Repozytorium publikacji - Politechnika Gdańska

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Repozytorium publikacji
Politechniki Gdańskiej

Ostatnie pozycje

  • On the use of uniaxial one-parameter damage laws for estimating fatigue life under multiaxial loading
    • Ricardo Branco
    • José Domingos Costa
    • L.p. Borrego
    • Zbigniew Marciniak
    • Wojciech Macek
    • Filippo Berto
    2024 Pełny tekst Procedia Structural Integrity

    The goal of this paper is to evaluate the capabilities of different one-parameter fatigue laws to estimate crack initiation in notched components under multiaxial loading. Fatigue damage is accounted for through stress-based, strain-based, and energy-based approaches while the cyclic plasticity at the notch-controlled process zone is estimated using linear-elastic simulations. The results show that energy-based formulations established from both the absorbed energy at the mid-life cycle and the energy absorbed throughout the entire life are more accurate.

  • One year performance evaluation of low volume road with cold recycled base course on the basis of FWD and Dynamic Modulus tests
    • Mariusz Jaczewski
    • Cezary Szydłowski
    • Bohdan Dołżycki

    Article presents results of assessment of performance of trial section of flexible pavement with cold recycled base constructed on low volume road within typical contract conditions. Performance evaluation was made based on Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test performed during construction stage – 2 times on the top of cold recycled base course – 28 and 180 days after compaction of base course and 2 times on the top of the wearing course – 270 and 360 days after compaction of base course. Deflections and back calculated moduli were analyzed. Additionally, performance of the cold recycled base was determined on the basis of Dynamic Modulus test conducted on the material col-lected during trial section construction. Moduli were determined for 7, 14, 28, 90, 180 and 360 days after the specimen compaction. Performed analysis showed that the development of rheological properties shows similar trends for both field and laboratory tests and proved high bearing capacity of pavements with cold recycled bases.

  • Ontology-based text convolution neural network (TextCNN) for prediction of construction accidents
    • Shi Donghui
    • Li Zhigang
    • Jozef Zurada
    • Andrew Manikas
    • Jian Guan
    • Paweł Weichbroth

    The construction industry suffers from workplace accidents, including injuries and fatalities, which represent a significant economic and social burden for employers, workers, and society as a whole.The existing research on construction accidents heavily relies on expert evaluations,which often suffer from issues such as low efficiency, insufficient intelligence, and subjectivity.However, expert opinions provided in construction accident reports offer a valuable source of knowledge that can be extracted and utilized to enhance safety management.Today this valuable resource can be mined as the advent of artificial intelligence has opened up significant opportunities to advance construction site safety. Ontology represents an attractive representation scheme.Though ontology has been used in construction safety to solve the problem of information heterogeneity using formal conceptual specifications, the establishment and development of ontologies that utilize construction accident reports are currently in an early stage of development and require further improvements. Moreover, research on the exploration of incorporating deep learning methodologies into construction safety ontologies for predicting construction incidents is relatively limited.This paper describes a novel approach to improving the performance of accident prediction models by incorporating ontology into a deep learning model.A domain word discovery algorithm, based on mutual information and adjacency entropy, is used to analyze the causes of accidents mentioned in construction reports. This analysis is then combined with technical specifications and the literature in the field of construction safety to build an ontology encompassing unsafe factors related to construction accidents.By employing TransH model, the reports are transformed into conceptual vectors using the constructed ontology. Building on this foundation, we propose a TextCNN model that incorporates the ontology specifically designed for construction accidents. We compared the performance of the model against five traditional machine learning models, namely Naive Bayes, support vector machine, logistic regression,random forest, and multilayer perceptron, using three different data sets:One-Hot encoding, word vector, and conceptual vectors. The results indicate that the TextCNN model integrated with the ontology outperformed the other models in terms of performance achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 88% and AUC value of 0.92.

  • OOA-modified Bi-LSTM network: An effective intrusion detection framework for IoT systems
    • Siva Surya Narayana Chintapalli
    • Satya Prakash Singh
    • Jaroslav Frnda
    • Bidare Parameshachari Divakarachar
    • Vijaya Lakshmi Sarraju
    • Przemysław Falkowski-Gilski
    2024 Pełny tekst Heliyon

    Currently, the Internet of Things (IoT) generates a huge amount of traffic data in communication and information technology. The diversification and integration of IoT applications and terminals make IoT vulnerable to intrusion attacks. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an efficient Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that guarantees the reliability, integrity, and security of IoT systems. The detection of intrusion is considered a challenging task because of inappropriate features existing in the input data and the slow training process. In order to address these issues, an effective meta heuristic based feature selection and deep learning techniques are developed for enhancing the IDS. The Osprey Optimization Algorithm (OOA) based feature selection is proposed for selecting the highly informative features from the input which leads to an effective differentiation among the normal and attack traffic of network. Moreover, the traditional sigmoid and tangent activation functions are replaced with the Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) activation function to propose the modified Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-STM). Themodified Bi-LSTM is used for classifying the types of intrusion attacks. The ELU activation function makes gradients extremely large during back-propagation and leads to faster learning. This research is analysed in three different datasets such as N-BaIoT, Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection Dataset 2017 (CICIDS-2017), and ToN-IoT datasets. The empirical investigation states that the proposed framework obtains impressive detection accuracy of 99.98 %, 99.97 % and 99.88 % on the N-BaIoT, CICIDS-2017, and ToN-IoT datasets, espectively. Compared to peer frameworks, this framework obtains high detection accuracy with better interpretability and reduced processing time.

  • Open Strategy for Digital Business. Managing in ICT-Driven Environments
    • Ewa Lechman
    • Joanna Radomska
    • Ewa Stańczyk-hugiet

    This book offers the reader a novel perspective on how digital contexts and open strategy approaches – the act of opening up strategic initiatives beyond company managers to involve front-line employees, stakeholders, and entrepreneurs – are related. Going beyond the claim that digital media drives open strategy by containing a detailed analyses of the interrelations between the two, the authors examine how ICT have diffused globally and trace the emerging links between digitally driven environments and open strategizing approaches. This book also draws a general picture of how and why digital technologies create new networks. A more competitive, transparent, empowered, and inclusive environment would enhance development and encourage novel approaches to strategies implemented. Real-life exemplifications of how and why digital technologies contribute to open strategizing are also provided. Various drivers impacting the necessity to develop more relational advantage are discussed and intertwined with the description of challenges observed in the case of imposing openness. A useful resource for researchers of strategic management and information systems, as well as those looking at digital strategy and transformation.

  • Opracowanie i wprowadzenie nowoczesnego systemu utrzymania ruchu urządzeń opartego na strategii planowo – zapobiegawczej na obiekcie offshore
    • Paweł Magulski
    2024 Pełny tekst

    W pracy przedstawiono metodykę utrzymania ruchu maszyn i urządzeń na obiekcie offshore. Opracowany autorski system utrzymania ruchu, który został wdrożony na morskiej platformie wydobywczej „Petrobaltic” gdzie do przesyłu i przetwarzania danych wykorzystano dostępną infrastrukturę informatyczną. Założenia realizowano z wykorzystaniem metod naukowych takich jak analiza case study, metody eksperckie i inne. Pracę zrealizowano w ośmiu etapach, w ramach których stworzono bazy danych systemów i urządzeń z podziałem na lokalizacje funkcjonalne; opracowano i wdrożono do istniejących systemów ERP listy zadań przeglądowych wynikających z eksploatacji urządzeń, wzbogaconych o kalendarze upływu ważności certyfikatów, atestów, przeglądów poszczególnych urządzeń; opracowano i wdrożono do istniejących systemów ERP zadania remontowe dla urządzeń w myśl metodologii „Planned Maintenance”; przypisano do poszczególnych lokalizacji funkcjonalnych pełną dokumentację urządzeń wchodzących w jej skład; określono i wdrożono podstawowe wymogi dokumentacyjne pozwalających na tworzenie baz danych prowadzonych remontów; w oparciu o stworzone lokalizacje funkcjonale określono krytyczności urządzeń oraz wprowadzono efektywne zarządzania magazynami części zamiennych i środkami eksploatacyjnymi w oparciu o analizę ryzyka. Praca zawiera prezentację wdrożenia na bazie systemu SAP PM, w której przedstawiono funkcjonujący schemat utrzymania ruchu wraz z wzorcami przetwarzania informacji i realizacji zawiadomień przeglądowych uwzględniającą dalsze postępowania w przypadku konieczności realizacji zawiadomienia awaryjnego, remontowego lub protokołu z dodatkowych prac. Badania nad funkcjonowaniem wdrożonego systemu w przedsiębiorstwie LOTOS Petrobaltic potwierdziły właściwe działanie systemu. Wdrożony system poprawił stan techniczny platformy Petrobaltic należącego do przedsiębiorstwa LOTOS Petrobaltic, zwiększając bezpieczeństwo oraz zapewniając lepszą dostępność techniczną instalacji, maszyn i urządzeń, zgodnie z istniejącymi ograniczeniami organizacyjnymi, założeniami technicznymi, ekonomicznymi co zostało potwierdzone wskaźnikami skuteczności procesu utrzymania ruchu. System funkcjonuje zgodnie z oczekiwaniami nieprzerwanie od 2021, a wszystkie założenia wdrożenia zostały zrealizowane.

