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Ostatnie pozycje
Drukowanie trwałych elementów z tworzyw termoplastycznych w technologii FDM/FFF
- Dawid Zieliński
Drukowanie detali z tworzyw sztucznych stanowi aktualnie jedną z najczęściej wykorzystywanych form druku 3D, która znajduje szerokie zastosowanie zarówno w obszarze amatorskim, jak i również przemysłowym. Omawiane w pracy zagadnienia dotyczą zasady działania oraz charakterystyki najważniejszych czynników technologii FDM/FFF. Przedstawiono najczęściej występujące błędy oraz defekty drukowanych elementów. Wskazano ponadto najważniejsze korzyści i ograniczenia wykorzystania metody, rodzaje przetwarzanych materiałów, a także szereg praktycznych wskazówek umożlwiających drukowanie trwałych elementów z tworzyw sztucznych.
Dwa prestiżowe stanowiska dr Anny Wałek, dyrektor Biblioteki PG
- Katarzyna Dudek
- Robert Szczodruch
Artykuł prezentuje sukcesy zawodowe dr Anny Wałek, Dyrektor Biblioteki Politechniki Gdańskiej, która w 2021 r. została wybrana na Prezydenta International Association of University Libraries (od stycznia 2022 r.) oraz Przewodniczącą Rady Dyrektorów Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników systemu VIRTUA (od czerwca 2021 r.)
DWDM Network Laboratory Solution for Telecommunication Education Engineering
- Sylwester Kaczmarek
- Magdalena Młynarczuk
Development of network architectures in the field of optical telecommunications technologies is an indicator of changes in telecommunication education engineering. Conducting didactic classes requires hardware infrastructure and research in terms of teaching needs. In the paper we present DWDM network laboratory solution for telecommunication education engineering on the basis of the ADVA Optical Networking equipment. We have to adjust and configure telecommunication equipment for a didactic purpose. We present the core optical equipment, network structure, its configuration and laboratory exercises.
Dynamic mechanical properties and flexing fatigue resistance of tire sidewall rubber as function of waste tire rubber reclaiming degree
- Zhen Zhang
- Zonglin Peng
- Krzysztof Formela
- Shifeng Wang
A stepwise downsizing method of gel particles in reclaimed rubber to a micro-nano scale and its excellent dynamic performance in tire sidewall were introduced by this work. The results showed that the size of gel particles decreased from several micrometers to micro-nanometers with the increase of reclaiming degree, accompanied by reduced molecular weight and widened molecular weight distribution of sol fraction. The addition of reclaimed rubber with low Mooney viscosity improved the dynamic mechanical properties of the natural rubber/butadiene rubber blends effectively, including wet resistance and rolling resistance. Moreover, the flexing fatigue resistance has also been improved dozens of times compared to traditional tire sidewall.
Dynamic Route Discovery Using Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm in Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Network
- Sharmila Vadivel
- Srinivas Konda
- Kavitha Rani Balmuri
- Andrzej Stateczny
- B. D. Parameshachari
In recent times, visible light communication is an emerging technology that supports high speed data communication for wireless communication systems. However, the performance of the visible light communication system is impaired by inter symbol interference, the time dispersive nature of the channel, and nonlinear features of the light emitting diode that significantly reduces the bit error rate performance. To address these problems, many environments offer a rich infrastructure of light sources for end-to-end communication. In this research paper, an effective routing protocol named the modified grasshopper optimization algorithm is proposed to reduce communication interruptions, and to provide alternative routes in the network without the need of previous topology knowledge. In this research paper, the proposed routing protocol is implemented and analyzed using the MATLAB environment. The experimental result showed that the proposed routing protocol adapts to dynamic changes in the communication networks, like obstacles and shadows. Hence, the proposed protocol achieved better performance in data transmission in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and routing overhead. In addition, the performance is analyzed by varying the number of nodes like 50, 100, 250, and 500. From the experimental analysis, the proposed routing protocol achieved maximum of 16.69% and minimum of 2.20% improvement in packet delivery ratio, and minimized 0.80 milliseconds of end-to-end delay compared to the existing optimization algorithms.
Dynamic Signature Vertical Partitioning Using Selected Population-Based Algorithms
- Marcin Zalasiński
- Tacjana Niksa-Rynkiewicz
- Krzysztof Cpałka
The dynamic signature is a biometric attribute used for identity verification. It contains information on dynamics of the signing process. There are many approaches to the dynamic signature verification, including the one based on signature partitioning. Partitions are the regions created on the basis of signals describing the dynamics of the signature. They contain information on the shape of the signature characteristic of a given individual. In this paper, we focus on so-called vertical partitioning and different population-based algorithms which are used to determine partition division points. In the verification process we use an authorial one-class classifier.
Dynamics of Chains as a Tool to Study Thermomechanical Properties of Proteins.
- Piotr Weber
Polymer dynamics can be formulated on different levels of detail. One approach eliminates microscopic degrees of freedom and a polymer molecule is represented by a simplified structure—a chain. In the simplest case monomers of ideal chain have fixed length, and their orientation is independent of the orientations and positions of neighbouring monomers. This is reason that two monomers can co-exist at the same place. Ideal chain model doesn’t describe correctly the local structure of polymer, but correctly describe the property on large-scale. In this scale chain can be treated as a thermodynamical system, which their dynamic have to fulfill laws of nonequilibrium thermodynamics. In a living systems there are a special polymers-proteins, that can operate under non-equilibrium conditions. During biochemical processes, they changes its states and are treated as free energy transducers. I will present a certain formalism of non-equilibrium thermodynamic when non-Markovian processes appear.
Działania antykryzysowe w obszarze kultury w trakcie pandemii SARS-CoV-2. Stan obecny i wnioski de lege ferenda w zakresie zwiększenia partycypacji obywatelskiej oraz instytucjonalnej
- Sebastian Skuza
- Anna Modzelewska
- Marta Szeluga-Romańska
- Marta Materska-Samek
Celem artykułu jest analiza różnych rozwiązań prawnych w zakresie wsparcia instytucji kultury w trakcie stanu epidemii. Przeprowadzono przegląd działań Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego wspierających instytucje kultury w Polsce w czasie epidemii według stanu na maj 2020 r. Na podstawie analizy wskazano wnioski de lege ferenda co do nowych możliwości finansowania działań takich instytucji. Autorzy prezentują rozwiązania prawne dotyczące przekazywania 1% PIT, odliczania darowizn, emisji obligacji przychodowych i dofinansowania w formie skarbowych papierów wartościowych. Wnioski z badań prowadzonych przez autorów osadzone są w obszarze ekonomicznej analizy prawa (Law&Economics).
