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Detekcja materiałów przy użyciu organicznych tranzystorów polowych
- Małgorzata Franz
W ciągu ostatnich dwudziestu lat nastąpił rozwój elektroniki organicznej, która stała się ważnym obszarem badań naukowych i technologicznych. Organiczne ogniwa fotowoltaiczne i organiczne diody elektroluminescencyjne zostały wykorzystane w urządzeniach komercyjnych, a jednym z najbardziej obiecujących zastosowań dla organicznych tranzystorów polowych są czujniki chemiczne i biologiczne. Postęp w tej dziedzinie jest tematem tego opracowania. W rozdziale przedstawiono zasadę działania, podstawowe parametry oraz charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe organicznych tranzystorów polowych (OFET) oraz możliwości wykorzystania tych urządzeń jako czujników substancji gazowych i ciekłych. Przedstawiono zasadę działania czujników wykorzystujących OFET, a także potencjalne możliwości aplikacyjne tych urządzeń.
Determinants of SME location in a suburban area: Evidence from the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot metropolitan area.
- Justyna Martyniuk-Pęczek
- Olga Martyniuk
- Anna Gierusz
- Grzegorz Pęczek
Given the importance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the European economy, it is essential to have adequate information about the various factors that determine their choice of location. However, the size of a company is often an aspect not covered in theoretical studies and empirical research on industrial locations and urban planning. This article examines the place of residence as a stimulator of SME development in suburbs. Multidisciplinary research carried out in the Gdańsk–Gdynia–Sopot Metropolitan Area, known as the Tricity, confirms this trend. The location determinants of SMEs in suburban areas were identified using a questionnaire. The survey was conducted in 251 enterprises located in seven municipalities with the highest suburbanisation rates within the Tricity. The study confirms that the municipalities characterised by the highest intensity of suburbanisation processes have higher business activity than other municipalities. Location decisions were largely made by business owners in line with behavioural theory. This means that SME owners more often consider personal factors than cost or demand factors. From the perspective of an entrepreneur, living conditions, the quality of public space, education and healthcare are significant.
Determinanty wartości przedsiębiorstw w wybranych sektorach gospodarki w Polsce
- Michał Rozmus
Przedmiotem rozważań jest przedstawienie wpływu m.in. takich czynników jak kapitał obcy, ryzyko, wyniki działalności operacyjnej oraz oczekiwana stopa zwrotu na wartość przedsiębiorstwa i na wartość dla jego właścicieli, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem kapitału obcego w postaci obligacji korporacyjnych, który stał się w prowadzonych badaniach determinantą przewodnią. Badaniem objęto 184 przedsiębiorstwa, które podzielono na cztery branże: deweloperską, przemysłową, parabankową oraz usługową. Równolegle badaniem objęto 683 instrumenty dłużne wyemitowane w latach 2009-2014. Kluczowym kryterium oceny kreacji wartości przedsiębiorstwa poprzez emisję obligacji jest występująca zależność pomiędzy gotówkową stopą zwrotu z zaangażowanych kapitałów stałych a efektywnym ekonomicznym kosztem zadłużenia wynikającym z emisji długu, czyli występowanie efektu dźwigni finansowej. Wyniki badań uwzględniają ponadto oczekiwaną stopę zwrotu z zaangażowanych kapitałów, która jest determinowana m.in. poziomem zadłużenia. Korzyści z emisji obligacji zostały przedstawione w dwóch perspektywach: z puntu widzenia samych przedsiębiorstw oraz z punktu widzenia ich właścicieli. Autor dokonał również porównania stopnia korzyści wynikających z emisji długu pomiędzy podmiotami w poszczególnych branżach, a także próby identyfikacji innych istotnych determinant wartości przedsiębiorstw objętych badaniem.