  • Optical method supported by machine learning for dynamics of C‐reactive protein concentrations changes detection in biological matrix samples
    • Patryk Sokołowski
    • Kacper Cierpiak
    • Małgorzata Szczerska
    • Maciej Wróbel
    • Aneta Łuczkiewicz
    • Sylwia Fudala-Książek
    • Paweł Wityk
    2024 Pełny tekst Journal of Biophotonics

    In this article we present the novel spectroscopy method supported with machine learning for real-time detection of infectious agents in wastewater. In the case of infectious diseases, wastewater monitoring can be used to detect the presence of inflammation biomarkers, such as the proposed C-reactive protein, for monitoring inflammatory conditions and mass screening during epidemics for early detection in communities of concern, such as hospitals, schools, and so on. The proposed spectroscopy method supported with machine learning for real-time detection of infectious agents will eliminate the need for time-consuming processes, which contribute to reducing costs. The spectra in range 220–750 nm were used for the study. We achieve accuracy of our prediction model up to 68% with using only absorption spectrophotometer and machine learning. The use of such a set makes the method universal, due to the possibility of using many different detectors.

  • Optimisation of the Energy Consumption of a Small Passenger Ferry with Hybrid Propulsion
    • Magdalena Kunicka
    2024 Pełny tekst Polish Maritime Research

    The main goal in the design phase is to create a safe ship with a very efficient (and preferably zero-emission) propulsion system. To obtain such ships, new concepts are being developed for both propulsion systems and individual components. The choice of a propulsion system is not straightforward. To optimise the selection of the propulsion system, it is valuable to optimise the energy demand of this unit, which can be done by creating operational movement profiles that indicate the differences in energy demand needed to cover the same route within similar times. Optimisation can be performed based on many different criteria, especially for crowded waterways, and can not only reduce the amount of energy needed to power the propulsion system but also increase navigational safety. In this work, optimisation is carried out by searching the space of all possible solutions, which allows for an in-depth analysis according to various criteria.

  • Optimization of vortex-assisted supramolecular solvent-based liquid liquid microextraction for the determination of mercury in real water and food samples
    • Muhammad Farooque Lanjwani
    • Adil Elik
    • Ayşenur Öztürk Altunay
    • Mustafa Tuzen
    • Hameed Haq
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    A novel method was developed for sample preparation for spectrophotometric determination of Hg(II) in water and food samples. The method was based on vortex-assisted supramolecular solvent-assisted liquid-liquid microextraction (VA-SUPRASs-LLME). Analytical parameters such as pH, chelating agent, solvent type and volume, vortex time and salting out effect were optimized. Surface and normal probability plots were drawn for the variables using the optimization data. Microwave-assisted digestion of samples was performed before the extraction procedure. L-cysteine was found to be more effective as a ligand for Hg(II). Five different SUPRASs were prepared and used for the extraction of Hg(II). A 1-decylamine/thymol/water at a 1:2:1 molar ratio assisted by a salting effect was found most effective for optimal extraction. Limits of detection and limit of quantification were found 0.6 μg L−1 and 2.0 μg L−1 with a very good linearity range of 2–350 μg L−1. Intra-day and inter-day precisions were in the range of 1.8–4.0 % with a preconcentration factor 150. The accuracy of the method estimated by analysis of certified reference materials was 96–98.5 %. Finally, the new method was used for the determination of Hg(II) in real water, food samples, and certified reference materials (NIST, IAEQ/W-4(simulated freshwater), and DORM-4; fish protein).

  • Optimization-based stacked machine-learning method for seismic probability and risk assessment of reinforced concrete shear walls
    • Farzin Kazemi
    • Neda Asgarkhani
    • Robert Jankowski

    Efficient seismic risk assessment aids decision-makers in formulating citywide risk mitigation plans, providing insights into building performance and retrofitting costs. The complexity of modeling, analysis, and post-processing of the results makes it hard to fast-track the seismic probabilities, and there is a need to optimize the computational time. This research addresses seismic probability and risk assessment of reinforced concrete shear walls (RCSWs) by introducing stacked machine learning (Stacked ML) models based on Bayesian optimization (BO), genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), and gradient-based optimization (GBO) algorithms. The study investigates 4-, to 15-Story RCSWs assuming different bay lengths and soil types to build a comprehensive database based on the incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) subjected to 56 near-field pulse-like and no-pulse records. Having 227,200 and 63,384 data points for a median of IDA curve (MIDA) and seismic probability curve, respectively, the proposed Stacked ML models have shown good performance on curve fitting ability by accuracy of 99.1% and 99.4% for MIDA and seismic fragility curves, respectively. In addition, the proposed models can estimate the mean annual frequency, λ, which is a key parameter in seismic risk assessment of buildings. To provide the results of the study for general buildings, a user-friendly GUI is proposed that facilitates result utilization, offering insights into seismic performance levels, providing the estimated MIDA and seismic failure probability curves, and mean annual frequency calculations for specific performance levels and seismic hazard curves.

  • Optimizing CO2 Purification in a Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant
    • Milad Amiri
    • Jaroslaw Mikielewicz
    • Paweł Ziółkowski
    • Dariusz Mikielewicz

    In the pursuit of mitigating CO2 emissions, this study investigates the optimisation of CO2 purification within a Negative CO2 Emission Power Plant using a spray ejector condenser (SEC) coupled with a separator. The approach involves direct-contact condensation of vapour, primarily composed of an inert gas (CO2), facilitated by a subcooled liquid spray. A comprehensive analysis is presented, employing a numerical model to simulate a cyclone separator under various SEC outlet conditions. Methodologically, the simulation, conducted in Fluent, encompasses three-dimensional, transient, and turbulent characteristics using the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) turbulent model and mixture model to replicate the turbulent two-phase flow within a gas-liquid separator. Structural considerations are delved into, evaluating the efficacy of single and dual inlet separators to enhance CO2 purification efficiency. The study reveals significant insights into the optimisation process, highlighting a notable enhancement in separation efficiency within the dual inlet cyclone compared to its single inlet counterpart. Specifically, a 90.7% separation efficiency is observed in the former, characterised by symmetrical flow patterns devoid of wavering CO2 cores, whereas the latter exhibits less desirable velocity vectors. Furthermore, the investigation explores the influence of key parameters, such as liquid volume fraction (LVF) and water droplet diameter, on separation efficiency. It is ascertained that a 10% LVF with a water droplet diameter of 10 μm yields the highest separation efficiency at 90.7%, whereas a 20% LVF with a water droplet diameter of 1 μm results in a reduced efficiency of 50.79%. Moreover, the impact of structural modifications, such as the addition of vanes, on separation efficiency and pressure drop is explored. Remarkably, the incorporation of vanes leads to a 9.2% improvement in separation efficiency and a 16.8% reduction in pressure drop at a 10% LVF. The findings underscore the significance of structural considerations and parameter optimisation in advancing CO2 capture technologies, with implications for sustainable energy production and environmental conservation.

  • Optimizing Construction Engineering Management Using Metaheuristic Methods and Bayesian Networks
    • Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • Agata Siemaszko
    • Maryna Poltavets
    2024 Pełny tekst Applied Sciences-Basel

    The construction of buildings invariably involves time and costs, and disruptions impact ongoing construction projects. Crisis situations in management strategies, structural confusion, and finan-cial miscalculations often arise due to misguided decision-making. This article proposes a method that combines the learning of Bayesian Networks and heuristic techniques to optimize deci-sion-making processes in construction scheduling. As an innovative approach in order to enhance construction management, the functioning of biological, molecular, and physical objects and nervous systems is considered, applying bionic features to mimic their efficiency and precision, thereby optimizing construction processes and improving coordination and decision-making. Bayesian Networks are used for probabilistic analysis, and heuristic methods guide quick deci-sion-making. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of Bayesian Networks and heuristic methods in data analysis and decision-making in construction engineering. The developed algo-rithm can be successfully applied to both erecting and planning construction projects.