Dzieje latarni w Twierdzy Wisłoujście w świetle badań architektonicznych z roku 2018 History of the Lighthouse of the Wisłoujście Fortress in Light of a 2018 Architectural Study
- Piotr Samól
- Robert Hirsch
- Arkadiusz Woźniakowski
W roku 2018 zespół autorski wykonał badania architektoniczne wieży w Twierdzy Wisłoujście w Gdańsku w związku z planowanymi pracami konserwatorskimi. Pierwszy raz podjęto metodologiczne badania architektoniczne najstarszej struktury zespołu – wieży-latarni morskiej wzniesionej w 1482, a następnie rozbudowywanej w wiekach XVI–XX. Wyniki badań oraz weryfikacja źródeł historycznych i archeologicznych pozwoliły zrekonstruować 6 głównych etapów budowy. Ustalono, że obecne wejście do wieży jest wtórne, a forma jej zwieńczenia (krenelaż) jest ahistoryczną kreacją zrealizowaną pod koniec lat pięćdziesiątych XX stulecia, nieznajdującą historycznego uzasadnienia. Wyniki badań – pomimo nowych ustaleń – wskazują na wiele dalszych wątpliwości na temat historii, a zwłaszcza przekształceń twierdzy, które do tej pory nie zostały rozpoznane. Dowodzą też konieczności kontynuowania analiz twierdzy poprzez badania architektoniczne i archeologiczne w powiązaniu z badaniami archiwalnymi.
Eco-Friendly Ether and Ester-Urethane Prepolymer: Structure, Processing and Properties
- Joanna Niesiobędzka
- Ewa Głowińska
- Janusz Datta
This study concerns bio-based urethane prepolymers. The relationship between the chemical structure and the thermal and processing parameters of bio-based isocyanate-terminated ether and ester-urethane prepolymers was investigated. Bio-based prepolymers were obtained with the use of bio-monomers such as bio-based diisocyanate, bio-based polyether polyol or polyester polyols. In addition to their composition, the bio-based prepolymers were different in the content of iso-cyanate groups content (ca. 6 and 8%). The process of pre-polymerization and the obtained bio-based prepolymers were analyzed by determining the content of unreacted NCO groups, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, proton nuclear magnetic resonance, thermogravimetry, and rheological measurements. The research conducted facilitated the evaluation of the properties and processability of urethane prepolymers based on natural components. The results indicate that a significant impact on the processability has the origin the polyol ingredient as well as the NCO content. The thermal stability of all of the prepolymers is similar. A prepolymer based on a poly-ether polyol is characterized by a lower viscosity at a lower temperature than the prepolymer based on a polyester polyol. The viscosity value depends on the NCO content.
Eco-friendly Route for Thermoplastic Polyurethane Elastomers with Bio-based Hard Segments Composed of Bio-glycol and Mixtures of Aromatic–Aliphatic and Aliphatic–Aliphatic Diisocyanate
- Ewa Głowińska
- Wojciech Wolak
- Janusz Datta
Application of bio-based diisocyanates with low volatility instead petrochemical diisocyanates has positive impact on environment by reduction of hazardous effects on living organisms and lead to bio-based polyurethanes (bio-PUs) with good usage properties. This work was focused on the synthesis and chosen properties examination of partially bio-based thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers (bio-PUs) obtained using diisocyanate mixtures, polytetrahydrofurane (PolyTHF) and bio-1,3-propanediol (bio-PDO). Two types of diisocyanate mixtures were prepared as follows: aliphatic–aliphatic based on hexamethylene diisocyanate with partially bio-based aliphatic diisocyanate Tolonate™ X FLO 100 (HDI-FLO) and aromatic–aliphatic based on diphenylmethane diisocyanate with partially bio-based diisocyanate (MDI-FLO) with reduction of 25 mass% of petrochemical diisocyanate. Bio-PUs were obtained via prepolymer method. Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers have been examined in the terms of chemical structure and thermal, thermomechanical, mechanical and physicochemical properties. Bio-PU based on HDI-FLO diisocyanate mixture exhibited higher thermal stability. The beginning of thermal decomposition took a place at lower temperature ca. 30 ºC) and lower rate than the MDI-PU based materials. DMA analysis showed that HDI-FLO based polyurethanes exhibited greater capacity to accumulate energy and higher stiffness. Both materials characterized similar tensile strength and hardness, but with difference that TPU based on HDI-FLO relieved greater elongation at break about 360% reached 813%. Taking into account versatile properties of bio-TPU, these material can find application in many branches of industry.
Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses
- Mikołaj Bartłomiejczyk
- Marcin Połom
- Leszek Jarzębowicz
- Kristina Jakimovska
Diesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce a similar solution in Skopje, which would allow the electric vehicles operation on bus line no 9. This, in turn, would create score of electric Bus Rapid Transit system.
- Oleksandr Melnychenko
The appropriate level of treatment during periods of increasing workload in the health care system or a particular hospital is ensured either by changing the organization of the system and the principles of use of resources such as space, staff and consumables or their redistribution, or by financial resources such resources are increased or replenished. This article contributes to improve the concept of resource allocation as an economic means to increase the capacity of the health care system during medical emergencies. Initiating the purchase of equipment or other materials will cause demand for them and, accordingly, supply in the market, provided a balanced policy, physical and organizational access to markets.
Edgewise Compressive Behavior of Composite Structural Insulated Panels with Magnesium Oxide Board Facings
- Łukasz Smakosz
- Ireneusz Kreja
- Zbigniew Pozorski
Edgewise compression response of a composite structural insulated panel (CSIP) with magnesium oxide board facings was investigated. The discussed CSIP is a novel multifunctional sandwich panel introduced to the housing industry as a part of the wall, floor, and roof assemblies. The study aims to propose a computational tool for reliable prediction of failure modes of CSIPs subjected to concentric and eccentric axial loads. An advanced numerical model was proposed that includes geometrical and material nonlinearity as well as incorporates the material bimodularity effect to achieve accurate and versatile failure mode prediction capability. Laboratory tests on small-scale CSIP samples of three different slenderness ratios and full-scale panels loaded with three different eccentricity values were carried out, and the test data were compared with numerical results for validation. The finite element (FE) model successfully captured CSIP’s inelastic response in uniaxial compression and when flexural action was introduced by eccentric loads or buckling and predicted all failure modes correctly. The comprehensive validation showed that the proposed approach could be considered a robust and versatile aid in CSIP design.
Edward Kajdański - wspomnienie
- Adam Barylski
Przedstawiono pokrótce życiorys i dokonania Edwarda Kajdańskiego, absolwenta Wydziału Technologii Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej z roku 1960. Edward Kajdański był dyplomatą, wybitnym znawcą historii, medycyny i sztuki Chin oraz autorem wielu fascynujących książek. Przez kilka lat po studiach pracował również w kilku zakładach przemysłu spożywczego w trójmieście. Zmarł 10 września 2020 roku w Gdańsku.
Edward Kajdański (1925-2020)
- Adam Barylski
Przedstawiono w dużym skrócie działalność zawodową i dorobek mgra inż. Edwarda Kajdańskiego, absolwenta Wydziału Technologii Maszyn Politechniki Gdańskiej, wybitnego znawcy historii, medycyny i sztuki Chin, autora fascynujacych książek i obrazów.
