study the use of daylight in creating an aesthetic image of contemporary buildings. The author focuses mainly on public buildings largely dedicated to art and culture which satisfy high functional and aesthetic requirements. The paper examines the genesis and current trends in the aesthetic image of modern buildings which use daylight as the main design strategy, focusing on the issues of glass facades. The main attention is given to the shaping of representative public areas which feature the glass facades. The research has been based on a case study, critical review of literature review, observation and synthesis. The study identifies and classifies different approaches to using daylight in these areas and highlights changes in the aesthetics of architecture made of glass. These changes are primarily caused by the development and spreading of new glazing materials and the use of digital method of design. The influence of light and its mode depends on glass materials but also on the local conditions of the site, and has a significant impact on the relationship between architecture and its natural and cultural environment. The subordination of architectural concept to the idea of natural lighting builds the relationship between form, function and the context of architecture, and is expressed in its structural, material and spatial properties, and in the resulting aesthetic order. Search for new architectural solutions is defined by local topographical, climatic, biological and cultural conditions. The architecture subordinate to the conception of contribution of light corresponds to the aesthetic aspirations of sustainability.

  • Using Container Structures in Architecture and Urban Design
    • Karol Grębowski
    • Daniel Kałdunek
    2017 Pełny tekst

    Abstract. The paper presents the use of shipping containers in architecture and urban design. Even today, houses and apartments are still too expensive. Since 1923 architects have been improving the living conditions of citizens by building very simple, repeatable forms. With prefabrication technology it became possible to build quicker, causing house prices to decrease. Apartments in block of flats became affordable to more and more people. Modernism had great impact on the quality of living spaces, despite the detrimental effect of large panel technology on social life. It gave people their own bathrooms, and gifted them with simple solutions we now consider indispensable. The ambition to build cheaply but effectively is still here. The future of housing lies in prefabricated apartment modules. A well optimized creation process is the key, but taking into consideration the mistakes made by past generations should be the second most important factor. Studies show that large panel buildings were too monumental and solid for a housing structure, and offered no public spaces between them. Lack of urban design transformed a great idea into blocks that are considered to be ugly and unfriendly. Diversity is something that large panel structures were missing. While most block of flats were being constructed out of the same module (Model 770), differentiated architecture was difficult to achieve. Nowadays, increasing numbers of shipping containers are being used for housing purposes. These constructions show that it is possible to create astonishing housing with modules. Shipping containers were not designed to be a building material, but in contrast to large panel modules, there are many more possibilities of their transformation. In this paper the authors propose a set of rules that, if followed, would result in cheaper apartments, while keeping in consideration both tremendous architecture and friendly urban design. What is more, the proposed solution is designed to adapt to personalized requirements. In this paper the authors include information about design guidelines for structures made from shipping containers.

  • Using LSTM networks to predict engine condition on large scale data processing framework
    • Olgun Aydin
    • Seren Guldamlasioglu

    As the Internet of Things technology is developing rapidly, companies have an ability to observe the health of engine components and constructed systems through collecting signals from sensors. According to output of IoT sensors, companies can build systems to predict the conditions of components. Practically the components are required to be maintained or replaced before the end of life in performing their assigned task. Predicting the life condition of a component is so crucial for industries that have intent to grow in a fast paced technological environment. Recent studies on predictive maintenance help industries to create an alert before the components are corrupted. Thanks to prediction of component failures, companies have a chance to sustain their operations efficiently while reducing their maintenance cost by repairing components in advance. Since maintenance affects production capacity and the service quality directly, optimized maintenance is the key factor for organizations to have more revenue and stay competitive in developing industrialized world. With the aid of well-designed prediction system for understanding current situation of an engine, components could be taken out of active service before malfunction occurs. With the help of inspection, effective maintenance extends component life, improves equipment availability and keeps components in a proper condition while reducing costs. Real time data collected from sensors is a great source to model component deteriorations. Markov Chain models, Survival Analysis, Optimization algorithms and several machine learning approaches have been implemented in order to model predictive maintenance. In this paper Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) networks has been performed to predict the current situation of an engine. LSTM model deals with a sequential input data. Training process of LSTM networks has been performed on large-scale data processing engine with high performance. Since huge amount of data is flowing into the predictive model, Apache Spark which is offering a distributed clustering environment has been used. The output of the LSTM network is deciding the current life condition of components and offering the alerts for components before the end of their life. The proposed model also trained and tested on an open source data that is about an engine degradation simulation provided by the Prognostics CoE at NASA Ames.