  • Optimizing Ni–Cr patterned boron-doped diamond band electrodes: Doping effects on electrochemical efficiency and posaconazole sensing performance
    • Anna Dettlaff
    • Michał Rycewicz
    • Łukasz Macewicz
    • Paweł Rutecki
    • Mirosław Sawczak
    • Paul Wittendorp
    • Shruti Jain
    • Elizaveta Vereshchagina
    • Robert Bogdanowicz
    2024 TALANTA.The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry

    There is growing interest in developing diamond electrodes with defined geometries such as, for example, micrometer-sized electrode arrays to acquire signals for electroanalysis. For electroanalytical sensing applications, it is essential to achieve precise conductive patterns on the insulating surface. This work provides a novel approach to boron-doped diamond patterning using nichrome masking for selective seeding on an oxidized silicon substrate. The optimized process involves nichrome deposition, sonication, chemical etching, seeding, and tailored chemical vapor deposition of boron-doped diamond with an intrinsic layer to suppress boron diffusion. Through a systematic investigation, it was determined that isolated boron-doped diamond band electrodes can be efficiently produced on non-conductive silica. Additionally, the influence of boron doping on electrochemical performance was studied, with higher doping enhancing the electrochemical response of band electrodes. To demonstrate sensing capabilities, boron-doped diamond bands were used to detect posaconazole, an antifungal drug, exploiting its electroactive behaviour. A linear correlation between posaconazole concentration and oxidation peak current was observed over 1.43 × 10−8 – 5.71 × 10−6 M with a 1.4 × 10−8 M detection limit. The developed boron-doped diamond microbands could significantly impact the field of electroanalysis, facilitating detection of diverse biologically relevant molecules. Overall, this diamond patterning approach overcomes major challenges towards all-diamond electrochemical sensor chips.

  • Optymalizacja izolatora przepustowego średniego napięcia do zastosowań technologicznych
    • Paweł Pankowski
    • Marek Olesz
    2024 Pełny tekst Przegląd Elektrotechniczny

    W publikacji podjęto się rozpoznania przyczyn uszkodzeń izolatora przepustowego średniego napięcia (SN) stosowanego w procesie technologicznym oczyszczania ropy naftowej. Z uwagi na skomplikowany model izolatora wykonano obliczenia symulacyjne w układzie 2D na podstawie których wyznaczono charakterystyki natężenia pola elektrycznego. W obszarach wtrącin powietrznych lub nieprawidłowo dobranej izolacji promieniowej wartości natężenia pola silnie wzrastają powodując wyładowania niezupełne przyspieszające starzenie układu izolacyjnego.

  • Organic pollutants photodegradation increment with use of TiO2 nanotubes decorated with transition metals after pulsed laser treatment
    • Zuzanna Bielan
    • Adam Kubiak
    • Jakub Karczewski
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Karol Załęski
    • Emerson Coy
    • Piotr Krawczyk
    • Katarzyna Siuzdak

    Among various titanium(IV) oxide (TiO2, titania) structures, 1D nanotubes (TiO2 NTs) produced during the two-electrode anodization process, are extensively utilized in sensors or supercapacitors as well as in photo(electro)catalytic water splitting. However, due to wide bandgap and fast electron-hole recombination additional modifications, mostly concerned on materials surface, are required. According to the recent research, TiO2 NTs photo(electro)catalytic characteristic were markedly improved by the combination of surface decoration with transition metal nanoparticles further treated with the laser beam. Nevertheless, until recently, the photocatalytic ability of laser-treated TiO2 NTs for recalcitrant chemicals degradation were hardly described. In this regard, our work focuses on obtaining long, about 7.3 μm TiO2 NTs (L-TiO2 NTs), together with their photoactivity and physicochemical characteristics, as well as their alterations following surface modification utilizing transition metals (tungsten, chromium and nickel) together with laser treatment. Obtained L-TiO2 NTs are characterized by over 13.5 times larger BET surface area in comparison to reference spaced TiO2 NTs with approximately 2 μm length (0.61 m2 g−1 and 0.05 m2 g−1, respectively). This allowed for increasing of the materials photocatalytic activity in both UV–vis and vis light. Additionally, phenol photodegradation reached up to 34% (0.21·10−2 min−1) for tungsten-modified titania after laser annealing at 20 mJ cm2 fluence. The reaction mechanism research revealed that reduction of organic pollutants concentration was primarily caused by superoxide radical anions •O2−. Furthermore, obtained modified L-TiO2 NTs showed remarkable durability without losing their initial activity over ten photocatalytic cycles.

  • Organizational Resilience in Hospitality and Tourism
    • Małgorzata Rozkwitalska-Welenc
    • Jacek Borzyszkowski,
    • Beata Basińska
    • Fevzi Okumus
    • Osman M. Karatepe

    Although ‘VUCA’ is not a new term, the features of the world it describes, a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment, have never been more valid. The VUCA world has become the new reality for business, specifically for hospitality and tourism organizations that are more vulnerable than any other sector due to the historically-recognized turbulent environment in which they operate. In this book, the authors present unique factors that make hospitality and tourism organizations resilient in the VUCA world. With contacts at the center of their hospitality and tourism organizational resilience model, the organizational and psychological perspectives are also incorporated. This innovative volume tests the model of organizational resilience in hospitality and tourism organizations. The study identifies and validates organizational and individual factors that create a resilient organization in the hospitality and tourism sector. It will be of interest to researchers, academics, practitioners, and advanced students in the fields of organizational studies, strategic management, hospitality, and tourism management.

  • Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue
    • Mateusz Kopec
    • Gunputh Urvashi
    • Wojciech Macek
    • Zbigniew Kowalewski
    • Paul Wood

    In this paper, stainless steel 316L (SS316L) bars were additively manufactured (AM) in three orientations (Z – vertical, XY – horizontal, ZX45 – midway between vertical and horizontal) by using the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Melting (LPBF-M) method. The AM specimens were subjected to load control fatigue testing under full tension and compression (R = -1) at stress amplitudes ±350, ±400 and ±450 MPa. The XY and ZX45 printing orientations were found to significantly improve service life. Although similar strain response was found for each orientation when the same stress amplitude was applied, slightly different fracture mechanisms were identified during the post-mortem surface observations.

  • OrphaGPT: An Adapted Large Language Model for Orphan Diseases Classification
    • Kushal Pokhrel
    • Cesar Sanin
    • Md Rafiqul Islam
    • Edward Szczerbicki

    Orphan diseases (OD) represent a category of rare conditions that affect only a relatively small number of individuals. These conditions are often neglected in research due to the challenges posed by their scarcity, making medical advancements difficult. Then, the ever-evolving medical research and diagnosis landscape calls for more attention and innovative approaches to address the complex challenges of rare diseases and OD. Pre-trained LLMs are a crucial component of contemporary artificial intelligence (AI), contributing to significant advancements in the performance of complex AI tasks. In this research, we aim to introduce a novel model that leverages the capabilities of a fine-tuned GPT-3.5 Turbo model with reasonable accuracy. We design a comprehensive, customized user interface named OrphaGPT, an interactive GPT chat that allows users to engage in deeper conversations about ODs. Our model achieves an 80% accuracy rate, attained through an exploration of Natural Language Processing (NLP), and domain-specific fine-tuning and fine-prompting. Our findings provide valuable insights into the new perspectives of prompting as a way of fine-tuning LLMs while customizing them to specialised domains. This showcases the potential for adaptive generative AI to play a pivotal role in the specific field of OD. The implications of this research extend to medical practitioners, researchers, and the OD community, offering new interactive ways to understand, identify, and diagnose such complex diseases through the customized advanced language model. The successful customization of LLMs into specific fields signifies an advancement of AI, contextualising dialogues and presenting implications for future advances.