Determination of Biogenic Amines in Wine Using Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Ewa Kłodzińska
- Jacek Namieśnik
Production on a large-scale of fermented alcoholic drinks made from different kinds of fruits is carried out in homes. Although wine laws regulating home production exist, they do not include upper concentration limits of biogenic amines. Therefore, a quick and inexpensive way to determine BAs in wine is crucial. A new analytical method based on micellar electrokinetic chromatography has been developed for the separation of the four most frequently occurring biogenic amines (histamine, tryptamine, tyramine and 2-phenylethylamine). An electrophoresis buffer of 20 mM borate (pH 9.3) containing 30 mM SDS and 5% (v/v) methanol was found to provide the optimum separation with respect to resolution and migration time. Finally this method was applied to the determination of biogenic amines in home-made red wines.
Determination of cyanide in urine and saliva samples by ion chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection
- Ewa Jaszczak-Wilke
- Sylwia Narkowicz
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Żaneta Polkowska
Commonly known as a highly toxic chemical, cyanide is also an essential reagent for many industrial processes. It naturally occurs in plant seeds as a cyanogenic glycosides. Another relatively common mode of cyanide exposure is inhalation of environmental tobacco smoke. This study concerns importance to determine cyanide ion in human biological samples. Urine and saliva samples were collected healthy volunteers exposed to tobacco smoke (active smokers) and environmental tobacco smoke (passive smokers). Chromatographic separation was achieved with an anion-exchange column and separated ions were detected by a pulsed amperometric detector. The method produced linear response in a specific concentration range of cyanide ion. The limit of detection was estimated at 0.1 µg/dm3 and 0.5 µg/dm3 for urine and saliva samples, respectively. Cyanide ion concentrations in samples ranged from not detected (below LOD) to 12.88 µg/dm3. The comparison of results of biological samples analyses show an increasing trend in cyanide concentration that may suggest that environmental tobacco might have an impact on human health.
Determination of dryout localization using a five-equation model of annular flow for boiling in minichannels
- Jan Wajs
- Dariusz Mikielewicz
Detailed studies have suggested that the critical heat flux in the form of dryout in minichannels occurs when the combined effects of entrainment, deposition, and evaporation of the film make the film flow rate go gradually and smoothly to zero. Most approaches so far used the mass balance equation for the liquid film with appropriate formulations for the rate of deposition and entrainment respectively. It must be acknowledged that any discrepancy in determination of deposition and entrainment rates, together with cross-correlations between them, leads to the loss of accuracy of model predictions. Conservation equations relating the primary parameters are established for the liquid film and vapor core. The model consists of three mass balance equations, for liquid in the film as well as two-phase core and the gas phase itself. These equations are supplemented by the corresponding momentum equations for liquid in the film and the two-phase core. Applicability of the model has been tested on some experimental data.
Determination of Local Corrosion Current from Individual Harmonic Components
- Łukasz Burczyk
- Kazimierz Darowicki
Harmonic analysis has been used in corrosion measurements for several decades. During this period the method has been refined and developed. Nevertheless, the technique has not been applied to properties determination in local scale yet. This paper is focused on local corrosion current measurements based on harmonic analysis. For this purpose, a non-linear nature of electrode processes is used and measured in local scale applying Harmonic Analysis Microscope (HAM).
Determination of Mechanical Energy Loss in Steady Flow by Means of Dissipation Power
- Wojciech Artichowicz
- Jerzy Sawicki
When systems of simple geometry like pipes or regular channels are considered, the mechan- ical energy loss of the fluid flow can be expressed by local and longitudinal empirical energy loss coefficients. However, in the case of large spatially distributed objects, there are no simple approaches to this task. In practice, general recommendations addressing different types of objects are used, but they usually provide very coarse estimates of energy loss. In this work, a new methodology for determination of mechanical energy loss in steady flow is proposed. This methodology is based on the observation that the magnitude of the power of energy dissipation in turbulent flow can be determined using the averaged flow velocity and turbulent viscosity coefficient. To highlight this possibility, an analysis of the magnitudes of the power of the main and fluctuating components of turbulent flow is presented. The correctness of the method is verified using an example of laminar and turbulent flows in a circular pipe. The results obtained show clearly that the proposed methodology can be used for mechanical energy loss determination in flow objects. This methodology can be used as a basis for mechanical energy loss determination in different types of flow objects.