  • Using Redis supported by NVRAM in HPC applications
    • Artur Malinowski
    2017 Pełny tekst Computer Science

    Nowadays, the efficiency of storage systems is a bottleneck in many modern HPC clusters. High performance in the traditional approach – processing using files – is often difficult to obtain because of a model’s complexity and its read/write patterns. An alternative approach is to apply a key-value database, which usually has low latency and scales well. On the other hand, many key-value stores suffer from a limitation of memory capacity and vulnerability to serious failures, which is caused by processing in RAM. Moreover, some research suggests that scientific data models are not applicable to the storage structures of key-value databases. In this paper, the author proposes a resolution to the above-mentioned issues by replacing RAM with NVRAM. A practical example is based on Redis NoSQL. The article also contains three domain-specific APIs that show the idea behind transforming from an HPC data model to Redis structures as well as two micro-benchmarks results.

  • Using terrestrial laser scanning in inventorying of a hybrid constructed wetland system
    • Radomir Obroślak
    • Andrzej Mazur
    • Krzysztof Jóźwiakowski
    • Oleksandr Dorozhynskyy
    • Antoni Grzywna
    • Roman Rybicki
    • Kamil Nieścioruk
    • Żanna Król
    • Justyna Gabryszuk
    • Magdalena Gajewska

    The goal of this paper was to evaluate the possibility of using terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for inventorying of a hybrid constructed wetland (CW) wastewater treatment plant. The object under study was a turtle-shaped system built in 2015 in Eastern Poland. Its main purpose is the treatment of wastewater from theMuseumand Education Centre of Polesie National Park. The study showed that the CW system had been built in compliance with the technical documentation, as differences between values obtained from the object and those given in the design project (max.+/- 20 cm for situation and +/- 5 cm for elevation) were within the range defined by the legislator. It was also shown that the results were sufficiently precise to be used for as-built surveying of the aboveground elements of the CWsystem. The TLS technique can also beemployed to analyse quantitative changes inobject geometry arising during long-term use (e.g. landmass slides or erosion), the identification of which can help in selecting the hotspots at risk of damage and thus restore the object to its original state as well as prevent new changes.

  • Using wearable device for biomedical signal acquisition and processing
    • Tomasz Kocejko
    • Anna Giczewska
    • Jerzy Wtorek
    • Artur Poliński

    In this paper we present the research conducted on synchronous measurements of biosignals. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of estimating vital signs based on eye tracking. Method: The eGlasses platform was used for acquisition of ECG, respiration rate, eye and pupil movement and blood pressure. Data were acquired in three 5 min. intervals during which a subject was performing certain tasks. The signals were filtered and resampled. The correlation between blood pressure, respiration and pupil dilation was calculated. Results: The measurements were conducted on 12 healthy volunteers. The obtained correlation coefficient was similar for all people and measurement positions. Conclusions: The electronic eyewear like eGlasses can be utilized to measure and process essential vital signs. Although some results are promising, estimating a value of blood pressure or hart rate based on data provided by eye tracking module requires some further studies.

  • Usprawnienie procesu produkcyjnego - case study
    • Radosław Drozd
    • Marcin Kisielewski
    2017 Gospodarka Materiałowa i Logistyka

    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie koncepcji usprawnienia procesu obróbki wstępnej oraz produkcji dzemu poprzez zakup i wprowadzenie odszypułczarki. Nowa maszyna pozwoli na likwidację wąskiego gardła w produckji, dzięki czemu wzrośnie dzienna wielkość produkcji.