  • „Osiem kobiet”, ogólnopolska wystawa malarstwa, grafiki i rzeźby, Muzeum Śremskie.
    • Dominika Krechowicz

    „Osiem kobiet”, ogólnopolska wystawa malarstwa, grafiki i rzeźby, Muzeum Śremskie. W wystawie biorą udział: Dominika Krechowicz, Jowita Mormul, Paulina Komorowska-Birger, Monika Korona, Joanna Trzcińska, Katarzyna Słuchocka, Joanna Stefańska, Natalia Wegner. Kuratorstwo wystawy: Katarzyna Słuchocka, Joanna Stefańska, Instytut Architektury Wnętrz i Wzornictwa Przemysłowego, Wydział Architektury Politechniki Poznańskiej

  • Overcoming Phobias: Harnessing the Power of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy
    • Agnieszka Popławska
    • Jacek Lebiedź
    • Przemysław Bąbel

    The goal of the chapter was to review the different therapeutic techniques used in the treatment of various forms of phobias, with particular emphasis on virtual reality treatment. We define different types of phobias, including social ones. We also describe treatment techniques – adopted from behavioral therapy – which have been developed to aid the treatment of phobias. Particular emphasis has been placed on the flooding, implosive therapy and systematic desensitization. We review the results of virtual reality treatment, which show that one of the most effective and most emotionally engaging techniques is that known as Cave Automatic Virtual Environment CAVE – literally a room which one enters and is automatically completely immersed in a virtual reality. In this context, a description of the possibilities on offer at the Immersive 3D Visualization Lab built on the premise of Gdańsk University of Technology, is a substantial and significant part of the chapter. The laboratory, which, unlike any other such laboratory in the world, features a spherical walk simulator, offers people the possibility to move around the CAVE while they are completely immersed in 3D virtual reality. We also present a few applications which make use of virtual reality and have been developed to serve as therapeutic tools in the treatment of phobias. Thus, our chapter combines a narrative review of the literature with a detailed description and discussion of the technical and practical issues in applying CAVE in the treatment of phobias.

  • Own or public? Later livelihoods of Ukrainian war migrant households in Poland
    • Katarzyna Kochaniak
    • Anna M. Korzeniowska
    • Michał Pietrzak

    This paper presents empirical research on the livelihood resources of Ukrainian households that fled to Poland due to the Russian invasion and reside there long term. Using a nationwide sample of these households and an accurate econometric framework, we investigate the factors influencing the role of income from work, other private resources and public assistance in covering their living costs in exile. Our findings confirm the importance of public assistance addressed to professional activation and childcare for households' self-reliance. Assistance from employers, housing conditions, intentions to settle permanently in Poland and financial responsibility for relatives in Ukraine are also among the decisive factors. However, sufficient monetary aid hinders households' self-reliance, along with health problems, language barriers and a lack of professional qualifications. Household composition is also significant, as those with children face the most adverse outcomes. Based on our results, we provide recommendations for public authorities responsible for migration policy.

  • Oxolane Ammonium Salts (Muscarine-Like)—Synthesis and Microbiological Activity
    • Patrycja Bogdanowicz
    • Janusz Madaj
    • Piotr Szweda
    • Artur Sikorski
    • Justyna Samaszko-Fiertek
    • Barbara Dmochowska

    Commercially available 2-deoxy-D-ribose was used to synthesize the appropriate oxolane derivative—(2R,3S)-2-(hydroxymethyl)oxolan-3-ol—by reduction and dehydration/cyclization in an acidic aqueous solution. Its monotosyl derivative, as a result of the quaternization reaction, allowed us to obtain eight new muscarine-type derivatives containing a quaternary nitrogen atom and a hydroxyl group linked to the oxolane ring. Their structure was fully confirmed by the results of NMR, MS and IR analyses. The crystal structure of the pyridinium derivative showed a high similarity of the conformation of the oxolane ring to previously published crystal structures of muscarine. Two reference strains of Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853), two reference strains of Gram-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213) and four reference strains of pathogenic yeasts of the genus Candida spp. (Candida albicans SC5314, Candida glabrata DSM 11226, Candida krusei DSM 6128 and Candida parapsilosis DSM 5784) were selected for the evaluation of the antimicrobial potential of the synthesized compounds. The derivative containing the longest (decyl) chain attached to the quaternary nitrogen atom turned out to be the most active.

  • Oxygen concentration regulated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized natural rubber
    • Teng Ren
    • Xinyan Yue
    • Xiaorong He
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Shifeng Wang

    Oxidative liquefaction represents a promising avenue for the homogeneous and high-value utilization of waste tire rubber. Given that truck tires predominantly comprise natural rubber (NR), this study investigated the efficient liquefaction of vulcanized NR regulated by oxygen concentration. Remarkably, the liquefaction of vulcanized NR was realized with an oxygen concentration of 75 % at 200 °C within 3 min. FTIR spectroscopy showed that carbonyl, ether and sulphoxide groups were produced during the liquification of NR vulcanizates. Oxygen concentration significantly affected the oxidative efficiency of both the main chains and crosslinks, with a more pronounced effect observed on the main chains. Nevertheless, the similar molecular weights and polydispersity indices across various degraded products suggested a selective oxidative cleavage of the NR backbone. Furthermore, online ATR-FTIR was used to monitor the dynamic changes of NR's molecular structure to elucidate the oxidative degradation mechanism. The oxidative cleavage of NR main chain primarily occurred at the C-C bonds connected with allyl groups, producing oxidized products enriched with conjugated carbonyl groups. Alternatively, the main chain scission may also occur due to the electronic rearrangement effect of the C=C bond and produce saturated carbonyl groups. Oxygen concentration modulated the degradation efficiency of vulcanized NR, which provided an efficient strategy for the upcycling of NR-based waste tires.

  • Oxylipin profiling for clinical research: Current status and future perspectives
    • Karol Parchem
    • Sophia Letsiou
    • Toni Petan
    • Olga Oskolkova
    • Isabel Medina
    • Ondrej Kuda
    • Valerie B. O'Donnell
    • Anna Nicolaou
    • Maria Fedorova
    • Valery Bochkov
    • Cécile Gladine

    Oxylipins are potent lipid mediators with increasing interest in clinical research. They are usually measured in systemic circulation and can provide a wealth of information regarding key biological processes such as inflammation, vascular tone, or blood coagulation. Although procedures still require harmonization to generate comparable oxylipin datasets, performing comprehensive profiling of circulating oxylipins in large studies is feasible and no longer restricted by technical barriers. However, it is essential to improve and facilitate the biological interpretation of complex oxylipin profiles to truly leverage their potential in clinical research. This requires regular updating of our knowledge about the metabolism and the mode of action of oxylipins, and consideration of all factors that may influence circulating oxylipin profiles independently of the studied disease or condition. This review aims to provide the readers with updated and necessary information regarding oxylipin metabolism, their different forms in systemic circulation, the current limitations in deducing oxylipin cellular effects from in vitro bioactivity studies, the biological and technical confounding factors needed to consider for a proper interpretation of oxylipin profiles.

  • Ozone nanobubble technology as a novel AOPs for pollutants degradation under high salinity conditions
    • Priya Koundle
    • Neelkanth Nirmalkar
    • Malwina Momotko
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    Conventional water treatment systems frequently exhibit diminished efficiency at high salinity - a significant issue especially for real industrial effluents - mostly due to the creation of intricate structures between pollutants and salts. One of the primary obstacles associated with high salinity conditions is the generation of by-products that pose additional hurdles for treatment. In this work, we have investigated the novel advanced oxidation process a so-called ozone nanobubble technology for degradation of the pollutants at high salinity conditions. The mass transfer is often the rate-limiting step in gas-liquid process and the poor rate of mass transfer diminishes the overall efficacy. One of the primary disadvantages associated with ozone is its restricted solubility and instability when dissolved in an aqueous solution. These characteristics impose limitations on its potential applications and need the use of specialized systems to facilitate gas-liquid interaction. In this work, we have also suggested enhancing the ozonation process through the utilization of ozone nanobubbles. The findings of our experiment and subsequent analysis indicate that the presence of nanobubbles enhances the process of ozonation through three key mechanisms: (i) an increased mass transfer coefficient, (ii) a higher rate of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation attributed to the charged interface, and (iii) the nanobubble interface serving as an active surface for chemical reactions. The predicted mass transfer coefficients were found to range from 3 to 3.5 min−1, a value that is notably greater than that seen for microbubbles. The study showcased the degradation of methylene blue dye through the utilization of ozone nanobubbles, which exhibited a much higher rate of dye degradation compared to ozone microbubbles. The confirmation of the radical degradation mechanism was achieved by the utilization of electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements. The developed process has high potential for application in industrial scale textile wastewater treatment.