Efektywność energetyczna systemów chłodniczych pracujących z dwutlenkiem węgla jako czynnikiem roboczym
- Paulina Boroń
- Blanka Jakubowska
Artykuł dotyczy zagadnienia efektywności energetycznej układów chłodniczych pracujących z dwutlenkiem węgla jako czynnikiem roboczym. W celu szczegółowego przeanalizowania potencjału zastosowania dwutlenku węgla, jako czynnika roboczego w urządzeniach chłodniczych, przeprowadzone zostały obliczenia dla kilku modeli układów chłodniczych. Do przeprowadzenia analizy wybrano trzy układy chłodnicze, tj. układ transkrytyczny, układ kaskadowy oraz typu booster. W ramach prowadzonej analizy zbadano i omówiono wpływ temperatury skraplania i parowania na efektywność energetyczną analizowanych układów.
Effect of annealing temperature on slurry erosion resistance of ferritic X10CrAlSi18 steel
- Marta Buszko
- Alicja Krella
- Artur Marchewicz
- Grzegorz Gajowiec
In the present work, the slurry erosion tests were carried out to investigate the influence of heat treatment on slurry erosion process of ferritic X10CrAlSi18 stainless steel using a slurry pot test rig. X10CrAlSi18 stainless steel was tested in as-received condition and after annealing at three different temperatures: 600°C, 800°C and 1000°C. Degradation of materials due to slurry erosion depends on many factors connected with fluid flow conditions, properties of target material and erodent characteristics. In this case, factors related to the properties of the eroded material such as microstructure, grain size, work hardening, hardness played an important role. The heat treatment decreased hardness of this steel and increased erosion resistance. Microstructure was one of the most important parameters influencing the slurry erosion process of tested materials. X10CrAlSi18 stainless steel after annealing at 600 °C with fine-grained microstructure and the deepest of work hardening layer obtained the best resistance to slurry erosion. Heat treatment contributed to approximately 55%, 23% and 41% decrease in mass loss compared to steel in as-received condition. After slurry erosion tests craters, fracture, ridges and flakes were observed on the eroded surface. Furthermore, to identify the dominant mechanism of erosion, the erosion efficiency parameter was used, η.
Effect of choline chloride based natural deep eutectic solvents on aqueous solubility and thermodynamic properties of acetaminophen
- Dorota Warmińska
- Bartosz Nowosielski
- Adrian Szewczyk
- Jakub Ruszkowski
- Magdalena Prokopowicz
In this work, natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs) containing choline chloride as hydrogen bond acceptor and 1,2-propanediol, malic acid and tartaric acid as hydrogen bond donors have been synthesized and applied to enhance the aqueous solubility of model sparingly water-soluble drug – acetaminophen. The results indicate that the greatest impact on the solubility of acetaminophen have deep eutectic solvents based on 1,2-propanediol or malic acid and the solubility of acetaminophen increases with both the concentration of NADES and temperature. Among the Apelblat, λh (Buchowski-Ksiazczak), Yalkowsky and combined Jouyban–Acree and van ‘t Hoff models correlating the solubility data, the Apelblat model is more consistent with the experimental data. Moreover, densities and sound velocities of acetaminophen in aqueous NADESs were measured at T = (298.15–313.15) K and these data were used to derive the limiting apparent molar volumes and the apparent molar compressibilities of the transfer. The thermodynamic properties show that the hydrophilic-ionic and hydrophilic-hydrophilic interactions in solutions of acetaminophen are predominant and this effect is the strongest for acetaminophen in aqueous choline chloride:malic acid solution.
Effect of double thermal and electrochemical oxidation on titanium alloys for medical applications
- Agnieszka Ossowska
- Jean-marc Olive
- Andrzej Zieliński
- Andrzej Wojtowicz
The research focuses on the development and characterization of innovative thin hybrid oxide coatings obtained in subsequent processes of thermal (TO) and electrochemical (EO) oxidation. Four different surface modifications were investigated and the microstructure was determined, the mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy were assessed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersion analysis, glow discharge emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, nanoindentation and corrosion resistance measurements. The composite layers were evaluated for antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity bioassays and wettability tests were performed. The conducted studies of two-stage oxidation (TO + EO) have shown that it is possible to obtain layers with a different structure - crystalline and nanotubular. The formation of a nanotube layer on the surface of the crystalline layer is dependent on the thickness of the crystalline layer. The produced double titanium oxide coatings show high surface roughness, high corrosion resistance, are hydrophilic, slightly antibacterial, and not cytotoxic, which has a huge impact on the process of connecting the tissue with the implant.
Effect of excitation intensity on slope stability assessed by a simplified approach
- Aleksandra Korzec
- Robert Jankowski
The paper concerns the selection of a design accelerograms used for the slope stability assessment under earthquake excitation. The aim is to experimentally verify the Arias Intensity as an indicator of the excitation threat to the slope stability. A simple dynamic system consisting of a rigid block on a rigid inclined plane subjected to horizontal excitation is adopted as a slope model. Strong ground motions recorded during earthquakes are reproduced on a shaking table. The permanent displacement of the block serves as a slope stability indicator. Original research stand allows us to analyse not only the relative displacement but also the acceleration time history of the block. The experiments demonstrate that the Arias Intensity of the accelerogram is a good indicator of excitation threat to the stability of the slope. The numerical analyses conducted using the experimentally verified extended Newmark’s method indicate that both the Arias Intensity and the peak velocity of the excitation are good indicators of the impact of dynamic excitation on the dam's stability. The selection can be refined using complementary information, which is the dominant frequency and duration of the strong motion phase of the excitation, respectively.
Effect of Functionalization of Reduced Graphene Oxide Coatings with Nitrogen and Sulfur Groups on Their Anti-Corrosion Properties
- Karolina Grajewska
- Jakub Karczewski
- Marek Lieder
Electrophoretic production of anticorrosion carbonaceous coatings on copper could be successfully performed by anodic oxidation of negatively charged graphene platelets suspended in an aqueous solution. The various platelets were synthesized by Hummer’s method followed by a hydrothermal reduction in the presence of NH4SCN which was expected to substitute some parts of graphene structure with nitrogen and sulfur groups. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis confirmed that the graphene precursors, as well as the coatings, contained typical nitrogen groups, such as pyridinic and pyrrolic, and sulfur groups, such as thiol, thiophene, or C-SO2 . However, due to oxidation during deposition, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the graphene coatings changed relative to the composition of the precursors. In particular, the concentration of nitrogen and sulfur dropped and some thiophene groups were oxidized to C-SO2 . Studies showed the functionalized coatings had a uniform, defect-free, hydrophobic, more adhesive surface than nonmodified films. The corrosion measurements demonstrated that these coatings had better protective properties than the ones without these heteroatoms. This behavior can be assigned to the catalytic activity of nitrogen towards oxidation of C-SO2 groups to C-SO3H with oxygen.