  • Usuwanie niedoskonałości projektowych pokrycia dachowego poprzez poprawną realizację
    • Maciej Niedostatkiewicz
    2017 Dachy

    w artykule opisano przypadek jednorodzinnego budynku mieszkalnego którego realizacja odbywała ise na podstawie indywidualnei opracowanej dokumentacji projektowej. Projekt budowlany wykonany został z pominieciem detali architektonicznyc, w tym szczegółów dotyczących realizacji pokrycia dachowego z ceramicznej dachówki karpiówki. W artykule poddano analizie wpływ braków w dokumentacji projektowej na możliwość powstania potencjalnych utrudnień eksploatacyjnych,. Opisano rozwiązania techniczne, których zastosowanie przyczyniło się do usunięcia niedoskonałości projektowych w zakresie pokrycia dachowego na etapie jego realizacji.

  • Usuwanie zakłóceń impulsowych z archiwalnych nagrań fonicznych
    • Marcin Ciołek
    2017 Pełny tekst

    Wniniejszej pracy doktorskiej opisano nowe metody usuwania zakłóceń impulsowych z archiwalnych nagrań dźwiękowych odtworzonych z płyt gramofonowych. Przedstawione w rozprawie rozwiązania, takie jak analiza dwukierunkowa, dwuzakresowe modelowanie autoregresyjne oraz modelowanie wektorowe umożliwiają przetwarzanie zarówno sygnałów muzycznych jak sygnałów mowy przy zachowaniu wysokiej jakości dźwięku po obróbce. Testy odsłuchowe przeprowadzone w grupie 20 słuchaczy potwierdziły, że opracowany algorytm poprawia subiektywnie odczuwalną jakość przetworzonego sygnału. Opracowana metoda pozwala na całkowite lub prawie całkowite wyeliminowanie zakłóceń impulsowych w sposób nie powodujący nowych, niepożądanych efektów dźwiękowych. Otrzymywana jakość zrekonstruowanych nagrań fonicznych jest porównywalna, a w niektórych przypadkach nawet znacząco lepsza od tej uzyskiwanej przez komercyjny system CEDAR, uznawany powszechnie za najlepszy produkt komercyjny służący do rekonstrukcji archiwalnych nagrań dźwiękowych. Przedstawiona w pracy metoda wraz z wynikami eksperymentów potwierdzają jednoznacznie tezę rozprawy dowodząc, że możliwe jest skuteczne usuwanie zakłóceń impulsowych, a w rezultacie uzyskiwanie wysokiej jakości zrekonstruowanego sygnału fonicznego. W rozprawie zaprezentowano również podejście oparte na wykorzystaniu wiedzy a priori o typowych kształtach i rozmiarach zakłóceń impulsowych do dokładniejszego wykrywania położenia zakłóceń w sygnale. Otrzymane wyniki testów symulacyjnych oraz testów odsłuchowych potwierdzają, że podejście to jest użyteczne w przypadku analizy sygnałów dźwiękowych „w czasie rzeczywistym”.

    • Krzysztof Żółtowski
    • Przemysław Kalitowski

    W rozdziale opisano metodę wzmocnienia uszkodzonej belki prefabrykowanej typu T. Dźwigar wiaduktu drogowego został uderzony przez wozidło, co spowodowało jego zarysowanie i ubytki. Zaproponowano naprawę poprzez dobetonowanie dodatkowej belki. W procesie budowy belki zastosowano balastowanie płytami betonowymi w celu wciągnięcia nowego dźwigara do przenoszenia obciążeń od ciężaru własnego obiektu. Przewidziano połączenie starego betonu z nowym za pomocą kołkowania, prętów poprzecznych oraz przez przyczepność. Iniekcję rys oraz ubytków wywołanych uderzeniem przeprowadzono pod obciążeniem balastem, aby doprowadzić do ich zamknięcia w czasie normalnej eksploatacji. Wykonano szereg analiz MES w celu określenia wielkości balastu i efektów wzmocnienia. W analizie uwzględniono fazy budowy obiektu oraz dalsze efekty reologiczne. W trakcie realizacji naprawy dokonano pomiarów przemieszczeń i odkształceń belki w celu weryfikacji poprawności przeprowadzonych obliczeń oraz pracy konstrukcji.