  • Paid work activity and entrepreneurial cognitions of students – evidence from European emerging economies
    • Liubov Halkiv
    • Paweł Ziemiański
    2024 Pełny tekst Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate whether paid work activity (PWA) experience of students from five emerging economies is related to academic results and self-assessment of possessed entrepreneurial traits. Additionally, the authors verify the relationship between obtaining work experience and the willingness to start own business among students. Design/methodology/approach – Participants included 3,631 students of the first level of higher education at six universities in five countries (Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine). A survey questionnaire was used which included questions on the previous work experience, paid work during university studies, the assessment of competencies related to entrepreneurship and the assessment of the desirability of entrepreneurship as a career choice. Findings – Findings indicate that students who engaged in PWA before studies are more likely to do it during studies.PWAduring studies is related to perceiving oneself as a worse-performing student, but also to the perception of oneself as an entrepreneurial person. No such relationship was found for the PWA experience before entering the university. Itwas also found that students are likely to start their businesses after obtaining work experience. Practical implications – Practical implications pertain to the role of the contemporary academic institutions that should consider their approach to enabling students’ PWA and teaching them how to engage in it for the benefit of their own and the societies to which they belong. It is argued that it may be particularly essential in emerging economies. Originality/value – The correlates of PWA of students have been underexplored. This paper allows broadening the current understanding of this phenomenon. The authors investigated its relationship with feeling entrepreneurial and academic achievements among young people from five emerging economies, which provides valuable insights for policymakers and educational institutions. It is argued that such insights may be particularly essential in emerging economies. Additionally, the authors contribute to advancing two theories that have not been extensively used in the entrepreneurial context: expectancy theory and social learning theory of career development.

  • Palindromic carbazole derivatives: unveiling their antiproliferative effect via topoisomerase II catalytic inhibition and apoptosis induction
    • Mateusz Olszewski
    • Natalia Maciejewska
    • Anoop Kallingal
    • Agnieszka Chylewska
    • Aleksandra Dąbrowska
    • Małgorzata Biedulska
    • Mariusz Makowski
    • José M. Padrón
    • Maciej Bagiński

    Human DNA topoisomerases are essential for crucial cellular processes, including DNA replication, transcription, chromatin condensation, and maintenance of its structure. One of the significant strategies employed in cancer treatment involves the inhibition of a specific type of topoisomerase, known as topoisomerase II (Topo II). Carbazole derivatives, recognised for their varied biological activities, have recently become a significant focus in oncological research. This study assesses the efficacy of three symmetrically substituted carbazole derivatives: 2,7-Di(2-furyl)-9H-carbazole (27a), 3,6-Di(2-furyl)-9H-carbazole (36a), and 3,6-Di(2-thienyl)-9H-carbazole (36b) – as anticancer agents. Among investigated carbazole derivatives, compound 3,6-di(2-furyl)-9H-carbazole bearing two furan moieties emerged as a novel catalytic inhibitor of Topo II. Notably, 3,6-di(2-furyl)-9H-carbazole effectively selectively inhibited the relaxation and decatenation activities of Topo IIα, with minimal effects on the IIβ isoform. These findings underscore the potential of compound 3,6-Di(2-furyl)-9H-carbazole as a promising lead candidate warranting further investigation in the realm of anticancer drug development.

  • Partially Isolated Multi-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Bidirectional EV Charging Ports
    • Mykola Lukianov
    • Enrique Romero Cadaval
    • Gabriele Arena
    • Ryszard Strzelecki

    There is a growing interest in multiport converters due to their ability to interconnect various energy sources and loads using reduced number of components. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) chargers connection, existing multiport solutions either lack scalability, featuring only one isolated charging port or the operation of ports depend on each other, complicating the converter control algorithm. This article proposes a partially isolated multi-active bridge (MAB) converter capable of connecting battery energy storage (BES) and an arbitrary number of EV chargers to the DC grid, aiming to resolve abovementioned problems. The proposed MAB converter requires 6N switches, whereas the conventional solution with independent 3-phase interleaved buck-boost and N DAB converters needs 8N+6 switches to connect BES and N EVs to the DC grid (N - odd number of EV charging ports). Simulation results have proven the ability of the converter ports to work independently in bidirectional operation modes for different BES and EV power levels.

  • Path integrals formulations leading to propagator evaluation for coupled linear physics in large geometric models
    • L. Penazzi
    • S. Blanco
    • C. Caliot
    • C. Coustet
    • M. El Hafi
    • R. Fournier
    • J. Gautrais
    • Anna Golijanek-Jędrzejczyk
    • M. Sans

    Reformulating linear physics using second kind Fredholm equations is very standard practice. One of the straightforward consequences is that the resulting integrals can be expanded (when the Neumann expansion converges) and probabilized, leading to path statistics and Monte Carlo estimations. An essential feature of these algorithms is that they also allow to estimate propagators for all types of sources, including initial conditions. The resulting practice is a single Monte Carlo run, for one given set of sources, producing propagators that can later be used with any other set of sources for fast simulations, typically as parts of optimization, inversion, sensitivity analysis and command control algorithms. The present paper illustrates how this practice can be extended to problems involving several interacting physics, provided that their coupling is only at the boundary of the system or at interfaces between sub-parts, and may itself be given the form of a second kind Fredholm equation. A full practical implementation is described as part of the Stardis code, with the example of transfering heat via the coupling of radiation, reaction-diusion and convection as typically expected in the multidisciplinary context of urban climate modeling. Besides, we show how recent advances in computer graphics indicate that these algorithms can be made numerically extremely ecient when facing large CAD geometries: computing the propagator becomes strictly independent of the geometry refinement, i.e. is identical whatever the number of triangles and tetraedra used to numerize the surface and volume descriptions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of propagator computations that remains practical for coupled physics in large CAD geometries.

  • Pendant Proton-Relays Systematically Tune the Rate and Selectivity of Electrocatalytic Ammonia Generation in a Fe-Porphyrin Based Metal-Organic Framework
    • Arnab Ghatak
    • Shiva Shanker Golla
    • Subrahmanyam Sappati
    • Liberman Itamar
    • Ran Shimoni
    • Idan Hod

    Electrocatalytic nitrite reduction (eNO2RR) is a promising alternative route to produce ammonia (NH3). Until now, several molecular catalysts have shown capability to homogeneously reduce nitrite to NH3, while taking advantage of added secondary-sphere functionalities to direct catalytic performance. Yet, realizing such control over heterogeneous electrocatalytic surfaces remains a challenge. Herein, we demonstrate that heterogenization of a Fe-porphyrin molecular catalyst within a 2D Metal-Organic Framework (MOF), allows efficient eNO2RR to NH3. On top of that, installation of pendant proton relaying moieties proximal to the catalytic site, resulted in significant improvement in catalytic activity and selectivity. Notably, systematic manipulation of NH3 faradaic efficiency (up to 90%) and partial current (5-fold increase) was achieved by varying the proton relay-to-catalyst molar ratio. Electrochemical and spectroscopic analysis show that the proton relays simultaneously aid in generating and stabilizing of reactive Fe-bound NO intermediate. Thus, this concept offers new molecular tools to tune heterogeneous electrocatalytic systems.

  • Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines running on gaseous fuels in dual-fuel mode
    • Nhanh Van Nguyen
    • Swarup Kumar Nayak
    • Huu Son Le
    • Jerzy Kowalski
    • Balakrishnan Deepanraj
    • Xuan Quang Duong
    • Thanh Hai Truong
    • Dung Viet Tran
    • Nam Dao Cao
    • Phuoc Quy Phong Nguyen

    Conventional fossil fuels are being substituted with alternative green fuels because of their greenhouse gas emissions and pollution problems, which pose a severe threat to the environment. Several studies have reported the usage of biodiesel and gaseous fuels in both single and dual-fuel modes. Gaseous fuels such as producer gas, biogas, syngas, and hydrogen produced from renewable biomass could potentially be used along with biodiesel in dual-fuel engines. Still, these are the least investigated in terms of their use as potential energy carriers. This review article encapsulates the viability as well as the impact of various gaseous fuels, including producer gas, biogas, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, syngas, and hydrogen, in dual-fuel mode diesel engines with the aim of evaluating the performance, emission, and combustion behavior at various induction as well as operational parameters. Considering emission behaviors of diesel engines fueled with producer gas, biogas, compressed natural gas, and hydrogen, it is found that hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions increase in the range 17.5e31.4% and 11.73e23.6%, respectively. On the contrary, oxide of nitrogen and smoke opacity tend to reduce from14.3 to 18.2% and 21.4%36.5e63.7%, respectively. Moreover, there is a slight deterioration in performance characteristics for diesel engines fueled with producer gas, biogas, compressed natural gas, and hydrogen in the range of 2.1e8.84% for brake thermal efficiency, and 3.1e7.3% for brake-specific energy consumption. In addition, the combustion characteristics of gaseous fuels is also discussed in detail. Moreover, a SWOT analysis has been carried out with an emphasis on possibilities for usage of gaseous fuels in dual-fuel diesel engines. Finally, the limitations and perspectives of using gaseous fuels are also critically presented.