Effect of gas content in macropores on hydraulic fracturing in rocks using a fully coupled DEM/CFD approach
- Marek Krzaczek
- Michał Nitka
- Andrzej Tejchman-Konarzewski
W pracy skupiono się na wpływie zawartości gazu w makroporach skał na proces szczelinowania hydraulicznego. Proces został zasymulowany przez połączenie metody elementów dyskretnych (DEM) z obliczeniową dynamiką płynów (CFD) w ramach dwuwymiarowych (2D) warunków izotermicznych. Mechaniczne zachowanie skały zostało zasymulowane za pomocą DEM, a CFD została wykorzystana do opisu zachowanie przepływu laminarnego, dwufazowego płynu szczelinującego (cieczy i gazu) we wcześniej istniejących i nowo powstałych szczelinach. Zmiany geometrii porów i pęknięć w matrycy skalnej zostały precyzyjnie odtworzone. W pełni sprzężone hydro-mechaniczne symulacje przeprowadzono na segmencie skalnym o uproszczonej mezostrukturze cząstek stałych pod wpływem odkształcenia płaskiego. Segment skalny zawierał jedno lub dwa gniazda wtryskowe. Wpływ początkowej zawartości fazy gazowej w makroporach na rozprzestrzenianie się szczelin hydraulicznych okreslono liczbowo dla różnych początkowych porowatości skał. Ponadto zbadano wpływ obecności różnych wcześniejszych nieciągłości w segmencie skalnym. Główne cechy pęknięcia segmentu skały w wyniku wtrysku płynu pod wysokim ciśnieniem zostały realistycznie odtworzone stosując proponowane podejście. Stwierdzono, że początkowa frakcja fazy gazowej w makroporach i istniejące wcześniej nieciągłości mają silny wpływ na przebieg szczelinowania hydraulicznego.
Effect of heat treatment on the diffusion intermixing and structure of the Cu thin film on Si (111) substrate: a molecular dynamics simulation study
- Walery Pleczysty
- Ihor Shtablavyi
- Szymon Winczewski
- Kamil Rybacki
- B. Tsizh
- Stepan Mudry
- Jarosław Rybicki
This work is devoted to the study of the diffusion process at the interface between copper films with a thickness of 2, 3, 4, 7 and 10 atomic monolayers and silicon substrate by molecular dynamics simulation method. For this purpose, the variation of the concentration of copper and silicon along the perpendicular direction to the interface was investigated. An analysis of the density profile along this direction made it possible to determine the melting point of the interface between copper and silicon. The atomic structure of the diffusion layer was compared with that of the bulk Cu3Si compound. Using the formalism pair correlation functions find partial coordination numbers distribution it was revealed the possibility of nucleation centres formation with the structure of the compound in the liquid state. This work will allow expanding knowledge about the process of atomic diffusion at the metal–semiconductor interface.
Effect of MAO coatings on cavitation erosion and tribological properties of 5056 and 7075 aluminum alloys
- Marek Szkodo
- Alicja Stanisławska
- Aleksandr Komarov
- Łukasz Bolewski
Two ceramic coatings have been applied on 5056 and 7075 aluminum alloy by microarc oxidation (MAO) technology. The mass losses, surface morphologies and the phase constituents of the MAO coatings before and after cavitation tests were examined by means of digital scales, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. In order to assess the impact of the mechanical properties of the surface layer on cavitation erosion resistance, hardness (H), reduced Young's modulus (E), surface elastic properties (Wel), surface toughness (KIC), structure continuity and resistance to delamination and cohesion forces were determined using nanoindentation and scratch tests. The results indicate that there is a correlation between cavitation erosion resistance and hardness, H/E ratio and surface elasticity.
Effect of pH on optical sensing with poly-L-lysine-modified nanodiamonds
- Maciej Jerzy Głowacki
- Monika Janik
- Mirosław Sawczak
- Anna Wcisło
- Paweł Niedziałkowski
- Mateusz Ficek
- Robert Bogdanowicz
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are crystallographic defects which provide diamonds with unique physical properties. The centers are known for their intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli. Nanodiamonds containing the NV centers are promising tools in biolabeling, biosensing, and drug delivery due to the aforementioned properties of the defects combined with a chemical inertness of a core and an easily functionalized surface of the diamond. Many biochemical reactions are pH-sensitive, therefore, in order to utilize the NV centers for monitoring of such processes, the pH-dependency of the properties of the nanodiamonds needs to be well-understood. Functionalization of the nanodiamonds’ surfaces with biological molecules undergoing pH-triggered changes of conformation, e.g. poly-L-lysine, could not only increase the particles’ biocompatibility and promote cell adhesion, but also possibly enhance pH-sensitivity. In the present study, an impact of pH on the fluorescence, a zeta potential, and a contact angle of the NV centers-containing nanodiamonds dispersed in liquid media is examined. The suspensions were made of commercially available, fluorescent diamond particles in an as-received, unmodified state, and after the poly-L-lysine had been attached to their surfaces via two different procedures – in aqueous, and anhydrous environment. Values of pH of dispersion media were specifically chosen to induce diverse conformation of the poly-L-lysine: from a fully relaxed conformation, through a state of being neither wholly extended, nor helical, to a complete α-helix conformation. The intensity of the photoluminescence emitted by the NV centers has been found to depend on the pH-triggered conformation of the poly-L-lysine attached to the surfaces of the nanodiamonds. The impact of the conformation of the poly-L-lysine on the electric charge of the nanoparticles has also been analyzed. This study confirms the potential of the nitrogen-vacancy centers for optical sensing of pH-triggered processes.
Effect of Pin Shape on Thermal History of Aluminum-Steel Friction Stir Welded Joint: Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling and Validation
- Dmitry Olegovich Bokov
- Mohammed Abed Jawad
- Wanich Suksatan
- Mahmoud E. Abdullah
- Aleksandra Świerczyńska
- Dariusz Fydrych
- Hamed Aghajani Derazkola
This article studied the effects of pin angle on heat generation and temperature distribution during friction stir welding (FSW) of AA1100 aluminum alloy and St-14 low carbon steel. A validated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was implemented to simulate the FSW process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed in order to investigate internal materials’ flow. Simulation results revealed that the mechanical work on the joint line increased with the pin angle and larger stir zone forms. The simulation results show that in the angled pin tool, more than 26% of the total heat is produced by the pin. Meanwhile, in other cases, the total heat produced by the pin was near 15% of the total generated heat. The thermo-mechanical cycle in the steel zone increased, and consequently, mechanical interlock between base metals increased. The simulation output demonstrated that the frictional heat generation with a tool without a pin angle is higher than an angled pin. The calculation result also shows that the maximum heat was generated on the steel side.