Determination of odour concentration by TD-GC×GC–TOF-MS and field olfactometry techniques
- Hubert Byliński
- Paulina Kolasińska
- Tomasz Dymerski
- Jacek Gębicki
- Jacek Namieśnik
Field olfactometry is one of the sensory techniques used to determine odour concentration, in atmospheric air, directly in emission sources. A two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometer (GC×GC–TOF-MS) allows performing the chemical characterization of various groups of chemical compounds, even in complex mixtures. Application of these techniques enabled determination of odour concentration level in atmospheric air in a vicinity of the oil refinery and the neighbouring wastewater treatment plant. The atmospheric air samples were analysed during a time period extending from February to June 2016. Based on the GC×GC–TOF-MS analysis and odour threshold values, the theoretical odour concentrations were calculated and compared with the odour concentrations determined by field olfactometry technique. The investigations revealed that higher values of odour concentration were obtained with the field olfactometry technique where odour analysis was based on holistic measurement. It was observed that the measurement site or meteorological conditions had significant influence on odour concentration level. The paper also discusses the fundamental analytical instruments utilized in the analysis of odorous compounds and their mixtures.
Determination of Odour Interactions of Three-Component Gas Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose
- Bartosz Szulczyński
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Jacek Gębicki
The paper presents an application of an electronic nose prototype comprised of six TGS-type sensors and one PID-type sensor to identify odour interaction phenomena in odorous three-component mixtures. The investigation encompassed eight odorous mixtures—toluene-acetone-triethylamine and formaldehyde-butyric acid-pinene — characterized by different odour intensity and hedonic tone. A principal component regression (PCR) calibration model was used for evaluation of predicted odour intensity and hedonic tone. Correctness of identification ofodour interactions in the odorous three-component mixtures was determined based on the results obtained with the electronic nose. The results indicated a level of 75–80% for odour intensity and 57–73% for hedonic tone. The average root mean square error of prediction amounted to 0.03–0.06 for odour intensity determination and 0.07–0.34 for hedonic tone evaluation of the odorous three-component mixtures.
Determination of pitting corrosion stage of stainless steel by galvanodynamic impedance spectroscopy
- Juliusz Orlikowski
- Agata Jażdżewska
- Robert Mazur
- Kazimierz Darowicki
This paper investigates the methodology for differentiation of multistep process of pitting corrosion of AISI 304 stainless steel in the environment of iron (III) chloride. Measurements were performed using Galvanodynamic Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (GDEIS). Application of this methodology allowed monitoring of natural corrosion process without external current (IDC = 0A) nor potential perturbation of the system. Applied sinusoidal AC current does not influence significantly registered DC potential. Analysis confirms that it is possible to distinguish all stages of pitting corrosion: passive state, metastable state, initiation of pitting, active pitting corrosion state. Characteristic potential oscillations related with pitting corrosion were detected. Research shows that GDEIS method can be with success utilized in the monitoring of pitting corrosion.
Determination of probabilities defining safety of a sea-going ship during performance of a transportation task in stormy weather conditions
- Jerzy Girtler
The paper presents the possibility of applying the theory of semi-Markov processes to determine the limiting distribution for the process of changes of technical states being reliability states of the systems of sea-going ships significantly affecting safety of such ships, which include main engine, propeller and steering gear. The distribution concerns the probabilities of occurrence of the said states defined for a long time of ship operation (t ). The considered states are as follows: s0 – full ability state of the systems, i.e.: main engine, propeller and steering gear, s1 – inability state of the main engine, s2 – inability state of the propeller, s3 – inability state of the steering gear. Significance of the systems for safety of the ships at sea was demonstrated herein. General conditions for performing transportation tasks by the ships, with particular regard to stormy conditions, were also here described.