  • Performance and Energy Aware Training of a Deep Neural Network in a Multi-GPU Environment with Power Capping
    • Grzegorz Koszczał
    • Jan Dobrosolski
    • Mariusz Matuszek
    • Paweł Czarnul

    In this paper we demonstrate that it is possible to obtain considerable improvement of performance and energy aware metrics for training of deep neural networks using a modern parallel multi-GPU system, by enforcing selected, non-default power caps on the GPUs. We measure the power and energy consumption of the whole node using a professional, certified hardware power meter. For a high performance workstation with 8 GPUs, we were able to find non-default GPU power cap settings within the range of 160–200 W to improve the difference between percentage energy gain and performance loss by over 15.0%, EDP (Abbreviations and terms used are described in main text.) by over 17.3%, EDS with k = 1.5 by over 2.2%, EDS with k = 2.0 by over 7.5% and pure energy by over 25%, compared to the default power cap setting of 260 W per GPU. These findings demonstrate the potential of today’s CPU+GPU systems for configuration improvement in the context of performance-energy consumption metrics.

  • Performance Comparison of Automatically Generated Topologically Agnostic Patch Antennas
    • Adrian Bekasiewicz
    • Khadijeh Askaripour
    2024 Pełny tekst

    Real-world antenna design typically relies on empirical methods, where the development starts with structure synthesis followed by its iterative adjustments to achieve the desired performance. Although the outlined approach proved to be successful, it is also dependent on engineering experience. Alternatively, development can be performed automatically based on the specifications. In this work, an unsupervised design of topologically agnostic patch antennas is considered. The method involves a random generation of feasible topologies, followed by classification of the designs and their cost-efficient numerical optimization. The outlined framework has been used to determine two sets of geometrically distinct radiators dedicated to work for the frequency ranges of 5.3-5.9 GHz and 7-8 GHz, respectively. The generated antennas have been compared in terms of the electrical and radiation performances. The results indicate that the use of free-form topologies has a notable effect on the performance of antennas developed to operate in the given frequency spectrum.

  • Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
    • Jan Schmidt
    • Iwona Kochańska
    • Aleksander Schmidt
    2024 Pełny tekst Archives of Acoustics

    The underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS data transmission tests in the simulation and experimental environment, using different types of pseudo-noise sequences: m-sequences and Kasami codes of the order 6 and 8. The transmitted signals are of different bandwidth and the detection at the receiver side was performed using two detection methods: non-differential and differential. The performed experiments allowed to draw important conclusions for the designing of a physical layer of the shallow-water UAC system. Both, m-sequences and Kasami codes allow to achieve a similar bit error rate, which at best was less than 10−3. At the same time, the 6th order sequences are not long enough to achieve an acceptable BER under strong multipath conditions. In the case of transmission of wideband signals the differential detection algorithm allows to achieve a significantly better BER (less than 10−2) than nondifferential one (BER not less than 10−1). In the case of narrowband signals the simulation tests have shown that the non-differential algorithm gives a better BER, but experimental tests under conditions of strong multipath propagation did not confirm it. The differential algorithm allowed to achieve a BER less than 10−2 in experimental tests, while the second algorithm allowed to obtain, at best, a BER less than 10−1. In addition, two indicators have been proposed for a rough assessment which of the detection algorithms under current propagation conditions in the channel will allow to obtain a better BER.

  • Periodic Solutions of Generalized Lagrangian Systems with Small Perturbations
    • Joanna Janczewska
    2024 Pełny tekst Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems

    In this paper we study the generalized Lagrangian system with a small perturbation. We assume the main term in the system to have a maximum, but do not suppose any condition for perturbation term. Then we prove the existence of a periodic solution via Ekeland’s principle. Moreover, we prove a convergence theorem for periodic solutions of perturbed systems.

  • Pharmaceuticals wastewater treatment via different advanced oxidation processes: Reaction mechanism, operational factors, toxicities, and cost evaluation – A review
    • Jibran Iqbal
    • Noor S. Shah
    • Javed Ali
    • Mu. Naushad
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj
    • Farrukh Jamil
    • Shamshad Khan
    • Long Li
    • Behzad Murtaza
    • Changseok Han

    Pharmaceuticals comprises different drugs used for treating different infections in human being and animals. The huge quantities of pharmaceuticals used are found to discharge into different water resources and cause different health and environmental problems. The continuous and large-scale discharge of pharmaceuticals increases their persistency which can consequently make them more toxic. The different advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) were found to effectively treat pharmaceuticals contaminated water. The AOPs showed high efficiency in the treatment of acetaminophen, sulfamethoxazole, metronidazole. ciprofloxacin. sulfadiazine, sulfamethazine, amoxicillin, ibuprofen, carbamazepine, and tetracycline. The pharmaceuticals, amitrole, norfloxacin, atenolol, chloramphenicol, berberine, diclofenac, and sulfadiazine showed persistency to some AOPs. The AOPs yield different reactive radicals with predominantly hydroxyl radical (•OH)- and sulfate radical (SO4•−) which showed fast reactivity with pharmaceuticals. Different mechanistic approaches were systematically reviewed which verify the yield, reactivities, and degradation pathways of •OH and SO4•−. Different factors, such as pH, dose of peroxides and activators, level of pharmaceuticals contamination, and common inorganic anions were found to influence the effectiveness of AOPs. The effectiveness of the AOPs in term of cost and detoxification of target pharmaceuticals suggested to select preferably AOPs which are economical and form non-toxic and/or less toxic products. The different challenges, such as treatment of mixture of pharmaceuticals and treatment in real wastewater which can further increase potential of treatment are discussed.

  • Phospholipid-functionalized gold electrode for cellular membrane interface studies - interactions between DMPC bilayer and human cystatin C
    • Paweł Niedziałkowski
    • Przemysław Jurczak
    • Marta Orlikowska
    • Anna Wcisło
    • Jacek Ryl
    • Tadeusz Ossowski
    • Paulina Czaplewska

    This work describes the electrochemical studies on the interactions between V57G mutant of human cystatin C (hCC V57G) and membrane bilayer immobilized on the surface of a gold electrode. The electrode was modified with 6-mercaptohexan-1-ol (MCH) and 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC). DMPC was used as a membrane mimetic for monitoring electrochemical changes resulting from the interactions between the functionalized electrode surface and human cystatin C. The interactions between the modified electrode and hCC V57G were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in a phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing Fe(CN)63−/4- as a redox probe. The electrochemical measurements confirm that fabricated electrode is sensitive to hCC V57G at the concentration of 1 × 10−14 M. The incubation studies carried out at higher concentrations resulted in insignificant changes observed in cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements. The calculated values of surface coverage θR confirm that the electrode is equally covered at higher concentrations of hCC V57G. Measurements of wettability and surface free energy made it possible to determine the influence of individual structural elements of the modified gold electrode on its properties, and thus allowed to understand the nature of the interactions. Contact angle values confirmed the results obtained during electrochemical measurements, indicating the sensitivity of the electrode towards hCC V57G at the concentration of 1 × 10−14 M. In addition, the XPS spectra confirmed the successful anchoring of hCC V57G to the DMPC-functionalized surface.

  • Physicochemical and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Fruit Wines Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae: FTIR and Microscopy Study with Focus on Anti-Inflammatory Potential
    • Paweł Paśko
    • Agnieszka Galanty
    • Tomasz Dymerski
    • Mo Young Kim
    • Yong-Seo Park
    • Patricia Cabrales-Arellano
    • Victor Velazquez Martinez
    • Efren Delgado
    • Mikolaj Gralak
    • Joseph Deutsch
    • Dinorah Barasch
    • Alina Nemirovski
    • Shela Gorinstein

    The growing trend in fruit wine production reflects consumers’ interest in novel, diverse drinking experiences and the increasing demand for healthier beverage options. Fruit wines made from kiwi, pomegranates, and persimmons fermented using S. bayanus Lalvin strain EC1118 demonstrate the versatility of winemaking techniques. Kiwifruit, persimmon, and pomegranate wines were analyzed using HPLC and GC-TOFMS analyses to determine their concentrations of phenolic acids and volatile compounds. These results were supported by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to characterize and compare chemical shifts in the polyphenol regions of these wines. The wines’ characterization included an anti-inflammatory assay based on NO, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 production in the RAW 264.7 macrophage model. FTIR spectroscopy predicted the antioxidant and phenolic contents in the wines. In terms of polyphenols, predominantly represented by chlorogenic, caffeic, and gallic acids, pomegranate and kiwifruit wines showed greater benefits. However, kiwifruit wines exhibited a highly diverse profile of volatile compounds. Further analysis is necessary, particularly regarding the use of other microorganisms in the fermentation process and non-Saccharomyces strains methods. These wines exhibit high biological antioxidant potential and health properties, providing valuable insights for future endeavors focused on designing healthy functional food products.