Effect of small quantities of potassium promoter and steam on the catalytic properties of nickel catalysts in dry/combined methane reforming
- Izabela Wysocka
- Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Marcin Łapiński
- Bartłomiej Cieślik
- Andrzej Rogala
Carbon dioxide and methane are two of the principal greenhouse gases. Reduction of their content in the atmosphere is currently the subject of much worldwide research. Dry and combined reforming of methane are effective methods of CO2 and CH4 utilization and production of synthesis gas (syngas) in chemical technology. Testing of catalysts that provide the desired H2/CO ratio and long operation time is one of the critical aspects of syngas production and the focus of much study. In this study, K-promoted Ni/MgAl2O4 catalysts prepared using a co-precipitation-impregnation method with different K/Ni ratios (range of 0–0.15) were examined in dry reforming of methane (DRM). The obtained catalysts were characterized using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) specific surface area, BJH pore size distribution, TEM imaging, analysis of reducibility H2-TPR, infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), Hammet basicity analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and elemental carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen analysis (CHN). Promotion of nickel catalysts with potassium led to changes in nickel distribution, metal-support interactions and deceleration of carbon deposition while enhancing sorption of carbon dioxide and reduction of nH2:CO to 0.5 for 0.7 K–Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst. To obtain the required H2:CO ratio close to unity a study on the effect of steam in inlet stream was performed. It was found that maintaining inlet stream composition equal CH4:CO2:H2O = 1.0:1.0:0.1 obtained an H2:CO ratio close to unity.
Effect of surface on the flexomagnetic response of ferroic composite nanostructures; nonlinear bending analysis
- Mohammad Malikan
- Victor Eremeev
Our analysis incorporates the geometrically nonlinear bending of the Euler-Bernoulli ferromagnetic nanobeam accounting for a size-dependent model through assuming surface effects. In the framework of the flexomagnetic phenomenon, the large deflections are investigated referring to von-Kármán nonlinearity. Employing the nonlocal effects of stress coupled to the gradient of strain generates a scale-dependent Hookean stress-strain scheme related to the small scale. Taking into account the supports of the nanobeam in two cases, that is, totally fixed and hinged, the deformations are predicted. A constant static lateral load is postulated uniformly along the length of the beam, which forces the deformation. As the analysis is based on the one-dimensional media, the electrodes are embedded so that they give off a transverse magnetic field creating a longitudinal force. The newly developed mathematical model is computed by means of the differential quadrature method together with the Newton-Raphson technique. The computational section discusses and reveals the numerical results in detail for the characteristics and parameters involved in the design of beam-like magnetic nanosensors. As shown later, the conducted research presents that there is a strong linkage between the surface effect and the flexomagneticity behavior of the bulk.
Effect of synthesis method parameters on properties and photoelectrocatalytic activity under solar irradiation of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with CdS quantum dots
- Aleksandra Pieczyńska
- Paweł Mazierski
- Wojciech Lisowski
- Tomasz Klimczuk
- Adriana Zaleska-Medynska
- Ewa Siedlecka
The growing research interest on photoelectrocatalysis has encouraged the search for new materials with high activity and the development of methods for their synthesis. The successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) method is an effective way to synthesize materials with photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) properties that are active under visible radiation. Therefore, studies on the impact of the parameters of the SILAR method on the properties and PEC activity of TiO2 nanotubes sensitized with CdS quantum dots (QDs) were conducted. PEC activity was determined based on the efficiency of ifosfamide (IF) degradation, which is currently one of the most commonly detectable anticancer drugs in aquatic environment. The highest IF PEC degradation rate (0.0184 min 1) and the highest TOC removal (48%) was achieved with the CdS-Ti/TiO2_NO3 _0.1M_3c_60s photoelectrode. Among the SILAR parameters, the highest impact on the PEC IF degradation efficiency had the concentration of the Cd precursor, as well as the number and time of the cycles. Our studies showed that CdS-Ti/TiO2 nanocomposites exhibited more than twice higher photocatalytic and PEC IF degradation efficiency than pristine Ti/TiO2 under UV–Vis irradiation. In addition, the PEC mechanism of IF degradation using pristine Ti/TiO2 and CdS-Ti/TiO2 was compared, from which it was concluded that the higher PEC activity of the nanocomposites is due to the greater contribution of h+ and the generation of other oxidants caused by the presence of CdS QDs. Based on the identified degradation products, a pathway for PEC IF degradation was also proposed.
Effect of Temperature and Nanoparticle Concentration on Free Convective Heat Transfer of Nanofluids
- Janusz Cieśliński
- Sławomir Smoleń
- Dorota Sawicka
A theoretical analysis of the influence of temperature and nanoparticle concentration on free convection heat transfer from a horizontal tube immersed in an unbounded nanofluid was presented. The Nusselt (Nu) number and heat transfer coefficient were parameters of the intensity of the convective heat transfer. For free convection, the Nu number was a function of the Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number. The Rayleigh (Ra) number and Prandtl (Pr) number were functions of the thermophysical properties of nanofluids. The thermophysical properties of nanofluids varied with temperature and nanoparticle concentration. Therefore, an analysis was conducted to evaluate the effects on the performance of nanofluids due to variations of thermal conductivity, viscosity, thermal expansion, density, and specific heat, which are functions of nanoparticle concentration and temperature. Water- and ethylene glycol (EG)-based nanofluids with dispersed alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticles at mass concentrations of 0.01%, 0.1%, and 1% were considered. Calculated Nu numbers and heat transfer coefficients were compared with experimental values taken from the published literature.
Effect of the Cavitation Generation Unit Structure on the Performance of an Advanced Hydrodynamic Cavitation Reactor for Process Intensifications
- Xun Sun
- Weibin You
- Xiaoxu Xuan
- Li Ji
- Xingtao Xu
- Guichao Wang
- Shan Zhao
- Grzegorz Boczkaj
- Joon Yong Yoon
- Songying Chen
The advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactors (ARHCRs) that appeared recently have shown obvious advantages compared with conventional devices in process intensifications. In ARHCRs, the cavitation generation unit (CGU) located on the rotor and stator basically determines their performance. For the first time, the present study investigated the effect of the CGU structure on the performance of a representative ARHCR by utilizing computational fluid dynamics. The amount of generated cavitation and required torque of the axis for various shapes, diameters, interaction distances, heights, and inclination angles of the CGU were analyzed. The results indicate that the interaction-type ARHCR (cavitation is generated by stator-rotor interaction) was far superior to the non-interaction type one. In addition, the hemisphere-shaped CGU demonstrates the best performance compared with that with cone-cylinder, cone, and cylinder shapes. Moreover, by evaluating the effects of various geometrical factors, the hemisphere-shaped CGU with a diameter of 12 mm, interaction distance of 1 mm, height of 1 mm, and inclination angle of 10° achieved the highest performance. The reasons leading to different performance were elaborated in accordance with the flow and pressure field distributions, as well as the generated cavitation patterns. The findings of this work can strongly support the fundamental understanding, design, and application of ARHCRs for process intensifications.