Determination of Selected Metals in Fruit Wines by Spectroscopic Techniques
- Justyna Płotka-Wasylka
- Małgorzata Rutkowska
- Bartłomiej Cieślik
- Alan Tyburcy
- Jacek Namieśnik
The determination of metals in different types of food and beverages samples has drawn significant attention due to several reasons with the most important one being the nutritional and toxic effects of these elements or their compounds. The knowledge of certain elements content in wines/fruit wines is of special interest due to their toxicity in case of excessive intake and also the effect they seem to have on the organoleptic properties of wine. Results. The study was focused on measuring the concentration levels of trace metals in fruit wines. Analysis of K, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cd, Mg, Pb, Sn, and Hg in so-called homemade fruit wine was carried out by AES, AAS, CV-AAS, and GF-AAS techniques. The calculated calibration curves showed good linearity range for all tested analytes (with coefficient of determination in the range from 0.989 to 0.999). The low values of the limit of detection (from 0.0031 μg/L to 0.47 mg/L) and the limit of quantification (from 0.009 μg/L to 1.41 mg/L) were obtained. Conclusions. The allowed levels of metal in fruit wines are prescribed by the International Office for Grapes and Wines (OIV). The data obtained from the study area for all metals did not exceed the international limits.
Determination of the minimal critical rotational speeds of the circular saw blades with the quasi-twin resonant frequencies
- Anna Danuta Kaczmarek-Peniakova
- Kazimierz Orłowski
- Lubomir Javorek
To determine the minimal critical rotational speeds of the circular saw blades is the fundamental aspect of obtaining the range of the rotational operating speeds, by which the circular saw blade can work with required stability. While for the circular saw blades with full-homogeneous bodies the determination of such rotational speeds is the relatively low level of difficulty function, whereas for circular saw blades with more complex shapes (with any kinds of holes in the body, e.g. holes for cleaning knives, thermal stress compensators, indirect teeth etc.) that task becomes much more complicated. The aim of this paper is to compare the results of the minimal critical rotational speeds’ determination of the circular saw blades, which feature is the appearance the phenomenon of quasi-twin resonant frequencies, which results were obtained by the experimental method and with the FEM modeling.
Determination of the optimal curvature of the turnout diverging track for HSR using dynamic analysis
- Władysław Koc
- Katarzyna Palikowska
The paper presents an analytical method of identifying the curvature of the turnout diverging track consisting of sections of varying curvature. Such turnout is mainly applied on High Speed Railway. Both linear and nonlinear (polynomial) curvatures of the turnout diverging track are considered in the paper. Obtained solutions enable to assume curvature values at the beginning and end point of the geometrical layout of the turnout.The paper focus on a fundamental and unexplained so far issue connected with selection of the most favourable curvature section from the operational requirements point of view. In order to determine the optimal curvature a dynamic analysis has been carried out on the several representative cases. It has been indicated that, used in railway practice, clothoid sections with nonzero curvatures at the beginning and end points of the turnout should be verified. It has been proved that the turnout with nonlinear curvature reaching zero values at the extreme points of the geometrical layout is the most favourable.