  • Planetary roller extruders in the sustainable development of polymer blends and composites – Past, present and future
    • Krzysztof Formela
    • Barış Eyigöz
    2024 Express Polymer Letters

    Screw extruders as continuous flow reactors allow the synthesis of new polymers, preparation of polymer blends and composites, and modification or functionalization of commercially available polymers. Literature data shows that the twin screw extrusion is the most popular solution used for this purpose. In contrast, the number of scientific papers on alternative methods, such as multi-screw extruders, is somewhat limited. This paper is the first review of the application of planetary roller extruders in the compounding and reactive processing of polymer blends and composites. To fill current knowledge gaps, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of planetary roller extruders compared to other screw extruders. Moreover, we summarize recent advances in planetary roller extrusion in producing thermal sensitive and biodegradable polymeric materials, rubber compounds, materials for 3D printing, or plastics and rubber recycling. This work also proposes the possible scenarios for further sustainable development of polymer blends and composites using planetary roller extruders.

  • Plant-based meat substitute analysis using microextraction with deep eutectic solvent followed by LC-MS/MS to determine acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furaneol
    • Dominika Osiecka
    • Christina Vakh
    • Patrycja Makoś-Chełstowska
    • Paweł Kubica

    For the analysis of plant-based meat substitutes and the determination of Maillard reaction products such as acrylamide, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and furaneol, a novel and effective procedure based on hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvent and liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry was developed for the first time. The 49 compositions of the deep eutectic solvents were designed and screened to select the most suitable option. The terpenoids eugenol and thymol in a molar ratio of 2:1 were selected as precursors for solvent formation, allowing effective extraction of the target analytes. The developed procedure comprised two main steps: extraction — in which the analytes are isolated from the solid sample due to the salting-out effect and pre-concentrated in the deep eutectic solvent, and back-extraction — in which the analytes are re-extracted into the formic acid solution for subsequent mass spectrometric detection. As the density of the aqueous phases changed during the extraction and back-extraction steps, the phenomenon of inversion of the coalesced organic phase was observed, which simplified the withdrawing of the phases. The linear range was 1–50 ng/mL for acrylamide, 10–1000 ng/mL for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and 200–1000 ng/mL for furaneol with coefficients of determination above 0.9952. The developed method was fully validated and found recoveries were in the range 83–120%, with CVs not exceeding 4.9%. The method was applied to real sample analysis of pea-based meat substitutes.

  • Plastic Debris in the Stomach of the Invasive Signal Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus from a Baltic Coastal River
    • A. Dobrzycka‐Krahel
    • Michał Skóra
    • Agnieszka Pladzyk
    2024 Pełny tekst Water

    Pollution by plastic debris, widely recognized as a growing global problem [1-3] is caused by the production of synthetic polymers. Over recent years, the production of plastics has increased, while in Europe, fossil-based plastics production has decreased, and recycled plastics production has increased [4]. There are different types of plastics. Some types of plastic ingredients, applied in a wide variety of cosmetics and personal care products (PCCP), occur as particulate microplastics < 5 mm [5]. Larger plastics, under environmental conditions, may fragment to microplastics [6]. Plastics are widely used by humans, and, as waste, they become a pollutant in the environment. Plastics may pose risks for aquatic ecosystems [7]. Plastics are water-insoluble, have low degradation rates [8], may be ingested by various organisms ranging from zooplankton to fish and mammals, and accumulate in the intestines through the aquatic food web [9]. Moreover, plastic can adsorb organic contaminants from the surrounding media, which can be transferred to organisms upon ingestion [10]. Most studies on plastic debris are limited to the marine environment [7,10,11]. However, rivers are significant sources of plastic pollution for coastal and offshore areas [12,13]. The bioaccumulation of plastics was previously confirmed in many aquatic species, e.g., Gammarus setosus [14], Carcinus maenas [15], Palaemonetes pugio [16], Amphibalanus amphitrite [17], and Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758 [18]. However, to our knowledge, their presence in the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana, 1852) has not been confirmed. The signal crayfish is one of the most widespread non-indigenous crayfish in Europe [19]. They are large, euryhaline, attractive for consumption and for this reason were introduced for aquaculture into many countries [20,21]. In the 1990s, this species was introduced into the Wieprza River drainage area [22,23]. Once they escaped into the wild, they became exploited by local inhabitants. The aim of this study was to determine the level of contamination by plastics in the invasive signal crayfish from the Baltic coastal tributary that is considered as a potential local food source. The specific objectives were: determination of plastic contamination in different river sections, assess microplastic amount and type, verification if there are any differences between sexes, sizes and condition of organisms resulting from distinct traits of individuals.

  • PLC-based Implementation of Stochastic Optimization Method in the Form of Evolutionary Strategies for PID, LQR, and MPC Control
    • Kajetan Zielonacki
    • Jarosław Tarnawski

    Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) are usually equipped with only basic direct control algorithms like proportional-integral-derivative (PID). Modules included in engineering software running on a personal computer (PC) are usually used to tune controllers. In this article, an alternative approach is considered, i.e. the development of a stochastic optimizer based on the (μ,λ) evolution strategy (ES) in a PLC. For this purpose, a pseudorandom number generator (pRNG) was implemented, which is not normally available in most PLCs. The properties of popular random number generation methods were analyzed in terms of distribution uniformity and possibility of implementation in a PLC. The Wichmann-Hill (WH) algorithm was chosen for implementation. The developed generator with a uniform distribution was the basis for the implementation of a generator with a normal distribution. Both generators are the engines of the stochastic optimization algorithm in the form of the (μ, λ) strategy. For verification purposes, a modular servomechanism laboratory set was used as a test object for PID and linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) control. Moreover, the possibility of using the developed optimizer was shown in an application of model predictive control (MPC). Comprehensive tests confirmed the correctness of the implementation and high functionality of the developed software. Calculation time issues are also investigated.

  • Politechnika Gdańska z prywatną siecią 5G i zespołem specjalizowanych laboratoriów badawczych
    • Józef Woźniak
    • Krzysztof Gierłowski
    • Michał Hoeft
    • Wojciech Gumiński
    • Krzysztof Nowicki
    • Jacek Rak
    • Jarosław Sadowski
    • Piotr Rajchowski
    • Sławomir Gajewski
    2024 Pełny tekst Pismo PG

    W artykule przedstawiono pierwszą część opisu laboratorium (a właściwie zespołu laboratoriów) sieci 5G, otwartego w ostatnim okresie na Wydziale ETI Politechniki Gdańskiej. W części tej zawarto wybrane cechy technologii 5G, a także podstawowe założenia i możliwości oferowane przez nowoutworzone laboratorium. Laboratorium jest efektem kilkuletnich prac związanych z realizacją projektu PL-5G: „Krajowe laboratorium sieci i usług 5G wraz z otoczeniem”. Intensywne prace projektowe oraz wdrożeniowe realizowane były przez konsorcjum 6. jednostek naukowo-badawczych, w skład którego wchodziły, poza Politechniką Gdańską, Politechnika Warszawska (lider projektu), Akademia Górnicza-Hutnicza w Krakowie, Politechnika Wrocławska, Instytut Łączności – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy oraz Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN – Poznańskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe (PCSS). Na początku 2020 roku projekt PL-5G został oficjalnie wpisany na tzw. Polską Mapę Infrastruktury Badawczej. Unikatowość naszego przedsięwzięcia, bez wątpienia nawet w skali światowej, związana jest zarówno ze stworzeniem sieci międzyregionalnej na rzadko spotykaną skalę (sieć łączy główne ośrodki akademickie w Polsce), jak też ogromną różnorodnością specjalizowanych instalacji lokalnych, z wręcz tysiącami urządzeń do badań nad sieciami i usługami związanymi zarówno z technologią 5G, jak i kolejną generacją 6G. Połączenie wspomnianych ośrodków superszybką siecią operacyjną, ze światłowodami, udostępnianymi przez PCSS i sieć akademicką PIONIER oraz wspieraną przez Centra Danych w każdej lokalizacji zapewni bez mała pełny dostęp do praktycznie wszystkich zasobów, także tych lokalnych, u poszczególnych konsorcjantów. Dodajmy też, że w naszej, gdańskiej lokalizacji.. Po stronie Politechniki Gdańskiej w realizację projektu zaangażowane były zespoły z dwóch katedr Wydziału ETI PG – Katedry Teleinformatyki oraz Katedry Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych. Dokładniejszy opis wyposażenia oraz oferty badawczej laboratorium zostanie zaprezentowany w części drugiej artykułu.