Effect of the let-through energy of overcurrent protective devices on the temperature of conductors during short-circuits
- Stanisław Czapp
- Daniel Kowalak
The scope of the verification of low-voltage systems covers the earth fault loop impedance measurement. This measurement is usually performed with the use of low-value current meters, which force a current many times lower than the one occurring during a real short-circuit. Therefore, the international standard recommends consideration of the increase of resistance of conductors with the increase of temperature, which may occur during short-circuits. This paper analyses the temperature rise of the conductors during short-circuits, taking into account the let-through energy of protection devices. The analysis has shown that in typical circuits the temperature rise of conductors is not significant.
Effect of Thermal Treatment and Erosion Aggressiveness on Resistance of S235JR Steel to Cavitation and Slurry
- Alicja Krella
- Dominika Zakrzewska
- Marta Buszko
- Artur Marchewicz
S235JR steel is used in many applications, but its resistance to the erosion processes has been poorly studied. To investigate this resistance, cavitation, and slurry erosion tests were conducted. These tests were carried out at different erosion intensities, i.e., different flow rates in the cavitation tunnel with a system of barricades and different rotational speeds in the slurry pot. The steel was tested as-received and after thermal treatment at 930 °C, which lowered the hardness of the steel. To better understand the degradation processes, in addition to mass loss measurements, surface roughness and hardness were measured. Along with increasing erosion intensity, the mass loss increased as well. However, the nature of the increase in mass loss, as well as the effect of steel hardness on this mass loss, was different for each of the erosion processes. In the cavitation erosion tests, the mass loss increased linearly with the increase in flow velocity, while in the slurry tests this relationship was polynomial, indicating a strong increase in mass losses with an increase in rotational speed. Cavitation erosion resulted in stronger and deeper strain hardening than slurry. Surface damage from cavitation erosion tests was mainly deep pits, voids, and cracks during the slurry tests, while flaking was the most significant damage.
Effect of TiO2 Concentration on Microstructure and Properties of Composite Cu–Sn–TiO2 Coatings Obtained by Electrodeposition
- Aliaksandr Kasach
- Dmitry Kharitonov
- Andrei Paspelau
- Jacek Ryl
- Denis Sergievich
- Ivan Zharskii
- Irina Kurilo
In this work, Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings were electrochemically obtained from a sulfate bath containing 0–10 g/L of TiO2 nanoparticles. The effect of TiO2 particles on kinetics of cathodic electrodeposition has been studied by linear sweep voltammetry and chronopotentiometry. As compared to the Cu–Sn alloy, the Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings show rougher surfaces with TiO2 agglomerates embedded in the metal matrix. The highest average amount of included TiO2 is 1.7 wt.%, in the case of the bath containing 5 g/L thereof. Composite coatings showed significantly improved antibacterial properties towards E. coli ATCC 8739 bacteria as compared to the Cu–Sn coatings of the same composition. Such improvement has been connected with the corrosion resistance of the composites studied by linear polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In the bacterial media and 3% NaCl solutions, Cu–Sn–TiO2 composite coatings have lower corrosion resistance as compared to Cu–Sn alloys, which is caused by the nonuniformity of the surface.
Effect of urea and glycine betaine on the hydration sphere of model molecules for the surface features of proteins
- Marcin Stasiulewicz
- Aneta Panuszko
- Maciej Śmiechowski
- Piotr Bruździak
- Paweł Maszota
- Janusz Stangret
Water properties may significantly affect protein stability. Osmolytes are compounds that intrinsically affect water in many different ways and thus can influence proteins with this type of indirect mechanism. In this study, we characterize water properties in ternary solutions: model–water–osmolyte, with two model molecules: N-methylacetamide (NMA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and two osmolytes: glycine betaine (TMG)and urea. We focus primarily on the water affected simultaneously by two solutes and propose a new FTIR-based experimental approach to study their properties. Our findings, supported by DFT and AIMD calculations, indicate that TMG promotes hydration cage enhancement around both model molecules. However, direct model–TMG interactions are rare. Simultaneously, urea interacts with them directly, displacing water molecules and weakening the hydrogen bonds in overlapped hydration spheres. The latter behavior results from the cooperativity loss between hydrophobic and hydrophilic-type hydration exhibited by the model molecules in the absence of urea. Relating the obtained results to protein systems, in the case of both osmolytes, the potential mechanism of stabilization–destabilization of these biomolecules is enthalpy-driven
Effective Drug Concentration and Selectivity Depends on Fraction of Primitive Cells
- Jan Lica
- Miłosz Wieczór
- Grzegorz Jan Grabe
- Mateusz Heldt
- Marta Jancz
- Majus Misiak
- Katarzyna Gucwa
- Wioletta Brankiewicz
- Natalia Maciejewska
- Anna Stupak
- Maciej Bagiński
- Krzysztof Rolka
- Andrzej Hellmann
- Andrzej Składanowski
Poor efficiency of chemotherapeutics in the eradication of Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs) has been driving the search for more active and specific compounds. In this work, we show how cell density-dependent stage culture profiles can be used in drug development workflows to achieve more robust drug activity (IC50 and EC50) results. Using flow cytometry and light microscopy, we characterized the cytological stage profiles of the HL-60-, A-549-, and HEK-293-derived sublines with a focus on their primitive cell content. We then used a range of cytotoxic substances—C-123, bortezomib, idarubicin, C-1305, doxorubicin, DMSO, and ethanol—to highlight typical densityrelated issues accompanying drug activity determination. We also showed that drug EC50 and selectivity indices normalized to primitive cell content are more accurate activity measurements. We tested our approach by calculating the corrected selectivity index of a novel chemotherapeutic candidate, C-123. Overall, our study highlights the usefulness of accounting for primitive cell fractions in the assessment of drug efficiency.
Effective Gap Size Index for Determination of Optimum Separation Distance Preventing Pounding between Buildings during Earthquakes
- Seyed Mohammad Khatami
- Hosein Naderpour
- Alireza Mortezaei
- Seyed Mohammad Nazem Razavi
- Natalia Lasowicz
- Robert Jankowski
Seismic excitations may lead to collisions between adjacent civil engineering structures causing major damage. In this paper, an effective equation for calculating the gap size index is proposed so as to provide the optimum separation distance preventing structural pounding during different earthquakes. Evaluation of the best prediction of the required separation distance between two adjacent buildings was carried out by using the lumped mass multi-degree-of-freedom models of structures. Special computer program was used to perform dynamic analyses in order to confirm the accuracy of the proposed formula. For this purpose, several different models of buildings with various properties under different earthquake excitations were analyzed. The results of the study clearly show that the proposed formula for the gap size index (based on vibration periods and damping ratios of buildings) is effective and it allows us to calculate the optimum separation between adjacent structures preventing their pounding during different earthquakes.