Determining and verifying the safety integrity level with security aspects
- Emilian Piesik
- Marcin Śliwiński
Safety and security aspects consist of two different group of functional requirements for the control and protection systems. It is the reason why the analyses of safety and security shouldnt be integrated directly. The paper proposes extension of the currently used methods of functional safety analyses. It can be done with inclusion of the level of information security assigned to the technical system. The article addresses some important issues of the functional safety analysis, namely the safety integrity level (SIL) verification of distributed control and protection systems with regard to security aspects. A method based on quantitative and qualitative information is proposed for the SIL (IEC 61508, 61511) verification with regard of the evaluation assurance levels (EAL) (ISO/IEC 15408) and the security assurance levels (SAL) (IEC 62443)
Determining Pronunciation Differences in English Allophones Utilizing Audio Signal Parameterization
- Bożena Kostek
- Magdalena Piotrowska
- Tomasz Ciszewski
- Andrzej Czyżewski
An allophonic description of English plosive consonants, based on audio-visual recordings of 600 specially selected words, was developed. First, several speakers were recorded while reading words from a teleprompter. Then, every word was played back from the previously recorded sample read by a phonology expert and each examined speaker repeated a particular word trying to imitate correct pronunciation. The next step consisted in partitioning by editing two recorded sets of words into allophones, then signals were analyzed and subsequently audio excerpts were parametrized. The comparison of two sets of allophones was reinforced by the phonology expert’s assessment of produced speech sounds. Analyses presented in this paper allowed for determining a set of parameters describing an allophone pronunciation.
Development and validation of an LC–MS/MS method for the determination of biogenic amines in wines and beers
- Katarzyna Nalazek-Rudnicka
- Andrzej Wasik
Biogenic amines are group of organic, basic, nitrogenous compounds that naturally occur in plant, microorganism, and animal organisms. Biogenic amines are mainly produced through decarboxylation of amino acids. They are formed during manufacturing of some kind of food and beverages such as cheese, wine, or beer. Histamine, cadaverine, agmatine, tyramine, putrescine, and b-phenylethylamine are the most common biogenic amines found in wines and beers. This group of compounds can be toxic at high concentrations; therefore, their control is very important. Analysis of biogenicamines in alcoholic drinks (beers and wines) was carried out by HPLC–MS/MS after their derivatization with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (tosyl chloride). The developed method has been applied for analysis of seventeen biogenic amines in twentyeight samples of lager beers and in twelve samples of different homemade wines (white grape, red grape, strawberry, chokeberry, black currant, plum, apple, raspberry, and quince). The developed method is sensitive and repeatable for majority of the analytes. It is versatile and can be used for the determination of biogenic amines in various alcoholic beverages.
- Judyta Felicjancik
- Maria Gatz
- Janusz Badur
The hydroacoustic signature of ships' propellers can be estimated experimentally through measurements of cavitation-induced pressure fluctuations and the corresponding noise distributions at model scale. These measurements need to be performed in a cavitation tunnel under the propellers operating conditions and are quite sensitive and challenging to perform with sufficient accuracy. In comparison, the numerical approach can be used to present a good general idea of the predicted results and doesn’t require so many resources to perform. It is also not influenced by signal conditioning or disturbance sources present in a real environment. So we trade scope and precision of the results for time and cost reduction. In this paper we will describe both experimental and numerical methods currently in use and present the advantages and limitations of the practical application of both. We will also outline the concept of their precision development individually and their ultimate evolution into a coupled approach towards final noise estimation for the ship's propeller.
Development of an Analytical Protocol for Determination of Cyanide in Human Biological Samples Based on Application of Ion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection
- Ewa Jaszczak-Wilke
- Marek Ruman
- Sylwia Narkowicz
- Jacek Namieśnik
- Żaneta Polkowska
A simple and accurate ion chromatography (IC) method with pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) was proposed for the determination of cyanide ion in urine, sweat, and saliva samples. The sample pretreatment relies on alkaline digestion and application of Dionex OnGuard II H cartridge. Under the optimized conditions, the method showed good linearity in the range of 1–100 μg/L for urine, 5–100 μg/L for saliva, and 3–100 μg/L for sweat samples with determination coefficients . Low detection limits (LODs) in the range of 1.8 μg/L, 5.1 μg/L, and 5.8 μg/L for urine, saliva, and sweat samples, respectively, and good repeatability (CV < 3%, ) were obtained. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the analysis of human biological samples.