  • Polskie górnictwo i hutnictwo miedzi w sztuce medalierskiej
    • Dariusz Świsulski
    2024 Pełny tekst Hutnik - Wiadomości Hutnicze

    Polska jest jednym z największych producentów miedzi na świecie. W artykule przypomniano historię górnictwa miedzi od najdawniejszych lat przez odkrycie złóż miedzi przez Jana Wyżykowskiego do czasów współczesnych. Obecnie górnictwem i hutnictwem miedzi zajmuje się wiele przedsiębiorstw w ramach KGHM Polska Miedź. Ich opis zilustrowano zdjęciami: medali, plakiet i statuetek, które znajdują się w zbiorach autora.

  • Polskie szkolnictwo wyższe w drobnej sztuce użytkowej: monety, medale, znaczki
    • Dariusz Świsulski

    W książce przedstawiono pamiątki związane z 76 uczelniami. Większość z nich znajduje się w wykazie Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego. Uczelnie te wielokrotnie podlegały reorganizacji, zmieniały nazwy i struktury, podlegały łączeniu. Są wśród nich również takie, które z różnych przyczyn zlikwidowano lub które po 945 roku znalazły się poza granicami Polski i zostały przekształcone w uczelnie radzieckie, a później ukraińskie lub litewskie.

  • Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
    • Thais Gonzalez
    • Roberto Castro Munoz
    • Myleidi Vera
    • Gastón Merlet
    • Luis Pino-Soto
    • Rene Cabezas

    Polyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane selectivity. Explorations include integrating nanoparticles and formulating blended systems comprising various liquids or polymers, all aimed at enhancing performance and selectivity within PEBA membranes. Prevalent membrane fabrication methodologies, including casting and electrospinning, prominently employ solvents such as butanol and ethanol. Notably, the focal point of gas separation research lies in the selective segregation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from other gases. An exhaustive evaluation of PEBA membrane permeability and selectivity concerning CO2 separation emerges as indispensable for its seamless integration into gas separation processes. Concurrently, pervaporation investigations encompass the partitioning of organic compounds, encompassing alcohols, from aqueous solutions. The ongoing trajectory of research and development in PEBA membrane technology portends significant promise in addressing pressing environmental challenges and propelling advancements across diverse industrial domains.

  • Polymer and graphitic carbon nitride based nanohybrids for the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater treatment – A review
    • Muhammad Rohan Khizer
    • Zohaib Saddique
    • Muhammad Imran
    • Ayesha Javaid
    • Shoomaila Latif
    • Dionissios Mantzavinos
    • Malwina Momotko
    • Grzegorz Boczkaj

    Pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, have been frequently detected in water reservoirs, in concentrations ranging from ng/L to μg/L, owing to their wide use in treatment of human and animal disease. Their uncontrolled use results in their increased release into the environment which is harmful for humans, animals, aquatic life and aquatic system. To remove these pollutants from water bodies, various processes including adsorption, membrane and bioreactors have been employed. Among them photocatalysis is one of the most advantageous treatment. Application of advanced chemical treatment, including advanced oxidation or reduction processes (AOPs or ARPs) based on organic–inorganic nanohybrids (OINHs) as photocatalysts revealed high effectiveness. OINHs are combination of two or more components which are organic and inorganic in nature. These materials have been synthesized by various methods and offers novel features owing to synergistic effect of their component. These materials are synthesized through sol–gel, surface functionalization, one pot synthesis, wrapping, and electrospinning methods. Organic components are essential in enhancing photocatalytic activity through increasing stability, surface area, functionality and light responsiveness of nanohybrid. Reports suggest > 99 % degradation of studied pharmaceuticals by these type of photocatalysts in time range of 30–60 min. High effectiveness was reported for carbamazepine, ciprofloxacin, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, paracetamol, sulfamethoxazole and tetracycline. This review summarizes recent literature on application of OINHs i.e. graphene oxide, g-C3N4, and polymer based nanohybrids, in photocatalytic removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater via AOPs while elaborating on toxicity of pharmaceuticals, synthesis of OINHs and degradation mechanism of pharmaceutical drugs. Besides, current challenges faced in this field as well as future recommendations are discussed.

  • Polymer derived SiOC/Sn nanocomposites from a low-cost single source precursor as anode materials for lithium storage applications
    • Gurdial Blugan
    • Natalia Kovalska
    • Dominik Knozowski
    • Pradeep V.W. Sasikumar
    • Wim J. Malfait
    • Silvia Paz
    • Piotr Madajski
    • Mateusz Leśniewski
    • Mirosław Sawczak
    • Balanand Santhosh
    • Monika Wilamowska-Zawłocka
    • Matthias M. Koebel
    2024 Pełny tekst Journal of Energy Storage

    Metal- based materials capable of lithium (Li) alloy formation are key to realization of the next generation of high-energy density anodes for Li-ion batteries, owing to their high storage capacity. Designing a good sup- porting matrix is essential for homogeneously nesting these metallic nanodomains, to effectively utilize their high capacity while tackling the volume expansion issues. Silicon oxycarbides (SiOC), obtained via a polymer derived approach, have recently gained interest as efficient host matrices. However, the high price and limited availability of the precursors for these ceramics present a challenge for their use at a commercial level. Sn nanoparticles, measuring less than 100 nm in size, are formed in-situ within the amorphous SiOC matrix using an economical single-source precursor. The polymeric precursor was indigenously developed from a novel, low cost vinyl functionalized polysiloxane and tin dioleate as the Sn source. Tin dioleate at different wt%, viz. 33–56 %, was uniformly crosslinked with the Q-T polysiloxane and was pyrolysed at 1000 ◦C in an argon atmosphere to obtain the SiOC/Sn nanocomposites. The electrochemical characterization of SiOC/Sn ceramic nanocomposite anodes exhibit outstanding specific capacities of 650 and 750 mAh g 1 at 372 and 18.6 mA g 1, respectively after 400 charge/discharge cycles.

  • Polymeric porous membranes as solid support and protective material in microextraction processes: A review
    • Lutfi Yahya
    • Marek Tobiszewski
    • Paweł Kubica
    • Stanislawa Koronkiewicz
    • Christina Vakh

    Polymeric porous membranes have proven to be a versatile and efficient material for microextraction processes. In analytical practice, they are used both as a solid support and as a protective medium for improved sample preparation in various analytical applications. Polymeric porous membranes offer unique advantages in microextraction due to their large surface area and controllable pore size, eliminating interfering effects from complex sample matrices and improving the selectivity of the analysis. This review summarizes key aspects of the application of polymeric porous membranes in liquid- and solid-phase microextraction, addresses challenges and advances of their implementation in the chemical analysis of food, biological and environmental samples. The novel view into the polymeric porous membranes include greenness assessment of the methods used for their synthesis as well as solvents applied during the technological process.

  • Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
    • Hussein Al-Hazmi
    • Justyna Łuczak
    • Sajjad Habibzadeh
    • Mohamed S. Hasanin
    • Ali Mohammadi
    • Amin Esmaeili
    • Seokjhin Kim
    • Mohsen Khodadadi Yazdi
    • Navid Rabiee
    • Michael Badawi
    • Mohammad Saeb
    2024 Pełny tekst CHEMOSPHERE

    In modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles to PSAs improves their sustainability and strength, nanocomposite PSAs has gained significant attention for wastewater treatment in the past decade. This review presents a comprehensive analysis of PSA-based nanocomposites used for efficient wastewater treatment, focusing on adsorption, photocatalysis, and membrane-based methods. It also discusses potential future applications, challenges, and opportunities in adsorption, filtration, and photocatalysis. Recently, PSAs have shown promise as adsorbents in biological-based systems, effectively removing heavy metals that could hinder microbial activity. Cellulose-mediated adsorbents have successfully removed various pollutants from wastewater, including heavy metals, dyes, oil, organic solvents, pesticides, and pharmaceutical residues. Thus, PSA nanocomposites would support biological processes in wastewater treatment plants. A major concern is the discharge of antibiotic wastes from pharmaceutical industries, posing significant environmental and health risks. PSA-mediated bio-adsorbents, like clay polymeric nanocomposite hydrogel beads, efficiently remove antibiotics from wastewater, ensuring water quality and ecosystem balance. The successful use of PSA-mediated bio-adsorbents in wastewater treatment depends on ongoing research to optimize their application and evaluate their potential environmental impacts. Implementing these eco-friendly adsorbents on a large scale holds great promise in significantly reducing water pollution, safeguarding ecosystems, and protecting human health.