Effects of Basalt and Carbon Fillers on Fire Hazard, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties of EPDM Rubber Composites
- Przemysław Rybiński
- Bartłomiej Syrek
- Anna Marzec
- Bolesław Szadkowski
- Małgorzata Kuśmierek
- Olusegun D. Samuel
- Milad Amiri
- Ulugbek Zakirovich Mirkhodjaev
Due to growing restrictions on the use of halogenated flame retardant compounds, there is great research interest in the development of fillers that do not emit toxic compounds during thermal decomposition. Polymeric composite materials with reduced flammability are increasingly in demand. Here, we demonstrate that unmodified graphene and carbon nanotubes as well as basalt fibers or flakes can act as effective flame retardants in polymer composites. We also investigate the effects of mixtures of these carbon and mineral fillers on the thermal, mechanical, and rheological properties of EPDM rubber composites. The thermal properties of the EPDM vulcanizates were analyzed using the thermogravimetric method. Flammability was determined by pyrolysis combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC) and cone calorimetry.
Effects of biotransport and hydro-meteorological conditions on transport of trace elements in the Scott River (Bellsund, Spitsbergen)
- Sara Lehmann-konera
- Waldemar Kociuba
- Stanisław Chmiel
- Łukasz Franczak
- Żaneta Polkowska
The shaping of surface water chemistry in the Svalbard Archipelago is strongly dependent on the geology of the catchment and the process of long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants (LRATP). It was found that the dissolved trace elements in the Scott River, which catchment is characterized by a decreasing degree of glaciation, were of the natural origin (i.a. weathering and dissolution of local geological substratum). The exception was Zn originated from LRATP. The paper describe the influence changes in hydro-meteorological conditions and the presence of a seabird colony on the variability in the transport of trace elements within the Scott River catchment. The work assesses long-time fluctuations in the concentration of twenty five trace elements (i.a. Al, Cr, Cu, Pb, Sr, and Zn) from eighty-four surface water samples and their relation to changes in water discharge (Q), precipitation (P), pH, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at two river sites (with one being under the influence of the biotransport factor). Based on the results of matrix correlation and cluster analysis it was found that the additional load of DOC from the nesting site of Larus Argentatus in the mouth section of the river drastically changed the hydro-geochemical cycle of Co, Ni, Zn, Ga, Sr, Rb, Ba and U (0.30 < r < 0.51). Furthermore, the results of cluster analysis confirmed that the bird colony’s nesting site was strongly responsible for the presence of U, Rb, Zn, Ni and marine-derived nutrients (e.g. Se and Li). The discharge of glacier meltwater and the alkaline character of water have a negative effect on the dissolution of Li and Mn (−0.31 < r < −0.51), but positively affect the level of Rb and U (r = 0.31 and 0.35, respectively) due to it being washing out a seabird nesting colony in the mouth section of the Scott River. It was observed that the event of rises in air temperature and rain, which results in increased water discharge, caused an intense transport of the trace elements load. Moreover, results of the precipitation sensitivity coefficient factor (CF) proved that precipitation effect the occurrence of Li, Sr and U in the Scott River.
Effects of FSW Tool Plunge Depth on Properties of an Al-Mg-Si Alloy T-Joint: Thermomechanical Modeling and Experimental Evaluation
- Shabbir Memon
- Dariusz Fydrych
- Aintzane Conde Fernandez
- Hamed Aghajani Derazkola
- Hesamoddin Aghajani Derazkola
One of the main challenging issues in friction stir welding (FSW) of stiffened structures is maximizing skin and flange mixing. Among the various parameters in FSW that can affect the quality of mixing between skin and flange is tool plunge depth (TPD). In this research, the effects of TPD during FSW of an Al-Mg-Si alloy T-joint are investigated. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method can help understand TPD effects on FSW of the T-joint structure. For this reason, the CFD method is employed in the simulation of heat generation, heat distribution, material flow, and defect formation during welding processes at various TPD. CFD is a powerful method that can simulate phenomena during the mixing of flange and skin that are hard to assess experimentally. For the evaluation of FSW joints, macrostructure visualization is carried out. Simulation results showed that at higher TPD, more frictional heat is generated and causes the formation of a bigger stir zone. The temperature distribution is antisymmetric to the welding line, and the concentration of heat on the advancing side (AS) is more than the retreating side (RS). Simulation results from viscosity changes and material velocity study on the stir zone indicated that the possibility of the formation of a tunnel defect on the skin–flange interface at the RS is very high. Material flow and defect formation are very sensitive to TPD. Low TPD creates internal defects with incomplete mixing of skin and flange, and high TPD forms surface flash. Higher TPD increases frictional heat and axial force that diminish the mixing of skin and flange in this joint. The optimum TPD was selected due to the best materials flow and final mechanical properties of joints.
Effects of laser pulse duration in two-photon vision threshold measurements
- Marcin Marzejon
- Maciej Wojtkowski
- Łukasz Kornaszewski
- Katarzyna Komar
Pulsed near-infrared (NIR) light sources can be successfully applied for both imaging and functional testing of the human eye, as published recently1. These two groups of applications have different requirements. For imaging applications, the most preferable is invisible scanning beam while efficiently visible stimulating beam is preferable for functional testing applications. The functional testing of human eye using NIR laser beams is possible due to two-photon vision (2PV) phenomenon. 2PV enables perception of pulsed near-infrared laser light as color corresponding to approximately half of the laser wavelength2. This study aims to characterize two-photon vision thresholds for various pulse lengths from a solid- state sub-picosecond laser (λc = 1043.3 nm, Frep = 62.65 MHz), either of 253 fs duration or elongated by Martinez- type stretcher to 2 ps, and fiber-optic picosecond laser (λc = 1028.4 nm, Frep = 19.19 MHz, p = 12.2 ps).
Effects of Surface Pretreatment of Titanium Substrates on Properties of Electrophoretically Deposited Biopolymer Chitosan/Eudragit E 100 Coatings
- Łukasz Pawłowski
- Michał Bartmański
- Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń
- Andrzej Zieliński
The preparation of the metal surface before coating application is fundamental in determining the properties of the coatings, particularly the roughness, adhesion, and corrosion resistance. In this work, chitosan/Eudragit E 100 (chit/EE100) were fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) and both their microstructure and properties were investigated. The present research is aimed at characterizing the effects of the surface pretreatment of titanium substrate, applied deposition voltage, and time on physical, mechanical, and electrochemical properties of coatings. The coating’s microstructure, topography, thickness, wettability, adhesion, and corrosion behavior were examined. The applied process parameters influenced the morphology of the coatings, which affected their properties. Coatings with the best properties, i.e., uniformity, proper thickness and roughness, hydrophilicity, highest adhesion to the substrate, and corrosion resistance, were obtained after deposition of chit/EE100 coating on nanotubular oxide layers produced by previous electrochemical oxidation.