  • Utilization of the zero unitarization method for the building of a ranking for diagnostic marine engine parameters
    • Ryszard Zadrąg
    • Tomasz Kniaziewicz
    2017 Pełny tekst Combustion Engines

    Changing some of the parameters of the engine structure affects the emission of harmful components in the exhaust gases This primarily concerns damage in the cargo exchange system as well as in the fuel system and engine boost system. Changes in emissions of harmful compounds are often ambiguous, depending largely on the parameters that shape the combustion process. An additional problem is that often simple but undesired interactions occur with the interaction of these parameters. It is therefore possible to speak of different diagnostic parameters' sensitivity to the same extractions from the engine structure, but implemented in other load states. In cases where the set of parameters is numerous and the values of these parameters are similar, there is a real problem with their proper classification, often based on the discretion of the researcher. In the paper the authors propose a methodology for classification of acquired diagnostic parameters. In previous papers [4, 5], Hellwig's method of information capacity index was proposed as a measure of diagnostic parameter sensitivity. This method can be used to build a diagnostic parameter ranking that divides the set of diagnostic variables into stimulators, destimulators and nominators. This normalization of the set seems to be helpful in making a diagnostic decision not influenced by the discretion of the researcher. The zero unitary method can also be helpful in creating diagnostic tests.

  • Utopian Kinetic Structures and Their Impact on the Contemporary Architecture
    • Lucyna Nyka
    • Jan Cudzik
    2017 Pełny tekst IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

    This paper delves into relationships between twentieth century utopian concepts of movable structures and the kinematic solutions implemented in contemporary architectural projects. The reason for conducting this study is to determine the impact of early architectural conceptions on today's solutions. This paper points out close links that stem from the imagination of artists and architects working in 1960s and 70s and the solutions implemented by contemporary architects of that era. The research method of this paper is based on comparative analyses of architectural forms with adopted kinematic solutions. It is based on archive drawings' studies and the examination of theoretical concepts. The research pertains to different forms of such mobility that evolved in 1960s and 70s. Many of them, usually based on the simple forms of movement were realized. The more complicated ones remained in the sphere of utopian visionary architecture. In this case, projects often exceed technical limitations and capabilities of design tools. Finally, after some decades, with the development of innovative architectural design tools and new building technologies many early visions materialized into architectural forms. In conclusion, this research indicates that modern kinematic design solutions are often based on conceptual designs formed from the beginning of the second half of the twentieth century.

  • UV-induced electron transfer between triethylamine and 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine. A puzzle concerning the photochemical debromination of labeled DNA
    • Paweł Wityk
    • Magdalena Zdrowowicz
    • Justyna Wiczk
    • Janusz Rak

    5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) photosensitizes DNA to strand break formation. However, this type of photodamage is completely quenched by the presence of triethylamine (TEA) which originates from RP-HPLC purification commonly employed by oligonucleotide providers. While the presence of TEA in oligonucleotide samples does not interfere with PCR or other molecular biology applications, the mechanism of photochemical reaction proceeding in the labeled DNA is dramatically changed due to the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) between the photoexcited BrdU and the ground state TEA. For the first time, we demonstrated that the latter process produces 2'-deoxyuridne2'-deoxyuridine (debromination) in the labeled DNA instead of the expected strand break. PET between TEA and BrdU was additionally confirmed by the UV irradiations of aqueous solutions containing both species. Indeed, the efficient formation of 2'-deoxyuridine was observed in the studied photolytes. Moreover, we showed the formation of an additional product in these binary mixtures, i.e. imidazole derivative, that is not formed in DNA and was reported in the literature in the context of dark rather than photochemical processes. Using mass spectrometry we demonstrated that the amount of TEA impurity in the commercial samples of oligos exceeds up to 3 orders of magnitude that of the purchased DNA.