Efficacious Alkaline Copper Corrosion Inhibition by a Mixed Ligand Copper(II) Complex of 2,2′-Bipyridine and Glycine: Electrochemical and Theoretical Studies
- Mohamed Ibrahim
- Dalia Saleh
- Morad El-Hendawy
- Ahmed Fallatah
- Gaber Mersal
- Rabah Boukherroub
- Joanna Wysocka
- Jacek Ryl
- Mohammed Amin
A mixed ligand copper(II) complex, namely, [Cu(BPy)(Gly)Cl]⋅2H2O (CuC) (BPy=2,2′-bipyridine and Gly=glycine), was synthesized and characterized. The synthesized CuC complex was tested as inhibitor to effectively mitigate the corrosion of copper in alkaline solutions using the linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and linear polarization resistance (LPR) techniques. For the sake of comparison, such two D.C. electrochemical techniques were also applied to the Cu/OH− interface in the presence of the two studied free ligands, namely, BPy and Gly. The results showed that the three studied compounds acted as mixed-type inhibitors, with CuC being the most efficacious one. The adsorption of the inhibitor is confirmed from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) profiles by the appearance of organic chlorine as well as pyridine and amine nitrogen bonds. Based on XPS data, it was presumed that the corrosion inhibitor stimulates the formation of Cu2CO3(OH)2 species at the electrode surface since, in the case of a corroded reference sample (in absence of inhibitors), its proportion is trivial. The reactivity of the isolated inhibitors was analyzed by computing several quantum chemical parameters based on the density functional theory (DFT). A good correlation was found between these parameters and the anticorrosive performance. Additionally, Monte Carlo simulation studies were applied to find the best configurational space of ligands and their complex on the Cu(111) surface.
Efficiency limit of excitonic photovoltaic cells under phosphor-based white LED illumination
- Grażyna Jarosz
- Małgorzata Franz
- Rafał Marczyński
- Ryszard Signerski
The limit of energy conversion of excitonic photovoltaic cells working under white light illumination generated by phosphor-based LED is analysed using the modified Giebink approach. Particularly, the impact of the optical energy gap and energy loss associated with the excitons dissociation at the heterojunction interface on power conversion efficiency of the device are discussed. From the results of our study it follows that the optimal optical energy gap value of organic materials equals 1.87–1.91 eV for the cool light and 1.80–1.82 eV for the warm light. The value of maximum power efficiency reaches 50%, if the energy loss related to excitons dissociation at the interface ED/EA is smaller than 0.3 eV and it decreases up to 40%, if the energy loss reaches the value of 0.5 eV. The obtained results reveal the direction of further improvement of efficiency of organic photovoltaic solar cells for indoor applications.
- Paweł Kowalski
- Piotr Tojza
The article proposes an efficient line detection method using a 2D convolution filter. The proposed method was compared with the Hough transform, the most popular method of straight lines detection. The developed method is suitable for local detection of straight lines with a slope from -45˚ to 45˚. Also, it can be used for curve detection which shape is approximated with the short straight sections. The new method is characterized by a constant computational cost regardless of the number of set pixels. The convolution is performed using the logical conjunction and sum operations. Moreover, design of the developed filter and the method of filtration allows for parallelization. Due to constant computation cost, the new method is suitable for implementation in the hardware structure of real-time image processing systems.
Efficient Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Compact Integrated On-Chip Inductors Based on Multi-Fidelity EM Simulation Models
- Piotr Kurgan
High-performance and small-size on-chip inductors play a critical role in contemporary radio-frequency integrated circuits. This work presents a reliable surrogate modeling technique combining low-fidelity EM simulation models, response surface approximations based on kriging interpolation, and space mapping technology. The reported method is useful for the development of broadband and highly accurate data-driven models of integrated inductors within a practical timeframe, especially in terms of the computational expense of training data acquisition. Application of the constructed surrogate model for rapid design optimization of a compact on-chip inductor is demonstrated. The optimized EM-validated design solution can be reached at a low computational cost, which is a considerable improvement over existing approaches. In addition, this work provides a description and illustrates the usefulness of a multi-fidelity design optimization method incorporating EM computational models of graduated complexity and local polynomial approximations managed by an output space mapping optimization framework. As shown by the application example, the final design solution is obtained at the cost of a few high-fidelity EM simulations of a small-size integrated coil. A supplementary description of variable-fidelity EM computational models and a trade-off between model accuracy and its processing time complements the work.
eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience
- Alija Pasic
- Rita Girao-Silva
- Ferenc Mogyorosi
- Balazs Vass
- Teresa Gomes
- Peter Babarczi
- Peter Revisnyei
- Janos Tapolcai
- Jacek Rak
This paper focuses on how to increase the availability of a backbone network with minimal cost. In particular, the new framework focuses on resilience against natural disasters and is an evolution of the FRADIR/FRADIR-II framework. It targets three different directions, namely: network planning, failure modeling, and survivable routing. The steady state network planning is tackled by upgrading a sub-network (a set of links termed the spine) to achieve the targeted availability threshold. A new two-stage approach is proposed: a heuristic algorithm combined with a mixed-integer linear problem to optimize the availability upgrade cost. To tackle the disaster-resilient network planning problem, a new integer linear program is presented for the optimal link intensity tolerance upgrades together with an efficient heuristic scheme to reduce the running time. Failure modeling is improved by considering more realistic disasters. In particular, we focus on earthquakes using the historical data of the epicenters and the moment magnitudes. The joint failure probabilities of the multi-link failures are estimated, and the set of shared risk link groups is defined. The survivable routing aims to improve the network’s connectivity during these shared risk link group failures. Here, a generalized dedicated protection algorithm is used to protect against all the listed failures. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate the benefits of the refined eFRADIR framework in the event of disasters by guaranteeing low disconnection probabilities even during large-scale natural disasters.
Ekspertyza dot. analizy osadów z powierzchni wewnętrznej rurociągu na ssaniu pompy instalacji opóźnionego koksowania
- Łukasz Gaweł
- Kazimierz Darowicki
Zakres ekspertyzy obejmuje analizę osadu na wewnętrznej stronie rurociągu prowadzącego do pompy wysokociśnieniowej 0960-P35, w tym: Analizę chemiczną osadów z powierzchni wewnętrznej rurociągu wykonanego ze stali niestopowej Określenie właściwości magnetycznych osadów Wskazanie mechanizmu tworzenia się osadów Wskazanie możliwych metod ograniczających ilość tworzących się osadów na powierzchni stali niestopowej omawianego rurociągu
Ekspertyza dotycząca przyczyn pęknięcia rurociągu 8”-096-P1059, zamówienie nr WU/0402/2020/MS
- Kazimierz Darowicki
- Stefan Krakowiak
- Artur Zieliński
- Mateusz Cieślik
- Tadeusz Sonneck
Wykonano badania nieniszczące i niszczących próbek materiału rurociągu wraz z przygotowaniem próbek do badań z materiału rodzimego.